
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


A128CBC_HS256 - Enum constant in enum class
Cipher AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding will be used for content encryption and 128 bit key will be generated.
A128GCM - Enum constant in enum class
Cipher AES/GCM/NoPadding will be used for content encryption and 128 bit key will be generated.
A192CBC_HS384 - Enum constant in enum class
Cipher AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding will be used for content encryption and 192 bit key will be generated.
A192GCM - Enum constant in enum class
Cipher AES/GCM/NoPadding will be used for content encryption and 192 bit key will be generated.
A256CBC_HS512 - Enum constant in enum class
Cipher AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding will be used for content encryption and 256 bit key will be generated.
A256GCM - Enum constant in enum class
Cipher AES/GCM/NoPadding will be used for content encryption and 256 bit key will be generated.
ABAC_ATTRIBUTE_HEADERS - Static variable in class
The value used for the key of the security context environment's ABAC request headers attribute.
ABAC_ATTRIBUTE_METHOD - Static variable in class
The value used for the key of the security context environment's ABAC request method descriptor attribute.
ABAC_ATTRIBUTE_REMOTE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class
The value used for the key of the security context environment's ABAC request remote address attribute.
ABAC_ATTRIBUTE_REMOTE_PORT - Static variable in class
The value used for the key of the security context environment's ABAC request remote port attribute.
AbacAnnotation - Annotation Interface in
Meta annotation for ABAC attribute annotations.
abacAttribute(String) - Method in interface
Get the property (optional) value.
abacAttributeNames() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JsonWebTokenImpl
abacAttributeNames() - Method in class
abacAttributeNames() - Method in class
abacAttributeNames() - Method in class
abacAttributeNames() - Method in class
abacAttributeNames() - Method in class
abacAttributeNames() - Method in interface
A collection of all property names in this container.
abacAttributeNames() - Method in class
abacAttributeRaw(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JsonWebTokenImpl
abacAttributeRaw(String) - Method in class
abacAttributeRaw(String) - Method in class
abacAttributeRaw(String) - Method in class
abacAttributeRaw(String) - Method in class
abacAttributeRaw(String) - Method in class
abacAttributeRaw(String) - Method in interface
Return the actual property value or null if not present.
abacAttributeRaw(String) - Method in class
AbacProvider - Class in
Attribute based access control (ABAC) provider.
AbacProvider.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for AbacProvider.
AbacProviderService - Class in
A java service to register this provider with Security.
AbacProviderService() - Constructor for class
AbacSupport - Interface in
A simple registry of keys to values for reading.
AbacSupport.BasicAttributes - Class in
Implements AbacSupport interface and supports adding attributes.
AbacValidator<T extends AbacValidatorConfig> - Interface in
Service interface for attribute based access control (ABAC) validator.
AbacValidatorConfig - Interface in
Marker interface for classes that define custom objects for attribute based access control (ABAC).
AbacValidatorService - Interface in
Service to use with ServiceLoader to map configuration to AbacValidator.
abort(Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
abort(Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
aborted(SecurityResponse, Response.ResponseBuilder) - Method in interface
Called when a security response is aborted due to a security problem (e.g.
abortRequest(SecurityFilterCommon.FilterContext, SecurityResponse, int, Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
absolute() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest.Path
If the instance represents a path relative to some context root then returns absolute requested path otherwise returns this instance.
absolute(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
absoluteUri() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Absolute URI of the incoming request, including query parameters and fragment.
abstain() - Static method in class
Provider returning this response is not capable to make a decision (e.g.
abstain() - Static method in class
This provider is not capable of making a decision about the resource (e.g.
abstain() - Static method in class
Abstain from processing this request.
abstain() - Static method in class
Create an abstain response (e.g.
abstain(AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse) - Static method in class
Create an abstain response (e.g.
ABSTAIN - Enum constant in enum class
This analyzer is not capable of asserting the need to do security - carry on as if it did not exist.
ABSTAIN - Enum constant in enum class
Cannot process, not an error.
AbstractCommonDataSource - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A JDBC 4.3-compliant skeletal implementation of the CommonDataSource interface.
AbstractCommonDataSource() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.AbstractCommonDataSource
AbstractConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.config
A base implementation for config sources, that combines configuration from any type of a config source.
AbstractConfigSource(AbstractConfigSourceBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.AbstractConfigSource
Use common data from the builder to setup media type, parser, media type mapping, and parser mapping on this instance.
AbstractConfigSourceBuilder<B extends AbstractConfigSourceBuilder<B,U>,U> - Class in io.helidon.config
Common ancestor for config source builders, taking care of configurable options understood by the config module.
AbstractConfigSourceBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.AbstractConfigSourceBuilder
AbstractDataSource - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A JDBC 4.3-compliant, skeletal implementation of the DataSource interface.
AbstractDataSource() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.AbstractDataSource
Creates a new AbstractDataSource.
AbstractDataSourceExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi
An abstract Extension whose subclasses arrange for DataSource instances to be added as CDI beans.
AbstractDataSourceExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi.AbstractDataSourceExtension
AbstractDbExecute - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
Implements methods that do not require implementation for each provider.
AbstractDbExecute(DbStatements) - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
Create an instance with configured statements.
AbstractLogEntry - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Common log entry features.
AbstractLogEntry(AbstractLogEntry.Builder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry
Create a new instance using a builder.
AbstractLogEntry.Builder<R extends AbstractLogEntry,T extends AbstractLogEntry.Builder<R,T>> - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
A fluent API builder for AbstractLogEntry.
AbstractMetric - Class in io.helidon.metrics.api
Common reusable implementation for any category of metric implementation (full-featured, no-op).
AbstractMetric(String, Metadata) - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractMetric
Common initialization logic in creating a new metric.
AbstractNodeBuilderImpl<ID,B> - Class in io.helidon.config
AbstractNodeBuilderImpl.MergingKey - Class in io.helidon.config
Internal config node key useful during internal structure building.
AbstractRegistry<M extends HelidonMetric> - Class in io.helidon.metrics.api
Common behavior for any category (e.g., full-featured or no-op) metrics registry.
AbstractRegistry(MetricRegistry.Type, Class<M>, RegistrySettings) - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Create a registry of a certain type.
AbstractRegistry.GaugeFactory - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Gauge factories based on either functions or suppliers.
AbstractRegistry.GaugeFactory.FunctionBased - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Gauge factory based on a function which provides the gauge value when passed an object of a declared type.
AbstractRegistry.GaugeFactory.SupplierBased - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Gauge factory based on a supplier which provides the gauge value.
AbstractSecretBundleConfigSource<B extends AbstractConfigSourceBuilder<B,Void>> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource
An AbstractConfigSource that encapsulates functionality common to both SecretBundleLazyConfigSource and SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.
AbstractSecretBundleConfigSource(B) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.AbstractSecretBundleConfigSource
AbstractSecretBundleConfigSource.Builder<B extends AbstractConfigSourceBuilder<B,Void>> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource
AbstractServiceBuilder - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A base class for gRPC service and client descriptor builders.
AbstractServiceBuilder(Class<?>, Supplier<?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Create a new introspection modeller for a given gRPC service class.
AbstractSource - Class in io.helidon.config
Source options as a super set of all possible combinations of source implementation.
AbstractSource(AbstractSourceBuilder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.AbstractSource
A new instance configured from the provided builder.
AbstractSourceBuilder<B extends AbstractSourceBuilder<B,U>,U> - Class in io.helidon.config
Base class for common builder methods of a Source implementation.
AbstractSourceBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.AbstractSourceBuilder
AbstractStatement<S extends DbStatement<S,R>,R> - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
Common statement methods and fields.
AbstractStatement(DbStatementContext) - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Statement that handles parameters.
AbstractTracingFilter - Class in io.helidon.tracing.jersey
Tracing filter base.
AbstractTracingFilter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.AbstractTracingFilter
accept(GenericType<?>, MessageBodyReaderContext) - Method in class
accept(GenericType<?>, MessageBodyWriterContext) - Method in class
accept(GenericType<?>, MessageBodyWriterContext) - Method in class
accept(GenericType<?>, T) - Method in interface
Test if the operator can convert the given type.
accept(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Media types which are accepted in the response.
accept(ServerRequest, ServerResponse) - Method in class
accept(ServerRequest, ServerResponse) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogEntry
This method allows for each log entry to register anything on the request and/or response.
accept(ServerRequest, ServerResponse) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.SizeLogEntry
accept(ServerRequest, ServerResponse) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupport
accept(ServerRequest, ServerResponse) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Handler
Handles request and response usually called from the Routing.
accept(ServerRequest, ServerResponse) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate.ConditionalHandler
accept(ServerRequest, ServerResponse, T) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ErrorHandler
Error handling consumer.
accept(ServerRequest, ServerResponse, T) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Handler.EntityHandler
Functional method handles request, response and HTTP request content entity.
accept(Class<?>, Class<?>, ServiceDescriptor.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics.MetricsConfigurer
accept(Class<?>, Class<?>, ServiceDescriptor.Builder) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.AnnotatedServiceConfigurer
Apply modifications to a ServiceDescriptor.Builder.
ACCEPT - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Accept" header name.
ACCEPT_CHARSET - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Accept-Charset" header name.
ACCEPT_DATETIME - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Accept-Datetime" header name.
ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Accept-Encoding" header name.
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Accept-Language" header name.
ACCEPT_PATCH - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Accept-Patch" header name.
ACCEPT_RANGES - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Accept-Ranges" header name.
acceptDatetime() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Optionally returns acceptedTypes version in time ("Accept-Datetime" header).
ACCEPTED_202 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
202 Accepted, see HTTP/1.1 documentation .
acceptedMethods() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
acceptedMethods() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
Gets all accepted HTTP methods or empty set if accepts ANY method or null if no method (not a method based route).
acceptedTypes() - Method in class
Get the inbound Accept header.
acceptedTypes() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Returns a list of acceptedTypes ("Accept" header) content types in quality factor order.
acceptedTypes() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Returns a list of acceptedTypes ("Accept" header) content types in quality factor order.
acceptEither(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
acceptEither(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
acceptEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
acceptEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
acceptEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
acceptEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
acceptPatches() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Gets immutable list of supported patch document formats (header "Accept-Patch").
acceptPattern(Pattern) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleLazyConfigSource.Builder
Sets the Pattern that will dictate which configuration property names are allowed to reach a SecretBundleLazyConfigSource instance.
AcceptPredicate<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
API to model HTTP content negotiation using Accept-* request headers.
accepts(Http.RequestMethod) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
accepts(Http.RequestMethod) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
Returns true if this record accepts provided method.
accepts(MediaType...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Only accept request that accepts any of the given content types.
accepts(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accept requests only when it accepts any of the given content types.
acceptsJson(ServerRequest, ServerResponse) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.JsonService
Determines if JSON is an accepted response type, using Accept and response Content-Type headers.
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Header Access-Control-Allow-Headers.
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Header Access-Control-Allow-Methods.
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Header Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Header Access-Control-Expose-Headers.
ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Header Access-Control-Max-Age.
ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Header Access-Control-Request-Headers.
ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Header Access-Control-Request-Method.
ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY - Static variable in class
Json key for token to be retrieved from IDCS response when requesting application token.
ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY - Static variable in class
Json key for token to be retrieved from IDCS response when requesting application token.
AccessLogCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.accesslog
Extension of MicroProfile to add support for access log.
AccessLogCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.accesslog.AccessLogCdiExtension
AccessLogContext - Interface in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Context of the access log processing.
AccessLogEntry - Interface in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
An entry generating data for access log.
AccessLogHandler - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Log handler to support separation of access log to its own file.
AccessLogHandler() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogHandler
Construct a default AccessLogHandler.
AccessLogSupport - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Service that adds support for Access logging to WebServer.
AccessLogSupport.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
A fluent API Builder for AccessLogSupport.
accessor() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.Login.Response
accessor() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.Login.Response
Accessor id.
accessor() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenResponse
ack() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
ack() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaProducerMessage
ACK_MODE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
JMS acknowledge mode.
acknowledgeMode(AcknowledgeMode) - Method in class
JMS acknowledgement mode.
acknowledgeMode(AcknowledgeMode) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
JMS acknowledgement mode.
AcknowledgeMode - Enum Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Enumeration equivalent for JMS api's Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE constants.
acks(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete.
ackTimeout(long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
This value applies only when autoCommit is set to false.
acquireTransactionManager() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform.TransactionController
Returns a non-null TransactionManager.
activate() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Make this span the current active span.
activateSpan(Span) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracer
activeSpan() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTracingContext
Get the current active span associated with the context.
activeSpan() - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryTracerProvider
Returns a Span representing the currently-active OpenTelemetry span with any current baggage set on the returned span.
activeSpan() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracer
adaptiveBuilder(Duration) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy
Creates a builder of ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy with an ability to change the behaviour, with a boundaries and the possibility to react to feedback given by ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy.shorten() or ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy.lengthen().
add(FtHandler) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance.Builder
add(FtHandler) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance.TypedBuilder
add(AccessLogEntry) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
Add a AccessLogEntry to the list of log entries creating the format of this access log.
add(String, boolean) - Method in class
Add custom boolean to payload.
add(String, boolean) - Method in class
add(String, double) - Method in class
Add custom double to payload.
add(String, double) - Method in class
add(String, int) - Method in class
Add custom int to payload.
add(String, int) - Method in class
add(String, long) - Method in class
Add custom long to payload.
add(String, long) - Method in class
add(String, ApiJsonBuilder<?>) - Method in class
Add a custom object to payload.
add(String, ApiJsonBuilder<?>) - Method in class
add(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
add(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Adds specified values to association with the specified key (optional operation).
add(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
add(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
add(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
add(String, String) - Method in class
Add custom string to payload.
add(String, String) - Method in class
add(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.FormBuilder
Add a new values to specific content disposition name.
add(String, String...) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.FormParams.Builder
add(String, String...) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
add(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Adds specified values to association with the specified key (optional operation).
add(String, String...) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
add(String, String...) - Method in class
add(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
add(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
add(String, Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRequest
Add a duration formatted in Vault manner, as a string with duration.
add(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.LazyList
Add another lazy item to the list.
add(T) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
Add an element to the bag.
add(T, int) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
Add an element to the bag with a specific priority.
addAccept(MediaType) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Add accepted MediaType.
addAcceptHeader(HttpSignHeader) - Method in class
Add a header that is validated on inbound requests.
addAcceptPatches(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Adds one or more acceptedTypes path document formats (header "Accept-Patch").
addAdditionalGrants(Subject) - Method in class
Extension point to add additional grants that are not retrieved from IDCS.
addAdditionalGrants(Subject, List<Grant>) - Method in class
Extension point to add additional grants that are not retrieved from IDCS.
addAdditionalGrants(String, String, Subject) - Method in class
Extension point to add additional grants to the subject being created.
addAdditionalGrants(String, String, Subject, List<Grant>) - Method in class
Extension point to add additional grants to the subject being created.
addAll(Parameters) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
addAll(Parameters) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Copies all of the mappings from the specified parameters to this instance adding values to existing associations (optional operation).
addAll(Parameters) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
addAll(Parameters) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
addAll(Parameters) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
addAll(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
Add elements to the bag.
addAll(Iterable<? extends T>, int) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
Add elements to the bag.
addAllowed(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds an exact string which, if matched, allows matching for a candidate string.
addAllowed(Predicate<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a predicate which, if matched, allows matching for a candidate string.
addAllowedDomain(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies the domains of the role.
addAllowedEntityAlias(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
f set, specifies the entity aliases which are allowed to be used during token generation.
addAllowedOtherSan(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Defines allowed custom OID/UTF8-string SANs.
addAllowedPattern(Pattern) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a Pattern which, if matched, allows matching for a candidate string.
addAllowedPolicy(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
If set, tokens can be created with any subset of the policies in this list, rather than the normal semantics of tokens being a subset of the calling token's policies.
addAllowedPrefix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a prefix which, if matched, allows matching for a candidate string.
addAllowedResponseHeader(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
Header to whitelist, allowing a plugin to include them in the response.
addAllowedRole(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbConfigure.Request
List of the roles allowed to use this connection.
addAllowedSuffix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a suffix which, if matched, allows matching for a candidate string.
addAllowedUriSan(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Defines allowed URI Subject Alternative Names.
addAltName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
Specifies requested Subject Alternative Name(s).
addApplication(JaxRsApplication) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
Add a JAX-RS application with all possible options to this server.
addApplication(Application) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsCdiExtension
Add a jersey application to the server.
addApplication(Application) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
JAX-RS application to use.
addApplication(Class<? extends Application>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
JAX-RS application class to use.
addApplication(String, Application) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsCdiExtension
Add a jersey application to the server with an explicit context path.
addApplication(String, Application) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
JAX-RS application to use.
addApplication(String, Class<? extends Application>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
JAX-RS application class to use.
addApplications(List<JaxRsApplication>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsCdiExtension
Add all application metadata from the provided list.
addApplyOn(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
Add a throwable to be considered a failure.
addApplyOn(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Fallback.Builder
Apply fallback on this throwable class.
addApplyOn(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
Add a throwable to be considered a failure.
addAtribute(String, Object) - Method in class
Add an attribute to this endpoint configuration builder.
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class
Add and attribute to this grant.
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class
Add a custom attribute to this principal.
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class
Add an attribute to this environment.
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class
Add an attribute to this subject.
addAudience(String) - Method in class
Audience identifies the expected recipients of this JWT (optional).
addAudienceValidator(Collection<Validator<Jwt>>, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Add validator of audience to the collection of validators.
addAudienceValidator(Collection<Validator<Jwt>>, Set<String>, boolean) - Static method in class
Add validator of audience to the collection of validators.
addAuditProvider(AuditProvider) - Method in class
Add an audit provider to this security runtime.
addAuditProvider(Supplier<? extends AuditProvider>) - Method in class
Add an audit provider to this security runtime.
addAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider) - Method in class
Add an authentication provider.
addAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider, String) - Method in class
Add a named authentication provider.
addAuthenticationProvider(String) - Method in class
Add a required provider to this composite provider.
addAuthenticationProvider(String, CompositeProviderFlag) - Method in class
Add a provider to this composite policy.
addAuthenticationProvider(Supplier<? extends AuthenticationProvider>) - Method in class
Add an authentication provider.
addAuthenticationProvider(Supplier<? extends AuthenticationProvider>, String) - Method in class
Add a named authentication provider.
addAuthorizationProvider(AuthorizationProvider) - Method in class
Add authorization provider.
addAuthorizationProvider(AuthorizationProvider, String) - Method in class
Add a named authorization provider.
addAuthorizationProvider(String) - Method in class
Add a required provider to this composite provider.
addAuthorizationProvider(String, CompositeProviderFlag) - Method in class
Add a provider to this composite policy.
addAuthorizationProvider(Supplier<? extends AuthorizationProvider>) - Method in class
Add authorization provider.
addAuthorizationProvider(Supplier<? extends AuthorizationProvider>, String) - Method in class
Add a named authorization provider.
addAuthStrategies(List<? extends String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The list of authentication strategies that will be attempted by AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider when one is called for.
addBase64(String, Base64Value) - Method in class
Add a string encoded with base64.
addBase64(String, Base64Value) - Method in class
addBatch() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
addBatch(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
addBean(BeanConfigurator<DataSource>, Named, Properties) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi.AbstractDataSourceExtension
Called to permit subclasses to add a DataSource-typed bean using the supplied BeanConfigurator.
addBean(BeanConfigurator<DataSource>, Named, Properties) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi.HikariCPBackedDataSourceExtension
addBean(BeanConfigurator<DataSource>, Named, Properties) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi.UCPBackedDataSourceExtension
addBeanClasses(Class<?>...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
addBetween(LocalTime, LocalTime) - Method in class
Add a new "between time" configuration.
addBlacklistedException(String) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler.Builder
Add an exception to the blacklist.
addBoundServiceAccountName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
Add a service account name able to access this role.
addBoundServiceAccountNamespace(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
Add a namespace allowed to access this role.
addBreaker(CircuitBreaker) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance.Builder
Add a circuit breaker to the list.
addBulkhead(Bulkhead) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance.Builder
Add a bulkhead to the list.
addCert(X509Certificate) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.Builder
Add a certificate to the list of certificates, used e.g.
addCertAlias(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Add an alias to list of aliases used to generate a trusted set of certificates.
addCertChain(X509Certificate) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.Builder
Add an X.509 certificate instance to the end of certification chain.
addCertificateChain(X509Certificate) - Method in class
Add a certificate to certificate chain of the JWK to be built.
addCidr(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.GenerateSecretId.Request
CIDR blocks enforcing secret IDs to be used from specific set of IP addresses.
addCommaDelimitedArray(JsonObjectBuilder, String, List<String>) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRequest
Add aa list of values as a comma delimited string instead of a JSON Array.
addComponent(ComponentTracingConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig.Builder
Add a traced component configuration.
addContextValue(Context.Key<T>, T) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor.Rules
Add a Context.Key and value to be added to the call Context when this method is invoked.
addContextValue(Context.Key<V>, V) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
addContextValue(Context.Key<V>, V) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Add value to the Context for the service.
addCookie(SetCookie) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Adds Set-Cookie header specified in RFC6265.
addCookie(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Add a default cookie.
addCookie(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Add a cookie to the request.
addCookie(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Adds Set-Cookie header based on RFC2616.
addCookie(String, String, Duration) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Adds Set-Cookie header based on RFC6265 with Max-Age parameter.
addCountry(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Adds the C (Country) value in the subject field of issued certificates.
addCreationStatement(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCreateRole.Request
Specifies the database statements executed to create and configure a user.
addCrossOrigin(CrossOriginConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
Adds cross origin information associated with the default path.
addCrossOrigin(String, CrossOriginConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
Adds cross origin information associated with a given path.
addDaysOfWeek(DayOfWeek...) - Method in class
Add a new "day of week" configuration.
addDaysOfWeek(List<DayOfWeek>) - Method in class
Add a new "day of week" configuration.
addDenied(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds an exact string which, if matched, denies matching for a candidate string.
addDenied(Predicate<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a predicate which, if matched, denies matching for a candidate string.
addDeniedPattern(Pattern) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a Pattern which, if matched, denies matching for a candidate string.
addDeniedPrefix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a prefix which, if matched, denies matching for a candidate string.
addDeniedSuffix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a suffix which, if matched, denies matching for a candidate string.
addDigest(String, DigestProvider<T>, T) - Method in class
Add a signature/HMAC to security configuration.
addDigestProvider(DigestProvider<?>, String) - Method in class
Add a named digest provider (providing signatures and possibly HMAC).
addDigestQop(HttpDigest.Qop) - Method in class
Digest QOP to support.
addDisallowedPolicy(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
If set, successful token creation via this role will require that no policies in the given list are requested.
addEncryption(String, EncryptionProvider<T>, T) - Method in class
Add an encryption to security configuration.
addEncryptionProvider(EncryptionProvider<?>, String) - Method in class
Add a named encryption provider.
addEntry(DecryptBatch.BatchEntry) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DecryptBatch.Request
Specifies a list of items to be encrypted in a single batch.
addEntry(EncryptBatch.BatchEntry) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.Request
Specifies a list of items to be encrypted in a single batch.
addEvent(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Add a new event to this span.
addEvent(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Add an event to this span.
addExcluded(String) - Method in class
Add a health check to a black list.
addExcluded(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Add health checks to a black list.
addExcludedClass(Class<?>) - Method in class
A class may be excluded from invoking health checks on it.
addExcludedClass(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader.Builder
Add an excluded implementation class - if such a service implementation is configured (either through Java Service loader or through HelidonServiceLoader.Builder.addService(Object)), it would be ignored.
addExcludedClassName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader.Builder
Add an excluded implementation class - if such a service implementation is configured (either through Java Service loader or through HelidonServiceLoader.Builder.addService(Object)), it would be ignored.
addExecutor(PolicyExecutor) - Method in class
Add an executor (that is not available as a java service).
addExpectedAudience(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Add an audience expected in inbound JWTs.
addExtensions(Extension...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
addExtensions(Class<? extends Extension>...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
addExtKeyUsage(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies the allowed extended key usage constraint on issued certificates.
addExtKeyUsageOid(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Add an extended usage OID.
addFallback(Fallback<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance.TypedBuilder
Add a fallback to the list of handlers.
addFallback(Fallback<U>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance.Builder
Add a fallback to the list of handlers.
addFile(String, String, Path) - Method in class
Add file with specific name and filename to the form.
addFile(String, Path...) - Method in class
Add files with specific name to the form.
addFilter(ConfigFilter) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Registers a ConfigFilter instance that will be used by Config to filter elementary value before it is returned to a user.
addFilter(Function<Config, ConfigFilter>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Registers a ConfigFilter provider as a Function<Config, ConfigFilter>.
addFilter(Supplier<Function<Config, ConfigFilter>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Registers a ConfigFilter provider as a Supplier<Function<Config, ConfigFilter>>.
addGrant(Grant) - Method in class
Add a grant to this subject.
addHeader(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Adds header values for a specified name.
addHeader(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Adds header values for a specified name.
addHeader(String, String...) - Method in class
Add an HTTP header.
addHeader(String, String...) - Method in interface
Add an HTTP header.
addHeader(String, String...) - Method in class
Add an HTTP header.
addHeader(String, String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Add a default header (such as accept).
addHeader(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Adds header values for a specified name.
addHeader(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Adds header values for a specified name.
addHeader(Map<String, List<String>>, String) - Method in class
Add the token as a new header value.
addHeaderAudience(String) - Method in class
Audience identifies the expected recipients of this JWT (optional).
addHeaderClaim(String, Object) - Method in class
Add a generic header claim.
addHeaderClaim(String, Object) - Method in class
Add a header claim.
addHeaders(Parameters) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Copies all of the mappings from the specified parameters to this response headers instance.
addHeaders(Parameters) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Copies all of the mappings from the specified parameters to this response headers instance.
addHeaders(WebClientRequestBuilder, String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String) - Method in class
Add HTTP headers.
addHost(String) - Method in class
Add supported host for this target.
addInbound(InboundClientDefinition) - Method in class
Add inbound configuration.
addIncluded(String) - Method in class
Add a health check to a white list (in case HealthSupport.includeAll is set to false.
addIncluded(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Add health checks to a white list (in case HealthSupport.includeAll is set to false.
addIpSan(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
Specifies requested IP Subject Alternative Name(s).
addIssuer(String) - Method in class
The issuer claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.
addIssuerValidator(Collection<Validator<Jwt>>, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Add validator of issuer to the collection of validators.
addKey(Jwk) - Method in class
Add a new JWK to this keys.
addList(ConfigNode.ListNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
addList(ConfigNode.ListNode) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ListNode.Builder
Adds List node to the list.
addList(String, ConfigNode.ListNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
addList(String, ConfigNode.ListNode) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode.Builder
Sets List node associated with specified key.
addListenerConfiguration(CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
addLiveness(Collection<HealthCheck>) - Method in class
Add liveness health check(s).
addLiveness(HealthCheck...) - Method in class
Add liveness health check(s).
addLocality(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Adds the L (Locality) value in the subject field of issued certificates.
addMapper(GenericType<T>, Function<Config, T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Register a mapping function for specified GenericType.
addMapper(Mapper<S, T>, GenericType<S>, GenericType<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager.Builder
Add a mapper to the list of mapper.
addMapper(Mapper<S, T>, GenericType<S>, GenericType<T>, int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager.Builder
Add a mapper to the list of mapper with custom priority.
addMapper(Mapper<S, T>, Class<S>, Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager.Builder
Add a mapper to the list of mapper.
addMapper(Mapper<S, T>, Class<S>, Class<T>, int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager.Builder
Add a mapper to the list of mapper with a custom priority.
addMapper(ConfigMapperProvider) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Registers a ConfigMapperProvider with a map of String to specified type.
addMapper(DbMapper<TYPE>, GenericType<TYPE>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
addMapper(DbMapper<TYPE>, GenericType<TYPE>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
addMapper(DbMapper<TYPE>, GenericType<TYPE>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Add a custom mapper with generic types support.
addMapper(DbMapper<TYPE>, Class<TYPE>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
addMapper(DbMapper<TYPE>, Class<TYPE>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
addMapper(DbMapper<TYPE>, Class<TYPE>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Add a custom mapper.
addMapper(Class<T>, Function<Config, T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Registers mapping function for specified type.
addMapperProvider(MapperProvider) - Method in class io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager.Builder
Add a new MapperProvider to the list of providers loaded from system service loader.
addMapperProvider(MapperProvider, int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager.Builder
Add a new MapperProvider to the list of providers loaded from system service loader with a custom priority.
addMapperProvider(DbMapperProvider) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager.Builder
Add a mapper provider.
addMapperProvider(DbMapperProvider) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
addMapperProvider(DbMapperProvider) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
addMapperProvider(DbMapperProvider) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Database schema mappers provider.
addMapperProvider(DbMapperProvider, int) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager.Builder
Add a mapper provider with custom priority.
addMediaSupport(MediaSupport) - Method in class
addMediaSupport(MediaSupport) - Method in interface
Adds new instance of MediaSupport.
addMediaSupport(MediaSupport) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
addMediaSupport(MediaSupport) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
addMediaSupport(MediaSupport, int) - Method in class
Adds new instance of MediaSupport with specific priority.
addMediaSupport(Supplier<MediaSupport>) - Method in interface
Adds new instance of MediaSupport.
addMetadata(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.GenerateSecretId.Request
This metadata will be set on tokens issued with this SecretID, and is logged in audit logs in plaintext.
addMetadata(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
Request metadata, passed through to the audit devices.
addMethod(String) - Method in class
Add supported method for this target.
addMethod(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig.Builder
Add a new HTTP method to restrict this configuration for.
addMethod(String, Method) - Method in class
Add a custom method to be available in expressions without a prefix.
addMethod(String, String, Method) - Method in class
Add a custom method to be available in expressions.
addNamedRouting(String, Routing) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Associates a dedicated routing with an additional server socket configuration.
addNamedRouting(String, Supplier<Routing>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Associates a dedicated routing with an additional server socket configuration.
addNode(ConfigNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
Adds new element into the list.
addNode(String, ConfigNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
Sets new member into the map.
addNode(String, ConfigNode) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode.Builder
Add a config node.
addNoProxy(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.Builder
Configure a host pattern that is not going through a proxy.
addObject(ConfigNode.ObjectNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
addObject(ConfigNode.ObjectNode) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ListNode.Builder
Adds Object node to the list.
addObject(String, ConfigNode.ObjectNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
addObject(String, ConfigNode.ObjectNode) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode.Builder
Sets Object node associated with specified key.
addOperation(String) - Method in class
Add intended operation of this JWK.
addOperationServer(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.SEOpenAPISupportBuilder
Adds an operation server for a given operation ID.
addOrg(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Adds an O (Organization) value in the subject field of issued certificates.
addOrgUnit(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Adds an OU (OrganizationalUnit) value in the subject field of issued certificates.
addOtherSan(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
Specifies custom OID/UTF8-string SANs.
addOutboundProvider(String) - Method in class
Add a provider to this composite policy.
addOutboundSecurityProvider(OutboundSecurityProvider) - Method in class
All configured identity propagation providers are used.
addOutboundSecurityProvider(OutboundSecurityProvider, String) - Method in class
Add a named outbound security provider.
addOutboundSecurityProvider(Supplier<? extends OutboundSecurityProvider>) - Method in class
All configured identity propagation providers are used.
addOutboundSecurityProvider(Supplier<? extends OutboundSecurityProvider>, String) - Method in class
Add a named outbound security provider.
addOutboundTarget(OutboundTarget) - Method in class
Configure outbound target for identity propagation.
addOutboundTarget(OutboundTarget) - Method in class
Add a new outbound target to configure identity propagation or explicit username/password.
addPackages(boolean, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
addPackages(boolean, Package...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
addPackages(Class<?>...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
addPackages(Package...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
addParam(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
addParam(Object) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatement
Add next parameter to the list of ordered parameters (e.g.
addParam(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementGet
addParam(String, Object) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
addParam(String, Object) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatement
Add next parameter to the map of named parameters (e.g.
addParam(String, Object) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementGet
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType.Builder
Add a new parameter to the parameter map.
addParser(ConfigParser) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Registers a ConfigParser instance that can be used by config system to parse parse ConfigParser.Content of ParsableSource.
addPassThroughHeader(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
Add header to whitelist and pass from the request to the plugin.
addPath(String) - Method in class
Add supported paths for this target.
addPathConfig(PathTracingConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebTracingConfig.Builder
Add a path specific configuration of tracing.
addPathServer(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.SEOpenAPISupportBuilder
Adds a path server for a given path.
addPayloadClaim(String, Object) - Method in class
Add a generic payload claim.
addPemKey(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.ConfigureK8s.Request
Add PEM formatted public key or certificate used to verify the signatures of Kubernetes service account JWTs.
addPolicy(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
Add a policy for the token.
addPolicyIdentifier(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Add a policy identifier OID.
addPostalCode(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Adds a Postal Code values in the subject field of issued certificates.
addPrincipal(Principal) - Method in class
Add a principal to the list of principals of this subject.
addPrivateCredential(Class<?>, Object) - Method in class
Add a private credential to this subject.
addPrivateCredential(Object) - Method in class
Add a private credential to this subject to be bound under its class.
addPropagation(JaegerTracerBuilder.PropagationFormat) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Add propagation format to use.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
addProvider(SecurityProvider) - Method in class
addProvider(SecurityProvider, String) - Method in class
Adds a named provider that may implement multiple interfaces.
addProvider(Supplier<? extends SecurityProvider>) - Method in class
addProvider(Supplier<? extends SecurityProvider>, String) - Method in class
Adds a named provider that may implement multiple interfaces.
addProvince(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Adds the ST (Province) values in the subject field of issued certificates.
addPublicCredential(Class<?>, Object) - Method in class
Add a public credential to this subject.
addPublicCredential(Object) - Method in class
Add a public credential to this subject to be bound under its class.
addQueryParam(String, String...) - Method in class
Add an HTTP query parameter.
addQueryParam(String, String...) - Method in interface
Add an HTTP query parameter.
addQueryParam(String, String...) - Method in class
Add an HTTP query parameter.
addQueryParamHandler(QueryParamHandler) - Method in class
Add a new handler to extract query parameter and store it in security request header.
addQueryParamHandlers(Iterable<QueryParamHandler>) - Method in class
Add handlers to extract query parameters and store them in security request header.
addQueryParams(WebClientRequestBuilder, String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String) - Method in class
Add HTTP query parameters.
addReader(MessageBodyReader<?>) - Method in class
addReader(MessageBodyReader<?>) - Method in interface
Registers new reader.
addReader(MessageBodyReader<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
addReader(MessageBodyReader<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
addReader(Supplier<MessageBodyReader<?>>) - Method in interface
Registers new reader.
addReadiness(Collection<HealthCheck>) - Method in class
Add readiness health check(s).
addReadiness(HealthCheck...) - Method in class
Add readiness health check(s).
addRenewStatement(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCreateRole.Request
Specifies the database statements to be executed to renew a user.
addRequest(AtomicLong, long) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Atomically add the given request amount to the field while capping it at Long.MAX_VALUE.
addRequestedUriDiscoveryType(SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
addRequestedUriDiscoveryType(SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
addRequestedUriDiscoveryType(SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Adds a type of front-end URI discovery Helidon should use for this socket.
addRequestedUriDiscoveryType(SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
addResourceClass(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
Add a JAX-RS resource class to use.
addResourceClasses(List<Class<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsCdiExtension
Add all resource classes from the list to the list of resource classes discovered through CDI.
address() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Vault address (if configured).
address() - Method in class
Address claim.
address(JwtUtil.Address) - Method in class
Address of the subject.
address(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.ConfigureK8s.Request
Host string, host:port pair, or URL to the base of the Kubernetes API server.
address(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Configure address of the Vault, including scheme, host, and port.
Address(JsonObject) - Constructor for class
Create an address object from json representation.
addRetry(Retry) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance.Builder
Add a retry to the list.
addRevocationStatement(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCreateRole.Request
Specifies the database statements to be executed to revoke a user.
addRole(String) - Method in class
Add a role to the list of roles for a user subject.
addRoles(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Add a collection of roles for user subject to this builder.
addRollbackStatement(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCreateRole.Request
Specifies the database statements to be executed to rollback a create operation in the event of an error.
addRootRotationStatement(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbConfigure.Request
Specifies the database statements to be executed to rotate the root user's credentials.
addRouting(Routing) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Router.RouterBuilder
Add a new routing to this router.
addRouting(Routing) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Configure the default routing of this WebServer.
addRouting(Supplier<? extends Routing>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Router.RouterBuilder
Add a new routing to this router.
addRouting(Supplier<Routing>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Configure the default routing of this WebServer.
addScope(String) - Method in class
OAuth2 scope claim to add.
addSecret(String, SecretsProvider<T>, T) - Method in class
Add a secret to security configuration.
addSecretIdBoundCidr(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
CIDR blocks; if set, specifies blocks of IP addresses which can perform the login operation.
addSecretProvider(SecretsProvider<?>, String) - Method in class
Add a named secret provider.
addSecretValue(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CreateCubbyhole.Request
Add a new secret value.
addSecretValue(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.UpdateCubbyhole.Request
Add a new secret value.
addSecretValue(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.CreateKv1.Request
Add a secret value to this secret.
addSecretValue(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.UpdateKv1.Request
Add a new value.
addSecretValue(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.CreateKv2.Request
Add a new secret value to the secret being created.
addSecretValue(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.UpdateKv2.Request
Add a secret value to the map of secret values.
addService(DbClientService) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient.Builder
Add a client service.
addService(DbClientService) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
addService(DbClientService) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
addService(DbClientService) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Add an interceptor.
addService(WebClientService) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Register new instance of WebClientService.
addService(Supplier<? extends DbClientService>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient.Builder
Add a client service.
addService(Supplier<? extends WebClientService>) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Register new instance of WebClientService.
addService(T) - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader.Builder
Add a custom service implementation to the list of services.
addService(T, int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader.Builder
Add a custom service implementation to the list of services with a custom priority.
addServiceProvider(DbClientServiceProvider) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient.Builder
Add an interceptor provider.
addServiceRoles(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Add a collection of roles for service subject to this builder.
addSkipOn(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
This throwable will not be considered failure.
addSkipOn(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Fallback.Builder
Do not apply fallback on this throwable class.
addSkipOn(Class<? extends Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
This throwable will not be considered retriable.
addSocket(SocketConfiguration) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Adds an additional named server socket configuration.
addSocket(SocketConfiguration, Routing) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Add a named socket and routing.
addSocket(String, int, InetAddress) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
addSocket(String, SocketConfiguration) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Adds an additional named server socket configuration.
addSocket(String, SocketConfiguration.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Adds an additional named server socket configuration.
addSocket(String, Supplier<SocketConfiguration>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Adds an additional named server socket configuration builder.
addSocket(Supplier<SocketConfiguration>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Adds an additional named server socket configuration builder.
addSource(ConfigSource) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Add a config source to the list of sources.
addSource(Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Add a single config source to this builder.
addSpan(SpanTracingConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig.Builder
Add a new traced span configuration.
addSpanLog(SpanLogTracingConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig.Builder
Add configuration of a traced span log.
addStartup(Collection<HealthCheck>) - Method in class
Add start-up health check(s).
addStartup(HealthCheck...) - Method in class
Add start-up health check(s).
addStatement(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatements.Builder
Add named database statement to database configuration..
addStreamReader(MessageBodyStreamReader<?>) - Method in class
addStreamReader(MessageBodyStreamReader<?>) - Method in interface
Registers new stream reader.
addStreamReader(MessageBodyStreamReader<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
addStreamReader(MessageBodyStreamReader<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
addStreamReader(Supplier<MessageBodyStreamReader<?>>) - Method in interface
Registers new stream reader.
addStreamWriter(MessageBodyStreamWriter<?>) - Method in class
addStreamWriter(MessageBodyStreamWriter<?>) - Method in interface
Registers new stream writer.
addStreamWriter(MessageBodyStreamWriter<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
addStreamWriter(MessageBodyStreamWriter<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
addStreamWriter(Supplier<MessageBodyStreamWriter<?>>) - Method in interface
Registers new stream writer.
addStreetAddress(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Adds a Street Address values in the subject field of issued certificates.
addStringMapper(Class<T>, Function<String, T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Registers simple Function from String for specified type.
addSubjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class
Add a supported subject type.
addSubjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class
Add a supported subject type.
addSyntheticApplication(List<Class<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsCdiExtension
Create an application from the provided resource classes and add it to the list of applications.
addTarget(OutboundTarget) - Method in class
Add a new target configuration.
addTenantConfig(TenantConfig) - Method in class
Add specific TenantConfig instance.
addTenantConfigFinder(TenantConfigFinder) - Method in class
Add specific TenantConfigFinder implementation.
addTenantConfigFinder(TenantConfigFinder) - Method in class
Add specific TenantConfigFinder implementation.
addTenantConfigFinder(TenantConfigFinder, int) - Method in class
Add specific TenantConfigFinder implementation with specific priority.
addTenantConfigFinder(TenantConfigFinder, int) - Method in class
Add specific TenantConfigFinder implementation with specific priority.
addTenantConfigFinder(TenantIdFinder) - Method in class
Add specific TenantIdFinder implementation.
addTenantConfigFinder(TenantIdFinder, int) - Method in class
Add specific TenantIdFinder implementation with specific priority.
addTimeout(Timeout) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance.Builder
Add a timeout to the list.
addToArray(String, boolean) - Method in class
Add an element to an array.
addToArray(String, boolean) - Method in class
addToArray(String, double) - Method in class
Add an element to an array.
addToArray(String, double) - Method in class
addToArray(String, int) - Method in class
Add an element to an array.
addToArray(String, int) - Method in class
addToArray(String, long) - Method in class
Add an element to an array.
addToArray(String, long) - Method in class
addToArray(String, ApiJsonBuilder<?>) - Method in class
Add an object to an array.
addToArray(String, ApiJsonBuilder<?>) - Method in class
addToArray(String, String) - Method in class
Add an element to an array.
addToArray(String, String) - Method in class
addToCommaDelimitedArray(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRequest
Add a string to an array represented as a comma delimited string in the request JSON.
addToken(Class<T>, U) - Method in class
Add a token instance (such as JWT instance).
addToken(Object) - Method in class
Add a token instance (such as JWT instance).
addTokenBoundCidr(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
Token bound CIDR blocks.
addTokenBoundCidr(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.GenerateSecretId.Request
Specifies blocks of IP addresses which can use the auth tokens generated by this SecretID.
addTokenBoundCidr(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
Add CIDR block.
addTokenBoundCidr(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
List of CIDR blocks; if set, specifies blocks of IP addresses which can authenticate successfully, and ties the resulting token to these blocks as well.
addTokenPolicy(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
Token policy to encode onto generated tokens.
addTokenPolicy(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
Add a policy to encode on the generated token.
addToObject(String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Add a key/value pair to a named object.
addToObject(String, String, boolean) - Method in class
addToObject(String, String, double) - Method in class
Add a key/value pair to a named object.
addToObject(String, String, double) - Method in class
addToObject(String, String, int) - Method in class
Add a key/value pair to a named object.
addToObject(String, String, int) - Method in class
addToObject(String, String, long) - Method in class
Add a key/value pair to a named object.
addToObject(String, String, long) - Method in class
addToObject(String, String, String) - Method in class
Add a key/value pair to a named object.
addToObject(String, String, String) - Method in class
addTracerTag(String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
addTracerTag(String, boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Tracer level tags that get added to all reported spans.
addTracerTag(String, boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Tracer level tags that get added to all reported spans.
addTracerTag(String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
addTracerTag(String, Number) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
addTracerTag(String, Number) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Tracer level tags that get added to all reported spans.
addTracerTag(String, Number) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Tracer level tags that get added to all reported spans.
addTracerTag(String, Number) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
addTracerTag(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
addTracerTag(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Tracer level tags that get added to all reported spans.
addTracerTag(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Tracer level tags that get added to all reported spans.
addTracerTag(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
addTransformer(ClassTransformer) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
addTransport(String) - Method in class
Add supported transports for this target.
addUriSan(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
Specifies the requested URI Subject Alternative Name(s).
addUserGroup(String) - Method in class
A user group claim to add.
addUserPrincipalValidator(Collection<Validator<Jwt>>) - Static method in class
Adds a validator that makes sure the Jwt.userPrincipal() is present.
addUserStore(SecureUserStore) - Method in class
Add a user store to the list of stores used by this provider.
addValidator(AbacValidator<? extends AbacValidatorConfig>) - Method in class
Add an explicit (e.g.
addValue(ConfigNode.ValueNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
addValue(ConfigNode.ValueNode) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ListNode.Builder
Adds String value to the list.
addValue(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ListNode.Builder
Adds String value to the list.
addValue(String, ConfigNode.ValueNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
addValue(String, ConfigNode.ValueNode) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode.Builder
Sets String value associated with specified key.
addValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode.Builder
Sets String value associated with specified key.
addVaultAuth(VaultAuth) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Add a VaultAuth to use with this Vault.
addVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.DeleteKv2.Request
Add a secret version to delete.
addVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.DestroyKv2.Request
Add a secret version to destroy.
addVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.UndeleteKv2.Request
Add a version to undelete.
addWatchServiceModifier(WatchEvent.Modifier) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher.Builder
Add a modifier of the watch service.
addWhitelistedException(String) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler.Builder
Add an exception to the whitelist.
addWriter(MessageBodyWriter<?>) - Method in class
addWriter(MessageBodyWriter<?>) - Method in interface
Registers new writer.
addWriter(MessageBodyWriter<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
addWriter(MessageBodyWriter<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
addWriter(Supplier<MessageBodyWriter<?>>) - Method in interface
Registers new writer.
after() - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.Participant
URI of participant's method annotated with @AfterLRA.
AFTER_ONCOMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class
AFTER_ONERROR - Enum constant in enum class
AFTER_ONNEXT - Enum constant in enum class
AFTER_ONSUBSCRIBE - Enum constant in enum class
afterBean(AfterBeanDiscovery, BeanManager) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcClientCdiExtension
Process the previously captured GrpcProxy injection points.
afterCompletion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaDataSource
Ensures that any thread-associated connections are properly committed, restored to their initial states, closed where appropriate and removed from the system when a definitionally thread-scoped JTA transaction commits or rolls back.
afterEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.TemporaryFolderExt
afterExecute(Runnable, Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
afterLast() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
afterRequest(ClientRequestContext, ClientResponseContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingInterceptor
afterStop() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Router
This is called after server closes ports.
afterStop() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerLifecycle
After server stop.
afterTestExecution(ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.RestoreSystemPropertiesExt
AGE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Age" header name.
ALG_ES256 - Static variable in class
ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256.
ALG_ES384 - Static variable in class
ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384.
ALG_ES512 - Static variable in class
ECDSA using "P-521" and SHA-512.
ALG_HS256 - Static variable in class
HMAC using SHA-256.
ALG_HS384 - Static variable in class
HMAC using SHA-384.
ALG_HS512 - Static variable in class
HMAC using SHA-512.
ALG_NONE - Static variable in class
Algorithm defining there is no security (e.g.
ALG_RS256 - Static variable in class
RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256.
ALG_RS384 - Static variable in class
RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384.
ALG_RS512 - Static variable in class
RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512.
algorithm() - Method in class
The algorithm used when signing/encrypting this key.
algorithm() - Method in class
Algorithm claim.
algorithm() - Method in class
Algorithm claim.
algorithm() - Method in class
Algorithm of signature used by this client.
algorithm() - Method in class
Algorithm used by this signature.
algorithm(EncryptedJwt.SupportedAlgorithm) - Method in class
Algorithm which should be used as content key encryption.
algorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher.Builder
Set algorithm which should be used.
algorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest.Builder
Set digest algorithm.
algorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest.Builder
Set new HMAC algorithm.
algorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature.Builder
Set algorithm which should be used.
algorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher.Builder
Set algorithm which should be used.
algorithm(String) - Method in class
Algorithm of the key being built.
algorithm(String) - Method in class
The "alg" claim is used to define the signature algorithm.
algorithm(String) - Method in class
The "alg" claim is used to define the signature algorithm.
algorithm(String) - Method in class
Algorithm of signature used by this client.
algorithm(String) - Method in class
Algorithm used by this signature.
ALGORITHM_AES_CBC - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
AES algorithm with CBC method and PKCS5 padding.
ALGORITHM_AES_CTR - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
AES algorithm with CTR method and no padding.
ALGORITHM_AES_GCM - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
AES algorithm with GCM method and no padding.
ALGORITHM_CHA_CHA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
ChaCha20 encryption algorithm.
ALGORITHM_CHA_CHA_POLY1305 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
ChaCha20 encryption algorithm with Poly1305 authentication code.
ALGORITHM_MD2 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
It is strongly recommended not to use this algorithm as stated here RFC6149 - Section 6.
ALGORITHM_MD2_RSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
It is strongly recommended not to use this algorithm for signature purposes as stated here RFC6149 - Section 6.
ALGORITHM_MD5 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
It is strongly recommended not to use this algorithm as stated here RFC6151 - Section 2.1.
ALGORITHM_MD5 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
HMAC-MD5 should not be used for signature purposes, for more information see RFC6151 - Section 2.3.
ALGORITHM_MD5_RSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
It is strongly recommended not to use this algorithm for signature purposes as stated here RFC6149 - Section 2.
ALGORITHM_NONE_ECDSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm with no digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_NONE_RSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
RSA signature algorithm with no digest algorithm specified.
ALGORITHM_RSA_ECB_OAEP_MD5 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
It is strongly recommended not to use this algorithm as stated here RFC6151 - 2.
ALGORITHM_RSA_ECB_OAEP_SHA1 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
RSA cipher with ECB method using optimal asymmetric encryption padding with SHA1 and MGF1.
ALGORITHM_RSA_ECB_OAEP256 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
RSA cipher with ECB method using optimal asymmetric encryption padding with SHA-256 and MGF1.
ALGORITHM_RSA_ECB_OAEP384 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
RSA cipher with ECB method using optimal asymmetric encryption padding with SHA-384 and MGF1.
ALGORITHM_RSA_ECB_OAEP512_224 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
RSA cipher with ECB method using optimal asymmetric encryption padding with SHA-512/224 and MGF1.
ALGORITHM_RSA_ECB_OAEP512_256 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
RSA cipher with ECB method using optimal asymmetric encryption padding with SHA-512/256 and MGF1.
ALGORITHM_RSA_ECB_PKCS1 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
RSA cipher with ECB method using PKCS1 padding.
ALGORITHM_SHA_1 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
SHA-1 is unsafe to use alone due to its vulnerability to collision attacks
ALGORITHM_SHA_1 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
HMAC using SHA1 as a hash function.
ALGORITHM_SHA_224 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Digest SHA-224 algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA_224 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
HMAC using SHA224 as a hash function.
ALGORITHM_SHA_256 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Digest SHA-256 algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA_256 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
HMAC using SHA256 as a hash function.
ALGORITHM_SHA_384 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Digest SHA-384 algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA_384 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
HMAC using SHA384 as a hash function.
ALGORITHM_SHA_512 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
HMAC using SHA512 as a hash function.
ALGORITHM_SHA_512_224 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Digest SHA-512/224 algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA_512_224 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
HMAC using SHA512/224 as a hash function.
ALGORITHM_SHA_512_256 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Digest SHA-512/256 algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA_512_256 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
HMAC using SHA512/256 as a hash function.
ALGORITHM_SHA1_ECDSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm with SHA1 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA1_RSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
RSA signature algorithm with SHA1 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA224_ECDSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm with SHA224 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA224_RSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
RSA signature algorithm with SHA224 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA256_ECDSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm with SHA256 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA256_RSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
RSA signature algorithm with SHA256 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA3_224 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Digest SHA3-224 algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA3_256 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Digest SHA3-256 algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA3_384 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Digest SHA3-384 algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA3_512 - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Digest SHA3-512 algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA384_ECDSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm with SHA384 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA384_RSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
RSA signature algorithm with SHA384 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA512_224_RSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
RSA signature algorithm with SHA512/224 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA512_256_RSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
RSA signature algorithm with SHA512/256 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA512_ECDSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm with SHA512 digest algorithm.
ALGORITHM_SHA512_RSA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
RSA signature algorithm with SHA512 digest algorithm.
aliasesOf(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.EnvironmentVariableAliases
Returns a list of aliases for the given config key.
all(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
all(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Headers
Returns an unmodifiable List of all header fields - each element represents a value of a single header field in the request.
all(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Returns an unmodifiable List of all of the values of the given named parameter.
all(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
ALL - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServerRequestAttribute
log all attributes.
ALL_CALL_OPTIONS - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientRequestAttribute
Add the method call options to the tracing span.
allAnnotations() - Method in class
Returns class level and method level annotations together in one Map.
allHeaders(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter
Retrieves all header values for a given key as Strings.
ALLOW - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Allow" header name.
allowAll(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Allows all strings to match (subject to "deny" conditions).
allowAnonymous() - Static method in class
If called, authentication failure will not abort request and will continue as anonymous (defaults to false).
allowAnonymous() - Static method in class
If called, authentication failure will not abort request and will continue as anonymous (defaults to false).
allowAnyName(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if clients can request any CN.
allowBareDomains(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if clients can request certificates matching the value of the actual domains themselves; e.g.
allowChunkedEncoding(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Whether chunked Http.Header.TRANSFER_ENCODING should be added to the headers if the entity is chunked.
allowCredentials() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.cors.CrossOrigin
Whether the client can send cookies or credentials.
allowCredentials() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
allowCredentials(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
allowCredentials(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
allowDeletion(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.UpdateKeyConfig.Request
Specifies if the key is allowed to be deleted.
allowed(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a list of exact strings any of which, if matched, allows matching for a candidate string.
allowedCipherSuite() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use tls().cipherSuite() instead. This method will be removed at 3.0.0 version.
allowedCipherSuite(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls.Builder
Set allowed cipher suite for the client.
allowedCipherSuite(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Set allowed cipher suite.
allowedDomainTemplates(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
When set, allowed_domains may contain templates, as with ACL Path Templating.
allowedPatterns(List<Pattern>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a list of Pattern any of which, if matched, allows matching for a candidate string.
allowedPrefixes(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a list of prefixes any of which, if matched, allows matching for a candidate string.
allowedSuffixes(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds a list of suffixes any of which, if matched, allows matching for a candidate string.
allowedValues() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
For options that have a predefined set of allowed values.
allowGlobDomains(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Allows names specified in allowed_domains to contain glob patterns (e.g.
allowHeaders() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.cors.CrossOrigin
A list of request headers that are allowed or "*" to allow all headers.
allowHeaders() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
allowHeaders(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
allowHeaders(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
allowImpersonation(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Whether to allow impersonation by explicitly overriding username from outbound requests using EndpointConfig.PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_ID property.
allowImpersonation(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to allow impersonation by explicitly overriding username from outbound requests using EndpointConfig.PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_ID property.
allowIpSans(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if clients can request IP Subject Alternative Names.
AllowList - Interface in io.helidon.common.configurable
AllowList defines a list of allowed and/or denied matches and tests if a particular value conforms to the conditions.
AllowList.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
Fluent API builder for AllowList.
allowLocalhost(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if clients can request certificates for localhost as one of the requested common names.
allowMethods() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.cors.CrossOrigin
A list of supported HTTP request methods.
allowMethods() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
allowMethods(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
allowMethods(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
allowOrigins() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
allowOrigins(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
allowOrigins(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
allowPlaintextBackup(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.CreateKey.Request
If set, enables taking backup of named key in the plaintext format.
allowPlaintextBackup(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.UpdateKeyConfig.Request
If set, enables taking backup of named key in the plaintext format.
allowSubDomains(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if clients can request certificates with CNs that are subdomains of the CNs allowed by the other role options.
allowUnsigned(boolean) - Method in class
Configure support for unsigned JWT.
allProceduresAreCallable() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
allTablesAreSelectable() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
allTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.SystemTagsManager
Returns a single iterator over the explicit tags in the provided map plus any global and app-level tags.
allTags(MetricID) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.SystemTagsManager
Returns a single iterator over the explicit tags in the metric ID plus any global and app-level tags.
AlreadyCompletedException - Exception in io.helidon.common.http
Signals that a mutation method has been invoked on a resource that is already completed.
AlreadyCompletedException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.http.AlreadyCompletedException
Constructs an AlreadyCompletedException with the specified detail message.
AlreadyCompletedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.http.AlreadyCompletedException
Constructs an AlreadyCompletedException with the specified detail message and cause.
AlreadyCompletedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.http.AlreadyCompletedException
Constructs an AlreadyCompletedException with the specified cause.
ALT_SVC - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Alt-Svc" header name.
analyze(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthAnnotationAnalyzer
analyze(Class<?>) - Method in class
analyze(Class<?>) - Method in interface
Analyze an application class.
analyze(Class<?>, AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthAnnotationAnalyzer
analyze(Class<?>, AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse) - Method in class
analyze(Class<?>, AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse) - Method in interface
Analyze a resource class.
analyze(Method, AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthAnnotationAnalyzer
analyze(Method, AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse) - Method in class
analyze(Method, AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse) - Method in interface
Analyze a resource method.
and(CharMatcher) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns a matcher that matches any character matched by both this matcher and other.
and(Predicate<ServerRequest>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Returns a composed predicate that represents a logical AND expression between this predicate and another predicate.
annotatedEndpoint(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication.Builder
Add single annotated endpoint.
annotatedEndpoints() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication
Get list of annotated endpoints.
AnnotatedMethod - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A model of an annotated gRPC method.
AnnotatedMethodList - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
Iterable list of AnnotatedMethods on a single class with convenience getters to provide additional method information.
annotatedServiceClass() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Obtain the actual annotated class.
AnnotatedServiceConfigurer - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server
A class that may apply modifications to a ServiceDescriptor.Builder for an annotated gRPC service class.
annotatedTypeConfigurator() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricAnnotationDiscovery
Returns the configurator for the annotated type containing the site to which the metric annotation applies.
AnnotatedTypeWrapper(AnnotatedType<T>, Annotation...) - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
annotation() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricAnnotationDiscovery
Returns the Annotation object for the metric annotation discovered.
AnnotationAnalyzer - Interface in
Provides capability to extensions to enforce authentication and authorization even when the resource is not annotated with or
AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse - Class in
Response of an analysis run.
AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse.
AnnotationAnalyzer.Flag - Enum Class in
Flag for security type.
AnnotationFinder - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance
Searches for transitive annotations associated with interceptor bindings in a given Java package.
annotationOrMetaAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get all instances of the specified meta-annotation type found on the method annotations or on the method itself (a meta-annotation is an annotation that annotates other annotations).
annotationsWithMetaAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get all instances of annotations annotated with the specified meta-annotation.
annotationType() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi.VaultName.Literal
annotationType() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi.VaultPath.Literal
ANONYMOUS - Static variable in interface
Anonymous subject.
ANONYMOUS_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in interface
Anonymous user principal.
any() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Matches any character.
any(Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
any(Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all requests to provided handler(s).
any(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
any(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
any(String, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
any(String, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
anyOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns a char matcher that matches any character present in the given character sequence.
anyOf(Iterable<Http.RequestMethod>, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
anyOf(Iterable<Http.RequestMethod>, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes requests any specified method to provided handler(s).
anyOf(Iterable<Http.RequestMethod>, PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
anyOf(Iterable<Http.RequestMethod>, PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes requests with any specified method and corresponding path to provided handler(s).
anyOf(Iterable<Http.RequestMethod>, String, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
anyOf(Iterable<Http.RequestMethod>, String, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes requests with any specified method and corresponding path to provided handler(s).
api() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdEndpoint
Etcd API version.
api(EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdApi) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
Etcd API version.
API - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
The API of this sys implementation.
ApiEntityResponse - Class in
Response from a remote server with an entity.
ApiEntityResponse(ApiEntityResponse.Builder<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance.
ApiEntityResponse.Builder<B extends ApiEntityResponse.Builder<B,T,X>,T extends ApiEntityResponse,X> - Class in
Fluent API builder base to build subclasses of ApiEntityResponse.
ApiException - Exception in
API exception that is not related to processing of a response.
ApiException() - Constructor for exception
New exception without a cause and message.
ApiException(String) - Constructor for exception
New exception with a message and without a cause.
ApiException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
New exception with a cause and message.
ApiException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
New exception with a cause and without a message.
ApiJsonBuilder<T extends ApiJsonBuilder<T>> - Class in
Common base class for builders that construct a JSON object.
ApiJsonBuilder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
ApiJsonParser - Class in
Helper methods to process a returned JSON.
ApiJsonParser() - Constructor for class
ApiJsonRequest<T extends ApiJsonRequest<T>> - Class in
Common base class for REST requests that have an entity.
ApiJsonRequest() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
ApiOptionalResponse<R> - Class in
A response for requests that may or may not return an entity, such as GET requests that may have a 404 response code.
ApiOptionalResponse(ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, ?, ?, ?>, Optional<R>) - Constructor for class
ApiOptionalResponse.Builder<X,R> - Class in
Fluent API builder for ApiOptionalResponse.
ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<B extends ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<B,T,X,R>,T extends ApiOptionalResponse<R>,X,R> - Class in
Fluent API builder base for subclasses of ApiOptionalResponse.
ApiRequest<T extends ApiRequest<T>> - Interface in
Common base class for REST requests.
ApiResponse - Class in
A base for responses without an entity.
ApiResponse(ApiResponse.Builder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class
Create a new rest response.
ApiResponse.Builder<B extends ApiResponse.Builder<B,T>,T extends ApiResponse> - Class in
Abstract fluent API builder to build subclasses of ApiResponse.
apiResponseBuilder() - Static method in class
A builder to create an optional response.
ApiRestException - Exception in
Exception when invoking remote REST API caused by wrong response from the API call.
ApiRestException(ApiRestException.BaseBuilder<?>) - Constructor for exception
Create a new instance using base builder.
ApiRestException.BaseBuilder<B extends ApiRestException.BaseBuilder<B>> - Class in
Base builder extended by specific builder class.
ApiRestRequest<T extends ApiRequest<T>> - Class in
Common base class for REST requests.
ApiRestRequest() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
apiSpecificError() - Method in exception
API specific error message if such is available.
apiSpecificError(String) - Method in class
Error specific to the integrated system, configured by implementation of the RestApi.
apiType() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.AuthMethod
Implementation class of this authentication method.
apiType() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.SysApi
Implementation class of this sys API.
APP_TAG - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.SystemTagsManager
MicroProfile-specified tag for app-wide tag.
APP_TAG_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Config key for the app tag value to be applied to all metrics in this application.
appClient() - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
appId() - Method in class
IDCS Application ID.
application(Application) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
Set the JAX-RS application that forms this instance.
application(Class<? extends Application>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
Set the JAX-RS application class that forms this instance.
APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class
Annotations on an application class or application layer.
APPLICATION_ATOM_XML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing application/atom+xml media type.
APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type.
APPLICATION_JAVASCRIPT - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing application/javascript media type.
APPLICATION_JSON - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing application/json media type.
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing application/octet-stream media type.
APPLICATION_OPENAPI_JSON - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing OpenAPI json.
APPLICATION_OPENAPI_YAML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing OpenAPI yaml.
APPLICATION_OPENMETRICS - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing the application/openmetrics-text media type.
APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing application/stream+json media type.
APPLICATION_SVG_XML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing application/svg+xml media type.
APPLICATION_X_NDJSON - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing application/x-ndjson media type.
APPLICATION_X_YAML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "x" YAML as application.
APPLICATION_XHTML_XML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing application/xhtml+xml media type.
APPLICATION_XML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing application/xml media type.
APPLICATION_YAML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing pseudo-registered YAML.
applicationClass() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication
Application class, if this application is based on an actual class.
applicationClass() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication
Get access to an application class, if present.
applicationClass(Class<? extends ServerApplicationConfig>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication.Builder
Add an application class in the builder.
applicationClass(Class<? extends ServerApplicationConfig>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketCdiExtension
Overrides a websocket application class.
applicationClass(Class<? extends Application>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
Configure an application class without inspecting it for annotations and without creating a config from it.
applicationClasses() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication
Get access to all application classes.
applications(Application...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
Replace existing applications with the ones provided.
ApplicationScopedTransformer - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor
Transforms CDI ApplicationScoped annotation into Micronaut Singleton.
ApplicationScopedTransformer() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor.ApplicationScopedTransformer
applicationsToRun() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsCdiExtension
List of applications including discovered and explicitly configured applications.
apply(byte[], Boolean) - Method in interface
Create digest.
apply(byte[], Boolean, String) - Method in interface
Verify digest.
apply(Config.Key, String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilter
apply(Config.Key, String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilterService
apply(Config.Key, String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.OverrideConfigFilter
apply(Config.Key, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigFilter
Filters an elementary config value before it is made available to the application via the Config API.
apply(Config.Key, String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueResolvingFilter
apply(DbClientServiceContext) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase
This method is only invoked if the predicate for this service was passed.
apply(DbClientServiceContext) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.tracing.DbClientTracing
apply(Vault, Config, InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider.CreateInstanceFunction
Create a new instance in singleton scope (or Application for CDI).
apply(Span) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Configure this tag on the span provided.
apply(Span.Builder<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Configure this tag on the span builder.
apply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry
Apply the log entry, adds padding to the log entry and then calls AbstractLogEntry.doApply(AccessLogContext).
apply(AccessLogContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogEntry
This method is called once the response is fully processed.
apply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.UserIdLogEntry
apply(Session, Message<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.MessageMapper
Convert messaging message to JMS message.
apply(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.MpEncryptionFilter
apply(String, String) - Method in interface
Apply this filter on the provided value.
apply(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Reader
Transforms a publisher into a completion stage.
apply(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, Class<? super R>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Reader
Transforms a publisher into a completion stage.
apply(PAYLOAD, Session) - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.CustomMapper
apply(SOURCE) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.mapper.Mapper
applyAndCast(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Reader
Transforms a publisher into a completion stage.
applyFilters(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>) - Method in class
Apply the filters on the given input publisher to form a publisher chain.
applyFilters(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, GenericType<?>) - Method in class
Apply the filters on the given input publisher to form a publisher chain.
applyOn(Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
These throwables will be considered failures, and all other will not.
applyOn(Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Fallback.Builder
Apply fallback on these throwable classes.
applyOn(Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
These throwables will be considered failures, and all other will not.
applyRequestMetadata(CallCredentials.RequestInfo, Executor, CallCredentials.MetadataApplier) - Method in class
applyThrows(PAYLOAD, Session) - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.CustomMapper
Helper method to use a lambda that throws a checked exception.
applyToEither(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
applyToEither(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
applyToEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
applyToEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
applyToEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
applyToEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
appName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
Configure an explicit application name.
AppRoleAuth - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Vault authentication method for AppRole.
AppRoleAuthProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Java Service Loader implementation for AppRole authentication method.
AppRoleAuthProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthProvider
AppRoleAuthRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Vault authentication method for AppRole.
appRoleId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleVaultAuth.Builder
ID of the AppRole.
AppRoleVaultAuth - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Vault authentication for AppRole.
AppRoleVaultAuth() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleVaultAuth
AppRoleVaultAuth.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Fluent API builder for AppRoleVaultAuth.
appTagValue() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
Returns the app tag value, if any.
appTagValue(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Sets the value for the _app tag to be applied to all metrics.
AppToken(WebTarget) - Constructor for class
Create a new token with a token endpoint.
AppTokenRx(WebClient, URI, Duration) - Constructor for class
appWebClient() - Method in class
Client with configured proxy and security.
appWebClient() - Method in class
Client with configured proxy and security.
AqConfigBuilder - Class in
Build AQ specific config.
AqConnector - Interface in
Reactive Messaging Oracle AQ connector.
AqConnector.AqConnectorBuilder - Class in
Builder for AqConnectorImpl.
AqConnectorBuilder() - Constructor for class
AqConnectorImpl - Class in
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Oracle AQ connector.
AqMessage<T> - Interface in
Message representing AQ JMS message together with all the metadata.
aroundConstruct(InvocationContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor
Invoked during the intercepted constructor invocation.
aroundConstruct(InvocationContext) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor.Base
aroundConstruction(InvocationContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor
Invokes the implementation's preInvocation logic for a constructor, once for each work item associated with the constructor.
aroundConstruction(InvocationContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor.WithPostCompletion
Invokes the implementation's preInvocation and postCompletion logic for a constructor, once for each work item associated with the constructor.
aroundInvocation(InvocationContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor
Invokes the implementation's preInvocation logic for a method, once for each work item associated with the method.
aroundInvocation(InvocationContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor.WithPostCompletion
Invokes the implementation's preInvocation and postCompletion logic for a constructor, once for each work item associated with the method.
aroundInvoke(InvocationContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor
Invoked during the intercepted method invocation.
aroundInvoke(InvocationContext) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor.Base
ArrayIterable(T[]) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters.ArrayIterable
Creates a new instance using the specified content.
arrayToList(JsonArray) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultUtil
Create a list of strings from JSON array.
as(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Typed value as a ConfigValue for a generic type.
as(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbColumn
Value of this column as a generic type.
as(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbRow
Map this row to an object using a DbMapper.
as(GenericType<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbColumn
as(GenericType<T>) - Method in class
Consumes and converts the content payload into a completion stage of the requested type.
as(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Content
Consumes and converts the request content into a completion stage of the requested type.
as(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Typed value as a ConfigValue.
as(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbColumn
Typed value of this column.
as(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbRow
Get specific class instance representation of this row.
as(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbColumn
as(Class<T>) - Method in class
as(Class<T>) - Method in class
Converts the part content into an instance of the requested type.
as(Function<Config, T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Typed value as a ConfigValue created from factory method.
as(Function<DbRow, T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbRow
Get specific class instance representation of this row.
as(Function<T, N>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Convert this ConfigValue to a different type using a mapper function.
asBigInteger(JsonObject, String, String) - Static method in class
Extract a key value from json object that is base64-url encoded and convert it to big integer.
asBoolean() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Boolean typed value.
asByteArray(JsonObject, String, String) - Static method in class
Extract a key value from json object that is a base64-url encoded byte array.
ascii() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Determines whether a character is ASCII, meaning that its code point is less than 128.
ASCTIME_DATE_TIME - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.DateTime
The ANSI C's asctime() format, such as 'Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994'.
asDouble() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Double typed value.
asErrorEvent() - Method in interface
Fluent helper method to cast this event as a MessageBodyContext.ErrorEvent.
asInputStream() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
Return InputStream which is able to read JMS ByteMessage.
asInt() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Integer typed value.
asList() - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader
Provides a list of service implementations in prioritized order.
asList(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns list of specified type.
asList(Function<Config, T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns this node as a list converting each list value using the provided mapper.
asLong() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Long typed value.
asMap() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Transform all leaf nodes (values) into Map instance.
asNode() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns existing current config node as a Optional instance or Optional.empty() in case of Config.Type.MISSING node.
asNodeList() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns a list of child Config nodes if the node is Config.Type.OBJECT.
asOptional() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Returns a typed value as Optional.
asParent(Span.Builder<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.SpanContext
Configure this context as a parent of the provided builder.
assertData(Function<Message<P>, P>, Matcher<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Assert if matching data has been received.
assertData(Function<Message<P>, P>, P...) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Assert if matching messages has been received.
assertEndpoint(String) - Method in class
assertEndpoint(String) - Method in interface
Asserter endpoint for a specific tenant.
assertEndpoint(String) - Method in class
assertEndpoint(String) - Method in interface
Asserter endpoint URI for a specific tenant.
assertPayloads(Matcher<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Assert if matching payloads has been received.
assertPayloads(P...) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Assert if matching payloads has been received.
assertThatWithRetry(String, Supplier<T>, Matcher<? super T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.MatcherWithRetry
Checks the matcher, possibly multiple times after configured delays, invoking the supplier of the matched value each time, until either the matcher passes or the maximum retry expires.
assertThatWithRetry(String, Supplier<T>, Matcher<? super T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.testing.MatcherWithRetry
Checks the matcher, possibly multiple times after configured delays, invoking the supplier of the matched value each time, until either the matcher passes or the maximum retry expires.
assertThatWithRetry(Supplier<T>, Matcher<? super T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.MatcherWithRetry
Checks the matcher, possibly multiple times after configured delays, invoking the supplier of the matched value each time, until either the matcher passes or the maximum retry expires.
asStream(GenericType<T>) - Method in class
Consumes and converts the content payload into a stream of entities of the requested type.
asStream(Class<T>) - Method in class
Consumes and converts the content payload into a stream of entities of the requested type.
asString() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
String typed value.
asString(JsonObject, String, String) - Static method in class
Extract a key value from json object that is string.
asThreadPool(ExecutorService) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the given executor as a ThreadPool if possible.
AsymmetricCipher - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
This class provides simple and stateless way to encrypt and decrypt messages using selected asymmetric cipher.
AsymmetricCipher.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
Builder of the AsymmetricCipher.
Async - Interface in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Support for asynchronous execution of synchronous (blocking) calls.
Async.Builder - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fluent API Builder for Async.
asyncExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
Sets the executor service to use for a handling of asynchronous requests with AsyncResponse.
atHash() - Method in class
AtHash claim.
atHash(byte[]) - Method in class
Access Token hash value.
atnClientBuilder() - Method in interface
Authenticator client builder to use for programmatic authentication.
atnTokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Token handler to extract username from request.
atnTokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Token handler to extract username from request.
atnTokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Token handler to extract username from request.
atnTracing() - Method in class
Create a tracing span for authentication.
AtnTracing - Class in
Authentication tracing support.
AttributeResolver - Class in
Resolver for AbacSupport types.
AttributeResolver() - Constructor for class
attributes(AbacSupport) - Method in class
Attributes of this grant.
attributes(AbacSupport) - Method in class
Add all attributes to this subject.
atzChecked() - Method in interface
Return true if either of authorization methods (SecurityContext.authorize(Object...) or SecurityContext.atzClientBuilder() was called).
atzClientBuilder() - Method in interface
Authorization client builder to use for programmatic authorization.
atzTracing() - Method in class
Create a tracing span for authorization.
AtzTracing - Class in
Authorization tracing support.
audience() - Method in class
Audience claim.
audience() - Method in class
Audience claim.
audience() - Method in interface
Expected token audience.
audience() - Method in class
audience(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
Optional Audience claim to verify in the JWT.
audience(String) - Method in class
Audience of issued tokens.
audience(List<String>) - Method in class
Audience identifies the expected recipients of this JWT (optional).
audit() - Static method in class
Whether to audit this request - defaults to false for GET and HEAD methods, true otherwise.
audit() - Method in class
Audit this request for any method.
audit() - Method in class
Audit this request for any method.
audit() - Static method in class
Whether to audit this request - defaults to false for GET and HEAD methods, true otherwise.
audit(AuditEvent) - Method in interface
Audit a security event.
audit(String, AuditEvent) - Method in interface
Audit an event.
AUDIT_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class
Audit framework failure - we cannot correctly audit.
AUDIT_TYPE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface
Reserved event type prefix for audit events.
auditConsumer() - Method in interface
Return your subscriber for audit events.
Audited - Annotation Interface in
An annotation to specify server resources to be audited.
AuditEvent - Interface in
An audit event to store using an Audit provider.
AuditEvent.AuditParam - Class in
Named parameters of audit event.
AuditEvent.AuditSeverity - Enum Class in
Severity of AuditEvent.
auditEventType(String) - Method in class
Override for event-type, defaults to "grpcRequest".
auditEventType(String) - Method in class
Override for event-type, defaults to "request".
auditMessageFormat(String) - Method in class
Override for audit message format, defaults to "%2$s %1$s %4$s %5$s requested by %3$s".
auditMessageFormat(String) - Method in class
Override for audit message format, defaults to "%3$s %1$s \"%2$s\" %5$s %6$s requested by %4$s".
AuditProvider - Interface in
Audit provider, storing audit events.
AuditProvider.AuditSource - Interface in
Source of an audit source (as in "where this audit event originated").
AuditProvider.TracedAuditEvent - Interface in
Audit event sent to Audit provider.
auditSource() - Method in interface
Source of this audit event (class, method, line number etc.).
auth(AuthMethod<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DisableAuth.Request
Authentication method to disable.
auth(AuthMethod<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
Authentication method to enable.
auth(AuthMethod<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault
Get access to authentication method.
auth(AuthMethod<T>, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault
Get access to authentication method, using a custom path.
AUTH - Enum constant in enum class
QOP "auth" - stands for "authentication".
AUTH_METHOD - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthRx
Authentication method.
AUTH_METHOD - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthRx
Kubernetes authentication method.
AUTH_METHOD - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Token authentication method.
authenticate() - Static method in class
If called, request will go through authentication process - defaults to false (even if authorize is true).
authenticate() - Method in class
If called, request will go through authentication process - (authentication is disabled by default - it may be enabled as a side effect of other methods, such as GrpcSecurityHandler.rolesAllowed(String...).
authenticate() - Method in class
If called, request will go through authentication process - (authentication is disabled by default - it may be enabled as a side effect of other methods, such as SecurityHandler.rolesAllowed(String...).
authenticate() - Static method in class
If called, request will go through authentication process - defaults to false (even if authorize is true).
authenticate() - Method in interface
Authenticate current request (based on current SecurityEnvironment and EndpointConfig.
authenticate(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Whether to authenticate requests.
authenticate(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to authenticate requests.
authenticate(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to authenticate requests.
authenticate(Config, Vault.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleVaultAuth
authenticate(Config, Vault.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common.NoVaultAuth
authenticate(Config, Vault.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sVaultAuth
authenticate(Config, Vault.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenVaultAuth
authenticate(Config, Vault.Builder) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.VaultAuth
Provide RestApi to use with Vault operations.
authenticate(SecurityFilterCommon.FilterContext, SecurityContext, AtnTracing) - Method in class
authenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
authenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
authenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in interface
Authenticate a request.
authenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
Authenticate a request.
authenticateAnnotatedOnly(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to authorize only annotated methods (with Authenticated annotation or all.
Authenticated - Annotation Interface in
An annotation used to specify server resources with enforced authentication and resources accessible without authentication.
AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.core.InterceptorPriorities
Security authentication priority.
authenticationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Enable authentication.
authenticationOptional() - Method in class
If called, authentication failure will not abort request and will continue as anonymous (authentication is not optional by default).
authenticationOptional() - Method in class
If called, authentication failure will not abort request and will continue as anonymous (authentication is not optional by default).
authenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider) - Method in class
Set the default authentication provider.
authenticationProvider(Supplier<? extends AuthenticationProvider>) - Method in class
Set the default authentication provider.
AuthenticationProvider - Interface in
Authentication security provider.
authenticationResponse() - Method in class
Authentication response of this analysis.
authenticationResponse(AnnotationAnalyzer.Flag) - Method in class
Authentication response.
AuthenticationResponse - Class in
Response as returned from an authentication provider.
AuthenticationResponse.Builder - Class in
Authentication response builder.
authenticator() - Method in class
Explicit authentication provider name.
authenticator(String) - Static method in class
Use a named authenticator (as supported by security - if not defined, default authenticator is used).
authenticator(String) - Method in class
Use a named authenticator (as supported by security - if not defined, default authenticator is used).
authenticator(String) - Method in class
Use a named authenticator (as supported by security - if not defined, default authenticator is used).
authenticator(String) - Static method in class
Use a named authenticator (as supported by security - if not defined, default authenticator is used).
authenticator(String) - Method in class
Explicit authentication provider to use.
authFingerprint() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication fingerprint.
authFingerprint() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
authFingerprint() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI authentication fingerprint.
authFingerprint(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication fingerprint.
authKeyFile() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication key file.
authKeyFile() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
authKeyFile() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI authentication key file.
authKeyFile(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication key file.
AuthMethod<T> - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault
An authentication method.
AuthMethodProvider<T> - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi
A Java Service Loader SPI to support additional auth methods of Vault.
AUTHN_TYPE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface
Reserved event type prefix for authentication events.
authority() - Method in record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Authority (host:port) of this URI.
AUTHORITY - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientRequestAttribute
Add the security authority to the tracing span.
AUTHORIZATION - Enum constant in enum class
Creates (or validates) an "Authorization" header, that contains "Signature" as the beginning of its content (the rest of the header is the same as for HttpSignHeader.SIGNATURE.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Authorization" header name.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ContextKeys
The Metadata.Key to use to obtain the authorization data.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.core.InterceptorPriorities
Security authorization priority.
authorizationEndpoint() - Method in interface
Authorization endpoint.
authorizationEndpoint() - Method in class
authorizationEndpointUri() - Method in class
Authorization endpoint.
authorizationEndpointUri() - Method in class
Authorization endpoint.
authorizationEndpointUri(URI) - Method in class
URI of an authorization endpoint used to redirect users to for logging-in.
authorizationProvider(AuthorizationProvider) - Method in class
Set the default authorization provider.
authorizationProvider(Supplier<? extends AuthorizationProvider>) - Method in class
Set the default authorization provider.
AuthorizationProvider - Interface in
Authorization security provider.
authorizationResponse() - Method in class
Authorization response of this analysis.
AuthorizationResponse - Class in
Response from an authorization decision.
AuthorizationResponse.Builder - Class in
Builder for custom Authorization responses.
authorize() - Static method in class
Enable authorization for this route.
authorize() - Method in class
If called, request will go through authorization process - (authorization is disabled by default - it may be enabled as a side effect of other methods, such as GrpcSecurityHandler.rolesAllowed(String...).
authorize() - Method in class
If called, request will go through authorization process - (authorization is disabled by default - it may be enabled as a side effect of other methods, such as SecurityHandler.rolesAllowed(String...).
authorize() - Static method in class
Enable authorization for this route.
authorize(SecurityFilterCommon.FilterContext, SecurityContext, AtzTracing) - Method in class
authorize(ProviderRequest) - Method in interface
Authorize a request based on configuration.
authorize(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
Authorize a request based on configuration.
authorize(Object...) - Method in interface
Authorize access to a resource (or more resources) based on current environment and endpoint configuration.
authorizeAnnotatedOnly(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to authorize only annotated methods (with Authorized annotation) or all.
Authorized - Annotation Interface in
An annotation used to specify server resources with enforced authorization.
authorizer() - Method in class
Explicit authorization provider name.
authorizer(String) - Static method in class
Use a named authorizer (as supported by security - if not defined, default authorizer is used, if none defined, all is permitted).
authorizer(String) - Method in class
Use a named authorizer (as supported by security - if not defined, default authorizer is used, if none defined, all is permitted).
authorizer(String) - Method in class
Use a named authorizer (as supported by security - if not defined, default authorizer is used, if none defined, all is permitted).
authorizer(String) - Static method in class
Use a named authorizer (as supported by security - if not defined, default authorizer is used, if none defined, all is permitted).
authorizer(String) - Method in class
Explicit authorization provider to use.
authorizeResponse(AnnotationAnalyzer.Flag) - Method in class
Authorization response.
authPassphrase() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication passphrase.
authPassphrase() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
authPassphrase() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI authentication passphrase.
authPassphrase(char[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication passphrase.
authPassphrase(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication passphrase.
authPrivateKey() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication private key.
authPrivateKey() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
authPrivateKey() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI authentication private key.
authPrivateKey(char[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication private key.
authPrivateKey(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication private key.
authPrivateKeyPath() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication key file path.
authPrivateKeyPath() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
authPrivateKeyPath() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI authentication key file path.
authPrivateKeyPath(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI authentication key file path.
authRegion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI region.
authRegion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
authRegion() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI region.
authRegion(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI region.
authStrategies() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The list of authentication strategies that will be attempted by AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider when one is called for.
authStrategies() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
authStrategies() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The list of authentication strategies that will be attempted by AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider when one is called for.
authStrategies(List<? extends String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The list of authentication strategies that will be attempted by AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider when one is called for.
authStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The singular authentication strategy to apply.
authStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
authStrategy() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The singular authentication strategy to apply.
authStrategy(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The singular authentication strategy to apply.
authTag() - Method in class
Authentication tag of the encrypted content.
authTenantId() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI tenant id.
authTenantId() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
authTenantId() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI tenant id.
authTenantId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI tenant id.
authUserId() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI user id.
authUserId() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
authUserId() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI user id.
authUserId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI user id.
AUTHZ_TYPE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface
Reserved event type prefix for authorization events.
AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.AcknowledgeMode
Acknowledges automatically after message reception over JMS api.
AUTO_FLUSH - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.BackpressureStrategy
Data are requested one-by-one, in case buffer reaches watermark, no other data is requested and extra flush is initiated.
autoCommit(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
This flag defines the strategy of committing messages to Kafka.
autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
autoOffsetReset(KafkaConfigBuilder.AutoOffsetReset) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset does not exist any more on the server (e.g.
available() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerProvider
available() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryTracerProvider
available() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerProvider
available() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.spi.TracerProvider
Whether there is a tracer available by this provider.
await() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Awaitable
Block until future is completed, throws only unchecked exceptions.
await(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Awaitable
Block until future is completed, throws only unchecked exceptions.
await(Duration) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Awaitable
Block until future is completed, throws only unchecked exceptions.
AWAIT_ACK_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Wait for the acknowledgement of previous message before pulling next one.
Awaitable<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common.reactive
Makes intentional blocking when waiting for CompletableFuture more convenient with Awaitable.await() and Awaitable.await(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) methods.
awaitCancelled(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockIncoming
Wait and block till the stream is in terminal state and asserts if the terminal state is caused by cancel signal.
awaitComplete(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Block current thread until channel gets terminated with complete signal.
awaitCount(Duration, int) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Block current thread until expected number of items is received.
awaitData(Duration, Function<Message<P>, P>, P...) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Block current thread until expected messages are received.
awaitMessage(Duration, Function<Message<P>, Boolean>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Block current thread until expected message is received.
awaitPayloads(Duration, P...) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Block current thread until expected payloads are received.


B3 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.PropagationFormat
The Zipkin B3 trace context propagation format using multiple headers.
B3_SINGLE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.PropagationFormat
B3 trace context propagation using a single header.
backlog() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
Returns a maximum length of the queue of incoming connections on the default server socket.
backlog() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Returns a maximum length of the queue of incoming connections on the server socket.
backlog(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets a maximum length of the queue of incoming connections.
backlog(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
Configures a maximum length of the queue of incoming connections on the server socket.
backlog(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Configures a maximum length of the queue of incoming connections on the server socket.
backlog(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
backpressure(long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber.Builder
Specifies the number of messages that are requested after processing them.
backpressureBufferSize() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Maximum length of the response data sending buffer can keep without flushing.
backpressureBufferSize(long) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Maximum length of the response data sending buffer can keep without flushing.
backpressureBufferSize(long) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
backpressureBufferSize(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Maximum length of the response data sending buffer can keep without flushing.
backpressureBufferSize(long) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
backpressureStrategy() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Strategy for applying backpressure to the reactive stream of response data.
backpressureStrategy(BackpressureStrategy) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareResponse
Set the backpressure strategy used for requesting response data.
backpressureStrategy(BackpressureStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets a backpressure strategy for the server to apply against user provided response upstream.
backpressureStrategy(BackpressureStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
backpressureStrategy(BackpressureStrategy) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Sets a backpressure strategy for the server to apply against user provided response upstream.
backpressureStrategy(BackpressureStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
BackpressureStrategy - Enum Class in io.helidon.webserver
Strategy for applying backpressure to the reactive stream of response data.
backupDirectory(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
The backup directory.
backwardCompatibleEol() - Method in class
Whether to use old approach to EOL processing in signed data.
backwardCompatibleEol(Boolean) - Method in class
Enable support for Helidon versions before 3.0.0 (exclusive).
backwardCompatibleEol(Boolean) - Method in class
Enable support for Helidon versions before 3.0.0 (exclusive).
BAD_GATEWAY_502 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
502 Bad Gateway, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
BAD_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
The singleton instance indicating a subscription requested with non-positive.
BAD_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.EventType
Bad request, such as invalid path, header.
BAD_REQUEST_400 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
400 Bad Request, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
badRequest(AtomicReference<Flow.Subscription>) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Atomically swap in the SubscriptionHelper.BAD_REQUEST instance, if and only if previous value is null.
BadRequestException - Exception in io.helidon.webserver
A runtime exception indicating a bad request.
BadRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.BadRequestException
BadRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.BadRequestException
baggage(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Get Baggage Item by key.
baggage(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Sets a baggage item in the Span (and its SpanContext) as a key/value pair.
baggage(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
Baggage keys to be propagated.
BareRequest - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Bare (minimal) representation of HTTP Request.
BareResponse - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Bare (minimal) representation of HTTP Response.
Base() - Constructor for class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor.Base
BASE_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Config key within the config metrics section controlling the base registry.
BASE_METRICS_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings.Builder
Config key within the config metrics section controlling base metrics behavior.
Base64Value - Class in io.helidon.common
Base64 wrapper.
BaseBuilder() - Constructor for class
baseMetricEnabledSettings() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings
baseMetricsSettings() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
baseMetricsSettings(BaseMetricsSettings.Builder) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Set the base metrics settings.
BaseMetricsSettings - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Settings which control base metrics.
BaseMetricsSettings.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Builder for BaseMetricsSettings.
baseNamespace() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Base namespace (if configured).
baseNamespace(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenVaultAuth.Builder
Configure a base namespace to use.
baseNamespace(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Base namespace to use when invoking Vault operations.
basePath(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
Configure a path to which the server would redirect when a root path is requested.
basePath(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
Base path of this server.
baseScopes() - Method in interface
Base scopes to require from OIDC server.
baseScopes() - Method in class
baseScopes(String) - Method in class
Configure base scopes.
baseUri(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets base uri for each request.
baseUri(URI) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets base uri for each request.
baseUri(URL) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets base url for each request.
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.TraceOption
Basic tracing will only trace attempts to deserialize a class, and only once for each class.
basicConstraintsValidForNonCa(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Mark Basic Constraints valid when issuing non-CA certificates.
BATCH - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.SpanProcessorType
Batch Span Processor.
batchDelay(long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets the delay interval if metrics are posted in batches (defaults to 1L).
batchResult() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DecryptBatch.Response
Batch result, each element of the list is a single decrypted secret, in the same order the batch was created.
batchResult() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.Response
Batch result.
batchSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets the maximum no.
batchSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
The producer will attempt to batch records together into fewer requests whenever multiple records are being sent to the same partition.
beanManager() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi.GrpcMpContext
Obtain the BeanManager.
before(BeforeBeanDiscovery) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi.MicrometerCdiExtension
Initializes the extension prior to bean discovery.
BEFORE_ONCOMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class
BEFORE_ONERROR - Enum constant in enum class
BEFORE_ONNEXT - Enum constant in enum class
BEFORE_ONSUBSCRIBE - Enum constant in enum class
beforeBean(ProcessAnnotatedType<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.GrpcCdiExtension
Determine whether a discovered bean has a superclass or implements an interface that is annotated with Grpc and if so then also annotate the bean with the same annotation.
beforeCompletion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaDataSource
Implements the Synchronization.beforeCompletion() method to do nothing.
beforeEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.TemporaryFolderExt
beforeExecute(Thread, Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
beforeFirst() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
beforeSend(Consumer<ResponseHeaders>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Register a Consumer which is executed just before headers are send.
beforeStart() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Router
This is called before server opens ports.
beforeStart() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerLifecycle
Before server start.
beforeTestExecution(ExtensionContext) - Method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.RestoreSystemPropertiesExt
begin() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionManager
Creates a new transaction and associates it with the current thread.
beginRequest() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
beginRequest() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
bestAccepted(MediaType...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Optionally returns a single media type from the given media types that is the best one accepted by the client.
between(LocalTime, LocalTime) - Static method in class
Create a time config for a check between times within a day.
bidirectional(Object[], MethodHandler.BidirectionalClient) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
Handle a bi-directional client call.
bidirectional(Object[], MethodHandler.BidirectionalClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.BidirectionalMethodHandlerSupplier.BidiStreaming
bidirectional(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
bidirectional(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register bi-directional streaming method for the service.
bidirectional(String, ServerCalls.BidiStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
bidirectional(String, ServerCalls.BidiStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register bi-directional streaming method for the service.
bidirectional(String, ServerCalls.BidiStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>, MethodDescriptor.Configurer<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
bidirectional(String, ServerCalls.BidiStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>, MethodDescriptor.Configurer<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register bi-directional streaming method for the service.
bidirectional(String, Consumer<ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
bidirectional(String, Consumer<ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register bi-directional streaming method for the service.
Bidirectional - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An annotation to mark a class as representing a bi-directional streaming gRPC method.
BidirectionalMethodHandlerSupplier - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A supplier of MethodHandlers for bi-directional streaming gRPC methods.
BidirectionalMethodHandlerSupplier() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.BidirectionalMethodHandlerSupplier
Create a supplier of handlers for bi-directional streaming methods.
BidirectionalMethodHandlerSupplier.AbstractServerStreamingHandler<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A base class for bi-directional streaming MethodHandlers.
BidirectionalMethodHandlerSupplier.BidiStreaming<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A bi-directional streaming MethodHandler that calls a standard bi-directional streaming method handler method of the form.
bidiStreaming(String, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Invoke the specified bidirectional streaming method.
bidiStreaming(String, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler.BidirectionalClient
Perform a bidirectional client call.
BINARY_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource.Source
Resource was created with binary content.
bindAddress() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
Returns local address where the server listens on with the default server socket.
bindAddress() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Returns local address where the server listens on with the server socket.
bindAddress(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Configures local address where the server listens on with the server socket.
bindAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets a local address for server to bind.
bindAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
bindAddress(InetAddress) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Configures local address where the server listens on with the server socket.
bindAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
bindSecretId(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
Require secret_id to be presented when logging in using this AppRole.
birthday() - Method in class
Birthday claim.
birthday(LocalDate) - Method in class
Birthday of the subject.
blacklistedExceptions() - Method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler
Configured set of exceptions that are blacklisted.
blockingServerStreaming(String, ReqT) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Invoke the specified server streaming method.
blockingUnary(String, ReqT) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Invoke the specified unary method with the specified request object.
bodyPart(WriteableBodyPart) - Method in class
Add a body part.
bodyPart(String, Object) - Method in class
Add a new body part based on the name entity.
bodyPart(String, String, Path) - Method in class
Add a new body part based on the name, filename and Path to the file.
bodyPart(String, Path...) - Method in class
Add a new body part based on the name and Path to the files.
bodyPart(Supplier<WriteableBodyPart>) - Method in class
Add a body part.
BodyPart - Interface in
Body part entity.
BodyPartBodyStreamReader - Class in
ReadableBodyPart stream reader.
BodyPartBodyStreamWriter - Class in
WriteableBodyPart stream writer.
BodyPartHeaders - Interface in
Body part headers.
bodyParts() - Method in class
Get all the nested body parts.
bodyParts(Collection<WriteableBodyPart>) - Method in class
Add body parts.
bodyPublisher() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Gets the Flow Publisher that allows a subscription for request body chunks.
bootstrapServers(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster.
branch() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder.GitEndpoint
Returns a git branch.
branch(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
Sets a git branch to checkout.
buffer(Queue<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher.Builder
Set up custom buffer queue implementation for the emitter to use.
bufferCapacity(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.MultiFromByteChannelBuilder
Capacity of byte buffer in number of bytes.
buffered() - Method in class
Mark the part content as buffered.
BufferedEmittingPublisher<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Emitting publisher for manual publishing with built-in buffer for handling backpressure.
BufferedEmittingPublisher() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
BufferedEmittingPublisher(Queue<T>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
BufferedEmittingPublisher.Builder<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Fluent API builder to create BufferedEmittingPublisher.
bufferMemory(long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
The total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server.
bufferSize() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Estimated size of the buffer.
build() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.Builder
Build the instance from this builder.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.context.Context.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.FormParams.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.Builder
Build a new instance of the configuration based on this builder.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Create an instance of KeyConfig based on this builder.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.PemBuilder
Build KeyConfig based on information from PEM files only.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.MultiFromByteChannelBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.MultiFromInputStreamBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.MultiToByteChannelBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.OutputStreamMultiBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader.Builder
build() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.TemporaryFolderExt
Builds an instance of TemporaryFolderExt.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource.Builder
Builds new instance of Classpath ConfigSource.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathOverrideSource.Builder
Builds new instance of Classpath OverrideSource.
build() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Builds new instance of Config.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigFilters.ValueResolvingBuilder
Creates a function of values reference resolving.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources.SystemPropertiesConfigSource.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource.Builder
Builds new instance of Directory ConfigSource.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
Builds new instance of Etcd ConfigSource.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource.Builder
Builds new instance of File ConfigSource.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource.Builder
Builds new instance of File ConfigSource.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParserBuilder
Builds new instance of HOCON ConfigParser.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.InMemoryOverrideSource.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.PollingStrategies.ScheduledBuilder
Builds a new polling strategy.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy.AdaptiveBuilder
Builds a new recurring policy.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.NodeContent.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.OverrideContent.Builder
build() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode.Builder
Build new instance of ConfigNode.ObjectNode.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource.Builder
Builds new instance of Url ConfigSource.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource.Builder
Builds new instance of Url ConfigSource.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient.Builder
Build provider specific database handler.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatements.Builder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.ConnectionPool.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
build() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Build database handler for specific provider.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.tracing.DbClientTracing.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Async.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Fallback.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance.TypedBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.JitterRetryPolicy.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Timeout.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Builder
Builds and returns a new instance of ClientMethodDescriptor.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientTracingInterceptor.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder
Build and return a new GrpcChannelDescriptor.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider.Builder
Create a new instance of GrpcChannelsProvider from this Builder.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient.Builder
Build an instance of GrpcServiceClient.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor.Builder
Create and return a new instance of GrpcTlsDescriptor.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting.Builder
Builds a new GrpcRouting.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer.Builder
Builds the GrpcServer instance as configured by this builder and its parameters.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.SSLContextBuilder
Create new {@link} instance with configured settings.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
This method is final, as we need to call the RestApi.Builder.preBuild(), RestApi.Builder.doBuild() and RestApi.Builder.postBuild() methods.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MicrometerSupport.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics.MicrostreamMetricsSupport.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics.Neo4jMetricsSupport.Builder
Builder for the wrapper class.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
The main build method.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleLazyConfigSource.Builder
Creates and returns a new SecretBundleLazyConfigSource instance initialized from the state of this SecretBundleLazyConfigSource.Builder.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Builder
Creates and returns a new SecretBundleNodeConfigSource instance initialized from the state of this SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Builder.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.Builder
Build the instance.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleVaultAuth.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sVaultAuth.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenVaultAuth.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityProvider.CubbyholeSecretConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityProvider.Kv1SecretConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultOptionalResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRestException.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultToken.Builder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Channel.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.ConnectorConfigBuilder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Build new Messaging instance.
build() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.ComponentMetricsSettings.Builder
Constructs a ComponentMetricsSettings object from the builder.
build() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Builds a KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings using the settings from the builder.
build() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Constructs a MetricsSettings object from the builder.
build() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings.Builder
Creates a new RegistrySettings instance from the builder.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusSupport.Builder
build() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport.Builder
Returns the new MetricsSupport instance according to the builder's settings.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcProxyBuilder
Build a gRPC client dynamic proxy of the required type.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.GrpcServiceBuilder
Create a ServiceDescriptor.Builder introspected class.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.openapi.MPOpenAPIBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
Create a new instance based on this builder.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
Build a server based on this builder.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication.Builder
Builds application.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.SEOpenAPISupportBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.CronBuilder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.FixedRateBuilder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Build authentication response.
build() - Method in class
Create a new authorization response based on this builder.
build() - Method in class
Build a function to create an instance of this provider as expected by Security.Builder.providerSelectionPolicy(Function).
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Build this configuration into an instance.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Build a new JwkEC instance from this builder.
build() - Method in class
Build a new keys instance.
build() - Method in class
Build a new JwkOctet instance from this builder.
build() - Method in class
Build a new JwkRSA instance from this builder.
build() - Method in class
Build and instance of the Jwt.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Build an instance of a security client.
build() - Method in class
Build identity propagation response based on this builder.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Build a new instance of the cache based on configuration of this builder.
build() - Method in class
Build targets from this builder.
build() - Method in class
Build a OutboundTarget instance from this builder.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Builds configured Security instance.
build() - Method in class
Build an instance of a security client.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Build a new instance from this builder.
build() - Method in interface
Creates the RestServiceSettings instance from the builder settings.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanLogTracingConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Builds the Tracer for Jaeger based on the configured parameters.
build() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Build a tracer instance from this builder.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
Builds the Tracer for Zipkin based on the configured parameters.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.HeaderLogEntry.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.HostLogEntry.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.RequestLineLogEntry.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.SizeLogEntry.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.StatusLogEntry.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.TimestampLogEntry.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.TimeTakenLogEntry.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.UserLogEntry.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupport.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
Jersey Module builder class for convenient creating JerseySupport.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
Builds a new routing instance.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Builds a new configuration instance.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Builds the WebServer instance as configured by this builder and its parameters.
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebSocketRouting.Builder
build() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebTracingConfig.Builder
build(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.CacheBuilder
Set the name of the cache.
build(Function<MediaType, String>, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Creates a new OpenApiUi from the builder.
build(Function<MetricsSupport.Builder, MetricsSupport>) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport.Builder
Creates a new MetricsSupport instance from the provided factory.
buildAndGet() - Method in class
A shortcut method to build the client and invoke SecurityClient.get() on it.
buildAndGet() - Method in class
A shortcut method to build the client and invoke SecurityClient.get() on it.
buildCompletion(Graph) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactiveStreamsEngine
buildDialect(Map<String, Object>, DialectResolutionInfoSource) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.DataSourceBackedDialectFactory
For Hibernate use only.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList
Create a fluent API builder to configure an instance.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache
Create a new builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier
Create a new fluent API builder to build thread pool supplier.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ServerThreadPoolSupplier
Create a new fluent API builder to build a thread pool supplier.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier
Create a new fluent API builder to build thread pool supplier.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.context.Context
Fluent API builder for advanced configuration.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
Create a new builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Create new builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
Create new builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
Create a new builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Create a new builder.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.FormParams
Creates a new FormParams.Builder of FormParams instance.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A fluent API builder for creating customized Media type instances.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager
Create a fluent API builder to create a customized mapper manager.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Create new builder for BufferedEmittingPublisher.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig
Fluent API builder to configure options programmatically.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
Create a new fluent API builder for classpath config source.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathOverrideSource
Create a new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Provides a Config.Builder for creating a Config instance.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource
Create a fluent API builder to construct a directory config source.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilter
Builder to programmatically configure filter.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
Create a new fluent API builder for etcd.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
Get a builder instance to create a new config source.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource
Create a new builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher
Fluent API builder for FileSystemWatcher.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
Create a fluent API builder for GIT config source.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParser
Create a new fluent API builder for a HOCON config parser.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource
Create a new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy
Fluent API builder for ScheduledPollingStrategy.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy
Fluent API builder for SimpleRetryPolicy.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.NodeContent
A fluent API builder for ConfigContent.NodeContent.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.OverrideContent
A fluent API builder for ConfigContent.OverrideContent.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ListNode
Creates new instance of ConfigNode.ListNode.Builder.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode
Creates new instance of ConfigNode.ObjectNode.Builder.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content
A fluent API builder for ConfigParser.Content.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
A new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource
Create a new fluent API builder to create URL override source.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext
Create a new builder for context.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext
Create a new builder.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient
Create Helidon database handler builder.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager
Create a fluent API builder to configure the mapper manager.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatements
Builder of statements.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.ConnectionPool
Create a fluent API builder for a JDBC Connection pool based on URL, username and password.
builder() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProvider
builder() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProvider
builder() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProvider
The implementation should provide its implementation of the DbClientProviderBuilder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.tracing.DbClientTracing
Create a new builder.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Async
A new builder to build a customized Async instance.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead
A new builder for Bulkhead.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker
Builder to customize configuration of the breaker.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Fallback
A builder to customize Fallback.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance
A builder to configure a customized sequence of fault tolerance handlers.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry
A new builder to customize Retry configuration.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy
A builder to customize configuration of Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy
A new fluent API builder to configure instances of Retry.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy
A new fluent API builder to configure instances of Retry.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.JitterRetryPolicy
A new fluent API builder to configure instances of Retry.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Timeout
A builder to create a customized Timeout.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport
A builder for fine grained configuration of the support.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler
Fluent API builder to configure the invocation handler.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor
Create and return a new GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor
Return a new instance of GrpcTlsDescriptor.Builder.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting
Obtain a GrpcRouting builder.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Creates new instance of a server configuration builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig
Create a builder of GrpcTracingConfig instances.
builder() - Static method in class
A new fluent API builder to configure this health check.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new fluent API builder to configure a new health check.
builder() - Static method in class
Get a builder to configure health support instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new request builder.
builder() - Static method in exception
Create a new builder for this exception.
builder() - Static method in class
Create new request builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory
Returns a new Builder for constructing a MeterRegistryFactory.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MicrometerSupport
Fluid builder for MicrometerSupport.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
A builder for the EmbeddedStorageManager.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics.Neo4jMetricsSupport
Following the builder pattern.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j
Following the builder pattern.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport
Returns a new Builder for creating an instance of OciMetricsSupport.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
Create a new fluent API builder to customize configuration.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleLazyConfigSource
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManager
Creates a OciCertificatesTlsManager builder instance.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
Create a new fluent API builder to customize configuration.
builder() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.openapi.ui.OpenApiUiFactoryFull
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleVaultAuth
Create a new builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.DeleteAppRole.Request
New request builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.DestroySecretId.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.GenerateSecretId.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.Login.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.ReadRoleId.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common.VaultRestApi
A new builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.ConfigureK8s.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.DeleteRole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sVaultAuth
A new builder for K8sVaultAuth.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.Login.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.DeleteTokenRole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.RenewToken.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.RevokeAndOrphanToken.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.RevokeToken.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenVaultAuth
Create a new builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.ListSecrets.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CreateCubbyhole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityProvider.CubbyholeSecretConfig
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.DeleteCubbyhole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.GetCubbyhole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.UpdateCubbyhole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCreateRole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbDelete.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbDeleteRole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbGet.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.CreateKv1.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.DeleteKv1.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.GetKv1.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityProvider.Kv1SecretConfig
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.UpdateKv1.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.CreateKv2.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.DeleteAllKv2.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.DeleteKv2.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.DestroyKv2.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.GetKv2.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.UndeleteKv2.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.UpdateKv2.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CaCertificateGet.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CertificateGet.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CrlGet.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.GenerateSelfSignedRoot.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.IssueCertificate.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.RevokeCertificate.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.CreateKey.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Decrypt.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DecryptBatch.BatchEntry
A new builder for a batch entry.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DecryptBatch.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DeleteKey.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.BatchEntry
A new builder for a batch entry.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Hmac.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.UpdateKeyConfig.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig
A new builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.CreatePolicy.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DeletePolicy.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DisableAuth.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DisableEngine.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableEngine.Request
Fluent API builder for configuring a request.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault
Fluent API builder to construct new instances.
builder() - Static method in exception io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRestException
A builder for Vault exception.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultToken
Create a new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new MediaContext.Builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Fluent API builder to create instances of JSON-P.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new builder instance.
builder() - Static method in interface
Create a new builder for FileFormParams.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.Channel
New builder for configuring new channel.
builder() - Static method in interface
Provides a JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder for creating a JmsConnector instance.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Provides a JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder for creating a JmsConnector instance.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Outgoing JMS message builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher
A builder for KafkaPublisher.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber
A builder for KafkaSubscriber.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
Prepare new builder for Emitter construction.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.messaging.Messaging
Create builder for constructing new Messaging.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings
Creates a new instance of the builder for BaseMetricsSettings.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.ComponentMetricsSettings
Returns a builder for ComponentMetricsSettings.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings
Creates a new builder for the settings.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
Returns a builder for MetricsSettings.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFilterSettings
Creates a new default builder for RegistryFilterSettings.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings
Creates a new defaulted builder for RegistrySettings.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings
Creates a new builder for the settings.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
builder() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupportProviderImpl
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusSupport
Creates new Builder instance.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport
Returns a builder for the highest-priority MetricsSupport implementation.
builder() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.spi.MetricsSupportProvider
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider
A builder for this provider.
builder() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication
A new fluent API builder to create a customized JaxRsApplication.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server
Builder to customize Server instance.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication
A new fluent API builder to create a customized WebSocketApplication.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport
Creates a new OpenAPISupport.Builder for OpenAPISupport using defaults.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi
Creates a builder for a new OpenApiUi instance.
builder() - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiFactory
builder() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiNoOpFactory
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
A new builder for this class instances.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Builder for this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Get a builder for more complex responses.
builder() - Static method in class
Builder for fully customized authorization response.
builder() - Static method in class
Builder for this selection policy.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new builder for this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Get a builder to create a JWT.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new builder for header claims.
builder() - Static method in class
Get an instance of builder to build custom identity propagation response.
builder() - Static method in interface
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in interface
Create a new builder for a cache that uses the default implementation.
builder() - Static method in class
New builder to programmatically build targets.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class
Get a builder for this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a new builder to configure this provider.
builder() - Static method in class
Fluent API builder to build GoogleTokenProvider instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Fluent API builder to create header outbound configuration.
builder() - Static method in class
A builder for this provider.
builder() - Static method in class
Get a builder instance to construct a new security provider.
builder() - Static method in class
Fluent API builder to create basic outbound configuration.
builder() - Static method in class
Get a builder instance to construct a new security provider.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a builder to build this provider.
builder() - Static method in class
Builder to create a new instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a new builder to build instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a new builder to build instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a new builder to build instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a new builder to build instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
A builder for this provider.
builder() - Static method in class
Get a fluent API builder to configure a new instance.
builder() - Static method in class
Create a builder to programmatically construct OIDC configuration.
builder() - Static method in class
A fluent API builder to created instances of this provider.
builder() - Static method in class
A new builder instance to configure OIDC support.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in interface
Creates Security.Builder class.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class with current time.
builder() - Static method in class
A new builder for this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class.
builder() - Static method in class
Fluent API builder to create TokenHandler.
builder() - Static method in interface
Creates a builder to construct a new instance.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
A fluent API builder for tracing configuration.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy
Fluent API builder for new instances.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Fluent API builder for client.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls
Fluent API builder for new instances.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport
A new fluent API builder to create Access log support instance.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.HostLogEntry
Create a new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.RequestLineLogEntry
Create a new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.SizeLogEntry
Create a new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.StatusLogEntry
Create a new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.TimestampLogEntry
Create a new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.TimeTakenLogEntry
Create a new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.UserLogEntry
Create a new fluent API builder.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupport
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig
Returns a new builder for creating a CrossOriginConfig.Mapped instance.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportResponse
A builder to set up a custom response.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport
Creates JerseySupport builder based on default empty ResourceConfig.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig
Create a new builder to configure traced path configuration.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Router
Builder for router.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing
Creates new instance of routing builder.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
since 2.0.0 - please use WebServer.builder() instead
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Creates a builder of SocketConfiguration class.
builder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Creates a fluent API builder of the WebServer.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls
A fluent API builder for WebServerTls.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebSocketRouting
Builder for WebSocket routing.
builder() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebTracingConfig
A fluent API builder to create tracing support.
builder(BindableService) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Create a ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder from a BindableService.
builder(BindableService) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
builder(Channel, ClientServiceDescriptor) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
builder(ServiceDescriptor) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Create a ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder from a ServiceDescriptor.
builder(Multi<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher
A builder to customize a multi tapped publisher instance.
builder(HelidonServiceLoader<MapperProvider>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager
Create a fluent API builder to create a customized mapper manager based on the provided Helidon Service loader.
builder(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient
Create a Helidon database handler builder from configuration.
builder(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider
builder(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor
Return an instance of builder based on the specified external config.
builder(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Creates new instance of a server configuration builder with defaults from external configuration source.
builder(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
creates a new MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder using the supplied helidon configuration.
builder(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.ComponentMetricsSettings
Returns a builder for ComponentMetricsSettings based on the provided component metric settings config node.
builder(Config) - Static method in class
Create a new builder from configuration.
builder(Config) - Static method in class
Create a builder from configuration.
builder(Config) - Static method in interface
Creates new instance based on configuration values.
builder(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Creates a new CrossOriginConfig.Builder using the provided config node.
builder(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig
Creates a new Mapped.Builder instance using the provided configuration.
builder(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
builder(Config, Class<K>, Class<V>) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
Create a CacheConfiguration builder initialized from the supplied helidon configuration node.
builder(DbClient) - Static method in class
A fluent API builder to create a fully customized database health check.
builder(DbClientProvider) - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient
Create Helidon database handler builder.
builder(GrpcRouting) - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Creates a builder of the GrpcServer.
builder(GrpcService) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
builder(OciConfig) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
Create a new fluent API builder from an existing instance.
builder(OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
Create a new fluent API builder from an existing instance.
builder(BaseMetricsSettings) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings
Creates a new instance of the builder based on the current settings in a BaseMetricsSettings object.
builder(KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings
Creates a builder using the values from an existing KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings instance.
builder(MetricsSettings) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
Creates a builder based on the values in an existing MetricsSettings instance.
builder(SignedJwt) - Static method in class
Builder of the Encrypted JWT.
builder(AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse) - Static method in class
Create a fluent API builder with a parent response.
builder(Security) - Static method in class
Builder for SecurityFeature.
builder(SecurityContext) - Static method in class
Obtain a GrpcClientSecurity builder.
builder(SecurityTime) - Static method in class
Creates a fluent API builder to build new instances of this class.
builder(Tracer) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientTracingInterceptor
Obtain a builder to build a ClientTracingInterceptor.
builder(CrossOriginConfig) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Initializes a new CrossOriginConfig.Builder from the values in an existing CrossOriginConfig object.
builder(Routing) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Creates a builder of the WebServer.
builder(ServerRequest) - Static method in class
Obtain a GrpcClientSecurity builder.
builder(Message) - Static method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Outgoing JMS message builder.
builder(Application) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport
Creates JerseySupport builder based on a passed application.
builder(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Create a ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder form a name and type.
builder(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
Create a CacheConfiguration builder with default values.
builder(Class, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
builder(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient
Create Helidon database handler builder.
builder(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.MySqlConfigureRequest
A new request builder with connection URL.
builder(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.OracleConfigureRequest
A new request builder for Oracle DB.
builder(String) - Static method in class
Builder for a single target.
builder(String) - Static method in class
Create a new builder for the keyId.
builder(String) - Static method in class
Get a new builder .
builder(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig
Fluent API builder for traced component.
builder(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanLogTracingConfig
Fluent API builder to create a new traced span log configuration.
builder(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig
A fluent API builder to create traced span configuration.
builder(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.HeaderLogEntry
Create a fluent API builder for a header log entry.
builder(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport
Creates new builder with defined static content root as a class-loader resource.
builder(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Create a ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder form a name and type.
builder(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport
Creates new builder with defined static content root as a class-loader resource.
builder(String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie
Creates a new fluent API builder.
builder(Path) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport
Creates new builder with defined static content root as a path to the file system.
builder(Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Provides a Config.Builder for creating a Config based on the specified ConfigSource instances.
builder(Supplier<? extends GrpcRouting>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Creates a builder of the GrpcServer.
builder(Supplier<? extends Routing>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Creates a builder of the WebServer.
builder(ServiceLoader<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader
Create a builder for customizable service loader.
builder(CacheConfiguration<K, V>, Class<K>, Class<V>) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.CacheBuilder
Create a new cache builder using the provided microstream cache configuration.
builder(EmbeddedStorageManager) - Static method in class
A fluent API builder to create a health check for Microstream.
builder(EmbeddedStorageManager) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics.MicrostreamMetricsSupport
Create a new builder to construct an instance.
builder(PAYLOAD) - Static method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Outgoing JMS message builder.
Builder<B extends Builder<B,T>,T> - Interface in io.helidon.common
Interface for builders, to be able to accept a builder in addition to an instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.context.Context.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilter.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.NodeContent.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.OverrideContent.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatements.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
Create a new builder instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class
New builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.AbstractSecretBundleConfigSource.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.Channel.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport.Builder
Creates a new builder instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Create a new instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default contructor.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default contructor.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.Builder
Builder(Tracer) - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientTracingInterceptor.Builder
Builder(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new builder using the provided class and default web context.
BuilderBase() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext.BuilderBase
No-op constructor.
BuilderBase() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext.BuilderBase
A no-op constructor.
BuilderBase() - Constructor for class
New builder.
BuilderBase() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Protected to support extensibility.
BuilderBase() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
Protected to support extensibility.
BuilderBase() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common.VaultRestApi.BuilderBase
BuilderBase() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultOptionalResponse.BuilderBase
Construct a new builder, should not be public.
builderInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
builderOutputStream() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
buildProcessor(Graph) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactiveStreamsEngine
buildPrototype() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.Builder
Builds the prototype.
buildPrototype() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.Builder
Build the config instance.
buildProvider() - Method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilter.Builder
Create a new EncryptionFilter provider based on this builder.
buildPublisher(Graph) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactiveStreamsEngine
buildRequest() - Method in class
Build the security request.
buildSpan(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracer
buildSubject(Subject, List<? extends Grant>) - Method in class
Updates original subject with the list of grants.
buildSubject(Subject, List<? extends Grant>) - Method in class
Updates original subject with the list of grants.
buildSubscriber(Graph) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactiveStreamsEngine
buildTimeEnd() - Static method in class
This method should only be called when generating native image, as late in the process as possible.
BuildTimeEnd - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
End of build time of the application (as opposed to runtime).
BuildTimeEnd.Literal - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
Annotation literal to use when an annotation instance is needed.
BuildTimeStart - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
Build time of the application (as opposed to runtime).
BuildTimeStart.Literal - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
Annotation literal to use when an annotation instance is needed.
BuiltInHealthCheck - Annotation Interface in
Used to decorate Helidon built-in health checks for later processing.
BuiltInMethods - Class in
Built-in methods for expression language evaluation.
Bulkhead - Interface in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Bulkhead protects a resource that cannot serve unlimited parallel requests.
Bulkhead.Builder - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fluent API builder for Bulkhead.
Bulkhead.Stats - Interface in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Provides statistics during the lifetime of a bulkhead, such as concurrent executions, accepted/rejected calls and queue size.
BulkheadException - Exception in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Failure because of Bulkhead issues, most likely that the bulkhead does not allow any more queued tasks.
by() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.Forwarded
by directive of the forwarded header.
byteArrayReader() - Static method in class
since 2.0.0, use ContentReaders.readBytes(Publisher) instead
byteArrayWriter(boolean) - Static method in class
ByteBufDataChunk - Class in io.helidon.webserver
A special DataChunk implementation based on Netty's buffers.
byteBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.MultiFromInputStreamBuilder
Set the size of ByteBuffers being published.
byteChannelRetrySchema(RetrySchema) - Method in class
Set specific RetrySchema to the byte channel.
byteChannelWriter() - Static method in class
since 2.0.0, use DefaultMediaSupport.byteChannelWriter()} instead
byteChannelWriter() - Static method in class
Create a new instance of ReadableByteChannel writer.
byteChannelWriter(RetrySchema) - Static method in class
byteChannelWriter(RetrySchema) - Static method in class
Return new ReadableByteChannel writer instance with specific RetrySchema.
bytes() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Get bytes of this resource.
bytes() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Gets the content of the underlying byte buffers as an array of bytes.
bytes() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk


caCertificate() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Certification authority certificate.
caCertificate() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Certification authority certificate.
caCertificate(CaCertificateGet.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Certification authority certificate.
caCertificate(CaCertificateGet.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Certification authority certificate.
caCertificate(PkiFormat) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Certification authority certificate in raw bytes.
caCertificate(PkiFormat) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Certification authority certificate in raw bytes.
CaCertificateGet - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Get CA Certificate request and response.
CaCertificateGet.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Request object.
CaCertificateGet.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
cache(EvictableCache<IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.MtCacheKey, List<Grant>>) - Method in class
Use explicit EvictableCache for role caching.
cache(EvictableCache<IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.MtCacheKey, List<Grant>>) - Method in class
Use explicit EvictableCache for role caching.
CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Cache-Control" header name.
CACHE_EVICT_DELAY_MINUTES - Static variable in interface
Default eviction delay in minutes (how long to wait after the cache is started).
CACHE_EVICT_PERIOD_MINUTES - Static variable in interface
Default eviction period in minutes (how often to evict records).
CACHE_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in interface
Maximal number of records in the cache.
CACHE_TIMEOUT_MINUTES - Static variable in interface
Default timeout of records in minutes (inactivity timeout).
CacheBuilder<K,V> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache
Builder for a Microstream - JCache instance.
CacheBuilder(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.CacheBuilder
CacheBuilder(CacheConfiguration<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.CacheBuilder
cacheBytes() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Caches the resource bytes in memory, so they can be repeatedly accessed.
cacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
If the cacheEnabled is set to false, no caching will be done.
CacheExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi
An Extension that arranges for named MicrostreamCache injection points to be satisfied.
CacheExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi.CacheExtension
Creates a new CacheExtension.
cacheLoaderFactory(Factory<CacheLoader<K, V>>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
cacheWriterFactory(Factory<CacheWriter<? super K, ? super V>>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
cachingStrategy(ServerResponse.CachingStrategy) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Sets the Cache-Control header values according to the specified strategy.
call() - Method in class
call() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ConstantHealthCheck
call() - Method in class
call() - Method in class
call() - Method in class
call() - Method in class
call() - Method in class
call() - Method in class
call() - Method in class
CALL_ATTRIBUTES - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServerRequestAttribute
log the call attributes.
callCredentials() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor
Return the CallCredentials set on this service.
callCredentials() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Return the CallCredentials set on this service.
callCredentials(CallCredentials) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Builder
callCredentials(CallCredentials) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules
Register the specified CallCredentials to be used for this method.
callCredentials(CallCredentials) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
callCredentials(CallCredentials) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register the CallCredentials to be used for this service.
callCredentials(String, CallCredentials) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
callCredentials(String, CallCredentials) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register the CallCredentials to be used for the specified method in this service.
callHandler() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor
Return the call handler.
callOptions(CallOptions) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient.Builder
Set the CallOptions to use.
calls(int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy.Builder
Total number of calls (first + retries).
calls(int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy.Builder
Total number of calls (first + retries).
calls(int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy.Builder
Total number of calls (first + retries).
calls(int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.JitterRetryPolicy.Builder
Total number of calls (first + retries).
callsAccepted() - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Stats
Number of calls accepted on the bulkhead.
callsRejected() - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Stats
Number of calls rejected on the bulkhead.
callTimeout() - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy
Timeout of the call.
callTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder
Timeout for the individual invocation.
cancel() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionSingle
cancel() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Cancel upstream.
cancel() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.SingleSubscriberHolder
Hard cancel - nothing is sent to the subscriber but subscription is considered as canceled.
cancel() - Method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
cancel() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
cancel(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy
cancel(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.RetryPolicy
Cancels the current use of the retry policy.
cancel(URI, PropagatedHeaders) - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Cancel LRA if its active.
cancel(URI, PropagatedHeaders) - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana.NarayanaClient
cancel(AtomicReference<Flow.Subscription>) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Atomically swap in the SubscriptionHelper.CANCELED instance and call cancel() on any previous Subscription held.
CANCELED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
The singleton instance indicating a canceled subscription.
cancelRowUpdates() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
cancelSource(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Builder
Policy to cancel any source stage if the value return by FtHandler.invoke(java.util.function.Supplier<? extends java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<T>>) is cancelled.
cancelSource(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
Policy to cancel any source stage if the value return by FtHandler.invoke(java.util.function.Supplier<? extends java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<T>>) is cancelled.
cancelSource(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
Policy to cancel any source stage if the value return by FtHandler.invoke(java.util.function.Supplier<? extends java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<T>>) is cancelled.
cancelSource(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Timeout.Builder
Cancel source if destination stage is cancelled.
caOcid() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The Certificate Authority OCID.
caOcid() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
caOcid() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
The Certificate Authority OCID.
caOcid(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The Certificate Authority OCID.
capacity() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache
Capacity of this cache.
capacity(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache.Builder
Configure capacity of the cache.
CaseSensitivityTester - Class in io.helidon.config.testing
Simple framework for checking case-sensitive or case-insensitive behavior of containers such as headers and parameters.
cast(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
Casts the parameter to the type of this generic type.
cause(Throwable) - Method in class
Possible cause of this exception (such as when we fail to parse returned entity).
CDISEJtaPlatform - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate
An AbstractJtaPlatform that is an ApplicationScoped CDI managed bean that supplies TransactionManager and UserTransaction instances that are supplied to it at construction time.
CDISEJtaPlatform(TransactionManager, UserTransaction) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.CDISEJtaPlatform
Creates a new CDISEJtaPlatform.
CDISEJtaPlatformProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate
A JtaPlatformProvider that uses a CDI instance to provide a JtaPlatform.
CDISEJtaPlatformProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.CDISEJtaPlatformProvider
For Hibernate use only.
CDISEPlatform - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink
A JMXServerPlatformBase that arranges things such that CDI, not JNDI, will be used to acquire a TransactionManager and MBeanServer.
CDISEPlatform(DatabaseSession) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform
Creates a CDISEPlatform.
CDISEPlatform.Eclipselink - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink
A Qualifier used to designate various things as being related to Eclipselink in some way.
CDISEPlatform.Eclipselink.Literal - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink
CDISEPlatform.TransactionController - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink
CDISEPlatformExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink
Only a CDI container should instantiate this class.
CDISEPlatformExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatformExtension
Only a CDI container should invoke this constructor.
certAlias(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Alias of X.509 certificate of public key.
certChain() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig
The X.509 Certificate Chain.
certChain(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.PemBuilder
Load certificate chain from PEM resource.
certChainAlias(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Alias of an X.509 chain.
certificate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Response
Certificate bytes, when RawCertificateResponse.format() is set to PkiFormat.PEM_BUNDLE, it contains private key as well.
certificate(CertificateGet.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Get a certificate.
certificate(CertificateGet.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Get a certificate.
certificate(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Certificate with the defined serial id.
certificate(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Certificate with the defined serial id.
certificate(String, PkiFormat) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Certificate in raw bytes, currently only PkiFormat.PEM is supported.
certificate(String, PkiFormat) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Certificate in raw bytes, currently only PkiFormat.PEM is supported.
certificate(Path) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Set certificate path.
certificateChain() - Method in class
certificateChain(List<X509Certificate>) - Method in class
Set certificate chain of the JWK to be built.
CertificateGet - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Get Certificate request and response.
CertificateGet.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Request object.
CertificateGet.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
certificates() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi.OciCertificatesDownloader.Certificates
The certificates.
certificates(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.PemBuilder
Read one or more certificates in PEM format from a resource definition.
certificateTrustStore(KeyConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls.Builder
Sets new certificate trust store.
certOcid() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The Certificate OCID.
certOcid() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
certOcid() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
The Certificate OCID.
certOcid(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The Certificate OCID.
certs() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig
The X.509 Certificates.
CFG_KEY_CHANNELS - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider
The configuration key for the channels configuration.
CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeEventType
The content is modified.
ChangeEventType - Enum Class in io.helidon.config.spi
Type of changes that can happen in a PollingStrategy.Polled components.
changesExecutor(Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Specifies "observe-on" Executor to be used by Config.onChange(java.util.function.Consumer) to deliver new Config instance.
changeTime() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeWatcher.ChangeEvent
Time of change, or as close to that time as we can get.
changeWatcher() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSource
A change watcher of this source, if it implements WatchableSource and has one configured.
changeWatcher() - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource
changeWatcher() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
changeWatcher() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
changeWatcher() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource
changeWatcher() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.WatchableSource
If a change watcher is configured with this source, return it.
changeWatcher() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
changeWatcher() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource
changeWatcher(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MetaConfig
Load a change watcher based on its meta configuration.
changeWatcher(ChangeWatcher<EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdEndpoint>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
changeWatcher(ChangeWatcher<URL>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource.Builder
changeWatcher(ChangeWatcher<URL>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource.Builder
changeWatcher(ChangeWatcher<Path>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource.Builder
changeWatcher(ChangeWatcher<Path>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource.Builder
changeWatcher(ChangeWatcher<Path>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource.Builder
changeWatcher(ChangeWatcher<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.WatchableSource.Builder
Configure the change watcher to be used with this source.
changeWatcher(ChangeWatcher<U>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSourceBuilder
Configure a change watcher.
ChangeWatcher<T> - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Similar to a PollingStrategy a change watcher is used to identify a change and trigger reload of a ConfigSource.
ChangeWatcher.ChangeEvent<T> - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
A change event, carrying the target, type of change and time of change.
ChangeWatcherProvider - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Java service loader service to create a polling strategy factory based on meta configuration.
channel() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.GrpcServerCdiExtension.ServerProducer
Produces an in-process Channel to connect to the running gRPC server.
channel(Channel<PAYLOAD>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter.Builder
Add new Channel for Emitter to publish to.
channel(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider
Returns a ManagedChannel for the specified channel or host name.
channel(String, GrpcChannelDescriptor) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider.Builder
Add or replace the specified GrpcChannelDescriptor.
Channel<PAYLOAD> - Class in io.helidon.messaging
Channel representing publisher - subscriber relationship.
Channel() - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.Channel
Channel.Builder<PAYLOAD> - Class in io.helidon.messaging
Channel builder.
channelBuilder() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.GrpcServerCdiExtension.ServerProducer
Produces an in-process InProcessChannelBuilder to connect to the running gRPC server.
channelCount(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
The number of threads and number of directories used by the storage engine.
channelDirectoryPrefix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Name prefix of the subdirectories used by the channel threads.
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ForwardingHandler
ChannelInternal - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.messaging
Used for indirect injection of Emitters and Publishers.
channelName() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingChannelProcessor
Messaging channel name associated with this processor.
ChannelProducer - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client
A producer of gRPC Channels.
channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ForwardingHandler
channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ForwardingHandler
channelsLiveness() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingCdiExtension
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Implement MessagingChannelProcessor as a bean instead, which can peak to any messaging channel.
channelsReadiness() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingCdiExtension
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Implement MessagingChannelProcessor as a bean instead, which can peak to any messaging channel.
CharBuffer - Class in
A character buffer that acts as a Writer and uses cached char[] arrays.
CharBuffer() - Constructor for class
charBufferWriter(Charset) - Static method in class
CharMatcher - Class in io.helidon.common.http
Extracted from Guava.
CharMatcher() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Constructor for use by subclasses.
charSequenceStreamWriter() - Static method in class
Return CharSequence stream writer instance.
charSequenceWriter() - Static method in class
Return CharSequence writer instance.
charSequenceWriter(Charset) - Static method in class
charset() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Gets Optional value of charset parameter.
charset() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content
Charset configured by the config source or UTF-8 if none configured.
charset() - Method in class
Derive the charset to use from the Content-Type header value or using a default charset as fallback.
charset() - Method in class
charset() - Method in class
charset(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType.Builder
Character set of the media type.
charset(Charset) - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content.Builder
Configure charset if known by the config source.
CHARSET_PARAMETER - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
The media type "charset" parameter name.
cHash() - Method in class
CHash claim.
cHash(byte[]) - Method in class
Code hash value.
checkForNonPublicMethodIssues() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Verify that there are no non-public annotated methods.
checkOpen() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
checkOpen() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
checkValid() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Check if these messages are a valid result, throws exception if not.
child(Config.Key) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Key
Create a child key to the current key.
cipherText() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Encrypted
Cipher text - string representation of the encrypted secret.
cipherText(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Decrypt.Request
The data to decrypt (in current version something like vault:v1:base64-text.
cipherText(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DecryptBatch.BatchEntry
Configure the cipher text to be decrypted.
CircuitBreaker - Interface in io.helidon.faulttolerance
CircuitBreaker protects a potentially failing endpoint from overloading and the application from spending resources on those endpoints.
CircuitBreaker.Builder - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fluent API builder for CircuitBreaker.
CircuitBreaker.State - Enum Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
A circuit breaker can be in any of 3 possible states as defined by this enum.
CircuitBreakerOpenException - Exception in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Failure because CircuitBreaker is open and does not accept requests.
CLASS - Enum constant in enum class
Annotations on a resource class.
classMethodName(ContainerRequestContext) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.TracingHelper
Name is generated from class and method as {http-method}:{fully-qualified-class-name}.{method-name}.
className() - Method in interface
Name of the class that caused this event.
classpath(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a Builder for creating a ConfigSource from the specified resource located on the classpath of the current thread's context classloader.
classpath(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.OverrideSources
Creates new instance of Classpath OverrideSource Builder to be used to bootstrap OverrideSource instance from specified resource.
classPath(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class
Find all resources on classpath and return a config source for each.
classPath(ClassLoader, String, String) - Static method in class
Find all resources on classpath and return a config source for each with a profile.
classPath(String) - Static method in class
Create from HOCON/JSON file(s) on classpath.
classPath(String) - Static method in class
Find all resources on classpath and return a config source for each.
classPath(String) - Static method in class
Create from YAML file(s) on classpath.
classPath(String, String) - Static method in class
Create from HOCON/JSON file(s) on classpath with profile support.
classPath(String, String) - Static method in class
Find all resources on classpath and return a config source for each.
classPath(String, String) - Static method in class
Create from YAML file(s) on classpath with profile support.
classPath(String, String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class
Create from YAML file(s) on classpath from specified classloader with profile support.
CLASSPATH - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource.Source
Resource was loaded from classpath.
classpathAll(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Create builders for each instance of the resource on the current classpath.
ClassPathBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.ClassPathBuilder
ClasspathConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.config
ConfigSource implementation that loads configuration content from a resource on a classpath.
ClasspathConfigSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
Classpath ConfigSource Builder.
ClasspathOverrideSource - Class in io.helidon.config
OverrideSource implementation that loads override definitions from a resource on a classpath.
ClasspathOverrideSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
Classpath OverrideSource Builder.
ClassToInstanceStore<T> - Class in
Map of classes to their instances.
ClassToInstanceStore() - Constructor for class
cleanup() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Override, if you prefer to do cleanup in a uniform way, instead of requiring everyone to register a onCleanup.
cleanup() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.weld.NarayanaTransactionServices
Releases any internal resources acquired during the lifespan of this object.
clear() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Clear this instance by discarding all Errors.ErrorMessages collected and re-setting status.
clear() - Static method in class io.helidon.logging.common.HelidonMdc
Remove all of the entries bound to the current thread from the instances of MdcProvider.
clear() - Method in interface io.helidon.logging.common.spi.MdcProvider
Clear all of the MDC values from the specific logging framework MDC storage.
clear() - Method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.JulMdcProvider
clear() - Method in class io.helidon.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMdcProvider
clear() - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders
Clear all headers.
clear() - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders.NoopPropagatedHeaders
clear() - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders.PrefixedPropagatedHeaders
clear() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Clears all currently set headers.
clearAnnotationInfo(AfterDeploymentValidation) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricsCdiExtension
clearAnnotationInfo(AfterDeploymentValidation) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Cleans up any data structures created during annotation processing but which are not needed once the CDI container has started.
clearAuthFingerprint() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearAuthPassphrase() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearAuthPrivateKey() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearAuthPrivateKeyPath() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearAuthRegion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearAuthStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearAuthTenantId() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearAuthUserId() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearBatch() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
clearBuffer(Consumer<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Clear whole buffer, invoke consumer for each item before discarding it.
clearCompartmentOcid() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearConfigPath() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearConfigProfile() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearCookie(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Clears a cookie by adding a Set-Cookie header with an expiration date in the past.
clearData(JaegerDataPropagationProvider.JaegerContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerDataPropagationProvider
Closes scope in secondary thread.
clearData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.JulMdcPropagator
clearData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMdcPropagator
clearData(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.spi.DataPropagationProvider
Clears the propagated data from the new thread when it finishes.
clearHeaders() - Method in class
We may want to clear existing headers, such as when deriving an environment for outbound calls.
clearParameters() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
clearQueryParams() - Method in class
We may want to clear existing query parameters.
clearRoles() - Method in class
Clears all roles currently set to this builder.
clearServiceRoles() - Method in class
Clears all service roles currently set to this builder.
clearTextProtocol() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.http2.Http2UpgradeCodecProvider
clearTextProtocol() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.spi.UpgradeCodecProvider
Name of the protocol expected in Upgrade header during HTTP upgrade request for using decoder provided by this supplier.
clearTextProtocol() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebsocketUpgradeCodecProvider
clearVaultManagementEndpoint() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
Clear existing value of this property.
clearWarnings() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
clearWarnings() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
clearWarnings() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
clearWarnings() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Kind
Client span, should cover outbound request, where the span creator acts as a client.
CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.AcknowledgeMode
Message is acknowledged when Message.ack() is invoked either manually or by Acknowledgment policy.
CLIENT_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus.Family
4xx HTTP status codes.
CLIENT_ID_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Client identifier for JMS connection.
CLIENT_SECRET_BASIC - Enum constant in enum class
Clients that have received a client_secret value from the Authorization Server authenticate with the Authorization Server in accordance with Section 2.3.1 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] using the HTTP Basic authentication scheme.
CLIENT_SECRET_JWT - Enum constant in enum class
Clients that have received a client_secret value from the Authorization Server create a JWT using an HMAC SHA algorithm, such as HMAC SHA-256.
CLIENT_SECRET_POST - Enum constant in enum class
Clients that have received a client_secret value from the Authorization Server, authenticate with the Authorization Server in accordance with Section 2.3.1 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] by including the Client Credentials in the request body.
CLIENT_X509_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls
This constant is a context classifier for the x509 client certificate if it is present.
clientAuth() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use tls().clientAuth() instead. This method will be removed at 3.0.0 version.
clientAuth(ClientAuthentication) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Configures whether client authentication will be required or not.
ClientAuthentication - Enum Class in io.helidon.webserver
Indicates whether the server requires authentication of tbe client by the certificate.
clientCertificate(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Certificate of client in PEM format.
clientContext() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Context of the DB client.
clientContext() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext
Client context associated with the client executing this statement.
clientContext(DbClientContext) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext.BuilderBase
Configure client context.
clientFlag(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if certificates are flagged for client use.
clientId() - Method in interface
Client id of this client.
clientId() - Method in class
clientId(String) - Method in class
Google application client id, to validate that the token was generated by Google for us.
clientId(String) - Method in class
Client ID as generated by OIDC server.
clientKeyStore(KeyConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls.Builder
Sets new certificate key store.
ClientMethodDescriptor - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
Encapsulates all metadata necessary to define a gRPC method.
ClientMethodDescriptor.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
MethodDescriptor builder implementation.
ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.client
ClientMethod configuration API.
clientOnly() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
Determine whether this is a client side only handler.
clientOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreamingIterable
clientOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreamingStream
ClientRequestAttribute - Enum Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
An enum of possible gRPC client call attributes to attach to call tracing spans.
clientSecret() - Method in interface
Client secret.
clientSecret() - Method in class
clientSecret(String) - Method in class
Client secret as generated by OIDC server.
ClientSecurity - Class in
Constants used to override behavior of the outbound security for Jersey.
ClientSecurityAutoDiscoverable - Class in
Auto discoverable feature to bind into jersey runtime.
ClientSecurityAutoDiscoverable() - Constructor for class
ClientSecurityFilter - Class in
JAX-RS client filter propagating current context principal.
ClientSecurityFilter() - Constructor for class
Create an instance of this filter (used by Jersey or for unit tests, do not use explicitly in your production code).
ClientServiceDescriptor - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
Encapsulates all details about a client side gRPC service.
ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.client
Fluent configuration interface for the ClientServiceDescriptor.
clientServices(List<DbClientService>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext.BuilderBase
Configure the client services to use.
clientStreaming(Object[], MethodHandler.ClientStreaming) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
Handle a bi-directional client call.
clientStreaming(Object[], MethodHandler.ClientStreaming) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreaming
clientStreaming(Object[], MethodHandler.ClientStreaming) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreamingIterable
clientStreaming(Object[], MethodHandler.ClientStreaming) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreamingStream
clientStreaming(Object[], MethodHandler.ClientStreaming) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.FutureResponse
clientStreaming(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
clientStreaming(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register client streaming method for the service.
clientStreaming(String, ServerCalls.ClientStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
clientStreaming(String, ServerCalls.ClientStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register client streaming method for the service.
clientStreaming(String, ServerCalls.ClientStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>, MethodDescriptor.Configurer<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
clientStreaming(String, ServerCalls.ClientStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>, MethodDescriptor.Configurer<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register client streaming method for the service.
clientStreaming(String, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Invoke the specified client streaming method.
clientStreaming(String, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler.ClientStreaming
Perform a client streaming client call.
clientStreaming(String, Iterable<ReqT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Invoke the specified client streaming method.
clientStreaming(String, Consumer<ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
clientStreaming(String, Consumer<ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register client streaming method for the service.
clientStreaming(String, Stream<ReqT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Invoke the specified client streaming method.
ClientStreaming - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An annotation to mark a class as representing a client streaming gRPC method.
ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A supplier of MethodHandlers for client streaming gRPC methods.
ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier
Create a supplier of handlers for client streaming methods.
ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.AbstractClientStreamingHandler<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A base class for client streaming MethodHandlers.
ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreaming<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A client streaming MethodHandler that calls a standard client streaming method handler method of the form.
ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreamingIterable<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A client side only client streaming MethodHandler that streams requests from an iterable.
ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreamingStream<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A client side only client streaming MethodHandler that streams requests from a stream.
ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.FutureResponse<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A client streaming MethodHandler that calls a standard client streaming method handler method of the form.
clientTimeout() - Method in interface
Expected timeout of HTTP client operations.
clientTimeout() - Method in class
clientTimeout(Duration) - Method in class
Timeout of calls using web client.
ClientTracingAutoDiscoverable - Class in io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client
Auto discoverable feature to bind into jersey runtime.
ClientTracingAutoDiscoverable() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingAutoDiscoverable
ClientTracingFilter - Class in io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client
This filter adds tracing information the the associated JAX-RS client call based on the provided properties.
ClientTracingFilter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingFilter
Default constructor so this filter can be registered with Jersey as a class.
ClientTracingInterceptor - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
A ClientInterceptor that captures tracing information into Tracing Spans for client calls.
ClientTracingInterceptor - Class in io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client
A post-invocation client interceptor.
ClientTracingInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingInterceptor
ClientTracingInterceptor.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
Builds the configuration of a ClientTracingInterceptor.
clock(Clock) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
Configure an alternative clock to use, such as Clock.fixed(java.time.Instant, java.time.ZoneId).
close() - Method in class io.helidon.common.HelidonConsoleHandler
close() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiFromOutputStream
close() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
close() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent
Close the content, as it is no longer needed.
close() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimerContext
close() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
Overrides the DelegatingConnection.close() method so that when it is invoked this ConditionallyCloseableConnection is closed only if it is closeable.
close() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
close() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
close() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
Overrides the Statement.close() method so that when it is invoked this DelegatingStatement is closed only if it is closeable.
close() - Method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.HelidonConsoleHandler
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
close() - Method in interface
Close this cache.
close() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Scope
close() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracer
close() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponse
Asynchronous close of the response.
close() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport
Close this integration with Jersey.
close(URI, PropagatedHeaders) - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Close LRA if its active.
close(URI, PropagatedHeaders) - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana.NarayanaClient
close(Consumer<Flow.Subscriber<? super T>>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.SingleSubscriberHolder
Mark the subscriber holder as closed.
closeConnection() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Request to close the connection and report success or failure asynchronously with returned single.
closeConnection() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Request to close the connection and report success or failure asynchronously with returned single.
CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.State
Circuit is closed and requests are processed.
closeOnCompletion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
code() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus
Get the associated integer value representing the status code.
code() - Method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
Get the associated status code.
CODE_TO_TOKEN - Enum constant in enum class
Request to exchange code for a token issued against the token endpoint.
codeSigningFlag(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if certificates are flagged for code signing use.
codeToString(int) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter
Returns a non-null String representation of the supplied code.
collect() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Process the messages collected into an Errors instance.
collect(Collector<T, U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Collect the items of this Multi instance into a Single.
collect(Supplier<? extends U>, BiConsumer<U, T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Collect the items of this Multi into a collection provided via a Supplier and mutated by a BiConsumer callback.
collect(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Collector
Collect the given item.
CollectingObserver<T,V,U,A,R> - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
A StreamObserver.
CollectingObserver(Collector<T, A, R>, StreamObserver<U>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.server.CollectingObserver
ToDo: Add JavaDoc.
CollectingObserver(Collector<T, A, R>, StreamObserver<U>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.server.CollectingObserver
ToDo: Add JavaDoc.
CollectingObserver(Collector<T, A, R>, StreamObserver<U>, Function<V, T>, Function<R, U>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.server.CollectingObserver
ToDo: Add JavaDoc.
CollectingObserver(Collector<T, A, R>, StreamObserver<U>, Function<V, T>, Function<R, U>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.server.CollectingObserver
ToDo: Add JavaDoc.
collectList() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Collect the items of this Multi instance into a Single of List.
collector() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Create a new message collector.
Collector<T,U> - Interface in io.helidon.common.reactive
A collector accumulates the items provided when Collector.collect(java.lang.Object) is invoked and makes them available in a single container object with Collector.value().
Collector() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
collectorHost(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
collectorHost(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Host to use to connect to tracing collector.
collectorHost(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Host to use to connect to tracing collector.
collectorHost(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
collectorPath(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
collectorPath(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Path on the collector host to use when sending data to tracing collector.
collectorPath(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Path on the collector host to use when sending data to tracing collector.
collectorPath(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
Override path to use.
collectorPort(int) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
collectorPort(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Port to use to connect to tracing collector.
collectorPort(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Port to use to connect to tracing collector.
collectorPort(int) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
collectorProtocol(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
collectorProtocol(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Protocol to use (such as http or https) to connect to tracing collector.
collectorProtocol(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Protocol to use (such as http or https) to connect to tracing collector.
collectorProtocol(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
collectorRegistry(CollectorRegistry) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusSupport.Builder
Sets collector registry to use, default is CollectorRegistry.defaultRegistry.
collectorUri(URI) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Set the collector URI used for sending tracing data.
collectorUri(URI) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Set the collector URI used for sending tracing data.
collectorUri(URI) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
collectStream(Collector<T, A, R>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Collects up upstream items with the help of a the callbacks of a Collector.
column(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbRow
Get a column in this row.
column(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbRow
Get a column in this row.
COLUMN - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Key for column.
combine(Subject) - Method in class
Will add all principals and credentials from another subject to this subject, will not replace Subject.principals().
combineAnnotations(Class<T>, EndpointConfig.AnnotationScope...) - Method in class
Combines all the annotations of the specific type across all the requested scopes.
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatementType
Database command not related to a specific collection.
commit() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
commit() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
commit() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionManager
Completes the transaction associated with the current thread.
commit() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
COMMIT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter.XARoutine
An enum constant modeling the XAResource.commit(Xid, boolean) method.
CommonCipher - Interface in io.helidon.common.crypto
Common cipher which helps to simplify encryption and decryption of the message.
commonLogFormat() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
Use common log format.
commonName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.GenerateSelfSignedRoot.Request
Common name of the certificate that is going to be generated.
commonName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
compartmentId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets the compartment ID.
compartmentOcid() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The OCID of the compartment the services are in.
compartmentOcid() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
compartmentOcid() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
The OCID of the compartment the services are in.
compartmentOcid(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Builder
Sets the (required) OCID of the OCI compartment housing the vault from which a SecretBundleNodeConfigSource will retrieve values.
compartmentOcid(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The OCID of the compartment the services are in.
COMPATIBLE - Enum constant in enum class
Requested type is compatible with this operator, but it is not exact match.
compensate() - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.Participant
URI of participant's method annotated with @Compensate.
complete() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Send onComplete to downstream after it consumes the entire buffer.
complete() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Properly complete the stream, set publisher to completed state and send onComplete signal downstream.
complete() - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.Participant
URI of participant's method annotated with @Complete.
complete() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockIncoming
Send terminal complete signal to the channel.
complete() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
Send onComplete signal to all subscribers.
complete(StreamObserver<T>, Runnable, T) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Execute a Runnable task and on completion of the task complete the gRPC request by calling StreamObserver.onNext(Object) using the specified result and then call StreamObserver.onCompleted().
complete(StreamObserver<T>, Callable<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Complete a gRPC request based on the result of a Callable.
complete(StreamObserver<T>, CompletionStage<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Complete a gRPC request based on the result of a CompletionStage.
complete(StreamObserver<T>, T) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Complete a gRPC request.
complete(AuthenticationResponse) - Method in class
Create a CompletionStage with the provided response as its completion.
completeAsync(StreamObserver<T>, Runnable, T) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Asynchronously execute a Runnable task and on completion of the task complete the gRPC request by calling StreamObserver.onNext(Object) using the specified result and then call StreamObserver.onCompleted().
completeAsync(StreamObserver<T>, Runnable, T, Executor) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Asynchronously execute a Runnable task and on completion of the task complete the gRPC request by calling StreamObserver.onNext(Object) using the specified result and then call StreamObserver.onCompleted().
completeAsync(StreamObserver<T>, Callable<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Asynchronously complete a gRPC request based on the result of a Callable.
completeAsync(StreamObserver<T>, Callable<T>, Executor) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Asynchronously complete a gRPC request based on the result of a Callable.
completeAsync(StreamObserver<T>, CompletionStage<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Asynchronously complete a gRPC request based on the result of a CompletionStage.
completeAsync(StreamObserver<T>, CompletionStage<T>, Executor) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Asynchronously complete a gRPC request based on the result of a CompletionStage.
completeNow() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Send onComplete signal downstream immediately, regardless of the buffer content.
completeWithoutResult(StreamObserver<U>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Obtain a Consumer that can be used to complete a StreamObserver.
completeWithResult(StreamObserver<U>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Obtain a Consumer that can be used to send values to the StreamObserver.onNext(Object) method.
CompletionAwaitable<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
CompletionStage wrapper enriched with Awaitable.
CompletionSingle<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Single as CompletionStage.
CompletionSingle() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionSingle
completionStage() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient.SingleValueStreamObserver
Obtain the CompletableFuture that will be completed when the StreamObserver completes.
component(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
Configuration of a traced component.
component(String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
Configuration of a traced component.
COMPONENT - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Tag marking a component that triggers this span.
ComponentMetricsSettings - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Settings which control metrics behavior for a metrics-capable component.
ComponentMetricsSettings.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Builder for ComponentMetricsSettings.
ComponentTracingConfig - Class in io.helidon.tracing.config
A component is a single "layer" of the application that can trace.
ComponentTracingConfig(String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig
A new named component.
ComponentTracingConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.tracing.config
Fluent API builder for ComponentTracingConfig.
compose(Function<? super Multi<T>, ? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Apply the given composer function to the current Multi instance and return aMulti wrapping the returned Flow.Publisher of this function.
compose(Function<? super Single<T>, ? extends Single<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Apply the given composer function to the current Single instance and return the Single returned by this function.
CompositeProviderFlag - Enum Class in
Flag driving resolution of providers.
CompositeProviderSelectionPolicy - Class in
A provider selection policy that supports composing multiple providers (current Authentication and Outbound) into a single virtual security provider.
CompositeProviderSelectionPolicy.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder to create CompositeProviderSelectionPolicy.
compressionType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
The compression type for all data generated by the producer.
COMPRESSOR - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientRequestAttribute
Add the compressor type to the tracing span.
computeGrants(Subject) - Method in class
Compute grants for the provided subject.
computeGrants(Subject) - Method in class
Compute grants for the provided subject.
computeGrants(String, String, Subject) - Method in class
Compute grants for the provided MT information.
computeIfAbsent(String, Function<String, Iterable<String>>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
computeIfAbsent(String, Function<String, Iterable<String>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
If the specified key is not already associated with a value computes new association using the given function and returns empty List, else returns the current value (optional operation).
computeIfAbsent(String, Function<String, Iterable<String>>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
computeSingleIfAbsent(String, Function<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
computeSingleIfAbsent(String, Function<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
If the specified key is not already associated with a value computes new association using the given function and returns empty List, else returns the current value (optional operation).
computeSingleIfAbsent(String, Function<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
computeValue(K, Supplier<Optional<V>>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache
Either return a cached value or compute it and cache it.
computeValue(K, Supplier<Optional<V>>) - Method in interface
Either return a cached value or compute it and cache it.
concat(Parameters...) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashHeaders
Concatenates the contents of the specified Parameters into a new HashHeaders instance.
concat(Parameters...) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates new instance of HashParameters as a concatenation of provided parameters.
concat(Iterable<? extends Iterable<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>>>, Supplier<T>, Function<Iterable<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>>, T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates a new instance of the correct HashParameters subclass as a concatenation of the provided sources.
concat(Iterable<Parameters>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashHeaders
Concatenates the specified contents into a new HashHeaders instance.
concat(Iterable<Parameters>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates new instance of HashParameters as a concatenation of provided parameters.
concat(Flow.Publisher<T>, Flow.Publisher<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Concat streams to one.
concat(Flow.Publisher<T>, Flow.Publisher<T>, Flow.Publisher<T>...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Concat streams to one.
concat(PublisherBuilder<? extends T>, PublisherBuilder<? extends T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
concatArray(Flow.Publisher<T>...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Concatenates an array of source Flow.Publishers by relaying items in order, non-overlappingly, one after the other finishes.
ConcatPublisher<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Concat streams to one.
concurrent() - Method in interface io.helidon.scheduling.CronInvocation
When true, next task is started even if previous didn't finish yet.
concurrentExecution() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling.Scheduled
When true, next task is started even if previous didn't finish yet.
concurrentExecution(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.CronBuilder
Allow concurrent execution if previous task didn't finish before next execution.
concurrentExecutions() - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Stats
Number of concurrent executions at this time.
concurrentGauge() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
A static factory method to create a GrpcMetrics instance to time gRPC method calls.
concurrentGauge(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
concurrentGauge(String, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
concurrentGauge(Metadata) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
concurrentGauge(Metadata, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
concurrentGauge(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
ConditionallyCloseableConnection - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A JDBC 4.3-compliant DelegatingConnection whose ConditionallyCloseableConnection.close() method may or may not close it depending on other partial state.
ConditionallyCloseableConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
This constructor continues to exist for backwards compatibility only and its use is strongly discouraged. Please use the ConditionallyCloseableConnection(Connection, boolean, boolean) constructor instead and consider supplying true for its strictClosedChecking parameter. In the future, this constructor may change, without prior notice, to cause new ConditionallyCloseableConnection instances created by it to behave as if they were created by invocations of the ConditionallyCloseableConnection(Connection, boolean, boolean) constructor instead, with true supplied for its strictClosedChecking parameter.
ConditionallyCloseableConnection(Connection, boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
This constructor continues to exist for backwards compatibility only and its use is strongly discouraged. Please use the ConditionallyCloseableConnection(Connection, boolean, boolean) constructor instead and consider supplying true for its strictClosedChecking parameter. In the future, this constructor may change, without prior notice, to cause new ConditionallyCloseableConnection instances created by it to behave as if they were created by invocations of the ConditionallyCloseableConnection(Connection, boolean, boolean) constructor instead, with true supplied for its strictClosedChecking parameter.
ConditionallyCloseableConnection(Connection, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
CONF_DEFAULT_COORDINATOR_URL - Static variable in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Default coordinator url.
CONF_KEY_COORDINATOR_HEADERS_PROPAGATION_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Prefix of headers which should be propagated to the coordinator.
CONF_KEY_COORDINATOR_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Timeout for synchronous communication with coordinator.
CONF_KEY_COORDINATOR_TIMEOUT_UNIT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Timeout unit for synchronous communication with coordinator.
CONF_KEY_COORDINATOR_URL - Static variable in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
URL of the coordinator to be used for orchestrating Long Running Actions.
config() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MetaConfig
Create configuration from meta configuration (files or classpath resources), or create a default config instance if meta configuration is not present.
config() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics.MicrostreamMetricsSupport.Builder
get the current configured helidon configuration.
config() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
If this instance was configured, this would be the config instance used.
config() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
If this instance was configured, this would be the config instance used.
config() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Current config.
config() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.ConnectionContext
Channel config.
config() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi.GrpcMpContext
Obtain the Helidon configuration.
config() - Method in class
Returns the config (if any) assigned for this builder.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Update builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache.Builder
Load configuration of this cache from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Load all properties for this thread pool executor from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Load all properties for this thread pool from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.Builder
Updated this builder instance from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.PemBuilder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractConfigSourceBuilder
Configure builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSourceBuilder
Configure builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource.Builder
Configure builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathOverrideSource.Builder
Update builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Configure this config builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource.Builder
Configure builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
Configure builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource.Builder
Configure builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource.Builder
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher.Builder
Update this builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
Configure builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MetaConfig
Create configuration from provided meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder
Update this builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource.Builder
Configure builder from meta configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource.Builder
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
Configure this client service from config.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient.Builder
Use database connection configuration from configuration file.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatements.Builder
Set statements from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Set health check parameters using Config node.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.ConnectionPool.Builder
Update builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricBuilder
Configure a metric from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Use database connection configuration from configuration file.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Builder
Load all properties for this bulkhead from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
Load all properties for this circuit breaker from configuration.
config(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance
Configure Helidon wide defaults from a config instance.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
Load all properties for this circuit breaker from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy.Builder
Load all properties for this circuit breaker from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy.Builder
Load all properties for this Retry Policy from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy.Builder
Load all properties for this Retry Policy from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.JitterRetryPolicy.Builder
Load all properties for this circuit breaker from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Timeout.Builder
Load all properties for this circuit breaker from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport.Builder
Update builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler.Builder
Update builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Update the builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Set up the disk space health check via config keys, if present.
config(Config) - Method in class
Set up the heap space health check via config key, if present.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Configure this builder from config.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.Builder
Override default configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Update builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics.MicrostreamMetricsSupport.Builder
set the helidon configuration used by the builder.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Read the configuration from external file and initialize the builder.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Updates the builder using the specified OCI metrics Config node.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Update builder from configuration (node of this type).
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.AbstractSecretBundleConfigSource.Builder
Configures this AbstractSecretBundleConfigSource.Builder from the supplied meta-configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleLazyConfigSource.Builder
Configures this SecretBundleLazyConfigSource.Builder from the supplied meta-configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Builder
Configures this SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Builder from the supplied meta-configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
Update builder from configuration (node of this type).
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityProvider.CubbyholeSecretConfig.Builder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityProvider.Kv1SecretConfig.Builder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig.Builder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig.Builder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Configures this DefaultMediaSupport.Builder from the supplied Config.
config(Config) - Method in class
Configures this MediaContext.Builder from the supplied Config.
config(Config) - Method in class
Custom configuration for connector.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder
Custom configuration for connector.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
Load this builder from a configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber.Builder
Load this builder from a configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Configuration needed for configuring connector and their routing.
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings.Builder
Sets values in the builder based on the provided Config node.
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.ComponentMetricsSettings.Builder
Updates the builder using the provided metrics config.
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Updates the KPI metrics settings in the builder based on the provided Config object.
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Updates the builder using the provided metrics config.
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFilterSettings.Builder
Sets whichever values are specified by the provided filter config node.
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings.Builder
Sets values in the builder based on the provided Config node.
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport.Builder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Load this builder from a configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
Configuration instance to use to configure this server (Helidon config).
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport.Builder
Set various builder attributes from the specified Config object.
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Updates the builder using the specified config node at "ui" within the "openapi" config section.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.SEOpenAPISupportBuilder
Assigns various OpenAPI settings from the specified openapi Config object.
config(Config) - Method in class
Updated builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Load configuration data from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update fields from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update builder from configuration and set the config to AbacProvider.Builder.configuration(io.helidon.config.Config).
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Set config for this target.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder from provided configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Load this builder from a configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Updated this configuration from the config instance.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Create a builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Create a builder instance from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder instance from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
config(Config) - Method in class
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder state from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder state from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder state from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder state from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Load this builder from a configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder with values from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder with configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Config located at the provider's key to read OidcConfig.
config(Config) - Method in class
Add config instance to this builder.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class
Update builder from config.
config(Config) - Method in class
Sets the configuration to be used by this builder.
config(Config) - Method in interface
Updates settings using the provided Config node for the service of interest.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig.Builder
Update this builder from Config.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanLogTracingConfig.Builder
Update this builder from Config.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig.Builder
Update this builder from Config.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig.Builder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Load configuration of tracer from configuration of the application.
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Load configuration of tracer from configuration of the application.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.Builder
Configure a metric from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Config of this client.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls.Builder
Configure a metric from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
Merges CORS config information.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
Augment or override existing settings using the provided Config node.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig.Builder
Applies data in the provided config node.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
Update configuration from Config.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig.Builder
Update this builder from provided Config.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets configuration values included in provided Config parameter.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
config(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Update this socket configuration from a Config.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Update this server configuration from the config provided.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Update this builder from configuration.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebTracingConfig.Builder
Update builder from Config.
config(Config, String) - Method in class
Config located either at the configuration root, or at the provider node.
config(GrpcServerConfiguration) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer.Builder
Set a configuration of the GrpcServer.
config(OidcConfig) - Method in class
Use the provided OidcConfig for this builder.
config(String) - Method in class
Get Config instance for a config key.
config(String) - Method in interface
Open ID Configuration for this tenant.
config(String, Config) - Method in class
Provide a configuration for provider to use.
config(String, SignedHeadersConfig.HeadersConfig) - Method in class
Configuration of a single method (see SecurityEnvironment.method() to set required and "if-present" headers to be signed (or to be expected in inbound signature).
config(Supplier<GrpcServerConfiguration>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer.Builder
Set a configuration of the GrpcServer.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.openapi.MPOpenAPIBuilder
Assigns various OpenAPI settings from the specified MP OpenAPI Config object.
config(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
Configuration instance to use to configure this server (Microprofile config).
config(ResourceConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
Set resource configuration that forms this application.
Config - Interface in io.helidon.config
CONFIG - Static variable in class io.helidon.jersey.connector.HelidonProperties
A Helidon Config instance that is passed to WebClient.Builder.config(Config) if available.
CONFIG_EXPECTED_AUDIENCES - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider
Configuration key for expected audiences of incoming tokens.
CONFIG_EXPECTED_ISSUER - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider
Configuration key for expected issuer of incoming tokens.
CONFIG_HOSTS - Static variable in class
Configuration key for string array of hosts.
CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
Config key of this config.
CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport.Builder
Config key to select the openapi node from Helidon config.
CONFIG_KEY_NAME - Static variable in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingName
Configuration key of the routing name, appended after the fully qualified class name (does not contain the leading dot).
CONFIG_KEY_PATH - Static variable in class
The value will change to "health.checks.diskSpace.path" in a future release
CONFIG_KEY_PATH - Static variable in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingPath
Configuration key of the routing path, appended after the fully qualified class name (does not contain the leading dot).
CONFIG_KEY_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Prefix of configuration keys.
CONFIG_KEY_REQUIRED - Static variable in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingName
Configuration key of the routing name required flag, appended after the fully qualified class name (does not contain the leading dot).
CONFIG_KEY_THRESHOLD_PERCENT - Static variable in class
The value will change to "health.checks.diskSpace.thresholdPercent" in future release
CONFIG_KEY_THRESHOLD_PERCENT - Static variable in class
The value will change to "health.checks.heapMemory.thresholdPercent" in a future release
CONFIG_METHODS - Static variable in class
Configuration key for string array of HTTP methods.
CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class
Configuration key for name of target.
CONFIG_OUTBOUND - Static variable in class
Configuration key (expected under provider configuration) that holds the object list of OutboundTargets configuration.
CONFIG_PATHS - Static variable in class
Configuration key for string array of paths.
CONFIG_TRANSPORTS - Static variable in class
Configuration key for string array of supported transports.
Config.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.config
Config Builder.
Config.Context - Interface in io.helidon.config
Context associated with specific Config node that allows to access the last loaded instance of the node or to request reloading of whole configuration.
Config.Key - Interface in io.helidon.config
Object represents fully-qualified key of config node.
Config.Type - Enum Class in io.helidon.config
Configuration node types.
configBuilder() - Static method in interface
Custom config builder for AQ connector.
configBuilder() - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Custom config builder for JMS connector.
configBuilder() - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConnector
Custom config builder for Kafka connector.
ConfigCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.config
Extension to enable config injection in CDI container (all of Config, Config and ConfigProperty and ConfigProperties).
ConfigCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.config.ConfigCdiExtension
Constructor invoked by CDI container.
configClass() - Method in class
configClass() - Method in class
configClass() - Method in class
configClass() - Method in class
configClass() - Method in interface
Class of the configuration type.
ConfigContent - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Config content as provided by a config source that can read all its data at once (an "eager" config source).
ConfigContent.Builder<T extends ConfigContent.Builder<T>> - Class in io.helidon.config.spi
Fluent API builder for ConfigContent, common ancestor for parsable content builder and node content builder.
ConfigContent.NodeContent - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Config content that provides an ConfigNode.ObjectNode directly, with no need for parsing.
ConfigContent.NodeContent.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config.spi
Fluent API builder for ConfigContent.NodeContent.
ConfigContent.OverrideContent - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
A content of an OverrideSource.
ConfigContent.OverrideContent.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config.spi
Fluent API builder for ConfigContent.
ConfigContext - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Context created by a Config.Builder as it constructs a Config.
ConfigEncryptionException - Exception in io.helidon.config.encryption
Secure config related exception.
ConfigEncryptionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigEncryptionException
Constructs a new config encryption exception with the specified detail message.
ConfigEncryptionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigEncryptionException
Construct with a message.
ConfigException - Exception in io.helidon.config
Exception is thrown by Config implementations.
ConfigException - Exception in io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache
RuntimeException thrown in case of Microstream Cache configuration problems.
ConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.ConfigException
Constructor with the detailed message.
ConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.ConfigException
creates a new ConfigException.
ConfigException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.ConfigException
Constructor with the detailed message.
ConfigException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.ConfigException
creates a new ConfigException.
ConfigFilter - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Filter that can transform elementary configuration (String) values before they are returned via the Config API.
ConfigFilters - Class in io.helidon.config
Class provides access to built-in ConfigFilter implementations.
ConfigFilters.ValueResolvingBuilder - Class in io.helidon.config
A builder for value reference resolving filter.
configFor(String) - Method in interface
The configuration of security.
ConfigHelper - Class in io.helidon.config
Common Configuration utilities.
configKey() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.spi.HikariCpExtensionProvider
Configuration key of the extension provider.
configKey() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricsProvider
configKey() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsExtensionProvider
configKey() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientServiceProvider
The configuration key expected in config.
configKey() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.tracing.DbClientTracingProvider
configKey() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.DefaultOciCertificatesTlsManagerProvider
configKey() - Method in interface
Config key expected under
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in interface
Configuration key that is expected by this policy validator service.
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in interface
Key of a configuration entry that maps to this validator's configuration.
configKey() - Method in interface
Key of the "root" of configuration of this validator.
configKey() - Method in interface
Configuration key of this store, expected under the security provider configuration.
configKey() - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMetricsProvider
configKey() - Method in class
configKey() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.spi.WebClientServiceProvider
Config key expected under
configKey() - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.tracing.WebClientTracingProvider
configKey() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.spi.TlsManagerProvider
Key this service implementation is stored under.
configMap(Map<String, Config>) - Method in class
Provider a map of cofiguration keys to configurations for provider(s) to use.
ConfigMapper - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Config mapper is provided to ConfigMapperProvider to help transformation of complex structures.
ConfigMapperProvider - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Provides mapping functions that convert a Config subtree to specific Java types.
ConfigMappers - Class in io.helidon.config
Utility methods for converting configuration to Java types.
ConfigMappingException - Exception in io.helidon.config
Configuration value mapping exception.
ConfigMappingException(Config.Key, Type, String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.ConfigMappingException
Create new configuration value mapping exception with additional contextual details describing the failure.
ConfigMappingException(Config.Key, Type, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.ConfigMappingException
Create new configuration value mapping exception with additional contextual details describing the failure.
ConfigMappingException(Config.Key, String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.ConfigMappingException
Create new configuration value mapping exception with additional contextual details describing the failure.
ConfigMappingException(Config.Key, String, Class<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.ConfigMappingException
Create new configuration value mapping exception with additional contextual details describing the failure.
ConfigMappingException(Config.Key, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.ConfigMappingException
Create new configuration value mapping exception with additional contextual details describing the failure.
ConfigMappingException(Config.Key, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.ConfigMappingException
Create new configuration value mapping exception with additional contextual details describing the failure.
ConfigMetadataProcessor - Class in io.helidon.config.metadata.processor
Annotation processor.
ConfigMetadataProcessor() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.metadata.processor.ConfigMetadataProcessor
Public constructor required for service loader.
configNode() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi.MicrostreamCache
Specifies the configuration node used to configure the EmbeddedStorageManager instance to be created.
configNode() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi.MicrostreamStorage
Specifies the configuration node used to configure the EmbeddedStorageManager instance to be created.
ConfigNode - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Marker interface identifying a config node implementation.
ConfigNode.ListNode - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
ConfigNode-based list of configuration values.
ConfigNode.ListNode.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Builder to build ConfigNode.ListNode instance.
ConfigNode.NodeType - Enum Class in io.helidon.config.spi
Base types of config nodes.
ConfigNode.ObjectNode - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Configuration node representing a hierarchical structure parsed by a suitable ConfigParser if necessary.
ConfigNode.ObjectNode.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Builder to build ConfigNode.ObjectNode instance.
ConfigNode.ValueNode - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Single string-based configuration value.
ConfigParser - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Transforms config ConfigParser.Content into a ConfigNode.ObjectNode that represents the original structure and values from the content.
ConfigParser.Content - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Config content to be parsed by a ConfigParser.
ConfigParser.Content.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config.spi
Fluent API builder for ConfigParser.Content.
ConfigParserException - Exception in io.helidon.config.spi
Root class for exceptions thrown during config parsing.
ConfigParserException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParserException
Constructs exception instance.
ConfigParserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParserException
Constructs exception instance.
ConfigParsers - Class in io.helidon.config
Provides access to built-in ConfigParser implementations.
configPath() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI configuration profile path.
configPath() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
configPath() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI configuration profile path.
configPath(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI configuration profile path.
configProfile() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI configuration/auth profile name.
configProfile() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
configProfile() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI configuration/auth profile name.
configProfile(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI configuration/auth profile name.
ConfigProperties - Class in io.helidon.config.encryption
Properties and their default values.
configSource(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MetaConfig
Load a config source (or config sources) based on its meta configuration.
ConfigSource - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Source of configuration.
ConfigSourceProvider - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Java service loader service to provide a config source based on meta configuration.
ConfigSourceRuntime - Interface in io.helidon.config
The runtime of a config source.
ConfigSources - Class in io.helidon.config
Provides access to built-in ConfigSource implementations.
ConfigSources.SystemPropertiesConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.config
System properties config source.
ConfigSources.SystemPropertiesConfigSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
configSupplier() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciExtension
The supplier for the raw config-backed by the OCI config source(s).
configSupplier(Supplier<Config>) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciExtension
Establishes the supplier for the raw config-backed by the OCI config source(s).
configuration() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Gets effective server configuration.
configuration() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
configuration() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Gets effective server configuration.
configuration(Config) - Method in class
Configuration to use for validator instances.
configurator() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricAnnotationDiscovery.OfConstructor
configurator() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricAnnotationDiscovery.OfMethod
configure() - Method in class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig
Configure deserialization filtering in the current VM.
configure(HikariConfig) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.HikariCpExtension
Set additional configuration option on DB client configuration.
configure(MethodDescriptor.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
configure(MethodDescriptor.Rules<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor.Configurer
Apply extra configuration to a MethodDescriptor.Rules.
configure(ServiceDescriptor.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
configure(ServiceDescriptor.Rules) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Configurer
Apply extra configuration to a ServiceDescriptor.Rules.
configure(ServiceDescriptor.Rules) - Method in class
If the GrpcSecurity.config field is set then modify the ServiceDescriptor.Rules with any applicable security configuration.
configure(ServiceDescriptor.Rules) - Method in class
configure(ConfigureK8s.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuth
Configure this authentication method.
configure(ConfigureK8s.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthRx
Configure this authentication method.
configure(DbConfigure.Request<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
Configure a database.
configure(DbConfigure.Request<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecretsRx
Configure a database.
configure(GrpcMpContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi.GrpcMpExtension
Allow the service to add configuration through the context.
configure(ClientBuilder) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingClientRegistrar
configure(ClientBuilder, ExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingClientRegistrar
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cors.CrossOriginAutoDiscoverable
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.lra.LraAutoDiscoverable
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.restclient.HelidonRequestHeaderAutoDiscoverable
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingAutoDiscoverable
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in class
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in class
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in class
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingAutoDiscoverable
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs.JerseyClientAutoDiscoverable
configure(Config, T, Class<? super T>, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jedis.cdi.JedisExtension
Configures the supplied Object by using the supplied Config in some way.
CONFIGURE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Action
Attempt to configure the correct values.
configureAndSet(WebServerTls, SSLContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
this method will be removed in a future release.
configureContext(SecurityFilterCommon.FilterContext, ContainerRequestContext, UriInfo) - Method in class
Configured - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.config.metadata
A configured class can load its values from configuration.
configuredAuthenticationDetailsProvider(boolean) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciExtension
The configured authentication provider strategy type name.
configureDefaults(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs.JaxRsClient
Configure defaults for all clients created.
ConfiguredOption - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.config.metadata
A single configuration option.
ConfiguredOption.Kind - Enum Class in io.helidon.config.metadata
Option kind.
ConfiguredOptions - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.config.metadata
Configured options when defined on a class/interface.
ConfiguredTlsManager - Class in io.helidon.webserver
The default configured TlsManager implementation.
ConfiguredTlsManager(String, String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
Configured tls manager constructor.
ConfiguredValue - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.config.metadata
Can be used to define a list of possible values of an option.
configureEndpoint(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport
Sets up the OpenAPI endpoint by adding routing to the specified rules set.
configureEndpoint(Routing.Rules, Routing.Rules) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport
Prepares the endpoint which the service exposes.
configureEndpoint(Routing.Rules, Routing.Rules) - Method in class
Configures service endpoint on the provided routing rules.
configureEndpoint(Routing.Rules, Routing.Rules) - Method in interface
Configures service endpoint on the provided routing rules.
ConfigureK8s - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Configure k8s method request.
ConfigureK8s.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Request object.
ConfigureK8s.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Create role response.
configureRuntime() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.LogConfig
Reconfigures logging with runtime configuration if within a native image.
configureRuntime() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig
Make sure configuration is as expected.
configureSpan(Span.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingFilter
configureSpan(Span.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.AbstractTracingFilter
Configure additional properties of a span that is named and has a parent.
configureSpan(Span.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.TracingFilter
configureVendorMetrics(String, Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Configure vendor metrics on the provided routing.
configureVendorMetrics(String, Routing.Rules) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport
Sets up vendor metrics routing using the specified routing name and routing builder.
configureVendorMetrics(String, Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MinimalMetricsSupport
ConfigUserStore - Class in
User store loaded from configuration.
ConfigUserStore() - Constructor for class
ConfigValue<T> - Interface in io.helidon.config
A typed value of a Config node.
ConfigValues - Class in io.helidon.config
Factory for config values.
ConfigVaultProvider - Class in
Security provider to retrieve secrets directly from configuration and to encrypt/decrypt data using config's security setup.
ConfigVaultProvider.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for ConfigVaultProvider.
ConfigVaultProvider.EncryptionConfig - Class in
Configuration of encryption.
ConfigVaultProvider.SecretConfig - Class in
Configuration of a secret.
ConfigVaultProviderService - Class in
Java Service Loader implementation of a Security provider service.
ConfigVaultProviderService() - Constructor for class
do not use, this should only be invoked by Java Service Loader
CONFLICT_409 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
409 Conflict, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
connection() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.ConnectionPool
Return a connection from the pool.
connection() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.HikariConnectionPool
connection() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.SessionMetadata
Connection used for receiving the message.
CONNECTION - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Connection" header name.
connectionAcquisitionTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Set connection acquisition timeout.
ConnectionClosedException - Exception in io.helidon.webserver
The ConnectionClosedException indicates that a connection was closed and it's not possible to send more data.
ConnectionClosedException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.ConnectionClosedException
Creates this exception with the provided message.
ConnectionContext - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Context related to one actual connection being constructed by JMS connector.
connectionFactory() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.SessionMetadata
ConnectionFactory used for receiving the message.
connectionFactory(String, ConnectionFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder
Add custom ConnectionFactory referencable by supplied name with JmsConnector.NAMED_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE.
connectionIdleTimeout() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Timeout seconds after which any idle connection will be automatically closed by the server.
connectionIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
connectionIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
connectionIdleTimeout(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Sets the number of seconds after which an idle connection will be automatically closed by the server.
connectionIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
connectionPool(ConnectionPool) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
Configure a connection pool.
ConnectionPool - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc
JDBC Configuration parameters.
ConnectionPool.Builder - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc
Fluent API builder for ConnectionPool.
connector(ConnectorFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Add connector implementing IncomingConnectorFactory, OutgoingConnectorFactory or both.
CONNECTOR_NAME - Static variable in interface
Oracle AQ connector name.
CONNECTOR_NAME - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Microprofile messaging JMS connector name.
CONNECTOR_NAME - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockConnector
Connector name.
CONNECTOR_NAME - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.WeblogicConnector
Microprofile messaging Weblogic JMS connector name.
ConnectorConfigBuilder - Class in io.helidon.messaging
Detached configuration of a single connector.
ConnectorConfigBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.ConnectorConfigBuilder
connectTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets new connection timeout.
connectTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Sets new connection timeout for this request.
constant(long) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.RetrySchema
Creates the retry schema with a constant result.
CONSTANT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.SamplerType
Constant sampler always makes the same decision for all traces.
ConstantHealthCheck - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
A simple HealthCheck implementation that always returns the same response.
consumeAsync(Message<?>, Session, AtomicReference<MessageMapper>, MessageProducer, Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
consumeAsync(Message<?>, Session, AtomicReference<MessageMapper>, MessageProducer, Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.WeblogicConnector
consumeCharacter(char) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.Tokenizer
Get the one character at the current position and matches it with the specified character and update the position to the next character.
consumeCharacter(CharMatcher) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.Tokenizer
Get the one character at the current position and matches it with the specified matcher, then update the position to the next character.
CONSUMER - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Kind
Consumer span, in messaging.
consumerSupplier(Supplier<Consumer<K, V>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
Defines how to instantiate the KafkaConsumer.
consumeToken(CharMatcher) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.Tokenizer
Get the token represented by the specified matcher and advance the position the to next character.
consumeTokenIfPresent(CharMatcher) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.Tokenizer
Get the token represented by the specified matcher and advance the position the to next character if matched.
contains(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.HeaderProvider
Whether a header is present.
containsCookie(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accept request only when the specified cookie exists.
containsCookie(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accept requests only when the specified cookie contains a given value.
containsCookie(String, Predicate<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accept requests only when the specified cookie is valid.
containsHeader(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accept requests only when the specified header name exists.
containsHeader(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accept requests only when the specified header contains a given value.
containsHeader(String, Predicate<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accept requests only when the specified header is valid.
containsKey(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class
Check if this store contains a mapping for a class.
containsQueryParameter(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accept requests only when the specified query parameter exists.
containsQueryParameter(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accept requests only when the specified query parameter contains a given value.
containsQueryParameter(String, Predicate<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accept requests only when the specified query parameter is valid.
content() - Method in interface
Get the reactive representation of the part content.
content() - Method in class
content() - Method in class
content() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponse
Content to access entity.
content() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns MessageBodyReadableContent reactive representation of the request content.
content(MessageBodyReadableContent) - Method in class
Sets the content for this part.
Content - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
use instead
CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource.Source
Resource was created with string content.
CONTENT_DISPOSITION - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Content-Disposition" header name.
CONTENT_ENCODING - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Content-Encoding" header name.
CONTENT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Content-Language" header name.
CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Content-Length" header name.
CONTENT_LOCATION - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "aa" header name.
CONTENT_RANGE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Content-Range" header name.
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Content-Type" header name.
contentDisposition() - Method in interface
Get the Content-Disposition header.
contentDisposition() - Method in class
contentDisposition() - Method in class
contentDisposition(ContentDisposition) - Method in class
Add a Content-Disposition header.
contentDisposition(ContentDisposition) - Method in class
Sets the value of "Content-Disposition" header.
ContentDisposition - Class in
A generic representation of the Content-Disposition header.
ContentDisposition.Builder - Class in
Builder class to create ContentDisposition instances.
contentLength() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Returns content length if known.
contentLength() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponseHeaders
Content length of the response payload.
contentLength() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Optionally returns the length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes).
contentLength() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Optionally gets the value of "Content-Length" header.
contentLength(long) - Method in class
Set the Content-Length header value in the underlying headers if not present.
contentLength(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Set a content length.
contentLength(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Sets the value of "Content-Length" header.
ContentReaders - Class in
Utility class that provides standalone mechanisms for reading message body content.
contentType() - Method in class
Get the Content-Type header.
contentType() - Method in class
Get the Content-Type header.
contentType() - Method in interface
Get the Content-Type header.
contentType() - Method in class
contentType() - Method in class
contentType() - Method in class
Content type claim.
contentType() - Method in class
Content type claim.
contentType() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Returns content type of the request.
contentType() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponseHeaders
Returns content type of the response.
contentType() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Optionally returns the MIME type of the body of the request.
contentType() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Optionally gets the MIME type of the response body.
contentType(MediaType) - Method in class
Set the Content-Type header value in the underlying headers if not present.
contentType(MediaType) - Method in class
Add a Content-Type header.
contentType(MediaType) - Method in class
Sets the MIME type of the body part.
contentType(MediaType) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Content type of the request.
contentType(MediaType) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Set a content type.
contentType(MediaType) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Sets the MIME type of the response body.
contentType(String) - Method in class
This header claim should only be used when nesting or encrypting JWT.
contentType(String) - Method in class
This header claim should only be used when nesting or encrypting JWT.
contentType(String, MediaType) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.FileBasedBuilder
Maps a filename extension to the response content type.
ContentTypeCharset - Class in
since 2.0.0, use MessageBodyContext.charset() instead
ContentWriters - Class in
Utility class that provides standalone mechanisms for writing message body content.
context() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.context.Contexts
Get context registry associated with current thread.
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns the Context instance associated with the current Config node that allows the application to access the last loaded instance of the node or to request that the entire configuration be reloaded.
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Context with parameters passed from the caller, such as SpanContext for tracing.
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Gets a GrpcServer context.
context() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerBasicConfig
context() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Current Helidon Context.
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
The top level Context to be used by the server.
context() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
context() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor
Obtain the Map of Context.Keys and values to add to the call context when this method is invoked.
context() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
Return context map.
context() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.MicronautCdiExtension
Get the application context of Micronaut.
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainer
The root context of MP.
context() - Method in class
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Span context can be used to configure a span parent, as is used when a span reference is needed, without the possibility to end such a span.
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Registry that can be used to propagate information from server (e.g.
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceResponse
Context in which this response is received.
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
The top level Context to be used by this webserver.
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns a request context as a child of WebServer context.
context() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Gets a WebServer context.
context(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Decrypt.Request
Specifies the context for key derivation.
context(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DecryptBatch.BatchEntry
Configure context data.
context(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Request
Specifies the context for key derivation.
context(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.BatchEntry
Configure context data.
context(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Specifies the context for key derivation.
context(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
Specifies the context for key derivation.
context(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig.Builder
Specifies the context for key derivation.
context(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Request
Specifies the context for key derivation.
context(Context) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Set a new context to be used by other interceptors and when executing the statement.
context(Context) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Configure the application scoped context to be used as a parent for webserver request contexts.
context(Context) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets specific context which should be used in requests.
context(Context) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Explicitly configure a context to use.
context(Context) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Configure the application scoped context to be used as a parent for webserver request contexts.
context(Context) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Configure the application scoped context to be used as a parent for webserver request contexts.
Context - Interface in io.helidon.common.context
A registry for context objects.
CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.core.InterceptorPriorities
Context priority.
CONTEXT_ADD_HEADERS - Static variable in class
Security can accept additional headers to be added to security request.
CONTEXT_ADD_HEADERS - Static variable in class
Security can accept additional headers to be added to security request.
CONTEXT_SETTING_HANDLER - Static variable in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.DeferrableRequestContext
A Handler which registers a KPI deferrable request context in the request's context.
Context.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.context
Fluent API builder for Context.
ContextAwareExecutorService - Interface in io.helidon.common.context
An interface for wrapped executor services.
contextBuilder(String) - Method in interface
Create a new security context builder to build and instance.
ContextKeys - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
A collection of common gRPC Context.Key and Metadata.Key instances.
contextRoot(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
Configure an explicit context root for this application.
Contexts - Class in io.helidon.common.context
Support for handling Context across thread boundaries.
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.EventType
Continue (see Http.Status.CONTINUE_100).
CONTINUE_100 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
100 Continue, see HTTP/1.1 documentations.
continueImmediately() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
When true WebServer answers with 100 continue immediately, not waiting for user to actually request the data.
continueImmediately(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
When true WebServer answers to expect continue with 100 continue immediately, not waiting for user to actually request the data.
continueImmediately(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
continueImmediately(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
When true WebServer answers to expect continue with 100 continue immediately, not waiting for user to actually request the data.
continueImmediately(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
contribute(StandardServiceRegistryBuilder) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.DataSourceBackedDialectFactory
For Hibernate use only.
convergent(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig.Builder
This parameter will only be used when a key is expected to be created.
convergentEncryption(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.CreateKey.Request
If enabled, the key will support convergent encryption, where the same plaintext creates the same ciphertext.
convergentEncryption(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Request
This parameter will only be used when a key is expected to be created.
convergentEncryption(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.Request
This parameter will only be used when a key is expected to be created.
convert(ExceptionConverter.XARoutine, Exception) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter
Converts the supplied Exception encountered in the context of the supplied ExceptionConverter.XARoutine to an XAException with an appropriate error code, idiomatically following the rules of the XA specification.
convert(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Convert a String to a specific type.
COOKIE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Cookie" header name.
cookieDomain(String) - Method in class
Domain the cookie is valid for.
cookieEncryptionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to encrypt token cookie created by this microservice.
cookieEncryptionEnabledIdToken(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to encrypt id token cookie created by this microservice.
cookieEncryptionEnabledTenantName(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to encrypt tenant name cookie created by this microservice.
cookieEncryptionName(String) - Method in class
Name of the encryption configuration available through Security.encrypt(String, byte[]) and Security.decrypt(String, String).
cookieEncryptionPassword(char[]) - Method in class
Master password for encryption/decryption of cookies.
cookieHttpOnly(Boolean) - Method in class
When using cookie, if set to true, the HttpOnly attribute will be configured.
cookieMaxAgeSeconds(long) - Method in class
When using cookie, used to set MaxAge attribute of the cookie, defining how long the cookie is valid.
cookieName() - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
cookieName() - Method in class
Cookie name.
cookieName(String) - Method in class
Name of the cookie to use.
cookieNameIdToken(String) - Method in class
Name of the cookie to use for id token.
cookieOptions() - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
cookiePath(String) - Method in class
Path the cookie is valid for.
cookieProperty(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Specific cookie property name where we should search for JWT property.
cookies() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Returns cookies (parsed from 'Cookie:' header) based on RFC6265.
cookieSameSite(SetCookie.SameSite) - Method in class
When using cookie, used to set the SameSite cookie value.
cookieSameSite(String) - Method in class
When using cookie, used to set the SameSite cookie value.
cookieSecure(Boolean) - Method in class
When using cookie, if set to true, the Secure attribute will be configured.
cookieTenantName(String) - Method in class
Name of the cookie to use for tenant name.
cookieValuePrefix() - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use OidcCookieHandler instead, this method will no longer be avilable
CoordinatorClient - Interface in io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client
Abstraction over specific coordinator.
CoordinatorConnectionException - Exception in io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client
Exception in communication with coordinator.
CoordinatorConnectionException(String, int) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorConnectionException
Creates exception describing an error in communication with coordinator.
CoordinatorConnectionException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorConnectionException
Creates exception describing an error in communication with coordinator.
CoordinatorLocatorService - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.lra
Service for locating of proper coordinator client.
copyMe() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
Obtain a copy of this PriorityBag.
corePoolSize() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier
Returns size of core pool.
corePoolSize() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier
Returns size of core pool.
corePoolSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Core pool size of the thread pool executor.
corePoolSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Core pool size of the thread pool executor.
correlationId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Correlation ID for creating Message.
CORS_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsEnabledServiceHelper
Conventional configuration key for CORS set-up; used for built-in services.
CORS_PATHS_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Key for the node within the CORS config that contains the list of path information.
CorsCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.cors
CDI extension for processing CORS-annotated types.
CorsCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.cors.CorsCdiExtension
CorsEnabledServiceHelper - Class in io.helidon.webserver.cors
Allows services (including Helidon built-in services) to register CORS support easily.
CorsSupport - Class in io.helidon.webserver.cors
SE implementation of CorsSupportBase.
CorsSupport.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.cors
Fluent API builder for CorsSupport.
CorsSupportBase<Q,R,T extends CorsSupportBase<Q,R,T,B>,B extends CorsSupportBase.Builder<Q,R,T,B>> - Class in io.helidon.webserver.cors
A Helidon service and handler implementation that implements CORS, for both the application and for built-in Helidon services (such as OpenAPI and metrics).
CorsSupportBase(CorsSupportBase.Builder<Q, R, T, B>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase
CorsSupportBase.Builder<Q,R,T extends CorsSupportBase<Q,R,T,B>,B extends CorsSupportBase.Builder<Q,R,T,B>> - Class in io.helidon.webserver.cors
Builder for CorsSupportBase instances.
CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter<T> - Interface in io.helidon.webserver.cors
Not for use by developers. Minimal abstraction of an HTTP request.
CorsSupportBase.ResponseAdapter<T> - Interface in io.helidon.webserver.cors
Not for use by developers. Minimal abstraction of an HTTP response.
counted() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
A static factory method to create a GrpcMetrics instance to count gRPC method calls.
counter() - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetrics
Create a counter builder, to be registered with DbClient.Builder.addService(java.util.function.Supplier).
counter() - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMetrics
Creates new counter client metric.
counter(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
counter(String, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
counter(Metadata) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
counter(Metadata, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
counter(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
countIn(CharSequence) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns the number of matching characters found in a character sequence.
coupled(SubscriberBuilder<? super T, ?>, PublisherBuilder<? extends R>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
coupled(Subscriber<? super T>, Publisher<? extends R>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache
Create an instance with default configuration.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier
Create a new thread pool supplier with default configuration.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ServerThreadPoolSupplier
Create a new thread pool supplier with default configuration.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.context.Context
Creates a new empty instance.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashHeaders
Creates a new, empty instance.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates a new empty instance HashParameters.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager
Create a mapper manager using only Java Service loader loaded MapperProviders.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Create new EmittingPublisher.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns a new default Config loaded using one of the configuration files available on the classpath and/or using the runtime environment.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdWatcher
Creates a change watcher for sources based on etcd that provide EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdEndpoint as a target.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher
Create a new file watcher with default configuration.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParser
Create a new instance of HOCON config parser using default configuration.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
Create a new builder instance.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.yaml.YamlConfigParser
Create a new YAML Config Parser.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager
Create a new mapper manager from Java Service loader only.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
Create a new fluent API builder for JDBC specific db client builder.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp.JsonProcessingMapper
Create a new mapper that can map JsonObject to DB parameters and DbRow to a JsonObject.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.tracing.DbClientTracing
Create a new interceptor to trace requests.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Async
Async with default executor service.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider
Builds a new instance of GrpcChannelsProvider using default configuration.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
Create a new PriorityBag where elements added with no priority will be last in the order.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Creates new instance with default values for all configuration properties.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig
Create a default GrpcTracingConfig instances.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new disk space health check to use, using defaults for all configurable values.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new heap memory health check with default configuration.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new HealthSupport with no health checks configured.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory
Creates a new factory using default settings (no config).
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MicrometerSupport
Creates a new MicrometerSupport using default settings.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
Create a new instance with default values.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManager
Creates a default OciCertificatesTlsManager instance.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
Create a new instance with default values.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common.NoVaultAuth
Create a new instance.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.ListSecrets.Request
Create with an empty path.
create() - Static method in class
Creates new instance of DefaultMediaSupport.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new instance with default readers and writers registered to the contexts.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new empty reader context backed by empty read-only headers.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new empty writer context backed by empty read-only headers.
create() - Static method in class
Creates a new JacksonSupport.
create() - Static method in class
Creates a new JsonbSupport.
create() - Static method in class
Provides a default instance for JSON-P readers and writers.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new instance of BodyPartBodyStreamReader.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new instance of BodyPartBodyStreamWriter with the default boundary delimiter.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new writer instance that uses the default boundary delimiter.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new instance of MultiPartSupport.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new instance of ReadableBodyPartHeaders.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new instance of WriteableBodyPartHeaders with empty headers.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.Channel
Create new empty channel with random name.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Creates a new instance of JmsConnector with empty configuration.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConnector
Creates a new instance of KafkaConnector with empty configuration.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings
Creates a new instance of BaseMetricsSettings with defaults.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
Returns default metrics settings based on the metrics section of the default config.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFactory
Returns a RegistryFactory according to the default metrics settings.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFilterSettings
Creates a new default instance of RegistryFilterSettings.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings
Creates a new default RegistrySettings instance.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Create an instance to be registered with Web Server with all defaults.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusSupport
Creates new instance using default Prometheus CollectorRegistry.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.RegistryFactory
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport
Creates a new MetricsSupport instance using default metrics settings.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.PostRequestMetricsSupport
Creates a new instance.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server
Create a server instance for discovered JAX-RS application (through CDI).
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport
Creates a new OpenAPISupport instance using defaults.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new instance configured with defaults.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new instance of role validator.
create() - Static method in class
Create an instance of scope validator with default configuration.
create() - Static method in class
Return a new instance of this validator with default configuration.
create() - Static method in class
Create an instance of endpoint config with default values (e.g.
create() - Static method in class
New instance with default values (allowed time skew 5 seconds, optional).
create() - Static method in class
New instance with default values (allowed time skew 5 seconds, optional).
create() - Static method in class
New instance with default values (allowed time skew 5 seconds, optional).
create() - Static method in class
Creates a new provider instance with default configuration.
create() - Static method in interface
Create a new cache with default values using the default implementation.
create() - Static method in class
Creates the provider with default configuration, supporting encryption if it is configured using environment variables or system properties.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new instance.
create() - Static method in class
Create a default header outbound configuration.
create() - Static method in class
Create a default basic outbound configuration.
create() - Static method in class
Create a config with no signed headers (e.g.
create() - Static method in class
Create a new instance of security environment with all default values.
create() - Static method in class
Creates a new security time based on default time zone and current time.
create() - Static method in interface
Build an audit source.
create() - Static method in class
Create empty basic attributes.
create() - Static method in interface
Creates a new instance with default settings.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension.WorkItemsManager
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.TracingHelper
Create helper with default span name function.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy
Create from environment and system properties.
create() - Static method in class
Creates new instance of client security service.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.tracing.WebClientTracing
Creates new instance of client tracing service.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a new WebClient.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport
Create Access log support with default configuration.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.HostLogEntry
Create a new host log entry.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.RequestLineLogEntry
Create a new request line entry.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.SizeLogEntry
Create a new size log entry instance.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.StatusLogEntry
Create a new status log entry.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.TimestampLogEntry
Create a new Timestamp log entry.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.TimeTakenLogEntry
Create a new time taken access log entry measuring in microseconds.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.UserIdLogEntry
Create a new access log entry for user id.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.UserLogEntry
Create a new user log entry.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupport
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Creates a new CrossOriginConfig instance which represents the default CORS behavior.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Context
Provides a Context for use with an immediate (non-deferrable) request.
create() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.DeferrableRequestContext
Provides a Context for use with a deferrable request.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Creates new empty RequestPredicate instance.
create() - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebTracingConfig
Create a tracing configuration that is enabled for all paths and spans (that are enabled by default).
create(boolean) - Static method in class
New instance with default values (allowed time skew 5 seconds).
create(boolean, boolean, ByteBuf...) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
Creates an instance given an array of ByteBuf's.
create(boolean, boolean, Runnable, ByteBuf...) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
Creates an instance given an array of ByteBuf's.
create(boolean, boolean, Runnable, ByteBuffer...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Creates a reusable byteBuffers chunk.
create(boolean, boolean, ByteBuffer...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Creates a reusable data chunk.
create(boolean, Runnable, ByteBuffer...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Creates a reusable byteBuffers chunk.
create(boolean, ByteBuffer...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Creates a reusable data chunk.
create(byte[]) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.Base64Value
Create a base64 value from bytes.
create(byte[]) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
Create new instance based on provided HMAC secret.
create(byte[]) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Creates a simple byte array backed data chunk.
create(char[]) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Create a new instance based on the password.
create(char[]) - Static method in class
Create a new instance with custom password.
create(int) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus
Convert a numerical status code into the corresponding ResponseStatus.
create(int, String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus
Convert a numerical status code into the corresponding ResponseStatus.
create(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class
Creates a new JacksonSupport.
create(GraphQLSchema) - Static method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport
Create GraphQL support for a GraphQL schema.
create(GraphQLSchema) - Static method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler
Create a handler for GraphQL schema.
create(BindableService) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Create a ClientServiceDescriptor from a BindableService.
create(Channel, ClientServiceDescriptor) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
create(Channel, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcProxyBuilder
Create a GrpcProxyBuilder that can build gRPC dynamic proxies for a given gRPC service interface.
create(ServiceDescriptor) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Create a ClientServiceDescriptor from a ServiceDescriptor.
create(Base64Value) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.BatchEntry
Create an entry from Base64 value.
create(Context) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.context.Context
Creates a new empty instance backed by its parent read-through Context.
create(Headers) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.Forwarded
Parse forwarded header(s) from the provided headers.
create(Headers) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyHeaders
Creates a new instance populated with the specified Headers settings.
create(Headers) - Static method in class
Create a new empty writer context backed by the specified headers.
create(Parameters) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashHeaders
Creates a new instance populated with the specified Parameters contents.
create(Parameters) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates a new instance HashParameters from provided data.
create(Parameters) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyHeaders
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use ReadOnlyHeaders.create(Headers) instead, passing Headers instead of Parameters.
create(Parameters) - Static method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use MessageBodyWriterContext.create(io.helidon.common.http.Headers) instead, passing Headers instead of Parameters.
create(KeyConfig) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.SSLContextBuilder
Creates a builder of the SSLContext.
create(Single<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Create a Multi instance wrapped around the given Single.
create(Single<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Create a Single instance that publishes the first and only item received from the given Single.
create(HelidonServiceLoader<MapperProvider>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager
Create a mapper manager using only the provided Helidon Service loader.
create(HelidonServiceLoader<DbMapperProvider>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager
Create a new mapper manager from customized HelidonServiceLoader.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList
Create AllowList from configurtion.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Loads the resource from appropriate location based on configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier
Load supplier from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ServerThreadPoolSupplier
Create supplier from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig
Load key config from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
Initializes config source instance from configuration properties.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathOverrideSource
Create a new classpath override source from meta configuration, containing resource key and other options.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigFilters.ValueResolvingBuilder
Initializes config filter instance from configuration properties.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Returns a ConfigSource that contains the same configuration model as the provided config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource
Initializes config source instance from configuration properties.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
Create a new instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdWatcher
Create a new instance from meta configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
Initializes config source instance from configuration properties.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource
Create a new file override source from meta configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
Create an instance from meta configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Config source base on a Helidon SE config instance.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.PollingStrategies.ScheduledBuilder
Initializes polling strategy instance from configuration properties.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.PrefixedConfigSource
Create a prefixed config source from meta configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy
Initializes retry policy instance from configuration properties.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
Initializes config source instance from configuration properties.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource
Create a new URL override source from meta configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient
Create Helidon database handler builder.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatements
Create statements from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.ConnectionPool
Create a JDBC connection pool from provided configuration.
create(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricsProvider
create(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientServiceProvider
Create a new interceptor instance with the configuration provided.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.tracing.DbClientTracing
Create a new tracing interceptor based on the configuration.
create(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.tracing.DbClientTracingProvider
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider
Creates a GrpcChannelsProvider using the specified configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor
Create an instance of a TLS configuration from external configuration source.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Creates new instance with values from external configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.SSLContextBuilder
Creates SSLContext from the provided configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a new HealthSupport with no health checks, configured from provided config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory
Creates a new factory using the specified config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MicrometerSupport
Creates a new MicrometerSupport using the provided Config (anchored at the "metrics.micrometer" node).
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Create a EmbeddedStorageManager instance from Config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j
Create the Neo4j support using builder.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
Create a new instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManager
Creates a configured OciCertificatesTlsManager instance.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
Create a new instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityProvider.CubbyholeSecretConfig
Create a new secrets configuration from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityProvider.Kv1SecretConfig
Create a new secrets configuration from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig
Create a new secrets configuration from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig
Create a new digest configuration from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig
Create a new encryption configuration from config.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault
Create a Vault from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a new instance based on the configuration.
create(Config) - Method in interface
Create a new service instance based on configuration.
create(Config) - Method in class
create(Config) - Method in class
create(Config) - Method in class
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConnector
Creates a new instance of KafkaConnector with the required configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher
Load this builder from a configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber
Load this builder from a configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings
Creates a new instance of BaseMetricsSettings based on the specified Config node containing base metrics settings.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.ComponentMetricsSettings
Returns component metrics settings created from a Config node, by convention the metrics config section within the component's own config section.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings
Creates a new KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings instance from the specified config node containing KPI metrics settings.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
Returns metrics settings based on a Config node, by convention the metrics config section within the overall metrics config.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFactory
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFilterSettings.Builder
Returns a new builder initialized according to the specific configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings
Creates a new RegistrySettings instance using the provided config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Create an instance to be registered with Web Server maybe overriding default values with configured values.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.RegistryFactory
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport
Creates a new MetricsSupport instance using the specified configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider
Create provider instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingBuilders
Prepares the default and actual Routing.Builder instances based on the "routing" configuration for the specific component configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport
Creates a new OpenAPISupport instance using the 'openapi' portion of the provided Config object.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create an instance based on configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create an instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Will read roles allowed from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a new validator instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create an instance from configuration (of endpoint).
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create an time config from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Load this policy from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a consumer of gRPC routing config to be registered with gRPC server routing to process security requests.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Read a new instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create an instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a consumer of routing config to be registered with web server routing to process security requests.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Creates a new provider instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface
Create a new cache and configure it from the provided configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Parse targets from provider configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a target from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Creates the provider from configuration, supporting encryption if its configuration is found.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a new instance from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create an instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create header outbound configuration from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create provider instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create an instance from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Load this provider from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create basic outbound configuration from config.
create(Config) - Static method in enum class
Parse configuration into this enum.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Load this provider from configuration.
create(Config) - Method in interface
Create the secure user store to use with these providers.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a new instance of this provider from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a new instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create an instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Load header configuration from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a new instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Creates an instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Creates an instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Creates an instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Creates an instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create provider instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a new instance from Config.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Load this provider from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Load OIDC support for webserver from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Read a new instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface
Creates new instance based on configuration values.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Load an instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class
Create a TokenHandler from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface
Creates a new instance using values from the provided config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
Create new tracing configuration based on the provided config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Create a new builder based on values in configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Create a new builder from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Create a new builder from configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
Create a new builder based on values in configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMetrics
Creates new client metrics based on config.
create(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMetricsProvider
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy
Create a new proxy instance from configuration.
create(Config) - Method in class
create(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.spi.WebClientServiceProvider
Create a new service instance based on configuration.
create(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.tracing.WebClientTracingProvider
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a new WebClient based on Config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport
Create Access log support configured from Config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupport
Creates a new CorsSupport instance based on the provided configuration expected to match the basic CrossOriginConfig format.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Creates a new CrossOriginConfig instance based on the provided configuration node.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig
Creates a new Mapped instance using the provided configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig
Create a new traced path configuration from Config.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
Creates new instance with defaults from external configuration source.
create(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.spi.TlsManagerProvider
Takes a configuration and looks for a suitable TlsManager instance based upon that configuration.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls
Create TLS configuration from config.
create(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebTracingConfig
Create a new tracing support base on Config.
create(Config.Key) - Static method in exception io.helidon.config.MissingValueException
Create new missing value exception.
create(Config, OutboundTarget...) - Static method in class
Parse targets from provider configuration with possible default targets.
create(Config, TokenHandler) - Static method in class
Load an instance from configuration.
create(Config, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier
Load supplier from configuration.
create(Config, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.DefaultOciCertificatesTlsManagerProvider
create(Config, String) - Static method in class
Load OIDC support for webserver from config.
create(Config, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.spi.TlsManagerProvider
Create a new instance from the configuration located on the provided node.
create(ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy
Creates a polling strategy with an interval of the polling as a parameter.
create(ConfigNode.ObjectNode) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Returns a ConfigSource that wraps the specified objectNode.
create(ConfigSource) - Static method in class
Config source based on a Helidon SE config source.
create(DbClientContext, DbStatementType, String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext
Create a new instance of this class.
create(DbClient, Config) - Static method in class
Create a health check with configured settings for the database.
create(GrpcRouting) - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Creates new instance form provided GrpcRouting and default configuration.
create(GrpcServerConfiguration, GrpcRouting) - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Creates new instance form provided configuration and GrpcRouting.
create(GrpcServerConfiguration, Supplier<? extends GrpcRouting>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Creates new instance form provided configuration and GrpcRouting.
create(OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManager
Creates a configured OciCertificatesTlsManager instance.
create(AppRoleAuthRx) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuth
Create AppRole blocking API from its reactive counterpart.
create(K8sAuthRx) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuth
Create blocking Kubernetes authentication API from its reactive counterpart.
create(TokenAuthRx) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Create blocking token authentication method from its reactive counterpart.
create(CreateCubbyhole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecrets
Create a new secret on the defined path.
create(CreateCubbyhole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecretsRx
Create a new secret on the defined path.
create(CubbyholeSecretsRx) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecrets
Create a new instance of blocking API for Cubbyhole secrets from its reactive counterpart.
create(DbSecretsRx) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
Create blocking DB secrets from its reactive counterpart.
create(CreateKv1.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1Secrets
Create a new secret on the defined path.
create(CreateKv1.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecretsRx
Create a new secret on the defined path.
create(CreateKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Create a new secret.
create(CreateKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Create a new secret.
create(Kv2SecretsRx) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Create blocking Key/Vault secrets from its reactive counterpart.
create(PkiSecretsRx) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Create a new blocking API from its reactive counterpart.
create(TransitSecretsRx) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Create blocking transit secrets from its reactive counterpart.
create(SysRx) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Create a new instance of blocking Vault Sys operations from the reactive instance.
create(MediaContext, MessageBodyContext.EventListener, Headers, List<MediaType>) - Static method in class
Create a new writer context.
create(MediaContext, MessageBodyContext.EventListener, Parameters, List<MediaType>) - Static method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
create(MediaContext, MessageBodyContext.EventListener, ReadOnlyHeaders, Optional<MediaType>) - Static method in class
Create a new empty reader context backed by the specified headers.
create(MediaContext, MessageBodyContext.EventListener, ReadOnlyParameters, Optional<MediaType>) - Static method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
create(MessageBodyReaderContext) - Static method in class
Creates a new parented reader context.
create(MessageBodyReaderContext, MessageBodyContext.EventListener, ReadOnlyHeaders, Optional<MediaType>) - Static method in class
Create a new empty reader context backed by the specified headers.
create(MessageBodyReaderContext, MessageBodyContext.EventListener, ReadOnlyParameters, Optional<MediaType>) - Static method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
create(MessageBodyWriterContext) - Static method in class
Create a new parented writer context.
create(MessageBodyWriterContext, Headers) - Static method in class
Create a new parented writer context backed by the specified headers.
create(MessageBodyWriterContext, Parameters) - Static method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
create(MessageBodyWriterContext, MessageBodyContext.EventListener, Headers, List<MediaType>) - Static method in class
Create a new writer context.
create(MessageBodyWriterContext, MessageBodyContext.EventListener, Parameters, List<MediaType>) - Static method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
create(WriteableBodyPart...) - Static method in class
Shorthand for creating WriteableMultiPart instances with the specified entities as body parts.
create(Channel<PAYLOAD>) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
Create new Emitter to serve as a publisher for supplied channel.
create(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Channel<PAYLOAD>...) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
Create new Emitter to serve as a broadcast publisher for supplied channels.
create(MetricsSettings) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFactory
Returns a RegistryFactory according to the specified MetricsSettings.
create(MetricsSettings) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.spi.RegistryFactoryProvider
Creates a new RegistryFactory according to the specified metrics settings.
create(MetricsSettings) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.SystemTagsManager
Creates a new system tags manager using the provided metrics settings and saves it as the initialized instance returned to subsequent invocations of SystemTagsManager.instance().
create(MetricsSettings) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.RegistryFactoryProviderImpl
create(MetricsSettings) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport
Creates a new MetricsSupport instance using the specified metrics settings and defaulted REST service settings.
create(MetricsSettings, RestServiceSettings) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Create an instance to be registered with Web Server with the specific metrics settings.
create(MetricsSettings, RestServiceSettings) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupportProviderImpl
create(MetricsSettings, RestServiceSettings) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport
Creates a new MetricsSupport instance using the specified metrics settings and REST service settings.
create(MetricsSettings, RestServiceSettings) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.spi.MetricsSupportProvider
Create a new instance of the specific type of MetricsSupport.
create(SignedJwt, Jwk) - Static method in class
Create new EncryptedJwt.
create(Principal) - Static method in class
Create a new subject for a principal.
create(OutboundTarget) - Static method in class
Create header outbound configuration from an outbound target.
create(OutboundTarget) - Static method in class
Create basic outbound configuration from an outbound target.
create(OidcConfig) - Static method in class
Create a new provider based on OIDC configuration.
create(OidcConfig) - Static method in class
Load OIDC support for webserver from OidcConfig instance.
create(OidcConfig, TenantConfig) - Static method in class
Create new instance and resolve all the metadata related values.
create(QueryParamMapping) - Static method in class
Create instance from an existing mapping.
create(QueryParamMapping) - Static method in class
Create an instance from existing mapping.
create(Security) - Static method in class
Create a consumer of gRPC routing config to be GrpcRouting.Builder.register(GrpcService)) registered} with gRPC server routing to process security requests.
create(Security) - Static method in class
Create a consumer of routing config to be registered with web server routing to process security requests.
create(Security) - Static method in class
Creates new instance of client security service base on Security.
create(SecurityContext) - Static method in class
Create a GrpcClientSecurity instance.
create(SecurityLevel) - Static method in class
Creates builder for security levels based on previously created security level.
create(Security, Config) - Static method in class
Create a consumer of gRPC routing config to be registered with gRPC server routing to process security requests.
create(Security, Config) - Static method in class
Create a consumer of routing config to be registered with web server routing to process security requests.
create(DigestProvider.DigestFunction, DigestProvider.VerifyFunction) - Static method in class
Create a new support based on digest and verify functions.
create(AbacSupport) - Static method in class
Create basic attributes that have all attributes of the toCopy.
create(TokenHandler, String) - Static method in class
Create header outbound configuration from a token handler and username.
create(TracingConfig) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebTracingConfig
Create a new tracing support base on TracingConfig.
create(Routing) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Creates new instance from provided routing and default configuration.
create(Routing, Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Creates new instance from provided configuration and routing.
create(ServerRequest) - Static method in class
Create a GrpcClientSecurity instance.
create(OpenTelemetry, Tracer, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.HelidonOpenTelemetry
Wrap an open telemetry tracer.
create(Span) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.HelidonOpenTelemetry
Wrap an open telemetry span.
create(Span, Baggage) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.HelidonOpenTelemetry
Wrap an open telemetry span.
create(Tracer) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracing
Wrap an open tracing tracer.
create(Tracer, Span) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracing
Wrap an open tracing span.
create(CollectorRegistry) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusSupport
Creates new instance using specified Prometheus CollectorRegistry.
create(CompletionListener) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JavaxJms
Create a javax wrapper for the provided jakarta instance.
create(ExceptionListener) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JavaxJms
Create a javax wrapper for the provided jakarta instance.
create(MessageListener) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JavaxJms
Create a javax wrapper for the provided jakarta instance.
create(ServerSessionPool) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JavaxJms
Create a javax wrapper for the provided jakarta instance.
create(Jsonb) - Static method in class
Creates a new JsonbSupport.
create(JsonObject) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.ListSecrets.Response
Create a new list response from JSON entity.
create(JsonObject) - Static method in class
Create an instance from Json object.
create(JsonObject) - Static method in class
Create an instance from Json object.
create(JsonObject) - Static method in class
Create Jwk keys from its JSON representation.
create(JsonObject) - Static method in class
Create an instance from Json object.
create(JsonObject) - Static method in class
Create an instance from Json object.
create(ContainerRequestContext) - Static method in interface io.helidon.jersey.common.InvokedResource
Create a new invoked resource from Jersey container request context.
create(Application) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication
Create an instance based on a JAX-RS application.
create(Application) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport
Creates JerseySupport based on the provided JAX-RS Application.
create(Application...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server
Create a server instance for a JAX-RS application.
create(InputStream, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a ConfigSource from the provided readable content and with the specified mediaType.
create(InputStream, String, Object) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content
Create content from data, media type and a stamp.
create(Reader) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.spi.OverrideSource.OverrideData
Creates OverrideData from a Reader.
create(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Create an annotated method list for a class.
create(Class<?>, boolean) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Create an annotated method list for a class.
create(Class<?>, BeanManager) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.GrpcServiceBuilder
Create a new introspection modeller for a given gRPC service class.
create(Class<?>, Supplier<?>, BeanManager) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.GrpcServiceBuilder
Create a GrpcServiceBuilder for a given gRPC service class.
create(Class<? extends Application>) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication
Create a new instance based on an JAX-RS Application class.
create(Class<? extends Application>...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server
Create a server instance for a JAX-RS application class.
create(Class<N>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
Constructs a new generic type instance representing the given class.
create(Class<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.SysApi
Create a new Sys API for the defined API class.
create(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcProxyBuilder
Create a GrpcProxyBuilder that can build gRPC dynamic proxies for a given gRPC service interface using in-process channel.
create(Class<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Instance
Create an Supplier that supplies a new instances of the specified Class.
create(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.HelidonComponentProvider
Create a new instance using CDI.
create(Class<T>, InjectionProvider.CreateInstanceFunction<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider.InjectionType
Create an injection type for the class and creator function.
create(Class<T>, Handler.EntityHandler<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Handler
Creates new instance of the Handler for the entity representing HTTP request content.
create(Class<T>, Handler.EntityHandler<T>, ErrorHandler<Throwable>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Handler
Creates new instance of the Handler for the entity representing HTTP request content.
create(Class<T>, String, String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.AuthMethod
Create an authentication method.
create(Class<T>, String, String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Engine
Create an engine.
create(Class<T>, String, String, String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Engine
Create a new versioned engine.
create(Iterable<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates a new instance of HashParameters from a single provided Parameter or Map.
create(Iterable<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Create a Multi instance that publishes the given iterable.
create(ThreadMXBean) - Static method in class
Create a new deadlock health check to use.
create(Object) - Static method in class
Create a new out-bound part backed by the specified entity.
create(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.HelidonHK2InjectionManagerFactory
create(Object, BeanManager) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.GrpcServiceBuilder
Create a new introspection modeller for a given gRPC service.
create(Method) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Create an AnnotatedMethod instance from a Java method.
create(Type) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
Constructs a new generic type, using the provided generic type information and deriving the class.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.Base64Value
Create a base64 value from plain text.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Load resource from classpath.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier
Create a new thread pool supplier with default configuration and a given name.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
Create a new instance of this class based on selected algorithm.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.Forwarded
Create forwarded from a value of a single forwarded header, such as by=a.b.c;for=d.e.f;host=host;proto=https.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Http.RequestMethod
Create new HTTP request method instance from the provided name.
create(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Version
Returns HTTP version for provided parameter.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
Create a config source for the first resource on the classpath.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Key
Creates new instance of Key for specified key literal.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ValueNode
Create new instance of the ConfigNode.ValueNode from specified String value.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
Create a value node for the provided value.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Create a new interceptor context for a database provider.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.DeleteAppRole.Request
Create request for a specific role name.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.ReadRoleId.Request
Create request for a specific role name.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.DeleteRole.Request
Create a new request with role name.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.DeleteTokenRole.Request
Create a new request with role name.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.RenewToken.Request
Create a new request with token.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.RevokeAndOrphanToken.Request
Create a new request with a token.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.RevokeToken.Request
Create a new request from the token value.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi.VaultName.Literal
Create a new literal.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi.VaultPath.Literal
Create a new literal.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.ListSecrets.Request
Create with a path.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.GetKv1.Request
Get secret request for a secret path.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.GetKv2.Request
Create a request for path.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DecryptBatch.BatchEntry
Create a new entry from cipher text.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DeleteKey.Request
Create a request from key name.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DeletePolicy.Request
Create a delete policy request for a policy name.
create(String) - Static method in class
Create a new instance of BodyPartBodyStreamWriter with the specified boundary delimiter.
create(String) - Static method in class
Create a new instance of MultiPartBodyWriter with the specified boundary delimiter.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.Channel
Create new empty channel with given name.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingBuilders
Prepares the default and actual Routing.Builder instances based on the "routing" configuration for the specific component.
create(String) - Static method in interface
Create a principal instance for an id (or name).
create(String) - Static method in class
Create a new secret from a value.
create(String) - Static method in class
Create a role based on a name without any attributes.
create(String) - Static method in class
Creates builder for security levels based on class name.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Create a new builder for the service name.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Create a new builder for the service name.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.HeaderLogEntry
Create a header log entry for a specified header name with default configuration.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsEnabledServiceHelper
Creates a new helper based on a default CORS config for services.
create(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportResponse
Create a response with Http.Status.BAD_REQUEST_400 status and provided message.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathMatcher
Creates new instance from provided Web Server path pattern.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Create a default named configuration.
create(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport
Creates new instance with defined static content root as a class-loader resource.
create(String...) - Static method in class
Create roles config from an array of allowed roles.
create(String...) - Static method in class
Create an instance from an array of scopes.
create(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Create a boolean tag.
create(String, byte[]) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Load resource from binary content.
create(String, MediaType) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.FormParams
use FormParams.builder() instead or register
create(String, Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceProvider
create(String, Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdWatcherProvider
create(String, Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceProvider
create(String, Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.RetryPolicyProvider
Create an instance of the meta configurable using the provided meta configuration.
create(String, Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.OciSecretsConfigSourceProvider
For use by the Helidon Config subsystem only.
create(String, Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig
Create a new traced component configuration from Config.
create(String, Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanLogTracingConfig
Create a new traced span log configuration from Config.
create(String, Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig
Create traced span configuration from a Config.
create(String, Config, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.CacheBuilder
Create a named cache using the provided helidon configuration.
create(String, Config, String) - Method in class
create(String, Config, String) - Method in interface
Create a list of configuration sources from a meta-config type.
create(String, Config, String) - Method in class
create(String, Config, String) - Method in class
Returns an immutable List whose sole element is a ConfigSource implementation backed by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault APIs.
create(String, ConfigSource) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.PrefixedConfigSource
Create a new prefixed config source.
create(String, MessageBodyReaderContext) - Static method in class
Create a new multipart decoder.
create(String, MessageBodyWriterContext) - Static method in class
Create a multipart encoder.
create(String, TokenHandler) - Static method in class
Create an instance from parameter name and explicit TokenHandler.
create(String, TokenHandler) - Static method in class
Create a new mapping for a query parameter and TokenHandler to extract the parameter and store it as a new header with possible transformation.
create(String, CrossOriginConfig) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsEnabledServiceHelper
Creates a new helper based on the provided config.
create(String, InputStream) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Load resource from binary content from an input stream, using Resource.Source.UNKNOWN type.
create(String, Reader) - Static method in class
Create from YAML content as a reader.
create(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcProxyBuilder
Create a GrpcProxyBuilder that can build gRPC dynamic proxies for a given gRPC service interface using in-process channel.
create(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport
Creates new instance with defined static content root as a class-loader resource.
create(String, Number) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Create a numeric tag.
create(String, String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Load resource from text content (e.g.
create(String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Creates a new instance of MediaType with the supplied type and subtype.
create(String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie
Creates new instance.
create(String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a ConfigSource from the provided String content and with the specified mediaType.
create(String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.Login.Request
Create a new request.
create(String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.Login.Request
Create a new login request for role name and k8s service account token.
create(String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.CreatePolicy.Request
A new request with a policy name and policy text.
create(String, String) - Static method in class
Create basic outbound configuration for an explicit user and password.
create(String, String) - Static method in class
Create a new mapping for a query parameter and a header name.
create(String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Create a string tag.
create(String, String, Instant, Instant) - Static method in class
Creates a new token credential for the specified token.
create(String, Path) - Static method in class
Properties config source based on a file on file system.
create(String, X509Certificate[]) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi.OciCertificatesDownloader
Creates a Certificates instance given its version and array of certificates.
create(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class
In memory config source based on the provided map.
create(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecrets
Create a Cubbyhole secret.
create(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecretsRx
Create a Cubbyhole secret.
create(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1Secrets
Create a new secret on the defined path.
create(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecretsRx
Create a new secret on the defined path.
create(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Create a new secret on the defined path.
create(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Create a new secret on the defined path.
create(String, Properties) - Static method in class
In memory config source based on the provided properties.
create(URI) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Load resource from URI provided.
create(URI, String, EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdApi) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
Create a configured instance with the provided options.
create(URI, Proxy) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Load resource from URI provided with an explicit proxy server.
create(URL) - Static method in class
Load a HOCON/JSON config source from URL.
create(URL) - Static method in class
Properties config source based on a URL.
create(URL) - Static method in class
Load a YAML config source from URL.
create(URL, URL) - Static method in class
Properties config source based on a URL with a profile override.
create(ByteBuffer) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Creates a simple ByteBuffer backed data chunk.
create(ByteBuffer...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Creates a data chunk backed by one or more ByteBuffer.
create(Path) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Load resource from file system.
create(Path) - Static method in class
Load a HOCON/JSON config source from file system.
create(Path) - Static method in class
Properties config source based on a file on file system.
create(Path) - Static method in class
Load a YAML config source from file system.
create(Path) - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.FileSubscriber
Create a subscriber that consumes DataChunks and writes them to a file.
create(Path) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport
Creates new instance with defined static content root as a path to the file system.
create(Duration) - Static method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Timeout
Create a Timeout with specified timeout.
create(Instant, int, TemporalUnit, boolean) - Static method in class
New instance with explicit values.
create(Instant, int, TemporalUnit, boolean) - Static method in class
New instance with explicit values.
create(Instant, int, TemporalUnit, boolean) - Static method in class
New instance with explicit values.
create(Collection<WriteableBodyPart>) - Static method in class
Shorthand for creating WriteableMultiPart instances with the specified entities as body parts.
create(Collection<Method>) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Create an annotated method list from the given collection of methods.
create(Collection<String>) - Static method in class
Create roles config from a collection of allowed roles.
create(CompletionStage<Optional<T>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.OptionalCompletionStage
Creates a new instance of the completion stage that allows processing of cases when the element is present and when not.
create(CompletionStage<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Wrap a CompletionStage into a Multi and signal its outcome non-blockingly.
create(CompletionStage<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Wrap a CompletionStage into a Multi and signal its outcome non-blockingly.
create(CompletionStage<T>, boolean) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Wrap a CompletionStage into a Multi and signal its outcome non-blockingly.
create(CompletionStage<T>, boolean) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Wrap a CompletionStage into a Multi and signal its outcome non-blockingly.
create(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, MessageBodyReaderContext) - Static method in class
Create a new readable content backed by the given publisher and context.
create(Flow.Publisher<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Create a Multi instance wrapped around the given publisher.
create(Flow.Publisher<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Create a Single instance that publishes the first and only item received from the given publisher.
create(Flow.Publisher<T>, Flow.Publisher<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.ConcatPublisher
Create new ConcatPublisher.
create(Flow.Subscriber<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.SequentialSubscriber
Wrapper Flow.Subscriber ensuring OnSubscribe, onNext, onError and onComplete to be signaled serially.
create(Consumer<OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.Builder>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManager
Creates a consumer based OciCertificatesTlsManager instance.
create(Consumer<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.LambdaStreamObserver
Create a StreamObserver that passes values received by its StreamObserver.onNext(Object) method to a Consumer.
create(Consumer<T>, Runnable, Consumer<Throwable>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.LambdaStreamObserver
Create a StreamObserver that uses the specified lambda to handle events.
create(Function<byte[], Single<String>>, Function<String, Single<byte[]>>) - Static method in class
Create a new support based on encrypt and decrypt functions.
create(Function<Jwt, Optional<String>>, String, String) - Static method in class
A generic optional field validator based on a function to get the field.
create(Function<Jwt, Optional<String>>, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
A generic field validator based on a function to get the field.
create(Function<ContainerRequestContext, String>) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.TracingHelper
Create helper with custom span name function.
create(Function<Throwable, ? extends CompletionStage<T>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Fallback
Create a fallback for a Single or CompletionStage.
create(Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Creates a new Config loaded from environment variables, system properties, and the specified ConfigSources.
create(Supplier<? extends GrpcRouting>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Creates new instance form provided GrpcRouting and default configuration.
create(Supplier<? extends GrpcServerConfiguration>, GrpcRouting) - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Creates a new instance from a provided configuration and a GrpcRouting.
create(Supplier<? extends GrpcServerConfiguration>, Supplier<? extends GrpcRouting>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Creates new instance form provided configuration and GrpcRouting.
create(Supplier<? extends Routing>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Creates new instance from provided routing and default configuration.
create(Supplier<? extends T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Create a Single instance that publishes result of the given supplier to its subscriber(s).
create(Supplier<WriteableBodyPart>...) - Static method in class
Shorthand for creating WriteableMultiPart instances with the specified entities as body parts.
create(Supplier<Routing>, Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Creates new instance from provided configuration and routing.
create(Supplier<String>) - Static method in class
Create a new secret from a supplier, such as when computing the secret value.
create(Supplier<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.LazyValue
Create a lazy value from a supplier.
create(List<LazyValue<T>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.LazyList
Create wrapper from provided list of LazyValues.
create(List<ScopeValidator.Scope>) - Static method in class
Create an instance from a list of annotations.
create(List<String>) - Static method in class
Create a config with required headers only (e.g.
create(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class
Create a new instance with both required headers and headers that are signed only if present in request.
create(List<Map.Entry<Predicate<Config.Key>, String>>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.spi.OverrideSource.OverrideData
Creates OverrideData from a List of predicate/replacement pairs.
create(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class
Create an instance with the provided JSON-P configuration.
create(Map<String, ConfigNode>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
Creates new instance of the builder initialized from original map of members.
create(Map<String, ConfigNode>, Function<String, String>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
Creates new instance of the builder initialized from original map of members.
create(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a MapConfigSource.Builder for creating a ConfigSource for a Map.
create(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource
Create a new config source from the provided map.
create(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class
In memory config source based on the provided map.
create(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.OverrideSources
Creates a new instance od OverrideSource from a map of wildcards to values.
create(Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a MapConfigSource.Builder for creating a ConfigSource for a Map.
create(Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashHeaders
Creates a new instance populated with the specified multi-map's contents.
create(Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates a new instance of HashParameters from a single provided Map.
create(Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyHeaders
Creates a new ReadOnlyHeaders instance with the specified multi-map contents as initial contents.
create(Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.HeaderConsumer
Create a header consumer over a map of headers (must be mutable).
create(Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.HeaderProvider
Header provider from an existing map of headers (can be read only).
create(Properties) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a MapConfigSource.Builder for creating a ConfigSource for a Map from a Properties object.
create(Properties) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource
Create a new config source from the provided properties.
create(Properties) - Static method in class
In memory config source based on the provided properties.
create(Properties) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.PropertiesFilter
Create a PropertiesFilter instance.
create(Properties, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a MapConfigSource.Builder for creating a ConfigSource for a Map from a Properties object.
create(ServiceLoader<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader
Create a prioritized service loader from a Java Service loader.
create(Set<String>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders
Create new instance, with prefixes for allowed headers.
create(Stream<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Create a Multi instance that publishes the given Stream.
create(BytesMessage) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(CompletionListener) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(Connection) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(ConnectionConsumer) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(ConnectionFactory) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(ConnectionMetaData) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(Destination) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(ExceptionListener) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(JMSConsumer) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(JMSContext) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(JMSProducer) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(MapMessage) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(Message) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(MessageConsumer) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(MessageListener) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(MessageProducer) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(ObjectMessage) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(Queue) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(QueueBrowser) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(ServerSession) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(ServerSessionPool) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(Session) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(StreamMessage) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(TemporaryQueue) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(TemporaryTopic) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(TextMessage) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(Topic) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(TopicSubscriber) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Create a jakarta wrapper for the provided javax instance.
create(N) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
Constructs a new generic type instance representing the class of the given object.
create(EmbeddedStorageManager) - Static method in class
Create a default health check for Microstream.
create(MetricRegistry.Type, RegistrySettings) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
Create a registry of a certain type.
create(Driver) - Static method in class
Creates the Neo4j driver.
create(T) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.LazyValue
Create a lazy value from a value.
create(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Tag.TagSource
Create a tag with value.
create(T...) - Static method in class
Create a new instance based on explicit instances.
create(T, ChangeEventType) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeWatcher.ChangeEvent
Create a new change event that occurred right now.
create(T, ChangeEventType, Instant) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeWatcher.ChangeEvent
Create a new change event.
createAll(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
Create config source for each resource on the classpath.
createAll(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
Create config source for each resource on the classpath.
createAppRole(CreateAppRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuth
Creates a new AppRole or updates an existing AppRole.
createAppRole(CreateAppRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthRx
Creates a new AppRole or updates an existing AppRole.
CreateAppRole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Create AppRole request and response.
CreateAppRole() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole
CreateAppRole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Request object.
CreateAppRole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Create AppRole response.
createArrayOf(String, Object[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
createArrayOf(String, Object[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createAuth(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthProvider
createAuth(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthProvider
createAuth(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthProvider
createAuth(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.AuthMethodProvider
Create an auth instance to provide API to access this method.
createBlob() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
createBlob() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createBrowser(Queue) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createBrowser(Queue, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createBuilder() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerProvider
createBuilder() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryTracerProvider
createBuilder() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerProvider
createBuilder() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.spi.OpenTracingProvider
Create a new builder for this tracer.
createBuilder() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.spi.TracerProvider
Create a new builder for this tracer.
createBuilder() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.tracerresolver.TracerResolverProvider
createBuilder() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerProvider
createBytesMessage() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createClob() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
createClob() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createConsumer(Config, Destination, SessionMetadata) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
createConsumer(Config, Destination, SessionMetadata) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.WeblogicConnector
createConsumer(Destination) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createConsumer(Destination, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createConsumer(Destination, String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createContext(String) - Method in interface
Create a new security context with the defined id and all defaults.
createCookie(String) - Method in class
SetCookie builder to set a new cookie, returns a future, as the value may need to be encrypted using a remote service.
CreateCubbyhole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Create Cubbyhole secret request and response.
CreateCubbyhole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Request object.
CreateCubbyhole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
created() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase.Builder
created() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase
When this token was created.
created(Instant) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase.Builder
When the token was created.
CREATED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeEventType
The content is now present (was deleted).
CREATED_201 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
201 Created, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
createDelete(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createDelete(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a delete statement using a statement text.
createDestination(Session, ConnectionContext) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
createDestination(Session, ConnectionContext) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.WeblogicConnector
createDmlStatement(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createDmlStatement(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a data modification statement using a statement passed as an argument.
createdTime() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Metadata
Created timestamp.
createDurableConsumer(Topic, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createDurableConsumer(Topic, String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String, String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createEndpointForDisabledMetrics(String, Routing.Rules) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MinimalMetricsSupport
Adds routing rules so metrics-related requests go to the "not available" endpoint.
createForHeader(String, String, String) - Static method in class
An optional header field validator.
createForHeader(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
A header field validator.
createForPayload(String, String, String) - Static method in class
An optional payload field validator.
createForPayload(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
A payload field validator.
createFromEncoded(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.Base64Value
Create from an already encoded base64 value.
createFromRoutingName(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingBuilders
Prepares the default and actual Routing.Builder instances based on a routing name.
createFromWildcards(List<Map.Entry<String, String>>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.spi.OverrideSource.OverrideData
Creates OverrideData from a List of String pairs.
createGauge(Metadata, Supplier<R>) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Creates a gauge instance according to the specified supplier which returns the gauge value.
createGauge(Metadata, Supplier<R>) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry.GaugeFactory.SupplierBased
Creates a gauge implemention with the specified metadata which invokes the provided supplier to fetch the gauge value.
createGauge(Metadata, Supplier<R>) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
createGauge(Metadata, T, Function<T, R>) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Creates a gauge instance according to the provided metadata such that retrievals of the gauge value trigger an invocation of the provided function, passing the indicated object.
createGauge(Metadata, T, Function<T, R>) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry.GaugeFactory.FunctionBased
Creates a gauge implementation with the specified metadata which invokes the provided function passing the given object.
createGauge(Metadata, T, Function<T, R>) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
createGet(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createGet(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a database query returning a single row using a statement passed as an argument.
createInProcessChannel() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
createInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
createInsert(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createInsert(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create an insert statement using a statement text.
createInstance(Vault, Config, InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider.InjectionType
Create a new instance of the injectable.
createInstanceSupplier(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Create the service instance supplier.
createKey(CreateKey.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Creates a new named encryption key of the specified type.
createKey(CreateKey.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Creates a new named encryption key of the specified type.
CreateKey - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Create Key request and response.
CreateKey.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Request object.
CreateKey.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
CreateKv1 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Create Key/Value Version 1 Secret request and response.
CreateKv1.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Request object.
CreateKv1.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
CreateKv2 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Create Key/Value Version 2 Secret request and response.
CreateKv2.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Request object.
CreateKv2.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
createMapMessage() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createMapped(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupport
Creates a new CorsSupport instance based on the provided configuration expected to contain mapped cross-origin config information.
createMessage() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createMessage(NackHandler, Message, Executor, SessionMetadata) - Method in class
createMessage(NackHandler, Message, Executor, SessionMetadata) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Create reactive messaging message from JMS message.
createMulti(String, Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigSourceProvider
Create a list of configuration sources from a single configuration.
createMulti(Function<Throwable, ? extends Flow.Publisher<T>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Fallback
Create a fallback for a Multi or Flow.Publisher.
createName(ServiceDescriptor, String, MetricType) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics.NamingFunction
Create a metric name.
createNamedDelete(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createNamedDelete(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create andelete statement using a named statement.
createNamedDelete(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a delete statement using a named statement passed as an argument.
createNamedDelete(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbExecute
createNamedDelete(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbTransaction
createNamedDmlStatement(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createNamedDmlStatement(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a data modification statement using a statement defined in the configuration file.
createNamedDmlStatement(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a data modification statement using a named statement passed as an argument.
createNamedDmlStatement(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbExecute
createNamedDmlStatement(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbTransaction
createNamedGet(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createNamedGet(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a database query returning a single row using a statement defined in the configuration file.
createNamedGet(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a database query returning a single row using a named statement passed as an argument.
createNamedGet(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbExecute
createNamedGet(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbTransaction
createNamedInsert(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createNamedInsert(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create an insert statement using a named statement.
createNamedInsert(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create an insert statement using a named statement passed as an argument.
createNamedInsert(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbExecute
createNamedInsert(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbTransaction
createNamedQuery(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createNamedQuery(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a database query using a statement defined in the configuration file.
createNamedQuery(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a database query using a named statement passed as argument.
createNamedQuery(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbExecute
createNamedQuery(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbTransaction
createNamedUpdate(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createNamedUpdate(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create an update statement using a named statement.
createNamedUpdate(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create an update statement using a named statement passed as an argument.
createNamedUpdate(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbExecute
createNamedUpdate(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbTransaction
createNClob() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
createNClob() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createObjectMessage() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createObjectMessage(Serializable) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createOptionalSupplier(Supplier<Optional<String>>) - Static method in class
Create a new secret configuration with a supplier of an Optional, such as when retrieving the secret from some local information that may change.
createOrphan() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Create a new orphan token with default configuration.
createOrphan() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Create a new orphan token with default configuration.
createOrUpdateRole(PkiRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
This endpoint creates or updates the role definition.
createOrUpdateRole(PkiRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
This endpoint creates or updates the role definition.
createOutputStream() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
createPolicy(CreatePolicy.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Create a policy.
createPolicy(CreatePolicy.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Create a policy.
createPolicy(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Create a policy.
createPolicy(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Create a policy.
CreatePolicy - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Create policy request and response.
CreatePolicy.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Request object.
CreatePolicy.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
createProducer(Destination) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createProducer(Destination, ConnectionContext, SessionMetadata) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
createQuery(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createQuery(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create a database query using a statement passed as an argument.
createQueue(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class
createRole(CreateRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuth
Registers a role in the auth method.
createRole(CreateRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthRx
Registers a role in the auth method.
createRole(DbCreateRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
Create or update a role definition.
createRole(DbCreateRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecretsRx
Create or update a role definition.
CreateRole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Create role request.
CreateRole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Request object.
CreateRole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Create role response.
createSecrets(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeEngineProvider
createSecrets(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbEngineProvider
createSecrets(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1EngineProvider
createSecrets(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2EngineProvider
createSecrets(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiEngineProvider
createSecrets(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitEngineProvider
createSecrets(Config, RestApi, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.SecretsEngineProvider
Create a secrets instance to provide API to access this engine.
createServer() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting
Creates new GrpcServer instance with this routing and default configuration.
createServer(GrpcServerConfiguration) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting
Creates new GrpcServer instance with provided configuration and this routing.
createSharedConsumer(Topic, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createSharedConsumer(Topic, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createSharedDurableConsumer(Topic, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createSharedDurableConsumer(Topic, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createSingleSupplier(Supplier<Single<Optional<String>>>) - Static method in class
Create a new secret configuration with a supplier of a future (Single), such as when retrieving the secret from a remote service.
createSQLXML() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
createSQLXML() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createStatement() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
createStatement() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createStreamMessage() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createStruct(String, Object[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
createStruct(String, Object[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
createSupplier(Config.Key) - Static method in exception io.helidon.config.MissingValueException
Create new missing value exception supplier.
createSupplier(Callable<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Convert a Callable to a Supplier.
createSys(Config, RestApi) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.SysProvider
Create a new instance of Sys.
createSys(Config, RestApi) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.HcpSysProvider
createTemporaryQueue() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createTemporaryTopic() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createTenantConfigFinder(Config) - Method in interface
Create a tenant configuration API from Helidon config.
createTenantIdFinder(Config) - Method in interface
Create a tenant ID finder API from Helidon config.
createTextMessage() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createTextMessage(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createTmf(WebServerTls) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
this method will be removed in a future release.
createToken() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Create a new child token with default configuration.
createToken() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Create a new child token with default configuration.
createToken(CreateToken.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Create a new token with customized configuration.
createToken(CreateToken.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Create a new token with customized configuration.
CreateToken - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Create Token request and response.
CreateToken.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Request object.
CreateToken.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
createTokenRole(CreateTokenRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Creates (or replaces) the named role.
createTokenRole(CreateTokenRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Creates (or replaces) the named role.
CreateTokenRole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Create Token Role request and response.
CreateTokenRole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Request object.
CreateTokenRole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
createTopic(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
createTransportArtifact(Class<T>, String, ServerConfiguration) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Transport
Creates and returns a suitable transport artifact, if one can be created or is available, and an empty Optional otherwise.
createTransportArtifact(Class<T>, String, ServerConfiguration) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.epoll.EPollTransport
Returns an artifact corresponding to the supplied artifact coordinates, if one is available.
createTransportArtifact(Class<T>, String, ServerConfiguration) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.iouring.IOUringTransport
Returns an artifact corresponding to the supplied artifact coordinates, if one is available.
createUpdate(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
createUpdate(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create an update statement using a statement text.
creationDate() - Method in class
Get the value of the creation-date parameter that can be used to indicate the date at which the file was created.
creationDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class
Set the content disposition creation-date parameter.
credDb(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
Credential database.
credentials(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
Sets user and password to the repository.
credentialsProvider() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder.GitEndpoint
Returns an instance of CredentialsProvider.
credentialsProvider(CredentialsProvider) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
Sets new CredentialsProvider which should be used by application.
crl() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Certificate revocation list.
crl() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Certificate revocation list.
crl(CrlGet.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Get a CRL (certificate revocation list).
crl(CrlGet.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Certificate revocation list.
crl(PkiFormat) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Certificate revocation list in raw bytes.
crl(PkiFormat) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Certificate revocation list in raw bytes.
CrlGet - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Get CRL (Certificate revoke list) request and response.
CrlGet.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Request object.
CrlGet.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
cron() - Method in interface io.helidon.scheduling.CronInvocation
Cron expression specifying interval invocation is scheduled with.
cronBuilder() - Static method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling
Build a task executed periodically according to provided cron expression.
CronInvocation - Interface in io.helidon.scheduling
Specific method invocation metadata for scheduled task.
CrossOrigin - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.cors
CrossOrigin annotation.
CrossOriginAutoDiscoverable - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.cors
Not for use by developers. For Jersey auto-discovery support.
CrossOriginAutoDiscoverable() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.cors.CrossOriginAutoDiscoverable
crossOriginConfig() - Method in class
Cross-origin resource sharing settings.
crossOriginConfig() - Method in interface
Returns the cross-origin config settings to be used for the service's endpoint.
crossOriginConfig(CrossOriginConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport.Builder
Set the CORS config from the specified CrossOriginConfig object.
crossOriginConfig(CrossOriginConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport.Builder
Assigns the CORS settings for the OpenAPI endpoint.
crossOriginConfig(CrossOriginConfig) - Method in class
Assign cross-origin resource sharing settings.
crossOriginConfig(CrossOriginConfig) - Method in class
Set the CORS config from the specified CrossOriginConfig object.
crossOriginConfig(CrossOriginConfig) - Method in interface
Sets the cross-origin settings from existing settings (not from a builder).
crossOriginConfig(CrossOriginConfig.Builder) - Method in class
Set the CORS config from the specified CrossOriginConfig object.
crossOriginConfig(CrossOriginConfig.Builder) - Method in interface
Sets the cross-origin config builder for use in establishing CORS support for the service endpoints.
CrossOriginConfig - Class in io.helidon.webserver.cors
Represents information about cross origin request sharing.
CrossOriginConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.cors
Builder for CrossOriginConfig.
CryptoException - Exception in io.helidon.common.crypto
Common cryptography exception.
CryptoException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.crypto.CryptoException
Constructor with detailed message.
CryptoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.crypto.CryptoException
Constructor with detailed message and wrapped throwable.
csr(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
Certification request (CSR) in PEM format.
CubbyholeEngineProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Provider supporting the Cubbyhole secrets engine API.
CubbyholeEngineProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeEngineProvider
Do not use this constructor, this is a service loader service!
CubbyholeSecrets - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Cubbyhole engine secrets API.
CubbyholeSecretsRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Cubbyhole engine secrets API.
CubbyholeSecurityProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Integration with Helidon Security.
CubbyholeSecurityProvider.CubbyholeSecretConfig - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Configuration of a secret when using programmatic setup of security secrets.
CubbyholeSecurityProvider.CubbyholeSecretConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
CubbyholeSecurityService - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Service loader service implementation for SecurityProviderService.
CubbyholeSecurityService() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityService
Do not use this constructor, this is a service loader service!
current() - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Provide current span if one is available.
CURRENT_SPAN_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingFilter
The SpanContext property name.
currentSpan() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerProvider
currentSpan() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryTracerProvider
currentSpan() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerProvider
currentSpan() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.spi.TracerProvider
Provide current span.
currentThread(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Timeout.Builder
Flag to indicate that code must be executed in current thread instead of in an executor's thread.
CURVE_P256 - Static variable in class
P-256 Curve.
CURVE_P384 - Static variable in class
P-384 Curve.
CURVE_P521 - Static variable in class
P-521 Curve.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class
Custom provided using a TokenHandler.
customAnnotations() - Method in interface
Get the complete set of annotations expected by (all) security providers configured.
customMapper(JmsMessage.CustomMapper<PAYLOAD>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Custom mapper used by connector for mapping to Message.
customObject(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class
Allows a programmatic client to send custom security provider specific parameters to the provider.
customObject(Class<U>, V) - Method in class
Set or replace a custom object.
customObject(Class<U>, V) - Method in class
Set or replace a custom object.
customObject(Object) - Method in class
Register a custom object for security request(s).
customObject(Object) - Method in class
Register a custom object for security request(s).
customObjects(ClassToInstanceStore<Object>) - Method in class
Provide custom object map to be sent to security providers.


daemon(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Is daemon of the thread pool executor.
daemon(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Is daemon of the thread pool executor.
data() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.spi.DataPropagationProvider
Return data that should be propagated.
data() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Returns a representation of this chunk as an array of ByteBuffer.
data() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSourceHelper.DataAndDigest
Data loaded from the file.
data() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.NodeContent
Data of this config source.
data() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.OverrideContent
Data of this override source.
data() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content
Data of this config source.
data() - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.OverrideSource.OverrideData
Returns the predicate/replacement value pairs.
data() - Method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.JulMdcPropagator
data() - Method in class io.helidon.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMdcPropagator
data() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Get all received data at this moment.
data() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerDataPropagationProvider
Closes scope in primary thread and returns a context to activate new scope in secondary thread.
data() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
This method is needed for testing some of our examples.
data(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Request
The data to encrypt.
data(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.BatchEntry
Configure the data to be encrypted.
data(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Hmac.Request
The data to sign.
data(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
The data to sign.
data(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Request
The data to sign.
data(OverrideSource.OverrideData) - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.OverrideContent.Builder
Data of this override source.
data(InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content.Builder
Data of the config source as loaded from underlying storage.
data(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Returns a representation of this chunk as an array of T's.
data(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
DATA - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Key for data.
DataChunk - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
The DataChunk represents a part of the HTTP body content.
DataChunkInputStream - Class in
Provides a bridge between a reactive Flow.Publisher in Helidon and an InputStream in Jersey.
DataChunkInputStream(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>) - Constructor for class
Stores publisher for later subscription.
DataChunkInputStream(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, boolean) - Constructor for class
Stores publisher for later subscription and sets if executing thread should be validated.
DataChunkPublisher() - Constructor for class
dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
dataFileCleanupHeadFile(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
A flag defining whether the current head file (the only file actively written to) shall be subjected to file cleanups as well.
dataFileMaximumSize(ByteSize) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Maximum file size for a data file to avoid cleaning it up.
dataFileMinimumSize(ByteSize) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Minimum file size for a data file to avoid cleaning it up.
dataFileMinimumUseRatio(double) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
The ratio (value in ]0.0;1.0]) of non-gap data contained in a storage file to prevent the file from being dissolved.
dataFilePrefix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Name prefix of the storage files.
dataFileSuffix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Name suffix of the storage files.
DataPropagationProvider<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common.context.spi
This is an SPI provider which helps user to propagate values from one thread to another.
dataSource(String) - Method in class
dataSource(String, DataSource) - Method in class
Add custom ConnectionFactory referencable by supplied name with "named-factory".
DATASOURCE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface
Configuration key for data source identifier.
DataSourceBackedDialectFactory - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate
A DialectFactory implementation (and a ServiceContributor, and a StandardServiceInitiator<DialectFactory>) that introspects DatabaseMetaData from a configured DataSource.
DataSourceBackedDialectFactory() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.DataSourceBackedDialectFactory
For use by ServiceLoader instances only.
date() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponseHeaders
Returns value of header "Date" of the response.
date() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Optionally returns request date ("Accept-Datetime" header).
DATE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Date" header name.
daysOfWeek(DayOfWeek...) - Static method in class
Create a time config for a check for days of week.
DB_STATEMENT - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Tag marking a Database statement.
DB_TYPE - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Tag marking a Database type.
dbClient() - Method in class
DbClient - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Helidon database client.
DbClient.Builder - Class in io.helidon.dbclient
Helidon database handler builder.
DbClientContext - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
Context of the whole client.
DbClientContext(DbClientContext.BuilderBase<?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext
Create an instance from builder.
DbClientContext.Builder - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
Fluent API builder for DbClientContext.
DbClientContext.BuilderBase<T extends DbClientContext.BuilderBase<T>> - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
A common base for builders for classes that want to extend DbClientContext.
DbClientException - Exception in io.helidon.dbclient
A RuntimeException used by Helidon DB component.
DbClientException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientException
Create a new exception for a message.
DbClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientException
Create a new exception for a message and a cause.
DbClientHealthCheck - Class in
Database health check.
DbClientHealthCheck.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for DbClientHealthCheck.
DbClientMapperProvider - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
Java Service loader service to get database types mappers.
DbClientMapperProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientMapperProvider
DbClientMetricBuilder - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics
DB Client metric builder.
DbClientMetricBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricBuilder
DbClientMetrics - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics
Utility class to obtain various types of metrics to register with DbClient.Builder.addService(io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientService).
DbClientMetricsProvider - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics
Java service loader service for DB metrics.
DbClientMetricsProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricsProvider
DbClientProvider - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient.spi
Java Service loader interface that provides drivers for a database (or a set of databases).
DbClientProviderBuilder<T extends DbClientProviderBuilder<T>> - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient.spi
Database provider builder.
DbClientService - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Services can modify the data used to execute a statement as well as react on a statement result.
DbClientServiceBase - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
A base implementation of a client service that supports configuration of execution based on a statement name pattern and statement types.
DbClientServiceBase(DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase<?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase
Create a new instance based on the builder base each implementation must extend.
DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase<B extends DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase<B>> - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
A base class for builders of DbClientServiceBase.
DbClientServiceBuilderBase() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
No-op constructor.
DbClientServiceContext - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Interceptor context to get (and possibly manipulate) database operations.
DbClientServiceProvider - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient.spi
Java service loader service to configure client services.
DbClientTracing - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.tracing
Tracing interceptor.
DbClientTracing.Builder - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.tracing
Fluent API builder for DbClientTracing.
DbClientTracingProvider - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.tracing
Provider of tracing interceptors.
DbClientTracingProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.tracing.DbClientTracingProvider
DbColumn - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Column data and metadata.
DbConfigure - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Configure DB request and response.
DbConfigure.Request<T extends DbConfigure.Request<T>> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Request object.
DbConfigure.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
DbCreateRole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
DB create role request and response.
DbCreateRole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Request object.
DbCreateRole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
DbCredentials - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Database credentials.
DbDelete - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Delete DB request and response.
DbDelete.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Request object.
DbDelete.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
DbDeleteRole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Delete DB Role request and response.
DbDeleteRole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Request object.
DbDeleteRole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
DbEngineProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Service for DbSecretsRx.ENGINE.
DbEngineProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbEngineProvider
DbExecute - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Database executor.
DbGet - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Get DB request and response.
DbGet.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Request object.
DbGet.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
DbMapper<T> - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
A mapper to map database objects to/from a specific type.
dbMapperManager() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Db mapper manager.
dbMapperManager() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext
Configured DB Mapper manager.
dbMapperManager(DbMapperManager) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext.BuilderBase
Configure the DB mapper manager to use.
DbMapperManager - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Mapper manager of all configured mappers.
DbMapperManager.Builder - Class in io.helidon.dbclient
Fluent API builder for DbMapperManager.
DbMapperProvider - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient.spi
Java Service loader interface for database mappers.
dbName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCreateRole.Request
The name of the database.
DbRow - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Representation of a single row in a database (in SQL this would be a row, in a Document DB, this would be a single document).
DbSecrets - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Database secrets engine API.
DbSecretsRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Database secrets engine API.
DbStatement<D extends DbStatement<D,R>,R> - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Database statement that can process parameters.
DbStatementContext - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
Context of execution of a specific statement.
DbStatementContext(DbStatementContext.BuilderBase<?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext
Create a new instance using a builder each implementation must extend.
DbStatementContext.Builder - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
A fluent API builder to create DbStatementContext.
DbStatementContext.BuilderBase<T extends DbStatementContext.BuilderBase<T>> - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
A base builder that must be extended to implement a new DbStatementContext.
DbStatementDml - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
DML Database statement.
DbStatementGet - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Database statement that queries the database and returns a single row if present, or an empty optional.
DbStatementQuery - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Database query statement.
DbStatements - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Configuration of statements to be used by database provider.
DbStatements.Builder - Class in io.helidon.dbclient
Fluent API builder for DbStatements.
DbStatementType - Enum Class in io.helidon.dbclient
Usual supported statement types.
DbTransaction - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient
Database transaction.
dbType() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Type of this database to use in interceptor context.
dbType() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient
Type of this database provider (such as jdbc:mysql, mongoDB etc.).
dbType() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Type of this database (usually the same string used by the
dbType() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbColumn
Type of the column in the language of the database.
dbType() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.ConnectionPool
The type of this database - if better details than "jdbc" is available, return it.
dbType() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.HikariConnectionPool
dbType() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClient
dbType() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbColumn
dbType() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
deactivate() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricAnnotationDiscovery
Requests that the discovery be deactivated, thereby preventing it from triggering a metric registration.
DEADLINE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientRequestAttribute
Add the call deadline to the tracing span.
deadlockCheck() - Static method in class
Deadlock health check.
DeadlockHealthCheck - Class in
A health check that looks for thread deadlocks.
debug() - Method in class
Set debugging on.
declaredMethod() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get the declared Java method.
decode(String, Errors.Collector, String) - Static method in class
decodeQuery(String, boolean) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.UriComponent
Decode the query component of a URI.
decodeQuery(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.UriComponent
Decode the query component of a URI.
decrementReferenceCount(Contextual<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext.ReferenceCountedContext
Decrements the reference count of the contextual instance, if any, associated with the combination of the current thread and the supplied Contextual, destroying the instance if and only if the reference count becomes less than or equal to zero, and returns the resulting reference count.
decrementReferenceCount(Contextual<?>, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext.ReferenceCountedContext
Decrements the reference count of the contextual instance, if any, associated with the combination of the current thread and the supplied Contextual, destroying the instance if and only if the reference count becomes less than or equal to zero, and returns the resulting reference count.
decrypt(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
decrypt(Base64Value) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.crypto.CommonCipher
Decrypt encrypted message.
decrypt(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
decrypt(Decrypt.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Decrypts the provided ciphertext using the named key.
decrypt(Decrypt.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Decrypts the provided ciphertext using the named key.
decrypt(DecryptBatch.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Decrypts the provided batch of ciphertext strings using the named key.
decrypt(DecryptBatch.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Decrypts the provided batch of ciphertext strings using the named key.
decrypt(Jwk) - Method in class
Decrypt SignedJwt from the content of the encrypted jwt.
decrypt(JwkKeys) - Method in class
Decrypt SignedJwt from the content of the encrypted jwt.
decrypt(JwkKeys, Jwk) - Method in class
Decrypt SignedJwt from the content of the encrypted jwt.
decrypt(String) - Method in class
Decrypt a cipher text into clear text (if encryption is enabled).
decrypt(String) - Method in class
Decrypt the bytes.
decrypt(String, byte[], byte[], Base64Value) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Decrypt the message with the usage of provided parameters.
decrypt(String, String) - Method in interface
Decrypt cipher text.
decrypt(String, String, byte[], byte[], Base64Value) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Decrypt the message with the usage of provided parameters.
decrypt(String, String, byte[], AlgorithmParameterSpec, Base64Value) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Decrypt the message with the usage of provided parameters.
decrypt(String, String, PrivateKey, Base64Value) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
Decrypt the message with the provided private key and selected algorithm.
Decrypt - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Decrypt request and response.
Decrypt.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Request object.
Decrypt.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
decryptAes(char[], String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionUtil
Decrypt using AES.
decryptAesBytes(char[], String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionUtil
This method will be moved to a new module
decryptAesLegacy(char[], String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionUtil
Decrypt using legacy AES.
DecryptBatch - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Decrypt Batch request and response.
DecryptBatch.BatchEntry - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Definition of a batch entry.
DecryptBatch.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Request object.
DecryptBatch.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
decrypted() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Decrypt.Response
Decrypted secret.
decryptFromString(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.crypto.CommonCipher
Decrypt cipherText provided by CommonCipher.encryptToString(Base64Value).
decryptKeyLocation(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Private key to decryption of encrypted claims.
decryptRsa(PrivateKey, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionUtil
Decrypt using RSA with OAEP.
decryptRsaLegacy(Key, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionUtil
Decrypt using RSA (private or public key).
deepMerge(AbstractNodeBuilderImpl.MergingKey, MergeableNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractNodeBuilderImpl
Applies deep merging through whole structure.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webclient.DnsResolverType
Default DNS resolver.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MarshallerSupplier
The name to use to specify the default marshaller supplier.
DEFAULT_AGE - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Default cache expiration in seconds.
DEFAULT_BACKLOG_SIZE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
The default backlog size to configure the server sockets with if no other value is provided.
DEFAULT_BOUNDARY - Static variable in class
The default boundary used for encoding multipart messages.
DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache
Default capacity of the cache: 10000.
DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider
A constant for holding the default channel configuration name (which is "default").
DEFAULT_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Default web context for the metrics endpoint.
DEFAULT_DIGEST_NONCE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class
Default is 24 hours.
DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Default error message to return for unchecked exceptions and errors.
DEFAULT_ERROR_SEVERITY - Static variable in annotation interface
Default severity for non-OK statuses.
DEFAULT_EVENT_TYPE - Static variable in annotation interface
Default event type: "request".
DEFAULT_HOST - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider
A constant for holding the default host name (which is "localhost").
DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport
Name of the Logger used to log access log records.
DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry
Default limit for the number of characters written.
DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FORMAT - Static variable in annotation interface
Default message format: "%3$s %1$s \"%2$s\" %5$s %6$s requested by %4$s".
DEFAULT_METHOD - Static variable in class
Default method is "GET".
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
The default server name.
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingName
Name (reserved) for the default listener of WebServer.
DEFAULT_NOT_BEFORE_SECONDS - Static variable in class
Default token validity before issue time.
DEFAULT_OK_SEVERITY - Static variable in annotation interface
Default severity for OK status.
DEFAULT_PATH - Static variable in class
Default path on the file system the health check will be executed for.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelsProvider
A constant for holding the default port (which is "1408").
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
The default grpc port.
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.common.Prioritized
Default priority for any prioritized component (whether it implements this interface or uses jakarta.annotation.Priority annotation.
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.ExemplarService
Default priority for an ExemplarService found by the service loader without an explicit @Priority annotation.
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingChannelProcessor
Default priority for channel processor.
DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
Redefine the constant, as it is private in BMC.
DEFAULT_RESPONSE_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport
Default media type used in responses in absence of incoming Accept header.
DEFAULT_SOCKET_NAME - Static variable in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
The default server socket configuration name.
DEFAULT_TENANT_ID - Static variable in interface
Default tenant id used when requesting configuration for unknown tenant.
DEFAULT_TENANT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class
Default tenant query param name.
DEFAULT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
Default threshold percent, when this check starts reporting HealthCheckResponse.Status.DOWN.
DEFAULT_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class
Default threshold percentage.
DEFAULT_TOKEN_HANDLER - Static variable in class
Default token handler for HTTP basic authentication - uses Authorization header and basic prefix.
DEFAULT_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class
Default transport is "http".
DEFAULT_URI - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
Default Etcd endpoint (http://localhost:2379).
DEFAULT_VALIDITY_SECONDS - Static variable in class
Default token validity for an outbound target.
DEFAULT_VERSION - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
Default Etcd API version (EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdApi.v2).
DEFAULT_WEB_CONTEXT - Static variable in class
Default web context root of the Health check endpoint.
DEFAULT_WEB_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport
Default path for serving the OpenAPI document.
DEFAULT_WORKER_COUNT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
The default number of worker threads that will be used if not explicitly set.
defaultConfig(SignedHeadersConfig.HeadersConfig) - Method in class
Default configuration is used by methods that do not have an explicit configuration.
defaultContentType() - Method in interface
Returns the default Content-Type header value: MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM if the Content-Disposition header is present with a non empty value, otherwise MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN.
defaultedMetricsRestServiceSettingsBuilder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport
Prepares a RestServiceSettings.Builder instance for metrics with the default settings.
defaultErrorMessage() - Method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler
Configured default error message.
defaultErrorMessage(String) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler.Builder
Default error message to return when an internal server error occurs.
defaultExecutor(Supplier<ExecutorService>) - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs.JaxRsClient
Configure the default executor supplier to be used for asynchronous requests when explicit supplier is not provided.
defaultExecutorService(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
Configure the default executor service to be used by this server.
defaultExecutorServiceSupplier(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
Set a supplier of an executor service to use for tasks connected with application processing (JAX-RS).
defaultIdcsSubjectType() - Method in class
Default subject type to use when requesting data from IDCS.
defaultIdcsSubjectType() - Method in class
Default subject type to use when requesting data from IDCS.
defaultIdcsSubjectType(String) - Method in class
Configure subject type to use when requesting roles from IDCS.
defaultIdcsSubjectType(String) - Method in class
Configure subject type to use when requesting roles from IDCS.
defaultIfEmpty(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Signals the default item supplied by specified supplier if the upstream is empty.
defaultIfEmpty(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Signals the default item supplied by specified supplier if the upstream is empty.
defaultIfEmpty(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Signals the default item supplied by specified supplier if the upstream is empty.
defaultIfEmpty(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Signals the default item if the upstream is empty.
defaultIfEmpty(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Signals the default item if the upstream is empty.
defaultIfEmpty(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Signals the default item if the upstream is empty.
defaultInstance() - Static method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MarshallerSupplier
Obtain the default marshaller.
defaultJwk(Jwk) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Default JWK which should be used.
defaultKeyId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Default JWT key ID which should be used.
defaultLeaseTtl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
Default lease duration.
DefaultMarshallerSupplier() - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.core.MarshallerSupplier.DefaultMarshallerSupplier
DefaultMediaSupport - Class in
MediaSupport which registers default readers and writers to the contexts.
DefaultMediaSupport.Builder - Class in
Default media support builder.
defaultMount() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Engine
Default path to mount this engine on.
DefaultMultitenancyEndpoints(OidcConfig) - Constructor for class
Creates endpoints from provided OIDC configuration using default URIs.
DefaultMultitenancyEndpoints(OidcConfig) - Constructor for class
Creates endpoints from provided OIDC configuration using default URIs.
DefaultOciCertificatesDownloader - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
Implementation of the OciCertificatesDownloader that will use OCI's Certificates Service to download certs.
DefaultOciCertificatesDownloader() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.DefaultOciCertificatesDownloader
this is a Java ServiceLoader implementation and the constructor should not be used directly
DefaultOciCertificatesTlsManagerProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
The service provider for OciCertificatesTlsManager.
DefaultOciCertificatesTlsManagerProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.DefaultOciCertificatesTlsManagerProvider
this is a Java ServiceLoader implementation and the constructor should not be used directly
DefaultOciPrivateKeyDownloader - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
Implementation of the OciPrivateKeyDownloader that will use OCI's KMS to export a key.
DefaultOciPrivateKeyDownloader() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.DefaultOciPrivateKeyDownloader
this is a Java ServiceLoader implementation and the constructor should not be used directly
defaultPath() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.AuthMethod
Default path the authentication method is mounted to.
defaultPath(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
defaultPriority(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader.Builder
Configure default priority for services that do not have any.
defaultRoutingBuilder() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingBuilders
defaultSocket(Consumer<SocketConfiguration.Builder>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Configure listener for the default socket.
defaultTimeValidators() - Static method in class
Return a list of validators to validate expiration time, issue time and not-before time.
defaultTimeValidators(Instant, int, ChronoUnit, boolean) - Static method in class
Return a list of validators to validate expiration time, issue time and not-before time.
defaultTtl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCreateRole.Request
Specifies the TTL for the leases associated with this role.
defer(Supplier<? extends Single<? extends T>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Call the given supplier function for each individual downstream Subscriber to return a Flow.Publisher to subscribe to.
defer(Supplier<? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends T>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Call the given supplier function for each individual downstream Subscriber to return a Flow.Publisher to subscribe to.
deferredRequest(AtomicReference<Flow.Subscription>, AtomicLong, long) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Accumulates request amounts until the subscription field receives a Subscription instance, then requests this accumulated amount and forwards subsequent requests to it.
deferredSetOnce(AtomicReference<Flow.Subscription>, AtomicLong, Flow.Subscription) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Atomically sets the only upstream subscription in the field and then requests the amount accumulated in the requestedField.
definitionClass() - Method in interface io.helidon.jersey.common.InvokedResource
Resource definition class.
definitionMethod() - Method in interface io.helidon.jersey.common.InvokedResource
Method that defines the invoked resource method.
delay() - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy
Delay between retries.
delay() - Method in interface io.helidon.scheduling.FixedRateInvocation
Delay before next invocation.
delay(long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets the delay interval between metric posting (defaults to 60L).
delay(long) - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.FixedRateBuilder
Fixed rate delay between each invocation.
delay(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder
Delay between the invocations.
delay(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
How long to wait before transitioning from open to half-open state.
delay(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy.Builder
Base delay between the invocations.
delay(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.JitterRetryPolicy.Builder
Base delay between the invocations.
delayFactor() - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy
Delay multiplication factor.
delayFactor(double) - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder
A delay multiplication factor.
delayFactor(double) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy.Builder
A delay multiplication factor.
delegate() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.SafeStreamObserver
Obtain the wrapped StreamObserver.
delegate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Returns this DelegatingConnection's underlying Connection.
delegate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
Returns the ResultSet to which all operations will be delegated.
delegate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
Returns the Statement to which all operations will be delegated.
DelegatingCallableStatement - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A JDBC 4.3-compliant CallableStatement that delegates to another JDBC 4.3-compliant CallableStatement.
DelegatingCallableStatement(Connection, CallableStatement, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
DelegatingConnection - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A JDBC 4.3-compliant Connection that delegates to another JDBC 4.3-compliant Connection.
DelegatingConnection(Connection) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
Creates a new DelegatingConnection.
DelegatingDatabaseMetaData - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A JDBC 4.3-compliant DatabaseMetaData that delegates to another JDBC 4.3-compliant DatabaseMetaData.
DelegatingDatabaseMetaData(Connection, DatabaseMetaData) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
DelegatingInjectionTarget<T> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates
A DelegatingProducer and an InjectionTarget that forwards all method calls to underlying InjectionTarget and Producer implementations.
DelegatingInjectionTarget(InjectionTarget<T>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates.DelegatingInjectionTarget
DelegatingInjectionTarget(InjectionTarget<T>, Producer<T>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates.DelegatingInjectionTarget
DelegatingPreparedStatement<S extends PreparedStatement> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A JDBC 4.3-compliant PreparedStatement that delegates to another JDBC 4.3-compliant PreparedStatement.
DelegatingPreparedStatement(Connection, S, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
DelegatingProducer<T> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates
A Producer implementation that forwards all operations to another Producer.
DelegatingProducer(Producer<T>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates.DelegatingProducer
Creates a new DelegatingProducer.
DelegatingResultSet - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A JDBC 4.3-compliant ResultSet that delegates to another JDBC 4.3-compliant ResultSet.
DelegatingResultSet(Statement, ResultSet, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
Creates a new DelegatingResultSet.
DelegatingStatement<S extends Statement> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A JDBC 4.3-compliant Statement that delegates to another JDBC 4.3-compliant Statement.
DelegatingStatement(Connection, S, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
Creates a new DelegatingStatement.
DelegatingTransactionManager - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
An equivalent class now exists in Narayana itself.
DelegatingTransactionManager(TransactionManager) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionManager
DelegatingTransactionSynchronizationRegistry - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
An equivalent class now exists in Narayana itself.
DelegatingTransactionSynchronizationRegistry(TransactionSynchronizationRegistry) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionSynchronizationRegistry
delete() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a request builder for a delete method.
delete(DeleteCubbyhole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecrets
Delete the secret.
delete(DeleteCubbyhole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecretsRx
Delete the secret.
delete(DbDelete.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
Delete a database configuration.
delete(DbDelete.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecretsRx
Delete a database configuration.
delete(DeleteKv1.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1Secrets
Delete the secret.
delete(DeleteKv1.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecretsRx
Delete the secret.
delete(DeleteKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Delete a secret version.
delete(DeleteKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Delete a secret version.
delete(Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
delete(Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all DELETE requests to provided handler(s).
delete(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
delete(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes DELETE requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
delete(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecrets
Delete a Cubbyhole secret.
delete(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecretsRx
Delete a Cubbyhole secret.
delete(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
Delete a database configuration.
delete(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecretsRx
Delete a database configuration.
delete(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1Secrets
Delete the secret.
delete(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecretsRx
Delete the secret.
delete(String, int...) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Delete specific versions of a secret.
delete(String, int...) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Delete specific versions of a secret.
delete(String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiResponse.Builder<?, T>) - Method in interface
Delete without a response entity.
delete(String, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
delete(String, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes DELETE requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
delete(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute delete statement using a statement passed as an argument.
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Method
The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI.
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatementType
Delete is a statement that deletes existing records.
deleteAll(DeleteAllKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Delete the secret and all its versions permanently.
deleteAll(DeleteAllKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Delete the secret and all its versions permanently.
deleteAll(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Delete the secret and all its versions permanently.
deleteAll(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Delete the secret and all its versions permanently.
DeleteAllKv2 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Delete All Key/Value Version 2 Secret versions request and response.
DeleteAllKv2.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Request object.
DeleteAllKv2.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
deleteAppRole(DeleteAppRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuth
Deletes an existing AppRole from the method with full control of request.
deleteAppRole(DeleteAppRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthRx
Deletes an existing AppRole from the method with full control of request.
DeleteAppRole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Delete AppRole request and response.
DeleteAppRole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Request object.
DeleteAppRole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Delete AppRole response.
DeleteCubbyhole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Delete Cubbyhole secret request and response.
DeleteCubbyhole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Request object.
DeleteCubbyhole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
deleted() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Metadata
Whether the secret is deleted (can be undeleted).
DELETED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeEventType
The content is not present.
deletedTime() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Metadata
Deleted timestamp for deleted secrets.
deleteKey(DeleteKey.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Delete a named ecryption key.
deleteKey(DeleteKey.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Delete a named ecryption key.
DeleteKey - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Delete Key request and response.
DeleteKey.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Request object.
DeleteKey.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
DeleteKv1 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Delete Key/Value Version 1 Secret request and response.
DeleteKv1.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Request object.
DeleteKv1.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
DeleteKv2 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Key/Value Version 2 Secret version request and response.
DeleteKv2.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Request object.
DeleteKv2.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
deletePolicy(DeletePolicy.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Delete a policy.
deletePolicy(DeletePolicy.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Delete a policy.
deletePolicy(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Delete a policy.
deletePolicy(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Delete a policy.
DeletePolicy - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Create policy request and response.
DeletePolicy.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Request object.
DeletePolicy.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
deleteRole(DeleteRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuth
Deletes the previously registered role.
deleteRole(DeleteRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthRx
Deletes the previously registered role.
deleteRole(DbDeleteRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
Delete a database role.
deleteRole(DbDeleteRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecretsRx
Delete a database role.
deleteRole(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
Delete a database role.
deleteRole(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecretsRx
Delete a database role.
DeleteRole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Delete Role request.
DeleteRole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Request object.
DeleteRole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Delete Role response.
deleteRow() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
deletesAreDetected(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
deleteTokenRole(DeleteTokenRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Delete a named token role.
deleteTokenRole(DeleteTokenRole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Delete a named token role.
DeleteTokenRole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Delete token role request.
DeleteTokenRole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Request object.
DeleteTokenRole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
deletionDirectory(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
The deletion directory.
denied(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds exact strings a match by any of which denies matching for a candidate string.
deniedPatterns(List<Pattern>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds patterns a match by any of which denies matching for a candidate string.
deniedPrefixes(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds prefixes a match by any of which denies matching for a candidate string.
deniedSuffixes(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList.Builder
Adds suffixes a match by any of which denies matching for a candidate string.
deny() - Static method in class
Deny the request.
denyAll() - Method in class
Returns true if access should be denied to all.
DependentTransformer - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor
Transforms CDI Dependent annotation into Micronaut RequestScope (as the integration module does not use this bean from Micronaut, the scope is not relevant, we only use it to get ExecutableMethod metadata).
DependentTransformer() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor.DependentTransformer
deploy(ServiceDescriptor, PriorityBag<ServerInterceptor>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
Deploy the specified service to this GrpcServer.
deprecated() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
Configure to true if this option is deprecated.
DeprecatedConfig - Class in io.helidon.config
A utility class to handle configuration properties that should no longer be used.
DeprecatedMpConfig - Class in
A utility class to handle MicroProfile configuration properties that should no longer be used.
DER - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiFormat
DER binary encoded.
derive() - Method in class
Derive a new endpoint configuration builder based on this instance.
derive() - Method in class
Derive a new environment builder based on this environment.
derived(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.CreateKey.Request
Specifies if key derivation is to be used.
deriveKey(char[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.PasswordKeyDerivation
Derive key from the password with the usage of the salt.
deriveKey(String, String, char[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.PasswordKeyDerivation
Derive key from the password with the usage of the salt and selected algorithm.
deriveType(MetricType, Metric) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Infers the MetricType from a provided candidate type and a metric instance.
describe() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase
describeTo(Description) - Method in class io.helidon.config.testing.ValueNodeMatcher
description() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.spi.ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.MethodInvocation
Returns a brief description of the interesting value.
description() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSource
description() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigSourceRuntime
Description of the underlying config source.
description() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.Configured
Description of this configured type.
description() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
Description of the configuration option.
description() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredValue
Description of this value.
description() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeImpl
Description of this node.
description() - Method in class io.helidon.config.PrefixedConfigSource
description() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.Source
Short, human-readable summary referring to the underlying source.
description() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
Description of this node.
description() - Method in interface io.helidon.scheduling.Invocation
Human readable description of the scheduled interval.
description() - Method in interface io.helidon.scheduling.Task
Human readable description of the task invocation interval.
description() - Method in class
Description of current security status.
description(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricBuilder
Description of the metric used in metric metadata.
description(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
Set the description to apply to the metric.
description(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
Specifies the human-friendly description of the mount.
description(String) - Method in class
Set description of this security response failure.
descriptionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets whether the description should be enabled or not.
descriptor() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor
Returns the MethodDescriptor of this method.
descriptor() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor
Return gRPC method descriptor.
destination(String) - Method in class
Queue or topic name.
destination(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
Queue or topic name.
DESTINATION_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Queue or topic name.
destroy(DestroyKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Destroy a secret version.
destroy(DestroyKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Permanently remove specific version(s) of a secret.
destroy(Contextual<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext.ReferenceCountedContext
Calls the ReferenceCountedContext.decrementReferenceCount(Contextual) method with the supplied Contextual, destroying it if and only if its thread-specific reference count becomes less than or equal to zero.
destroy(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.HelidonComponentProvider
Beans are normally scoped to a client connection.
destroy(String, int...) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Permanently remove specific versions of a secret.
destroy(String, int...) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Permanently remove specific versions of a secret.
destroyed() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Metadata
Whether the secret is destroyed (cannot be undeleted).
DestroyKv2 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Destroy Key/Value Version 2 Secret version request and response.
DestroyKv2.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Request object.
DestroyKv2.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
destroySecretId(DestroySecretId.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuth
Destroy an AppRole secret ID.
destroySecretId(DestroySecretId.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthRx
Destroy an AppRole secret ID.
DestroySecretId - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Destroy Secret ID request and response.
DestroySecretId() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.DestroySecretId
DestroySecretId.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Request object.
DestroySecretId.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Destroy Secret ID response.
detach() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns a copy of the Config node with no parent.
detectExtensionType(String) - Static method in class
Detecd media type for a specific file extension.
detectExtensionType(String) - Method in interface
Detect media type from a file suffix.
detectType(String) - Static method in class
Detect media type for a path (may be URL, URI, path on a file system).
detectType(String) - Method in interface
Detect type based on a file string.
detectType(URI) - Static method in class
Detect media type based on URI.
detectType(URI) - Method in interface
Detect type based on a URL.
detectType(URL) - Static method in class
Detect media type based on URL.
detectType(URL) - Method in interface
Detect type based on a URL.
detectType(Path) - Static method in class
Detect media type for a file on file system.
detectType(Path) - Method in interface
Detect type based on a Path.
determineCharset(Parameters) - Static method in class
Returns the Charset specified in the content-type header, using StandardCharsets.UTF_8 as the default.
determineCharset(Parameters, Charset) - Static method in class
Returns the Charset specified in the content type header.
determineMethodName(AnnotatedMethod, GrpcMethod) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Determine the name to use from the method.
determineServiceName(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Determine the name of the gRPC service.
diagnosticEvent() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
digest() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSourceHelper.DataAndDigest
Digest of the data that was loaded.
digest(byte[], boolean) - Method in class
Generates a signature or an HMAC.
digest(Base64Value) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.crypto.Digest
Create digest of the value.
digest(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest
digest(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest
digest(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
digest(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider
digest(Config) - Method in interface
Create digest support from configuration.
digest(TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider
digest(String, byte[]) - Method in interface
Create a digest for the provided raw bytes.
digest(String, byte[], boolean) - Method in interface
Create a digest for the provided bytes.
digest(Path) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileSourceHelper
Returns an MD5 digest of the specified file or null if the file cannot be read.
digest(T) - Method in interface
Create digest support from configuration object.
Digest - Interface in io.helidon.common.crypto
Common digest which simplifies digest creation and its verification.
digestAlgorithm(HttpDigest.Algorithm) - Method in class
Digest algorithm to use.
digestHa1(String, HttpDigest.Algorithm) - Method in interface
Digest authentication requires a hash of username, realm and password.
digestKeyName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Request
Specifies the name of the encryption key to verify against.
digestNonceTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
How long will the nonce value be valid.
DigestProvider<T extends ProviderConfig> - Interface in
Provider that can create digests of bytes, and then verify them.
DigestProvider.DigestFunction - Interface in
Function to generate a digest from bytes.
DigestProvider.DigestSupport - Class in
Digest support created for each named digest configuration, used by Security for Security.digest(String, byte[]) and Security.verifyDigest(String, byte[], String) methods.
DigestProvider.VerifyFunction - Interface in
Function to verify a digest string.
digestServerSecret(char[]) - Method in class
The nonce is encrypted using this secret - to make sure the nonce we get back was generated by us and to make sure we can safely time-out nonce values.
digestString(Base64Value) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.crypto.Digest
Create digest of the value and return as String format.
DigestSupport(DigestProvider.DigestFunction, DigestProvider.VerifyFunction) - Constructor for class
Digest support based on the two functions.
directHandler(DirectHandler, DirectHandler.EventType...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Provide a custom handler for events that bypass routing.
DirectHandler - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
A handler that is invoked when a response is sent outside of routing.
DirectHandler.EventType - Enum Class in io.helidon.webserver
Types of events that can be triggered outside of routing that immediately return a response.
DirectHandler.TransportRequest - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Request information.
DirectHandler.TransportResponse - Class in io.helidon.webserver
Response to correctly reply to the original client.
DirectHandler.TransportResponse.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver
Fluent API builder for DirectHandler.TransportResponse.
directory() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder.GitEndpoint
Returns a local git directory.
directory(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a Builder for creating a ConfigSource from the specified directory path.
directory(Path) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
Sets a directory where the repository is cloned or should be cloned.
DirectoryConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.config
ConfigSource implementation that loads configuration content from a directory on a filesystem.
DirectoryConfigSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
Common ancestor for config source builders, taking care of configurable options understood by the config module.
disableAuth(DisableAuth.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Disable an authentication method.
disableAuth(DisableAuth.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Disable an authentication method.
disableAuth(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Disable an authentication method.
disableAuth(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Disable an authentication method.
DisableAuth - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Disable authentication method request and response.
DisableAuth.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Request object.
DisableAuth.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
disableCaching() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Disables caching of elementary configuration values on Config side.
DISABLED - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig
Disabled component - all subsequent calls return disabled spans and logs.
DISABLED - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanLogTracingConfig
Disabled traced span log.
DISABLED - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig
A traced span that is disabled and all logs on it are disabled as well.
DISABLED - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
Traced conifg that is disabled for all components, spans and logs.
disableDefaultInterceptor() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricAnnotationDiscovery
Requests that the default metrics interceptor not be used for the metric corresponding to the indicated annotation which appears on this method.
disableDiscovery() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
disableEngine(Engine<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Disable (unmount) a secret engine from default path.
disableEngine(Engine<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Disable (unmount) a secret engine from default path.
disableEngine(DisableEngine.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Disable (unmount) a secrets engine.
disableEngine(DisableEngine.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Disable (unmount) a secrets engine.
disableEngine(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Disable (unmount) a secret engine from specific path.
disableEngine(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Disable (unmount) a secrets engine from specific path.
DisableEngine - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Disable Secrets Engine request and response.
DisableEngine.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Request object.
DisableEngine.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
disableEnvironmentVariablesSource() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
disableFilterServices() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Disables automatic registration of filters loaded as a service.
disableHostnameVerification(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls.Builder
Sets if hostname verification should be disabled.
disableIssuerValidation(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.ConfigureK8s.Request
Disable JWT issuer validation.
disableKeyResolving() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Disables an usage of resolving key tokens.
disableLocalCaJwt(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.ConfigureK8s.Request
Disable defaulting to the local CA cert and service account JWT when running in a Kubernetes pod.
disableMapperServices() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Disables automatic registration of mappers via ConfigMapperProvider SPI loaded as a service.
disableParserServices() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Disables automatic registration of parsers loaded as a service.
disableResolving() - Method in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParserBuilder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
disableSystemPropertiesSource() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
disableTracing() - Method in class
Disable open tracing support in this security instance.
disableValueResolving() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Disables an usage of resolving value tokens.
disableVaultAuthDiscovery() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Do not discover VaultAuth implementations using a service loader.
discoverServices(boolean) - Method in class
Whether Java Service Loader should be used to load MediaSupportProvider.
discoverTenantConfigProviders(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to allow TenantConfigProvider service loader discovery.
discoverTenantConfigProviders(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to allow TenantConfigProvider service loader discovery.
discoverTenantIdProviders(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to allow TenantIdFinder service loader discovery.
diskSpaceCheck() - Static method in class
Disk space health check.
diskSpaceCheck(Config) - Static method in class
Disk space health check, set up via config.
DiskSpaceHealthCheck - Class in
A health check that verifies whether the server is running out of disk space.
DiskSpaceHealthCheck.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for DiskSpaceHealthCheck.
displayName() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.spi.ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.MethodInvocation
Returns a displayable name for the value.
displayName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
Set the display name to apply to the metric.
displayName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
The display name of the token.
dispose(T) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates.DelegatingProducer
distinct() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Filter out all duplicates.
DLQ_ERROR_MSG_PROP - Static variable in interface io.helidon.messaging.NackHandler
Message from error causing DLQ redirection.
DLQ_ERROR_PROP - Static variable in interface io.helidon.messaging.NackHandler
Error type causing the message to be sent to DLQ.
DLQ_ORIG_TOPIC_PROP - Static variable in interface io.helidon.messaging.NackHandler
Original destination of this message.
dlqTopic(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Names of the "dead letter queue" topics to be used in case message is nacked.
dml() - Method in class
Set health check statement type to DML.
dml(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute data modification statement using a statement passed as an argument.
DML - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatementType
Generic DML statement.
dnsResolverType(DnsResolverType) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Set which type of DNS resolver should be used.
DnsResolverType - Enum Class in io.helidon.webclient
DNS resolver type.
doApply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry
Apply the "raw" log entry.
doApply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.HeaderLogEntry
doApply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.HostLogEntry
doApply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.RequestLineLogEntry
doApply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.SizeLogEntry
doApply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.StatusLogEntry
doApply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.TimestampLogEntry
doApply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.TimeTakenLogEntry
doApply(AccessLogContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.UserLogEntry
doBuild() - Method in class
Build an instance of RestApi implementation.
doBuild() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common.VaultRestApi.BuilderBase
doBuild() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.Builder
Build the actual instance.
doBuild() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.ClassPathBuilder
doBuild() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.FileSystemBuilder
documentPreparer() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase.Builder
documentPreparer(Function<MediaType, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Assigns how the OpenAPI UI can obtain a formatted document for a given media type.
documentPreparer(Function<MediaType, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase.Builder
doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
doExecute(Single<DbClientServiceContext>, CompletableFuture<Void>, CompletableFuture<Long>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Execute the statement against the database.
doExecute(Single<DbClientServiceContext>, CompletableFuture<Void>, CompletableFuture<Long>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
doFilter(ContainerRequestContext, SecurityContext) - Method in class
domain(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.Builder
Sets Domain parameter.
domainAndPath(URI) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.Builder
Sets Domain and Path parameters.
doSign(byte[]) - Method in class
doSign(byte[]) - Method in class
doVerify(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class
doVerify(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class
doVerify(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class
down(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ConstantHealthCheck
Obtain a HealthCheck that always returns a status of down.
drain() - Method in class
Drain the upstream data if the contenders value is positive.
drain() - Method in class
Release all chunks and complete publisher of part's content.
drain(Throwable) - Method in class
Drain the upstream data and signal the given error.
drainBoth() - Method in class
Drain upstream (raw) data and decoded downstream data.
drainLoop() - Method in class
Drain the upstream data in a loop while the contenders value is positive.
driver() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j
The main entry point to the Neo4j Support.
driver(Driver) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics.Neo4jMetricsSupport.Builder
Submit the Neo4j driver.
dropWhile(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Drop the longest prefix of elements from this stream that satisfy the given predicate.
DropwizardMetricsListener - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
Hikari CP to Helidon metrics mapper.
dump(OutputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsSnapshot
duplicate() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Makes a copy of this data chunk including its underlying ByteBuffer.
duplicate() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.AcknowledgeMode
Messages are acknowledged lazily which can result in duplicate messages being delivered.
DURABLE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
True for creating durable consumer (only for topic).
durationToTtl(Duration) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRequest
Duration to time to live in HCP Vault format.


EARLIEST - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder.AutoOffsetReset
Automatically reset the offset to the latest offset.
earliestExpiration() - Method in record class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Stamp
Returns the value of the earliestExpiration record component.
email() - Method in class
Email claim.
email(String) - Method in class
Email claim.
emailProtectionFlag(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if certificates are flagged for email protection use.
emailVerified() - Method in class
Email verified claim.
emailVerified(Boolean) - Method in class
Claim defining whether e-mail is verified or not.
embeddedStorageManager() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics.MicrostreamMetricsSupport.Builder
get the current configuredEmbeddedStorageManager.
EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core
Builder for Microstream EmbeddedStorageManager.
EmbeddedStorageManagerExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi
An Extension that arranges for named MicrostreamStorage injection points to be satisfied.
EmbeddedStorageManagerExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi.EmbeddedStorageManagerExtension
emit(Message<P>...) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockIncoming
Emit one or more messages directly to the mocked channel.
emit(Message<PAYLOAD>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
emit(P...) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockIncoming
Emit one or more payloads directly to the mocked channel.
emit(T) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Emit item to the stream, if there is no immediate demand from downstream, buffer item for sending when demand is signaled.
emit(T) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Emit one item to the stream, if there is enough requested and publisher is not cancelled, item is signaled to downstream as onNext and method returns true.
emitter(Emitter<PAYLOAD>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register new emitter and all its channels.
Emitter<PAYLOAD> - Class in io.helidon.messaging
Emitter is convenience publisher for one or multiple channels, publishing is as easy as calling Emitter.send(Object) method.
Emitter.Builder<PAYLOAD> - Class in io.helidon.messaging
Builder for Emitter.
EmittingPublisher<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Emitting publisher for manual publishing on the same thread.
empty() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyHeaders
Returns an empty and immutable singleton.
empty() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
Returns empty and immutable singleton.
empty() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Get a Multi instance that completes immediately.
empty() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Get a Single instance that completes immediately.
empty() - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns empty instance of Config.
empty() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides an empty config source.
empty() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigValues
Simple empty value that can be used e.g.
empty() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.OverrideSources
An empty implementation of OverrideSource.
empty() - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode
Returns empty object node.
empty() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.spi.OverrideSource.OverrideData
Creates an OverrideData object containing no overrides.
empty() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.testing.OptionalMatcher
A matcher for an Optional that checks it is empty.
empty() - Static method in class
Creates new empty instance without registered defaults.
empty() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Determines if registry is empty.
empty() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
empty() - Static method in class
There is nothing we can add - e.g.
empty() - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.HeaderProvider
Empty headers.
empty() - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Router
Empty router.
EMPTY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class
An empty char array used for empty passwords.
EMPTY_PATH_MATCHER - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
Path matcher for routing which doesn't specify any other path matcher.
emptyArray(String) - Method in class
Configure an empty array.
emptyArray(String) - Method in class
emptyMap() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyHeaders
emptyMap() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
Creates an empty Map suitable (once populated) for read-only access.
emptyMapForCopy() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyHeaders
emptyMapForCopy() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
Creates an empty Map suitable (once populated) for read-only access, pre-sized as specified.
emptyMapForReads() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashHeaders
emptyMapForReads() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Returns an empty Map suitable for case-sensitivity or case-insensitivity and optimized for read-only access.
emptyMapForUpdates() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashHeaders
emptyMapForUpdates() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Returns an empty Map suitable for case-sensitivity or case-insensitivity and for read-write access.
emptyResponse(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, ResponseBuilder<?, T, ?>) - Method in class
Empty response, may be because of a Http.Status.NOT_FOUND_404, or some other status, such as Http.Status.NOT_MODIFIED_304.
emptyResponse(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, ResponseBuilder<?, T, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common.VaultRestApi
enableAuth(AuthMethod<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Enable an authentication method on default path.
enableAuth(AuthMethod<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Enable an authentication method on default path.
enableAuth(EnableAuth.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Enable an authentication method on custom path or with additional configuration.
enableAuth(EnableAuth.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Enable an authentication method on custom path or with additional configuration.
EnableAuth - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Enable Authentication Method request and response.
EnableAuth.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Request object.
EnableAuth.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
enableAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
If true the consumer's offset will be periodically committed in the background.
enableAutomaticCookieStore(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Set whether cookies should be automatically saved to the store.
enableBaseMetric(String, boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings.Builder
Sets whether a specific base metric should be enabled.
enableCompression() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Whether to allow negotiation for a gzip/deflate content encoding.
enableCompression(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
enableCompression(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
Configure whether to enable content negotiation for compression.
enableCompression(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Enable negotiation for gzip/deflate content encodings.
enableCompression(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
enabled() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Returns boolean value to indicate whether OciMetricsSupport service will be activated or not.
enabled() - Method in interface
Whether security is enabled or disabled.
enabled() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.Traceable
Whether this traceable should be executed or not.
enabled() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Return whether this tracer is an enabled tracer with a real backend.
enabled() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Tracer
Whether this tracer is enabled or not.
enabled() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
enabled() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Whether this socket is enabled (and will be opened on server startup), or disabled (and ignored on server startup).
enabled() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls
Whether this TLS config has security enabled (and the socket is going to be protected by one of the TLS protocols), or no (and the socket is going to be plain).
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
Configure whether this service is enabled or not.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor.Builder
Enable or disable TLS.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class
HealthSupport can be disabled by invoking this method.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets whether metrics transmission to OCI is enabled.
enabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings.Builder
Sets whether base metrics should be enabled.
enabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.ComponentMetricsSettings.Builder
Sets whether metrics should be enabled for the component.
enabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Sets whether metrics should be enabled.
enabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings.Builder
Sets whether the metric type should be enabled.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class
You can disable the OIDC support in case it should not be used.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class
Security can be disabled using configuration, or explicitly.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig.Builder
Configure whether this component is enabled or disabled.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanLogTracingConfig.Builder
Configure whether this traced span log is enabled or disabled.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig.Builder
Configure whether this traced span is enabled or disabled.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig.Builder
Whether overall tracing is enabled.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
enabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
When enabled, tracing will be sent.
enabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
When enabled, tracing will be sent.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
Access logging can be disabled (either through configuration or explicitly in code.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
Sets whether CORS support should be enabled or not.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig.Builder
Sets whether the resulting Mapped cross-origin config should be enabled.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
Set this socket builder to enabled or disabled.
enabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Whether the TLS config should be enabled or not.
ENABLED - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig
Enabled component - all subsequent calls return enabled spans and logs.
ENABLED - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanLogTracingConfig
Enabled traced span log.
ENABLED - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig
A traced span that is inabled and all logs on it are enabled as well.
ENABLED - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
Traced config that is enabled for all components, spans and logs.
ENABLED_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class
Config key within the config health section controlling whether health is enabled.
ENABLED_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings.Builder
Config key within the config {code metrics.base} section controlling whether base metrics should be enabled.
ENABLED_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.ComponentMetricsSettings.Builder
Config key within the component's metrics config section controlling whether metrics are enabled for that component.
ENABLED_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Config key within the config metrics section controlling whether metrics are enabled.
ENABLED_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings.Builder
Config key within the registry's config section controlling whether the current type of metrics should be enabled.
ENABLED_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Config key for the enabled setting.
ENABLED_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingFilter
If set to false, tracing will be disabled.
enableDecorators(Class<?>...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
enabledProtocols(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Configures the TLS protocols to enable with the server socket.
enabledProtocols(Collection<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Configures the TLS protocols to enable with the server socket.
enabledSslProtocols() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use tls().enabledTlsProtocols() instead. This method will be removed at 3.0.0 version.
enabledSSlProtocols(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Configures the SSL protocols to enable with the default server socket.
enabledSSlProtocols(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
since 2.0.0, please use WebServerTls.Builder.enabledProtocols(String...) instead
enabledSSlProtocols(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Configures the SSL protocols to enable with the default server socket.
enabledSSlProtocols(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
enableEngine(Engine<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Enable (mount) a secret engine on a default path.
enableEngine(Engine<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Enable (mount) a secret engine on a default path.
enableEngine(EnableEngine.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.Sys
Enable (mount) a secret engine with custom configuration.
enableEngine(EnableEngine.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.SysRx
Enable (mount) a secret engine with custom configuration.
EnableEngine - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Enable Secrets Engine request and response.
EnableEngine.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Request object.
EnableEngine.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
enableInterceptors(Class<?>...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
enableManagement(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
enableStatistics(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
encode(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.HtmlEncoder
Encode HTML string replacing the special characters by their corresponding entities.
encode(Charset) - Method in class
Returns the content encoded into the given character set.
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in class
Encrypt the bytes.
encrypt(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
encrypt(Base64Value) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.crypto.CommonCipher
Encrypt message.
encrypt(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
encrypt(Encrypt.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Encrypts the provided plaintext using the named key.
encrypt(Encrypt.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Encrypts the provided plaintext using the named key.
encrypt(EncryptBatch.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Encrypts the provided batch of plaintext strings using the named key.
encrypt(EncryptBatch.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Encrypts the provided batch of plaintext strings using the named key.
encrypt(String, byte[]) - Method in interface
Encrypt bytes.
encrypt(String, byte[], byte[], Base64Value) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Encrypt the message with the usage of provided parameters.
encrypt(String, String, byte[], byte[], Base64Value) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Encrypt the message with the usage of provided parameters.
encrypt(String, String, byte[], AlgorithmParameterSpec, Base64Value) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher
Encrypt the message with the usage of provided parameters.
encrypt(String, String, PublicKey, Base64Value) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher
Encrypt the message with the provided public key and selected algorithm.
Encrypt - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Encrypt request and response.
Encrypt.Encrypted - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Encrypted value.
Encrypt.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Request object.
Encrypt.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
encryptAes(char[], String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionUtil
Encrypt using AES with GCM method, key is derived from password with random salt.
encryptAesBytes(char[], byte[]) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionUtil
this method will be removed once a separate module for encryption is created
EncryptBatch - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Encrypt Batch request and response.
EncryptBatch.BatchEntry - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Definition of a batch entry.
EncryptBatch.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Request object.
EncryptBatch.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
encrypted() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Response
The encrypted value - cipher text and version of key.
encrypted(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Enable ecrypted field.
EncryptedJwt - Class in
The JWT used to transfer content across network - e.g.
EncryptedJwt.Builder - Class in
Encrypted JWT builder.
EncryptedJwt.SupportedAlgorithm - Enum Class in
Supported RSA cipher for content key encryption.
EncryptedJwt.SupportedEncryption - Enum Class in
Supported AES cipher for content encryption.
encryptedKey() - Method in class
Encrypted content encryption key.
encryptedPayload() - Method in class
Encrypted content.
encryption() - Method in class
Encryption algorithm claim.
encryption(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider
encryption(Config) - Method in class
encryption(Config) - Method in interface
Create encryption support from configuration.
encryption(TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider
encryption(EncryptedJwt.SupportedEncryption) - Method in class
Encryption which should be used for content encryption.
encryption(ConfigVaultProvider.EncryptionConfig) - Method in class
encryption(String) - Method in class
Encryption algorithm to use.
encryption(T) - Method in interface
Create encryption support from configuration object.
EncryptionFilter - Class in io.helidon.config.encryption
Provides possibility to decrypt passwords from configuration sources.
EncryptionFilter.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config.encryption
Builder to programmatically setup EncryptionFilter.
EncryptionFilterService - Class in io.helidon.config.encryption
A Java service for EncryptionFilter.
EncryptionFilterService() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilterService
encryptionKeyName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Decrypt.Request
Specifies the name of the encryption key to decrypt against.
encryptionKeyName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DecryptBatch.Request
Specifies the name of the encryption key to encrypt against.
encryptionKeyName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Request
Specifies the name of the encryption key to encrypt against.
encryptionKeyName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.Request
Specifies the name of the encryption key to encrypt against.
encryptionKeyType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Request
This parameter is required when encryption key is expected to be created.
encryptionKeyType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.Request
This parameter is required when encryption key is expected to be created.
encryptionKeyVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Request
Specifies the version of the key to use for encryption.
encryptionKeyVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.Request
Specifies the version of the key to use for encryption.
EncryptionProvider<T extends ProviderConfig> - Interface in
Provider that can encrypt and decrypt secrets.
EncryptionProvider.EncryptionSupport - Class in
Encryption support created for each named encryption configuration.
EncryptionSupport(Function<byte[], Single<String>>, Function<String, Single<byte[]>>) - Constructor for class
Encryption support based on the two functions.
EncryptionUtil - Class in io.helidon.config.encryption
Encryption utilities for secrets protection.
encryptRsa(PublicKey, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionUtil
Encrypt secret using RSA with OAEP.
encryptToString(Base64Value) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.crypto.CommonCipher
Encrypt message to the String format.
end() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
End this tag (finish processing) using current timestamp.
end(Throwable) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
End with error status and an exception.
END - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter.XARoutine
An enum constant modeling the XAResource.end(Xid, int) method.
endpoint(ServerEndpointConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebSocketRouting.Builder
Add endpoint.
endpoint(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebSocketRouting.Builder
Add endpoint.
endpoint(String, ServerEndpointConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebSocketRouting.Builder
Add endpoint.
endpoint(String, Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebSocketRouting.Builder
Add endpoint.
endpointConfig() - Method in class
Configuration of the invoked endpoint, such as annotations declared.
endpointConfig() - Method in interface
Current endpoint configuration.
endpointConfig(EndpointConfig) - Method in class
Set the endpoint configuration to start with.
endpointConfig(EndpointConfig) - Method in interface
Set endpoint configuration to use for subsequent security requests.
endpointConfig(Supplier<EndpointConfig>) - Method in interface
Shortcut method to set EndpointConfig using a builder rather than built instance.
EndpointConfig - Class in
Each endpoint can have security configuration either statically declared (e.g.
EndpointConfig.AnnotationScope - Enum Class in
Scope of annotations used in applications that integrate security.
EndpointConfig.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for EndpointConfig.
endRequest() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
endRequest() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
enforce() - Static method in class
Return a default instance to create a default enforcement point (or modify the result further).
enforce() - Static method in class
Return a default instance to create a default enforcement point (or modify the result further).
enforceHostnames(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if only valid host names are allowed for CNs, DNS SANs, and the host part of email addresses.
engine(Engine<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DisableEngine.Request
Secrets engine to disable.
engine(Engine<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableEngine.Request
Secrets engine to enable.
Engine<T extends SecretsRx> - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault
A secrets engine.
ENGINE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecretsRx
Cubbyhole (token scoped) secrets engine.
ENGINE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
Database secrets engine.
ENGINE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecretsRx
Database secrets engine.
ENGINE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecretsRx
KV (Key/Value) secrets engine version 1.
ENGINE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
KV (Key/Value) secrets engine version 2.
ENGINE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
PKI secrets engine.
ENGINE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Transit Secrets engine.
enhance(ProviderRequest, AuthenticationResponse, Subject) - Method in class
Enhance the subject with appropriate roles from IDCS.
enhance(ProviderRequest, AuthenticationResponse, Subject) - Method in class
enhance(ProviderRequest, AuthenticationResponse, Subject) - Method in class
Enhance subject with IDCS roles, reactive.
enhance(Subject, ProviderRequest, AuthenticationResponse) - Method in class
Enhance the subject with appropriate roles from IDCS.
enhance(Subject, ProviderRequest, AuthenticationResponse) - Method in class
enhance(Subject, ProviderRequest, AuthenticationResponse) - Method in class
Enhance subject with IDCS roles.
enquoteIdentifier(String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
enquoteLiteral(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
enquoteNCharLiteral(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
enroll(MetricAnnotationDiscoveryObserver) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricsCdiExtension
Records an observer of metric annotation discoveries.
enroll(MetricRegistrationObserver) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricsCdiExtension
Records an observer of metric registrations.
enrollBuiltInRegistry(MeterRegistryFactory.BuiltInRegistryType) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.Builder
Enrolls a built-in registry type using the default configuration for that type.
enrollBuiltInRegistry(MeterRegistryFactory.BuiltInRegistryType, MeterRegistryConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.Builder
Enrolls a built-in registry type to support.
enrollRegistry(MeterRegistry, Function<ServerRequest, Optional<Handler>>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.Builder
Records a MetricRegistry to be managed by MicrometerSupport, along with the function that returns an Optional of a Handler for processing a given request to the Micrometer endpoint.
ensureSafeObserver(StreamObserver<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.SafeStreamObserver
Ensure that the specified StreamObserver is a safe observer.
ensureStatusException(Throwable, Status) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcHelper
Ensure that a Throwable is either a StatusRuntimeException or a StatusException.
ensureStatusRuntimeException(Throwable, Status) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcHelper
Ensure that a Throwable is a StatusRuntimeException.
entity() - Method in class
Accessor to entity that can be used in subclasses of ApiEntityResponse to set up fields.
entity() - Method in class
Entity as received from network.
entity() - Method in class
Get the entity if it is present.
entity(byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportResponse.Builder
Custom entity.
entity(Object) - Method in class
Create a new body part backed by the specified entity.
entity(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportResponse.Builder
Custom entity.
entity(X) - Method in class
This method is invoked by RestApi when an entity is received.
entity(X) - Method in class
Configure the entity.
entity(X) - Method in interface
This method is invoked by RestApi when an entity is received.
entityAlias(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
Name of the entity alias to associate with during token creation.
entityCacheThreshold(long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Abstract threshold value for the lifetime of entities in the cache.
entityCacheTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Timeout in milliseconds for the entity cache evaluator.
entityId() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenResponse
Entity id.
entityProcessor() - Method in class
The configured entity processor.
entityProcessor(Function<X, R>) - Method in class
A function to convert the entity to target object.
entityStream(Flow.Publisher<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class
Create a new body part backed by the specified entity stream.
entityType() - Method in interface
Get the type requested for conversion.
entrySet() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeImpl
env() - Method in class
Environment of current request, such as the URI invoked, time to use for security decisions etc.
env() - Method in interface
env(SecurityEnvironment) - Method in class
Set the security environment to start with.
env(SecurityEnvironment) - Method in interface
Set a new security environment to be used in this context.
env(Supplier<SecurityEnvironment>) - Method in interface
Set a new security environment to be used int this context.
envConfig(TracingConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebTracingConfig.Builder
Use the provided configuration as a default for any request.
environmentBuilder() - Method in interface
Security environment builder, to be used to create environment for evaluating security in integration components.
EnvironmentVariableAliases - Class in io.helidon.config
Provides configuration key aliases in an attempt to map to legal environment variable names.
environmentVariables() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a @{code ConfigSource} for creating a Config from environment variables.
environmentVariables() - Static method in class
Environment variables config source.
EnvironmentVariables - Class in io.helidon.config
Provides environment variables that include aliases enabling setting or overriding configuration with keys that are unlikely to be legal as environment variables.
EP_PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_PASSWORD - Static variable in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use EndpointConfig.PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_SECRET instead, the value will change in 4.x as well
EP_PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_USER - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use EndpointConfig.PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_ID instead, the value will change in 4.x as well
EP_PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_USER - Static variable in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use EndpointConfig.PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_ID instead, the value will change in 4.x as well
EP_PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_USER - Static variable in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use EndpointConfig.PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_ID instead, the value will change in 4.x as well
EPollTransport - Class in io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.epoll
A Transport implementation based upon Netty's epoll-based native transport.
EPollTransport() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.epoll.EPollTransport
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Compares obj to this media type to see if they are the same by comparing type, subtype and parameters.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Stamp
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy
equals(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls
error() - Method in interface
Get the subscription error of this event.
error(Class<T>, ErrorHandler<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
Registers an error handler that handles the given type of exceptions.
error(Exception) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
Send onError signal to all subscribers.
error(String) - Method in class
Log error and finish the span.
error(Throwable) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Create a Multi instance that reports the given exception to its subscriber(s).
error(Throwable) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Create a Single instance that reports the given given exception to its subscriber(s).
error(Throwable) - Method in class
Log error and finish the span.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class
Security event error - we tried to process security, but failed with exception (equivalent of http 500).
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Status
The span ended with an error.
ErrorHandler<T extends Throwable> - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
The routing error handler.
errorRatio(int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
How many failures out of 100 will trigger the circuit to open.
errorResponse(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse) - Method in class
Create an error response.
errors() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultOptionalResponse
List of errors (if any) as returned by Vault.
errors(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricBuilder
Whether to measure failed statements.
errors(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultOptionalResponse.BuilderBase
Configure list of Vault errors as read from response.
Errors - Class in io.helidon.common
Errors utility used to file processing messages (e.g.
ERRORS - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Key for errors.
Errors.Collector - Class in io.helidon.common
A collector of Errors.ErrorMessages.
Errors.ErrorMessage - Class in io.helidon.common
Error message with a severity and a source.
Errors.ErrorMessagesException - Exception in io.helidon.common
Exception used by Errors.checkValid() thrown in case there are fatal messages.
errorSeverity() - Element in annotation interface
Severity of request with unsuccessful response (in http, this would be 4** and 5** status).
escapeName(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Key
Escape '~' to ~0 and '.' to ~1 in specified name.
etag() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponseHeaders
Returns value of header "ETag" of the response.
ETAG - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "ETag" header name.
eTags() - Method in record class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Stamp
Returns the value of the eTags record component.
EtcdConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.config.etcd
A config source which loads a configuration document from Etcd.
EtcdConfigSourceBuilder - Class in io.helidon.config.etcd
Etcd ConfigSource builder.
EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdApi - Enum Class in io.helidon.config.etcd
EtcdApi determines which etcd API version will be used.
EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdEndpoint - Class in io.helidon.config.etcd
Etcd endpoint remote descriptor.
EtcdConfigSourceProvider - Class in io.helidon.config.etcd
Service loader service for ETCD config source.
EtcdConfigSourceProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceProvider
EtcdEndpoint(URI, String, EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdApi) - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdEndpoint
Initializes descriptor.
EtcdWatcher - Class in io.helidon.config.etcd
Etcd watch strategy is based on etcd watch operation.
EtcdWatcherProvider - Class in io.helidon.config.etcd
Service loader service for ETCD config source.
EtcdWatcherProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdWatcherProvider
EventConfigSource - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
A source that supports notifications when changed.
eventStreamWriter() - Static method in class
Return a default Jackson entity event stream writer.
eventStreamWriter() - Static method in class
Return a default JSON-B entity event stream writer.
eventStreamWriter() - Static method in class
Return a default JSON-P entity event stream writer.
eventStreamWriter(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class
Create a new Jackson entity stream writer based on ObjectMapper instance.
eventStreamWriter(Jsonb) - Static method in class
Create a new JSON-B entity stream writer based on Jsonb instance.
eventStreamWriter(JsonWriterFactory) - Static method in class
Create a new JSON-P entity stream writer based on JsonWriterFactory instance.
eventStreamWriterInstance() - Method in class
Return Jackson stream writer instance for MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM content type.
eventStreamWriterInstance() - Method in class
Return JSON-B stream writer instance for MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM content type.
eventStreamWriterInstance() - Method in class
Return JSON-P stream writer.
eventType() - Method in interface
Get the event type of this event.
eventType() - Method in interface
Gets the type of this AuditEvent.
EVICT_PARALLELISM_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface
Parameter to ConcurrentHashMap.forEachKey(long, Consumer) used for eviction.
EvictableCache<K,V> - Interface in
Generic cache with eviction support.
EvictableCache.Builder<K,V> - Class in
Builder to create instances of EvictableCache using the default implementation backed by a ConcurrentHashMap.
evictionManagerFactory(Factory<EvictionManager<K, V>>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
evictor(BiFunction<K, V, Boolean>) - Method in class
Configure evictor to check if a record is still valid.
evictSchedule(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
Configure eviction scheduling.
exceptionally(Function<Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
exceptionally(Function<Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
exceptionallyAccept(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
Returns a new CompletionAwaitable that, when this stage completes exceptionally, is executed with this stage's exception as the argument to the supplied consumer.
exceptionallyAccept(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Returns a new CompletionAwaitable that, when this stage completes exceptionally, is executed with this stage's exception as the argument to the supplied consumer.
exceptionBlacklist(String[]) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler.Builder
Blacklisted error classes that will not return error message back to caller.
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ForwardingHandler
Overrides behavior when exception is thrown in pipeline.
ExceptionConverter - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc
A functional interface whose implementations can convert a kind of Exception encountered in the context of an XA routine to an appropriate XAException, according to the rules in the XA specification as expressed in the documentation for the XAResource interface.
ExceptionConverter.XARoutine - Enum Class in io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc
An enum describing XA routines modeled by an XAResource implementation.
exceptionWhitelist(String[]) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler.Builder
Whitelisted error classes that will return error message back to caller.
exclude(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFilterSettings.Builder
Sets the regex for names to exclude.
EXCLUDE_CLASSES_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class
Config key within the config health section indicating health check implementation classes to exclude.
EXCLUDE_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class
Config key within the config health section indicating health checks to exclude.
EXCLUDE_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFilterSettings.Builder
Config key within the filter section for the regex for names to exclude.
excludeCnFromSans(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
If true, the given common_name will not be included in DNS or Email Subject Alternate Names (as appropriate).
excludePaths(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
List of path patterns to exclude in access log.
excludePaths(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
List of path patterns to exclude in access log.
excludeUnlistedClasses() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
execPing() - Method in class
Execute the ping statement.
execute() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
execute() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatement
Execute this statement using the parameters configured with params and addParams methods.
execute() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
execute() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementGet
execute() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
execute(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler
Execute a GraphQL query.
execute(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
execute(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
execute(String, int[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
execute(String, String[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
execute(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler
Execute a GraphQL query.
execute(Function<DbExecute, T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient
Execute database statement.
execute(Function<DbExecute, T>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClient
execute(Supplier<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy
execute(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.RetryPolicy
Invokes the provided Supplier to read the source data and returns that data.
executeBatch() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeLargeBatch() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeLargeUpdate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeLargeUpdate(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeLargeUpdate(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeLargeUpdate(String, int[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeLargeUpdate(String, String[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executePolicy(String, Errors.Collector, ProviderRequest) - Method in class
executePolicy(String, Errors.Collector, ProviderRequest) - Method in interface
Execute a policy based on a policy statement.
executeQuery() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeQuery(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeUpdate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeUpdate(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeUpdate(String, int[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
executeUpdate(String, String[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
ExecutionContext - Interface in io.helidon.graphql.server
GraphQL execution context to support partial results.
executor() - Method in interface io.helidon.scheduling.Task
Executor used for invocation of scheduled tasks.
executor(ThreadPoolSupplier) - Method in class
Custom executor supplier for asynchronous operations like acknowledgement.
executor(ThreadPoolSupplier) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder
Custom executor supplier for asynchronous operations like acknowledgement.
executor(Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.MultiToByteChannelBuilder
Supply custom executor for handling the blocking of WritableByteChannel.
executor(ExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.MultiFromInputStreamBuilder
If the InputStream can block in read method, use executor for asynchronous waiting.
executor(ExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Async.Builder
Configure executor service to use for executing tasks asynchronously.
executor(ExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport.Builder
Executor service to use for GraphQL processing.
executor(ExecutorService) - Method in class
Custom executor for asynchronous operations like acknowledgement.
executor(ExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder
Custom executor for asynchronous operations like acknowledgement.
executor(ExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebSocketRouting.Builder
ExecutorService supplying threads for execution of endpoint methods.
executor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.MultiFromByteChannelBuilder
Configure executor service to use for scheduling reads from the channel.
executor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher.Builder
Executor to use for this watcher.
executor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.config.PollingStrategies.ScheduledBuilder
Sets a custom service used to schedule polling ticks on.
executor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.Builder
Executor service to use to schedule the polling events.
executor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
Executor service to schedule future tasks.
executor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Timeout.Builder
Executor service to schedule the timeout.
executor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.CronBuilder
Custom ScheduledExecutorService used for executing scheduled task.
executor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.FixedRateBuilder
Custom ScheduledExecutorService used for executing scheduled task.
executor(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Async.Builder
Configure executor service to use for executing tasks asynchronously.
executor(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Builder
Configure executor service to use for executing tasks asynchronously.
executor(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService>) - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance
Configure Helidon wide executor service for Fault Tolerance.
executor(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService>) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport.Builder
Executor service to use for GraphQL processing.
EXECUTOR_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in interface
Configuration key for thread name prefix used for asynchronous operations like acknowledgement.
ExecutorException - Exception in io.helidon.common.context
Exception related to execution of a task in context.
ExecutorException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.context.ExecutorException
Create exception with a descriptive message.
ExecutorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.context.ExecutorException
Create exception with a descriptive message and a cause.
executorService() - Method in interface
Executor service to handle possible blocking tasks in security.
executorService() - Method in interface
Executor service of the security module.
executorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
Configure an executor service to be used for this application.
executorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class
Executor service to use for requests within this context.
executorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
Sets the executor service to use for a handling of request that matches a path where the JerseySupport is registered.
executorService(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder
An executor service to schedule retries and run timed operations on.
executorService(Supplier<ExecutorService>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
Configure an explicit executor service supplier.
executorService(Supplier<ExecutorService>) - Method in class
Configure executor service to be used for blocking operations within security.
executorService(Supplier<ExecutorService>) - Method in class
Executor service to use for requests within this context.
ExecutorServiceMetricsObserver - Class in io.helidon.metrics
Manages metrics for each Helidon-created thread pool.
ExecutorServiceMetricsObserver() - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.ExecutorServiceMetricsObserver
Creates a new instance of the observer.
ExecutorServices - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
A CommonForkJoinPoolExecutorServices whose ExecutorServices.wrap(Collection) method simply returns the supplied Collection of Callables unchanged.
ExecutorServices() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.ExecutorServices
Creates a new ExecutorServices.
ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver - Interface in io.helidon.common.configurable.spi
Behavior for observers of the various executor service suppliers.
ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.MethodInvocation - Interface in io.helidon.common.configurable.spi
Information about method invocations to retrieve interesting (e.g., metrics) values from an executor service.
ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.SupplierObserverContext - Interface in io.helidon.common.configurable.spi
Context with which suppliers (or their surrogates) interact with observers.
EXEMPLARS_STRICT_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Config key within metrics for strict (vs.
ExemplarService - Interface in io.helidon.metrics
Behavior for supporting exemplars in metrics histograms.
exists() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns true if the node exists, whether an object, a list, or a value node.
exists() - Method in enum class io.helidon.config.Config.Type
Returns true if the node exists, either as an object, a list or as a value node.
exists() - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource
exists() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
exists() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource
exists() - Method in class io.helidon.config.PrefixedConfigSource
exists() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.Source
If the underlying data exist at this time.
expand() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.EnvironmentVariables
Returns the environment variables and their aliases.
expand(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.EnvironmentVariables
Returns the environment variables and their aliases.
EXPECT - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Expect" header name.
EXPECTATION_FAILED_417 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
417 Expectation Failed, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
expectedAudience(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
expectedAudience(String) - Method in class
Audience expected in inbound JWTs.
expectedAudiences(Collection<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Replace expected audiences with the content of the provided collection.
expectedIssuer(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Expected issuer in incoming requests.
expectedVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.UpdateKv2.Request
Expected version of the secret being updated.
experimental() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
Set to true for experimental configuration.
expiration() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Response
Certificate expiration instant.
expirationTime() - Method in class
Expiration time claim.
expirationTime(Instant) - Method in class
The expiration time defines the time that this JWT loses validity.
expires() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponseHeaders
Returns value of header "Expires" of the response.
expires() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Optionally gets the value of "Expires" header.
expires(Instant) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.Builder
Sets Expires parameter.
expires(Instant) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Sets the value of "Expires" header.
expires(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.Builder
Sets Expires parameter.
expires(ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Sets the value of "Expires" header.
EXPIRES - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Expires" header name.
expiryPolicyFactory(Factory<ExpiryPolicy>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
explicit() - Element in annotation interface
By default, authorization is implicit and all annotations are processed before method invocation to authorize access.
explicitMaxTtl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
If set, the token will have an explicit max TTL set upon it.
explicitPassword(String) - Method in class
Configure explicit password to use for this outbound target.
explicitProvider(String) - Method in class
Use an explicit provider.
explicitUser(String) - Method in class
Username to propagate.
explicitUser(String) - Method in class
Configure explicit user to use for this outbound target.
exportable(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.CreateKey.Request
Enables keys to be exportable.
exportable(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.UpdateKeyConfig.Request
Enables keys to be exportable.
exporterTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Timeout of exporter requests.
exposeHeaders() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.cors.CrossOrigin
A list of response headers allowed for clients other than the "standard" ones.
exposeHeaders() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
exposeHeaders(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
exposeHeaders(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
expression(String) - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.CronBuilder
Cron expression for specifying period of execution.
expressionFactory(ExpressionFactory) - Method in class
Configure a specific expression factory to use with this executor.
expTime(Instant) - Method in class
Time the token would expire.
extended(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Sets whether exntended KPI metrics should be enabled in the settings.
extended(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
extension(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.spi.HikariCpExtensionProvider
Get instance of JDBC DB Client configuration extension.
extension(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsExtensionProvider
extension(Extension) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication.Builder
Add single extension.
extension(Extension) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebSocketRouting.Builder
Add Jakarta WebSocket extension.
extensions() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication
Get list of installed extensions.
EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Key for extensions.
extract(HeaderProvider) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Tracer
Extract parent span context from inbound request, such as from HTTP headers.
extract(Format<C>, C) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracer
extractIdcsMtContext(Subject, ProviderRequest) - Method in class
Extract IDCS multitenancy context form the the request.
extractIdcsMtContext(Subject, ProviderRequest) - Method in class
Extract IDCS multitenancy context form the the request.
extractMethodName(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcHelper
Extract the gRPC method name from a method full name.
extractNamePrefix(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcHelper
Extract the name prefix from from a method full name.
extractServiceName(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcHelper
Extract the gRPC service name from a method full name.
extractToken(String) - Method in class
Extracts the token from the string value of the header (or other field).
extractToken(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Extracts the token from request.


factor() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.RetryExponentialBackoff
Multiplication factor.
factor(int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy.Builder
Multiplication factor.
fail(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Send onError signal downstream, regardless of the buffer content.
fail(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Properly fail the stream, set publisher to cancelled state and send onError signal downstream.
fail(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockIncoming
Send terminal error signal to the channel.
FAIL - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Action
Fail by throwing an IllegalStateException.
FAIL_ON_MISSING_REFERENCE_KEY_NAME - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.ConfigFilters.ValueResolvingBuilder
Config key for setting missing reference behavior on ValueResolvingFilters.
failCause() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Return cause of fail, if publisher is in failed state.
failed(String) - Static method in class
Construct a failed response with an explanatory message.
failed(String, Throwable) - Static method in class
Construct a failed response with a throwable as a cause.
failed(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
failIfNoneValidated(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to fail if NONE of the attributes is validated.
failOnMissingKeyReference(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
When key resolving is enabled and a reference cannot be resolved, should we fail, or use the key verbatim.
failOnMissingReference(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigFilters.ValueResolvingBuilder
Sets how the ValueResolvingFilter resulting from this builder will behave when a value contains a reference to a non-existent key.
failOnMissingValueReference(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
When value resolving is enabled and a reference cannot be resolved, should we fail, or use the value verbatim.
failOnUnvalidated(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to fail if any attribute is left unvalidated.
FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class
Security event failure - we tried to process security, but the result was negative (e.g.
FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the message processing by the security module was NOT successful.
FAILURE_FINISH - Enum constant in enum class
Failed and provider did everything to be done.
failWhenClosed() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
Invokes the ConditionallyCloseableConnection.isClosed() method, and, if it returns true, throws a new SQLException indicating that because the connection is closed the operation cannot proceed.
fallback() - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.MergingStrategy
Returns an implementation of MergingStrategy in which nodes from a root earlier in the list have higher priority than nodes from a root later in the list.
fallback(Function<Throwable, ? extends CompletionStage<T>>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Fallback.Builder
Configure a fallback for a Single or CompletionStage.
Fallback<T> - Interface in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fallback allows the user to execute an alternative function in case the provided supplier fails.
Fallback.Builder<T> - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fluent API builder for Fallback.
fallbackConfigSupplier(Supplier<Config>) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciExtension
Establishes the fallback config supplier used only when the OciExtension.DEFAULT_OCI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE is not physically present, and there has been no config supplier explicitly established via OciExtension.configSupplier(Supplier).
fallbackMulti(Function<Throwable, ? extends Flow.Publisher<T>>) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Fallback.Builder
Configure a fallback for a Multi or Flow.Publisher.
family() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus
Get the class of status code.
family() - Method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
Get the class of status code.
familyName() - Method in class
Family name claim.
familyName(String) - Method in class
Family name of subject (surname).
fatal(Object, String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a fatal error to the list of messages.
fatal(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a fatal error to the list of messages.
FATAL - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.Severity
faultTolerance(FtHandler) - Method in class
Configure the fault tolerance handler to use with client requests.
faultTolerance(FtHandler) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
An FtHandler can be configured to be used by all calls to the Vault, to add support for retries, circuit breakers, bulkhead etc.
FaultTolerance - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
System wide fault tolerance configuration and access to a customized sequence of fault tolerance handlers.
FaultTolerance.Builder - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
A builder used for setting up a customized list of fault tolerance handlers.
FaultTolerance.TypedBuilder<T> - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
A builder used for fault tolerance handlers that require a specific type to be used, such as Fallback.
FaultToleranceExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance
CDI extension for Helidon's Fault Tolerance implementation.
FaultToleranceExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension
FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper<T> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance
Wraps an annotated type for the purpose of adding and/or overriding some annotations.
featureConfig() - Method in class
FIELD - Enum constant in enum class
Annotations on field.
file(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a Builder for creating a ConfigSource from the specified file path.
file(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.OverrideSources
Creates new instance of the File OverrideSource Builder to be used to bootstrap an File OverrideSource instance.
file(Path) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a Builder for creating a ConfigSource from the specified file path.
FILE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource.Source
Resource was loaded from a file.
FileBasedBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.FileBasedBuilder
fileConfigIsPresent() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
Determines whether sufficient configuration is present on this bean to be used for OCI's "file-based" authentication provider.
FileConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.config
ConfigSource implementation that loads configuration content from a file on a filesystem.
FileConfigSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
File ConfigSource Builder.
FileFormParams - Interface in
Form object which simplifies sending of multipart forms.
FileFormParams.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder of FileFormParams.
filename() - Method in interface
since 3.1.2, this method will be updated to return Optional<String> in future releases, use headers().contentDisposition().filename() instead.
filename() - Method in class
Get the value of the filename parameter that can be used to suggest a filename to be used if the entity is detached and stored in a separate file.
filename(String) - Method in class
Set the content disposition filename parameter.
filename(String) - Method in class
Filename which will be used in ContentDisposition.
filename(String) - Method in class
Filename which will be used in ContentDisposition.
fileName() - Method in interface
File name of the source that caused this event.
FileOverrideSource - Class in io.helidon.config
OverrideSource implementation that loads override definitions from a file on a filesystem.
FileOverrideSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
File OverrideSource Builder.
FileSourceHelper - Class in io.helidon.config
Utilities for file-related source classes.
FileSourceHelper.DataAndDigest - Class in io.helidon.config
Data and digest of a file.
FileSubscriber - Class in io.helidon.webclient
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FileSystemBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.FileSystemBuilder
FileSystemWatcher - Class in io.helidon.config
This change watcher is backed by WatchService to fire a polling event with every change on monitored Path.
FileSystemWatcher.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
Fluent API builder for FileSystemWatcher.
fileWriter() - Static method in class
Return File writer instance.
filter(ClientRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingRestClientFilter
filter(ClientRequestContext) - Method in class
filter(ClientRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingFilter
filter(ClientRequestContext, ClientResponseContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingFilter
filter(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingContextFilter
filter(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class
filter(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.AbstractTracingFilter
filter(ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext) - Method in class
filter(ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.AbstractTracingFilter
filter(String) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.SEOpenAPISupportBuilder
Set the app-provided OpenAPI model filter class.
filter(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Filter stream items with provided predicate.
filter(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
If a value is present, and the value matches the given predicate, return an Optional describing the value, otherwise return an empty Optional.
filter(Predicate<AnnotatedMethod>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Created a new method list containing only the methods supported by the method list predicate.
filter(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.PropertiesFilter
Filter provided properties with this filter.
FILTER_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings.Builder
Config key within the registry's config section specifying a filter.
filterAnnotations(Class<T>, EndpointConfig.AnnotationScope) - Method in class
Filters out all annotations of the specific type in the specific scope.
filterPattern(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Builder
Filter pattern to use.
filterServices(boolean) - Method in class
Whether services loaded by Java Service Loader should be filtered.
filterSettings(RegistryFilterSettings.Builder) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings.Builder
Sets the filter to use for identifying specific metrics to enable.
find(int) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
Convert a numerical status code into the corresponding Status enum value.
find(Class<?>, int) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.Priorities
Find priority from class annotation, or return default if none found.
find(Object, int) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.Priorities
Find priority for an instance.
findAccepted(MediaType) - Method in class
Find the given media type in the inbound Accept header.
findAccepted(Predicate<MediaType>, MediaType) - Method in class
Find an media type in the inbound Accept header with the given predicate and default value.
findAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.jersey.common.InvokedResource
Find the annotation by class closest to the handling method.
findClassAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.jersey.common.InvokedResource
Find class annotation by class closest to the handling class.
findColumn(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
findCookie(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Locate cookie in a map of headers and return its value.
findMethodAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.jersey.common.InvokedResource
Find method annotation by class closest to the handling method.
findMethodOnClass(Class<?>, Method) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ModelHelper
Find a method in a class.
findParent() - Method in class
Find closes parent span context.
findTarget(SecurityEnvironment) - Method in class
Find target for current security request.
findTargetCustomObject(SecurityEnvironment, Class<T>, Function<Config, ? extends T>, Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in class
Find, create and cache a custom object associated with a specific outbound target.
finish() - Method in class
Finish the span.
first() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Get the first item of this Multi instance as a Single.
first() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractNodeBuilderImpl.MergingKey
Returns first key token.
first() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
first(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
first(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Returns an Optional containing the first value of the given parameter (and possibly multi-valued) parameter.
first(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
firstAnnotationOrMetaAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get the first of the specified meta-annotation type found on the method annotations or on the method itself (a meta-annotation is an annotation that annotates other annotations).
firstHeader(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter
Retrieves the first value for the specified header as a String.
FixedRate - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling
Scheduled to be invoked periodically at fixed rate.
fixedRateBuilder() - Static method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling
Build a task executed periodically at a fixed rate.
FixedRateInvocation - Interface in io.helidon.scheduling
Specific method invocation metadata for scheduled task.
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Flow.Publisher to downstream.
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Map this Single instance to a publisher using the given Mapper.
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Flow.Publisher to downstream.
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends U>>, long, boolean, long) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Flow.Publisher to downstream while limiting the maximum number of concurrent inner Flow.Publishers and their in-flight item count, optionally aggregating and delaying all errors until all sources terminate.
flatMap(Function<? super T, Optional<U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
If a value is present, apply the provided Optional-bearing mapping function to it, return that result, otherwise return an empty Optional.
flatMapCompletionStage(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting CompletionStage results to downstream.
flatMapCompletionStage(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Transforms item with supplied function and flatten resulting CompletionStage result to downstream.
flatMapIterable(Function<? super T, ? extends Iterable<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Iterable to downstream.
flatMapIterable(Function<? super T, ? extends Iterable<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Maps the single upstream value into an Iterable and relays its items to the downstream.
flatMapIterable(Function<? super T, ? extends Iterable<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Iterable to downstream.
flatMapIterable(Function<? super T, ? extends Iterable<? extends U>>, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Iterable to downstream.
flatMapOptional(Function<? super T, Optional<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Optional to downstream as one item if present or nothing if empty.
flatMapOptional(Function<? super T, Optional<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Optional to downstream as Single with its value as item if present or empty Single.
flatMapSingle(Function<? super T, ? extends Single<? extends U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Transforms item with supplied function and flatten resulting Single to downstream.
flattenNodes(ConfigNode.ObjectNode) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigHelper
Create a map of keys to string values from an object node.
flavor(HelidonFlavor) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.HelidonFeatures
Set the current Helidon flavor.
flush() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Returns true if all caches are requested to flush when this chunk is written.
flush() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiFromOutputStream
Send empty buffer as an indication of a user-requested flush.
flush() - Method in class
flush() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
followRedirects(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets if redirects should be followed or not.
followRedirects(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Sets if redirects should be followed at this request or not.
forbidden(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.ResponseAdapter
Returns a response with the forbidden status and the specified error message, without any headers assigned using the header methods.
FORBIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class
Provider must not be successful for this request (e.g.
FORBIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class
Security MUST NOT be used (strictly public endpoint - do not invoke security).
FORBIDDEN_403 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
403 Forbidden, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
forceHttpsRedirects() - Method in class
Whether to force https when redirecting to identity provider.
forceHttpsRedirects(boolean) - Method in class
Force HTTPS for redirects to identity provider.
forceNoCache(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
Disable caching.
forClient() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.Forwarded
for directive of the forwarded header.
forEach(BiConsumer<String, CrossOriginConfig>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig
Invokes the specified consumer for each entry in the mapped CORS config.
forEach(Consumer<? super DbColumn>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbRow
Iterate through each column in this row.
forEach(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Terminal stage, invokes provided consumer for every item in the stream with no backpressure.
forEach(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader
forEachCompletionStage(Function<? super T, CompletionStage<Void>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Terminal stage, invokes provided consumer for every item in the stream with strict backpressure.
forget() - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.Participant
URI of participant's method annotated with @Forget.
FORGET - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter.XARoutine
An enum constant modeling the XAResource.forget(Xid) method.
forHeader(String) - Static method in class
A shortcut method to build a token handler that does not modify the token content.
forKeyId(String) - Method in class
Get a JWK for defined key id if present.
format() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CaCertificateGet.Request
Requested format.
format() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CertificateGet.Request
Requested format.
format() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CrlGet.Request
Configured format.
format() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Response
Format of the bytes.
format(PkiFormat) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CaCertificateGet.Request
Format of the certificate to get.
format(PkiFormat) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CertificateGet.Request
Format of the certificate to get.
format(PkiFormat) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CrlGet.Request
Format of the CRL.
format(PkiFormat) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
format(LogRecord) - Method in class io.helidon.common.HelidonConsoleHandler.ThreadFormatter
format(LogRecord) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.HelidonFormatter
format(MetricID, String, Metadata) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.NameFormatter
Formats a metric name for OCI.
formatMessage() - Method in interface
Creates a formatted message from this events message format and parameters.
formatter(DateTimeFormatter) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.TimestampLogEntry.Builder
Configure a date time formatter to use with this log entry.
FormBuilder<B,T> - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
Form builder interface.
formParamReader() - Static method in class
Return FormParams reader instance.
FormParams - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
Provides access to any form parameters present in the request entity.
FormParams.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.http
Builder of a new FormParams instance.
formParamWriter() - Static method in class
Return FormParams writer instance.
forService(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Get a Jaeger Tracer builder for processing tracing data of a service with a given name.
forService(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
Get a Zipkin Tracer builder for processing tracing data of a service with a given name.
forSingle(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Terminal stage, invokes provided consumer when Single is completed.
Forwarded - Class in io.helidon.common.http
A representation of the Http.Header.FORWARDED HTTP header.
FORWARDED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType
The Http.Header.FORWARDED header is used to discover the original requested URI.
FORWARDED - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Forwarded" header name.
ForwardingHandler - Class in io.helidon.webserver
ForwardingHandler bridges Netty response and request related APIs to BareRequest and BareResponse.
FOUND_302 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
302 Found, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
fragment() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest
Returns a decoded request URI fragment without leading hash '#' character.
fragment(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Fragment of the request.
fragment(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Set the new fragment of the request.
from() - Element in annotation interface
Time after which this resource is accessible within a day.
from(Single<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
from(Single<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
from(OciConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Update this builder from an existing prototype instance.
from(OciConfig.BuilderBase<?, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Update this builder from an existing prototype builder instance.
from(OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
Update this builder from an existing prototype instance.
from(OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase<?, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
Update this builder from an existing prototype builder instance.
from(TimeValidator.TimeConfig) - Method in class
Update this builder from an existing configuration instance.
from(Iterable<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
from(CompletionStage<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
from(CompletionStage<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
from(CompletionStage<T>, boolean) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
from(CompletionStage<T>, boolean) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
from(Flow.Publisher<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
from(Flow.Publisher<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
from(Stream<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
FROM - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "From" header name.
fromAnnotations(EndpointConfig) - Method in class
fromAnnotations(EndpointConfig) - Method in class
fromAnnotations(EndpointConfig) - Method in class
fromAnnotations(EndpointConfig) - Method in class
fromAnnotations(EndpointConfig) - Method in interface
Load configuration class instance from annotations this validator expects.
fromCompletionStage(CompletionStage<? extends T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
fromCompletionStageNullable(CompletionStage<? extends T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
fromConfig() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilter
Create a filter based on configuration (it takes its configuration from the configuration object it filters).
fromConfig(Config) - Method in class
fromConfig(Config) - Method in class
fromConfig(Config) - Method in class
fromConfig(Config) - Method in class
fromConfig(Config) - Method in interface
Load configuration class instance from Config.
fromConfig(Config, TokenHandler) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.JwtOutboundTarget
Load an instance from configuration.
fromIterable(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class
Update this builder from JWK in json format.
fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class
Update this builder from JWK in json format.
fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class
Update this builder from JWK in json format.
fromPersistenceUnit(Persistence.PersistenceUnit, ClassLoader, Supplier<? extends ClassLoader>, URL, Map<? extends String, ? extends Set<? extends Class<?>>>, PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
Given a Persistence.PersistenceUnit (a Java object representation of a <persistence-unit> element in a META-INF/persistence.xml resource), a ClassLoader for loading JPA classes and resources, a Supplier of ClassLoader instances for helping to implement the PersistenceUnitInfo.getNewTempClassLoader() method, a URL representing the persistence unit's root, a Map of unlisted managed classes (entity classes, mapped superclasses and so on) indexed by persistence unit name, and a PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider that can provide DataSource instances, returns a PersistenceUnitInfoBean representing the persistence unit in question.
fromPersistenceUnit(Persistence.PersistenceUnit, ClassLoader, Supplier<? extends ClassLoader>, URL, Map<? extends String, ? extends Set<? extends Class<?>>>, Supplier<? extends PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider>) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
Given a Persistence.PersistenceUnit (a Java object representation of a <persistence-unit> element in a META-INF/persistence.xml resource), a ClassLoader for loading JPA classes and resources, a Supplier of ClassLoader instances for helping to implement the PersistenceUnitInfo.getNewTempClassLoader() method, a URL representing the persistence unit's root, a Map of unlisted managed classes (entity classes, mapped superclasses and so on) indexed by persistence unit name, and a PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider that can provide DataSource instances, returns a PersistenceUnitInfoBean representing the persistence unit in question.
fromPersistenceUnit(Persistence.PersistenceUnit, URL, Map<? extends String, ? extends Set<? extends Class<?>>>, PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
Given a Persistence.PersistenceUnit (a Java object representation of a <persistence-unit> element in a META-INF/persistence.xml resource), a URL representing the persistence unit's root, a Map of unlisted managed classes (entity classes, mapped superclasses and so on) indexed by persistence unit name, and a PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider that can supply DataSource instances, returns a PersistenceUnitInfoBean representing the persistence unit in question.
fromPersistenceUnit(Persistence.PersistenceUnit, URL, Map<? extends String, ? extends Set<? extends Class<?>>>, Supplier<? extends PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider>) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
Given a Persistence.PersistenceUnit (a Java object representation of a <persistence-unit> element in a META-INF/persistence.xml resource), a URL representing the persistence unit's root, a Map of unlisted managed classes (entity classes, mapped superclasses and so on) indexed by persistence unit name, and a DataSourceProviderSupplier that can supply DataSourceProvider instances, returns a PersistenceUnitInfoBean representing the persistence unit in question.
fromProcessor(Processor<? super T, ? extends R>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
fromPublisher(Publisher<? extends T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
fromSubscriber(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
frontendUri(String) - Method in class
Full URI of this application that is visible from user browser.
ftHandler() - Method in class
Configured Fault tolerance handler.
ftHandler() - Method in class
Fault tolerance handler to use to invoke requests.
ftHandler() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Configured fault tolerance handler.
FtHandler - Interface in io.helidon.faulttolerance
A fault tolerance handler.
FtHandlerTyped<T> - Interface in io.helidon.faulttolerance
A typed fault tolerance handler, to allow combination of multiple handlers without losing type information.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.TraceOption
Full tracing traces any request to the deserialization filter.
fullBuilder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig
Creates a new builder to configure instance.
fullName() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
Returns the service name prefixed with package directive if one exists.
fullName() - Method in class
Full name claim.
fullName(String) - Method in class
Full name of subject.


GATEWAY_TIMEOUT_504 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
504 Gateway Timeout, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
gatherApplications(ProcessInjectionPoint<T, X>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcClientCdiExtension
Process injection points.
gauge(String, Supplier<T>, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
gauge(String, T, Function<T, R>, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
gauge(Metadata, Supplier<T>, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
gauge(Metadata, T, Function<T, R>, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
gauge(MetricID, Supplier<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
gauge(MetricID, T, Function<T, R>) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
gaugeInProgress() - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMetrics
Creates new gauge in progress client metric.
gender() - Method in class
Gender claim.
gender(String) - Method in class
Gender of the subject.
generalClient() - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
generalWebClient() - Method in class
Client with configured proxy with no security.
generate(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
generatedKeyAlwaysReturned() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
generateLease(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if certificates issued/signed against this role will have Vault leases attached to them.
generateName(DbStatementType, String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
Generate a name for a statement.
generateSecretId(GenerateSecretId.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuth
Generates and issues a new SecretID on an existing AppRole.
generateSecretId(GenerateSecretId.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthRx
Generates and issues a new SecretID on an existing AppRole.
GenerateSecretId - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Generate secret ID request and response.
GenerateSecretId.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Request object.
GenerateSecretId.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
generateSelfSignedRoot(GenerateSelfSignedRoot.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Generate a self signed root certificate.
generateSelfSignedRoot(GenerateSelfSignedRoot.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Generate a self signed root certificate.
generateSelfSignedRoot(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Generate a self signed root certificate.
generateSelfSignedRoot(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Generate a self signed root certificate.
GenerateSelfSignedRoot - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Generate Self Signed Root request and response.
GenerateSelfSignedRoot.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Request object.
GenerateSelfSignedRoot.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
generateSpanName(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.TracingHelper
Generate span using the function provided by TracingHelper.create(Function).
GENERIC_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Generic type of configuration.
genericParameterTypes() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get generic method parameter types.
genericReturnType() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get generic method return type.
GenericType<T> - Class in io.helidon.common
Represents a full type including generics declaration, to avoid information loss due to type erasure.
GenericType() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.GenericType
Constructs a new generic type, deriving the generic type and class from type parameter.
genericTypeMappers() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider
Returns a map of mapper functions associated with appropriate target type (GenericType<?>.
geometric(long, double, long) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.RetrySchema
Creates the retry schema as a bounded geometric series.
get() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.Builder
get() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier
get() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ServerThreadPoolSupplier
get() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier
get() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.RequestedCounter
Gets the current requested event counter value.
get() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Short-hand for toFuture().toCompletableFuture().get().
get() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.SingleSubscriberHolder
Get the stored subscriber.
get() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigFilters.ValueResolvingBuilder
get() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Typed value of the represented Config node.
get() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.objectmapping.Value.None
get() - Method in class io.helidon.config.PollingStrategies.ScheduledBuilder
get() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ValueNode
Get the value of this value node.
get() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigSource
get() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.OverrideSource
get() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.RetryPolicy
get() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
get() - Method in class
get() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.SQLSupplier
Performs work and returns the result.
get() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
get() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Channel.Builder
get() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter.Builder
get() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Instance.NewInstance
get() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Instance.SingletonInstance
get() - Static method in class
Get an instance from the current Context or create a new instance and start the security span.
get() - Method in interface
Synchronous complement to SecurityClient.submit().
get() - Method in class
Get current (or as configured) time.
get() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a request builder for a get method.
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Short-hand for toFuture().toCompletableFuture().get().
get(Config.Key) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns the single sub-node for the specified sub-key.
get(Config, String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.DeprecatedConfig
Get a value from config, attempting to read both the keys.
get(GetCubbyhole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecrets
Get a secret.
get(GetCubbyhole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecretsRx
Get a secret.
get(DbGet.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
Get credentials from the /creds endpoint.
get(DbGet.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecretsRx
Get credentials from the /creds endpoint.
get(GetKv1.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1Secrets
Get a secret.
get(GetKv1.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecretsRx
Get a secret.
get(GetKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Get a version of a secret.
get(GetKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Get a version of a secret.
get(Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
get(Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all GET requests to provided handler(s).
get(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
get(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes GET requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
get(Contextual<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext.ReferenceCountedContext
Returns the contextual instance associated with the current thread and the supplied Contextual, or null if no such contextual instance exists.
get(Contextual<T>, CreationalContext<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext.ReferenceCountedContext
Returns the contextual instance associated with the current thread and the supplied Contextual, creating it if necessary.
get(InjectionPoint) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.ChannelProducer
Produces a gRPC Channel.
get(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.Context
Optionally gets registered instance by its type.
get(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.JsonbMarshaller.Supplier
get(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.MarshallerSupplier.DefaultMarshallerSupplier
get(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MarshallerSupplier
Obtain a MethodDescriptor.Marshaller for a type.
get(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.MarshallerSupplier.ProtoMarshallerSupplier
get(Object, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.Context
Optionally gets a registered instance by its type.
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns the single sub-node for the specified sub-key.
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecrets
Get a Cubbyhole secret.
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecretsRx
Get a Cubbyhole secret.
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
Get credentials from the /creds endpoint.
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecretsRx
Get credentials from the /creds endpoint.
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1Secrets
Get a secret.
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecretsRx
Get a secret.
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Get the latest version of a secret.
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Get the latest version of a secret.
get(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.logging.common.HelidonMdc
Return the first value found to the specific key.
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.logging.common.spi.MdcProvider
Return value bound to the specific key.
get(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.JulMdc
Return value bound to the key from the MDC storage.
get(String) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.JulMdcProvider
get(String) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMdcProvider
get(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.HeaderProvider
Get a header based on its name.
get(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig
Finds the CrossOriginConfig associated with the given path expression, if any.
get(String, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Get a version of a secret.
get(String, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Get a version of a secret.
get(String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, JsonObject, R>) - Method in interface
Get with an optional response.
get(String, AnnotatedMethod, Supplier<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.BidirectionalMethodHandlerSupplier
get(String, AnnotatedMethod, Supplier<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier
get(String, AnnotatedMethod, Supplier<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.MethodHandlerSupplier
Supply a MethodHandler for a method.
get(String, AnnotatedMethod, Supplier<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier
get(String, AnnotatedMethod, Supplier<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier
get(String, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
get(String, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes GET requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
get(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute a database query using a statement passed as an argument.
get(K) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache
Get a value from the cache.
get(K) - Method in interface
Get current cached value if valid.
GET - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Method
The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI.
GET - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatementType
Get is a statement that returns zero or one results.
getAckMode() - Method in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.AcknowledgeMode
Returns JMS api constant equivalent of this ack mode as specified in Connection.createSession(boolean, int).
getAcknowledgeMode() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
getActiveThreads() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the current number of active threads.
getAlgorithm() - Method in enum class
Get the algorithm string.
getAll(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.HeaderProvider
Get a header based on its name, returning all values.
getAllDeclaredMethods(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Obtain a list of all of the methods declared on the service class.
getAnnotatedResourceClass(Class<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ModelHelper
Get the class in the provided resource class ancestor hierarchy that is actually annotated with the specified annotation.
getAnnotation(Class<R>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
getAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
getAnnotations() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
getAnnotations() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
getAnnotations(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
getAppToken(String, RoleMapTracing) - Method in class
Gets token from cache or from server.
getAppToken(String, RoleMapTracing) - Method in class
Gets token from cache or from server.
getArray(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getArray(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getArray(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getArray(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getArrayComponentType(Type) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ModelHelper
Gets the component type of the array.
getArrayForComponentType(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ModelHelper
Get Array class of component type.
getAsBoolean() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.SQLBooleanSupplier
Performs work and returns the result.
getAsciiStream(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getAsciiStream(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getAttributes(String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getAutoCommit() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getAutoCommit() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getAverageActiveThreads() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the average number of active threads across the life of the pool.
getAverageQueueSize() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the average queue size.
getBaseType() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
getBestRowIdentifier(String, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBigDecimal(int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBigDecimal(int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBigDecimal(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBigInteger(JsonObject, String, String) - Static method in class
Extract a key value from json object that is base64-url encoded and convert it to big integer if present.
getBinaryStream(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBinaryStream(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBlob(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBlob(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBlob(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBlob(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBoolean(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBoolean(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBoolean(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBoolean(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBuilder() - Method in class
getByte(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getByte(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getByte(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getByte(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getByteArray(JsonObject, String, String) - Static method in class
Extract a key value from json object that is a base64-url encoded byte array, if present.
getBytes(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBytes(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBytes(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getBytes(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getBytes(String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, byte[], R>) - Method in interface
Get bytes with an optional response.
getCatalog() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getCatalog() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getCatalogs() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getCatalogSeparator() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getCatalogTerm() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getCause() - Method in exception io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.UncheckedSQLException
Returns the SQLException this UncheckedSQLException represents.
getCDI() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonCdiProvider
getCharacterStream(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getCharacterStream(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getCharacterStream(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getCharacterStream(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getClaim(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JsonWebTokenImpl
getClaim(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JsonWebTokenImpl
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class will no longer be public in future versions
getClaimNames() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JsonWebTokenImpl
getClassLevelAnnotations() - Method in class
Returns class level annotations.
getClassLoader() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getClassName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the class which this level represents.
getClientInfo() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getClientInfo() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getClientInfo(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getClientInfo(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getClientInfoProperties() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getClob(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getClob(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getClob(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getClob(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getColumnPrivileges(String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getCommonPropertyType(ELContext, Object) - Method in class
getCompletedTasks() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the number of completed tasks.
getComponent(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
Configuration of a traced component.
getConcurrency() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getConcurrentGauge(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getConcurrentGauges() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getConcurrentGauges(MetricFilter) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getConfig() - Method in class
getConfig() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi.AbstractDataSourceExtension
Returns the Config instance used to acquire configuration property values.
getConfig() - Method in class
Configuration of this target.
getConfig(ClassLoader) - Method in class
getConfigSources(ClassLoader) - Method in class
getConfigSources(ClassLoader, String) - Method in interface
Returns a list of configuration sources.
getConfigSources(ClassLoader, String) - Method in class
getConfiguration() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
getConfigValue(Config, Class<T>, String, String) - Static method in class
Get a value from config, attempting to read both the keys.
getConnection() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getConnection() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getConnection() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaAdaptingDataSource
getConnection() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaDataSource
Returns a special kind of Connection that is sourced from an underlying DataSource.
getConnection() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.XADataSourceWrappingDataSource
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaAdaptingDataSource
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaDataSource
Returns a special kind of Connection that is sourced from an underlying DataSource.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.XADataSourceWrappingDataSource
getConnector(Client, Configuration) - Method in class io.helidon.jersey.connector.HelidonConnectorProvider
getConstructors() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
getConsumerRecord() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaMessage
Returns ConsumerRecord if message was received from Kafka, otherwise return Optional.empty().
getConsumerRecord() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaProducerMessage
getConversionType(Class<?>, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jedis.cdi.JedisExtension
Returns a non-null Class representing the type to which MicroProfile Config-based conversion of the property identified by the supplied name should occur.
getCorrelationId() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Return correlation id of the message.
getCount() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsCounter
getCount() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsHistogram
getCount() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsMeter
getCount() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
getCounter(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getCounters() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getCounters(MetricFilter) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getCountry() - Method in class
getCrossReference(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
GetCubbyhole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Get Cubbyhole secret request and response.
GetCubbyhole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Request object.
GetCubbyhole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
getCursorName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDatabaseMajorVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDatabaseMinorVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDatabaseProductName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDatabaseProductVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDataSource(boolean, boolean, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider
Supplies a DataSource.
getDataSourceName(Matcher) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi.AbstractDataSourceExtension
Given a Matcher that has been produced by the AbstractDataSourceExtension.getDataSourcePropertyPatternMatcher(String) method, returns the relevant data source name.
getDataSourceName(Matcher) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi.HikariCPBackedDataSourceExtension
getDataSourceName(Matcher) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi.UCPBackedDataSourceExtension
getDataSourceNames() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi.AbstractDataSourceExtension
Returns a Set of data source names known to this AbstractDataSourceExtension implementation.
getDataSourcePropertyName(Matcher) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi.AbstractDataSourceExtension
Given a Matcher that has been produced by the AbstractDataSourceExtension.getDataSourcePropertyPatternMatcher(String) method, returns the relevant data source property name.
getDataSourcePropertyName(Matcher) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi.HikariCPBackedDataSourceExtension
getDataSourcePropertyName(Matcher) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi.UCPBackedDataSourceExtension
getDataSourcePropertyPatternMatcher(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi.AbstractDataSourceExtension
Returns a Matcher for a property name.
getDataSourcePropertyPatternMatcher(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi.HikariCPBackedDataSourceExtension
getDataSourcePropertyPatternMatcher(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi.UCPBackedDataSourceExtension
getDate(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDate(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDate(int, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDate(int, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDate(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDate(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDate(String, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDate(String, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDbConnection() - Method in interface
Return DB connection used for receiving this message.
getDeclaredAnnotations() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
getDeclaredMethods(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ModelHelper
Get collection of methods declared on given class.
getDefaultChannel() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.ChannelProducer
Produces the default gRPC Channel.
getDefaultTransactionIsolation() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDouble(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDouble(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDouble(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getDouble(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getDriverMajorVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDriverMinorVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDriverName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getDriverVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getElapsedTime() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
getExportedKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getExpTime() - Method in class
Expiration time of the token.
getExternalTransactionControllerClass() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform
getExtraNameCharacters() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getFactory(ConnectionContext) - Method in class
getFactory(ConnectionContext) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Find correct ConnectionFactory for channel.
getFactory(ConnectionContext) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.WeblogicConnector
getFailedTasks() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the number of tasks that threw an exception.
getFeatureDescriptors(ELContext, Object) - Method in class
getFetchDirection() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getFetchDirection() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getFetchSize() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getFetchSize() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getFields() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
getFifteenMinuteRate() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsMeter
getFifteenMinuteRate() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
getFiveMinuteRate() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsMeter
getFiveMinuteRate() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
getFloat(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getFloat(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getFloat(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getFloat(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getFormatted() - Method in class
getFunctionColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getFunctions(String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getGauge(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getGauges() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getGauges(MetricFilter) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getGeneratedKeys() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getGenericType(Type) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ModelHelper
Obtain the generic type for a Type.
getGrantsFromServer(Subject) - Method in class
Retrieves grants from IDCS server.
getGrantsFromServer(Subject) - Method in class
Retrieves grants from IDCS server.
getGrantsFromServer(String, String, Subject) - Method in class
Get grants from IDCS server.
getGrantsFromServer(String, String, Subject) - Method in class
Get grants from IDCS server.
getHeaders() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaMessage
Returns Headers received from Kafka with record or empty headers if message was not created by Kafka connector.
getHeaders() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaProducerMessage
getHistogram(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getHistograms() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getHistograms(MetricFilter) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getHoldability() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getHoldability() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getHoldability() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getIdentifierQuoteString() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getImportedKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getIndex() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.lra.LraCdiExtension
getIndexInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getInitialContext(Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.IsolatedContextFactory
getInjectionPoints() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates.DelegatingProducer
getInstance() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory
Returns the singleton instance of the factory.
getInstance() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFactory
Returns the singleton instance of the RegistryFactory, either the initial default value or the one resulting from the most recent prior use of RegistryFactory.getInstance(MetricsSettings) or RegistryFactory.getInstance(Config).
getInstance() - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.RegistryFactory
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
getInstance(Config) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFactory
getInstance(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.RegistryFactory
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
getInstance(MeterRegistryFactory.Builder) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory
Creates and saves as the singleton a new factory.
getInstance(ComponentMetricsSettings) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFactory
Returns a RegistryFactory according to the ComponentMetricsSettings provided and the underlying overall metrics settings.
getInstance(MetricsSettings) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFactory
Returns a RegistryFactory according to the MetricsSettings provided and makes the instance the new value of the singleton.
getInstance(Class<U>) - Method in class
Get an instance from the store.
getInstanceFrom(BeanManager) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext.ReferenceCountedContext
Returns the sole ReferenceCountedContext that is registered with the supplied BeanManager.
getInt(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getInt(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getInt(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getInt(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getIssuer() - Method in class
Issuer of the token.
getIssueTime() - Method in class
Issue time of the token.
getJarFileUrls() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getJavaClass() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
getJDBCMajorVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getJDBCMinorVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getJmsConnection() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
getJmsConnection() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Get client's connection to its JMS provider.
getJmsConnectionFactory() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
getJmsConnectionFactory() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Get JMS connection factory.
getJmsMessage() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
getJmsMessage() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Original JMS message received.
getJmsMessage() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsTextMessage
getJmsSession() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
getJmsSession() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Metadata about the JMS session.
getJNDIConnectorLookupType() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform
Returns JNDIConnector.UNDEFINED_LOOKUP when invoked.
getJson() - Method in class
Create a json representation of this address.
getJtaDataSource() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getJwt() - Method in class
Return a Jwt instance from this signed JWT.
getKey() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaMessage
Key or Optional.empty() if non is specified.
getKey() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaProducerMessage
getKeyBytes() - Method in class
Get the bytes of the secret key.
getKeyFactory(String) - Static method in class
Create a key factory for algorithm.
GetKv1 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Get KV1 secret request and response.
GetKv1.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Request object.
GetKv1.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
GetKv2 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Get KV2 secret request and response.
GetKv2.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Request object.
GetKv2.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
getLargeMaxRows() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getLargeUpdateCount() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getLocality() - Method in class
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.AbstractCommonDataSource
getLogWriter() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.AbstractCommonDataSource
getLong(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getLong(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getLong(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getLong(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getMac(String) - Static method in class
Create a MAC for algorithm.
getManagedClassNames() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getMappingFileNames() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getMarshallerSupplier() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Obtain the MarshallerSupplier to use.
getMarshallerSupplier(GrpcMarshaller) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ModelHelper
Obtain the named MarshallerSupplier specified by the annotation.
getMax() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsSnapshot
getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxCatalogNameLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxCharLiteralLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnNameLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnsInIndex() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnsInSelect() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxColumnsInTable() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxConnections() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxCursorNameLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getMaxIndexLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxLogicalLobSize() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxProcedureNameLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxRows() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getMaxRowSize() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxSchemaNameLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxStatementLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxStatements() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxTableNameLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxTablesInSelect() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMaxUserNameLength() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getMBeanServer() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform
Uses CDI to find a relevant MBeanServer, caches it, and returns it.
getMean() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsSnapshot
getMeanRate() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsMeter
getMeanRate() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
getMessage() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
Human-readable description of the issue.
getMessage() - Method in exception io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.BuiltInRegistryType.UnrecognizedBuiltInRegistryTypeException
getMessageListener() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
getMessages() - Method in exception io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessagesException
Get encountered error messages of all types (hint, warning, fatal).
getMetadata() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMetadata(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMetaData() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getMetaData() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getMetaData() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getMetaData() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getMeter(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMeters() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMeters(MetricFilter) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMethodLevelAnnotations() - Method in class
Returns method level annotations.
getMethodName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the method which this level represents.
getMethods() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
getMetric(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMetric(MetricID, Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMetricIDs() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMetrics() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMetrics(Class<T>, MetricFilter) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMetrics(MetricFilter) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getMetricsByName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Returns a list of metric ID/metric pairs which match the provided metric name.
getMetricsByName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
getMin() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsSnapshot
getMoreResults() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getMoreResults(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getNack() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
getNack(M) - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.NackHandler
Return nack function to be used by message when nacked.
getName() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the name of this pool.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor.ApplicationScopedTransformer
getName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor.DependentTransformer
getName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor.RequestScopedTransformer
getName() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JsonWebTokenImpl
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
Name of this provider.
getNames() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getNCharacterStream(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getNCharacterStream(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getNCharacterStream(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getNCharacterStream(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getNClob(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getNClob(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getNClob(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getNClob(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getNetworkTimeout() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getNetworkTimeout() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getNewTempClassLoader() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getNonJtaDataSource() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getNString(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getNString(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getNString(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getNString(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getNumericFunctions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getObject() - Method in class
The object of this request.
getObject(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getObject(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getObject(int, Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getObject(int, Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getObject(int, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getObject(int, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getObject(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getObject(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getObject(String, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getObject(String, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getOffset() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaMessage
Offset of the record in partition from which was this message received.
getOffset() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaProducerMessage
getOneMinuteRate() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsMeter
getOneMinuteRate() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
getOptionalMetricEntry(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Returns an Optional for an entry containing a metric ID and the corresponding metric matching the specified metric name.
getOptionalMetricEntry(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
getOrCreate(T, Function<T, TlsManager>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.spi.TlsManagerProvider
Provides the ability to have a unique TlsManager per unique Config instance provided.
getParameterMetaData() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
getParentLogger() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.AbstractCommonDataSource
getPartition() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaMessage
Number of partition from which was this message received.
getPartition() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaProducerMessage
getPayload() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
getPayload() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsTextMessage
getPayload() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaProducerMessage
getPeakQueueSize() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the peak queue size.
getPersistenceProviderClassName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getPersistenceUnitName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getPersistenceUnitRootUrl() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getPersistenceXMLSchemaVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getPostalCode() - Method in class
getPrimaryKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getProcedures(String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getProcedureTerm() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getProperty(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
getProperty(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Get JMS property by name.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class
getPropertyNames() - Method in class
getPropertyNames() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi.AbstractDataSourceExtension
Returns a Set of all known configuration property names.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Return set of all JMS property names.
getProvidedJtaPlatform() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.CDISEJtaPlatformProvider
For Hibernate use only.
getProvider() - Method in class
Provider instance.
getProviders(Class<T>) - Method in interface
Get a list of named providers based on provider type.
getPseudoColumns(String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getPublisher(String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, Multi<DataChunk>, R>) - Method in interface
Get with a response consisting of a stream.
getPublisherBuilder(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
getPublisherBuilder(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConnector
getPublisherBuilder(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockConnector
getPublisherBuilder(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.WeblogicConnector
getQop() - Method in enum class
Get the QOP string.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getQueue() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
getQueueCapacity() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the queue capacity.
getQueueSize() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the current number of tasks in the queue.
getRef(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getRef(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getRef(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getRef(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getReferenceCount(Contextual<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext.ReferenceCountedContext
Returns the reference count of the contextual instance, if any, associated with the combination of the current thread and the supplied Contextual.
getRegion() - Method in class
getRegistry(MetricRegistry.Type) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFactory
Returns a MetricRegistry instance of the requested type.
getRegistry(MetricRegistry.Type) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.RegistryFactory
Get a registry based on its type.
getRejectedExecutionHandler() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
getRejectionCount() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the rejection count.
getRejectionCount() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool.RejectionHandler
Returns the number of rejections.
getReplyTo() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Return reply to destination of the message.
getRequestType() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
Obtain the request type.
getResource(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionSynchronizationRegistry
Gets an object from the Map of resources being managed for the transaction bound to the current thread at the time this method is called.
getResponseType() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
Obtain the response type.
getResultSet() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getResultSetType() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getRoles(Subject) - Static method in interface
Get a set of roles the subject has, based on Role.
getRollbackOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionSynchronizationRegistry
Get the rollbackOnly status of the transaction bound to the current thread at the time this method is called.
getRoot() - Method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.TemporaryFolderExt
The root for this test's temporary files.
getRow() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getRowId(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getRowId(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getRowId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getRowId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getRowIdLifetime() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSchema() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getSchema() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getSchemas() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSchemas(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSchemaTerm() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getScope() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext.ReferenceCountedContext
Returns ReferenceCounted.class when invoked.
getSearchStringEscape() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getServiceInitiated() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.DataSourceBackedDialectFactory
For Hibernate use only.
getServices() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
Obtain an immutable List of registered ServerServiceDefinitions.
getSeverity() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
getSharedCacheMode() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getShort(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getShort(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getShort(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getShort(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getSignature() - Method in class
Signature bytes.
getSignature(String) - Static method in class
Create a signature for algorithm.
getSignedBytes() - Method in class
The bytes that were signed (payload bytes).
getSimpleTimer(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getSimpleTimers() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getSimpleTimers(MetricFilter) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getSnapshot() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsHistogram
getSnapshot() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
getSource() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
The issue source.
getSpan(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig
Get a traced span configuration for a named span.
getSpanLog(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig
Configuration of a traced span log.
getSQLKeywords() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSQLStateType() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSQLXML(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getSQLXML(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getSQLXML(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getSQLXML(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getStatement() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getStatus() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionManager
Returns the status of the transaction associated with the current thread.
getStdDev() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsSnapshot
getStreetAddress() - Method in class
getString(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getString(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getString(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Extract a key value from json object that is string if present.
getString(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getString(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getStringFunctions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getStrings(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Extract a key value from json object that is a list of strings if present.
getSubscriberBuilder(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
getSubscriberBuilder(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConnector
getSubscriberBuilder(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockConnector
getSubscriberBuilder(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.WeblogicConnector
getSum() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsHistogram
getSuperTables(String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSuperTypes(String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class io.helidon.config.metadata.processor.ConfigMetadataProcessor
getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.config.metadata.processor.ConfigMetadataProcessor
getSystemFunctions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTablePrivileges(String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTables(String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTableTypes() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTime(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTime(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTime(int, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTime(int, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTime(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTime(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTime(String, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTime(String, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTimeDateFunctions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTimer(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getTimers() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getTimers(MetricFilter) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTimestamp(int, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTimestamp(int, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getTimestamp(String, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getTimestamp(String, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getToken(RoleMapTracing) - Method in class
Get the token to use for requests to IDCS.
getToken(RoleMapTracing) - Method in class
getTokenInstance(Class<U>) - Method in class
Get a token of a specific class.
getTopic() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaMessage
Name of the topic from which was this message received.
getTopic() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaProducerMessage
getTotalTasks() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Returns the number of completed and failed tasks.
getTransacted() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
getTransaction() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionManager
Returns the Transaction object that represents the transaction context of the calling thread.
getTransaction() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.TransactionSupplier
Returns the current Transaction representing the transaction context of the calling thread, or null if there is no such context at invocation time.
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getTransactionKey() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionSynchronizationRegistry
Return an opaque object to represent the transaction bound to the current thread at the time this method is called.
getTransactionStatus() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionSynchronizationRegistry
Return the status of the transaction bound to the current thread at the time this method is called.
getTransactionType() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getType() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getType() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Return type identifier set by sending JMS client.
getType() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
getType(ELContext, Object, Object) - Method in class
getTypeClosure() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
getTypeInfo() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getTypeMap() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getTypeMap() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getTypeName() - Method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
getUDTs(String, String, String, int[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getUnicodeStream(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getUnicodeStream(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getUpdateCount() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
getURL() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getURL(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getURL(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getURL(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
getURL(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getUserName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getUserTransaction() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.weld.NarayanaTransactionServices
Returns the UserTransaction present in this environment by invoking the UserTransaction.userTransaction() method and returning its result.
getValidationMode() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
getValue() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsGauge
getValue(double) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsSnapshot
getValue(ELContext, Object, Object) - Method in class
getValue(Object, String) - Static method in class
Get a value of a property from an object.
getValue(String) - Method in class
getValue(String) - Method in class
getValues() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsSnapshot
getVersionColumns(String, String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
getWarnings() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
getWarnings() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
getWarnings() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
getWarnings() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
GitConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.config.git
A config source which loads a configuration document from Git repository.
GitConfigSourceBuilder - Class in io.helidon.config.git
Git ConfigSource builder.
GitConfigSourceBuilder.GitEndpoint - Class in io.helidon.config.git
Git source endpoint descriptor.
GitConfigSourceProvider - Class in io.helidon.config.git
Service loader service for meta configuration of this provider.
GitConfigSourceProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceProvider
GitEndpoint(URI, String, Path, String, CredentialsProvider) - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder.GitEndpoint
Creates a descriptor.
givenName() - Method in class
Given name claim.
givenName(String) - Method in class
Given name of subject (first name).
global() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerProvider
global() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryTracerProvider
global() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerProvider
global() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.spi.TracerProvider
Global tracer that is registered, or a NoOp tracer if none is registered.
global() - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Tracer
Get the currently registered global tracer.
global(Tracer) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerProvider
global(Tracer) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryTracerProvider
global(Tracer) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerProvider
global(Tracer) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.spi.TracerProvider
Register a global tracer instance.
global(Tracer) - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Tracer
Register a global tracer, behavior depends on implementation.
GLOBAL_TAGS_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Config key for comma-separated, tag=value global tag settings.
globalContext() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.context.Contexts
Global context is always present and statically shared in this JVM.
globalTags() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
Returns the global tags, if any.
globalTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Sets the global tags to be applied to all metrics.
globalTracer() - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryTracerProvider
Registered global tracer, or tracer from global open telemetry.
globalTracer(Tracer) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryTracerProvider
Register global tracer.
GONE_410 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
410 Gone, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
GoogleTokenException - Exception in
An exception that is throws in case of a problem with Google access token processing.
GoogleTokenProvider - Class in
Provider supporting login button from front-end.
GoogleTokenProvider.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder to build GoogleTokenProvider instance.
GoogleTokenService - Class in
Java service (SecurityProviderService) for google token provider.
GoogleTokenService() - Constructor for class
Grant - Class in
A concept representing anything that can be granted to a subject.
Grant(Grant.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class
Create an instance based on a builder.
Grant.Builder<B extends Grant.Builder<B>> - Class in
A fluent API builder for Grant to be extended by other Grant implementations.
grants(Class<T>) - Method in class
Get all grants of a specific type determined by type's class.
grantsByType(String) - Method in class
Get all grants of a specific type determined by type's name.
GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_URI - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Default URI of GraphQl schema under the GraphQlConstants.GRAPHQL_WEB_CONTEXT.
GRAPHQL_WEB_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Default web context of GraphQl endpoint.
GraphQlCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server
A CDI Extension to collect the classes that are of interest to Microprofile GraphQL.
GraphQlCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.GraphQlCdiExtension
GraphQlConfigurationException - Exception in io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server
Defines an exception that is critical enough that will cause the GraphQL application to not start.
GraphQlConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.GraphQlConfigurationException
GraphQlConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.GraphQlConfigurationException
Construct a GraphQlConfigurationException with a given message.
GraphQlConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server.GraphQlConfigurationException
Construct a GraphQlConfigurationException with a given message and Throwable.
GraphQlConstants - Class in io.helidon.graphql.server
Constants used across GraphQL implementation.
GraphQlSupport - Class in io.helidon.graphql.server
Support for GraphQL for Helidon WebServer.
GraphQlSupport.Builder - Class in io.helidon.graphql.server
Fluent API builder to create GraphQlSupport.
groupId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
A unique string that identifies the consumer group this consumer belongs to.
Grpc - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An annotation used to mark a class as representing a gRPC service.
GRPC_SECURITY_HANDLER - Static variable in class
The default security handler gRPC metadata header key.
Grpc.Literal - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An AnnotationLiteral for the Grpc annotation.
GrpcCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An extension that processes beans as they are discovered.
GrpcCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.GrpcCdiExtension
GrpcChannel - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client
A qualifier annotation that can be used to specify the name of a configured gRPC channel to inject, or the name of the host to connect to, as described in documentation.
GrpcChannel.Literal - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client
An AnnotationLiteral for the GrpcChannel annotation.
GrpcChannelDescriptor - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
GrpcChannelDescriptor contains the configuration for a Channel.
GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
Builder builds a GrpcChannelDescriptor.
GrpcChannelsProvider - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
GrpcChannelsProvider is a factory for pre-configured gRPC Channel instances.
GrpcChannelsProvider.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
Builder builds an instance of GrpcChannelsProvider.
GrpcClientCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client
A CDI extension to add gRPC client functionality.
GrpcClientCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcClientCdiExtension
GrpcClientSecurity - Class in
A gRPC CallCredentials implementation.
GrpcClientSecurity.Builder - Class in
A builder of GrpcClientSecurity instances.
GrpcHelper - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
Helper methods for common gRPC tasks.
GrpcInterceptor - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
Specifies that a class is a gRPC interceptor.
GrpcInterceptor.Literal - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An AnnotationLiteral for the GrpcInterceptor annotation.
GrpcInterceptorBinding - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
Specifies that an annotation type is a gRPC interceptor binding type.
GrpcInterceptors - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
Declares an ordered list of gRPC interceptors for a target gRPC service class or a gRPC service method of a target class.
GrpcMarshaller - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An annotation used to annotate a type or method to specify the named marshaller supplier to use for rpc method calls.
GrpcMethod - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An annotation to mark a class as representing a gRPC service or a method as a gRPC service method.
GrpcMetricRegistrationObserver - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics
The gRPC implementation of MetricRegistrationObserver with a static factory method.
GrpcMetrics - Class in io.helidon.grpc.metrics
A ServerInterceptor that enables capturing of gRPC call metrics.
GrpcMetrics.NamingFunction - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.metrics
Implemented by classes that can create a metric name.
GrpcMetricsCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics
A CDI extension for gRPC metrics.
GrpcMetricsCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetricsCdiExtension
GrpcMpContext - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi
A context to allow a microprofile gRPC server extensions to configure additional services or components for the gRPC server or use the CDI bean manager.
GrpcMpExtension - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi
Microprofile service to extend features of the gRPC server.
GrpcProxy - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client
A qualifier annotation used to mark an injection point for a gRPC service client proxy.
GrpcProxy.Literal - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client
An AnnotationLiteral for the GrpcProxy annotation.
GrpcProxyBuilder<T> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client
A builder for gRPC clients dynamic proxies.
GrpcRouting - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.server
GrpcRouting represents the composition of gRPC services with interceptors and routing rules.
GrpcRouting.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
A builder that can build GrpcRouting instances.
GrpcRoutingImpl - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
An implementation of GrpcRouting.
GrpcSecurity - Class in
Integration of security into the gRPC Server.
GrpcSecurityHandler - Class in
Handles security for the gRPC server.
GrpcServer - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.server
Represents a immutably configured gRPC server.
GrpcServer.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
GrpcServer builder class provides a convenient way to timed a GrpcServer instance.
GrpcServerBasicConfig - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
Configuration class for the GrpcServer implementations.
GrpcServerCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server
A CDI extension that will start the gRPC server.
GrpcServerCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.GrpcServerCdiExtension
GrpcServerCdiExtension.ServerProducer - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server
A CDI producer that can supply the running GrpcServer an in-process Channel.
grpcServerConfiguration() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi.GrpcMpContext
GrpcServerConfiguration - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.server
The configuration for a gRPC server.
GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
GrpcServerImpl - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
A gRPC Server implementation.
GrpcService - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.server
A Helidon gRPC service.
GrpcServiceBuilder - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server
A builder for constructing a ServiceDescriptor instances from an annotated POJOs.
GrpcServiceClient - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
A gRPC Client for a specific gRPC service.
GrpcServiceClient.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
Builder to build an instance of GrpcServiceClient.
GrpcServiceClient.SingleValueStreamObserver<T> - Class in io.helidon.grpc.client
A simple StreamObserver adapter class that completes a CompletableFuture when the observer is completed.
GrpcTlsDescriptor - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
GrpcTlsDescriptor contains details about configuring TLS of a Channel.
GrpcTlsDescriptor.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
Builder to build a new instance of GrpcTlsDescriptor.
GrpcTracing - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
A ServerInterceptor that adds tracing to gRPC service calls.
GrpcTracingConfig - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
The configuration for gRPC tracing.
GrpcTracingConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
Builds the configuration of a tracer.
GrpcTracingContext - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
Contextual information related to Tracing.
GrpcTracingName - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.core
Name generator for span operation name.


HALF_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.State
Circuit is half open and some test requests are processed, others fail with CircuitBreakerOpenException.
handle(DirectHandler.TransportRequest, DirectHandler.EventType, Http.ResponseStatus, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler
Handler of responses that bypass routing, MUST NOT block the current thread.
handle(DirectHandler.TransportRequest, DirectHandler.EventType, Http.ResponseStatus, Throwable) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler
Handler of responses that bypass routing, MUST NOT block the current thread.
handle(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
handle(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
handleBytesResponse(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, byte[], R>) - Method in class
Handle bytes response for optional bytes entity.
handleJsonResponse(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, ApiEntityResponse.Builder<?, T, JsonObject>) - Method in class
Reads JsonObject from response entity and either calls the jsonOkResponse or errorResponse depending on its success.
handleOptionalJsonResponse(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, JsonObject, R>) - Method in class
Handle response for optional JSON entity.
handlePublisherResponse(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, Multi<DataChunk>, R>) - Method in class
Handle response for optional publisher entity.
handler() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
Returns an effective Handler.
handler(URI) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy
Creates new proxy channel handler.
Handler - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
The ServerRequest and ServerResponse handler.
Handler.EntityHandler<T> - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Handles request, response and HTTP request content entity.
handleResponse(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, ApiResponse.Builder<?, T>) - Method in class
Handle response for a request not expecting an entity.
handlerSuppliers() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Obtain the list of method handler suppliers.
handlingClass() - Method in interface io.helidon.jersey.common.InvokedResource
Resource handling class.
handlingMethod() - Method in interface io.helidon.jersey.common.InvokedResource
Method that handles the invoked resource method.
hasContentType(MediaType...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Only accept requests with any of the given content types.
hasContentType(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Only accept requests with any of the given content types.
hasFatal() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
A helper method to check if this collector already has a fatal message.
hasFatal() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Check if a fatal message is part of these messages.
HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA2_224 - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Hmac.Request
Hash algorithm "sha2-224".
HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA2_224 - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Hash algorithm "sha2-224".
HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA2_256 - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Hmac.Request
Hash algorithm "sha2-256".
HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA2_256 - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Hash algorithm "sha2-256".
HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA2_384 - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Hmac.Request
Hash algorithm "sha2-384".
HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA2_384 - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Hash algorithm "sha2-384".
HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA2_512 - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Hmac.Request
Hash algorithm "sha2-512".
HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA2_512 - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Hash algorithm "sha2-512".
hashAlgorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Hmac.Request
Specifies the hash algorithm to use for supporting key types (notably, not including ed25519 which specifies its own hash algorithm).
hashAlgorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Specifies the hash algorithm to use for supporting key types (notably, not including ed25519 which specifies its own hash algorithm).
hashAlgorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
Specifies the hash algorithm to use for supporting key types (notably, not including ed25519 which specifies its own hash algorithm).
hashAlgorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Request
Specifies the hash algorithm to use for supporting key types (notably, not including ed25519 which specifies its own hash algorithm).
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Generate a hash code from the type, subtype and parameters.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
hashCode() - Method in record class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Stamp
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy
hashCode() - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls
HashDigest - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
The HashDigest is used for ordinary data digest creation and verification.
HashDigest.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
Builder of the HashDigest.
HashHeaders - Class in io.helidon.common.http
A Map-based Headers implementation with case-insensitive keys and immutable List of values that needs to be copied on each write.
HashHeaders() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.HashHeaders
Creates a new empty instance.
HashHeaders(Iterable<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.HashHeaders
Creates a new instance populated from the given contents, typically from another HashHeaders instance or a map's entry set.
HashHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.HashHeaders
Creates a new instance populated from the contents of the provided multi-map.
hasHint() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Check if a hint message is part of these messages.
HashParameters - Class in io.helidon.common.http
A Map-based Parameters implementation with keys and immutable List of values that needs to be copied on each write.
HashParameters() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates a new instance.
HashParameters(Parameters) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates a new instance from provided data.
HashParameters(Iterable<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates a new instance from provided data, typically either another Parameters instance or a map's entry set.
HashParameters(Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
Creates a new instance from provided data.
HashParameters.ArrayIterable<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.http
Iterable around an array (to avoid uses of Array.asList) to get an Iterable.
hasMore() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.Tokenizer
Test if there are more characters to process.
hasParameterCount(int) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Get a new sub-list of methods containing all the methods from this method list that have the specific number of parameters.
hasPartialResultsException() - Method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.ExecutionContext
Whether an exception was set on this context.
hasProperty(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Check if JMS property exists.
hasProvider(String) - Method in class
Check whether a provider with the name is configured.
hasRequests() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Check if demand is higher than 0.
hasRequests() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Check if demand is higher than 0.
hasRequests() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
hasReturnType(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Get a new sub-list of methods containing all the methods from this method list that declare the specified return type.
hasSocket(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
A method to validate a named socket configuration exists in this builder.
hasSuffix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Tests if this media type has provided Structured Syntax suffix (RFC 6839).
hasTls() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Returns true if TLS is configured for the default socket.
hasTls(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Returns true if TLS is configured for the named socket.
hasValue() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns true if this configuration node has a direct value.
hasValue() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.MergeableNode
Each node may have a direct value, and in addition may be an object node or a list node.
hasValue() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeImpl
hasValue() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
hasWarning() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Check if a warning message is part of these messages.
HcpSysProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Java Service Loader service implementation for SysRx.
HcpSysProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.HcpSysProvider
head() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a request builder for a head method.
head(Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
head(Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all HEAD requests to provided handler(s).
head(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
head(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes HEAD requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
head(String, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
head(String, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes HEAD requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
HEAD - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Method
The HEAD method is identical to Http.Method.GET except that the server MUST NOT return a message-body in the response.
header() - Method in class
Header to store signature in.
header(HttpSignHeader) - Method in class
Header to store signature in.
header(String, Object) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.ResponseAdapter
Arranges to add the specified header and value to the eventual response.
header(String, String) - Method in class
Add a new header.
header(String, String) - Method in class
Add a new header.
header(String, String) - Method in class
Add a single-value header.
header(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.ResponseAdapter
Arranges to add the specified header and value to the eventual response.
header(String, String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportResponse.Builder
Add/replace a header.
header(String, List<String>) - Method in class
Add a new header.
header(String, List<String>) - Method in class
Add a new header.
header(String, List<String>) - Method in class
Add a multi-value header.
header(Map<String, List<String>>, String) - Method in class
Set the token as a new header.
HEADER_ORIG_URI - Static variable in interface
Integration should add a special header to each request.
HeaderAtnOutboundConfig - Class in
Header assertion security provider configuration for outbound.
HeaderAtnOutboundConfig.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for HeaderAtnOutboundConfig.
HeaderAtnProvider - Class in
Security provider that extracts a username (or service name) from a header.
HeaderAtnProvider.Builder - Class in
A fluent api Builder for HeaderAtnProvider.
HeaderAtnService - Class in
Service for HeaderAtnProvider to auto-configure it with Security.
HeaderAtnService() - Constructor for class
headerAudience(List<String>) - Method in class
Audience identifies the expected recipients of this JWT (optional).
headerClaim(String) - Method in class
Get a claim by its name from header.
headerClaim(String) - Method in class
Get a claim by its name from header.
HeaderConsumer - Interface in io.helidon.tracing
API used to configure headers when propagating tracing information across service boundaries.
headerContainsKey(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter
Reports whether the specified header exists.
headerHandler() - Method in class
TokenHandler to extract header information from request.
headerIssuer(String) - Method in class
The issuer claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.
headerJson() - Method in class
Create a JSON header object.
headerJson() - Method in class
Create a JSON header object.
HeaderLogEntry - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Access log entry for header values.
HeaderLogEntry.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Fluent API builder for HeaderLogEntry.
HeaderProvider - Interface in io.helidon.tracing
API used to obtain headers when reading propagated tracing information incoming across service boundaries.
headers() - Method in class
Returns immutable configured headers.
headers() - Method in interface
Returns immutable configured headers.
headers() - Method in class
Received HTTP headers.
headers() - Method in class
HTTP headers returned in the response.
headers() - Method in exception
Response HTTP headers.
headers() - Method in class
headers() - Method in class
Get the underlying headers.
headers() - Method in class
Get the underlying headers.
headers() - Method in interface
Returns HTTP part headers.
headers() - Method in class
headers() - Method in class
headers() - Method in class
Encrypted JWT headers.
headers() - Method in class
headers() - Method in class
Transport headers that can be used to process the message.
headers() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder.ClientRequest
Headers which are used in current request.
headers() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Get a (mutable) instance of outgoing headers.
headers() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponse
Headers of the HTTP response.
headers() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Configured request headers.
headers() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceResponse
Received response headers.
headers() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Gets http request headers.
headers() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportRequest
Headers, if found in request.
headers() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns http request headers.
headers() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Returns response headers.
headers(Headers) - Method in class
Configure the HTTP headers returned by the API call.
headers(Headers) - Method in class
HTTP headers configured by RestApi.
headers(Headers) - Method in interface
Configure the HTTP headers returned by the API call.
headers(Headers) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Configure headers.
headers(ReadableBodyPartHeaders) - Method in class
Set the headers for this part.
headers(WriteableBodyPartHeaders) - Method in class
Set the headers for this part.
headers(String) - Method in class
Headers configured for a method.
headers(String, Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Headers configured for a method with optional headers matched against actual transport headers.
headers(Function<WebClientRequestHeaders, Headers>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Function from parameter is executed on top of stored headers.
headers(Supplier<ReadableBodyPartHeaders>) - Method in class
Set the headers for this part.
headers(Supplier<WriteableBodyPartHeaders>) - Method in class
Set the headers for this part.
headers(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Set the headers for this part.
headers(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Add new headers.
headers(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Set the headers for this part.
headers(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Add new headers.
headers(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Transport headers (such as HTTP headers, JMS headers).
Headers - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
Extends Parameters interface by adding methods convenient for HTTP headers.
HEADERS - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientRequestAttribute
Add the method call headers to the tracing span.
HEADERS - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServerRequestAttribute
Log the request headers.
HEADERS_FOR_CORS_DIAGNOSTICS - Static variable in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter
Header names useful for CORS diagnostic logging messages.
headerSubject(String) - Method in class
Subject defines the principal this JWT was issued for (e.g.
headerTokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
A TokenHandler to process header containing a JWT.
HEALTH_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class
Config key for the health section.
HealthCdiExtension - Class in
Health extension.
HealthCdiExtension() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of the health CDI extension.
healthCheck() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
Return a HealthCheck for this service.
healthCheck(HealthCheck) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
healthCheck(HealthCheck) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register the service HealthCheck.
HealthCheckBuilderException - Exception in
Exception in health check builder.
HealthCheckBuilderException(String) - Constructor for exception
Create a new exception for a message.
HealthCheckBuilderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Create a new exception for a message and a cause.
HealthCheckException - Exception in
Exception thrown by Health system if something goes wrong.
HealthCheckException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Exception with a message and a cause.
HealthCheckProvider - Interface in
A provider of HealthCheck instances.
HealthCheckResponseProviderImpl - Class in
An implementation of HealthCheckResponseProvider which does not rely on any particular java-to-json mapping strategy.
HealthCheckResponseProviderImpl() - Constructor for class
healthChecks() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Return an array of health checks for this server.
healthChecks() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
healthChecks() - Static method in class
Built-in health checks.
healthChecks(Config) - Static method in class
Built-in health checks, set up using configuration at "health.checks" or the deprecated "".
HealthChecks - Class in
Utility class for built-in health checks.
HealthSupport - Class in
Health check support for integration with webserver, to expose the health endpoint.
HealthSupport.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for HealthSupport.
heapMemoryCheck() - Static method in class
Memory health check.
heapMemoryCheck(Config) - Static method in class
Memory health check.
HeapMemoryHealthCheck - Class in
A health check that verifies whether the server is running out of Java heap space.
HeapMemoryHealthCheck.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for HeapMemoryHealthCheck.
HELIDON_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ContextKeys
The gRPC context key to use to obtain the Helidon Context from the gRPC Context.
helidon.messaging.mock - module helidon.messaging.mock
Microprofile messaging MockConnector.
helidon.microprofile.bean.validation - module helidon.microprofile.bean.validation
General Bean Validation.
HelidonCdiProvider - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
Implementation of the CDI SPI.
HelidonCdiProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonCdiProvider
HelidonComponentProvider - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus
A service provider for Tyrus to create and destroy beans using CDI.
HelidonComponentProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.HelidonComponentProvider
HelidonConnectorProvider - Class in io.helidon.jersey.connector
Provider for Helidon WebClient Connector that utilizes the Helidon HTTP Client to send and receive HTTP request and responses.
HelidonConnectorProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.jersey.connector.HelidonConnectorProvider
HelidonConsoleHandler - Class in io.helidon.common
use io.helidon.logging.jul.HelidonConsoleHandler from helidon-logging-jul module instead
HelidonConsoleHandler - Class in io.helidon.logging.jul
A StreamHandler that writes to standard out and uses a HelidonFormatter for formatting.
HelidonConsoleHandler() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.HelidonConsoleHandler
Creates a new HelidonConsoleHandler configured with: the output stream set to System.out the formatter set to a HelidonConsoleHandler.ThreadFormatter the level set to Level.ALL .
HelidonConsoleHandler() - Constructor for class io.helidon.logging.jul.HelidonConsoleHandler
Creates a new HelidonConsoleHandler configured with: the output stream set to System.out the formatter set to a HelidonFormatter the level set to Level.ALL .
HelidonConsoleHandler.ThreadFormatter - Class in io.helidon.common
A SimpleFormatter that replaces all occurrences of "!thread!" with the current thread.
HelidonConstraintViolationExceptionMapper - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.bean.validation
A JAX-RS provider that maps ConstraintViolationException from bean validation to a proper JAX-RS response with Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST status.
HelidonConstraintViolationExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.bean.validation.HelidonConstraintViolationExceptionMapper
HelidonContainer - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
Helidon CDI Container, separates initialization and runtime phases of the bootstrapping.
HelidonContainerInitializer - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
This class ensures that container is created by us.
HelidonContainerInitializer() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
This constructor ensures that we are not created through standard CDI means.
HelidonFeatures - Class in io.helidon.common
Helidon Features support.
HelidonFlavor - Enum Class in io.helidon.common
Flavors of Helidon.
HelidonFormatter - Class in io.helidon.logging.jul
A SimpleFormatter that replaces all occurrences of MDC tags like %X{value} with specific values.
HelidonFormatter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.logging.jul.HelidonFormatter
Create new instance of the HelidonFormatter.
HelidonHK2InjectionManagerFactory - Class in io.helidon.webserver.jersey
Overrides the injection manager factory from Jersey and provides a new implementation of InjectionManager.
HelidonHK2InjectionManagerFactory() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.HelidonHK2InjectionManagerFactory
HelidonInterceptor<W> - Interface in io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi
Common behavior for interceptors, invoking a preInvocation method before running an intercepted Executable.
HelidonInterceptor.Base<W> - Class in io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi
HelidonInterceptor implementation providing as much logic as possible.
HelidonInterceptor.WithPostCompletion<W> - Interface in io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi
Common behavior among interceptors with both pre-invocation and post-completion behavior.
helidonLogFormat() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
Use Helidon log format.
HelidonMdc - Class in io.helidon.logging.common
Helidon MDC delegates values across all of the supported logging frameworks on the classpath.
HelidonMetric - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Helidon-required behavior for each type (e.g., full-featured or no-op) of metric implementation.
HelidonOpenTelemetry - Class in io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry
Open Telemetry factory methods to create wrappers for Open Telemetry types.
HelidonOpenTelemetry.AgentDetector - Class in io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry
Check if OpenTelemetry is present by indirect properties.
HelidonProperties - Class in io.helidon.jersey.connector
Configuration options specific to the Client API that utilizes HelidonConnector.
HelidonReactivePublisherFactory - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.reactive
Singleton factory for creating various builders out of sources.
HelidonReactivePublisherFactory() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
HelidonReactiveStreamsEngine - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.reactive
Implementation of Reactive Streams with operators backed by Helidon reactive streams.
HelidonReactiveStreamsEngine() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactiveStreamsEngine
HelidonRequestHeaderAutoDiscoverable - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.restclient
Automatically discovered JAX-RS provider which registers Rest Client specific components to the server.
HelidonRequestHeaderAutoDiscoverable() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.restclient.HelidonRequestHeaderAutoDiscoverable
HelidonRestCdiExtension<T extends RestServiceSupport> - Class in io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi
Abstract superclass of service-specific, REST-based CDI extensions.
HelidonRestCdiExtension(Logger, Function<Config, T>, String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Common initialization for concrete implementations.
HelidonRestCdiExtension.WorkItemsManager<W> - Class in io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi
Manages a very simple multi-map of Executable to Class<? extends Annotation> to a Set of typed work items.
HelidonRestServiceSupport - Class in
Common base implementation for service support classes which involve REST endpoints.
HelidonRestServiceSupport(Logger, HelidonRestServiceSupport.Builder<?, ?>, String) - Constructor for class
Shared initialization for new service support instances.
HelidonRestServiceSupport(Logger, RestServiceSettings, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new service support instance with the specified logger, REST settings, and service name.
HelidonRestServiceSupport.Builder<B extends HelidonRestServiceSupport.Builder<B,T>,T extends HelidonRestServiceSupport> - Class in
Abstract implementation of a Builder for the service.
HelidonServiceLoader<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.serviceloader
Helidon specific support for Java Service Loaders.
HelidonServiceLoader.Builder<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.serviceloader
Fluent api builder for HelidonServiceLoader.
helper() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase
HikariConnectionPool - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc
Hikari Connection Pool integration.
HikariCPBackedDataSourceExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi
An Extension that arranges for named DataSource injection points to be satisfied.
HikariCPBackedDataSourceExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi.HikariCPBackedDataSourceExtension
HikariCpExtension - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc
Interceptor to handle connection pool configuration.
HikariCpExtensionProvider - Interface in io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.spi
Java Service loader interface that provides JDBC DB Client configuration extension.
hint(Object, String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a hint message to the list of messages.
hint(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a hint message to the list of messages.
HINT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.Severity
histogram() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
A static factory method to create a GrpcMetrics instance to create a histogram of gRPC method calls.
histogram(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
histogram(String, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
histogram(Metadata) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
histogram(Metadata, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
histogram(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
hmac() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Hmac.Response
HMAC string.
hmac(Hmac.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Hmac of a message.
hmac(Hmac.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Hmac of a message.
hmac(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Request
Specifies the signature output from the /transit/hmac function.
Hmac - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
HMAC request and response.
Hmac.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Request object.
Hmac.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
HmacDigest - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
The HmacDigest is used for simplification of the HMAC signature creation and verification.
HmacDigest.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
Builder of the HmacDigest.
hmacKeyName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Hmac.Request
Specifies the name of the encryption key to sign against.
hmacKeyVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Hmac.Request
Specifies the version of the key to use for signatures.
hmacSecret(byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest.Builder
Secret key to be used in HMAC algorithm.
hmacSecret(byte[]) - Method in class
For hmac-sha256 algorithm, this provides access to a secret shared with the client.
hmacSecret(byte[]) - Method in class
Shared secret for HMAC based algorithms.
hmacSecret(String) - Method in class
Helper method to configure a password-like secret (instead of byte based InboundClientDefinition.Builder.hmacSecret(byte[]).
hmacSecret(String) - Method in class
Shared secret for HMAC based algorithms.
hmacSharedSecret() - Method in class
For hmac-sha256 algorithm, this provides access to a secret shared with the client.
hmacSharedSecret() - Method in class
Shared secret for HMAC based algorithms.
HoconConfigParser - Class in io.helidon.config.hocon
Typesafe (Lightbend) Config (HOCON) ConfigParser implementation that supports following media types: "application/hocon" and "application/json".
HoconConfigParser() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParser
Use HoconConfigParser.builder() to construct a customized instance, or HoconConfigParser.create() to get an instance with defaults
HoconConfigParserBuilder - Class in io.helidon.config.hocon
HOCON ConfigParser Builder.
HoconMpConfigSource - Class in
MicroProfile ConfigSource that can be used to add HOCON/JSON files from classpath or file system using the ConfigProviderResolver.getBuilder().
HoconMpMetaConfigProvider - Class in
Helidon MicroProfile meta-config provider for Hocon and Json.
HoconMpMetaConfigProvider() - Constructor for class
host() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.Forwarded
host directive of the forwarded header.
host() - Method in record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Returns the value of the host record component.
host() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor
Get the host name to connect.
host() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server
Get the host this server listens on.
host() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
Current host the server is running on.
host() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerImpl
host() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Host of the request uri.
host(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder
Set the host name to connect.
host(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
Configure listen host.
host(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.Builder
Sets a new host value.
host(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Set new host of the request.
host(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
HOST - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType
This is the default, only the Http.Header.HOST header is used to discover requested URI.
HOST - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Host" header name.
HostLogEntry - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Access log entry for host (IP) values.
HostLogEntry.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
A fluent API builder for HostLogEntry.
hostnameVerificationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Enable hostname verification.
hosts() - Method in class
Hosts of this target.
housekeepingInterval(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Interval in milliseconds for the houskeeping.
housekeepingTimeBudget(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Number of nanoseconds used for each housekeeping cycle.
HtmlEncoder - Class in io.helidon.webserver
HTML encoding of special characters to prevent cross site scripting (XSS) attacks.
Http - Class in io.helidon.common.http
HTTP protocol related constants and utilities.
HTTP - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.ProxyType
HTTP proxy.
HTTP_METHOD - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Http method used to invoke this request.
HTTP_STATUS - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Status code that was returned.
HTTP_URL - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
URL of the HTTP request.
HTTP_VERSION - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
HTTP version.
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use Http.Status.HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_505 instead (inconsistent name)
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_505 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
505 HTTP Version Not Supported, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
Http.DateTime - Class in io.helidon.common.http
Support for HTTP date formats based on RFC2616.
Http.Header - Class in io.helidon.common.http
Utility class with a list of names of standard HTTP headers and related tooling methods.
Http.Method - Enum Class in io.helidon.common.http
Enumeration of all standard HTTP methods.
Http.RequestMethod - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
Interface representing an HTTP request method, all standard methods are in Http.Method enumeration.
Http.ResponseStatus - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
Base interface for status codes used in HTTP responses.
Http.ResponseStatus.Family - Enum Class in io.helidon.common.http
An enumeration representing the class of status code.
Http.Status - Enum Class in io.helidon.common.http
Commonly used status codes defined by HTTP, see HTTP/1.1 documentation for the complete list.
Http.Version - Enum Class in io.helidon.common.http
Enumeration of supported HTTP protocol versions.
Http1Route - Class in io.helidon.webserver
A route for HTTP/1.1 only.
Http1Route(Http.Method, String, Handler) - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
Http1Route(PathMatcher, Handler, Http.Method...) - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
Http2Route - Class in io.helidon.webserver.http2
A route for HTTP/2 only.
Http2UpgradeCodecProvider - Class in io.helidon.webserver.http2
Service providing HTTP/2 upgrade codec for Helidon webserver.
Http2UpgradeCodecProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.http2.Http2UpgradeCodecProvider
Only intended for service loader, do not instantiate
HttpAuthException - Exception in
Exception in Http authentication.
HttpBasicAuthProvider - Class in
Http authentication security provider.
HttpBasicAuthProvider.Builder - Class in
HttpBasicAuthProvider fluent API builder.
HttpBasicAuthService - Class in
Basic authentication service.
HttpBasicAuthService() - Constructor for class
HttpBasicOutboundConfig - Class in
Security provider configuration for outbound.
HttpBasicOutboundConfig.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for HttpBasicOutboundConfig.
HttpDigest - Class in
Digest specific enums.
HttpDigest() - Constructor for class
HttpDigest.Algorithm - Enum Class in
Http digest algorithm.
HttpDigest.Qop - Enum Class in
Http digest QOP (quality of protection).
HttpDigestAuthProvider - Class in
Http authentication security provider.
HttpDigestAuthProvider.Builder - Class in
HttpDigestAuthProvider fluent API builder.
HttpDigestAuthService - Class in
Digest authentication service.
HttpDigestAuthService() - Constructor for class
HttpException - Exception in io.helidon.webserver
Runtime exception for applications.
HttpException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.HttpException
HttpException(String, Http.ResponseStatus) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.HttpException
Creates HttpException.
HttpException(String, Http.ResponseStatus, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.HttpException
Creates HttpException.
HttpException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.HttpException
httpOnly(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.Builder
Sets HttpOnly parameter.
httpPathMethodName(ContainerRequestContext) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.TracingHelper
Name is generated from path as {http-method}:{request-path}.
HttpRequest - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
Common attributes of an HTTP Request, that are used both in server requests and in client requests.
HttpRequest.Path - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
Represents requested normalised URI path.
HttpRoute - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
A basic HTTP route (should be usable by ANY HTTP protocol version).
HttpSignatureException - Exception in
Exception from HTTP signatures provider.
HttpSignatureException(Exception) - Constructor for exception
Create a new exception with a cause.
HttpSignatureException(String) - Constructor for exception
Create a new exception with message.
HttpSignHeader - Enum Class in
Headers supported by HTTP Signature.
HttpSignProvider - Class in
A provider that can authenticate incoming requests based on HTTP signature of header fields, and can create signatures for outbound requests.
HttpSignProvider.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for this provider.
HttpSignService - Class in
Implementation of SecurityProviderService to enable automatic loading of this provider from configuration.
HttpSignService() - Constructor for class
httpVersion(Http.Version) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Sets http version.


I_AM_A_TEAPOT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
id() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.Context
A unique id of this context within this runtime.
id() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
The tracing ID of this chunk.
id() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JsonWebTokenImpl
id() - Method in interface
Id of this principal.
id() - Method in interface
Id of this context instance.
id(AbstractNodeBuilderImpl.MergingKey) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractNodeBuilderImpl
Returns id computed from key.
id(AbstractNodeBuilderImpl.MergingKey) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
id(AbstractNodeBuilderImpl.MergingKey) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
id(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.context.Context.Builder
Identification of the new context, should be unique within this runtime.
id(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
The ID of the client token.
id(String) - Method in class
Principal id.
id(String) - Method in class
Id of the new security context.
IDCS_APP_HEADER - Static variable in class
Name of the header containing the IDCS app.
IDCS_APP_HEADER - Static variable in class
Name of the header containing the IDCS app.
IDCS_SUBJECT_TYPE_CLIENT - Static variable in class
Client subject type used when requesting roles from IDCS.
IDCS_SUBJECT_TYPE_CLIENT - Static variable in class
Client subject type used when requesting roles from IDCS.
IDCS_SUBJECT_TYPE_USER - Static variable in class
User subject type used when requesting roles from IDCS.
IDCS_SUBJECT_TYPE_USER - Static variable in class
User subject type used when requesting roles from IDCS.
IDCS_TENANT_HEADER - Static variable in class
Name of the header containing the IDCS tenant.
IDCS_TENANT_HEADER - Static variable in class
Name of the header containing the IDCS tenant.
idcsAppName() - Method in class
IDCS Application ID.
idcsAppName() - Method in class
IDCS Application ID.
idcsAppNameTokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Configure token handler for IDCS Application name.
idcsAppNameTokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Configure token handler for IDCS Application name.
idcsInfraTenantId() - Method in class
idcsInfraTenantId() - Method in interface
The tenant id of the infrastructure tenant.
idcsInfraTenantId() - Method in class
idcsInfraTenantId() - Method in interface
The tenant id of the infrastructure tenant.
idcsMtContext() - Method in class
IDCS Multitenancy context.
idcsMtContext() - Method in class
IDCS Multitenancy context.
IdcsMtContext - Class in
IDCS multitenancy context used by the mappers.
IdcsMtContext(String, String) - Constructor for class
Create new context with the specified ids.
IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider - Class in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider(IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class
Configure instance from any descendant of IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.Builder.
IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.Builder<B extends IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.Builder<B>> - Class in
Fluent API builder for IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.
IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.DefaultMultitenancyEndpoints - Class in
Default implementation of the IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.MultitenancyEndpoints.
IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.MtCacheKey - Class in
Cache key for multitenant environments.
IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.MultitenancyEndpoints - Interface in
Multitenant endpoints for accessing IDCS services.
IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider - Class in
SubjectMappingProvider to obtain roles from IDCS server for a user.
IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider(IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class
Configure instance from any descendant of IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.Builder.
IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.Builder<B extends IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.Builder<B>> - Class in
Fluent API builder for IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.
IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.DefaultMultitenancyEndpoints - Class in
IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.MtCacheKey - Class in
Cache key for multitenant environments.
IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.MultitenancyEndpoints - Interface in
Multitenant endpoints for accessing IDCS services.
IdcsRoleMapperProvider - Class in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
IdcsRoleMapperProvider(IdcsRoleMapperProvider.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class
Constructor that accepts any IdcsRoleMapperProvider.Builder descendant.
IdcsRoleMapperProvider.Builder<B extends IdcsRoleMapperProvider.Builder<B>> - Class in
Fluent API builder for IdcsRoleMapperProvider.
IdcsRoleMapperProviderBase - Class in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
IdcsRoleMapperProviderBase(IdcsRoleMapperProviderBase.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class
Configures the needed fields from the provided builder.
IdcsRoleMapperProviderBase.AppToken - Class in
A token for app access to IDCS.
IdcsRoleMapperProviderBase.Builder<B extends IdcsRoleMapperProviderBase.Builder<B>> - Class in
Fluent API builder for IdcsRoleMapperProviderBase.
IdcsRoleMapperProviderService - Class in
IdcsRoleMapperProviderService() - Constructor for class
IdcsRoleMapperRxProvider - Class in
SubjectMappingProvider to obtain roles from IDCS server for a user.
IdcsRoleMapperRxProvider(IdcsRoleMapperRxProvider.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class
Constructor that accepts any IdcsRoleMapperRxProvider.Builder descendant.
IdcsRoleMapperRxProvider.Builder<B extends IdcsRoleMapperRxProvider.Builder<B>> - Class in
Fluent API builder for IdcsRoleMapperRxProvider.
IdcsRoleMapperRxProviderBase - Class in
Common functionality for IDCS role mapping using reactive WebClient.
IdcsRoleMapperRxProviderBase(IdcsRoleMapperRxProviderBase.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class
Configures the needed fields from the provided builder.
IdcsRoleMapperRxProviderBase.AppTokenRx - Class in
Reactive token for app access to IDCS.
IdcsRoleMapperRxProviderBase.Builder<B extends IdcsRoleMapperRxProviderBase.Builder<B>> - Class in
Fluent API builder for IdcsRoleMapperRxProviderBase.
idcsTenantId() - Method in class
IDCS Tenant ID.
idcsTenantId() - Method in class
IDCS Tenant ID.
idcsTenantTokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Configure token handler for IDCS Tenant ID.
idcsTenantTokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Configure token handler for IDCS Tenant ID.
identity() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.Builder
Instance of this builder as the correct type.
identity() - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
identityUri() - Method in interface
Identity server URI.
identityUri() - Method in class
identityUri(URI) - Method in class
URI of the identity server, base used to retrieve OIDC metadata.
idleTimeBeforeConnectionTest(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Set idle time.
idTokenCookieHandler() - Method in class
Cookie handler to create cookies or unset cookies for id token.
IF_MATCH - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "If-Match" header name.
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "If-Modified-Since" header name.
IF_NONE_MATCH - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "If-None-Match" header name.
IF_RANGE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "If-Range" header name.
IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "If-Unmodified-Since" header name.
ifEmpty(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Executes given Runnable when stream is finished without value(empty stream).
ifEmpty(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Executes given Runnable when stream is finished without value(empty stream).
ifExists(Consumer<Config>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Performs the given action with the config node if node exists, otherwise does nothing.
ifMatch() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Returns value of header "If-Match".
ifMatch(String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Sets Http.Header.IF_MATCH header to specific etags.
ifModifiedSince() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Returns value of header "If-Modified-Since".
ifModifiedSince() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Optionally returns a value of "If-Modified-Since" header.
ifModifiedSince(ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Sets Http.Header.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE header to specific time.
ifNoneMatch() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Returns value of header "If-None-Match".
ifNoneMatch(String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Sets Http.Header.IF_NONE_MATCH header to specific etags.
ifPresent(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
If a value is present, invoke the specified consumer with the value, otherwise do nothing.
ifPresentOrElse(Consumer<T>, Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
If a value is present, performs the given action with the value, otherwise performs the given empty-based action.
ifRange(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Sets Http.Header.IF_RANGE header to specific etag.
ifRange(ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Sets Http.Header.IF_RANGE header to specific time.
ifRangeDate() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Returns value of header "If-Range" as a ZonedDateTime.
ifRangeString() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Returns value of header "If-Range" as a String.
ifUnmodifiedSince() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Returns value of header "If-Unmodified-Since".
ifUnmodifiedSince() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Optionally returns a value of "If-Unmodified-Since" header.
ifUnmodifiedSince(ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Sets Http.Header.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE header to specific time.
IGNORE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Action
Ignore the problem and continue as if nothing happened.
ignoreBuildMethod() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.Configured
This is a helper to workaround issues where multiple builders build the same type and they do not make sense standalone.
ignoreElement() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Terminal stage, ignore onNext signals, only onComplete and onError signals are propagated.
ignoreElements() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Terminal stage, ignore all items and complete returned Single<Void> successfully or exceptionally.
ignoreFiles(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Builder
Whether to ignore "META-INF/helidon/" property files defined in dependencies.
IllegalPathPatternException - Exception in io.helidon.webserver
Cannot parse path pattern.
IllegalPathPatternException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.IllegalPathPatternException
Creates new instance.
IMDS_HOSTNAME - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
Primary hostname of metadata service.
imdsHostName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI IMDS hostname.
imdsHostName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
imdsHostName() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI IMDS hostname.
imdsHostName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI IMDS hostname.
imdsTimeout() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI IMDS connection timeout.
imdsTimeout() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
imdsTimeout() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The OCI IMDS connection timeout.
imdsTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
The OCI IMDS connection timeout.
InboundClientDefinition - Class in
Configuration of inbound client.
InboundClientDefinition.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder to create a new instance of InboundClientDefinition.
inboundRequiredHeaders(SignedHeadersConfig) - Method in class
Override the default inbound required headers (e.g.
inc() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsCounter
inc(long) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsCounter
include(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFilterSettings.Builder
Sets the refex for names to include.
INCLUDE_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class
Config key within the config health section indicating health checks to include.
INCLUDE_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFilterSettings.Builder
Config key within the filter section for the regex for names to include.
includeStackTraces(boolean) - Method in class
Whether stack traces should be included in response.
incoming(String, Class<P>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockConnector
Retrieve mocker for incoming channel.
increment(long, Consumer<? super IllegalArgumentException>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.RequestedCounter
Increments safely a requested event counter to prevent Long.MAX_VALUE overflow.
index() - Method in exception io.helidon.webserver.IllegalPathPatternException
Index of character.
INDEXED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.common.ParamType
Indexed values to be passed to the statement in order.
indexedParam(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
indexedParam(Object) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatement
Configure parameters using Object instance with registered mapper.
indexedParam(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementGet
indexedParameters() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Indexed parameters (if used).
indexedParams() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Get the indexed parameters of this statement.
indexIn(CharSequence) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns the index of the first matching character in a character sequence, or -1 if no matching character is present.
indexIn(CharSequence, int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns the index of the first matching character in a character sequence, starting from a given position, or -1 if no character matches after that position.
indexView() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.openapi.OpenApiCdiExtension
Reports an IndexView for the Jandex index that describes annotated classes for endpoints.
indexViewsSupplier() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.openapi.MPOpenAPIBuilder
indexViewsSupplier() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport.Builder
Returns the supplier of index views.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class
General information.
INFORMATIONAL - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus.Family
1xx HTTP status codes.
inherit() - Element in annotation interface
By default, all policy statements defined on all levels (application, class, method, field) are executed in order.
inherit(boolean) - Method in class
By default, all policy statements defined on all levels (application, class, method, field) are executed in order.
init(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilterService
init(Config) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigFilter
Initializes the filter using the Config instance which the filter will affect once completes.
init(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueResolvingFilter
init(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthAnnotationAnalyzer
init(Config) - Method in interface
Provides configuration on node "security.jersey.analyzers".
init(ConfigContext) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
init(ConfigContext) - Method in class io.helidon.config.PrefixedConfigSource
init(ConfigContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigSource
Initialize the config source with a ConfigContext.
init(MessageBodyWriterContext) - Method in interface
Initialize the body part content.
init(WebServerTls) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
init(WebServerTls) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.TlsManager
Always called before any other method on this type.
init(Supplier<URI>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Initialization of the properties provided by LRA client.
init(Supplier<URI>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana.NarayanaClient
init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class io.helidon.config.metadata.processor.ConfigMetadataProcessor
init(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.MpEncryptionFilter
init(Config) - Method in interface
Initialize this filter from configuration.
initClass() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.LogConfig
This method is for internal use, to correctly load logging configuration at AOT build time.
initDescription(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeImpl
Initialize diagnostics description of source of node instance.
initDescription(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
Initialize diagnostics description of source of node instance.
initialBufferSize() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Initial size of the buffer used to parse HTTP line and headers.
initialBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
Configure initial size of the buffer used to parse HTTP line and headers.
initialDelay() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.RetryExponentialBackoff
Initial Delay.
initialDelay() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.RetryFibonacciBackoff
Initial Delay in Milliseconds.
initialDelay() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling.FixedRate
Initial delay of the first invocation.
initialDelay() - Method in interface io.helidon.scheduling.FixedRateInvocation
Initial delay before the very first invocation.
initialDelay(long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets the initial delay before metrics are sent to OCI (defaults to 1L).
initialDelay(long) - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.FixedRateBuilder
Initial delay of the first invocation.
initialDelay(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy.Builder
Initial Delay.
initialDelay(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy.Builder
Initial Delay in Milliseconds.
initialize() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics.Neo4jMetricsSupport
Register metrics and start monitoring.
initialize() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
initialized() - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance
Mostly used for testing.
initializeExternalTransactionController() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform
Overrides the ServerPlatformBase.initializeExternalTransactionController() method to disable JTA if there is no TransactionManager bean present in CDI before invoking the superclass implementation.
initializeMasterProperties() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi.AbstractDataSourceExtension
Clears and then builds or rebuilds an internal map of data source properties whose contents will be processed eventually by the AbstractDataSourceExtension.addBean(BeanConfigurator, Named, Properties) method.
initializeServerNameAndVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform
Sets the name of the platform.
initiateService(Map<String, Object>, ServiceRegistryImplementor) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.DataSourceBackedDialectFactory
For Hibernate use only.
initRequestFiltering(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class
initSslContext(WebServerTls, KeyManager[], TrustManager[]) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
this method will be removed in a future release.
initWatchServiceModifiers(WatchEvent.Modifier...) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher
Add modifiers to be used when registering the WatchService.
inject(SpanContext, HeaderProvider, HeaderConsumer) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Tracer
Inject current span as a parent for outbound request, such as when invoking HTTP request from a client.
inject(SpanContext, Format<C>, C) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracer
inject(T, CreationalContext<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates.DelegatingInjectionTarget
injectables() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthProvider
injectables() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthProvider
injectables() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthProvider
injectables() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeEngineProvider
injectables() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbEngineProvider
injectables() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1EngineProvider
injectables() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2EngineProvider
injectables() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiEngineProvider
injectables() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitEngineProvider
injectables() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider
List of injectable types supported by this provider.
injectables() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.HcpSysProvider
injectedType() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider.InjectionType
Class of the injectable.
injectionManager(InjectionManager) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
Sets a Jersey injection manager to enable sharing across multiple JAX-RS applications in the same Helidon application.
InjectionProvider - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi
A Java Service Loader service for locating injectable instances.
InjectionProvider.CreateInstanceFunction<T> - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi
Interface to enable lambdas as instance constructors.
InjectionProvider.InjectionType<T> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi
A single injection type.
InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi
Configuration of an instance, that can have a named Vault (defined in configuration), and a customized path (such as build-secrets instead of secrets for kv2).
InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi
Fluent API builder for InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig.
InMemoryOverrideSource - Class in io.helidon.config
In-memory implementation of override source.
InMemoryOverrideSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
Fluent API builder for InMemoryOverrideSource.
inProcess() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder
Set the host name to connect.
InProcessGrpcChannel - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An qualifier annotation to specify that an in-process Channel should be injected.
InProcessGrpcChannel.Literal - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
inputStreamReader() - Static method in class
inputStreamReader() - Static method in class
Return InputStream reader instance.
inRole(Subject, String) - Static method in class
Check if subject has the specified role.
inRoles(Subject, String...) - Static method in class
Check if subject has the specified roles (must have all of them).
inScope(Subject, String) - Static method in class
Check if subject has the specified scope.
inScopes(Subject, String...) - Static method in class
Check if subject has the specified scopes (must have all of them).
insert(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute insert statement using a statement passed as an argument.
INSERT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatementType
Insert is a statements that creates new records.
insertRow() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
insertsAreDetected(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
instance() - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.SystemTagsManager
Returns the initialized instance of the tags manager.
instance() - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainer
Get the (initialized or started) container.
instance(Class<U>) - Method in class
Get an instance of a custom object configuring this endpoint.
Instance - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A supplier of instances of objects.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform.Eclipselink.Literal
The single instance of the CDISEPlatform.Eclipselink.Literal class.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.MicronautIntercepted.Literal
Annotation literal.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.BuildTimeEnd.Literal
Singleton instance of a literal of this annotation.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.BuildTimeStart.Literal
Singleton instance of a literal of this annotation.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.RuntimeStart.Literal
Singleton instance of a literal of this annotation.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcChannel.Literal
The singleton instance of GrpcChannel.Literal.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcProxy.Literal
The singleton instance of GrpcProxy.Literal.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Grpc.Literal
The singleton instance of Grpc.Literal.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.GrpcInterceptor.Literal
The singleton instance of GrpcInterceptor.Literal.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.InProcessGrpcChannel.Literal
The singleton instance of InProcessGrpcChannel.Literal.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
The singleton instance.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactiveStreamsEngine
The singleton instance.
Instance.NewInstance<T> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A Supplier implementation that supplies new instances of a class each time its get() method is called.
Instance.SingletonInstance<T> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A Supplier implementation that supplies the same singleton instance of a value each time its get() method is called.
instanceKeys() - Method in class
Get all classes of custom endpoint configuration object registered.
instanceSupplier() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Obtain the service instance supplier.
instantiate(Config) - Method in class
instantiate(Config) - Method in class
instantiate(Config) - Method in interface
Create a new instance of a PolicyExecutor based on the configuration provider.
instantiate(Config) - Method in class
instantiate(Config) - Method in class
instantiate(Config) - Method in class
instantiate(Config) - Method in interface
Create a new instance of the validator based on the configuration provided.
intercept(int, ClientInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Builder
intercept(int, ClientInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules
Register one or more interceptors for the method.
intercept(int, ClientInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
intercept(int, ClientInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Add one or more ClientInterceptor instances that will intercept calls to this service.
intercept(int, ServerInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting.Builder
Add one or more global ServerInterceptor instances that will intercept calls to all services in the GrpcRouting built by this builder.
intercept(int, ServerInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor.Rules
Register one or more interceptors for the method.
intercept(int, ServerInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
intercept(int, ServerInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Add one or more ServerInterceptor instances that will intercept calls to this service.
intercept(Channel) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientTracingInterceptor
Use this interceptor to trace all requests made by this client channel.
intercept(ClientInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Builder
intercept(ClientInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules
Register one or more interceptors for the method.
intercept(ClientInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
intercept(ClientInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register one or more interceptors for the service.
intercept(ServerInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting.Builder
Add one or more global ServerInterceptor instances that will intercept calls to all services in the GrpcRouting built by this builder.
intercept(ServerInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor.Rules
Register one or more interceptors for the method.
intercept(ServerInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
intercept(ServerInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Add one or more ServerInterceptor instances that will intercept calls to this service.
intercept(String, int, ClientInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
intercept(String, int, ClientInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register one or more interceptors for a named method of the service.
intercept(String, int, ServerInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
intercept(String, int, ServerInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register one or more interceptors for a named method of the service.
intercept(String, ClientInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
intercept(String, ClientInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register one or more interceptors for a named method of the service.
intercept(String, ServerInterceptor...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
intercept(String, ServerInterceptor...) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register one or more interceptors for a named method of the service.
interceptCall(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT>, CallOptions, Channel) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientTracingInterceptor
interceptCall(ServerCall<ReqT, RespT>, Metadata, ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
interceptCall(ServerCall<ReqT, RespT>, Metadata, ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracing
interceptCall(ServerCall<ReqT, RespT>, Metadata, ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT>) - Method in class
interceptCall(ServerCall<ReqT, RespT>, Metadata, ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT>) - Method in class
InterceptorPriorities - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
Constants that represent a priority ordering that interceptors registered with a gRPC service or method will be applied.
interceptors() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Return service interceptors.
interceptors() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting
Obtain a List of the global interceptors that should be applied to all services.
interceptors() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRoutingImpl
interceptors() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor
Obtain the ServerInterceptors to use for this method.
interceptors() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
Return service interceptors.
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Kind
Internal span, not leaving the scope of the service.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
500 Internal Server Error, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
interval() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy
Returns the current interval.
interval() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RegularRecurringPolicy
interval(long, long, TimeUnit, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Signal 0L after an initial delay, then 1L, 2L and so on periodically to the downstream.
interval(long, TimeUnit, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Signal 0L, 1L and so on periodically to the downstream.
inTransaction(Function<DbTransaction, T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient
Execute database statements in transaction.
inTransaction(Function<DbTransaction, T>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClient
INTROSPECT_JWT - Enum constant in enum class
Request to validate a JWT against an introspection endpoint.
introspectEndpoint() - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Please use OidcConfig.appWebClient() and OidcConfig.introspectUri() instead; result of moving to reactive webclient from JAX-RS client
introspectEndpointUri(URI) - Method in class
Endpoint to use to validate JWT.
introspectUri() - Method in class
Introspection endpoint URI.
introspectUri() - Method in class
Introspection endpoint URI.
Invocation - Interface in io.helidon.scheduling
Scheduled method invocation metadata.
invocationHandler(InvocationHandler) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport.Builder
InvocationHandler to execute GraphQl requests.
invocationHandler(Supplier<InvocationHandler>) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport.Builder
InvocationHandler to execute GraphQl requests.
InvocationHandler - Interface in io.helidon.graphql.server
Invocation handler that allows execution of GraphQL requests without a WebServer.
InvocationHandler.Builder - Class in io.helidon.graphql.server
Fluent API builder to configure the invocation handler.
invoke(StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
invoke(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiResponse.Builder<?, T>) - Method in interface
Invoke a request that is not expected to yield an entity.
invoke(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiResponse.Builder<?, T>) - Method in class
invoke(InvocationContext) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.MicronautInterceptor
Interceptor method that call Micronaut interceptors for a CDI bean.
invoke(Method, Object, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.BidirectionalMethodHandlerSupplier.BidiStreaming
invoke(Method, Object, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreaming
invoke(Method, Object, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreamingIterable
invoke(Method, Object, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ClientStreamingStream
invoke(Method, Object, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.FutureResponse
invoke(Method, Object, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.AbstractServerStreamingHandler
invoke(Method, Object, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.AbstractUnaryHandler
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.BidirectionalMethodHandlerSupplier.AbstractServerStreamingHandler
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.AbstractClientStreamingHandler
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ServerStreaming
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ServerStreamingNoRequest
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.StreamResponse
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.StreamResponseNoRequest
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.FutureResponse
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.FutureResponseNoRequest
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.NoRequestNoResponse
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.RequestNoResponse
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.RequestResponse
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.ResponseOnly
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.Unary
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.UnaryFuture
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.UnaryFutureNoRequest
invoke(Method, Object, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.UnaryNoRequest
invoke(Supplier<? extends CompletionStage<T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.FtHandler
Invoke this fault tolerance handler on a supplier of a CompletionStage, such as a Single.
invoke(Supplier<? extends CompletionStage<T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.FtHandlerTyped
Invoke this fault tolerance handler on a supplier of a CompletionStage, such as a Single.
invoke(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Async
Invoke a synchronous operation asynchronously.
invoke(ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
invokeBytesRequest(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, ApiResponse.Builder<?, T>) - Method in interface
The request media type should be provided in request, falls back to MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.
invokeBytesRequest(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, ApiResponse.Builder<?, T>) - Method in class
invokeBytesResponse(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, byte[], R>) - Method in interface
Invoke API call that is expected to return bytes.
invokeBytesResponse(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, byte[], R>) - Method in class
InvokedResource - Interface in io.helidon.jersey.common
Information about the current request - invoked resource information.
invokeMulti(Supplier<? extends Flow.Publisher<T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.FtHandler
Invoke this fault tolerance handler on a supplier of a Flow.Publisher, such as a Multi.
invokeMulti(Supplier<? extends Flow.Publisher<T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.FtHandlerTyped
Invoke this fault tolerance handler on a supplier of a Flow.Publisher, such as a Multi.
invokeOptional(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, JsonObject, R>) - Method in interface
Invoke a request that may yield an entity.
invokeOptional(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, JsonObject, R>) - Method in class
invokePublisherResponse(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, Multi<DataChunk>, R>) - Method in interface
Invoke API call that is expected to return bytes as a publisher.
invokePublisherResponse(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, T, Multi<DataChunk>, R>) - Method in class
invokeServices(DbClientServiceContext) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext
Invoke all configured client services and return a single that completes once all the client services complete.
invokeWithResponse(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiEntityResponse.Builder<?, T, JsonObject>) - Method in interface
Invoke a request that is expected to yield an entity.
invokeWithResponse(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiEntityResponse.Builder<?, T, JsonObject>) - Method in class
io.helidon.common - module io.helidon.common
Helidon Common library.
io.helidon.common - package io.helidon.common
Common utilities for Helidon projects.
io.helidon.common.configurable - module io.helidon.common.configurable
Common tools that use config component.
io.helidon.common.configurable - package io.helidon.common.configurable
General utilities that use Config.
io.helidon.common.configurable.spi - package io.helidon.common.configurable.spi
Loadable service definitions.
io.helidon.common.context - module io.helidon.common.context
Helidon Common Context library.
io.helidon.common.context - package io.helidon.common.context
Support for context propagation across executor boundaries.
io.helidon.common.context.spi - package io.helidon.common.context.spi
Provider for data propagation between threads in executor service.
io.helidon.common.crypto - module io.helidon.common.crypto
Helidon Common Crypto library.
io.helidon.common.crypto - package io.helidon.common.crypto
Common cryptography implementations.
io.helidon.common.http - module io.helidon.common.http
Helidon Common classes for HTTP server and client.
io.helidon.common.http - package io.helidon.common.http
HTTP APIs and implementations usable by both server and client side of the HTTP story.
io.helidon.common.mapper - module io.helidon.common.mapper
Helidon Common Mapper.
io.helidon.common.mapper - package io.helidon.common.mapper
Support for mapping of types.
io.helidon.common.mapper.spi - package io.helidon.common.mapper.spi
SPI to provide mappers for MapperManager. - module
Helidon Common Media Type. - package
Support for mapping resources to media types, be it files, URIs or URLs. - package
SPI to provide custom mappings of resources to media types.
io.helidon.common.pki - module io.helidon.common.pki
Utilities for PKI configuration and loading of certificates and keys.
io.helidon.common.pki - package io.helidon.common.pki
Utilities for PKI configuration and loading of certificates and keys.
io.helidon.common.reactive - module io.helidon.common.reactive
Helidon Common Reactive Library.
io.helidon.common.reactive - package io.helidon.common.reactive
Common reactive library for Helidon projects.
io.helidon.common.serviceloader - module io.helidon.common.serviceloader
Helidon Common Service Loader.
io.helidon.common.serviceloader - package io.helidon.common.serviceloader
Java Service loader extension.
io.helidon.common.testing.junit5 - module io.helidon.common.testing.junit5
Hamcrest matchers.
io.helidon.common.testing.junit5 - package io.helidon.common.testing.junit5
Basic testing support for Helidon.
io.helidon.config - module io.helidon.config
Helidon SE Config module.
io.helidon.config - package io.helidon.config
Provides interfaces and classes for loading and working with immutable, tree-structured configuration data.
io.helidon.config.encryption - module io.helidon.config.encryption
Module supporting encryption of secrets in configuration files.
io.helidon.config.encryption - package io.helidon.config.encryption
Support for encrypted properties.
io.helidon.config.etcd - module io.helidon.config.etcd
Etcd config source implementation.
io.helidon.config.etcd - package io.helidon.config.etcd
Etcd configuration source.
io.helidon.config.git - module io.helidon.config.git
config git module.
io.helidon.config.git - package io.helidon.config.git
Git configuration source.
io.helidon.config.hocon - module io.helidon.config.hocon
Typesafe (Lightbend) Config (HOCON) Parser implementation.
io.helidon.config.hocon - package io.helidon.config.hocon
HOCON format ConfigParser implementation using Typesafe (Lightbend) Config library. - module
Support for HOCON configuration sources. - package
HOCON config source for MicroProfile config.
io.helidon.config.metadata - module io.helidon.config.metadata
Configuration metadata annotations.
io.helidon.config.metadata - package io.helidon.config.metadata
Configuration metadata to support IDE auto completion and generation of documentation.
io.helidon.config.metadata.processor - module io.helidon.config.metadata.processor
Annotation processor generating JSON metadata for configuration.
io.helidon.config.metadata.processor - package io.helidon.config.metadata.processor
Annotation processor generating JSON metadata for configuration. - module
Implementation of the non-CDI parts of Eclipse MicroProfile Config specification. - package
Helidon implementation of microprofile config. - package
Helidon specific extension support for MicroProfile Config.
io.helidon.config.objectmapping - module io.helidon.config.objectmapping
config module.
io.helidon.config.objectmapping - package io.helidon.config.objectmapping
Mappers that can map Config to classes with factory methods, classes with Builders and general "bean" classes with constructor and setters.
io.helidon.config.spi - package io.helidon.config.spi
Configuration SPI that defines the behavior developers can implement to extend the config system.
io.helidon.config.testing - module io.helidon.config.testing
Configuration testing support.
io.helidon.config.testing - package io.helidon.config.testing
Configuration Testing Support.
io.helidon.config.yaml - module io.helidon.config.yaml
YAML Parser implementation.
io.helidon.config.yaml - package io.helidon.config.yaml
YAML format ConfigParser implementation. - module
Support for YAML configuration sources. - package
YAML config source for MicroProfile config.
io.helidon.dbclient - module io.helidon.dbclient
Helidon DB Client.
io.helidon.dbclient - package io.helidon.dbclient
Reactive Database API for Helidon.
io.helidon.dbclient.common - module io.helidon.dbclient.common
Helidon DB Client Common.
io.helidon.dbclient.common - package io.helidon.dbclient.common
Helper classes to use in various implementations. - module
Helidon DB Client Health Check. - package
Health check support for Helidon DB Client.
io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc - module io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc
Helidon Common Mapper.
io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc - package io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc
Helidon DB implementation for JDBC.
io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.spi - package io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.spi
Service provider interface for Helidon DB implementation for JDBC.
io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp - module io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp
Helidon DB JSON-P Mapper.
io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp - package io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp
JSON Processing support for Helidon DB.
io.helidon.dbclient.metrics - module io.helidon.dbclient.metrics
Helidon DB Client Metrics.
io.helidon.dbclient.metrics - package io.helidon.dbclient.metrics
Metrics support for Helidon DB Client.
io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc - module io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
Helidon JDBC DB Client Metrics.
io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc - package io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
Metrics support for Helidon DB JDBC Client.
io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb - module io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
Helidon Common Mapper.
io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb - package io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
Helidon DB integration for reactive mongoDB.
io.helidon.dbclient.spi - package io.helidon.dbclient.spi
Service provider interface for Helidon DB.
io.helidon.dbclient.tracing - module io.helidon.dbclient.tracing
Helidon DB Client Tracing.
io.helidon.dbclient.tracing - package io.helidon.dbclient.tracing
Tracing support for Helidon DB.
io.helidon.faulttolerance - module io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fault tolerance module for Helidon reactive implementation.
io.helidon.faulttolerance - package io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fault tolerance for Helidon SE reactive implementation.
io.helidon.graphql.server - module io.helidon.graphql.server
GraphQl server implementation.
io.helidon.graphql.server - package io.helidon.graphql.server
GraphQL server implementation for Helidon SE.
io.helidon.grpc.client - module io.helidon.grpc.client
gRPC Client Module.
io.helidon.grpc.client - package io.helidon.grpc.client
gRPC client API.
io.helidon.grpc.core - module io.helidon.grpc.core
gRPC Core Module.
io.helidon.grpc.core - package io.helidon.grpc.core
Core classes used by both the reactive gRPC server API and gRPC client API.
io.helidon.grpc.metrics - module io.helidon.grpc.metrics
gRPC Metrics Module.
io.helidon.grpc.metrics - package io.helidon.grpc.metrics
Classes to support adding metrics to gRPC calls.
io.helidon.grpc.server - module io.helidon.grpc.server
gRPC Server Module.
io.helidon.grpc.server - package io.helidon.grpc.server
Reactive gRPC server API. - module
Microprofile configuration module. - package
Health check support for helidon SE. - module
Helidon health checks. - package
Healthchecks provided by our Microprofile implementation. - module
Helidon health common. - package
Health common package.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates - module io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates
Provides classes and interfaces that wrap existing CDI constructs.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates - package io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates
Provides classes and interfaces that wrap existing CDI constructs.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink - module io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink
Provides classes and interfaces for working with Eclipselink in CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink - package io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink
Provides classes and interfaces for working with Eclipselink in CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate - module io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate
Provides classes and interfaces for working with Hibernate in CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate - package io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate
Provides classes and interfaces for working with Hibernate in CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa - module io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate the provider-independent parts of JPA into CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa - package io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate the provider-independent parts of JPA into CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext - module io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext
Provides classes and interfaces that support contextual reference counting.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext - package io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext
Provides classes and interfaces that support contextual reference counting. - module
Common classes for accessing JSON based REST APIs of third party systems. - package
Common classes for accessing JSON based REST APIs of third party systems.
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi
Provides classes and interfaces to assist in the development of DataSource-related CDI portable extensions.
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi
Provides classes and interfaces to assist in the development of DataSource-related CDI portable extensions.
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi
CDI integration for the Hikari connection pool.
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi
CDI integration for the Hikari connection pool.
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate the Oracle Universal Connection Pool into CDI as a provider of DataSource beans.
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate the Oracle Universal Connection Pool into CDI as a provider of DataSource beans.
io.helidon.integrations.jdbc - module io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
Support for JDBC constructs.
io.helidon.integrations.jdbc - package io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
Support for JDBC constructs.
io.helidon.integrations.jedis.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.jedis.cdi
CDI integration for the Jedis Redis client.
io.helidon.integrations.jedis.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.jedis.cdi
CDI integration for the Jedis Redis client.
io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate JTA version 1.2 into CDI version 2.0 using Narayana as the underlying implementation.
io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate JTA version 1.2 into CDI version 2.0 using Narayana as the underlying implementation.
io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc - module io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc
Support for JTA-related JDBC constructs.
io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc - package io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc
Support for JTA-related JDBC constructs.
io.helidon.integrations.jta.weld - module io.helidon.integrations.jta.weld
Provides classes and interfaces that enable transactional observer methods in Weld-backed CDI 2.0 SE implementations using the Narayana engine.
io.helidon.integrations.jta.weld - package io.helidon.integrations.jta.weld
Provides classes and interfaces that enable transactional observer methods in Weld-backed CDI 2.0 SE implementations using the Narayana engine.
io.helidon.integrations.micrometer - module io.helidon.integrations.micrometer
Support for Micrometer in Helidon SE.
io.helidon.integrations.micrometer - package io.helidon.integrations.micrometer
Support for Micrometer in Helidon SE.
io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi
Support for Micrometer in Helidon MP.
io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi
Support for Micrometer in Helidon MP.
io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi
Integration of Micronaut into CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi
Integrates Micronaut beans and interceptors into CDI. - package
Micronaut data specific extensions for CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor - module io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor
Micronaut integration with CDI - annotation processor for Micronaut.
io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor - package io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor
Annotation processors for Micronaut integration. - module
Integration with Micronaut Data.
io.helidon.integrations.microstream - module io.helidon.integrations.microstream
Provides support for Microstream core features integration.
io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache - module io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache
Provides support for Microstream-Cache features integration.
io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache - package io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache
Provides support for Microstream-Cache features integration.
io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi
Provides CDI support for Microstream integration.
io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi
Provides CDI support for Microstream integration.
io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core - package io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core
Provides support for Microstream core features integration. - module
Provides support for Microstream-HealthChecks features integration. - package
Provides support for Microstream-HealthChecks features integration.
io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics - module io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics
Provides support for Microstream-Metrics features integration.
io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics - package io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics
Provides support for Microstream-Metrics features integration.
io.helidon.integrations.neo4j - module io.helidon.integrations.neo4j
Neo4j support module.
io.helidon.integrations.neo4j - package io.helidon.integrations.neo4j
Neo4j integrations for Helidon. - module
Neo4j health checks module. - package
Health check for Neo4j.
io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics - module io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics
Neo4j metrics support module.
io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics - package io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics
Metrics package.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics - module io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics
Integrating with OCI Metrics.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics - package io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics
Integrating with OCI Metrics.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.cdi
Integrating with OCI Metrics Using CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.cdi
Integrating with OCI Metrics Using CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.cdi
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate any service client from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Java SDK into CDI 3.0-based applications.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.cdi
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate any service client from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Java SDK into CDI 3.0-based applications.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime - module io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime
Helidon Integrations to support OCI Runtime module.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime - package io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime
Helidon Runtime Integrations to support OCI SDK.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource - module io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource
Provides packages containing classes and interfaces for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault API-using configuration sources.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource - package io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource
Provides classes and interfaces for using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault APIs as part of a ConfigSourceProvider implementation. - module
Provides packages containing classes and interfaces for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault API-using configuration sources. - package
Provides classes and interfaces for using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault APIs as part of a MpMetaConfigProvider implementation.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates - module io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
Helidon Integrations of OCI Certificates Service.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates - package io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
Helidon Integrations of OCI Certificates Service.
io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi - package io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi
Helidon Integrations SPI of OCI Certificates Service.
io.helidon.integrations.openapi.ui - module io.helidon.integrations.openapi.ui
Helidon SE OpenAPI UI Support.
io.helidon.integrations.openapi.ui - package io.helidon.integrations.openapi.ui
Support for the OpenAPI UI in Helidon SE.
io.helidon.integrations.vault - module io.helidon.integrations.vault
Vault integration.
io.helidon.integrations.vault - package io.helidon.integrations.vault
Vault integration.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
AppRole authentication method for Vault.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
AppRole authentication method for Vault.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common
Common classes for Vault integration.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common
Common classes for Vault integration.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Vault authentication method for Kubernetes.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Vault authentication method for Kubernetes.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Token authentication method for Vault.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Token authentication method for Vault.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi
Vault integration with CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi
Vault integration with CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Vault's Cubbyhole Secrets Engine support.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Cubbyhole secret engine support for Vault.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Vault's Database Secrets Engine support.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Vault's Database Secrets Engine support.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv
Vault's Key/value version 2 Secrets Engine support.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1 - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Vault's KV1 Secrets Engine support.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2 - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Vault's Key/value version 2 Secrets Engine support.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kvone - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kvone
Vault's KV1 Secrets Engine support.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Vault's PKI Secrets Engine support.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Vault's PKI Secrets Engine support.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Vault transit secrets.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Vault transit secrets.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi
Vault integration SPI.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys - module io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Sys operations for Vault.
io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys - package io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Sys operations for Vault.
io.helidon.jersey.common - module io.helidon.jersey.common
Utilities for Jersey handling.
io.helidon.jersey.common - package io.helidon.jersey.common
Utilities for Jersey handling.
io.helidon.jersey.connector - module io.helidon.jersey.connector
A Connector that utilizes the Helidon HTTP Client to send and receive * HTTP request and responses.
io.helidon.jersey.connector - package io.helidon.jersey.connector
A Connector that utilizes the Helidon HTTP Client to send and receive HTTP request and responses.
io.helidon.logging.common - module io.helidon.logging.common
Helidon logging.
io.helidon.logging.common - package io.helidon.logging.common
Helidon MDC support for delegation of the MDC values to all of the logging frameworks.
io.helidon.logging.common.spi - package io.helidon.logging.common.spi
This package provides interface for an actual MDC support implementation.
io.helidon.logging.jul - module io.helidon.logging.jul
Helidon Java Util Logging MDC support module.
io.helidon.logging.jul - package io.helidon.logging.jul
Helidon Java util logging MDC support.
io.helidon.logging.slf4j - module io.helidon.logging.slf4j
Helidon Slf4j MDC module.
io.helidon.logging.slf4j - package io.helidon.logging.slf4j
Helidon Slf4J MDC propagation support.
io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client - module io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client
Abstract coordinator spi for easy switching used coordinator implementation.
io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client - package io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client
MicroProfile Long Running Actions Coordinator client spi.
io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana - module io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana
Coordinator client for coordinators using Narayana like API.
io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana - package io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana
MicroProfile Long Running Actions Narayana Coordinator client. - module
Media type support common classes. - package
Common classes for processing content with a specific MediaType. - package
This package provides extensibility for the MediaContext. - module
Jackson support common classes. - package
Jackson media type support. - module
JSON-B support common classes. - package
JSON-B media type support. - module
JSON-P support common classes. - package
JSON-P media type support. - module
Media MultiPart support classes. - package
Helidon Media MultiPart.
io.helidon.messaging - module io.helidon.messaging
Helidon Reactive Messaging.
io.helidon.messaging - package io.helidon.messaging
Helidon Reactive Messaging. - module
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Oracle AQ connector. - package
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Oracle AQ connector.
io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms - module io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Microprofile messaging JMS connector.
io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms - package io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Microprofile messaging JMS connector.
io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim - package io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim
A shim to use javax JMS with Jakarta JMS.
io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka - module io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
Microprofile messaging Kafka connector.
io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka - package io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
Microprofile messaging Kafka connector.
io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock - package io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock
Helidon messaging mock connector for testing purposes.
io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls - module io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls
Microprofile messaging Weblogic JMS connector.
io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls - package io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls
Microprofile messaging Weblogic JMS connector.
io.helidon.messaging.jms.shim - module io.helidon.messaging.jms.shim
Exposes JMS based on javax packages over jakarta packages.
io.helidon.metrics - module io.helidon.metrics
Helidon Metrics implementation.
io.helidon.metrics - package io.helidon.metrics
Metrics support for Java SE, uses the Microprofile metrics APIs and formats.
io.helidon.metrics.api - module io.helidon.metrics.api
Helidon metrics API.
io.helidon.metrics.api - package io.helidon.metrics.api
Defines the Helidon metrics API so Helidon metrics-capable components can implement metrics simply and without regard for whether metrics is actually on the runtime path or not or is enabled or not.
io.helidon.metrics.api.spi - package io.helidon.metrics.api.spi
SPI for the metrics API.
io.helidon.metrics.exemplartrace - package io.helidon.metrics.exemplartrace
Provides exemplar support in metrics using tracing identifiers.
io.helidon.metrics.prometheus - module io.helidon.metrics.prometheus
Prometheus support.
io.helidon.metrics.prometheus - package io.helidon.metrics.prometheus
Support for Prometheus client endpoint.
io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi - module io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi
API, SPI, and minimal implementation of metrics service.
io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi - package io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi
API and minimal implementation for metrics support service.
io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.spi - package io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.spi
Service provider interfaces for locating implementations of the metrics support service.
io.helidon.metrics.traceexemplar - module io.helidon.metrics.traceexemplar
Provides exemplar support in metrics using tracing identifiers.
io.helidon.microprofile.accesslog - module io.helidon.microprofile.accesslog
MicroProfile access log extension.
io.helidon.microprofile.accesslog - package io.helidon.microprofile.accesslog
Extension of MicroProfile to add support for access log.
io.helidon.microprofile.bean.validation - package io.helidon.microprofile.bean.validation
General Bean Validation.
io.helidon.microprofile.cdi - module io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
CDI implementation enhancements for Helidon MP.
io.helidon.microprofile.cdi - package io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
CDI extension for Helidon MP.
io.helidon.microprofile.config - module io.helidon.microprofile.config
CDI extension for microprofile config implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.config - package io.helidon.microprofile.config
Helidon implementation of microprofile config for CDI.
io.helidon.microprofile.cors - module io.helidon.microprofile.cors
Support for CORS.
io.helidon.microprofile.cors - package io.helidon.microprofile.cors
Helidon MP CORS Support
io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance - module io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance
Microprofile fault tolerance implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance - package io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance
Helidon implementation of Microprofile fault tolerance.
io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server - module io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server
GraphQL microprofile server module.
io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server - package io.helidon.microprofile.graphql.server
Microprofile GraphQL server implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client - module io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client
gRPC client implementation for Helidon MP.
io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client - package io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client
gRPC client microprofile classes.
io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core - module io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
gRPC microprofile core module
io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core - package io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
Core gRPC microprofile classes.
io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics - module io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics
gRPC microprofile metrics module
io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics - package io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics
gRPC microprofile metrics.
io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server - module io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server
gRPC microprofile server module
io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server - package io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server
Microprofile 1.0 gRPC server implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi - package io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi
Microprofile 1.0 gRPC server implementation. - module
Microprofile health module. - package
Implements the JAX-RS and CDI support for microprofile.
io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth - module io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth
Microprofile jwt module.
io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth - package io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth
Implementation of Microprofile JWT Auth specification.
io.helidon.microprofile.lra - module io.helidon.microprofile.lra
Helidon implementation of MicroProfile Long Running Actions.
io.helidon.microprofile.lra - package io.helidon.microprofile.lra
Helidon implementation of MicroProfile Long Running Actions.
io.helidon.microprofile.messaging - module io.helidon.microprofile.messaging
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.messaging - package io.helidon.microprofile.messaging
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging implementation. - module
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Health check. - package
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Health check.
io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.metrics - module io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.metrics
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Metrics.
io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.metrics - package io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.metrics
Metrics counter for messaging channels.
io.helidon.microprofile.metrics - module io.helidon.microprofile.metrics
Microprofile metrics implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.metrics - package io.helidon.microprofile.metrics
Microprofile metrics specification implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.spi - package io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.spi
Interfaces optionally implemented by other components interested in key metrics processing events.
io.helidon.microprofile.oidc - module io.helidon.microprofile.oidc
Microprofile OIDC integration.
io.helidon.microprofile.oidc - package io.helidon.microprofile.oidc
OIDC integration for Microprofile server.
io.helidon.microprofile.openapi - module io.helidon.microprofile.openapi
CDI extension for MicroProfile OpenAPI implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.openapi - package io.helidon.microprofile.openapi
Support for OpenAPI in Helidon MP.
io.helidon.microprofile.reactive - module io.helidon.microprofile.reactive
MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.reactive - package io.helidon.microprofile.reactive
Support for MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators in Helidon MP.
io.helidon.microprofile.restclient - module io.helidon.microprofile.restclient
MP Rest client.
io.helidon.microprofile.restclient - package io.helidon.microprofile.restclient
Helidon specific extension to the rest client implementation from Jersey.
io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling - module io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling
CDI Scheduling implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling - package io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling
CDI Scheduling implementation. - module
Microprofile configuration module. - package
Integration of Helidon security with Microprofile server.
io.helidon.microprofile.server - module io.helidon.microprofile.server
Implementation of a layer that binds microprofile components together and runs an HTTP server.
io.helidon.microprofile.server - package io.helidon.microprofile.server
Microprofile 1.0 server implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.tracing - module io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
Eclipse Microprofile Tracing implementation for helidon microprofile.
io.helidon.microprofile.tracing - package io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
Microprofile extension for tracing.
io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus - module io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus
MP Tyrus Integration
io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus - package io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus
Helidon MP integration with Tyrus.
io.helidon.openapi - module io.helidon.openapi
Helidon SE OpenAPI Support.
io.helidon.openapi - package io.helidon.openapi
Helidon SE OpenAPI Support.
io.helidon.scheduling - module io.helidon.scheduling
Scheduling module for Helidon reactive implementation.
io.helidon.scheduling - package io.helidon.scheduling
Scheduling for Helidon SE reactive implementation. - module
Java for cloud security module. - package
Security - module
Policy attribute validator. - package
Attribute based access control policy validator. - module
Policy attribute validator. - package
Integration with Java EE expression language. - package
Service provider interface (SPI) to support policy statements in Attribute based access control. - module
Role attribute validator. - package
Role attribute validator. - module
Scope attribute validator. - package
Scope (OAuth2) attribute validator. - module
Time attribute validator. - package
Time attribute validator. - module
Annotations for integration with environment supporting annotations. - package
Annotations for integration with containers supporting them. - module
Security integration common. - package
Utilities for integrating Helidon security with other components, such as Web Server and Jersey. - module
Security integration with Helidon gRPC. - package
Integration library for GrpcServer. - module
Security integration with Jersey. - package
Jersey integration for security module. - module
Security integration with Jersey Client. - package
Jersey client integration for security module. - module
Security integration with Helidon Webserver. - package
Integration library for RxServer. - module
Http signature provider. - package
JWT (JSON web token) support. - package
JWK (JSON web key) support. - module
Attribute based access control provider. - package
Attribute based access control (ABAC) security provider. - package
Attribute based access control (ABAC) security provider's SPI. - module
Java for cloud security module providers. - package
Common classes for provider implementation. - package
Extension of integration with Jersey to support customized analysis of resource classes and methods to enable/disable security. - module
Vault operation backed by configuration. - package
Vault operation backed by configuration. - module
Google login authentication provider. - package
Integration with Google login button. - module
Header based authentication provider. - package
Provider that can extract username from a (any) header. - module
Basic and digest authentication provider. - package
Basic security provider, supporting "basic" and "digest" authentication schemes with role support. - package
SPI for basic and digest authentication providers. - module
Http signature provider. - package
Provider supporting validation of incoming signatures and signing of outbound requests. - module
IDCS role mapper. - package
Mapper that retrieves roles from IDCS server and maps them to user subject. - module
JWT provider. - package
Provider that can process incoming JWTs and assert users based on them and can propagate JWTs (or create new ones) for outbound calls. - module
OIDC authentication and security propagation provider. - package
Integration with Open ID Connect providers. - module
OIDC common classes. - package
Open ID Connect (OIDC) classes usable from all OIDC related components. - package
Open ID Connect (OIDC) SPI interfaces. - package
Security component's SPI. - module
Helidon Security utilities. - package
General utilities for security modules. - module
Support types for REST services. - package
Support types for REST services.
io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi - module io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi
General-purpose reusable artifacts to help write CDI extensions, annotation processing, and interceptors for Helidon services.
io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi - package io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi
General-purpose reusable artifacts to help write CDI extensions, annotation processing, and interceptors for Helidon services.
io.helidon.tracing - module io.helidon.tracing
Opentracing support for helidon, with an abstraction API and SPI for tracing collectors.
io.helidon.tracing - package io.helidon.tracing
Distributed tracing support for Helidon.
io.helidon.tracing.config - module io.helidon.tracing.config
Tracing configuration for traced components.
io.helidon.tracing.config - package io.helidon.tracing.config
Configuration for traced components, spans and logs.
io.helidon.tracing.jaeger - module io.helidon.tracing.jaeger
Jaeger tracing support.
io.helidon.tracing.jaeger - package io.helidon.tracing.jaeger
Helidon integration with Jaeger tracer.
io.helidon.tracing.jersey - module io.helidon.tracing.jersey
Tracing integration with Jersey.
io.helidon.tracing.jersey - package io.helidon.tracing.jersey
Integration of Jersey with tracing.
io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client - module io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client
Tracing integration with jersey (JAX-RS) client.
io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client - package io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client
Tracing support for Jersey client.
io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry - module io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry
Open telemetry support for Helidon tracing.
io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry - package io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry
Open Telemetry tracing support that plugs into the TracerBuilder SPI and provides a Tracer implementation.
io.helidon.tracing.opentracing - module io.helidon.tracing.opentracing
Open tracing support for Helidon tracing.
io.helidon.tracing.opentracing - package io.helidon.tracing.opentracing
Open Tracing tracing support that plugs into the TracerBuilder SPI and provides a Tracer implementation.
io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.spi - package io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.spi
Open Tracing specific SPI, to add various tracers.
io.helidon.tracing.spi - package io.helidon.tracing.spi
SPI classes to support integration of distributed tracers.
io.helidon.tracing.tracerresolver - module io.helidon.tracing.tracerresolver
TracerResolver tracing support.
io.helidon.tracing.tracerresolver - package io.helidon.tracing.tracerresolver
Helidon tracing support for TracerResolver.
io.helidon.tracing.zipkin - module io.helidon.tracing.zipkin
Zipkin tracing support.
io.helidon.tracing.zipkin - package io.helidon.tracing.zipkin
Brave based Open Tracing implementation for an integration with Zipkin.
io.helidon.webclient - module io.helidon.webclient
Helidon WebClient.
io.helidon.webclient - package io.helidon.webclient
A reactive client for rest calls.
io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs - module io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs
Basic integration with JAX-RS client.
io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs - package io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs
Helidon support for JAX-RS (Jersey) client.
io.helidon.webclient.metrics - module io.helidon.webclient.metrics
Helidon WebClient Metrics.
io.helidon.webclient.metrics - package io.helidon.webclient.metrics
Client metrics service. - module
Helidon WebClient Security. - package
Client service propagation service.
io.helidon.webclient.spi - package io.helidon.webclient.spi
This package provides extensibility for the WebClient.
io.helidon.webclient.tracing - module io.helidon.webclient.tracing
Helidon WebClient Tracing.
io.helidon.webclient.tracing - package io.helidon.webclient.tracing
Client tracing propagation service.
io.helidon.webserver - module io.helidon.webserver
Reactive web server.
io.helidon.webserver - package io.helidon.webserver
Reactive web server API.
io.helidon.webserver.accesslog - module io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Reactive web server.
io.helidon.webserver.accesslog - package io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Access log support for Helidon WebServer.
io.helidon.webserver.cors - module io.helidon.webserver.cors
The Helidon SE CORS module
io.helidon.webserver.cors - package io.helidon.webserver.cors
Helidon SE CORS Support
io.helidon.webserver.http2 - module io.helidon.webserver.http2
io.helidon.webserver.http2 - package io.helidon.webserver.http2
HTTP/2 support for Helidon webserver.
io.helidon.webserver.jersey - module io.helidon.webserver.jersey
Jersey integration.
io.helidon.webserver.jersey - package io.helidon.webserver.jersey
This package contains JAX-RS (Jersey based) support for WebServer's Routing.
io.helidon.webserver.spi - package io.helidon.webserver.spi
SPI to provide extended capabilities for webserver.
io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent - module io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent
Static content support for Helidon WebServer.
io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent - package io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent
Static content support for Helidon WebServer.
io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.epoll - module io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.epoll
Netty EPOLL transport.
io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.epoll - package io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.epoll
Netty Epoll Transport implementation.
io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.iouring - module io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.iouring
Netty IOURING transport.
io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.iouring - package io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.iouring
Netty io_uring Transport implementation.
io.helidon.webserver.websocket - module io.helidon.webserver.websocket
WebSocket support for Helidon webserver.
io.helidon.webserver.websocket - package io.helidon.webserver.websocket
WebSocket support for Helidon webserver.
IoMulti - Interface in io.helidon.common.reactive
Create reactive stream from standard IO resources.
IoMulti.MultiFromByteChannelBuilder - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Fluent API builder for creating a Multi from a ReadableByteChannel.
IoMulti.MultiFromInputStreamBuilder - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Fluent API builder for creating a Multi from an InputStream.
IoMulti.MultiToByteChannelBuilder - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Fluent API builder for creating a subscriber consuming Multi<ByteBuffer> to WritableByteChannel.
IoMulti.OutputStreamMultiBuilder - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Fluent API builder for OutputStreamMulti.
IOUringTransport - Class in io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.iouring
A Transport implementation based upon Netty's iouring-based native transport.
IOUringTransport() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.iouring.IOUringTransport
is(char) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns a char matcher that matches only one specified character.
isAccepted(MediaType) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Test if the given media type is acceptable as a response for this request.
isAck() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsBytesMessage
isAck() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Check if message has been acknowledged yet.
isActive() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext.ReferenceCountedContext
Returns true when invoked.
isActive() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricAnnotationDiscovery
isAfterLast() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
isAgentPresent(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.HelidonOpenTelemetry.AgentDetector
Check if the OTEL Agent is present.
isAnnotatedService() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Determine whether this modeller contains an annotated service.
isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension.AnnotatedTypeWrapper
isApplicable(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.HelidonComponentProvider
Checks if a bean is known to CDI.
isAuthenticated() - Method in interface
Return true if the user is authenticated.
isAvailableFor(WebServer) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Transport
Returns true if this Transport implementation is available for use by the given WebServer implementation; false otherwise.
isAvailableFor(WebServer) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.epoll.EPollTransport
Returns true when Epoll.isAvailable() returns true and false otherwise.
isAvailableFor(WebServer) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.transport.netty.iouring.IOUringTransport
Returns true when IOUring.isAvailable() returns true and false otherwise.
isBackedBy(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Checks if this instance is backed by buffers of a certain kind.
isBackedBy(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
isBaseMetricEnabled(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings
isBeforeFirst() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
isBuffered() - Method in class
Indicate if the content of this BodyPart instance is buffered in memory.
isBuildTime() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.NativeImageHelper
Check whether we are in native image build time.
isCancelled() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Check if publisher is in terminal state CANCELLED.
isCancelled() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Check if publisher has been cancelled.
isCancelled() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
isCatalogAtStart() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
isClass() - Method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
Whether this generic type represents a simple class with no generic information.
isCloseable() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
Returns true if a call to ConditionallyCloseableConnection.close() will actually close this ConditionallyCloseableConnection.
isCloseable() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
Returns true if a call to DelegatingResultSet.close() will actually close this DelegatingResultSet.
isCloseable() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
Returns true if a call to DelegatingStatement.close() will actually close this DelegatingStatement.
isClosed() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.SingleSubscriberHolder
Check if this subscriber holder has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
Returns true if and only if this ConditionallyCloseableConnection either is, or is to be considered to be, closed, such that operations which must throw a SQLException when invoked on a closed connection will do so.
isClosed() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
isClosed() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
isClosed() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
isClosed() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Scope
Whether the method Scope.close() was already called or not.
isCloseOnCompletion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
isClosePending() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
Returns true if and only if this ConditionallyCloseableConnection is behaving as if the ConditionallyCloseableConnection.close() method has been invoked while this ConditionallyCloseableConnection was not closeable.
isCompleted() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Check if publisher sent onComplete signal downstream.
isCompleted() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Check if publisher has been completed.
isConcreteNonInterceptor(ProcessAnnotatedType<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Checks to make sure the annotated type is not abstract and is not an interceptor.
isDefault(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true (default value) then this policy returns a virtual provider combining the configured providers.
isDeleted() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractMetric
isDeleted() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.HelidonMetric
isEmpty() - Method in class
Check if this store is empty.
isEnabled() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor
Check if TLS is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings.Builder
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.BaseMetricsSettings
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.ComponentMetricsSettings
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings.Builder
isEnabled() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings
Returns whether metrics of this type are enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase
isEnabled() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.Traceable
Whether this trace should be executed or not.
isEnabled() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
isEnabled() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig
Reports whether this instance is enabled.
isEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Sets whether the UI should be enabled.
isEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase.Builder
isEntityExpected(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, Http.ResponseStatus) - Method in class
This method is only called for methods that return an optional entity.
isExtended() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Whether extended KPIs are enabled.
isExtended() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings
isFailed() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Check if publisher has been failed.
isFirst() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
isFixedSize() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
Tests whether or not the number of threads can change over time.
isFlushChunk() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
An empty data chunk with a flush flag can be used to force a connection flush without actually writing any bytes.
isIndexed() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Whether this is a statement with indexed parameters.
isInProcessChannel() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor
Checks if this is a descriptor for building a in process Channel.
isJdkSSL() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor
Check if JDK SSL has be used.
isLast() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
isLazy() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigSourceRuntime
If a config source is lazy, its ConfigSourceRuntime.load() method always returns empty and you must use ConfigSourceRuntime.node(String) methods to retrieve its values.
isLeaf() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractNodeBuilderImpl.MergingKey
Returns true in case the key represents a leaf node.
isLeaf() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns true if this node exists and is a leaf node (has no children).
isLeaf() - Method in enum class io.helidon.config.Config.Type
Returns true if this configuration node is existing a value node.
isLoaded() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.LazyValue
Return true if the value is loaded, false if the supplier was not invoked.
isMarkedAsDeleted(Metric) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Indicates whether the specific metrics has been marked as deleted.
isMarkedAsDeleted(Metric) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.HelidonMetric
Indicates if the specified metric is known to have been marked as deleted.
isMetricEnabled(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Indicates whether the specified metric name is enabled or not.
isMetricEnabled(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings
Returns whether the specified metric name is enabled or not, factoring in the enabled setting for this type as a whole with the regex pattern.
isMetricEnabled(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
isMetricEnabled(MetricRegistry.Type, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
Reports whether the specified metric is enabled in the indicated registry type.
isModified(byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
isModified(byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource
isModified(byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
isModified(SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Stamp) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource
isModified(Long) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
isModified(Path, byte[]) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileSourceHelper
Check if a file on the file system is changed, as compared to the digest provided.
isModified(Path, Instant) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileSourceHelper
Check if a file on the file system is changed based on its last modification timestamp.
isModified(Instant) - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource
isModified(Instant) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
isModified(Instant) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource
isModified(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource
isModified(S) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.PollableSource
This method is invoked to check if this source has changed.
isNamed() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Whether this is a statement with named parameters.
isNamed(String) - Method in interface
Test the control name.
isNativeImage() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.NativeImageHelper
Check whether we are in native image environment (either build time or runtime).
isNot(char) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns a char matcher that matches any character except the one specified.
isNotPublic() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Get a new sub-list of methods containing all the methods from this method list that are not public.
isOfMethod(Http.Method...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accepts only requests with one of specified HTTP methods.
isOfMethod(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Accepts only requests with one of specified HTTP methods.
IsolatedContextFactory - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls
Initial JNDI context for Weblogic thin client initial context loaded by different classloader.
IsolatedContextFactory() - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.IsolatedContextFactory
isOptional() - Method in interface
If true and security provider does not find required information in request/response/message, or headers, it should return SecurityResponse.SecurityStatus.FAILURE without doing any side effects (e.g.
isOutboundSupported(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider
isOutboundSupported(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
isOutboundSupported(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
isOutboundSupported(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
isOutboundSupported(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
isOutboundSupported(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
isOutboundSupported(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
isOutboundSupported(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in interface
Check if the path to be executed is supported by this security provider.
isOwnProducerOrNonDefaultQualified(Bean<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
isPasswordValid(char[]) - Method in interface
Check if the password is valid.
isPermitted() - Method in class
Returns true if access to resource was permitted.
isPoolable() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
isPresent() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Return true if there is a value present, otherwise false.
isPresent(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
If the property is present on the JSON object, returns a non-empty optional, otherwise returns an empty.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Returns true if the underlying byte buffer of this chunk is read only or false otherwise.
isReadOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
isReadOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
isReadOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
isReadOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
isReadOnly(ELContext, Object, Object) - Method in class
isReleased() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Whether this chunk is released and the associated data structures returned by methods (such as DataChunk.iterator() or DataChunk.bytes()) should not be used.
isReleased() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
isRoot() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Key
Returns true in case the key represents root config node, otherwise it returns false.
isRunning() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Returns true if the server is currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
isRunning() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Returns true if the server is currently running.
isRunningOnOci() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciAvailability
Will source the config bean from OciExtension.ociConfig() to make the call to OciAvailability.isRunningOnOci(OciConfig).
isRunningOnOci(OciConfig) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciAvailability
Returns true if the implementation determines it is running on/inside an OCI compute node.
isRuntime() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.NativeImageHelper
Check whether we are in native image runtime.
isSecure() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Gets an indicating whether this request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS.
isSecure() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns an indicating whether this request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS.
isSecurityClass(StackWalker.StackFrame) - Static method in interface
Check if the stack element is an actual Helidon Security class.
isSensitive() - Method in class
Whether this is sensitive information (such as passwords).
isSimpleIdentifier(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
isStreaming() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig
isStrictExemplars() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
isStrictExemplars() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings.Builder
isStrictExemplars() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings
Returns whether strict exemplar behavior is enabled.
isSuccess() - Method in enum class
isSuccess(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, Http.ResponseStatus) - Method in class
Provide information whether the response is a success response for requests with optional entity.
issueCertificate(IssueCertificate.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Issue a new certificate returning raw data.
issueCertificate(IssueCertificate.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Issue a new certificate returning raw data.
IssueCertificate - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Issue Certificate request and response.
IssueCertificate.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Request object.
IssueCertificate.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
issuer() - Method in class
Issuer claim.
issuer() - Method in class
Issuer claim.
issuer() - Method in class
Token issuer.
issuer() - Method in class
Token issuer.
issuer(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.ConfigureK8s.Request
Optional JWT issuer.
issuer(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Issuer used to create new JWTs.
issuer(String) - Method in class
The issuer claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.
issuer(String) - Method in class
Issuer of the token.
issuer(String) - Method in class
Issuer used to create new JWTs.
issuer(String) - Method in class
Issuer of issued tokens.
issuers() - Method in class
All the issuer claim values.
issuers(List<String>) - Method in class
The issuer claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.
issueTime() - Method in class
Issue time claim.
issueTime(Instant) - Method in class
The issue time defines the time that this JWT was issued.
issueTime(Instant) - Method in class
Time the token was issued.
issuingCa() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Response
Issuing certification authority certificate bytes.
isTransactionActive() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.weld.NarayanaTransactionServices
Returns true if the current Transaction has a status indicating that it is active.
isUnbounded() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Check if downstream requested unbounded number of items eg.
isUnbounded() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Check if downstream requested unbounded number of items, eg.
isUserInRole(Subject, String) - Method in interface
Return true if current user is in the specified role.
isUserInRole(String) - Method in interface
Check if user is in specified role if supported by global authorization provider.
isUserInRole(String, String) - Method in interface
Check if user is in specified role if supported by global or specific authorization provider.
isValid() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Check if these messages are a valid result.
isValid() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Response
Whether the signature/HMAC was valid.
isValid(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
isValid(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
isValid(SecurityResponse.SecurityStatus) - Method in enum class
Check whether the status is valid for this flag.
isVerbose() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig
isWildcardSubtype() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Checks if the subtype is a wildcard.
isWildcardType() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Checks if the primary type is a wildcard.
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.AbstractDataSource
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
iterate(T, UnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
iteration() - Method in interface io.helidon.scheduling.Invocation
How many times has been scheduled method invoked yet.
iterator() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
iterator() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters.ArrayIterable
iterator() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
iterator() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
iterator() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
iterator() - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader
iterator() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
iterator() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Iterator over the list of annotated methods contained in this method list.
iterator() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
iterator() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig
iv() - Method in class
Initialization vector for the encrypted content.


JacksonProvider - Class in
Jackson support SPI provider.
JacksonProvider() - Constructor for class
JacksonRuntimeException - Exception in
A RuntimeException that indicates a problem was encountered while performing JSON manipulation with Jackson.
JacksonSupport - Class in
Support for Jackson integration.
JAEGER - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.PropagationFormat
The Jaeger trace context propagation format.
JaegerDataPropagationProvider - Class in io.helidon.tracing.jaeger
A data propagation provider for Jaeger.
JaegerDataPropagationProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerDataPropagationProvider
JaegerTracerBuilder - Class in io.helidon.tracing.jaeger
The JaegerTracerBuilder is a convenience builder for Tracer to use with Jaeger.
JaegerTracerBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Default constructor, does not modify any state.
JaegerTracerBuilder.PropagationFormat - Enum Class in io.helidon.tracing.jaeger
Supported Jaeger trace context propagation formats.
JaegerTracerBuilder.SamplerType - Enum Class in io.helidon.tracing.jaeger
Sampler type definition.
JaegerTracerBuilder.SpanProcessorType - Enum Class in io.helidon.tracing.jaeger
Span Processor type.
JaegerTracerProvider - Class in io.helidon.tracing.jaeger
Jaeger java service.
JaegerTracerProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerProvider
JakartaJms - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim
Main shim entry point, allows wrapping javax types to jakarta types.
JakartaSession<T extends javax.jms.Session> - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim
Exposes Jakarta API, delegates to javax API.
JakartaWrapper<T> - Interface in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim
Jakarta JMS shim objects with accessible delegate.
javaIsoControl() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Determines whether a character is an ISO control character as specified by Character.isISOControl(char).
javaMethodName() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
Obtain the name of the underlying Java method that this handler maps to.
javaType() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbColumn
Type of the column as would be returned by the underlying database driver.
javaType() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbColumn
JavaxElPolicyExecutor - Class in
PolicyExecutor for Java EE Expression Language (EL).
JavaxElPolicyExecutor.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for JavaxElPolicyExecutor.
JavaxElPolicyExecutorService - Class in
Java service for JavaxElPolicyExecutor to be automatically added as a policy executor for ABAC.
JavaxElPolicyExecutorService() - Constructor for class
JavaxJms - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim
Main shim entry point, allows wrapping jakarta types to javax types.
JAX_RS_TRACING_COMPONENT - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingFilter
Name of tracing component used to retrieve tracing configuration.
JaxRsApplication - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.server
A JAX-RS application to be registered.
JaxRsApplication.Builder - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.server
Fluent API builder to create JaxRsApplication instances.
JaxRsCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.server
Configure Jersey related things.
JaxRsCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsCdiExtension
JaxRsClient - Class in io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs
Point of access to ClientBuilder to support Helidon features, such as propagation of tracing, correct handling of Context.
JdbcDbClientProvider - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc
Provider for JDBC database implementation.
JdbcDbClientProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProvider
JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc
Fluent API builder for JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder that implements the DbClientProviderBuilder from Helidon DB API.
JdbcMetricsCounter - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
Counter metric wrapper for Hikari CP metric.
JdbcMetricsExtensionProvider - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
JDBC Configuration Interceptor Provider for Metrics.
JdbcMetricsExtensionProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsExtensionProvider
JdbcMetricsGauge<T> - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
Gauge metric wrapper for Hikari CP metric.
JdbcMetricsHistogram - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
Histogram metric wrapper for Hikari CP metric.
JdbcMetricsMeter - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
Meter metric wrapper for Hikari CP metric.
JdbcMetricsSnapshot - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
Metric Snapshot wrapper for Hikari CP metric.
JdbcMetricsTimer - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
Timer metric wrapper for Hikari CP metric.
JdbcMetricsTimerContext - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc
Metric Timer.Context wrapper for Hikari CP metric.
jdkSSL(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor.Builder
Sets the type of SSL implementation to be used.
JedisExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jedis.cdi
An Extension providing CDI integration for the Jedis Redis client.
JedisExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jedis.cdi.JedisExtension
Creates a new JedisExtension.
JerseyClientAutoDiscoverable - Class in io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs
Auto discoverable feature to use a custom executor service for all client asynchronous operations.
JerseyClientAutoDiscoverable() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs.JerseyClientAutoDiscoverable
JerseySupport - Class in io.helidon.webserver.jersey
The Jersey Support integrates Jersey (JAX-RS RI) into the Web Server.
JerseySupport.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.jersey
Builder for convenient way to create JerseySupport.
jitter(long) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy.Builder
Random part of the delay.
jitter(long) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy.Builder
Random part of the delay.
jitter(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.JitterRetryPolicy.Builder
Random part of the delay.
JmsBytesMessage - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
A JMS Bytes message representation.
JmsConfigBuilder - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Build Jms specific config.
JmsConnector - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging JMS connector.
JmsConnector(Config, Instance<ConnectionFactory>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Create new JmsConnector.
JmsConnector(Map<String, ConnectionFactory>, ScheduledExecutorService, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Create new JmsConnector.
JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Builder for JmsConnector.
JmsConnectorBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder
JmsMessage<PAYLOAD> - Interface in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Message representing JMS message together with all the metadata.
JmsMessage.CustomMapper<PAYLOAD> - Interface in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Mapper for creating Message.
JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder<PAYLOAD> - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Outgoing JMS message builder.
JmsTextMessage - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
A JMS Text message representation.
jndiInitialContextProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
Environment properties used for creating initial context java.naming.factory.initial, java.naming.provider.url.
jndiInitialFactory(Class<? extends InitialContextFactory>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
JNDI initial factory.
jndiInitialFactory(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
JNDI initial factory.
jndiJmsFactory(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
JNDI name of JMS factory.
jndiProviderUrl(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
JNDI provider url.
jndiService() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.CDISEJtaPlatform
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when invoked.
join(URI, PropagatedHeaders, long, Participant) - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Join existing LRA with participant.
join(URI, PropagatedHeaders, long, Participant) - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana.NarayanaClient
JpaExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa
A portable extension normally instantiated by the Java service provider infrastructure that integrates the provider-independent parts of JPA into CDI.
JpaExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.JpaExtension
Creates a new JpaExtension.
json(JsonObject) - Method in class
Load keys from JSON.
JSON_COLLECTION - Static variable in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
Collection JSON parameter name.
JSON_EVENT_STREAM_PREDICATE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Predicate to test if MediaType is text/event-stream without any parameter or with parameter "element-type".
JSON_OPERATION - Static variable in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
Operation JSON parameter name.
JSON_PREDICATE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Predicate to test if MediaType is application/json or has json suffix.
JSON_PROJECTION - Static variable in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
Projection JSON parameter name: Defines projection to restrict returned fields.
JSON_QUERY - Static variable in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
Query JSON parameter name.
JSON_VALUE - Static variable in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
Value JSON parameter name.
JsonbMarshaller<T> - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
An implementation of a gRPC MethodDescriptor.Marshaller that uses JSONB for serialization.
JsonbMarshaller.Supplier - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
A MarshallerSupplier implementation that supplies instances of JsonbMarshaller.
JsonbProvider - Class in
JSON-B support SPI provider.
JsonbProvider() - Constructor for class
JsonbSupport - Class in
Support for JSON-B integration.
jsonBuilderFactory() - Method in class
JSON builder factory.
jsonBuilderFactory() - Method in class
JSON builder factory.
jsonOkResponse(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, JsonObject, ResponseBuilder<?, T, JsonObject>) - Method in class
Builds the response using the response builder provided.
JsonpProvider - Class in
JSON Processing support SPI provider.
JsonpProvider() - Constructor for class
jsonProcessingConfig(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class
Configuration to use when creating reader and writer factories.
JsonProcessingMapper - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp
Json processing mapper.
JsonProcessingMapperProvider - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp
JSON-P mapper provider.
JsonProcessingMapperProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp.JsonProcessingMapperProvider
JsonpSupport - Class in
Support for JSON Processing integration.
JsonpSupport.Builder - Class in
Fluent-API builder for JsonpSupport.
jsonReaderFactory() - Method in class
JSON reader factory.
jsonReaderFactory() - Method in class
JSON reader factory.
jsonReaderFactory(JsonReaderFactory) - Method in class
Explicit JSON-P Reader factory instance.
JsonRequest - Class in
Implementation of a ApiRequest that allows free configuration of the JSON object.
JsonService - Class in io.helidon.webserver
A Service and abstract Handler that provides support for JSON content.
JsonService() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.JsonService
JsonWebTokenImpl - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
this class will not be public in future versions of Helidon
JsonWebTokenImpl() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JsonWebTokenImpl
jsonWriterFactory() - Method in class
JSON writer factory.
jsonWriterFactory() - Method in class
JSON writer factory.
jsonWriterFactory(JsonWriterFactory) - Method in class
Explicit JSON-P Writer factory instance.
JtaAdaptingDataSource - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc
An AbstractDataSource that wraps another DataSource that might not behave correctly in the presence of JTA transaction management, such as one supplied by any of several freely and commercially available connection pools, and that makes such a non-JTA-aware DataSource behave as sensibly as possible in the presence of a JTA-managed transaction.
JtaAdaptingDataSource(TransactionSupplier, TransactionSynchronizationRegistry, boolean, ExceptionConverter, DataSource, boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaAdaptingDataSource
Creates a new JtaAdaptingDataSource that wraps the supplied DataSource and helps its connections participate in XA transactions.
JtaAdaptingDataSource(TransactionSupplier, TransactionSynchronizationRegistry, boolean, ExceptionConverter, XADataSource, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaAdaptingDataSource
This constructor exists only to handle certain XA-aware connection pools that allow an end-user caller to "borrow" XAConnections and to "return" them using their close() methods, a non-standard practice which is discouraged by the documentation of PooledConnection (from which XAConnection inherits). For such connection pools, XAConnections that are "borrowed" must be returned in this manner to avoid leaks. This constructor implements this behavior. Before using it, you should make sure that the connection pool in question implementing or supplying the XADataSource has the behavior described above; normally an XAConnection should not be used directly or closed by end-user code.
JtaDataSource - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class is slated for removal. It makes incorrect assumptions about threading in a JTA environment. Specifically, this class' implementation incorrectly assumes that the JtaDataSource.afterCompletion(int) method will be invoked on the same thread as the governing transaction, which is not necessarily the case, especially in the case of asynchronous rollbacks. As a result, Connections acquired by instances of this class may not be closed properly.
JtaDataSource(Supplier<? extends DataSource>, BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaDataSource
Creates a new JtaDataSource.
JtaDataSource(DataSource, BooleanSupplier) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaDataSource
Creates a new JtaDataSource.
JulMdc - Class in io.helidon.logging.jul
MDC implementation for Java Util Logging framework.
JulMdcPropagator - Class in io.helidon.logging.jul
This is propagator of JUL MDC values between different threads.
JulMdcPropagator() - Constructor for class io.helidon.logging.jul.JulMdcPropagator
JulMdcProvider - Class in io.helidon.logging.jul
Provider for setting MDC values to the Java Util Logging MDC support.
JulMdcProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.logging.jul.JulMdcProvider
just(Collection<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Create a Multi instance that publishes the given items to a single subscriber.
just(Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Creates a new Config loaded from the specified ConfigSources.
just(T) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Create a Single instance that publishes the given item to its subscriber(s).
just(T...) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Create a Multi instance that publishes the given items to a single subscriber.
justCall() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.RetryPolicies
An implementation that invokes the requested method just once, without any execute.
jwk(Jwk) - Method in class
Specific Jwk which should be used for content key encryption.
Jwk - Class in
A JWK (JSON Web key) is a representation of data needed to sign, encrypt, verify and /or decrypt data (e.g a public and/or private key; password for symmetric ciphers).
JwkEC - Class in
Elliptic curve JSON web key.
JwkEC.Builder - Class in
Builder for JwkEC.
JwkKeys - Class in
A representation of the JSON web keys document - a map of key ids to corresponding web keys.
JwkKeys.Builder - Class in
Builder of JwkKeys.
jwkKid(String) - Method in class
JWK key id to locate JWK to sign our request.
JwkOctet - Class in
Symmetric cipher JSON web key.
JwkOctet.Builder - Class in
Builder for JwkOctet.
JwkRSA - Class in
RSA JSON web key.
JwkRSA.Builder - Class in
Builder for JwkRSA.
jwks(JwkKeys, String) - Method in class
JwkKeys which should be searched for key with specific kid.
Jwt - Class in
JWT token.
Jwt.Builder - Class in
Builder of a Jwt.
Jwt.ExpirationValidator - Class in
Validator of expiration claim.
Jwt.FieldValidator - Class in
Validator of a string field obtained from a JWT.
Jwt.IssueTimeValidator - Class in
Validator of issue time claim.
Jwt.NotBeforeValidator - Class in
Validator of not before claim.
jwtAudience(String) - Method in class
JWT Audience.
JwtAuthAnnotationAnalyzer - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth
Implementation of AnnotationAnalyzer which checks for LoginConfig annotation if JWT Authentication should be enabled.
JwtAuthAnnotationAnalyzer() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthAnnotationAnalyzer
JwtAuthCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth
JWT Authentication CDI extension class.
JwtAuthCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthCdiExtension
JwtAuthProvider - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth
Provider that provides JWT authentication.
JwtAuthProvider.Builder - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth
Fluent API builder for JwtAuthProvider.
JwtAuthProvider.JwtOutboundTarget - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth
A custom object to configure specific handling of outbound calls.
JwtAuthProviderService - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth
JwtAuthProviderService() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProviderService
JwtException - Exception in
A RuntimeException for the JWT and JWK world.
JwtException(String) - Constructor for exception
Exception with a message.
JwtException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Exception with a message and a cause.
jwtHeader(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
JwtHeaders - Class in
Representation of the header section of a JWT.
JwtHeaders.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder to create JWT Header.
jwtId() - Method in class
Jwt id claim.
jwtId(String) - Method in class
A unique identifier of this JWT (optional) - must be unique across issuers.
jwtKid(String) - Method in class
JWT key id of the outbound token, used by target service to map to configuration to validate our signature.
JwtOutboundTarget(TokenHandler, String, String, String, int, long) - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.JwtOutboundTarget
Create an instance to add to OutboundTarget.
JwtProvider - Class in
Provider that can process JWT tokens in request headers and assert identity (e.g.
JwtProvider.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for JwtProvider.
JwtProvider.JwtOutboundTarget - Class in
A custom object to configure specific handling of outbound calls.
JwtProvider.JwtOutboundTarget.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for JwtProvider.JwtOutboundTarget.
JwtProviderService - Class in
Service for JwtProvider to auto-configure it with Security.
JwtProviderService() - Constructor for class
JwtUtil - Class in
Utilities for JWT and JWK parsing.
JwtUtil.Address - Class in
Address class representing the JSON object for address.


K8sAuth - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Kubernetes authentication method API.
K8sAuthProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Java Service Loader implementation for Vault authentication method based on Kubernetes.
K8sAuthProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthProvider
K8sAuthRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Kubernetes authentication method API.
k8sCaCert(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.ConfigureK8s.Request
PEM encoded CA cert for use by the TLS client used to talk with the Kubernetes API.
K8sVaultAuth - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Vault authentication for Kubernetes (k8s).
K8sVaultAuth() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sVaultAuth
K8sVaultAuth.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Fluent API builder for K8sVaultAuth.
KafkaConfigBuilder - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
Build Kafka specific config.
KafkaConfigBuilder.AutoOffsetReset - Enum Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka.
KafkaConnector - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
Implementation of Kafka Connector as described in the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Specification.
KafkaMessage<K,V> - Interface in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
Kafka specific Micro Profile Reactive Messaging Message.
KafkaProducerMessage<K,V> - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
Kafka specific Micro Profile Reactive Messaging Producer Message.
KafkaPublisher<K,V> - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
This is an implementation of Publisher that read messages from Kafka and push them downstream to one subscriber.
KafkaPublisher.Builder<K,V> - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
Fluent API builder for KafkaPublisher.
KafkaSubscriber<K,V> - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
Reactive streams subscriber implementation.
KafkaSubscriber.Builder<K,V> - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka
Fluent API builder for KafkaSubscriber.
keepAlive(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Set whether connection to server should be kept alive after request.
keepAlive(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Whether connection should be kept alive after request.
keepAliveMinutes(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Keep alive minutes of the thread pool executor.
key() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns the fully-qualified key of the Config node.
key() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Returns the fully-qualified key of the originating Config node.
key() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdEndpoint
Etcd key.
key() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
The key of the configuration option as used in config.
key() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.objectmapping.Value
Specifies a key of configuration node to be used to set JavaBean property value from.
key() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Tag name.
key(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.PemBuilder
Read a private key from PEM format from a resource definition.
key(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
Etcd key with which the value containing the configuration is associated.
key(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityProvider.CubbyholeSecretConfig.Builder
Key within the secret used to obtain the value.
key(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityProvider.Kv1SecretConfig.Builder
Key within the secret used to obtain the value.
key(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig.Builder
Key within the secret used to obtain the value.
KEY_PERFORMANCE_INDICATORS_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Config key for extended key performance indicator metrics settings.
KEY_PERFORMANCE_INDICATORS_EXTENDED_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Config key for enabled setting of the extended KPI metrics.
KEY_PERFORMANCE_INDICATORS_EXTENDED_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Default enabled setting for extended KPI metrics.
KEY_TYPE_EC - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
EC (Elliptic curve) algorithm for keys.
KEY_TYPE_EC - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
EC (Elliptic curve) algorithm for keys.
KEY_TYPE_EC - Static variable in class
Key type of elliptic curve keys.
KEY_TYPE_OCT - Static variable in class
Key type of octet keys.
KEY_TYPE_RSA - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
RSA algorithm for keys.
KEY_TYPE_RSA - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
RSA algorithm for keys.
KEY_TYPE_RSA - Static variable in class
Key type of RSA keys.
keyAlias(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Alias of the private key in the keystore.
keyBits(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies the number of bits to use for the generated keys.
keyConfig() - Method in class
For rsa-sha256 algorithm, this provides access to the public key of the client.
keyConfig() - Method in class
Private key configuration for RSA based algorithms.
KeyConfig - Class in io.helidon.common.pki
Configuration of keystore, certificates and keys.
KeyConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.pki
Fluent API builder for KeyConfig.
KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder - Class in io.helidon.common.pki
Builder for resources from a java keystore (PKCS12, JKS etc.).
KeyConfig.PemBuilder - Class in io.helidon.common.pki
Builder for PEM files - accepts private key and certificate chain.
keyDeserializer(Class<? extends Deserializer<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Deserializer class for key that implements the Deserializer interface.
keyId() - Method in class
The key id (kid) of this JWK.
keyId() - Method in class
Key id claim.
keyId() - Method in class
Key id claim.
keyId() - Method in class
The key id of this client.
keyId() - Method in class
Key id of this service (will be mapped by target service to validate signature).
keyId(String) - Method in class
Key id of the key being built.
keyId(String) - Method in class
Key id to be used to sign/verify this JWT.
keyId(String) - Method in class
Key id to be used to sign/verify this JWT.
keyId(String) - Method in class
The key id of this client to map to this signature validation configuration.
keyId(String) - Method in class
Key id of this service (will be mapped by target service to validate signature).
keyName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
Name of the key (Vault server side) used for this digest.
keyName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig.Builder
Specifies the name of the encryption key to encrypt/decrypt against.
keyOcid() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The Key OCID.
keyOcid() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
keyOcid() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
The Key OCID.
keyOcid(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The Key OCID.
keyPassphrase(char[]) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Pass-phrase of the key in the keystore (used for private keys).
keyPassphrase(char[]) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.PemBuilder
Passphrase for private key.
keyPassphrase(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Pass-phrase of the key in the keystore (used for private keys).
keyPassphrase(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.PemBuilder
Passphrase for private key.
keyPassword() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The Key password.
keyPassword() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
keyPassword() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
The Key password.
keyPassword(char[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The Key password.
keyPassword(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The Key password.
keyPassword(Supplier<char[]>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The Key password.
KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Settings for key performance indicator (KPI) metrics.
KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings - Interface in io.helidon.metrics
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Override default settings.
KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.metrics
Builder for KPI settings.
keyPerformanceIndicatorSettings() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
keyPerformanceIndicatorSettings(KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Set the KPI metrics settings.
keyPerformanceIndicatorsMetricsConfig(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport.Builder
keyPerformanceIndicatorsMetricsSettings(KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport.Builder
KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Definitions and factory methods for key performance indicator KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Context and KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Metrics.
KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Context - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Per-request key performance indicator context, with behavior common to immediately-processed requests and deferrable ones.
KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.DeferrableRequestContext - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Added per-request key performance indicator context behavior for requests for which processing might be deferred until some time after receipt of the request (i.e., some time after request handling begins).
KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Metrics - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Key performance indicator metrics behavior.
keys() - Method in class
Get all keys of this store.
keys() - Method in class
List of keys in this instance.
keys() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.HeaderProvider
All keys available in the headers (header names).
keySerializer(Class<? extends Serializer<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Serializer class for key that implements the Serializer interface.
keySize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher.Builder
Set size of the key (in bits) which should be generated.
keystore(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Keystore resource definition.
keystoreBuilder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig
Build this instance from a java keystore (such as PKCS12 keystore).
keystorePassphrase(char[]) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Pass-phrase of the keystore (supported with JKS and PKCS12 keystores).
keystorePassphrase(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Pass-phrase of the keystore (supported with JKS and PKCS12 keystores).
keystoreType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Set type of keystore.
keyType() - Method in class
The key type (kty) of this JWK.
keyType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies the type of key to generate for generated private keys and the type of key expected for submitted CSRs.
keyType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig.Builder
This parameter is required when encryption key is expected to be created.
keyType(String) - Method in class
Key type of the key being built.
keyUsage(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Configure list of usages.
keyVersion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Encrypted
Version of the key used to encrypt the data.
keyVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
Specifies the version of the key to use for digest.
keyVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig.Builder
Version of the key used to encrypt the data.
kind() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
Kind of this option.
kind(Span.Kind) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span.Builder
Kind of this span.
Kv1EngineProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Java Service Loader service for this engine.
Kv1EngineProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1EngineProvider
Kv1Secrets - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Secrets for KV version 1 secrets engine.
Kv1SecretsRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Secrets for KV version 1 secrets engine.
Kv1SecurityProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Integration with Helidon Security.
Kv1SecurityProvider.Kv1SecretConfig - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Configuration of a secret when using programmatic setup of security secrets.
Kv1SecurityProvider.Kv1SecretConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Fluent API builder for Kv1SecurityProvider.Kv1SecretConfig.
Kv1SecurityService - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Service loader service implementation for SecurityProviderService.
Kv1SecurityService() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityService
Do not use this constructor, this is a service loader service!
Kv2EngineProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Java Service Loader implementation of Vault KV version 2 secrets engine.
Kv2EngineProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2EngineProvider
Kv2Metadata - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Metadata of a KV version 2 secret.
Kv2Secret - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
KV secret for version 2.
Kv2Secrets - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Secrets for KV version 2 secrets engine blocking implementation.
Kv2SecretsRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Reactive API for secrets for KV version 2 secrets engine.
Kv2SecurityProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Integration with Helidon Security.
Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Configuration of a secret when using programmatic setup of security secrets.
Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Fluent API builder for Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig.
Kv2SecurityService - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Service loader service implementation for SecurityProviderService.
Kv2SecurityService() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityService
Do not use this constructor, this is a service loader service!


label() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.ExemplarService
Returns a label using whatever current context is available.
label() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.exemplartrace.TraceExemplarService
LambdaStreamObserver<V> - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
A StreamObserver that uses lambdas to handle the various messages.
last() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Context
Returns instance of Config node related to same Config key as original node used to get Context from.
last() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Last-Modified" header name.
lastEndpointURI() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponse
URI of the last request.
lastModified() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponseHeaders
Returns value of header "Last-Modified" of the response.
lastModified() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Optionally gets the value of "Last-Modified" header.
lastModified(Instant) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Sets the value of "Last-Modified" header.
lastModified(ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Sets the value of "Last-Modified" header.
lastModifiedTime(Path) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileSourceHelper
Returns the last modified time of the given file or directory.
lastRetryException() - Method in exception io.helidon.faulttolerance.RetryTimeoutException
Last exception thrown in Retry before the overall timeout reached.
LATEST - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder.AutoOffsetReset
Automatically reset the offset to the earliest offset.
launchContainerRunnable(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform
Uses CDI to find a relevant Executor whose Executor.execute(Runnable) method will be used to submit the supplied Runnable.
LAX - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.SameSite
Cookies are not sent on normal cross-site subrequests (for example to load images or frames into a third party site) , but are sent when a user is navigating to the origin site (i.e., when following a link).
LazyConfigSource - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
A source that is not capable of loading all keys at once.
LazyList<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common
Wrapper for list of LazyValues while keeping laziness.
LazyValue<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common
A typed supplier that wraps another supplier and only retrieves the value on the first request to Supplier.get(), caching the value for all subsequent invocations.
leaseDuration() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase.Builder
leaseDuration() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase
Lease duration.
leaseDuration(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase.Builder
Lease duration.
leave() - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.Participant
URI of participant's method annotated with @Leave.
leave(URI, PropagatedHeaders, Participant) - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Leave LRA.
leave(URI, PropagatedHeaders, Participant) - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana.NarayanaClient
LENGTH_REQUIRED_411 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
411 Length Required, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
lengthen() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy
Allows the ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy to react by prolonging the interval between ticking.
lengthen(BiFunction<Duration, Integer, Duration>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy.AdaptiveBuilder
Sets the function that will be used to lengthen the interval between ticking.
limit(int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Builder
Maximal number of parallel requests going through this bulkhead.
limit(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Limit stream to allow only specified number of items to pass.
limitNoAck(int) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
This value applies only when autoCommit is set to false.
LINE - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Key for line.
linear(long, long, long) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.RetrySchema
Creates the retry schema with a linear delay increment.
LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.BackpressureStrategy
Data chunks are requested one-by-one after previous data chunk has been given to Netty for writing.
lineNumber() - Method in interface
Line number within the source file that caused this event.
LINK - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Link" header name.
list() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.ListSecrets.Response
Get the list.
list() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Secrets
List available secrets.
list() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.SecretsRx
List available secrets.
list(ListSecrets.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecrets
List database connections.
list(ListSecrets.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbSecretsRx
List database connections.
list(ListSecrets.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Secrets
List available secrets.
list(ListSecrets.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
List certificate serial numbers.
list(ListSecrets.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
List certificate serial numbers.
list(ListSecrets.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
List available keys.
list(ListSecrets.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
List available keys.
list(ListSecrets.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.SecretsRx
List available secrets.
list(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Secrets
List available secrets on a path.
list(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.SecretsRx
List available secrets on a path.
LIST - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.Config.Type
Config node is a list of indexed elements (values, objects or other lists).
LIST - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption.Kind
Option is a list of values (either primitive, String or object nodes).
LIST - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.NodeType
A list of values, optionally may have a value.
LIST - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault
HTTP LIST method used by several Vault engines.
listener(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Consumer<? super PAYLOAD>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register Consumer for listening every payload coming from upstream.
ListNodeBuilderImpl - Class in io.helidon.config
Implementation of ConfigNode.ListNode.Builder.
ListNodeBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
Initialize list builder.
ListNodeBuilderImpl(Function<String, String>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
Initialize list builder.
ListSecrets - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
List secrets request and response.
ListSecrets.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Request object.
ListSecrets.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
Literal() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform.Eclipselink.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.MicronautIntercepted.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.BuildTimeEnd.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.BuildTimeStart.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.RuntimeStart.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcChannel.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcProxy.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Grpc.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.GrpcInterceptor.Literal
Literal() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.InProcessGrpcChannel.Literal
livenessChecks() - Method in interface
Return the provided liveness HealthChecks.
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathOverrideSource
load() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigSourceRuntime
Load the config source if it is eager (such as ParsableSource or NodeConfigSource.
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.InMemoryOverrideSource
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.PrefixedConfigSource
load() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.NodeConfigSource
Loads the underlying source data.
load() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.OverrideSource
Load override data from the underlying source.
load() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ParsableSource
Loads the underlying source data.
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
load() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource
load() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource
loadBalancerPolicy() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor
Get the default load balancer policy to use.
loadBalancerPolicy(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder
Set the default load balancer policy name.
loadCACertificate(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.DefaultOciCertificatesDownloader
loadCACertificate(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi.OciCertificatesDownloader
The implementation will download the CA certificate identified by the given ocid from the OCI Certificates Services.
loadCertificates(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.DefaultOciCertificatesDownloader
loadCertificates(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi.OciCertificatesDownloader
The implementation will download the certificate chain identified by the given ocid from the OCI Certificates Service.
loadKey(String, URI) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.DefaultOciPrivateKeyDownloader
loadKey(String, URI) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi.OciPrivateKeyDownloader
The implementation will download the private key identified by the given ocid from the given vault crypto endpoint.
loadOnStartup(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Whether to load JWK verification keys on server startup Default value is false.
localAddress() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Gets the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the interface on which the request was received.
localAddress() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the interface on which the request was received.
locale() - Method in class
Locale claim.
locale(Locale) - Method in class
Locale of the subject.
localPort() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) port number of the interface on which the request was received.
localPort() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) port number of the interface on which the request was received.
locateTransactionManager() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.CDISEJtaPlatform
Returns the TransactionManager instance supplied at construction time.
locateUserTransaction() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate.CDISEJtaPlatform
Returns the UserTransaction instance supplied at construction time.
location() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Location (or description) of this resource, depends on original source.
location() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponseHeaders
Returns URI representation of "Location" header from the response.
location() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Optionally gets the value of "Location" header.
location(URI) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Sets the value of "Location" header.
LOCATION - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Location" header name.
LOCATIONS - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Key for locations.
locatorsUpdateCopy() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
lock() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.RequestedCounter
Lock internal counter if strict mode is on.
lockFileName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Name of the lock file.
log() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Log all signals onSubscribe, onNext, onError, onComplete, cancel and request coming to and from preceding operator.
log() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Log all signals onSubscribe, onNext, onError, onComplete, cancel and request coming to and from preceding operator.
log(Level) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Log all signals onSubscribe, onNext, onError, onComplete, cancel and request coming to and from preceding operator.
log(Level) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Log all signals onSubscribe, onNext, onError, onComplete, cancel and request coming to and from preceding operator.
log(Level, boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Log all signals onSubscribe, onNext, onError, onComplete, cancel and request coming to and from preceding operator.
log(Level, boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Log all signals onSubscribe, onNext, onError, onComplete, cancel and request coming to and from preceding operator.
log(Level, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Log all signals onSubscribe, onNext, onError, onComplete, cancel and request coming to and from preceding operator.
log(Level, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Log all signals onSubscribe, onNext, onError, onComplete, cancel and request coming to and from preceding operator.
log(Logger) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
Log supplied errors and return a status flag indicating whether the result is OK or not (will return true for valid, false if Severity.FATAL is present).
LogConfig - Class in io.helidon.common
Logging configuration utility.
logDeny() - Method in class
Log security status - deny.
logEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig
Whether a log event should be logged on the span with a default value.
logFormatString(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
The format for log entries (similar to the Apache LogFormat).
logger() - Method in class
logger() - Method in class
loggerName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport.Builder
Name of the logger use to obtain access log logger from Logger.getLogger(String).
login() - Method in interface
Get login name.
login(Login.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuth
Issues a Vault token based on the presented credentials.
login(Login.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthRx
Issues a Vault token based on the presented credentials.
login(Login.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuth
Fetch a token.
login(Login.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthRx
Fetch a token.
Login - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
AppRole Login request and response.
Login - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Login request and response.
Login() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.Login
Login.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Request object.
Login.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Request object.
Login.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
Login.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
logLeakedSessions(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Eable log leaked sessions.
logout() - Method in interface
Logout user, clear current security context.
logoutEnabled() - Method in class
Whether logout is enabled.
logoutEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether to enable logout support.
logoutEndpointUri() - Method in class
Logout endpoint on OIDC server.
logoutEndpointUri() - Method in class
Logout endpoint on OIDC server.
logoutEndpointUri(URI) - Method in class
URI of a logout endpoint used to redirect users to for logging-out.
logoutUri() - Method in class
Logout URI.
logoutUri(String) - Method in class
Path to register web server for logout link.
logProceed() - Method in class
Log security status - proceed.
logService(Subject) - Method in class
Log authenticated service.
logStatus(SecurityResponse.SecurityStatus) - Method in class
Log response status.
logUser(Subject) - Method in class
Log authenticated user.
LONG_RUNNING_REQUESTS_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Config key for long-running requests settings.
LONG_RUNNING_REQUESTS_THRESHOLD_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Config key for long-running requests threshold setting (in milliseconds).
LONG_RUNNING_REQUESTS_THRESHOLD_MS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Default long-running requests threshold.
longRunningRequestThresholdMs() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Threshold (in milliseconds) for long-running requests.
longRunningRequestThresholdMs() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings
longRunningRequestThresholdMs(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Sets the long-running request threshold (in ms).
longRunningRequestThresholdMs(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
lPad(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry.Builder
Apply left padding to fill the defined length.
LraAutoDiscoverable - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.lra
Register filter and mappers to Jersey.
LraAutoDiscoverable() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.lra.LraAutoDiscoverable
LraCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.lra
MicroProfile Long Running Actions CDI extension.
LraCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.lra.LraCdiExtension
Initialize MicroProfile Long Running Actions CDI extension.
LruCache<K,V> - Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
Least recently used cache.
LruCache.Builder<K,V> - Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
Fluent API builder for LruCache.


main(String[]) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.Main
Expected parameters: type [aes|rsa] encryptionConfig [masterPassword|pathToRsaPublicKey] secretToEncrypt.
main(String[]) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.Main
Start CDI.
main(String[]) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Main
Main method to start server.
Main - Class in io.helidon.config.encryption
Cli access to secret encryption.
Main - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
This is the "master" main class of Helidon MP.
Main - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.server
since 2.0.0, use Main instead
manager() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls
The Tls manager.
map() - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource.MapBuilder
Map used as data of this config source.
map(Config, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapper
Convert the specified Config node into the target type specified by GenericType.
map(Config, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapper
Converts the specified Config node to the target type.
map(ProviderRequest, AuthenticationResponse) - Method in class
map(ProviderRequest, AuthenticationResponse) - Method in class
map(ProviderRequest, AuthenticationResponse) - Method in interface
Map grants from authenticated request (e.g.
map(String, GenericType<T>, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapper
Converts the value to the target generic type.
map(String, Class<T>, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapper
Converts the value to the target type.
map(String, Message<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingChannelProcessor
Map messages going through the onNext signal in the messaging channel.
map(String, Message<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.metrics.MessagingCounter
map(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Map this Multi instance to a new Multi of another type using the given Function.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Map this Single instance to a new Single of another type using the given Function.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Map this Subscribable instance to a new Subscribable of another type using the given Function.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
If a value is present, apply the provided mapping function to it, and if the result is non-null, return an Optional describing the result.
map(Function<R, U>) - Method in class
Map the (possible) response entity to a different type.
map(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource.MapBuilder
Map to be used as config source underlying data.
map(SOURCE) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.mapper.Mapper
Map an instance of source type to an instance of target type.
map(SOURCE, GenericType<SOURCE>, GenericType<TARGET>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager
Map from source to target.
map(SOURCE, Class<SOURCE>, Class<TARGET>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperManager
Map from source to target.
MAP - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption.Kind
Option is a map of strings to primitive type or String.
MapBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource.MapBuilder
Creat a new builder instance.
MapConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.config
ConfigSource implementation based on Map<String, String>.
MapConfigSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
Fluent API builder for MapConfigSource.
MapConfigSource.MapBuilder<T extends MapConfigSource.MapBuilder<T>> - Class in io.helidon.config
An abstract fluent API builder for MapConfigSource.
mappedConfig(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
Merges mapped CORS config information.
MappedCrossOriginConfig - Class in io.helidon.webserver.cors
Cross-origin CrossOriginConfig instances linked to paths, plus an enabled setting.
MappedCrossOriginConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.cors
Fluent builder for Mapped cross-origin config.
mapper() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
The mapper used by this config instance.
mapper(GenericType<SOURCE>, GenericType<TARGET>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.mapper.spi.MapperProvider
Find a mapper that is capable of mapping from source to target types.
mapper(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider
Mapper for a specific generic type.
mapper(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbMapperProvider
Returns mapper for specific type supporting generic types as well.
mapper(Class<SOURCE>, Class<TARGET>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.mapper.spi.MapperProvider
Find a mapper that is capable of mapping from source to target classes.
mapper(Class<SOURCE>, Class<TARGET>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientMapperProvider
mapper(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.objectmapping.ObjectConfigMapperProvider
mapper(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider
A simple mapping function from config node to a typed value based on the expected class.
mapper(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp.JsonProcessingMapperProvider
mapper(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbMapperProvider
Returns mapper for specific type.
Mapper<SOURCE,TARGET> - Interface in io.helidon.common.mapper
A generic and general approach to mapping two types.
MapperException - Exception in io.helidon.common.mapper
An exception that is thrown when mapping failed to map source to target.
MapperException(GenericType<?>, GenericType<?>, String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperException
Failed with no underlying exception.
MapperException(GenericType<?>, GenericType<?>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.mapper.MapperException
Failed with an underlying exception.
mapperManager() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Mapper manager.
mapperManager() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext
Configured mapper manager.
mapperManager(MapperManager) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext.BuilderBase
Configure the mapper manager to use.
mapperManager(MapperManager) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient.Builder
Mapper manager for generic mapping, such as mapping of parameters to expected types.
mapperManager(MapperManager) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
mapperManager(MapperManager) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
mapperManager(MapperManager) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Mapper manager for generic mapping, such as mapping of parameters to expected types.
MapperManager - Interface in io.helidon.common.mapper
Mapper manager of all configured mappers.
MapperManager.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.mapper
Fluent API builder for MapperManager.
mapperProvider(DbMapperProvider) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient.Builder
Database schema mappers provider.
MapperProvider - Interface in io.helidon.common.mapper.spi
Java Service loader service to get mappers.
mappers() - Method in class io.helidon.config.objectmapping.ObjectConfigMapperProvider
mappers() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider
Returns a map of mapper functions associated with appropriate target type (Class<?>.
mark() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsMeter
mark(long) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsMeter
markAsDeleted() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractMetric
markAsDeleted() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.HelidonMetric
Record that a previously-registered metric has been removed from the registry.
marshalingAlgorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Specifies the way in which the signature should be marshaled.
marshalingAlgorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
Specifies the way in which the signature should be marshaled.
marshalingAlgorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Request
Specifies the way in which the signature should be marshaled.
marshall(Single<T>, GenericType<T>) - Method in class
Convert a given input publisher into HTTP payload by selecting a writer that accepts the specified type and current context.
marshall(Single<T>, MessageBodyWriter<T>, GenericType<T>) - Method in class
Convert a given input publisher into HTTP payload by selecting a writer with the specified class.
marshall(Flow.Publisher<T>, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
Create a marshalling function that can be used to marshall the publisher with a context.
marshall(T) - Method in interface
Create a marshalling function that can be used to marshall the given value with a context.
marshallerSupplier(MarshallerSupplier) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Builder
marshallerSupplier(MarshallerSupplier) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules
Register the MarshallerSupplier for the method.
marshallerSupplier(MarshallerSupplier) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
marshallerSupplier(MarshallerSupplier) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register the MarshallerSupplier for the service.
marshallerSupplier(MarshallerSupplier) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor.Rules
Register the MarshallerSupplier for the method.
marshallerSupplier(MarshallerSupplier) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
marshallerSupplier(MarshallerSupplier) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register the MarshallerSupplier for the service.
MarshallerSupplier - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.core
A supplier of MethodDescriptor.Marshaller instances for specific classes.
MarshallerSupplier.DefaultMarshallerSupplier - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
The default MarshallerSupplier.
MarshallerSupplier.ProtoMarshallerSupplier - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
A MarshallerSupplier implementation that supplies Protocol Buffer marshaller instances.
MARSHALLING_ALGORITHM_ASN_1 - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Marshalling algorithm "asn1".
MARSHALLING_ALGORITHM_JWS - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Marshalling algorithm "jws".
marshallStream(Flow.Publisher<T>, GenericType<T>) - Method in class
Convert a given input publisher into HTTP payload by selecting a stream writer that accepts the specified type and current context.
marshallStream(Flow.Publisher<T>, MessageBodyStreamWriter<T>, GenericType<T>) - Method in class
Convert a given input publisher into HTTP payload by selecting a stream writer with the specified class.
MASTER_PASSWORD_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigProperties
Configuration property key to set master password ("security.config.aes.insecure-passphrase").
MASTER_PASSWORD_ENV_VARIABLE - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigProperties
Environment variable to set master password ("SECURE_CONFIG_AES_MASTER_PWD").
masterPassword(char[]) - Method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilter.Builder
Master password for AES based decryption.
masterPassword(char[]) - Method in class
Configure master password used for encryption/decryption.
match(CharSequence) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
Matches this against a URI path.
match(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathMatcher
Matches this matcher against a URI path.
MatcherWithRetry - Class in io.helidon.common.testing.junit5
Hamcrest matcher capable of configured retries before failing the assertion, plus more generic retry processing.
MatcherWithRetry - Class in io.helidon.config.testing
Hamcrest matcher capable of configured retries before failing the assertion, plus more generic retry processing.
matches() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathMatcher.Result
Whether the tested vector matches the associated path template.
matches(char) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Determines a true or false value for the given character.
matches(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.config.testing.ValueNodeMatcher
matches(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
Reports whether the specified HTTP method name matches this CrossOriginConfig.
matchesAllOf(CharSequence) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns true if a character sequence contains only matching characters.
matchesAnyOf(CharSequence) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns true if a character sequence contains at least one matching character.
matchesNoneOf(CharSequence) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns true if a character sequence contains no matching characters.
matchVersion(Http.Version) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
matchVersion(Http.Version) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.http2.Http2Route
matchVersion(Http.Version) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.HttpRoute
HTTP protocol version supported by the route.
max(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy.AdaptiveBuilder
Sets the maximal interval between tick events.
MAX_FORWARDS - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Max-Forwards" header name.
maxAge() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.cors.CrossOrigin
Pre-flight response duration in seconds.
maxAge(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.Builder
Sets Max-Age parameter.
maxAgeSeconds() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
maxAgeSeconds(long) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
maxAgeSeconds(long) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
maxChunkSize() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Maximal size of a single chunk of received data.
maxChunkSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
Configure maximal size of a chunk to be read from incoming requests.
maxConnectionLifetime(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Set max life time.
maxConnectionLifetime(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.MySqlConfigureRequest
Specifies the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.
maxConnectionLifetimeSeconds(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.OracleConfigureRequest
Specifies the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.
maxConnectionPoolSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Set pool size.
maxDelay(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy.Builder
Max Delay in Milliseconds.
maxDelay(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy.Builder
Max Delay in Milliseconds.
maxExportBatchSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Maximum Export Batch Size of exporter requests.
maxHeaderSize() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Maximal size of all headers combined.
maxHeaderSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
maxHeaderSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
maxHeaderSize(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Maximal number of bytes of all header values combined.
maxHeaderSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
maxIdleConnections(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.MySqlConfigureRequest
Specifies the maximum number of idle connections to the database.
maxIdleConnections(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.OracleConfigureRequest
Specifies the maximum number of idle connections to the database.
maxInitialLineLength() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Maximal length of the initial HTTP line.
maxInitialLineLength(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
maxInitialLineLength(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
maxInitialLineLength(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Maximal number of characters in the initial HTTP line.
maxInitialLineLength(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
maxLeaseTtl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
Maximum lease duration.
maxLength(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry.Builder
Configure maximal length of the output written.
maxLength(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry
Apply maximal length limitation.
maxOpenConnections(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.MySqlConfigureRequest
Specifies the maximum number of open connections to the database.
maxOpenConnections(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.OracleConfigureRequest
Specifies the maximum number of open connections to the database.
maxPayloadSize() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Maximum size allowed for an HTTP payload in a client request.
maxPayloadSize(long) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Configure maximum client payload size.
maxPayloadSize(long) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
maxPayloadSize(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Set a maximum payload size for a client request.
maxPayloadSize(long) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
maxPoolSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Max pool size of the thread pool executor.
maxQueueSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Maximum Queue Size of exporter requests.
maxRapidResets() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerBasicConfig
maxRapidResets() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Returns the maximum allowed number of rapid resets (stream RST sent by client before any data have been sent by server).
maxRapidResets(int) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Maximum number of rapid resets(stream RST sent by client before any data have been sent by server).
maxRedirects() - Method in class
Maximal number of redirects allowed between Helidon and OIDC provider.
maxRedirects(int) - Method in class
Configure maximal number of redirects when redirecting to an OIDC provider within a single authentication attempt.
maxShutdownTimeout() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
The maximum amount of time that the server will wait to shut down regardless of the value of any additionally requested quiet period.
maxShutdownTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Configure the maximum amount of time that the server will wait to shut down regardless of the value of any additionally requested quiet period.
maxSize(long) - Method in class
Configure maximal cache size.
maxTtl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCreateRole.Request
Specifies the maximum TTL for the leases associated with this role.
maxTtl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies the maximum Time To Live.
maxUpgradeContentLength() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Maximum length of the content of an upgrade request.
maxUpgradeContentLength(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Set a maximum length of the content of an upgrade request.
maxUpgradeContentLength(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
maxUpgradeContentLength(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Set a maximum length of the content of an upgrade request.
maxUpgradeContentLength(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
MAY_FAIL - Enum constant in enum class
Provider may fail, nothing happens if it does.
MD5 - Enum constant in enum class
MD5 algorithm.
MdcProvider - Interface in io.helidon.logging.common.spi
Provider which is used to propagate values passed from HelidonMdc to the corresponding logging framework MDC storage.
me() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Returns this builder cast to the correct type.
me() - Method in class
Can be returned by subclasses that can be subclassed again.
me() - Method in class
Can be returned by subclasses that can be subclassed again.
me() - Method in class
Used to return correct type for setter methods of this builder.
me() - Method in class
Can be returned by subclasses that can be subclassed again.
me() - Method in class
Allows returning the correct type when subclassing.
me() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase.Builder
me() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupport.Builder
me() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_HOCON - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParser
A String constant representing "application/hocon" media type.
MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParser
A String constant representing "application/json" media type.
MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_YAML - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.yaml.YamlConfigParser
A String constant representing "application/x-yaml" media type.
MEDIA_TYPE_TEXT_JAVA_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.PropertiesConfigParser
A String constant representing "text/x-java-properties" media type.
mediaContext(MediaContext) - Method in interface
Sets the MediaContext parent and overrides the existing one.
mediaContext(MediaContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
mediaContext(MediaContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
mediaContext(Supplier<MediaContext>) - Method in interface
Sets the MediaContext parent and overrides the existing one.
MediaContext - Class in
Media support.
MediaContext.Builder - Class in
MediaSupport builder.
MediaContextBuilder<T> - Interface in
Adds methods to support adding readers, writers and media services to the builder.
MediaSupport - Interface in
Service used to register readers and writers to the respective context.
MediaSupportProvider - Interface in
Java service loader interface.
mediaType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractConfigSource
Media type if on eis configured for parsing content of ParsableSource.
mediaType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
mediaType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
mediaType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
mediaType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
mediaType() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content
Media type of the content.
mediaType() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ParsableSource
If media type is configured on this source, or can be guessed from the underlying origin, return it.
mediaType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
mediaType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractConfigSourceBuilder
Media type if this is a ParsableSource and explicit media type is configured.
mediaType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource.Builder
mediaType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
mediaType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource.Builder
mediaType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
mediaType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content.Builder
Media type of the content if known by the config source.
mediaType(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ParsableSource.Builder
Configure an explicit media type to be used with this source.
mediaType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource.Builder
mediaType(Optional<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser.Content.Builder
A shortcut method to invoke with result of MediaTypes.detectType(String) and similar methods.
MediaType - Class in io.helidon.common.http
An abstraction for a media type.
MediaType.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.http
A fluent API builder to create instances of MediaType.
MediaTypeDetector - Interface in
Detect media type.
mediaTypeMapping(Function<Config.Key, Optional<String>>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractConfigSourceBuilder
Sets a function that maps keys to media type.
mediaTypeParserRelaxed(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Configure media type parsing mode for HTTP Content-Type header.
MediaTypes - Class in
Media type detection based on a resource.
member(ID) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractNodeBuilderImpl
Returns member instance associated with specified id.
member(Integer) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
member(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
merge(ID, MergeableNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractNodeBuilderImpl
Merges a member of specified id with specified node.
merge(MergeableNode) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.MergeableNode
Returns new instance mergeable node of same type of original one that merges also with specified node.
merge(MergeableNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeImpl
merge(MergeableNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
merge(PriorityBag<? extends T>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
Merge a PriorityBag into this PriorityBag.
merge(TracingConfig, TracingConfig) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
Merge two configurations together.
merge(Integer, MergeableNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
merge(String, MergeableNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
merge(List<ConfigNode.ObjectNode>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.MergingStrategy
Merges an ordered list of ConfigNode.ObjectNodes into a single instance.
MergeableNode - Interface in io.helidon.config
Extension of ConfigNode that supports merging with other nodes.
mergeWithParent() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
When set to true, this property will be part of the parent structure (e.g.
mergingStrategy(MergingStrategy) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Merging Strategy to use when more than one config source is used.
MergingStrategy - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
An algorithm for combining multiple ConfigNode.ObjectNode root nodes into a single ConfigNode.ObjectNode root node.
message(Object, String, Severity) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a message to the list of messages.
message(String) - Method in class
Message configured by RestApi.
message(String, Severity) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a message to the list of messages with source automatically added.
MESSAGE - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Key for message.
MESSAGE_SELECTOR_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
JMS API message selector expression based on a subset of the SQL92.
MessageBodyContent - Interface in
Reactive contract for a message body content.
MessageBodyContext - Class in
Base message body context implementation.
MessageBodyContext(MessageBodyContext) - Constructor for class
Create a new parented content support instance.
MessageBodyContext(MessageBodyContext, MessageBodyContext.EventListener) - Constructor for class
Create a new parented content support instance.
MessageBodyContext.ErrorEvent - Interface in
A subscription event emitted for MessageBodyContext.EventType.BEFORE_ONERROR or MessageBodyContext.EventType.AFTER_ONERROR that carries the received error.
MessageBodyContext.Event - Interface in
Message body content subscription event contract.
MessageBodyContext.EventListener - Interface in
Message body content subscription event listener.
MessageBodyContext.EventType - Enum Class in
Message body content subscription event types.
MessageBodyFilter - Interface in
Function to filter or replace message body content publisher.
MessageBodyFilters - Interface in
Registry of MessageBodyFilters.
MessageBodyOperator<T extends MessageBodyContext> - Interface in
Conversion operator that can be selected based on a requested type and a message body context.
MessageBodyOperator.PredicateResult - Enum Class in
Status whether requested class type is supported by the operator.
MessageBodyReadableContent - Class in
MessageBodyReader<T> - Interface in
Conversion operator that can convert HTTP payload into one object.
MessageBodyReaderContext - Class in
Reader message body context.
MessageBodyReaders - Interface in
Registry of MessageBodyReader allowing to register reader instances in the system.
MessageBodyStreamReader<T> - Interface in
Conversion operator that can convert HTTP payload into a stream of objects.
MessageBodyStreamWriter<T> - Interface in
Conversion operator that generate HTTP payload from a stream of objects.
MessageBodyWriter<T> - Interface in
Conversion operator that generate HTTP payload from objects.
MessageBodyWriterContext - Class in
Implementation of MessageBodyWriters.
MessageBodyWriters - Interface in
Registry of MessageBodyWriter allowing to register writer instances in the system.
messageFormat() - Element in annotation interface
The message format of this audit event.
messageFormat() - Method in interface
Gets the message format of this AuditEvent to be used with String.format(String, Object...).
MessageMapper - Interface in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Mapper used for translating reactive messaging message to JMS message.
messageSelector(String) - Method in class
JMS API message selector expression based on a subset of the SQL92.
messageSelector(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
JMS API message selector expression based on a subset of the SQL92.
Messaging - Interface in io.helidon.messaging
Helidon Reactive Messaging.
Messaging.Builder - Class in io.helidon.messaging
Fluent API builder for Messaging.
MessagingCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.messaging
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging CDI Extension.
MessagingCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingCdiExtension
Initialize messaging CDI extension.
MessagingChannelProcessor - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.messaging
Application scoped bean implementing MessagingChannelProcessor can peek on reactive events in the messaging channel.
MessagingCounter - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.metrics
Messaging counter for reactive messaging channels.
MessagingDeploymentException - Exception in io.helidon.microprofile.messaging
Exception reporting problems during deployment of messaging.
MessagingException - Exception in io.helidon.messaging
Reactive Messaging specific exception.
MessagingException - Exception in io.helidon.microprofile.messaging
Exception raised from messaging subscriber when onError signal is intercepted.
MessagingException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.messaging.MessagingException
Create new MessagingException with supplied message.
MessagingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.messaging.MessagingException
Create new MessagingException with supplied message and cause.
MessagingLivenessCheck - Class in
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging liveness check.
MessagingLivenessCheck() - Constructor for class
MessagingReadinessCheck - Class in
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging readiness check.
MessagingReadinessCheck() - Constructor for class
metaConfig() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Check if meta configuration is present and if so, update this builder using the meta configuration.
metaConfig() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MetaConfig
Find meta configuration (files or classpath resources) and create a meta configuration instance from it.
MetaConfig - Class in io.helidon.config
Meta configuration.
metadata() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.Login.Response
Token metadata.
metadata() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.Login.Response
Additional token metadata.
metadata() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenResponse
metadata() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.GetKv2.Response
metadata() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secret
Metadata of this secret.
metadata() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractMetric
metadata() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.HelidonMetric
metadata(Metadata) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricBuilder
Configure metric metadata.
metadataWithIDs(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Returns a map entry, its key the metadata and its value all metric IDs matching the provided metric name.
metaMethodAnnotations(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get all instances of the specified meta-annotation type found on the method annotations (a meta-annotation is an annotation that annotates other annotations).
meter() - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetrics
Create a meter builder, to be registered with DbClient.Builder.addService(java.util.function.Supplier).
meter() - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMetrics
Creates new meter client metric.
meter(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
meter(String, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
meter(Metadata) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
meter(Metadata, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
meter(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
metered() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
A static factory method to create a GrpcMetrics instance to meter gRPC method calls.
meterRegistry() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory
Returns the MeterRegistry associated with this factory instance.
MeterRegistryFactory - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micrometer
Provides access to the MeterRegistry Helidon SE uses to collect meters and report their metrics.
MeterRegistryFactory.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micrometer
Builder for constructing MeterRegistryFactory instances.
MeterRegistryFactory.BuiltInRegistryType - Enum Class in io.helidon.integrations.micrometer
Available built-in registry types.
MeterRegistryFactory.BuiltInRegistryType.UnrecognizedBuiltInRegistryTypeException - Exception in io.helidon.integrations.micrometer
Describes an unrecognized built-in registry type.
meterRegistryFactorySupplier(MeterRegistryFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MicrometerSupport.Builder
Assigns a MeterRegistryFactory.
method() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.spi.ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.MethodInvocation
Returns the method to invoke to retrieve the value.
method() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest
Returns an HTTP request method.
method() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get the underlying Java method.
method() - Method in class
Verb to execute on the resource.
method() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Gets an HTTP request method.
method() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter
Reports the method name for the request.
method() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportRequest
HTTP method.
method(Http.RequestMethod) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a request builder for a method based on method parameter.
method(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Return ClientMethodDescriptor for a specified method getName.
method(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
Return MethodDescriptor for a specified method name.
method(String) - Method in class
Method that is requested (such as GET/POST for http).
method(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a request builder for a method based on method parameter.
METHOD - Enum constant in enum class
Annotation on a resource method.
METHOD_NAME - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientRequestAttribute
Add the method name to the tracing span.
METHOD_NAME - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServerRequestAttribute
log the method name.
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_405 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
405 Method Not Allowed, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
METHOD_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientRequestAttribute
Add the method type to the tracing span.
METHOD_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServerRequestAttribute
Log the method type.
MethodDescriptor<ReqT,ResT> - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
Encapsulates all metadata necessary to define a gRPC method.
MethodDescriptor.Configurer<ReqT,ResT> - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.server
An interface implemented by classes that can configure a MethodDescriptor.Rules.
MethodDescriptor.Rules<ReqT,ResT> - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.server
Method configuration API.
methodHandler() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor
Obtain the MethodHandler to use to make client calls.
methodHandler(MethodHandler) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Builder
methodHandler(MethodHandler) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules
Set the MethodHandler that can be used to invoke the method.
MethodHandler<ReqT,RespT> - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.core
A gRPC method call handler.
MethodHandler.BidirectionalClient - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.core
A bidirectional client call handler.
MethodHandler.ClientStreaming - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.core
A client streaming client call handler.
MethodHandler.ServerStreamingClient - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.core
A server streaming client call handler.
MethodHandler.UnaryClient - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.core
A unary client call handler.
MethodHandlerSupplier - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A supplier of MethodHandlers for AnnotatedMethods.
methodName() - Method in interface
Method name that caused this event.
methods() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Return the collections of methods that make up this service.
methods() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
Return service methods.
methods() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig
Method(s) this configuration should be valid for.
methods(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig.Builder
HTTP methods to restrict registration of this configuration on web server.
MetricAnnotationDiscovery - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.metrics
Conveys information about the discovery of a metric annotation as it applies to an executable.
MetricAnnotationDiscovery.OfConstructor - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.metrics
Discovery of an annotation of interest on a constructor.
MetricAnnotationDiscovery.OfMethod - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.metrics
Discovery of an annotation of interest on a method.
MetricAnnotationDiscoveryObserver - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.spi
Observer of the discovery of metric annotations which are applied to constructors and methods.
metricFactories() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
For testing.
metricFactories() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
metricIDsForName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Returns a list of metric IDs given a metric name.
metricIDsForName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
MetricRegistrationObserver - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.spi
Observer of the registration of metrics due to metric annotations applied to executables--constructors and methods.
METRICS_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.ComponentMetricsSettings.Builder
By convention, the config key within the component's config section containing metrics settings for the component.
METRICS_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
The config key containing settings for all of metrics.
MetricsCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.metrics
MetricsCdiExtension class.
MetricsCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricsCdiExtension
Creates a new extension instance.
MetricsConfigurer - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics
A AnnotatedServiceConfigurer that adds a gRPC metrics interceptor to an annotated gRPC service.
MetricsConfigurer() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics.MetricsConfigurer
metricsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Enagle metrics.
metricsSettings(MetricsSettings.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport.Builder
metricsSettings(MetricsSettings.Builder) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport.Builder
Assigns MetricsSettings which will be used in creating the MetricsSupport instance at build-time.
MetricsSettings - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Settings which control behavior for metrics overall.
MetricsSettings.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Builder for MetricsSettings.
MetricsSupport - Class in io.helidon.metrics
Support for metrics for Helidon Web Server.
MetricsSupport - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi
Behavior for supporting metrics for the Helidon Web Server.
MetricsSupport(MetricsSettings, RestServiceSettings) - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Creates a new MetricsSupport instance from the provides settings.
MetricsSupport(MetricsSupport.Builder) - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Creates a new MetricsSupport instance from the provided builder.
MetricsSupport.Builder - Class in io.helidon.metrics
A fluent API builder to build instances of MetricsSupport.
MetricsSupport.Builder<B extends MetricsSupport.Builder<B,T>,T extends MetricsSupport> - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi
Builder for MetricsSupport.
MetricsSupportProvider<B extends MetricsSupport.Builder<B,T>,T extends MetricsSupport> - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.spi
Provider behavior for MetricsSupport.Builder instances (and, indirectly, for MetricsSupport instances).
MetricsSupportProviderImpl - Class in io.helidon.metrics
Provider which furnishes a builder for MetricsSupport instances.
MetricsSupportProviderImpl() - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupportProviderImpl
metricType() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
Obtain the MetricType.
MicrometerCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi
CDI extension for handling Micrometer artifacts.
MicrometerCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi.MicrometerCdiExtension
Creates new extension instance.
MicrometerSupport - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micrometer
Implements simple Micrometer support.
MicrometerSupport.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micrometer
Fluid builder for MicrometerSupport objects.
MicronautCdiException - Exception in io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi
Exception thrown by Micronaut CDI integration, when a checked exception must be consumed.
MicronautCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi
Extension integrating CDI with Micronaut.
MicronautCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.MicronautCdiExtension
MicronautDataCdiExtension - Class in
CDI Extension that adds Micronaut data specific features.
MicronautDataCdiExtension() - Constructor for class
MicronautIntercepted - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi
Used to add interceptors to existing CDI beans to be intercepted by Micronaut interceptors.
MicronautIntercepted.Literal - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi
Literal used to obtain an instance of the annotation.
MicronautInterceptor - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi
A CDI interceptor that invokes all Micronaut interceptors.
MicrostreamCache - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi
Creates a cache based upon the Microstream JCache implementation.
MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder<K,V> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache
Builder for Microstream-CacheConfigurations.
MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder(Configuration, Class<K>, Class<V>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
MicrostreamHealthCheck - Class in
Microstream health check.
MicrostreamHealthCheck.Builder - Class in
Builder for MicrostreamHealthCheck.
MicrostreamMetricsSupport - Class in io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics
Helper class that provides the default metrics for an Microstream EmbeddedStorageManager.
MicrostreamMetricsSupport.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics
A fluent API builder to build instances of MetricsSupport.
MicrostreamStorage - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi
Qualifier annotation for Microstream EmbeddedStorageManager.
middleName() - Method in class
Middle name claim.
middleName(String) - Method in class
Middle name of subject.
min(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy.AdaptiveBuilder
Sets the minimal interval between tick events.
minDecryptionVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.UpdateKeyConfig.Request
Specifies the minimum version of ciphertext allowed to be decrypted.
minEncryptionVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.UpdateKeyConfig.Request
Specifies the minimum version of the key that can be used to encrypt plaintext, sign payloads, or generate HMACs.
MinimalMetricsSupport - Class in io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi
Minimal implementation of MetricsSupport.
MISSING - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.Config.Type
Config node does not exists.
MissingValueException - Exception in io.helidon.config
Exception representing a specific failures related to a missing configuration value.
MockConnector - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock
Helidon messaging mock connector for testing purposes.
MockConnector() - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockConnector
MockIncoming<P> - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock
Mock-able incoming channel connected to the mock connector.
MockOutgoing<P> - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock
Mock-able outgoing channel connected to the mock connector.
ModelHelper - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
Common model helper methods.
modelReader(String) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.SEOpenAPISupportBuilder
Sets the app-provided model reader class.
modificationDate() - Method in class
Get the value of the modification-date parameter that can be used to indicate the date at which the file was last modified.
modificationDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class
Set the content disposition modification-date parameter.
MongoDbClient - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
MongoDB driver handler.
MongoDbClientConfig - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
MongoDB Configuration parameters.
MongoDbClientProvider - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
Helidon DB Provider for mongoDB.
MongoDbClientProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProvider
MongoDbClientProviderBuilder - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
Builder for mongoDB database.
MongoDbColumn - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
Mongo specific column data and metadata.
MongoDbExecute - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
Execute implementation for MongoDB.
MongoDbRows<T> - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
Mongo specific execution result containing result set with multiple rows.
MongoDbStatementDml - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
DML statement for MongoDB.
MongoDbStatementGet - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
Statement for GET operation in mongoDB.
MongoDbTransaction - Class in io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb
Transaction execute implementation for MongoDB.
monitoringClient(Monitoring) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets the Monitoring client instance to use in sending metrics to OCI.
MOVED_PERMANENTLY_301 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
301 Moved Permanently, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
moveToCurrentRow() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
moveToInsertRow() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
MP - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.HelidonFlavor
The "MicroProfile" flavor.
MpConfig - Class in
Utilities for Helidon MicroProfile Config implementation.
MpConfigFilter - Interface in
Filtering support for MicroProfile config implementation.
MpConfigProviderResolver - Class in
Integration with microprofile config.
MpConfigProviderResolver() - Constructor for class
MpConfigSourceProvider - Interface in
Java Service loader interface for MP ConfigSource Providers that adds configuration profile support.
MpConfigSources - Class in
Utilities for MicroProfile Config ConfigSource.
MpEncryptionFilter - Class in io.helidon.config.encryption
Provides possibility to decrypt passwords from configuration sources.
MpEncryptionFilter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.encryption.MpEncryptionFilter
MpException - Exception in io.helidon.microprofile.server
A generic Microprofile runtime exception.
MpMetaConfigProvider - Interface in
Java Service loader interface for Meta-config providers.
MpMetaConfigUtils - Class in
Utilities for Helidon MicroProfile Meta-Config implementation.
MPOpenAPIBuilder - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.openapi
Fluent builder for OpenAPISupport in Helidon MP.
MPOpenAPIBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.openapi.MPOpenAPIBuilder
MpRestClientListener - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.restclient
A client listener that wraps executor service with Contexts.wrap(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService).
MpRestClientListener() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.restclient.MpRestClientListener
MpTracingAutoDiscoverable - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
Registers the MpTracingContextFilter to support propagation of information from server runtime to client runtime.
MpTracingAutoDiscoverable() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingAutoDiscoverable
MpTracingClientRegistrar - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
Microprofile client tracing registrar.
MpTracingClientRegistrar() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingClientRegistrar
MpTracingContextFilter - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
Automatically registered filter that stores required information in thread local, to allow outbound clients to get all context.
MpTracingContextFilter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingContextFilter
MpTracingFilter - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
Adds tracing of Jersey calls using a post-matching filter.
MpTracingFilter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingFilter
MpTracingInterceptor - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
Interceptor for Traced annotation.
MpTracingInterceptor() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingInterceptor
MpTracingRestClientFilter - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
Filter to handle REST client specifics.
MpTracingRestClientFilter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingRestClientFilter
MpTracingRestClientListener - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
Tracing extension for Rest Client.
MpTracingRestClientListener() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingRestClientListener
MtCacheKey(IdcsMtContext, String) - Constructor for class
New (immutable) cache key.
MtCacheKey(IdcsMtContext, String) - Constructor for class
New (immutable) cache key.
MtCacheKey(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
New (immutable) cache key.
MtCacheKey(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
New (immutable) cache key.
Multi<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common.reactive
Represents a Flow.Publisher emitting zero or more items, optionally followed by an error or completion.
multiFromByteChannel(ReadableByteChannel) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Creates a multi that reads data from the provided byte channel.
multiFromByteChannelBuilder(ReadableByteChannel) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Creates a builder of Multi from provided ReadableByteChannel.
MultiFromOutputStream - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
please use OutputStreamMulti instead
MultiFromOutputStream() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiFromOutputStream
Create new output stream that Flow.Publisher publishes any data written to it as ByteBuffer events.
multiFromStream(InputStream) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Create a Multi instance that publishes ByteBuffers from the given InputStream.
multiFromStreamBuilder(InputStream) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Creates a builder of the Multi from supplied InputStream.
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing multipart/form-data media type.
MultiPartBodyWriter - Class in
MultiPartDecoder - Class in
Reactive processor that decodes HTTP payload as a stream of BodyPart.
MultiPartDecoder.DataChunkPublisher - Class in
Inner publisher that publishes the body part as DataChunk.
MultiPartEncoder - Class in
Reactive processor that encodes a stream of BodyPart into an HTTP payload.
MultiPartSupport - Class in
Multipart media support.
MultiTappedPublisher<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Intercept the calls to the various Flow interface methods and calls the appropriate user callbacks.
MultiTappedPublisher.Builder<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Multi tapped publisher builder to register custom callbacks.
multitenancyEndpoints() - Method in class
Get the IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.MultitenancyEndpoints used to get assertion and token endpoints of a multitenant IDCS.
multitenancyEndpoints() - Method in class
Get the IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.MultitenancyEndpoints used to get assertion and token endpoints of a multitenant IDCS.
multitenantEndpoints(IdcsMtRoleMapperProvider.MultitenancyEndpoints) - Method in class
Replace default endpoint provider in multitenant IDCS setup.
multitenantEndpoints(IdcsMtRoleMapperRxProvider.MultitenancyEndpoints) - Method in class
Replace default endpoint provider in multitenant IDCS setup.
multiToByteChannel(WritableByteChannel) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Creates function consuming Multi<ByteBuffer> to supplied WritableByteChannel.
multiToByteChannelBuilder(WritableByteChannel) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Creates function consuming Multi<ByteBuffer> to supplied WritableByteChannel.
MUST_FAIL - Enum constant in enum class
Provider must fail.
MutabilitySupport - Class in io.helidon.config
Mutability support for file based sources.
MySqlConfigureRequest - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Request to configure MySQL database.
MySqlConfigureRequest(String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.MySqlConfigureRequest


NackHandler<M extends Message<?>> - Interface in io.helidon.messaging
Nack handler for interface for messages connectors.
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Http.RequestMethod
Get method name.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie
Gets cookie's name.
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Key
Returns the name of Config node.
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns the last token of the fully-qualified key for the Config node.
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Returns the last token of the fully-qualified key for the originating Config node.
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbColumn
Column name.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProvider
name() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProvider
name() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbColumn
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProvider
Name of this provider.
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.FtHandler
A name assigned to a handler for debugging, error reporting or configuration purposes.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor
Returns the simple name of the method.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
name() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
Obtain the service name.
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Obtain the name fo the service this configuration configures.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerBasicConfig
Get the server name.
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Get the server name.
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcService
Obtain the name of this service.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor
Return the name of the method.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
name() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
Return service name.
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Obtain the name fo the service this configuration configures.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cdi.MicrostreamCache
Specifies the cache name.
name() - Method in interface
since 3.1.2, this method will be updated to return Optional<String> in future releases, use headers().contentDisposition().name() instead.
name() - Method in class
Get the value of the name parameter.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Channel
Channel name, used to pair configuration of connectors vs.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcChannel.Literal
name() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.client.GrpcChannel
The name of the configured channel or gRPC server host.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Bidirectional
Obtain the name of the method.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreaming
Obtain the name of the method.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Grpc.Literal
name() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Grpc
Obtain the service name.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.GrpcMethod
Obtain the name of the method.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreaming
Obtain the name of the method.
name() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Unary
Obtain the name of the method.
name() - Method in class
Name of this parameter.
name() - Method in class
Name of this target.
name() - Method in interface
Name of the tenant.
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.Traceable
Name of this traceable unit.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
The manager name.
name() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase
name() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig
name() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Name of this socket.
name(MethodDescriptor<?, ?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTracingName
Constructs a span's operation name from the gRPC method.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Name of this thread pool executor.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources.SystemPropertiesConfigSource.Builder
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource.MapBuilder
Name of this source.
name(String) - Method in class
Customized name of the health check.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricBuilder
Configure a metric name.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Builder
A name assigned for debugging, error reporting or configuration purposes.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
A name assigned for debugging, error reporting or configuration purposes.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
A name assigned for debugging, error reporting or configuration purposes.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Timeout.Builder
A name assigned for debugging, error reporting or configuration purposes.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
name(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Set the name for the service.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Set the name of the gRPC server.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
name(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Set the name for the service.
name(String) - Method in class
Customized name of the health check.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbConfigure.Request
Name of the credentials.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCreateRole.Request
Name of the credentials.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbDelete.Request
Name of the credentials.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbDeleteRole.Request
Name of the credentials.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbGet.Request
Name of the credentials.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.CreateKey.Request
Specifies the name of the encryption key to create.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DeleteKey.Request
Specifies the name of the encryption key to create.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.UpdateKeyConfig.Request
Specifies the name of the encryption key to create.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.CreatePolicy.Request
Policy name.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DeletePolicy.Request
Name of the policy to delete.
name(String) - Method in class
Set the content disposition name parameter.
name(String) - Method in class
Name which will be used in ContentDisposition.
name(String) - Method in class
Name which will be used in ContentDisposition.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Channel.Builder
Channel name, used to pair configuration of connectors vs.
name(String) - Method in class
Name of this provider to use for explicit provider configuration.
name(String) - Method in class
Name of this grant.
name(String) - Method in class
Principal name.
name(String) - Method in class
Configure the name of this outbound target.
name(String) - Method in class
Name of the tenant.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
Sets the name to be used for the CORS support instance.
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig.Builder
Sets the name for the CORS-enabled component or app (primarily for logging).
name(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
Configure a socket name, to bind named routings to.
NAMED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.common.ParamType
Named values to be passed to the statement by name.
NAMED_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Select in case factory is injected as a named bean or configured with name.
namedDelete(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute delete statement using a statement defined in the configuration file.
namedDml(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute a data modification statement using a statement defined in the configuration file.
namedFactory(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
To select from manually configured ConnectionFactories over JmsConnectorBuilder#connectionFactory().
namedGet(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute a database query using a statement defined in the configuration file.
namedInsert(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute insert statement using a statement defined in the configuration file.
namedParam(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
namedParam(Object) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatement
Configure parameters using Object instance with registered mapper.
namedParam(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementGet
namedParameters() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Named parameters (if used).
namedParams() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Get the named parameters of this statement.
NamedProvider<T extends SecurityProvider> - Class in
A wrapper for a named security provider.
namedQuery(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute a database query using a statement defined in the configuration file.
namedSocket(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
A socket configuration of an additional named server socket.
namedUpdate(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute update statement using a statement defined in the configuration file.
nameFormat(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricBuilder
Configure a name format.
nameFormat(BiFunction<String, DbStatementType, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricBuilder
Configure a name format function.
nameFormatter(OciMetricsSupport.NameFormatter) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets the OciMetricsSupport.NameFormatter to use in formatting metric names.
nameFunction(GrpcMetrics.NamingFunction) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
Set the GrpcMetrics.NamingFunction to use to generate the metric name.
nameResolverFactory() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor
nameResolverFactory(NameResolver.Factory) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder
namespace(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets the namespace.
nameStartsWith(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Get a new sub-list of methods containing all the methods from this method list with a specified method name prefix.
NarayanaClient - Class in io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana
Narayana LRA coordinator client.
NarayanaClient() - Constructor for class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana.NarayanaClient
NarayanaExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi
NarayanaExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.NarayanaExtension
Creates a new NarayanaExtension.
NarayanaTransactionServices - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jta.weld
A TransactionServices implementation that uses the Narayana transaction engine and does not use JNDI.
NarayanaTransactionServices() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jta.weld.NarayanaTransactionServices
Only intended for service loader, do not instantiate
nativeBuildTime(ClassLoader) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.HelidonFeatures
Will scan all features and log errors and warnings for features that have a native image limitation.
NativeImageHelper - Class in io.helidon.common
Utility for GraalVM native image.
nativeSQL(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
nativeSQL(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
ndJsonStreamWriter() - Static method in class
Return a default Jackson entity event stream writer.
ndJsonStreamWriter() - Static method in class
Return a default JSON-B entity event stream writer.
ndJsonStreamWriter() - Static method in class
Return a default JSON-P entity event stream writer.
ndJsonStreamWriter(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class
Create a new Jackson entity stream writer based on ObjectMapper instance.
ndJsonStreamWriter(Jsonb) - Static method in class
Create a new JSON-B entity stream writer based on Jsonb instance.
ndJsonStreamWriter(JsonWriterFactory) - Static method in class
Create a new JSON-P entity stream writer based on JsonWriterFactory instance.
ndJsonStreamWriterInstance() - Method in class
Return Jackson stream writer instance for MediaType.APPLICATION_X_NDJSON content type.
ndJsonStreamWriterInstance() - Method in class
Return JSON-B stream writer instance for MediaType.APPLICATION_X_NDJSON content type.
ndJsonStreamWriterInstance() - Method in class
Return JSON-P stream writer.
negate() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns a matcher that matches any character not matched by this matcher.
negate() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Return a predicate that represents the logical negation of this predicate.
Neo4j - Class in io.helidon.integrations.neo4j
Main entry point for Neo4j support for Helidon.
Neo4j.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.neo4j
Fluent API builder for Neo4j.
Neo4j.Builder.TrustStrategy - Enum Class in io.helidon.integrations.neo4j
Security trustStrategy.
Neo4jCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.neo4j
A CDI Extension for Neo4j support.
Neo4jCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4jCdiExtension
Neo4jException - Exception in io.helidon.integrations.neo4j
Helidon exception marking a problem with Neo4j integration setup or runtime.
Neo4jException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4jException
Neo4jException constructor with message.
Neo4jException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4jException
Neo4jException constructor with message and throwable.
Neo4jHealthCheck - Class in
Health support module for Neo4j.
Neo4jMetricsCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics
CDI Extension, instantiated by CDI.
Neo4jMetricsCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics.Neo4jMetricsCdiExtension
Neo4jMetricsSupport - Class in io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics
Neo4j helper class to support metrics.
Neo4jMetricsSupport.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.metrics
Fluent API builder for Neo4jMetricsSupport.
never() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Get a Multi instance that never completes.
never() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Get a Single instance that never completes.
newFile() - Method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.TemporaryFolderExt
Creates a new temporary file with a generated unique name.
newFile(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.TemporaryFolderExt
Creates a new temporary file with the specified name.
newFolder() - Method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.TemporaryFolderExt
Creates a new temporary folder with a unique generated name.
newFolder(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.TemporaryFolderExt
Creates a new temporary folder with the specified name.
newInstance() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ProtoReflectionService
Creates a instance of ProtoReflectionService.
NewInstance(Class<T>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Instance.NewInstance
newName() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig
When rename is desired, returns the new name.
newName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig.Builder
Configure a new name of this span.
next() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
next() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter
Processes the next handler/filter/request processor in the chain.
next() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Continue request processing on the next registered handler.
next(Throwable) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Continues or enters an error branch of a request processing.
nextDelay(int, long) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.RetrySchema
Returns a delay before next read if the last one poll did not get new data.
nextDelayMillis(long, long, int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy
nextDelayMillis(long, long, int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy
nextDelayMillis(long, long, int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy
nextDelayMillis(long, long, int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.JitterRetryPolicy
nextDelayMillis(long, long, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.RetryPolicy
Return next delay in milliseconds, or an empty optional to finish retries.
nickname() - Method in class
Nickname claim.
nickname(String) - Method in class
Nickname of the subject.
NO_CACHING - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse.CachingStrategy
Discourage caching.
NO_CONTENT_204 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
204 No Content, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
NO_OP - Static variable in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Context
No-op implementation of Context.
NO_OP - Static variable in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Metrics
No-op implementation of Metrics.
noCache() - Static method in interface
Create a new cache that is not a cache (e.g.
node(ConfigNode.ObjectNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.NodeContent.Builder
Node with the configuration of this content.
node(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigSourceRuntime
Get a single config node based on the key.
node(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.LazyConfigSource
Provide a value for the node on the requested key.
node(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleLazyConfigSource
NodeConfigSource - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
An eager source that can read all data from the underlying origin as a configuration node.
noDefaultPolicy(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
If configured to true, the default policy will not be contained in this token's policy set.
noDelay(int) - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy
Create a retry policy with no delays and with the specified number of calls.
nodeType() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ListNode
nodeType() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode
Get the type of this node.
nodeType() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode
nodeType() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ValueNode
noDigestQop() - Method in class
Do not use qop in challenge (will fallback to legacy RFC-2069 instead of RFC-2617.
noEntityOkResponse(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, ApiResponse.Builder<?, T>) - Method in class
Create a response for no entity.
NON_LOCAL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
If true then any messages published to the topic using this session's connection, or any other connection with the same client identifier, will not be added to the durable subscription.
nonce() - Method in class
Nonce claim.
nonce(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Decrypt.Request
Specifies a base64 encoded nonce value used during encryption.
nonce(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.DecryptBatch.BatchEntry
Configure nonce.
nonce(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Request
Specifies the nonce value.
nonce(Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.EncryptBatch.BatchEntry
Configure nonce.
nonce(String) - Method in class
Nonce value is used to prevent replay attacks and must be returned if it was sent in authentication request.
none() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Matches no character.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.SameSite
Cookies will be sent in all contexts, i.e.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.TraceOption
No deserialization tracing done.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder.AutoOffsetReset
Throw exception to the consumer if no previous offset is found for the consumer's group.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
Legacy approach - used internally to parse headers.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
The Client does not authenticate itself at the Token Endpoint, either because it uses only the Implicit Flow (and so does not use the Token Endpoint) or because it is a Public Client with no Client Secret or other authentication mechanism.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webclient.DnsResolverType
No DNS resolver.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.ProxyType
No proxy.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.ClientAuthentication
Authentication is not required.
NONE_JWK - Static variable in class
A jwk with no fields filled and Jwk.ALG_NONE algorithm.
noneOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns a char matcher that matches any character not present in the given character sequence.
noop() - Static method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders
Create new noop instance, always returns same instance of empty map.
noOp() - Static method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Tracer
Create a no-op tracer.
nop() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.PollingStrategies
Provides a default polling strategy that does not fire an event at all.
noPad() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry.Builder
Apply no padding on the output.
noParent(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
This argument only has effect if used by a root or sudo caller.
noProvider(Class<? extends SecurityProvider>) - Method in class
Check whether any provider is configured.
noProxy() - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy
A Proxy instance that does not proxy requests.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse.CachingStrategy
Normal cache control: permit caching but prohibit transforming the content.
normalize(CharMatcher, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.Tokenizer
Verify that the given token matches the specified matcher and return a lower case only token string.
noStore(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
If set, certificates issued/signed against this role will not be stored in the storage backend.
NOT_ACCEPTABLE_406 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
406 Not Acceptable, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogEntry
If an entry is not available, use this string as the result.
NOT_FOUND_404 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
404 Not Found, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED_501 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
501 Not Implemented, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
NOT_MODIFIED_304 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
304 Not Modified, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class
Requested type not supported.
notBefore() - Method in class
Not before claim.
notBefore(Instant) - Method in class
The not before time defines the time that this JWT starts being valid.
notBeforeDuration(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies the duration by which to backdate the NotBefore property.
notBeforeSeconds(int) - Method in class
Allowed validity before issue time.
NotFoundException - Exception in io.helidon.webserver
A runtime exception indicating a not found.
NotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.NotFoundException
NotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.NotFoundException
NoVaultAuth - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common
Java Service Loader implementation for creating an unauthenticated Vault instance.
NoVaultAuth() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common.NoVaultAuth
Required for service loader.
nullPlusNonNullIsNull() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
nullsAreSortedAtEnd() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
nullsAreSortedAtStart() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
nullsAreSortedHigh() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
nullsAreSortedLow() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
numberOfIterations(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher.Builder
Number of iterations which will be used for key derivation from the password.
numUses(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
The maximum uses for the given token.


object(Object) - Method in class
Put object to this request.
object(String, Object) - Method in class
Bind object to a specific name.
object(String, Supplier<Object>) - Method in class
Bind object supplier to a specific name.
object(Supplier<Object>) - Method in class
Put object supplier to this request.
OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.Config.Type
Config node is an object of named members (values, lists or other objects).
OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.NodeType
An object (complex structure), optionally may have a value.
ObjectConfigMapperProvider - Class in io.helidon.config.objectmapping
Java beans support for configuration.
ObjectConfigMapperProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.objectmapping.ObjectConfigMapperProvider
ObjectNodeBuilderImpl - Class in io.helidon.config
ObjectNodeBuilderImpl(Function<String, String>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
Initialize object builder.
ObjectNodeImpl - Class in io.helidon.config
observeManagedBeans(ProcessManagedBean<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Observes all managed beans but immediately dismisses ones for which the Java class was not previously noted by the ProcessAnnotatedType observer (which recorded only classes with selected annotations).
observeOn(Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Re-emit the upstream's signals to the downstream on the given executor's thread using a default buffer size of 32 and errors skipping ahead of items.
observeOn(Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Re-emit the upstream's signals to the downstream on the given executor's thread.
observeOn(Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Re-emit the upstream's signals to the downstream on the given executor's thread.
observeOn(Executor, int, boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Re-emit the upstream's signals to the downstream on the given executor's thread.
ociAuthenticationProvider() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciExtension
The supplier for the globally configured OCI authentication provider.
OciAvailability - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime
Provides a convenient contract for checking whether the current runtime environment is running on/inside an OCI compute node.
OciCertificatesDownloader - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi
The contract used for downloading certificates from OCI.
OciCertificatesDownloader.Certificates - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi
Represents the certificate chain as well as the version identifier of the downloaded certificates.
OciCertificatesTlsManager - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
The OCI Certificates contract of TlsManager.
OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
Blueprint configuration for OciCertificatesTlsManager.
OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
Fluent API builder for OciCertificatesTlsManager.
OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER extends OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER,PROTOTYPE>,PROTOTYPE extends OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
Fluent API builder base for OciCertificatesTlsManager.
OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations.
OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl(OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
Create an instance providing a builder.
ociConfig() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciExtension
Returns the global OciConfig bean that is currently defined in the bootstrap environment.
OciConfig - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime
Configuration used by OciAuthenticationDetailsProvider.
OciConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime
Fluent API builder for OciConfig.
OciConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER extends OciConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER,PROTOTYPE>,PROTOTYPE extends OciConfig> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime
Fluent API builder base for OciConfig.
OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime
Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations.
OciConfigImpl(OciConfig.BuilderBase<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
Create an instance providing a builder.
OciExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.cdi
A CDI 3.0 portable extension that enables the injection of any service interface, service client, service client builder, asynchronous service interface, asynchronous service client, or asynchronous service client builder from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Java SDK.
OciExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime
This class enables configuration access for integration to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Java SDK.
OciExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.cdi.OciExtension
For ServiceLoader use only.
OciMetricsBean - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.cdi
OCI metrics integration CDI extension.
OciMetricsBean() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.cdi.OciMetricsBean
OciMetricsCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.cdi
OCI metrics integration CDI extension.
OciMetricsCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.cdi.OciMetricsCdiExtension
OciMetricsSupport - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics
OCI Metrics Support
OciMetricsSupport.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics
Fluent API builder to create OciMetricsSupport.
OciMetricsSupport.NameFormatter - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics
Prescribes behavior for formatting metric names for use by OCI.
OciPrivateKeyDownloader - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi
The contract used for downloading private keys from OCI.
OciSecretsConfigSourceProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource
A ConfigSourceProvider that creates ConfigSource implementations that interact with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault APIs.
OciSecretsConfigSourceProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.OciSecretsConfigSourceProvider
For use by ServiceLoader only.
OciSecretsMpMetaConfigProvider - Class in
An MpMetaConfigProvider that uses the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault APIs to provide a ConfigSource implementation.
OciSecretsMpMetaConfigProvider() - Constructor for class
For use by the Helidon Config subsystem only.
of(int) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus.Family
Get the family for the response status code.
of(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractNodeBuilderImpl.MergingKey
Creates instance of Key parsed from string representation.
of(K, V) - Static method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaMessage
Create a message with the given payload and ack function.
of(K, V, Supplier<CompletionStage<Void>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaMessage
Create a message with the given payload and ack function.
of(PAYLOAD) - Static method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Create a JmsMessage with the given payload.
of(PAYLOAD, Supplier<CompletionStage<Void>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage
Create a JmsMessage with the given payload and ack function.
of(T) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
of(T...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
of(V) - Static method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaMessage
Create a message with the given payload and ack function.
of(V, Supplier<CompletionStage<Void>>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaMessage
Create a message with the given payload and ack function.
ofNullable(T) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactivePublisherFactory
OidcCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.oidc
Microprofile extension that brings support for Open ID Connect.
OidcCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.oidc.OidcCdiExtension
oidcConfig() - Method in class
Get the configuration to access IDCS instance.
oidcConfig() - Method in class
Access to OidcConfig so the field is not duplicated by classes that extend this provider.
oidcConfig() - Method in class
Get the configuration to access IDCS instance.
oidcConfig() - Method in class
Access to OidcConfig so the field is not duplicated by classes that extend this provider.
oidcConfig(OidcConfig) - Method in class
Use explicit OidcConfig instance, e.g.
oidcConfig(OidcConfig) - Method in class
Use explicit OidcConfig instance, e.g.
oidcConfig(OidcConfig) - Method in class
Configuration of OIDC (Open ID Connect).
OidcConfig - Class in
Configuration of OIDC usable from all resources that utilize OIDC specification, such as security provider, web server extension and IDCS connectivity.
OidcConfig.Builder - Class in
A fluent API Builder to build instances of OidcConfig.
OidcConfig.ClientAuthentication - Enum Class in
Client Authentication methods that are used by Clients to authenticate to the Authorization Server when using the Token Endpoint.
OidcConfig.RequestType - Enum Class in
Types of requests to identity provider.
OidcCookieHandler - Class in
Handler of cookies used in OIDC.
oidcMetadata() - Method in interface
OIDC metadata.
oidcMetadata() - Method in class
oidcMetadata(Resource) - Method in class
Resource configuration for OIDC Metadata containing endpoints to various identity services, as well as information about the identity server.
oidcMetadata(JsonObject) - Method in class
JsonObject with the OIDC Metadata.
oidcMetadataWellKnown(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, metadata will be loaded from default (well known) location, unless it is explicitly defined using oidc-metadata-resource.
OidcProvider - Class in
Open ID Connect authentication provider.
OidcProvider.Builder - Class in
Builder for OidcProvider.
OidcProviderService - Class in
Java service to create OIDC provider instance.
OidcProviderService() - Constructor for class
OidcSupport - Class in
OIDC integration requires web resources to be exposed through a web server.
OidcSupport.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for OidcSupport.
ok() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.ResponseAdapter
Returns a response with only the headers that were set on this adapter and the status set to OK.
OK - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Status
The span was successful.
OK_200 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
okSeverity() - Element in annotation interface
Severity of request with successful response (in http, this would be 1** 2** and 3** statuses).
onAbort(Consumer<? super Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Callback executed when this Publisher fails or is cancelled in a way that the entity performing emit() may be unaware of.
onAck(Supplier<CompletionStage<Void>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Callback invoked when message is acknowledged.
onCancel(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionSingle
onCancel(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Executed when cancel signal from downstream arrive.
onCancel(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Executes given Runnable when a cancel signal is received.
onCancel(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher
onCancel(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Executes given Runnable when a cancel signal is received.
onCancel(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Executes given Runnable when a cancel signal is received.
onCancel(String) - Method in class
onCancel(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingChannelProcessor
Listener for the cancel coming from the downstream.
onCancelCallback(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher.Builder
On cancel callback.
onChange(BiConsumer<String, ConfigNode>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigSourceRuntime
Change support for a runtime.
onChange(BiConsumer<String, ConfigNode>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.PrefixedConfigSource
onChange(BiConsumer<String, ConfigNode>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.EventConfigSource
Register a change listener.
onChange(Consumer<Config>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Register a Consumer that is invoked each time a change occurs on whole Config or on a particular Config node.
onChange(Consumer<String>) - Method in interface
Register a change listener.
onCleanup(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Callback executed to clean up the buffer, when the Publisher terminates without passing ownership of buffered items to anyone (fail, completeNow, or the Subscription is cancelled).
onClose() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
Called by the ConditionallyCloseableConnection.close() method to perform work after an actual close operation has completed.
onComplete() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.SequentialSubscriber
onComplete() - Method in class
onComplete() - Method in class
onComplete() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber
onComplete() - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.FileSubscriber
onComplete() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareResponse
Response should be flushed and closed.
onComplete(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Executes given Runnable when onComplete signal is received.
onComplete(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher
onComplete(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Executes given Runnable when onComplete signal is received.
onComplete(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Executes given Runnable when onComplete signal is received.
onComplete(String) - Method in class
onComplete(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingChannelProcessor
Listener for the onComplete signal coming from the upstream.
onCompleteCallback(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher.Builder
On complete callback.
onCompleted() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient.SingleValueStreamObserver
onCompleted() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.LambdaStreamObserver
onCompleted() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.SafeStreamObserver
onCompleted() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.CollectingObserver
onCompleteResume(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Resume stream from single item if onComplete signal is intercepted.
onCompleteResume(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Resume stream from single item if onComplete signal is intercepted.
onCompleteResume(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Resume stream from single item if onComplete signal is intercepted.
onCompleteResumeWith(Flow.Publisher<? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onComplete signal is intercepted.
onCompleteResumeWith(Flow.Publisher<? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onComplete signal is intercepted.
onCompleteResumeWith(Flow.Publisher<? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onComplete signal is intercepted.
onCompleteResumeWithSingle(Function<Optional<T>, ? extends Single<? extends T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Resume stream with supplied single if onComplete signal is intercepted.
onCounterAdded(String, Counter) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.DropwizardMetricsListener
onCounterRemoved(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.DropwizardMetricsListener
onDiscovery(MetricAnnotationDiscovery) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.spi.MetricAnnotationDiscoveryObserver
Notifies the observer that a metric annotation has been discovered to apply to a constructor or method.
onEmit(Consumer<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Callback executed right after onNext is actually sent.
onEmpty(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.OptionalCompletionStage
Returns a new OptionalCompletionStage that, when this stage completes normally and returns null, executes the given action.
onError(String, Throwable) - Method in class
onError(String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingChannelProcessor
Listener for the onError event coming from the upstream.
onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.SequentialSubscriber
onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient.SingleValueStreamObserver
onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.LambdaStreamObserver
onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.SafeStreamObserver
onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.CollectingObserver
onError(Throwable) - Method in class
onError(Throwable) - Method in class
onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber
onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.FileSubscriber
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareResponse
Response should be flushed and closed.
onError(Consumer<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Executes given Runnable when onError signal is received.
onError(Consumer<? super Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher
onError(Consumer<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Executes given Consumer when onError signal is received.
onError(Consumer<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Executes given Runnable when onError signal is received.
onErrorCallback(Consumer<? super Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher.Builder
On error callback.
onErrorResume(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Function providing one item to be submitted as onNext in case of onError signal is received.
onErrorResume(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Function providing one item to be submitted as onNext in case of onError signal is received.
onErrorResume(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Function providing one item to be submitted as onNext in case of onError signal is received.
onErrorResumeWith(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onError signal is intercepted.
onErrorResumeWith(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onError signal is intercepted.
onErrorResumeWith(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onError signal is intercepted.
onErrorResumeWithSingle(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends Single<? extends T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onError signal is intercepted.
onEvent(MessageBodyContext.Event) - Method in interface
Handle a subscription event.
onException(ClientRequestContext, PostInvocationInterceptor.ExceptionContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingInterceptor
Upon encountering a client exception, and if there's an active span created by a tracing filter, finish the span.
onGaugeAdded(String, Gauge<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.DropwizardMetricsListener
onGaugeRemoved(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.DropwizardMetricsListener
onHistogramAdded(String, Histogram) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.DropwizardMetricsListener
onHistogramRemoved(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.DropwizardMetricsListener
onInit(String) - Method in class
onInit(String) - Method in class
onInit(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingChannelProcessor
Listener for the initial event before actual subscribing.
onMeterAdded(String, Meter) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.DropwizardMetricsListener
onMeterRemoved(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.DropwizardMetricsListener
onNewClient(Class<?>, RestClientBuilder) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.restclient.MpRestClientListener
onNewClient(Class<?>, RestClientBuilder) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingRestClientListener
onNewWebServer(Consumer<WebServer>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
onNewWebServer(Consumer<WebServer>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Registers callback on created new WebServer instance with this routing.
onNext(DataChunk) - Method in class
onNext(DataChunk) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.FileSubscriber
onNext(DataChunk) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareResponse
Provided ByteBuffer MUST be fully read during the method call.
onNext(WriteableBodyPart) - Method in class
onNext(Message<V>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber
onNext(T) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.SequentialSubscriber
onNext(T) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient.SingleValueStreamObserver
onNext(T) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.SafeStreamObserver
onNext(V) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.LambdaStreamObserver
onNext(V) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.CollectingObserver
onNextCallback(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher.Builder
On next callback.
onNoConfig(SerializationConfig.Action) - Method in class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Builder
What action to do in case of no configuration of the global filter.
onRegistration(MetricAnnotationDiscovery, Metadata, MetricID, Metric) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetricRegistrationObserver
onRegistration(MetricAnnotationDiscovery, Metadata, MetricID, Metric) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.spi.MetricRegistrationObserver
Notifies the observer that a metric has been registered due to a metric annotation that applies to an executable.
onRequest(String, long) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingChannelProcessor
Listener for the request coming from the downstream.
onRequest(BiConsumer<Long, Long>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
Callback executed when request signal from downstream arrive.
onRequest(BiConsumer<Long, Long>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
Callback executed when request signal from downstream arrive.
onRequest(BiConsumer<Long, Long>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.OutputStreamMultiBuilder
Callback executed when request signal from downstream arrive.
onRequest(BiConsumer<Long, Long>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiFromOutputStream
Callback executed when request signal from downstream arrive.
onRequestCallback(LongConsumer) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher.Builder
On request callback.
onRequestCompleted(boolean, long) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Metrics
Invoked when processing on a request has finished.
onRequestReceived() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Metrics
Invoked when a request has been received.
onRequestStarted() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Metrics
Invoked when processing on a request has been started.
onShutdown() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
onShutdown() - Method in class
Logic to run when the service is shut down.
onSubscribe(String, Subscriber<Message<?>>, Subscription) - Method in class
onSubscribe(String, Subscriber<Message<?>>, Subscription) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.MessagingChannelProcessor
Listener for the onSubscribe signal coming from the upstream.
onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.SequentialSubscriber
onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription) - Method in class
onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription) - Method in class
onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.FileSubscriber
onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareResponse
Each response is subscribed up to a single publisher and AFTER BareResponse.writeStatusAndHeaders(Http.ResponseStatus, Map) method is called and returned.
onSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber
onSubscribeCallback(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher.Builder
Subscription callback.
onTerminate(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Executes given Runnable when any of signals onComplete, onCancel or onError is received.
onTerminate(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher
onTerminate(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Executes given Runnable when any of signals onComplete, onCancel or onError is received.
onTerminate(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Executes given Runnable when any of signals onComplete, onCancel or onError is received.
onTimerAdded(String, Timer) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.DropwizardMetricsListener
onTimerRemoved(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.DropwizardMetricsListener
onValue(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.OptionalCompletionStage
Returns a new OptionalCompletionStage that, when this stage completes normally and returns non-null, is executed with this stage's result as the argument to the supplied action.
onWrongConfig(SerializationConfig.Action) - Method in class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Builder
What action to do in case of wrong configuration of the global filter.
OPEN - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.State
Circuit is open and all requests fail with CircuitBreakerOpenException.
OPENAPI_UI_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Config prefix within the "openapi" section containing UI settings.
OpenApiCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.openapi
Portable extension to allow construction of a Jandex index (to pass to SmallRye OpenAPI) from CDI if no META-INF/jandex.idx file exists on the class path.
OpenApiCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.openapi.OpenApiCdiExtension
Creates a new instance of the index builder.
openAPIConfig() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.openapi.MPOpenAPIBuilder
openAPIConfig() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport.Builder
Returns the smallrye OpenApiConfig instance describing the set-up that will govern the smallrye OpenAPI behavior.
openAPIConfig() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.SEOpenAPISupportBuilder
OpenAPISupport - Class in io.helidon.openapi
Provides an endpoint and supporting logic for returning an OpenAPI document that describes the endpoints handled by the server.
OpenAPISupport(OpenAPISupport.Builder<?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport
Creates a new instance of OpenAPISupport.
OpenAPISupport.Builder<B extends OpenAPISupport.Builder<B>> - Class in io.helidon.openapi
Fluent API builder for OpenAPISupport.
openApiSupportWebContext() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase.Builder
openApiSupportWebContext(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Assigns the web context the OpenAPISupport instance uses.
openApiSupportWebContext(String) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase.Builder
OpenApiUi - Interface in io.helidon.openapi
Behavior for OpenAPI UI implementations.
OpenApiUi.Builder<B extends OpenApiUi.Builder<B,T>,T extends OpenApiUi> - Interface in io.helidon.openapi
Builder for an OpenApiUi.
OpenApiUiBase - Class in io.helidon.openapi
Common base class for implementations of @link OpenApiUi}.
OpenApiUiBase(OpenApiUiBase.Builder<?, ?>, Function<MediaType, String>, String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase
Creates a new UI implementation from the specified builder and document preparer.
OpenApiUiBase.Builder<B extends OpenApiUiBase.Builder<B,T>,T extends OpenApiUi> - Class in io.helidon.openapi
Common base builder implementation for creating a new OpenApiUi.
OpenApiUiFactory<B extends OpenApiUi.Builder<B,T>,T extends OpenApiUi> - Interface in io.helidon.openapi
Behavior for factories able to provide new builders of OpenApiUi instances.
OpenApiUiFactoryFull - Class in io.helidon.integrations.openapi.ui
Implementation of the OpenApiUiFactory contract for a full implementation of OpenApiUi.
OpenApiUiFactoryFull() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.openapi.ui.OpenApiUiFactoryFull
Creates a new instance of the factory for a full UI implementation.
OpenApiUiNoOpFactory - Class in io.helidon.openapi
Factory providing builders for OpenApiUiNoOp implementations.
OpenApiUiNoOpFactory() - Constructor for class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiNoOpFactory
OpenTelemetryTracerProvider - Class in io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry
Service loader provider implementation for TracerProvider.
OpenTelemetryTracerProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryTracerProvider
OpenTracing - Class in io.helidon.tracing.opentracing
Open Tracing factory methods to create wrappers for Open Tracing types.
OpenTracingProvider - Interface in io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.spi
Open Tracing SPI to include various tracers.
OpenTracingTracerBuilder<T extends OpenTracingTracerBuilder<T>> - Interface in io.helidon.tracing.opentracing
A builder for tracing tracer.
OpenTracingTracerProvider - Class in io.helidon.tracing.opentracing
ServiceLoader service implementation of TracerProvider for Open Tracing tracers.
OpenTracingTracerProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerProvider
OPERATION_DECRYPT - Static variable in class
Decrypt content and validate decryption, if applicable.
OPERATION_DERIVE_BITS - Static variable in class
Derive bits not to be used as a key.
OPERATION_DERIVE_KEY - Static variable in class
Derive key.
OPERATION_ENCRYPT - Static variable in class
Encrypt content.
OPERATION_SIGN - Static variable in class
Compute digital signature or MAC.
OPERATION_UNWRAP_KEY - Static variable in class
Decrypt key and validate decryption, if applicable.
OPERATION_VERIFY - Static variable in class
Verify digital signature or MAC.
OPERATION_WRAP_KEY - Static variable in class
Encrypt key.
operationNameConstructor() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig
operations() - Method in class
Permitted operations of this JWK.
operations(List<String>) - Method in class
Intended operations of this JWK.
operatorName() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher
optional() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSource
optional() - Method in class io.helidon.config.PrefixedConfigSource
optional() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.Source.Builder
Configure this source to be optional.
optional() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.Source
Whether this source is optional.
optional() - Element in annotation interface
If set to optional, authentication will be attempted, yet if it fails, we would still be called without authenticated user/service.
optional(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSourceBuilder
optional(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.Source.Builder
Whether the source is optional or not.
optional(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Whether authentication is required.
optional(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, this provider will return SecurityResponse.SecurityStatus.ABSTAIN instead of failing in case of invalid request.
optional(boolean) - Method in class
Whether authentication is required.
optional(boolean) - Method in class
Whether authentication is required.
optional(boolean) - Method in class
Whether authentication is required.
optional(boolean) - Method in class
Set whether the signature is optional.
optional(boolean) - Method in class
Whether authentication is required.
optional(boolean) - Method in class
Whether authentication is required.
optional(boolean) - Method in class
Set that security is optional.
OPTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class
Provider may succeed or abstain.
OPTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class
Security MAY be used (e.g.
OPTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.ClientAuthentication
Authentication is optional.
OptionalCompletionStage<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common.reactive
A completion stage that allows processing of cases when the element is present and when not.
optionalEmpty() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.OptionalMatcher
A matcher for an Optional that checks it is empty.
OptionalMatcher - Class in io.helidon.common.testing.junit5
Hamcrest matchers for Optional.
OptionalMatcher - Class in io.helidon.config.testing
Matchers for Optional.
optionalPresent() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.OptionalMatcher
A matcher for an Optional that checks it is present.
optionalSupplier() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Returns a Supplier of an Optional<T> of the configuration node.
optionalValue(Matcher<? super T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.OptionalMatcher
A matcher for an Optional that checks it is present, and that the value matches the provided matcher.
options() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase.Builder
options() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase
options() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a request builder for a options method.
options(Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
options(Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all OPTIONS requests to provided handler(s).
options(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
options(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes OPTIONS requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
options(String, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
options(String, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes OPTIONS requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
options(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Merges implementation-specific UI options.
options(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase.Builder
OPTIONS - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Method
The OPTIONS method represents a request for information about the communication options available on the request/response chain identified by the Request-URI.
OPTIONS_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Config key for implementation-dependent options settings.
or(CharMatcher) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.CharMatcher
Returns a matcher that matches any character matched by either this matcher or other.
or(Predicate<ServerRequest>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Returns a composed predicate that represents a logical OR expression between this predicate and another predicate.
or(Supplier<? extends Optional<T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
If the underlying Optional does not have a value, set it to the Optional produced by the supplying function.
OracleConfigureRequest - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database
Request to configure Oracle database.
OracleConfigureRequest(String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.OracleConfigureRequest
orElse(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Return the value if present, otherwise return other.
orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Return the value if present, otherwise invoke other and return the result of that invocation.
orElseThrow(Supplier<? extends X>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Return the contained value, if present, otherwise throw an exception to be created by the provided supplier.
origin() - Method in class
Origin of this grant - this may be an arbitrary string, URI, component creating it etc.
origin(String) - Method in class
Origin of this grant (e.g.
ORIGIN - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Origin" header name.
orphan() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenResponse
Whether the token is orphan (no parent).
orphan(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
If true, tokens created against this policy will be orphan tokens (they will have no parent).
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus.Family
Other, unrecognized HTTP status codes.
othersDeletesAreVisible(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
othersInsertsAreVisible(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
othersUpdatesAreVisible(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
otherwise(Handler) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate.ConditionalHandler
Set the Handler to use when the predicate does not match the request.
outbound(OutboundConfig) - Method in class
Add outbound targets to this builder.
OUTBOUND_SPAN_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfigUtil
Qualifier for outbound io.opentracing.SpanContext as registered with Context.
OUTBOUND_TYPE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface
Reserved event type prefix for outbound security (such as identity propagation) events.
outboundClientBuilder() - Method in interface
Outbound security client builder for programmatic outbound security used for identity propagation, identity mapping, encryption of outbound calls etc.
outboundConfig(OutboundConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Configuration of outbound rules.
outboundConfig(OutboundConfig) - Method in class
Outbound configuration - a set of outbound targets that will have the token propagated.
outboundConfig(OutboundConfig) - Method in class
Configuration of outbound rules.
outboundConfig(OutboundConfig) - Method in class
Configuration of outbound rules.
OutboundConfig - Class in
Configuration of outbound security targets.
OutboundConfig() - Constructor for class
OutboundConfig.Builder - Class in
OutboundConfig builder when not reading it from configuration.
outboundEndpointConfig(EndpointConfig) - Method in class
Configure outbound endpoint config (annotations, config, attributes etc.) for this outbound call.
outboundEndpointConfig(Supplier<EndpointConfig>) - Method in class
Configure outbound endpoint config (annotations, config, attributes etc.) for this outbound call.
outboundEnvironment(SecurityEnvironment) - Method in class
Configure outbound environment (path, headers, URI etc.) for this outbound call.
outboundEnvironment(Supplier<SecurityEnvironment>) - Method in class
Configure outbound environment (path, headers, URI etc.) for this outbound call.
outboundSecurity(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
outboundSecurity(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
outboundSecurity(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in interface
Creates necessary updates to headers and entity needed for outbound security (e.g.
outboundSecurity(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
Creates necessary updates to headers and entity needed for outbound security (e.g.
OutboundSecurityClientBuilder - Class in
Builder constructing a security client - extends the SecurityRequestBuilder for convenience.
OutboundSecurityProvider - Interface in
Security provider for securing client requests (outbound).
OutboundSecurityResponse - Class in
Response of outbound security provider.
OutboundSecurityResponse.Builder - Class in
Builder class to build custom identity propagation responses.
OutboundTarget - Class in
Configuration of outbound target.
OutboundTarget.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for OutboundTarget.
OutboundTargetDefinition - Class in
Configuration of outbound target to sign outgoing requests.
OutboundTargetDefinition.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder to build OutboundTargetDefinition instances.
outboundTokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Token handler to create outbound headers to propagate identity.
outboundTracing() - Method in class
Create a tracing span for outbound tracing.
OutboundTracing - Class in
Tracing support for outbound security.
outgoing(String, Class<P>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockConnector
Retrieve mocker for outgoing channel.
outputStreamMulti() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Create an OutputStream that provides the data written as a Multi.
OutputStreamMulti - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Output stream that Flow.Publisher publishes any data written to it as ByteBuffer events.
OutputStreamMulti() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.reactive.OutputStreamMulti
Create new output stream that Flow.Publisher publishes any data written to it as ByteBuffer events.
outputStreamMultiBuilder() - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Creates a builder of the OutputStream that provides data written as a Multi.
overallTimeout() - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy
Overall timeout.
overallTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
Configure record timeout since its creation.
overallTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder
Overall timeout.
overallTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
Overall timeout.
OverrideConfigFilter - Class in io.helidon.config
A config filter that replaces values with a new ones of keys that matching with Pattern.
OverrideConfigFilter(Supplier<List<Map.Entry<Predicate<Config.Key>, String>>>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.OverrideConfigFilter
Creates a filter with a given supplier of a map of key patterns to a override values.
overrideCoordinatorUriSupplier(Supplier<URI>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.lra.CoordinatorLocatorService
Override standard supplier for getting coordinator uri from config.
overrides(Supplier<? extends OverrideSource>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Sets source of a override source.
OverrideSource - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Source of config override settings.
OverrideSource.OverrideData - Class in io.helidon.config.spi
Group of config override settings.
OverrideSourceProvider - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Java service loader service to provide a override source based on meta configuration.
OverrideSources - Class in io.helidon.config
Class provides access to built-in OverrideSource implementations.
ownDeletesAreVisible(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
ownInsertsAreVisible(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
ownUpdatesAreVisible(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData


packageName() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
Returns package name from proto file.
pad(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry
Apply configured padding.
parallelismThreshold(long) - Method in class
Configure parallelism threshold.
param(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest.Path
Returns value of single parameter resolved from path pattern.
param(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathMatcher.Result
Get value for a given parameter of the associated path matcher.
PARAM_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for algorithm.
PARAM_CURVE - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for EC curve.
PARAM_EXP - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for private key exponent.
PARAM_FIRST_CRT_COEFF - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for private key First CRT Coefficient.
PARAM_FIRST_FACTOR_CRT_EXP - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for private key First Factor CRT Exponent.
PARAM_FIRST_PRIME_FACTOR - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for private key First Prime Factor.
PARAM_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class
Default name of the header we expect JWT in.
PARAM_KEY_ID - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for key id.
PARAM_KEY_TYPE - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for key type.
PARAM_OCTET_KEY - Static variable in class
Key value.
PARAM_OPERATIONS - Static variable in class
JWK parameters for permitted operations.
PARAM_OTHER_PRIMES - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for private key Other Primes Info.
PARAM_PRIVATE_KEY - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for private key.
PARAM_PUB_EXP - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for public key exponent.
PARAM_PUB_MODULUS - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for public key modulus.
PARAM_SECOND_FACTOR_CRT_EXP - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for private key Second Factor CRT Exponent.
PARAM_SECOND_PRIME_FACTOR - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for private key Second Prime Factor.
PARAM_USE - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for usage.
PARAM_X_COORDINATE - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for X coordinate.
PARAM_X509_CHAIN - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for X.509 certificate chain array.
PARAM_X509_CHAIN_URL - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for X.509 certificate chain URL.
PARAM_X509_SHA_1 - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for SHA 1 Thumbprint of X.509 certificate.
PARAM_X509_SHA_256 - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for SHA 256 Thumbprint of X.509 certificate.
PARAM_Y_COODRINATE - Static variable in class
JWK parameter for X coordinate.
parameter(String, String) - Method in class
Add a new content disposition header parameter.
parameterAnnotations() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get method parameter annotations.
parameters() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Getter for a read-only parameter map.
parameters() - Method in class
Get the parameters map.
parameters(List<Object>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Set new indexed parameters to be used.
parameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Set new named parameters to be used.
parameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType.Builder
Parameters of the media type.
Parameters - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
Parameters represents key : value pairs where key is a String with potentially multiple values.
parameterTypes() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get method parameter types.
paramName() - Method in class
Query parameter name.
paramName(String) - Method in class
Name of a query parameter that contains the JWT token when parameter is used.
params() - Method in interface
Parameters of this audit event, used in String.format(String, Object...) when creating the audit message.
params() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathMatcher.Result
Returns the values of parameters that were specified in the associated path template.
params(Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatement
Configure parameters from an array by order.
params(List<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
params(List<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatement
Configure parameters from a List by order.
params(List<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementGet
params(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
params(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatement
Configure named parameters.
params(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementGet
paramTenantName(String) - Method in class
Name of a query parameter that contains the tenant name when parameter is used.
paramType() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Type of parameters of this statement.
ParamType - Enum Class in io.helidon.dbclient.common
Type of statement parameters.
parent() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Key
Returns instance of Key that represents key of parent config node.
parent() - Method in class
Parent of this analysis.
parent(Context) - Method in class io.helidon.common.context.Context.Builder
Parent of the new context.
parent(SpanContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span.Builder
Parent span of the new span.
PARENT_CONTEXT_CLIENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Property sent with JAX-RS requests to override parent span context in outbound calls.
PARENT_CONTEXT_CLIENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Property sent with JAX-RS requests to override parent span context in outbound calls.
ParentingMediaContextBuilder<T> - Interface in
Builder of MediaContext that can be parented.
ParsableSource - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
An eager source that can read all data from the underlying origin as a stream that can be parsed based on its media type (or using an explicit ConfigParser.
ParsableSource.Builder<B extends ParsableSource.Builder<B>> - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
A builder for a parsable source.
parse(ConfigParser.Content) - Method in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParser
parse(ConfigParser.Content) - Method in class io.helidon.config.PropertiesConfigParser
parse(ConfigParser.Content) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser
parse(ConfigParser.Content) - Method in class io.helidon.config.yaml.YamlConfigParser
parse(ConfigParser.Content, Function<String, Optional<InputStream>>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParser
parse(ConfigParser.Content, Function<String, Optional<InputStream>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser
parse(InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.JsonbMarshaller
parse(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.DateTime
Parse provided text to ZonedDateTime using any possible date / time format specified by RFC2616 Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
parse(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Parses a media type from its string representation.
parse(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie
Parses new instance of SetCookie from the String representation.
parseJson(String, Errors.Collector, String, String) - Static method in class
parser() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractConfigSource
Config parser if one is configured to use for parsing content of ParsableSource.
parser() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
parser() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
parser() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
parser() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
parser() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ParsableSource
If a parser is configured with this source, return it.
parser() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
parser(ConfigParser) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractConfigSourceBuilder
A parser if this is a ParsableSource and explicit parser is configured.
parser(ConfigParser) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource.Builder
parser(ConfigParser) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
parser(ConfigParser) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource.Builder
parser(ConfigParser) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
parser(ConfigParser) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ParsableSource.Builder
Configure an explicit parser to be used with the source.
parser(ConfigParser) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource.Builder
parseRelaxed(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Parses a media type from its string representation in relaxed mode.
parserMapping(Function<Config.Key, Optional<ConfigParser>>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractConfigSourceBuilder
Sets a function that maps keys to a parser.
parseToken(JwtHeaders, String) - Static method in class
Parse a token received over network.
parseToken(JwtHeaders, String) - Static method in class
Parse a token received over network.
parseToken(String) - Static method in class
Parse a token received over network.
parseToken(String) - Static method in class
Parse a token to retrieve the JWT header.
parseToken(String) - Static method in class
Parse a token received over network.
PARTIAL_CONTENT_206 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
206 Reset Content, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
partialResultsException() - Method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.ExecutionContext
Retrieve partial results Throwable.
partialResultsException(Throwable) - Method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.ExecutionContext
Add a partial results Throwable.
Participant - Interface in io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client
Participant metadata needed by LRA coordinator.
passes(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFilterSettings
Reports whether a given metric name passes the filter.
password() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCredentials
Password of the database user.
password(char[]) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher.Builder
Set password upon which the cryptography key will be generated.
password(char[]) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.Builder
Sets a new password for the proxy.
password(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.ConnectionPool.Builder
Connection pool password.
password(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
password(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
password(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Set database connection p¨assword.
password(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Create password.
password(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbConfigure.Request
Specifies the password to use when connecting with the username.
password(String) - Method in class
Password used for creating JMS connection.
password(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
Password used for creating JMS connection.
PASSWORD_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Password used with ConnectionFactory.
PasswordKeyDerivation - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
Util class used for encryption key derivation from the password.
passwordPolicy(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbConfigure.Request
The name of the password policy to use when generating passwords for this database.
patch(Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
patch(Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all RFC 5789 PATCH requests to provided handler(s).
patch(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
patch(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes RFC 5789 PATCH requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
patch(String, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
patch(String, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes RFC 5789 PATCH requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
PATCH - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Method
The PATCH method as described in RFC 5789 is used to perform an update to an existing resource, where the request payload only has to contain the instructions on how to perform the update.
path() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest
Returns a path which was accepted by matcher in actual routing.
path() - Method in record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Returns the value of the path record component.
path() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder.GitEndpoint
Returns a relative path to the configuration file.
path() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.ListSecrets.Request
Path to read, may be empty for root (or secret engines that do not support path).
path() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Secret
Path of this secret.
path() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.GetCubbyhole.Response
path() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbGet.Response
path() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.GetKv1.Response
path() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.GetKv2.Response
path() - Method in class
Path to the resource.
path() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter
path() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig
Path this configuration should configure.
path(HttpRequest.Path) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Path of the request.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.Builder
Sets Path parameter.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
Configure path to use.
path(String) - Method in class
Path on the file system to find a file system.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleVaultAuth.Builder
Custom method path.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sVaultAuth.Builder
Custom method path.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.ListSecrets.Request
Configure the path to list, may be ignored by specific secret engines.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CreateCubbyhole.Request
Path of the secret.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityProvider.CubbyholeSecretConfig.Builder
Path of the secret on Vault's Cubbyhole secret provider.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.DeleteCubbyhole.Request
Path of the secret.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.GetCubbyhole.Request
Path of the secret.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.UpdateCubbyhole.Request
Path of the secret.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.CreateKv1.Request
Path of the secret to create.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.DeleteKv1.Request
Path of the secret to delete.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.GetKv1.Request
Path of the secret to get.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityProvider.Kv1SecretConfig.Builder
Path of the secret on Vault's KV1 secret provider.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.UpdateKv1.Request
Path of the secret to update.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.CreateKv2.Request
Secret path.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.DeleteAllKv2.Request
Path of the secret to delete.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.DeleteKv2.Request
Path of the secret to delete.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.DestroyKv2.Request
Path of the secret to destroy.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.GetKv2.Request
Path of the secret to get.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig.Builder
Path of the secret on Vault's KV2 secret provider.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.UndeleteKv2.Request
Path of the secret to undelete.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.UpdateKv2.Request
Path of the secret to update.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DisableAuth.Request
Path of an authentication method to disable.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DisableEngine.Request
Path of a secrets engine to disable.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
Specifies the path where the engine/method will be mounted.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusSupport.Builder
Sets path of the metrics resource, default is /metrics.
path(String) - Method in class
Path that is requested (such as URI for http, without protocol, server and port).
path(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Path of the request.
path(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Set the new path of the request.
path(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig.Builder
Path to register the traced configuration on.
path(Path) - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource.Builder
Configuration directory path.
path(Path) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource.Builder
Configure the path to read configuration from (mandatory).
path(Path) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource.Builder
Configure path to look for the source.
path(Path) - Method in class
Path on the file system to find a file system.
PATH - Static variable in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlConstants
Key for path.
pathMapper(Function<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.Builder
Map request path to resource path.
PathMatcher - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
URI Path Matcher.
PathMatcher.PrefixResult - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
The result of prefix matching a PathMatcher to a given URI path.
PathMatcher.Result - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
The result of matching a PathMatcher to a given URI path.
pathPattern() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
pathPattern(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
Updates the path prefix for this cross-origin config.
pathSuffix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
If set, tokens created against this role will have the given suffix as part of their path in addition to the role name.
PathTracingConfig - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Traced system configuration for web server for a specific path.
PathTracingConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver
Fluent API builder for PathTracingConfig.
pathWriter() - Static method in class
Return Path writer instance.
pattern() - Method in exception io.helidon.webserver.IllegalPathPatternException
Illegal used pattern.
payload(PAYLOAD) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Set or replace JMS payload.
PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.EventType
Payload is bigger than the configured maximal size.
payloadClaim(String) - Method in class
Get a claim by its name from payload.
payloadClaims() - Method in class
All payload claims in raw json form.
payloadJson() - Method in class
Create a JSON payload object.
PAYMENT_REQUIRED_402 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
402 Payment Required, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
peek(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Invoke provided consumer for every item in stream.
peek(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher
peek(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Invoke provided consumer for the item in stream.
peek(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Invoke provided consumer for every item in stream.
PEM - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiFormat
PEM encoded.
PEM_BUNDLE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiFormat
pemBuilder() - Static method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig
Build this instance from PEM files (usually a pair of private key and certificate chain).
PemReader - Class in io.helidon.common.pki
Reads a PEM file and converts it into a list of DERs so that they are imported into a KeyStore easily.
period(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
If specified, the token will be periodic; it will have no maximum TTL (unless an "explicit-max-ttl" is also set) but every renewal will use the given period.
PERIOD_EXECUTIONS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Period for executing poll cycles in millis.
periodExecutions(long) - Method in class
Period for executing poll cycles in millis.
periodExecutions(long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
Period for executing poll cycles in millis.
periodExecutions(long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Period between successive executions of polling loop.
periodExecutions(long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
Specifies the period in milliseconds between successive scheduler executions.
permit() - Static method in class
Permit the request.
permitAll() - Method in class
Returns true if access should be permitted to all.
PersistenceExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa
An Extension that integrates container-mode Jakarta Persistence 3.0 into CDI SE 3.0-based applications.
PersistenceExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceExtension
For invocation by CDI only.
PersistenceUnitInfoBean - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa
A PersistenceUnitInfo implementation that can be constructed by hand.
PersistenceUnitInfoBean(String, URL, String, String, ClassLoader, Supplier<? extends ClassLoader>, Consumer<? super ClassTransformer>, boolean, Collection<? extends URL>, Collection<? extends String>, Collection<? extends String>, String, String, PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider, Properties, SharedCacheMode, PersistenceUnitTransactionType, ValidationMode) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
PersistenceUnitInfoBean(String, URL, String, String, ClassLoader, Supplier<? extends ClassLoader>, Consumer<? super ClassTransformer>, boolean, Collection<? extends URL>, Collection<? extends String>, Collection<? extends String>, String, String, Supplier<? extends PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider>, Properties, SharedCacheMode, PersistenceUnitTransactionType, ValidationMode) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
PersistenceUnitInfoBean(String, URL, Collection<? extends String>, PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider, Properties) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
Creates a new PersistenceUnitInfoBean using as many defaults as reasonably possible.
PersistenceUnitInfoBean(String, URL, Collection<? extends String>, Supplier<? extends PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider>, Properties) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
Creates a new PersistenceUnitInfoBean using as many defaults as reasonably possible.
PersistenceUnitInfoBean.DataSourceProvider - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa
A functional interface indicating that its implementations can supply DataSources.
phoneNumber() - Method in class
Phone number claim.
phoneNumber(String) - Method in class
Phone number of the subject.
phoneNumberVerified() - Method in class
Phone number verified claim.
phoneNumberVerified(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether the phone number is verified or not.
picture() - Method in class
Picture URI claim.
picture(URI) - Method in class
Profile picture URI of the subject.
PkiEngineProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Java Service Loader service for PKI Secrets engine for Vault integration.
PkiEngineProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiEngineProvider
PkiException - Exception in io.helidon.common.pki
Exception caused by PKI handling (keystores, keys, certificates).
PkiFormat - Enum Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Format of certificate or CRL.
PkiRole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Pki Role request and response.
PkiRole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Request object.
PkiRole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
PkiSecrets - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
API operation for Vault PKI Secrets Engine.
PkiSecretsRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
API operation for Vault PKI Secrets Engine.
plain(String, Object) - Static method in class
New parameter of any type.
policies() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.Login.Response
List of policy names of this token.
policies() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenResponse
List of policy names.
policy(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.CreatePolicy.Request
Policy text.
PolicyExecutor - Interface in
Custom executor of policy statements.
PolicyExecutorService - Interface in
Java service for PolicyValidator ABAC validator.
policyStatements() - Method in class
The policy statements collected through configuration hierarchy.
PolicyValidator - Class in
Abac validator based on a PolicyValidator.PolicyStatement.
PolicyValidator.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for PolicyValidator.
PolicyValidator.PolicyConfig - Class in
Configuration of policy validator - a statement and whether to inherit value from parents.
PolicyValidator.PolicyConfig.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for PolicyValidator.PolicyConfig.
PolicyValidator.PolicyStatement - Annotation Interface in
Annotate resource classes, methods, application etc.
PolicyValidatorService - Class in
A validator of policy statements java service to plug into Abac security provider.
PolicyValidatorService() - Constructor for class
poll(Path, Duration, Consumer<Path>, Consumer<Path>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MutabilitySupport
Start polling for changes.
poll(Instant) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.PollingStrategy.Polled
Poll for changes.
POLL_TIMEOUT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Timeout for polling for next message in every poll cycle in millis.
PollableSource<S> - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
A source implementing this interface provides support for polling using a PollingStrategy.
PollableSource.Builder<T extends PollableSource.Builder<T>> - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
A builder for pollable source.
PollingStrategies - Class in io.helidon.config
Built-in PollingStrategy implementations.
PollingStrategies.ScheduledBuilder - Class in io.helidon.config
A builder for a scheduled polling strategy.
pollingStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSource
A polling strategy of this source, if it implements PollableSource and has one configured.
pollingStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource
pollingStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
pollingStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
pollingStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource
pollingStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
pollingStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource
pollingStrategy() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.PollableSource
If a polling strategy is configured with this source, return it.
pollingStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
pollingStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource
pollingStrategy() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource
pollingStrategy(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MetaConfig
Load a polling strategy based on its meta configuration.
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSourceBuilder
Configure a polling strategy.
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource.Builder
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource.Builder
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource.Builder
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource.MapBuilder
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.PollableSource.Builder
Configure the polling strategy to use.
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource.Builder
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource.Builder
pollingStrategy(PollingStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Builder
pollingStrategy(Supplier<? extends PollingStrategy>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.PollableSource.Builder
Configure the polling strategy to use.
PollingStrategy - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Mechanism for notifying interested listeners when they should check for changes that might have been made to the data used to create a Config tree, as accessed through PollableSources.
PollingStrategy.Polled - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
A polled component.
PollingStrategyProvider - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Java service loader service to create a polling strategy factory based on meta configuration.
pollTimeout(long) - Method in class
Timeout for polling for next message in every poll cycle in millis.
pollTimeout(long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
Timeout for polling for next message in every poll cycle in millis.
pollTimeout(long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
The maximum time to block polling loop in milliseconds.
pollTimeout(long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
Specifies maximum time in milliseconds to block polling messages from Kafka.
port() - Method in record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Returns the value of the port record component.
port() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor
Get the port that will be used to connect to the server.
port() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Returns a port number the default server socket is bound to and is listening on; or -1 if unknown or not active.
port() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerBasicConfig
Get the server port.
port() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Get the server port.
port() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
port() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server
Get the port this server listens on or -1 if the server is not running.
port() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
Current port the server is running on.
port() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerImpl
port() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Port of the request uri.
port() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
Returns a server port to listen on with the default server socket.
port() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Returns a server port to listen on with the server socket.
port() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Returns a port number the default server socket is bound to and is listening on; or -1 if unknown or not active.
port(int) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder
Set the port that will be used to connect to the server.
port(int) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets server port.
port(int) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
Configure listen port.
port(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.Builder
Sets a port value.
port(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Set new port of the request.
port(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets server port.
port(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
port(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Configures a server port to listen on with the server socket.
port(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
port(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
Named port the server is running on.
port(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Returns a port number an additional named server socket is bound to and is listening on; or -1 if unknown or not active.
post() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a request builder for a post method.
post(Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
post(Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all POST requests to provided handler(s).
post(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
post(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes POST requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
post(String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiResponse.Builder<?, T>) - Method in interface
Post without a response entity.
post(String, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
post(String, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes POST requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
POST - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Method
The POST method is used to request that the origin server acceptedTypes the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line.
postBuild() - Method in class
Post build method.
postBuild(JsonBuilderFactory, JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in class
Called after adding properties defined in this request.
postBuild(JsonBuilderFactory, JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.GenerateSecretId.Request
postBuild(JsonBuilderFactory, JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.EnableAuth.Request
postCompletion(InvocationContext, Throwable, W) - Method in interface io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor.WithPostCompletion
Performs whatever post-completion work is needed for the given context, applied to the specified work item.
postConfigureEndpoint(Routing.Rules, Routing.Rules) - Method in class
postConfigureEndpoint(Routing.Rules, Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MicrometerSupport
postConfigureEndpoint(Routing.Rules, Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Finish configuring metrics endpoint on the provided routing rules.
postConfigureEndpoint(Routing.Rules, Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MinimalMetricsSupport
postConfigureEndpoint(Routing.Rules, Routing.Rules) - Method in class
Concrete implementations override this method to perform any service-specific routing set-up.
postConstruct() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingFilter
Post construct method, initialization procedures.
postConstruct() - Method in class
A life-cycle method invoked by Jersey that finished initialization of the filter.
postConstruct(T) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates.DelegatingInjectionTarget
postJsonResponse(WebClientRequestBuilder, Object, Function<JsonObject, T>, BiFunction<Http.ResponseStatus, String, Optional<T>>, BiFunction<Throwable, String, Optional<T>>) - Static method in class
Processing of WebClient submit using a POST method.
postLogoutUri() - Method in class
Post logout redirect URI.
postLogoutUri(URI) - Method in class
URI to redirect to once the logout process is done.
PostRequestMetricsSupport - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi
Encapsulates metrics-related post-request processing that other components use and factory methods for creating instances of the related context.
potentialAuthStrategies() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
The list of OciAuthenticationDetailsProvider.AuthStrategy names (excluding OciAuthenticationDetailsProvider.AuthStrategy.AUTO) that are potentially applicable for use.
PRAGMA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Pragma" header name.
preBuild() - Method in class
Pre build method.
preBuild(JsonBuilderFactory, JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in class
Called before adding properties defined in this request.
preBuild(JsonBuilderFactory, JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRequest
preBuildPrototype() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Handles providers and decorators.
preBuildPrototype() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
Handles providers and decorators.
precision() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbColumn
Precision of this column.
PRECONDITION_FAILED_412 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
412 Precondition Failed, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
preDestroy(T) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates.DelegatingInjectionTarget
predicate() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
Predicate used to build a client service.
preferredUsername() - Method in class
Preferred username claim.
preferredUsername(String) - Method in class
Preferred username of the subject.
PREFETCH - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.BackpressureStrategy
After first data chunk arrives, expected number of chunks needed to fill the buffer up to watermark is calculated and requested.
prefix() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.Configured
Standalone configuration objects use a prefix to mark where Helidon expects them in the configuration tree.
prefix() - Method in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatementType
Short prefix of this type.
prefixed(String, Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a ConfigSource from a sourceSupplier, adding the specified prefix to the keys in the source.
PrefixedConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.config
ConfigSource implementation wraps another config source and add key prefix to original one.
prefixMatch(CharSequence) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathMatcher
Matches this matcher against a left part (prefix) of URI path with granularity on the path segment.
preHashed(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Set to true when the input is already hashed.
preHashed(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Request
Set to true when the input is already hashed.
preInvocation(InvocationContext, W) - Method in interface io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor
Performs whatever pre-invocation work is needed for the given context, applied to the specified work item.
PREPARE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter.XARoutine
An enum constant modeling the XAResource.prepare(Xid) method.
prepareCall(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
prepareCall(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
prepareCall(String, int, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareDocument(MediaType) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase
Prepares a representation of the OpenAPI document in the specified media type.
prepareMetricFactories() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Provides a map from MicroProfile metric type to a factory which creates a concrete metric instance of the MP metric type which also extends the implementation metric base class for the concrete implementation (e.g., no-op or full-featured).
prepareMetricFactories() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
prepareMetricsEndpoints(String, Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
prepareMetricsEndpoints(String, Routing.Rules) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport
Prepares the family of /metrics endpoints.
prepareMetricsEndpoints(String, Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MinimalMetricsSupport
prepareMetricToTypeMap() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Prepares the map from Java types of implementation metrics to the corresponding MetricType.
prepareMetricToTypeMap() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
prepareModel() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport
Triggers preparation of the model from external code.
prepareResponse(CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter<Q>, CorsSupportBase.ResponseAdapter<R>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase
Not for developer user. Gets a response ready to participate in the CORS protocol.
prepareSession(Config, ConnectionFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
prepareSession(Config, ConnectionFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.WeblogicConnector
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
prepareStatement(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
prepareStatement(String, int[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareStatement(String, String[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
prepareStatement(String, String[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
prepareTextResponseFromMainEndpoint(ServerRequest, ServerResponse) - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi
Gives the UI an opportunity to respond to a request arriving at the OpenAPISupport endpoint for which the best-accepted MediaType was text/html.
present() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.testing.OptionalMatcher
A matcher for an Optional that checks it is present.
prestart(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Whether to prestart core threads in this thread pool executor.
prestart(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Whether to prestart core threads in this thread pool executor.
previewChar() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.Tokenizer
Get the character at the current position.
previous() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
principal() - Method in class
Get the principal this subject is created for (e.g.
principal(Principal) - Method in class
Main principal of this subject.
Principal - Interface in
A security principal.
Principal.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for Principal.
principalName() - Method in class
The principal name of the client.
principalName(String) - Method in class
The principal name of the client, defaults to keyId if not configured.
principals() - Method in class
Get all principals of this subject (including the one returned by Subject.principal()).
print(HelidonFlavor, String, boolean) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.HelidonFeatures
Print features for the current flavor.
printFeatureDetails() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
Whether to print details of HelidonFeatures.
printFeatureDetails(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Set to true to print detailed feature information on startup.
printFeatureDetails(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Set to true to print detailed feature information on startup.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRestException
Priorities - Class in io.helidon.common.serviceloader
Priority utilities.
Prioritized - Interface in io.helidon.common
Interface to define that this class is a class with priority.
priority() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.Prioritized
Priority of this class (maybe because it is defined dynamically, so it cannot be defined by an annotation).
priority() - Method in class
priority() - Method in class
priority() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.DefaultOciCertificatesDownloader
priority() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.DefaultOciPrivateKeyDownloader
PRIORITY - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParser
Priority of the parser used if registered by Config.Builder automatically.
PRIORITY - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.PropertiesConfigParser
Priority of the parser used if registered by Config.Builder automatically.
PRIORITY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigFilter
Default priority of the filter if registered by Config.Builder automatically.
PRIORITY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigMapperProvider
Default priority of the mapper provider if registered by Config.Builder automatically.
PRIORITY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser
Default priority of the parser if registered by Config.Builder automatically.
PRIORITY - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.yaml.YamlConfigParser
Priority of the parser used if registered by Config.Builder automatically.
PriorityBag<T> - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
A bag of values ordered by priority.
priorityComparator(int) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.Priorities
Returns a comparator for two objects, the classes for which are implementations of Prioritized, and/or optionally annotated with Priority and which applies a specified default priority if either or both classes lack the annotation.
priorKnowledgeDecoder(HttpServerCodec, HttpServerUpgradeHandler, int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.http2.Http2UpgradeCodecProvider
priorKnowledgeDecoder(HttpServerCodec, HttpServerUpgradeHandler, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.spi.UpgradeCodecProvider
Used as a wrapper for actual upgrade handler, if available.
PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS_ENV_VARIABLE - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigProperties
Environment variable to set private key alias within a keystore.
PRIVATE_KEY_JWT - Enum constant in enum class
Clients that have registered a public key sign a JWT using that key.
PRIVATE_KEY_PASS_ENV_VARIABLE - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigProperties
Environment variable to set pass phrase for private key.
PRIVATE_KEY_PEM_PATH_ENV_VARIABLE - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigProperties
Environment variable to set location of private key ("SECURE_CONFIG_RSA_PEM_KEY") PEM file.
PRIVATE_KEYSTORE_PASS_ENV_VARIABLE - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigProperties
Environment variable to set pass phrase for keystore.
PRIVATE_KEYSTORE_PATH_ENV_VARIABLE - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigProperties
Environment variable to set location of private key ("SECURE_CONFIG_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY") keystore.
PRIVATE_KEYSTORE_TYPE_ENV_VARIABLE - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigProperties
Environment variable to set key type to use.
privateCredential(Class<T>) - Method in class
Get private credential for the specified type.
privateKey() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig
The private key of this config if configured.
privateKey() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Response
Private key bytes.
privateKey() - Method in class
privateKey(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Private key in PEM format.
privateKey(KeyConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilter.Builder
Private key for RSA based decryption.
privateKey(KeyConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Configure private key to use for SSL context.
privateKey(ECPrivateKey) - Method in class
Set the private key to be used for performing security operations requiring private key, such as signing data, encrypting/decrypting data etc.
privateKey(RSAPrivateKey) - Method in class
Set the private key to be used for performing security operations requiring private key, such as signing data, encrypting/decrypting data etc.
privateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher.Builder
Private key which should be used for decryption.
privateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature.Builder
Set private key which should be used for signature creation.
privateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.Builder
Configure a private key instance (rather then keystore and alias).
privateKey(Supplier<KeyConfig>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Configure private key to use for SSL context.
privateKeyConfig(KeyConfig) - Method in class
Private key configuration for RSA based algorithms.
privateKeyType() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Response
Type of the private key (such as rsa.
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class io.helidon.config.metadata.processor.ConfigMetadataProcessor
processAuthentication(SecurityFilterCommon.FilterContext, SecurityClientBuilder<AuthenticationResponse>, SecurityDefinition, AtnTracing) - Method in class
processAuthorization(SecurityFilterCommon.FilterContext, SecurityClientBuilder<AuthorizationResponse>) - Method in class
processListDataResponse(JsonObject) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultUtil
Process response from LIST operations.
processManagedBean(ProcessManagedBean<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi.MicrometerCdiExtension
processManagedBean(ProcessManagedBean<?>) - Method in class
processManagedBean(ProcessManagedBean<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricsCdiExtension
processManagedBean(ProcessManagedBean<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Deals with a managed bean that survived vetoing, provided by concrete extension implementations.
processor() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsEnabledServiceHelper
Constructs a Handler for performing CORS processing, according to the previously-provided Config.
processor(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Channel<RESULT>, Function<? super PAYLOAD, ? extends RESULT>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register a mapping function between two channels.
processor(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Channel<RESULT>, ProcessorBuilder<? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>, ? extends Message<? extends RESULT>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register ProcessorBuilder for building Processor to be used is in Channel's subscriber and out Channel's publisher.
processor(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Channel<RESULT>, Processor<? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>, ? extends Message<? extends RESULT>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register Processor to be used is in Channel's subscriber and out Channel's publisher.
processRequest(CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter<Q>, CorsSupportBase.ResponseAdapter<R>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase
Not for developer use. Submits a request adapter and response adapter for CORS processing.
processRoleRequest(WebClientRequestBuilder, Object, String) - Method in class
processSecurity(ContainerRequestContext, SecurityFilterCommon.FilterContext, SecurityTracing, SecurityContext) - Method in class
processServerResponse(Response, String) - Method in class
Process the server response to retrieve groups and app roles from it.
produce(CreationalContext<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates.DelegatingProducer
produced(AtomicLong, long) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Atomically subtract the given number from the field if that field is not already at Long.MAX_VALUE and return the new value.
PRODUCER - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Kind
Producer span, in messaging.
producers() - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
producerSupplier(Supplier<Producer<K, V>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber.Builder
Defines how to instantiate the KafkaSubscriber.
profile() - Method in class
Profile URI claim.
profile(URI) - Method in class
Profile URI of the subject.
programmaticEndpoint(Class<? extends Endpoint>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication.Builder
Add single programmatic endpoint.
programmaticEndpoints() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketApplication
Get list of programmatic endpoints.
PROMETHEUS - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.BuiltInRegistryType
Prometheus built-in registry type.
PrometheusSupport - Class in io.helidon.metrics.prometheus
Support for Prometheus client endpoint.
PrometheusSupport.Builder - Class in io.helidon.metrics.prometheus
A builder of PrometheusSupport.
propagate(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Whether to propagate identity.
propagate(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to propagate identity.
propagate(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to propagate identity.
propagate(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to propagate identity.
propagateData(JaegerDataPropagationProvider.JaegerContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerDataPropagationProvider
Activates scope in secondary thread.
propagateData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.JulMdcPropagator
propagateData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMdcPropagator
propagateData(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.spi.DataPropagationProvider
Propagates the data to be used by the new thread.
PropagatedHeaders - Interface in io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client
Headers propagated between Participant and Coordinator.
PropagatedHeaders.NoopPropagatedHeaders - Class in io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client
Noop headers, always returns same instance of empty map.
PropagatedHeaders.PrefixedPropagatedHeaders - Class in io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client
Propagated headers which can scan for allowed headers with any of the preconfigured prefixes.
properties() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigParsers
Returns a ConfigParser implementation that parses Java Properties content (the media type "text/x-java-properties").
properties() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder.ClientRequest
Request immutable list of properties.
properties() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Properties configured by user when creating this client request.
properties(Properties) - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource.MapBuilder
Properties to be used as config source underlying data.
properties(Properties) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.ConnectionPool.Builder
Configure connection pool properties.
PropertiesConfigParser - Class in io.helidon.config
ConfigParser implementation that parses Java Properties content.
PropertiesConfigParser() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.PropertiesConfigParser
PropertiesFilter - Class in io.helidon.config
Filter properties with provided and default filter pattern.
property(String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Set JMS of given name.
property(String, byte) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Set JMS of given name.
property(String, double) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Set JMS of given name.
property(String, float) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Set JMS of given name.
property(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Set JMS of given name.
property(String, long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Set JMS of given name.
property(String, short) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Set JMS of given name.
property(String, Object) - Method in class
Set a new property that may be used by SecurityProviders when creating the credentials to apply to the call.
property(String, Object) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
property(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.ConnectorConfigBuilder
property(String, String) - Method in class
Add custom property.
property(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
Add custom property.
property(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Set JMS of given name.
property(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Add custom property.
property(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Add a property to be used by a WebClientService.
PROPERTY_CONTEXT - Static variable in class
Property name for security context.
PROPERTY_DISABLE_OUTBOUND - Static variable in class
Property used for outbound calls with clients to disable registration/running of outbound security.
PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_ID - Static variable in class
Configure this for outbound requests to override id to use (client id, user - depending on use case).
PROPERTY_OUTBOUND_SECRET - Static variable in class
Configure this for outbound requests to override secret to use (client secret, actual password - depending on use case).
PROPERTY_PROVIDER - Static variable in class
Property name for outbound security provider name.
PROPERTY_PROVIDER - Static variable in class
Property name for outbound security provider name.
proto() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.Forwarded
proto directive of the forwarded header.
proto() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
Return a proto file descriptor.
proto(Descriptors.FileDescriptor) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
proto(Descriptors.FileDescriptor) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register the proto file for the service.
proto(Descriptors.FileDescriptor) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
proto(Descriptors.FileDescriptor) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register the proto for the service.
PROTO - Static variable in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MarshallerSupplier
The name of the Protocol Buffer marshaller supplier.
protocolVersion() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportRequest
Protocol version (either from actual request, or guessed).
ProtoMarshallerSupplier() - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.core.MarshallerSupplier.ProtoMarshallerSupplier
ProtoReflectionService - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
Provides a reflection service for Protobuf services (including the reflection service itself).
provider() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
Set to true if the configuration may be provided by another module not know to us.
provider() - Element in annotation interface
Explicit authentication provider to use when processing this Authorized.
provider() - Element in annotation interface
Explicit authorization provider to use when processing this Authorized.
provider(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher.Builder
Set provider of the algorithm.
provider(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HashDigest.Builder
Set provider of the algorithm.
provider(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.HmacDigest.Builder
Set provider of the algorithm.
provider(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature.Builder
Set provider of the algorithm.
provider(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.SymmetricCipher.Builder
Set provider of the algorithm.
PROVIDER_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class
The default configuration key expected under security.providers that would contain configuration of a provider instance.
providerClass() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityService
providerClass() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityService
providerClass() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityService
providerClass() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityService
providerClass() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProviderService
providerClass() - Method in class
providerClass() - Method in class
providerClass() - Method in class
providerClass() - Method in class
providerClass() - Method in class
providerClass() - Method in class
providerClass() - Method in class
providerClass() - Method in class
providerClass() - Method in class
providerClass() - Method in class
providerClass() - Method in interface
Class of the provider of this provider service.
ProviderConfig - Interface in
A marker interface for configurations of providers.
providerConfigKey() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityService
providerConfigKey() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityService
providerConfigKey() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityService
providerConfigKey() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityService
providerConfigKey() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProviderService
providerConfigKey() - Method in class
providerConfigKey() - Method in class
providerConfigKey() - Method in class
providerConfigKey() - Method in class
providerConfigKey() - Method in class
providerConfigKey() - Method in class
providerConfigKey() - Method in class
providerConfigKey() - Method in class
providerConfigKey() - Method in class
providerConfigKey() - Method in class
providerConfigKey() - Method in interface
Key of the "root" of configuration of this provider.
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityService
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityService
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityService
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityService
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProviderService
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class
providerInstance(Config) - Method in class
providerInstance(Config) - Method in interface
Create a new instance of the provider based on the configuration provided.
ProviderRequest - Class in
A request sent to security providers.
providerSelectionPolicy() - Method in interface
Configured provider selection policy.
providerSelectionPolicy(Function<ProviderSelectionPolicy.Providers, ProviderSelectionPolicy>) - Method in class
Set the provider selection policy.
ProviderSelectionPolicy - Interface in
A policy that selects provider to use.
ProviderSelectionPolicy.Providers - Interface in
Interface that is passed to a constructor of a ProviderSelectionPolicy implementation to supply all configured providers from security.
provides() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.Configured
Additional types this type provides.
proxy() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder.ClientRequest
Proxy used by current request.
proxy(Proxy) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets new proxy which will used for the requests.
proxy(Proxy) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Override client proxy configuration.
proxy(Class<T>, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Create a dynamic proxy for the specified interface that proxies calls to the wrapped gRPC service.
Proxy - Class in io.helidon.webclient
A definition of a proxy server to use for outgoing requests.
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED_407 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
407 Proxy Authentication Required, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
Proxy.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webclient
Fluent API builder for Proxy.
Proxy.ProxyType - Enum Class in io.helidon.webclient
Type of the proxy.
proxyHost(String) - Method in class
Set proxy host when talking to Google.
proxyHost(String) - Method in class
Proxy host to use.
proxyPort(int) - Method in class
Set proxy port when talking to Google.
proxyPort(int) - Method in class
Proxy port.
proxyProtocol(String) - Method in class
Proxy protocol to use when proxy is used.
PUBLIC_KEY_PINS - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Public-Key-Pins" header name.
publicCert() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig
The public X.509 Certificate if configured.
publicCredential(Class<T>) - Method in class
Get public credential for the specified type.
publicKey() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig
The public key of this config if configured.
publicKey() - Method in class
publicKey(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.PemBuilder
Read a public key from PEM format from a resource definition.
publicKey(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
String representation of the public key.
publicKey(ECPublicKey) - Method in class
Set the public key to be used for performing security operations requiring public key, such as signature verification, encrypting/decrypting data etc.
publicKey(RSAPublicKey) - Method in class
Set the public key to be used for performing security operations requiring public key, such as signature verification, encrypting/decrypting data etc.
publicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.AsymmetricCipher.Builder
Public key which should be used for encryption.
publicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature.Builder
Set public key which should be used for signature verification.
publicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.Builder
Configure a public key instance (rather then keystore and certificate alias).
publicKeyCert(X509Certificate) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.Builder
Configure an X.509 certificate instance for public key certificate.
publicKeyConfig(KeyConfig) - Method in class
For algorithms based on public/private key (such as rsa-sha256), this provides access to the public key of the client.
publicKeyPath(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Path to public key.
publish(LogRecord) - Method in class io.helidon.common.HelidonConsoleHandler
publish(LogRecord) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.HelidonConsoleHandler
publisher(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Flow.Publisher<? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register Flow.Publisher to be used for supplied Channel.
publisher(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Flow.Publisher<? extends PAYLOAD>, Function<? super PAYLOAD, ? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register Flow.Publisher to be used for supplied Channel.
publisher(Channel<PAYLOAD>, PublisherBuilder<? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register PublisherBuilder to be used for construction of the publisher for supplied Channel.
publisher(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Publisher<? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register Publisher to be used for supplied Channel.
publisher(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Publisher<? extends PAYLOAD>, Function<? super PAYLOAD, ? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register Publisher to be used for supplied Channel.
publisher(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>) - Method in class
Create a new body part backed by the specified publisher.
publisherConfig(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Channel.Builder
Config available to publisher connector.
put() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a request builder for a put method.
put(Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
put(Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all PUT requests to provided handler(s).
put(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
put(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes PUT requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
put(Executable, Class<? extends Annotation>, W) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension.WorkItemsManager
put(String, ApiRequest<?>, ApiResponse.Builder<?, T>) - Method in interface
Put without a response entity.
put(String, CrossOriginConfig.Builder) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig.Builder
Adds a new builder to the collection, associating it with the given path.
put(String, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
put(String, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes PUT requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
put(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
put(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Associates specified values with the specified key (optional operation).
put(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
put(String, Object) - Method in class
Put a new attribute to this instance.
put(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.logging.common.spi.MdcProvider
Set value to the specific logging framework MDC storage.
put(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.JulMdcProvider
put(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMdcProvider
put(String, String...) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
put(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Associates specified values with the specified key (optional operation).
put(String, String...) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
put(K, V) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache
Put a value to the cache.
PUT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Method
The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI.
putAll(Parameters) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
putAll(Parameters) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Copies all of the mappings from the specified parameters to this instance replacing values of existing associations (optional operation).
putAll(Parameters) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
putAll(Parameters) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
putAll(Parameters) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
putAll(ClassToInstanceStore<? extends T>) - Method in class
Put all mappings from another instance.
putDataSourceProperties(String, Properties) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi.AbstractDataSourceExtension
Adds additional synthesized properties to an internal map of data source properties whose contents will be processed eventually by the AbstractDataSourceExtension.addBean(BeanConfigurator, Named, Properties) method.
putIfAbsent(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
putIfAbsent(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
If the specified key is not already associated with a value associates it with the given value and returns empty List, else returns the current value (optional operation).
putIfAbsent(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
putIfAbsent(String, String...) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
putIfAbsent(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
If the specified key is not already associated with a value associates it with the given value and returns empty List, else returns the current value (optional operation).
putIfAbsent(String, String...) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
putInstance(Class<? extends U>, U) - Method in class
Put an explicit class to instance mapping.
putInstance(U) - Method in class
Put an instance with implicit class mapping into this store.
putResource(Object, Object) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionSynchronizationRegistry
Adds or replaces an object in the Map of resources being managed for the transaction bound to the current thread at the time this method is called.


QUALIFIED_LONG_RUNNING_REQUESTS_THRESHOLD_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.KeyPerformanceIndicatorMetricsSettings.Builder
Configuration key for long-running requests extended configuration.
QUALITY_FACTOR_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface io.helidon.common.http.AcceptPredicate
The media type quality factor ("q") parameter name.
qualityFactor() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.AcceptPredicate
Gets quality factor parameter ("q") as a double value.
qualityFactor() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
query() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest
Returns an encoded query string without leading '?' character.
query() - Method in record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Returns the value of the query record component.
query() - Method in class
Set health check statement type to query.
query(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute a database query using a statement passed as an argument.
QUERY - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatementType
Query is statement that returns zero or more results.
queryParam(String, TokenHandler) - Method in class
Add a query parameter extraction configuration.
queryParam(String, String) - Method in class
Add a single-value query parameter.
queryParam(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Add a query parameter.
queryParam(String, List<String>) - Method in class
Add a multivalued query parameter.
QueryParamHandler - Class in
Handler of query parameters - extracts them and stores them in a security header, so security can access them.
queryParamHandlers() - Method in class
List of query parameter handlers.
QueryParamMapping - Class in
Definition of a map to bind a query param to a header.
queryParamName() - Method in class
Name of the query parameter to map.
queryParams() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest
Returns query parameters.
queryParams() - Method in class
Returns immutable configured query parameters.
queryParams() - Method in interface
Returns immutable configured query parameters.
queryParams() - Method in class
queryParams() - Method in class
Query parameters obtained from the request.
queryParams(Parameters) - Method in class
Add query parameters of the request.
queryParams(Parameters) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Configure query parameters.
queue(String) - Method in class
Use supplied destination name and QUEUE as type.
queue(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
Use supplied destination name and QUEUE as type.
QUEUE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.Type
Queue connection type, every message is consumed by one client only.
queueCapacity(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Queue capacity of the thread pool executor.
queueLength(int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Builder
Maximal number of enqueued requests waiting for processing.


range(int, int) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Emits a range of ever increasing integers.
RANGE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Range" header name.
rangeLong(long, long) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Emits a range of ever increasing longs.
rapidResetCheckPeriod() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerBasicConfig
rapidResetCheckPeriod() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Returns the period for counting rapid resets (stream RST sent by client before any data have been sent by server).
rapidResetCheckPeriod(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Period for counting rapid resets(stream RST sent by client before any data have been sent by server).
RATIO - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.SamplerType
Ratio of the requests to sample, double value.
rawType() - Method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
Returns the object representing the class or interface that declared the type represented by this generic type instance.
read() - Method in class
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
read(DbRow) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapper
Read database row and convert it to target type instance.
read(DbRow) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp.JsonProcessingMapper
Get a JSON-P representation of this row.
read(DbRow, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager
Read database row into a typed value.
read(DbRow, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager
Read database row into a typed value.
read(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, GenericType<U>, MessageBodyReaderContext) - Method in interface
Convert a HTTP payload into a Single publisher of the given type.
read(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, GenericType<U>, MessageBodyReaderContext) - Method in interface
Convert the given HTTP payload into objects of the given type.
read(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, GenericType<U>, MessageBodyReaderContext) - Method in class
ReadableBodyPart - Class in
Readable body part entity.
ReadableBodyPart.Builder - Class in
Builder class for creating BodyPart instances.
ReadableBodyPartHeaders - Class in
Readable body part headers.
ReadableBodyPartHeaders.Builder - Class in
Builder class to create ReadableBodyPartHeaders instances.
ReadableByteChannelPublisher - Class in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ReadableByteChannelPublisher(ReadableByteChannel, RetrySchema) - Constructor for class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
readBytes(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>) - Static method in class
Collect the DataChunk of the given publisher into a single byte array.
readCertificates(InputStream) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.pki.PemReader
Reads a certificate-based input stream and converts it to a list of X509Certificates.
readDataAndDigest(Path) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileSourceHelper
Read data and its digest in the same go.
readDate() - Method in class
Get the value of the modification-date parameter that can be used to indicate the date at which the file was last read.
readDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class
Set the content disposition read-date parameter.
reader() - Static method in class
Return a default Jackson entity reader.
reader() - Static method in class
Return a default JSON-B entity reader.
reader() - Static method in class
Return a default JSON-P entity reader.
reader(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class
Create a new Jackson entity reader based on ObjectMapper instance.
reader(Jsonb) - Static method in class
Create a new JSON-B entity reader based on Jsonb instance.
reader(JsonReaderFactory) - Static method in class
Create a new JSON-P entity reader based on JsonReaderFactory.
Reader<R> - Interface in io.helidon.common.http
since 2.0.0, use instead
READER_FACTORY - Static variable in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
JSON reader factory.
readerContext() - Method in class
Get the configured reader context.
readerContext() - Method in class
Get the reader context used to unmarshall data.
readerContext() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Returns reader context of the request builder.
readerContext() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Get the parent MessageBodyReaderContext context.
readerInstance() - Method in class
Return Jackson reader instance.
readerInstance() - Method in class
Return JSON-B reader instance.
readerInstance() - Method in class
Return JSON-P reader instance.
readError(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse) - Method in class
Read error with no entity (content length set to 0).
readError(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, JsonObject) - Method in class
Read error with a JSON entity.
readError(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, JsonObject) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common.VaultRestApi
readError(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, String) - Method in class
Read error with an entity that failed to be parsed into a JSON object.
readErrorFailedEntity(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientResponse, Throwable) - Method in class
Read error information when we failed to read resposen entity.
readers() - Method in class
readers() - Method in interface
Returns the collection of the readers which should be registered.
readers() - Method in class
readers() - Method in class
readers() - Method in class
readers() - Method in class
readinessChecks() - Method in interface
Return the provided readiness HealthChecks.
readOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
Obtain an immutable copy of this PriorityBag.
ReadOnlyHeaders - Class in io.helidon.common.http
An immutable implementation of Headers.
ReadOnlyHeaders(Parameters) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyHeaders
Returns an immutable deep copy of the provided Parameters instance.
ReadOnlyHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyHeaders
Returns an immutable deep copy of the provided multimap.
ReadOnlyParameters - Class in io.helidon.common.http
An immutable implementation of Parameters.
ReadOnlyParameters(Parameters) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
Creates an instance from provided multi-map.
ReadOnlyParameters(Iterable<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
ReadOnlyParameters(Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
Creates an instance from provided multi-map.
readRoleId(ReadRoleId.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuth
Reads the RoleID of an existing AppRole with full control of request and response.
readRoleId(ReadRoleId.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthRx
Reads the RoleID of an existing AppRole with full control of request and response.
readRoleId(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuth
Reads the RoleID of an existing AppRole.
readRoleId(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthRx
Reads the RoleID of an existing AppRole.
ReadRoleId - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Read Role ID request and response.
ReadRoleId.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Request object.
ReadRoleId.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
readString(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, Charset) - Static method in class
Convert the given publisher of DataChunk into a String.
readThrough(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
readTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets new read timeout.
readTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Sets new read timeout for this request.
readURLEncodedString(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, Charset) - Static method in class
Convert the publisher of DataChunk into a String processed through URL decoding.
realm() - Method in interface
Realm to use for WWW-Authenticate response (if needed).
realm() - Method in class
realm(String) - Method in class
Set the authentication realm to build challenge, defaults to "helidon".
realm(String) - Method in class
Set the realm to use when challenging users.
realm(String) - Method in class
Set the realm to use when challenging users.
realm(String) - Method in class
Realm to use for challenging inbound requests that do not have "Authorization" header in case header is HttpSignHeader.AUTHORIZATION and singatures are not optional.
realm(String) - Method in class
Realm to return when not redirecting and an error occurs that sends back WWW-Authenticate header.
reasonPhrase() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus
Get the reason phrase.
reasonPhrase() - Method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
Get the reason phrase.
receiveBufferSize() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
Returns proposed value of the TCP receive window that is advertised to the remote peer on the default server socket.
receiveBufferSize() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Returns proposed value of the TCP receive window that is advertised to the remote peer on the server socket.
receiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Propose value of the TCP receive window that is advertised to the remote peer.
receiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
Configures proposed value of the TCP receive window that is advertised to the remote peer on the server socket.
receiveBufferSize(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Configures proposed value of the TCP receive window that is advertised to the remote peer on the server socket.
receiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
recordAnnotatedType(ProcessAnnotatedType<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Records the Java class underlying an annotated type.
recordPostProcessingWork(ServerRequest, BiConsumer<ServerResponse, Throwable>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.PostRequestMetricsSupport
Records a post-processing task to be performed once the response has been sent to the client.
recordProducerField(ProcessProducerField<?, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Records a producer field defined by the application.
recordProducerFields(ProcessProducerField<? extends Meter, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi.MicrometerCdiExtension
recordProducerMethod(ProcessProducerMethod<?, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Records a producer method defined by the application.
recordProducerMethods(ProcessProducerMethod<? extends Meter, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi.MicrometerCdiExtension
recover() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
RECOVER - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter.XARoutine
An enum constant modeling the XAResource.recover(int) method.
recurringPolicy(ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.Builder
Configure the recurring policy to use.
redirect(boolean) - Method in class
By default, the client should redirect to the identity server for the user to log in.
redirectAttemptParam() - Method in class
Name of the parameter used in state passed to OIDC to store the number of attempted redirects.
redirectAttemptParam(String) - Method in class
Configure the parameter used to store the number of attempts in redirect.
REDIRECTION - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus.Family
3xx HTTP status codes.
redirectionCount() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder.ClientRequest
Returns how many times our request has been redirected.
redirectUri() - Method in class
Redirection URI.
redirectUri(String) - Method in class
URI to register web server component on, used by the OIDC server to redirect authorization requests to after a user logs in or approves scopes.
redirectUriWithHost() - Method in class
Redirect URI with host information.
redirectUriWithHost(String) - Method in class
Redirect URI with host information taken from request, unless an explicit frontend uri is defined in configuration.
reduce(BiFunction<T, T, T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Combine subsequent items via a callback function and emit the final value result as a Single.
reduce(Supplier<? extends R>, BiFunction<R, T, R>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Combine every upstream item with an accumulator value to produce a new accumulator value and emit the final accumulator value as a Single.
ReferenceCounted - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This annotation is slated for removal.
ReferenceCountedContext - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class is slated for removal.
ReferenceCountedExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class is slated for removal.
ReferenceCountedExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext.ReferenceCountedExtension
referer() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.RequestHeaders
Optionally returns the address of the previous web page (header "Referer") from which a link to the currently requested page was followed.
REFERER - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Referer" header name.
Reflected - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.common
A type annotated with this annotation will be added to native image with reflection support for all methods and fields (including private).
refreshRow() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
register(BindableService) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting.Builder
Add a BindableService with the GrpcRouting to be built by this builder.
register(BindableService, ServiceDescriptor.Configurer) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting.Builder
Add a BindableService with the GrpcRouting to be built by this builder.
register(GrpcService) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting.Builder
Add a GrpcService with the GrpcRouting to be built by this builder.
register(GrpcService, ServiceDescriptor.Configurer) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting.Builder
Add a GrpcService with the GrpcRouting to be built by this builder.
register(ServiceDescriptor) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting.Builder
Register a ServiceDescriptor with the GrpcRouting to be built by this builder.
register(MessageBodyReaderContext, MessageBodyWriterContext) - Method in interface
Method used to register readers and writers.
register(Service...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
register(Service...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Registers builder consumer.
register(WebTracingConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
register(WebTracingConfig) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Configuration of tracing for this routing.
register(Class<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
register(Class<?>, int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
register(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
register(Class<?>, Map<Class<?>, Integer>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
register(Class<? super T>, T) - Method in class
Register an object later available through AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse.registry().
register(Object) - Method in class
Register an object later available through AnnotationAnalyzer.AnalyzerResponse.registry().
register(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
register(Object, int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
register(Object, Class<?>...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
register(Object, Map<Class<?>, Integer>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
register(Object, T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.Context
Register a new instance with specified classifier.
register(String, Service...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
register(String, Service...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Registers builder consumer.
register(String, Supplier<? extends Service>...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
register(String, Supplier<? extends Service>...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Registers builder consumer.
register(String, T) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
register(Flow.Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.SingleSubscriberHolder
Register a new subscriber.
register(Supplier<? extends Service>...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
register(Supplier<? extends Service>...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Registers builder consumer.
register(Metadata, T) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
register(Metadata, T, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
register(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.Context
Register a new instance.
registerConfig(Config, ClassLoader) - Method in class
registerDefaults(boolean) - Method in class
Whether default readers and writers should be registered.
registerExecutorService(ExecutorService, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.spi.ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.SupplierObserverContext
Informs the observer which created the context of a new executor service created by the supplier.
registerFilter(MessageBodyFilter) - Method in class
registerFilter(MessageBodyFilter) - Method in interface
Registers a message body filter.
registerFilter(MessageBodyFilter) - Method in class
registerFilter(MessageBodyFilter) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
registerFilter(Function<Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Content
since 2.0.0, use
registerFilter(Function<Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in class
registerFilter(Function<Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
registerGlobal(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
registerGlobal(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
When enabled, the created instance is also registered as a global tracer.
registerGlobal(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
When enabled, the created instance is also registered as a global tracer.
registerGlobal(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
registerInterposedSynchronization(Synchronization) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionSynchronizationRegistry
Registers a Synchronization instance with special ordering semantics.
registerMetrics() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics.MicrostreamMetricsSupport
Register this metrics at the vendor metrics registry.
registerOutParameter(int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(int, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(int, int, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(int, SQLType) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(int, SQLType, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(int, SQLType, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(String, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(String, int, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(String, SQLType) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(String, SQLType, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerOutParameter(String, SQLType, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
registerPostRequestWork(BiConsumer<ServerResponse, Throwable>) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.PostRequestMetricsSupport
Records post-request processing to be performed once the server sends the response to the client.
registerReader(MessageBodyReader<?>) - Method in class
registerReader(MessageBodyReader<?>) - Method in class
registerReader(MessageBodyReader<?>) - Method in interface
Register a reader.
registerReader(MessageBodyStreamReader<?>) - Method in class
registerReader(MessageBodyStreamReader<?>) - Method in class
registerReader(MessageBodyStreamReader<?>) - Method in interface
Register a stream reader.
registerReader(Class<T>, Reader<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Content
since 2.0.0, use
registerReader(Class<T>, Reader<T>) - Method in class
registerReader(Class<T>, Reader<T>) - Method in class
registerReader(Predicate<Class<?>>, Reader<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Content
since 2.0.0, use
registerReader(Predicate<Class<?>>, Reader<T>) - Method in class
registerReader(Predicate<Class<?>>, Reader<T>) - Method in class
registerResources(Resource...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport.Builder
registerService(Object, BeanManager, ServerCdiExtension) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.cdi.MicrometerCdiExtension
Registers the service-related endpoint, after security and as CDI initializes the app scope, returning the default routing for optional use by the caller.
registerService(Object, BeanManager, ServerCdiExtension) - Method in class
registerService(Object, BeanManager, ServerCdiExtension) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricsCdiExtension
registerService(Object, BeanManager, ServerCdiExtension) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Registers the service-related endpoint, after security and as CDI initializes the app scope, returning the default routing for optional use by the caller.
registerSupplier(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService>, int, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.spi.ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver
Makes a supplier known to the observer and returns a supplier context for the supplier to use for future interactions with the observer.
registerSupplier(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService>, int, String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.ExecutorServiceMetricsObserver
registerSupplier(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService>, int, String, List<ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.MethodInvocation>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.spi.ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver
Makes a supplier known to the observer and returns a supplier context for the supplier to use for future interactions with the observer, using the ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.MethodInvocation abstraction for invoking methods to obtain metric values.
registerSupplier(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService>, int, String, List<ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.MethodInvocation>) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.ExecutorServiceMetricsObserver
registerSynchronization(Synchronization) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.weld.NarayanaTransactionServices
Registers the supplied Synchronization with the current Transaction.
registerWith(Consumer<? super Synchronization>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.JtaDataSource
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This method is slated for removal with no replacement.
registerWriter(MessageBodyStreamWriter<?>) - Method in class
registerWriter(MessageBodyStreamWriter<?>) - Method in interface
Register a stream writer.
registerWriter(MessageBodyStreamWriter<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
registerWriter(MessageBodyWriter<?>) - Method in class
registerWriter(MessageBodyWriter<?>) - Method in interface
Register a writer.
registerWriter(MessageBodyWriter<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
registerWriter(Class<T>, MediaType, Function<? extends T, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in class
registerWriter(Class<T>, MediaType, Function<? extends T, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
registerWriter(Class<T>, Function<T, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in class
registerWriter(Class<T>, Function<T, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
registerWriter(Predicate<?>, MediaType, Function<T, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in class
registerWriter(Predicate<?>, MediaType, Function<T, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
registerWriter(Predicate<?>, Function<T, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in class
registerWriter(Predicate<?>, Function<T, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
REGISTRIES_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Config key within the config metrics section containing settings for individual registries.
registry() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MicrometerSupport
Returns the composite registry so apps can create and register meters on it.
registry() - Method in class
A registry that allows transferring information between analysis of different scopes (application, resource class, method).
Registry - Class in io.helidon.metrics
Metrics registry.
Registry(MetricRegistry.Type, RegistrySettings) - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
Creates a new instance.
registryFactory() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics.MicrostreamMetricsSupport.Builder
get the current configured RegistryFactory.
registryFactory(RegistryFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.metrics.MicrostreamMetricsSupport.Builder
set the RegistryFactory.
registryFactory(RegistryFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport.Builder
If you want to have multiple registry factories with different endpoints, you may create them using RegistryFactory.create(MetricsSettings) or RegistryFactory.create() and create multiple MetricsSupport instances with different HelidonRestServiceSupport.Builder.webContext(String) contexts}.
RegistryFactory - Class in io.helidon.metrics
Access point to all registries.
RegistryFactory - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Behavior of a RegistryFactory, capable of providing metrics registries of various types (application, base, vendor) plus static methods for: creating "free-standing" registry factories according to MetricsSettings or Config (see the create methods), retrieving the singleton registry factory or updating it according to MetricsSettings or Config (see the getInstance methods), and retrieving the appropriate registry factory for a metrics-capable component, based on the component's own metrics settings combined with the overall metrics settings and whether full-featured metrics are available on the path (see the RegistryFactory.getInstance() method).
RegistryFactory(MetricsSettings, Registry, Registry) - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.RegistryFactory
Create a new instance.
RegistryFactoryProvider - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api.spi
Provides RegistryFactory instances.
RegistryFactoryProviderImpl - Class in io.helidon.metrics
Full-featured metrics implementation of RegistryFactoryProvider.
RegistryFactoryProviderImpl() - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.RegistryFactoryProviderImpl
RegistryFilterSettings - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Filter settings for registries.
RegistryFilterSettings.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Builder for a new RegistryFilterSettings instance.
registrySettings() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
registrySettings(MetricRegistry.Type) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings
Returns the RegistrySettings for the indicated registry type.
registrySettings(MetricRegistry.Type, RegistrySettings) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.MetricsSettings.Builder
Sets the registry settings for the specified registry type.
RegistrySettings - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Settings which control metrics within registries (application, vendor, base) as a group or individually.
RegistrySettings.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Builder for RegistrySettings.
registryType() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractMetric
registryType() - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.HelidonMetric
regular(Duration) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.PollingStrategies
Provides a scheduled polling strategy with a specified constant interval.
RegularRecurringPolicy(Duration) - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RegularRecurringPolicy
Initialize recurring policy.
rejectedExecution(Runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool.RejectionHandler
rejectionHandler(ThreadPool.RejectionHandler) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Rejection policy of the thread pool executor.
RejectionHandler() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool.RejectionHandler
relative(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
relativeResolver() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
relativeResolver() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
relativeResolver() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
relativeResolver() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ParsableSource
Resolve relative resource to the current resource.
relativeResolver() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
relativeUris() - Method in class
Determines whether to force the use of relative URIs in all requests, regardless of the presence or absence of proxies or no-proxy lists.
relativeUris(boolean) - Method in class
Can be set to true to force the use of relative URIs in all requests, regardless of the presence or absence of proxies or no-proxy lists.
relativeUris(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Can be set to true to force the use of relative URIs in all requests, regardless of the presence or absence of proxies or no-proxy lists.
release() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Releases this chunk.
release() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
releaseConfig(Config) - Method in class
releaseSavepoint(Savepoint) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
releaseSavepoint(Savepoint) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
reload() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Context
Requests reloading of whole configuration and returns new instance of Config node related to same Config key as original node used to get Context from.
reload(WebServerTls, KeyManager[], TrustManager[]) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
this method will be removed in a future release.
remaining() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Returns the sum of elements between the current position and the limit of each of the underlying ByteBuffer.
remaining() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
remainingPart() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathMatcher.PrefixResult
In case of prefix match this returns the reminder that wasn't matched.
remoteAddress() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Gets the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
remoteAddress() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
remotePort() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) source port of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
remotePort() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) source port of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
remove(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
remove(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Removes the mapping for a key if it is present (optional operation).
remove(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
remove(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.logging.common.HelidonMdc
Remove value with the specific key from all of the instances of MdcProvider.
remove(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.logging.common.spi.MdcProvider
Remove value bound to the key from the specific logging framework MDC storage.
remove(String) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.jul.JulMdcProvider
remove(String) - Method in class io.helidon.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMdcProvider
remove(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Removes a metric by name.
remove(K) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache
Remove a value from the cache.
remove(K) - Method in interface
Remove a key from the cache.
remove(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Removes a metric by ID.
removeApplications() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsCdiExtension
Remove all discovered applications (configured applications are not removed).
removeCookie() - Method in class
SetCookie builder to remove an existing cookie (such as during logout).
removeInstance(Class<U>) - Method in class
Remove an instance from the store and return current value.
removeMatching(MetricFilter) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
removePayloadClaim(String) - Method in class
Remove a payload claim by its name.
removeResourceClasses() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsCdiExtension
Remove all discovered and configured resource classes.
renew(RenewToken.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Renews a lease associated with a token.
renew(RenewToken.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Renews a lease associated with a token.
renewable() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase.Builder
renewable() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase
Whether the token is renewable.
renewable(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
Set to false to disable the ability of the token to be renewed past its initial TTL.
renewable(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
Set to false to disable the ability of the token to be renewed past its initial TTL.
renewable(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase.Builder
Whether the token is renewable or not.
RenewToken - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Renew Token request and response.
RenewToken.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Request object.
RenewToken.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
repeat(int) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.RetryPolicies
Creates a new instance of SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder class with a number of retries as a parameter.
replace(AtomicReference<Flow.Subscription>, Flow.Subscription) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Atomically swap in the given incoming Flow.Subscription or cancel it if the target field is canceled.
replaceImplementations(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader.Builder
When configured to replace implementations, then a service implementation configured through HelidonServiceLoader.Builder.addService(Object) will replace the same implementation loaded from the Java Service loader (compared by fully qualified class name).
replyTo(Destination) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
Destination to which a reply to this message is expected.
request() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Performs prepared request without expecting to receive any specific type.
request() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.RequestAdapter
Returns the request this adapter wraps.
request(long) - Method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
request(long) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Control backpressure manually and request n items from upstream.
request(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Performs prepared request and transforms response to requested type.
request(WebClientServiceRequest) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMeter
request(WebClientServiceRequest) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMetrics
request(WebClientServiceRequest) - Method in class
request(WebClientServiceRequest) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.spi.WebClientService
Method which is called before send actual request.
request(WebClientServiceRequest) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.tracing.WebClientTracing
request(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Performs prepared request and transforms response to requested type.
Request(String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbConfigure.Request
Create a new request with the defined plugin name.
REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE_413 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
413 Request Entity Too Large, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
REQUEST_SPAN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport
The request scoped span context qualifier that can be injected into a Jersey resource.
REQUEST_TARGET - Static variable in class
Special header "(request-target)" is used for method and path combination.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT_408 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
408 Request Timeout, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG_414 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
414 Request-URI Too Long, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
requestBytesPayload(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientRequestBuilder, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>) - Method in class
Create a supplier for a response with publisher request.
requestDateTime() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogContext
Time when the request started processing.
requestDefaultBehaviorIfNone() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE_416 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
REQUESTED_URI_DISCOVERY_CONFIG_KEY_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Config key prefix for requested URI discovery settings.
RequestedCounter - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Requested event counter.
RequestedCounter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.reactive.RequestedCounter
Create new request counter with strict mode off.
RequestedCounter(boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.reactive.RequestedCounter
Create new request counter, with strict mode true are all operations with counter protected by lock.
requestedUri() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
URI as it was requested by the user (to the best of our knowledge).
requestedUriDiscoveryEnabled() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
requestedUriDiscoveryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
requestedUriDiscoveryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
requestedUriDiscoveryEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Sets whether requested URI discovery is enabled for the socket.
requestedUriDiscoveryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
requestedUriDiscoveryTypes() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Discovery types to identify requested URI.
requestedUriDiscoveryTypes(List<SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
requestedUriDiscoveryTypes(List<SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
requestedUriDiscoveryTypes(List<SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Assigns the front-end URI discovery type(s) this socket should use.
requestedUriDiscoveryTypes(List<SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
requestHandlingCompleted(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Context
Records that handling of a request has completed.
requestHandlingStarted(KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Metrics) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Context
Records that handling of the request is about to begin.
requestHeader(String, String) - Method in class
Add a single-value header.
requestHeader(String, List<String>) - Method in class
Add a multi-value header.
requestHeaders() - Method in class
Get new request headers to be used.
requestHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Set additional/replacement headers for request.
RequestHeaders - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Extends Parameters interface by adding HTTP request headers oriented convenient methods.
requestId() - Method in class
requestId() - Method in interface
Configured request ID.
requestId() - Method in class
Request ID used to invoke the request.
requestId() - Method in class
Request ID that was used.
requestId() - Method in exception
Request ID used to invoke the request.
requestId() - Method in class
requestId() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Request id which will be used in logging messages.
requestId() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
A unique correlation ID that is associated with this request and its associated response.
requestId() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareResponse
A unique correlation ID that is associated with this response and its associated request.
requestId() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
A unique correlation ID that is associated with this request and its associated response.
requestId() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
A unique correlation ID that is associated with this response and its associated request.
requestId(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Set new request id.
requestId(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Set new request id.
requestId(ApiRequest<?>) - Method in class
Attempts to find a good request id.
requestId(String) - Method in class
requestId(String) - Method in interface
Configure request ID for logging (and possibly to send over the network).
requestId(String) - Method in class
Request ID used when dispatching this request.
requestId(String) - Method in class
Request ID configured by RestApi.
requestId(String) - Method in class
requestId(String) - Method in interface
Request ID used when dispatching this request.
requestJsonPayload(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientRequestBuilder, JsonObject) - Method in class
Create a supplier for a response with JSON request.
RequestLineLogEntry - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Access log entry for request line.
RequestLineLogEntry.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
A fluent API builder for RequestLineLogEntry.
requestMax() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Request unbounded number of items from upstream and effectively turn off backpressure.
requestMediaType() - Method in class
requestMediaType() - Method in interface
Request media type.
requestMediaType() - Method in class
requestMediaType(MediaType) - Method in class
requestMediaType(MediaType) - Method in interface
The media type header, defaults to MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON when JSON entity is present, to MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM for publisher base requests, empty otherwise.
requestMediaType(MediaType) - Method in class
requestNanoTime() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogContext
Time in System.nanoTime() when the request processing started.
requestPayload(String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, WebClientRequestBuilder) - Method in class
Create a supplier for a response.
RequestPredicate - Class in io.helidon.webserver
Fluent API that allows to create chains of request conditions for composing logical expressions to match requests.
RequestPredicate.ConditionalHandler - Class in io.helidon.webserver
A Handler that conditionally delegates to other Handler instances based on a RequestPredicate.
requestProcessingCompleted(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.Context
Records that a request has completed its processing.
requestProcessingStarted() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.KeyPerformanceIndicatorSupport.DeferrableRequestContext
Records that a request is about to begin its processing.
RequestScopedTransformer - Class in io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor
Transforms CDI RequestScoped annotation into Micronaut RequestScope.
RequestScopedTransformer() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor.RequestScopedTransformer
requestType(Class) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Builder
requestType(Class) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules
Sets the type of parameter of this method.
requestType(Class<Rnew>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor.Rules
Set the request type.
RequestType - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An annotation to indicate the request type of a gRPC method.
REQUIRE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.ClientAuthentication
Authentication is required.
REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigProperties
Configuration key to set whether to require encryption of secrets or not ("security.config.require-encryption").
REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION_ENV_VARIABLE - Static variable in class io.helidon.config.encryption.ConfigProperties
Environment variable to set whether to require encryption of secrets or not ("SECURE_CONFIG_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION").
requireCn(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
If set to false, makes the common name field optional while generating a certificate.
required() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
Whether this option is truly required (e.g.
required() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingName
Set to true if the RoutingName.value() MUST be configured.
REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class
Provider must succeed if called (if sufficient is before required, required is still ignored).
REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class
Security MUST be enforced.
requiredScopes() - Method in class
Which scopes are required.
requireEncryption(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.config.encryption.EncryptionFilter.Builder
Whether to require encryption of passwords in properties.
rescuedFileSuffix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Name suffix of the storage rescue files.
RESET_CONTENT_205 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
205 Reset Content, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
ResetSystemProperties - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.common.testing.junit5
Annotation used to reset system properties to the state before test execution.
resolve(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaJms
Convenience method for shimming various javax JMS classes.
resolveAtnProvider(String) - Method in interface
Find an authentication provider by name, or use the default if the name is not available.
resolveAtzProvider(String) - Method in interface
Find an authorization provider by name, or use the default if the name is not available.
resolveOptions(ConfigResolveOptions) - Method in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParserBuilder
Sets custom instance of ConfigResolveOptions.
resolveOutboundProvider(String) - Method in interface
Find outbound provider(s) by name, or use the default if the name is not available.
resolvingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParserBuilder
Enables/disables HOCON resolving substitutions support.
resource(Resource) - Method in class
Load keys from a resource (must point to JSON text content).
resource(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource.Builder
Configure the classpath resource to load the configuration from.
resource(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathOverrideSource.Builder
Configure the classpath resource to be used as a source.
Resource - Interface in io.helidon.common.configurable
A representation of a resource that can be loaded from URL (Resource.create(URI)), classpath (Resource.create(String)), filesystem (Resource.create(Path), content in config (Resource.create(Config), input stream(Resource.create(String, InputStream), or direct value (Resource.create(String, byte[]), Resource.create(String, String).
Resource.Source - Enum Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
Source of a Resource.
resourceConfig() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication
Resource config of this application.
resourceConfig(ResourceConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
JAX-RS resource configuration to use.
ResourceException - Exception in io.helidon.common.configurable
Exception used from Resource and other resource related components marking an issue with access to a Resource or instance generated from it.
ResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.configurable.ResourceException
Exception with message only.
ResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.common.configurable.ResourceException
Exception with message and cause.
resourceGroup(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets the resource group.
resources() - Method in interface
Return a map of keys to resource instances.
response() - Method in exception io.helidon.webclient.WebClientException
WebClientResponse that caused this exception if caused by response from server.
response(WebClientRequestBuilder.ClientRequest, WebClientServiceResponse) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMetrics
response(WebClientRequestBuilder.ClientRequest, WebClientServiceResponse) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.spi.WebClientService
Method which is called when the last byte of the response is processed.
ResponseBuilder<B extends ResponseBuilder<B,T,X>,T,X> - Interface in
Response builder extracted as an interface, to work around the restriction that we cannot have multiple inheritance in Java.
responseDateTime() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogContext
Time when the response finished processing.
responseHeader(String, String) - Method in class
Add a single-value header.
responseHeader(String, List<String>) - Method in class
Add a multi-value header.
responseHeaders() - Method in class
Get new response headers to be used.
responseHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
Set additional/replacement headers for request.
ResponseHeaders - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Extends Parameters interface by adding HTTP response headers oriented constants and convenient methods.
ResponseHelper - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
A number of helper methods to handle sending responses to a StreamObserver.
responseMediaType() - Method in class
responseMediaType() - Method in interface
Response media type.
responseMediaType() - Method in class
responseMediaType(MediaType) - Method in class
responseMediaType(MediaType) - Method in interface
The accept header, defaults to MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON for most requests, except for requests that return publisher, which default to MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.
responseMediaType(MediaType) - Method in class
responseNanoTime() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogContext
Time in System.nanoTime() when the response processing finished (last byte written).
responseSupplier(Http.RequestMethod, String, ApiRequest<?>, String) - Method in class
Create a response supplier from the request.
responseTracing() - Method in class
Create a tracing span for response.
ResponseTracing - Class in
Tracing support for security response.
responseType(Class) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Builder
responseType(Class) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules
Sets the type of parameter of this method.
responseType(Class<Rnew>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor.Rules
Set the response type.
ResponseType - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An annotation to indicate the response type of a gRPC method.
rest() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractNodeBuilderImpl.MergingKey
Returns a sub-key of the key.
RestApi - Interface in
JSON based REST API operations.
RestApi.Builder<B extends RestApi.Builder<B,T>,T extends RestApi> - Class in
Base builder for REST APIs.
RestApiBase - Class in
Base REST API implementation.
RestApiBase(RestApi.Builder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class
A new instance, requires a subclass of the RestApi.Builder.
RestException - Exception in
Implementation of the ApiRestException.
RestException.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for RestException.
RestoreSystemPropertiesExt - Class in io.helidon.common.testing.junit5
JUnit 5 extension for preserving and restoring system properties around test executions.
RestoreSystemPropertiesExt() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.testing.junit5.RestoreSystemPropertiesExt
RestRequest - Class in
Simple REST request.
restServiceSettings(RestServiceSettings.Builder) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport.Builder
Set the REST service settings.
restServiceSettings(RestServiceSettings.Builder) - Method in class
Sets the builder for the REST service settings.
RestServiceSettings - Interface in
Common settings across REST services.
RestServiceSettings.Builder - Interface in
Builder for RestServiceSettings.
RestServiceSupport - Interface in
Required behavior (primarily required by HelidonRestCdiExtension of service support implementations.
resultFuture() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
A stage that is completed once the results were fully read.
resultFuture(CompletionStage<Long>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Set a new future to mark completion of the result (e.g.
resume(Transaction) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionManager
Resumes the transaction context association of the calling thread with the transaction represented by the supplied Transaction object.
retainDiscoveredApplications(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server.Builder
If any application or resource class is added through this builder, applications discovered by CDI are ignored.
retries() - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy
Number of retries.
retries(int) - Method in class io.helidon.config.SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder
Number of retries (excluding the first invocation).
retries(int) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Setting a value greater than zero will cause the client to resend any record whose send fails with a potentially transient error.
retry(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Retry a failing upstream at most the given number of times before giving up.
retry(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Retry a failing upstream at most the given number of times before giving up.
retry(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Retry a failing upstream at most the given number of times before giving up.
retry(Callable<Boolean>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.testing.MatcherWithRetry
Retries the specified work until successful or retry limit is exceeded.
retry(BiPredicate<? super Throwable, ? super Long>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Retry a failing upstream if the predicate returns true.
retry(BiPredicate<? super Throwable, ? super Long>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Retry a failing upstream if the predicate returns true.
retry(BiPredicate<? super Throwable, ? super Long>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Retry a failing upstream if the predicate returns true.
Retry - Interface in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Retry supports retry policies to be applied on an execution of asynchronous tasks.
RETRY_AFTER - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Retry-After" header name.
Retry.Builder - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fluent API builder for Retry.
Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
A retry policy that prolongs the delays between retries by a defined factor.
Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy.Builder - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fluent API builder for Retry.DelayingRetryPolicy.
Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
A retry policy that increases the delay time following an exponential sequence.
Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy.Builder - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fluent API builder for Retry.ExponentialRetryPolicy.
Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
A retry policy that increases the delay time following the Fibonacci sequence.
Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy.Builder - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fluent API builder for Retry.FibonacciRetryPolicy.
Retry.JitterRetryPolicy - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
A retry policy that randomizes delays between execution using a "jitter" time.
Retry.JitterRetryPolicy.Builder - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fluent API builder for Retry.JitterRetryPolicy.
Retry.RetryPolicy - Interface in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Retry policy to handle delays between retries.
retryCounter() - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry
Number of times a method called has been retried.
RetryExponentialBackoff - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance
A retry policy that increases the delay time following an exponential sequence.
RetryFibonacciBackoff - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance
A retry policy that increases the delay time following the Fibonacci sequence.
RetryPolicies - Class in io.helidon.config
Class provides access to built-in RetryPolicy implementations.
retryPolicy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSource
retryPolicy() - Method in class io.helidon.config.PrefixedConfigSource
retryPolicy() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.Source
Retry policy configured on this config source.
retryPolicy(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MetaConfig
Load a retry policy based on its meta configuration.
retryPolicy(Retry.RetryPolicy) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
Configure a retry policy to use to calculate delays between retries.
retryPolicy(Supplier<? extends RetryPolicy>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSourceBuilder
retryPolicy(Supplier<? extends RetryPolicy>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.Source.Builder
Configure a retry policy to be used with this source.
RetryPolicy - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Mechanism for controlling retry of attempts to load data by a ConfigSource.
RetryPolicyProvider - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Java service loader service to create retry policy based on meta configuration.
retrySchema(RetrySchema) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.MultiFromByteChannelBuilder
Retry schema to use when reading from the channel.
RetrySchema - Interface in io.helidon.common.reactive
Defines delay for next read/poll operation in a polling publisher.
RetryTimeoutException - Exception in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Subclass of TimeoutException to discern exceptions thrown by a Retry when its overall timeout is reached versus those thrown by a Timeout.
RetryTimeoutException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.faulttolerance.RetryTimeoutException
Constructs a RetryTimeoutException with the specified detail message.
retryWhen(BiFunction<? super Throwable, ? super Long, ? extends Flow.Publisher<U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Retry a failing upstream when the given function returns a publisher that signals an item.
retryWhen(BiFunction<? super Throwable, ? super Long, ? extends Flow.Publisher<U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Retry a failing upstream when the given function returns a publisher that signals an item.
retryWhen(BiFunction<? super Throwable, ? super Long, ? extends Flow.Publisher<U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Retry a failing upstream when the given function returns a publisher that signals an item.
returnType() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get method return type.
revocationTime() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.RevokeCertificate.Response
Revocation instant of the certificate.
revoke(RevokeToken.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Revokes a token and all child tokens.
revoke(RevokeToken.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Revokes a token and all child tokens.
revokeAndOrphan(RevokeAndOrphanToken.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Revokes a token and orphans all child tokens.
revokeAndOrphan(RevokeAndOrphanToken.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Revokes a token and orphans all child tokens.
RevokeAndOrphanToken - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Revoke and Orphan Token request and response.
RevokeAndOrphanToken.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Request object.
RevokeAndOrphanToken.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
revokeCertificate(RevokeCertificate.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Revoke a certificate.
revokeCertificate(RevokeCertificate.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Revoke a certificate.
revokeCertificate(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
Revoke a certificate by its serial number.
revokeCertificate(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
Revoke a certificate by its serial number.
RevokeCertificate - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Revoke certificate request and response.
RevokeCertificate.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Request object.
RevokeCertificate.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
RevokeToken - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Revoke Token request and response.
RevokeToken.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Request object.
RevokeToken.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
RFC_1123_DATE_TIME - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.DateTime
The RFC1123 date-time formatter, such as 'Tue, 3 Jun 2008 11:05:30 GMT'.
RFC_850_DATE_TIME - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.DateTime
The RFC850 date-time formatter, such as 'Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT'.
Role - Class in
A security role used in RBAC (role based access control) schemes.
ROLE_APPROLE - Static variable in class
Json key for app roles to be retrieved from IDCS response.
ROLE_APPROLE - Static variable in class
Json key for app roles to be retrieved from IDCS response.
ROLE_GROUP - Static variable in class
Json key for group roles to be retrieved from IDCS response.
ROLE_GROUP - Static variable in class
Json key for group roles to be retrieved from IDCS response.
ROLE_TYPE - Static variable in class
Type of grant used in Grant.type().
Role.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for Role.
RoleAnnotationAnalyzer - Class in
Implementation of AnnotationAnalyzer which checks for PermitAll annotation if authentication is needed or not.
RoleAnnotationAnalyzer() - Constructor for class
roleCache(EvictableCache<String, List<Grant>>) - Method in class
Use explicit EvictableCache for role caching.
roleCache(EvictableCache<String, List<Grant>>) - Method in class
Use explicit EvictableCache for role caching.
roleId() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.ReadRoleId.Response
Role ID read from the Vault.
roleId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.Login.Request
Role ID of the AppRole.
roleMapTracing(String) - Method in class
Create a tracing pan for a role mapper.
RoleMapTracing - Class in
Tracing of role mapping.
roleName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
Name of the configured role.
roleName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.ReadRoleId.Request
AppRole name.
roleName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
Name of the AppRole.
roleName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
Name of the role to create.
roleName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.DeleteRole.Request
Role name to delete.
roleName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.Login.Request
Vault's role name.
roleName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
The name of the token role.
roleName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
The name of the token role.
roleName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.DeleteTokenRole.Request
The name of the token role.
roleName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
roleName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Configure role name.
roles() - Method in interface
Get set of roles the user is in.
rolesAllowed(String...) - Static method in class
An array of allowed roles for this path - must have a security provider supporting roles.
rolesAllowed(String...) - Method in class
An array of allowed roles for this path - must have a security provider supporting roles (either authentication or authorization provider).
rolesAllowed(String...) - Method in class
An array of allowed roles for this path - must have a security provider supporting roles (either authentication or authorization provider).
rolesAllowed(String...) - Static method in class
An array of allowed roles for this path - must have a security provider supporting roles.
RoleValidator - Class in
Validator capable of validating role attributes of a subject.
RoleValidator.RoleConfig - Class in
Attribute configuration class for Role validator.
RoleValidator.RoleConfig.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for RoleValidator.RoleConfig.
RoleValidator.Roles - Annotation Interface in
A definition of "roles allowed" for a specific subject type.
RoleValidator.RolesContainer - Annotation Interface in
Repeatable annotation for RoleValidator.Roles.
RoleValidatorService - Class in
Java service for RoleValidator ABAC security provider.
RoleValidatorService() - Constructor for class
rollback() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbTransaction
Configure this transaction to (eventually) rollback.
rollback() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbTransaction
rollback() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
rollback() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
rollback() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionManager
Rolls back the transaction associated with the current thread.
rollback() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
ROLLBACK - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter.XARoutine
An enum constant modeling the XAResource.rollback(Xid) method.
root() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.Configured
Whether this is a root configuration object.
ROUND_ROBIN - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webclient.DnsResolverType
Round Robin DNS resolver.
route(Http.Method, String, Handler) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
Create an HTTP/1 specific route.
route(Http.Method, String, Handler) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.http2.Http2Route
Create an HTTP/2 specific route.
route(Http.Method, String, Handler) - Static method in interface io.helidon.webserver.HttpRoute
Create HTTP route.
route(BareRequest, BareResponse) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing
Process bare minimal request and response using this routing.
route(BareRequest, BareResponse) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebSocketRouting
route(HttpRoute) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
route(HttpRoute) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Add a route.
route(PathMatcher, Handler, Http.Method...) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
Create an HTTP/1.1 specific route.
route(PathMatcher, Handler, Http.Method...) - Static method in class io.helidon.webserver.http2.Http2Route
Create an HTTP/2 specific route.
Router - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Router for server.
Router.Builder - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Builder for a standalone router.
Router.RouterBuilder<B extends Router.RouterBuilder<B>> - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Generic builder interface used by Router.Builder.
routing() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi.GrpcMpContext
Obtain the GrpcRouting.Builder to allow modifications to be made to the routing before the server is configured.
routing() - Method in interface
Returns the routing name to be used for the service's endpoint.
routing(Routing) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
routing(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Router
Get routing of a specific type.
routing(String) - Method in interface
Sets the routing name to use for setting up the service's endpoint.
routing(Consumer<Routing.Builder>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Configure the default routing of this WebServer.
routing(Supplier<Routing>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Configure the default routing of this WebServer.
Routing - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Routing represents composition of HTTP request-response handlers with routing rules.
ROUTING_NAME_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface
Config key for the routing name setting.
Routing.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver
A Routing builder.
Routing.Rules - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
An API to define HTTP request routing rules.
routingBuilder() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingBuilders
routingBuilder(Optional<String>, boolean, String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
Provides access to routing builder.
RoutingBuilders - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.server
Provides Routing.Builder instances (for the default and the actual) for a Helidon MP service, based on configuration for the component (if any) and defaults otherwise.
routingName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
Configure a routing name.
RoutingName - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.server
Binds an Application or Service to a specific (named) routing on WebServer.
routingNameRequired(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication.Builder
In case the JaxRsApplication.routingName() is configured to a non-default name, you can control with this property whether the name is required (and boot would fail if such a named port is not configured), or default routing is used when the named one is missing.
RoutingPath - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.server
Path of a Service to register with routing.
rowDeleted() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
rowInserted() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
rowUpdated() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
rPad(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry.Builder
Apply right padding to fill the defined length.
RSA_OAEP - Enum constant in enum class
RSA-OAEP declares that RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-1AndMGF1Padding cipher will be used for content key encryption.
RSA_OAEP_256 - Enum constant in enum class
RSA-OAEP-256 declares that RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding cipher will be used for content key encryption.
RSA1_5 - Enum constant in enum class
RSA1_5 declares that RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding cipher will be used for content key encryption.
run() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.SQLRunnable
Performs work.
run() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
run(I) - Method in interface io.helidon.scheduling.ScheduledConsumer
Invoked by scheduler in defined interval.
runAfterBoth(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
runAfterBoth(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
runAfterBothAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
runAfterBothAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
runAfterBothAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
runAfterBothAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
runAfterEither(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
runAfterEither(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
runAfterEitherAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
runAfterEitherAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
runAfterEitherAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
runAfterEitherAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
runAs(Subject, Runnable) - Method in interface
Executes provided code under provided subject.
runAs(String, Runnable) - Method in interface
Execute provided code as current user with an additional explicit role added.
runInContext(Context, Runnable) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.context.Contexts
Run the runnable in the provided context.
runInContext(Context, Callable<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.context.Contexts
Run the callable in the provided context.
runInContextWithThrow(Context, Callable<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.context.Contexts
Run the callable in the provided context throwing any exception from its execution.
runInNewContext(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher
runTasks(ServerRequest, ServerResponse, Throwable) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.PostRequestMetricsSupport
Run the post-processing tasks.
runtimeStart(Config) - Static method in class
This method should only be called when running within native image, as soon as runtime configuration is available.
RuntimeStart - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
Run time of the application (as opposed to build time).
RuntimeStart.Literal - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.cdi
Annotation literal to use when an annotation instance is needed.


safeReadContent(Path) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.FileSourceHelper
Reads the content of the specified file.
SafeStreamObserver<T> - Class in io.helidon.grpc.core
A StreamObserver that handles exceptions correctly.
sameSite(SetCookie.SameSite) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.Builder
The SameSite cookie parameter.
samplerParam(Number) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
The sampler parameter (number).
samplerType(JaegerTracerBuilder.SamplerType) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Sampler type.
sanitize(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry.Builder
Configure output sanitization.
sanitize(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AbstractLogEntry
Apply configured sanitization.
scale() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbColumn
Scale of this column.
scan(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders.NoopPropagatedHeaders
scan(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders.PrefixedPropagatedHeaders
scan(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders
Scan map of headers for any headers with allowed prefix.
schedule() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
schedule() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The schedule for trigger a reload check, testing whether there is a new SSLContext instance available.
schedule() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
The schedule for trigger a reload check, testing whether there is a new certificate available.
schedule(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher.Builder
Configure schedule of the file watcher.
schedule(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The schedule for trigger a reload check, testing whether there is a new SSLContext instance available.
Scheduled - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling
Marks the method to be invoked periodically according to supplied cron expression.
ScheduledConsumer<I extends Invocation> - Interface in io.helidon.scheduling
Consumer invoked by scheduler in defined interval.
scheduleDelay(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Schedule Delay of exporter requests.
scheduledExecutor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
Executor service to schedule retries.
scheduledExecutor(Supplier<? extends ScheduledExecutorService>) - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance
Configure Helidon wide scheduled executor service for Fault Tolerance.
ScheduledPollingStrategy - Class in io.helidon.config
A strategy which allows the user to schedule periodically fired polling event.
ScheduledPollingStrategy.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
A fluent API builder for ScheduledPollingStrategy.
ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy - Interface in io.helidon.config
An SPI that allows users to define their own policy how to change the interval between scheduled ticking.
ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy.AdaptiveBuilder - Class in io.helidon.config
Creates a builder of ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy with an ability to change the behaviour, with a boundaries and the possibility to react to feedback given by ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy.shorten() or ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy.lengthen().
ScheduledPollingStrategy.RegularRecurringPolicy - Class in io.helidon.config
Regular polling strategy implementation.
scheduledThreadPoolSupplier() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension
Access ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier configured by this extension.
ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier - Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
Supplier of a custom scheduled thread pool.
ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
A fluent API builder for ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier.
scheduler(ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier) - Method in class
Custom executor supplier for loop pulling messages from JMS.
scheduler(ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder
Custom executor supplier for loop pulling messages from JMS.
scheduler(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class
Custom executor for loop pulling messages from JMS.
scheduler(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector.JmsConnectorBuilder
Custom executor for loop pulling messages from JMS.
scheduler(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
Specify a scheduler that will read ad process messages coming from Kafka.
SCHEDULER_THREAD_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in interface
Configuration key for thread name prefix used for polling.
Scheduling - Class in io.helidon.scheduling
Scheduling periodically executed task with specified fixed rate or cron expression.
Scheduling.CronBuilder - Class in io.helidon.scheduling
Builder for task executed periodically according to provided cron expression.
Scheduling.FixedRateBuilder - Class in io.helidon.scheduling
Builder for task executed periodically at a fixed rate.
SchedulingCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling
Scheduling CDI Extension.
SchedulingCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling.SchedulingCdiExtension
SchedulingException - Exception in io.helidon.scheduling
Scheduling specific exception.
schedulingTimeUnit(TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets the time unit applied to the initial delay and delay values (defaults to TimeUnit.SECONDS).
schema() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Schema of the request uri.
schema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler.Builder
Configure the GraphQL schema to be used.
schema(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Set new schema of the request.
schemaString() - Method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler
The schema of this GraphQL endpoint.
schemaUri(String) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport.Builder
Configure URI that will serve the GraphQL schema under the context root.
scheme() - Method in record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Returns the value of the scheme record component.
Scope - Interface in io.helidon.tracing
A Scope that can be (eventually) closed.
SCOPE_GRANT_TYPE - Static variable in class
Use this type when constructing a Grant, so this validator can accept it as a scope.
scopeAudience() - Method in interface
Audience URI of custom scopes.
scopeAudience() - Method in class
scopeAudience(String) - Method in class
Audience of the scope required by this application.
scopeManager() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracer
scopes() - Method in class
Scopes of this token.
scopes(String[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport.Builder
Sets which metrics scopes (e.g., base, vendor, application) should be sent to OCI.
scopes(List<String>) - Method in class
OAuth2 scope claims to set.
ScopeValidator - Class in
ABAC validator for OAuth2 scopes.
ScopeValidator.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for ScopeValidator.
ScopeValidator.Scope - Annotation Interface in
Scope annotation.
ScopeValidator.Scopes - Annotation Interface in
Repeatable annotation for ScopeValidator.Scope.
ScopeValidator.ScopesConfig - Class in
Configuration custom class for scope validator.
ScopeValidatorService - Class in
A service to provide ScopeValidator to AbacProvider.
ScopeValidatorService() - Constructor for class
SE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.HelidonFlavor
The "Standard Edition" flavor.
seComponentConfig() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.metrics.MetricsCdiExtension
seComponentConfig() - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Returns the SE config to use in setting up the component's SE service.
secondaryLookupSupplier(Supplier<Optional<CrossOriginConfig>>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.Builder
Not for developer use. Sets a back-up way to provide a CrossOriginConfig instance if, during look-up for a given request, none is found from the aggregator.
secret(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityProvider
secret(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityProvider
secret(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityProvider
secret(Config) - Method in class
secret(Config) - Method in interface
Create secret supplier from configuration.
secret(CubbyholeSecurityProvider.CubbyholeSecretConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecurityProvider
secret(Kv1SecurityProvider.Kv1SecretConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecurityProvider
secret(Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityProvider
secret(ConfigVaultProvider.SecretConfig) - Method in class
secret(String) - Method in interface
Get a secret.
secret(String, String) - Method in interface
Get a secret.
secret(T) - Method in interface
Create secret supplier from configuration object.
Secret - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Common methods for secrets.
SecretBundleLazyConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource
An AbstractConfigSource and a LazyConfigSource implementation that sources its values from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault APIs.
SecretBundleLazyConfigSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource
SecretBundleNodeConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource
An AbstractConfigSource, NodeConfigSource and PollableSource implementation that sources its values from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault APIs.
SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource
SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Stamp - Record Class in io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource
A pairing of a Set of entity tags with an Instant identifying the earliest expiration of a Secret indirectly identified by one of those tags.
secretId() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.GenerateSecretId.Response
The generated secret ID.
secretId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleVaultAuth.Builder
Secret ID generated for the AppRole.
secretId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.DestroySecretId.Request
Secret ID to use.
secretId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.Login.Request
Secret ID.
secretIdAccessor() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.GenerateSecretId.Response
Secret ID accessor.
secretIdNumUses(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
Number of times any particular SecretID can be used to fetch a token from this AppRole, after which the SecretID will expire.
secretIdTtl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
Duration after which the secret id expires.
secrets(Engine<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault
Get access to secrets using the provided engine, using the default mount point of that engine.
secrets(Engine<T>, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault
Get access to secrets using the provided engine, using a custom mount point.
Secrets - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault
All engines provide an implementation of this interface with specific methods for these engines.
SecretsEngineProvider<T extends SecretsRx> - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi
A Java Service Loader SPI to support additional secret engines of Vault.
SecretsProvider<T extends ProviderConfig> - Interface in
Provider that can retrieve secrets.
SecretsProviderConfig - Interface in
Marker interface for configuration of secrets providers.
SecretsRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault
All engines provide an implementation of this interface with specific methods for these engines.
secretsSupplier(Supplier<? extends Secrets>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.AbstractSecretBundleConfigSource.Builder
Uses the supplied Supplier of Secrets instances, instead of the default one, for communicating with the OCI Secrets Retrieval API.
secretsType() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Engine
Implementation class of the SecretsRx of this engine.
secretValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CreateCubbyhole.Request
Secret values for the secret being created.
secretValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.UpdateCubbyhole.Request
New secret values.
secretValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.CreateKv1.Request
Values of the secret.
secretValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.UpdateKv1.Request
New values of the secret.
secretValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.CreateKv2.Request
Values of the secret being created.
secretValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.UpdateKv2.Request
New secret values for this update request.
secure() - Static method in class
Secure access using authentication and authorization.
secure() - Static method in class
Secure access using authentication and authorization.
secure(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.Builder
Sets Secure parameter.
secureRandom(WebServerTls) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
Load secure random.
SecureUserStore - Interface in
Store of users for resolving httpauth and digest authentication.
SecureUserStore.User - Interface in
Representation of a single user.
security() - Method in class
Access to security instance once it is created from SecurityCdiExtension.securityBuilder().
security() - Method in class
Security - Interface in
This class is used to "bootstrap" security and integrate it with other frameworks; runtime main entry point is SecurityContext.
SECURITY_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class
The main Java security algorithm used.
SECURITY_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class
The main Java security algorithm used.
SECURITY_CONTEXT - Static variable in class
The SecurityContext gRPC metadata header key.
SECURITY_TYPE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface
Reserved event type prefix for security component.
Security.Builder - Class in
Builder pattern class for helping create Security in a convenient way.
securityBuilder() - Method in class
Other extensions may update security builder.
SecurityCdiExtension - Class in
Extension to register bean SecurityProducer.
SecurityCdiExtension() - Constructor for class
SecurityClient<T extends SecurityResponse> - Interface in
Common methods for security clients.
SecurityClientBuilder<T extends SecurityResponse> - Class in
Builder constructing a security client - extends the SecurityRequestBuilder for convenience.
securityContext() - Method in class
Security context associated with current request.
securityContext(SecurityContext) - Method in class
Update security span with information from SecurityContext.
SecurityContext - Interface in
Security context to retrieve security information about current user, either injected or obtained from Security.contextBuilder(String) and to handle programmatic security.
SecurityContext.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for SecurityContext.
securityDefaults(GrpcSecurityHandler) - Method in class
Create a new gRPC security instance using the default handler as base defaults for all handlers used.
securityDefaults(SecurityHandler) - Method in class
Create a new web security instance using the default handler as base defaults for all handlers used.
SecurityDisabledFeature - Class in
Feature which enables injection of empty SecurityContext when security is disabled.
SecurityDisabledFeature(Security) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance of security feature for a security component.
SecurityEnvironment - Class in
Security environment is a set of attributes that are stable for an interaction (usually a request in our case).
SecurityEnvironment.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for SecurityEnvironment.
SecurityException - Exception in
Runtime exception used as by this module to be able to identify exception caused by it.
SecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception
Create a new security exception.
SecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Create a new security exception.
SecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Create a new security exception.
SecurityFeature - Class in
Integration of Security module with Jersey.
SecurityFeature() - Constructor for class
Create a new instance of security feature for a security component.
SecurityFeature(Security) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance of security feature for a security component.
SecurityFeature.Builder - Class in
SecurityFeature fluent API builder.
SecurityFilter - Class in
A filter that handles authentication and authorization.
SecurityFilter() - Constructor for class
Default constructor to be used by Jersey when creating an instance of this class.
SecurityHandler - Class in
Handles security for web server.
SecurityHandler.QueryParamHandler - Class in
Handler of query parameters - extracts them and stores them in a security header, so security can access them.
SecurityLevel - Class in
Security level stores annotations bound to the specific class and method.
SecurityLevel.SecurityLevelBuilder - Class in
Builder for SecurityLevel class.
securityLevels() - Method in class
Get all security levels endpoint configuration object registered.
securityLevels(List<SecurityLevel>) - Method in class
Sets security levels to this endpoint configuration builder.
SecurityProvider - Interface in
Base interface for all security providers.
SecurityProviderService - Interface in
Service to use with ServiceLoader to map configuration to provider.
SecurityRequest - Interface in
Common methods for all security requests (authentication, authorization, and identity propagation).
securityRequestBuilder() - Method in interface
A builder to build a SecurityRequest.
securityRequestBuilder(SecurityEnvironment) - Method in interface
A builder to build a SecurityRequest with a specific environment.
SecurityRequestBuilder<T extends SecurityRequestBuilder<T>> - Class in
Fluent API to build a security request.
SecurityResponse - Class in
Response from security provider (and security Module).
SecurityResponse.SecurityStatus - Enum Class in
Status of a security operation.
SecurityResponseMapper - Interface in
A SecurityResponse mapper that is called when a security error is encountered.
SecurityTime - Class in
Time used in security, configurable.
SecurityTime.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for SecurityTime.
SecurityTracing - Class in
Security integration utility for tracing support in integration components.
SEE_OTHER_303 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
303 See Other, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
segments() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest.Path
Returns path as a list of its segments.
selectAlternatives(Class<?>...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
selectAlternativeStereotypes(Class<? extends Annotation>...) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
selectOutboundProviders() - Method in class
selectOutboundProviders() - Method in interface
Specific method for outbound providers, as we have an option to choose the first outbound provider that matches the current request.
selectProvider(Class<T>) - Method in class
selectProvider(Class<T>) - Method in interface
Select a provider instance of the type defined that this policy has configured as the default.
selectProvider(Class<T>, String) - Method in class
selectProvider(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface
Select a provider instance of the type defined that this policy finds for the requested name.
send() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Send headers and status code to the client.
send() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Sends an empty response.
send(Throwable) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Send a Throwable and close the response.
send(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Send a message as is without any other marshalling, registered filters are applied.
send(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Send a message as is without any other marshalling.
send(Flow.Publisher<T>, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Send a message with the given entity stream as content and close the response.
send(Function<MessageBodyWriterContext, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Send a message using the given marshalling function.
send(M) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
send(PAYLOAD) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
Send raw payload to downstream, wrapped to Message when demand is higher than 0.
send(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Send a message and close the response.
sender(Sender) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
The sender to use for sending events to Zipkin.
sendingErrorHandler(Config) - Method in class
sendingErrorHandler(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Customizable handler for errors during sending.
sendStaticText(ServerRequest, ServerResponse, MediaType) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase
Sends a static text response of the given media type.
sensitive(String, Object) - Static method in class
New parameter of any type that is sensitive.
SEOpenAPISupportBuilder - Class in io.helidon.openapi
Builds OpenAPISupport in a Helidon SE environment.
SEOpenAPISupportBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.openapi.SEOpenAPISupportBuilder
SequentialSubscriber<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Wrapper Flow.Subscriber ensuring OnSubscribe, onNext, onError and onComplete to be signaled serially.
SequentialSubscriber(Flow.Subscriber<T>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.reactive.SequentialSubscriber
Provides protection from untrusted publishers, enforces rule 1.3 by serializing all parallel calls.
SerializationConfig - Class in io.helidon.common
Support for JEP 290 - deserialization filtering.
SerializationConfig.Action - Enum Class in io.helidon.common
What action to take if there is no global filter configured, or if the configuration is not according to Helidon expectations.
SerializationConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common
Fluent API builder to customize SerializationConfig.
SerializationConfig.TraceOption - Enum Class in io.helidon.common
Deserialization tracing options.
serializerFoundation(SerializerFoundation<?>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
serialNumber() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Response
Serial number of the certificate.
serialNumber(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CertificateGet.Request
Serial number of the certificate to get.
serialNumber(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies the Serial Number, if any.
serialNumber(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.RevokeCertificate.Request
Serial number of the certificate to revoke.
server() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.GrpcServerCdiExtension.ServerProducer
Produce the GrpcServer.
Server - Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.server
Microprofile server.
SERVER - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Kind
Server span kind, parent of a server interaction.
SERVER - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Server" header name.
SERVER_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus.Family
5xx HTTP status codes.
Server.Builder - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.server
Builder to build Server instance.
serverBuilder() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
Helidon web server configuration builder that can be used to re-configure the web server.
ServerCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.server
Extension to handle web server configuration and lifecycle.
ServerCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
ServerConfiguration - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
WebServer configuration.
ServerConfiguration.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver
since 2.0.0 - use WebServer.Builder instead
serverFlag(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies if certificates are flagged for server use.
ServerImpl - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.server
Server to handle lifecycle of microprofile implementation.
ServerLifecycle - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Basic server lifecycle operations.
serverNamedRoutingBuilder(String) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
Helidon webserver routing builder that can be used to add routes to a named socket of the webserver.
serverPort() - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.Main
use ServerCdiExtension to get the port
ServerProducer() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.GrpcServerCdiExtension.ServerProducer
serverReflectionInfo(StreamObserver<ServerReflectionResponse>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ProtoReflectionService
serverRequest() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogContext
The server request.
ServerRequest - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Represents HTTP Request and provides WebServer related API.
ServerRequestAttribute - Enum Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
An enum representing different types of gRPC request attribute that can be added to tracing logs.
serverResponse() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogContext
The server response, after data was sent.
ServerResponse - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Represents HTTP Response.
ServerResponse.CachingStrategy - Enum Class in io.helidon.webserver
Declares common groups of Cache-Control settings.
serverRoutingBuilder() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
Helidon webserver routing builder that can be used to add routes to the webserver.
servers(String) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.SEOpenAPISupportBuilder
Sets the servers which offer the endpoints in the OpenAPI document.
serverStreaming(Object[], MethodHandler.ServerStreamingClient) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
Handle a bi-directional client call.
serverStreaming(Object[], MethodHandler.ServerStreamingClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ServerStreaming
serverStreaming(Object[], MethodHandler.ServerStreamingClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ServerStreamingNoRequest
serverStreaming(Object[], MethodHandler.ServerStreamingClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.StreamResponse
serverStreaming(Object[], MethodHandler.ServerStreamingClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.StreamResponseNoRequest
serverStreaming(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
serverStreaming(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register server streaming method for the service.
serverStreaming(String, ServerCalls.ServerStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
serverStreaming(String, ServerCalls.ServerStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register server streaming method for the service.
serverStreaming(String, ServerCalls.ServerStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>, MethodDescriptor.Configurer<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
serverStreaming(String, ServerCalls.ServerStreamingMethod<ReqT, ResT>, MethodDescriptor.Configurer<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register server streaming method for the service.
serverStreaming(String, Consumer<ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
serverStreaming(String, Consumer<ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register server streaming method for the service.
serverStreaming(String, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Invoke the specified server streaming method.
serverStreaming(String, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler.ServerStreamingClient
Perform a server streaming client call.
ServerStreaming - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An annotation to mark a class as representing a server streaming gRPC method.
ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A supplier of MethodHandlers for server streaming gRPC methods.
ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier
Create a supplier of handlers for server streaming methods.
ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.AbstractServerStreamingHandler<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A base class for server streaming MethodHandlers.
ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ServerStreaming<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A server streaming MethodHandler that calls a standard server streaming method handler method of the form.
ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.ServerStreamingNoRequest<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A server streaming MethodHandler that calls a calls a server streaming method handler method of the form.
ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.StreamResponse<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A server streaming MethodHandler that calls a calls a server streaming method handler method of the form.
ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier.StreamResponseNoRequest<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A server streaming MethodHandler that calls a calls a server streaming method handler method of the form.
ServerThreadPoolSupplier - Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
Supplier of a custom thread pool with defaults appropriate for a thread-per-request server.
serverTime() - Method in interface
Time that is decisive for the server.
serverTime() - Method in interface
Get time instance, that can be used to obtain current time consistent with the security framework.
serverTime(SecurityTime) - Method in class
Server time to use when evaluating security policies that depend on time.
serverTime(SecurityTime) - Method in class
SecurityTime to use when determining current time.
serverType() - Method in interface
Server type.
serverType() - Method in class
serverType(String) - Method in class
Configure one of the supported types of identity servers.
service() - Method in class
Service (or client) subject.
service() - Method in class
Current service subject, if already authenticated.
service() - Method in interface
Returns subject of current context (caller) service or client identity.
service(Subject) - Method in class
Set the service subject as created by this provider.
Service - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Encapsulates a set of routing rules and related logic.
SERVICE - Enum constant in enum class
Service principal.
SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR_KEY - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
The Context.Key to use to obtain the ServiceDescriptor.
SERVICE_METHOD - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ContextKeys
The Context.Key to use to obtain the actual underlying rpc Method.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_503 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
503 Service Unavailable, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
serviceAccountToken(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sVaultAuth.Builder
The k8s service account token.
serviceAccountToken(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.Login.Request
Kubernetes service account token.
serviceClass() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AbstractServiceBuilder
Obtain the service class.
ServiceDescriptor - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
Encapsulates all metadata necessary to create and deploy a gRPC service.
ServiceDescriptor.Aware - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.server
Allows users to specify that they would like to have access to a ServiceDescriptor within their ServerInterceptor implementation.
ServiceDescriptor.Builder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
ServiceDescriptor.Configurer - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.server
An interface implemented by classs that can configure a ServiceDescriptor.Rules.
ServiceDescriptor.Rules - Interface in io.helidon.grpc.server
Fluent configuration interface for the ServiceDescriptor.
serviceName() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Obtain the service name.
serviceName() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsCdiExtension
Makes an attempt to "guess" the service name.
serviceName() - Method in interface
A helper method to get service name if authenticated.
serviceName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
serviceName(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Service name of the traced service.
serviceName(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Service name of the traced service.
serviceName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
servicePrincipal() - Method in interface
Returns service principal if service is authenticated.
serviceRolesAllowed() - Method in class
Set of roles required for a service.
services() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRouting
Obtain a List of the ServiceDescriptor instances contained in this GrpcRouting.
services() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcRoutingImpl
services() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Obtain the deployed services.
services() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
serviceSupport() - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension
Returns the SE service instance created during MP service registration.
session() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.SessionMetadata
Session used for receiving the message.
SESSION_GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
When multiple channels share same session-group-id, they share same JMS session and same JDBC connection as well.
sessionCacheSize(long) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.SSLContextBuilder
Set the size of the cache used for storing SSL session objects.
sessionCacheSize(long) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Set the size of the cache used for storing SSL session objects.
sessionGroupId(String) - Method in class
When multiple channels share same session-group-id, they share same JMS session.
sessionGroupId(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
When multiple channels share same session-group-id, they share same JMS session.
SessionMetadata - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Metadata of the JMS session.
sessionTimeout(long) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.SSLContextBuilder
Set the timeout for the cached SSL session objects, in seconds.
sessionTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Set the timeout for the cached SSL session objects.
sessionTimeoutSeconds(long) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Set the timeout for the cached SSL session objects, in seconds.
set(String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.logging.common.HelidonMdc
Propagate value to all of the MdcProvider registered via SPI.
set(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.HeaderConsumer
Set the value(s).
SET_COOKIE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Set-Cookie" header name.
setArray(int, Array) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setAsciiStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBinaryStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBlob(int, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBlob(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBlob(String, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBlob(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBlob(String, Blob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setByte(String, byte) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setCatalog(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setCatalog(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
setClientInfo(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setClientInfo(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setClientInfo(Properties) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setClientInfo(Properties) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setClob(int, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setClob(int, Clob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setClob(String, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setClob(String, Clob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setCloseable(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
Sets the closeable status of this ConditionallyCloseableConnection and, if the supplied closeable agrument is true, sets the close pending status to false.
setCloseable(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
Sets the closeable status of this DelegatingResultSet.
setCloseable(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
Sets the closeable status of this DelegatingStatement.
SetCookie - Class in io.helidon.common.http
Represents 'Set-Cookie' header value specified by RFC6265.
SetCookie.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.http
A fluent API builder for SetCookie.
SetCookie.SameSite - Enum Class in io.helidon.common.http
The SameSite attribute of the Set-Cookie HTTP response header allows you to declare if your cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context.
setCookies() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponseHeaders
Returns SetCookie header of the response.
setCoupledExecutor(ExecutorService) - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.reactive.HelidonReactiveStreamsEngine
Override the ExecutorService used by the cross-termination and cross-cancellation of a Coupled stage.
setCursorName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setDate(int, Date) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setDate(String, Date) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setDate(String, Date, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setFormatter(Formatter) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogHandler
setHoldability(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setHoldability(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setIfAbsent(String, String...) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.HeaderConsumer
Set the value(s) if not already set.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setInt(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setLargeMaxRows(long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.AbstractCommonDataSource
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.AbstractCommonDataSource
setLong(int, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setLong(String, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setMaximumPoolSize(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
setNCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setNCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setNCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNClob(int, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setNClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setNClob(int, NClob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setNClob(String, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNClob(String, NClob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNetworkTimeout(Executor, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setNetworkTimeout(Executor, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setNString(int, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setNString(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNull(int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setNull(int, int, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setNull(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setNull(String, int, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObject(int, Object) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setObject(int, Object, SQLType) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setObject(int, Object, SQLType, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setObject(String, Object) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObject(String, Object, int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObject(String, Object, SQLType) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setObject(String, Object, SQLType, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setOnce(AtomicReference<Flow.Subscription>, Flow.Subscription) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Atomically sets the only upstream subscription in the field.
setPoolable(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainerInitializer
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setRef(int, Ref) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setRejectedExecutionHandler(RejectedExecutionHandler) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
setRollbackOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionManager
Irrevocably modifies the transaction associated with the current thread such that the only possible outcome is for it to roll back.
setRollbackOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionSynchronizationRegistry
Sets the rollbackOnly status of the transaction bound to the current thread at the time this method is called.
setRowId(int, RowId) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setRowId(String, RowId) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setSavepoint() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setSavepoint() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setSchema(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setSchema(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setServiceDescriptor(ServiceDescriptor) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Aware
Set service descriptor.
setShardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setShardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setShardingKey(ShardingKey, ShardingKey) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setShardingKey(ShardingKey, ShardingKey) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey, ShardingKey, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey, ShardingKey, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setShort(int, short) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setShort(String, short) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setSQLXML(int, SQLXML) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setSQLXML(String, SQLXML) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setString(int, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setString(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTime(int, Time) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setTime(String, Time) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTime(String, Time, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setTransactionTimeout(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionManager
Sets the timeout value that is associated with transactions started by the current thread with the DelegatingTransactionManager.begin() method.
setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setURL(int, URL) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement
setURL(String, URL) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
setValue(ELContext, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class
severity() - Method in interface
Gets the severity of this AuditEvent.
Severity - Enum Class in io.helidon.common
Severity of an event.
sha1Thumbprint() - Method in class
sha1Thumbprint(byte[]) - Method in class
Thumbprint (X.509 Certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint) of the DER encoding of the certificate.
sha256Thumbprint() - Method in class
sha256Thumbprint(byte[]) - Method in class
Thumbprint (X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint) of the DER encoding of the certificate.
shiftBySeconds(long) - Method in class
Configure a time-shift in seconds, to move the current time to past or future.
shorten() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy
Allows the ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy to react by shortening the interval between ticking.
shorten(BiFunction<Duration, Integer, Duration>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RecurringPolicy.AdaptiveBuilder
Sets the function that will be used to shorten the interval between ticking.
shouldAlias(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.EnvironmentVariables
Tests whether aliases should be created for the given environment variable name.
shouldInherit() - Method in class
Whether to inherit statements from parent configurations.
shouldRedirect() - Method in class
Whether to redirect to identity server if user is not authenticated.
shutdown() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
shutdown() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Attempt to gracefully shutdown server.
shutdown() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
shutdown() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainer
Shutdown the container (and CDI).
shutdown() - Static method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.Main
Shutdown CDI container.
shutdown() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Attempt to gracefully shutdown server.
shutdownNow() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
shutdownQuietPeriod() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
The quiet period during which the webserver will wait for new incoming connections after it has been told to shut down.
shutdownQuietPeriod(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Configure the quiet period during which the webserver will wait for new incoming connections after it has been told to shut down.
sign(byte[]) - Method in class
Sign the bytes to sign using this JWK type and algorithm.
sign(Sign.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Sign a message.
sign(Sign.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Sign a message.
sign(Jwt, Jwk) - Static method in class
Sign a jwt using an explicit jwk.
sign(Jwt, JwkKeys) - Static method in class
Sign a jwt using a key obtained based on kid from JwkKeys.
Sign - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Sign request and response.
Sign.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Request object.
Sign.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
signature() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Response
Signature string.
signature(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Request
Specifies the signature output from the /transit/sign function.
Signature - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
The Signature class is used for simplification of the digital signature creation and verification.
SIGNATURE - Enum constant in enum class
Creates (or validates) a "Signature" header.
SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_PKCS1_V15 - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Signature algorithm "pkcs1v15".
SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_PSS - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Signature algorithm "pss".
Signature.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
Builder of the Signature.
signatureAlgorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
When using a RSA key, specifies the RSA signature algorithm to use for signing.
signatureAlgorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
When using a RSA key, specifies the RSA signature algorithm to use for signing.
signatureAlgorithm(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Verify.Request
When using a RSA key, specifies the RSA signature algorithm to use for signing.
signatureKeyName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Specifies the name of the encryption key to sign against.
signatureKeyVersion(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Sign.Request
Specifies the version of the key to use for signatures.
signCertificateRequest(SignCsr.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecrets
This endpoint signs a new certificate based upon the provided CSR and the supplied parameters, subject to the restrictions contained in the role named in the endpoint.
signCertificateRequest(SignCsr.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiSecretsRx
This endpoint signs a new certificate based upon the provided CSR and the supplied parameters, subject to the restrictions contained in the role named in the endpoint.
SignCsr - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Sign CSR request and response.
SignCsr.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Request object.
SignCsr.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
signedHeaders(SignedHeadersConfig) - Method in class
Configuration of required and "if-present" headers to be signed for this target.
signedHeadersConfig() - Method in class
Configuration of method to headers to define headers to be signed.
SignedHeadersConfig - Class in
Configuration of required and "if-present" headers to be signed.
SignedHeadersConfig.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder to create SignedHeadersConfig instances.
SignedHeadersConfig.HeadersConfig - Class in
Configuration of headers to be signed.
SignedJwt - Class in
The JWT used to transfer content across network - e.g.
signJwk() - Method in class
JWK used for signature validation.
signJwk() - Method in class
JWK used for signature validation.
signJwk(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
JWK resource used to sign JWTs created by us.
signJwk(Resource) - Method in class
JWK resource used to sign JWTs created by us.
signJwk(Resource) - Method in class
A resource pointing to JWK with public keys of signing certificates used to validate JWT.
signJwk(JwkKeys) - Method in class
Set JwkKeys to use for JWT validation.
simple(String, String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode
Returns an object node containing a single simple value.
SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.SpanProcessorType
Simple Span Processor.
simpleConfigIsPresent() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig
Determines whether sufficient configuration is present on this bean to be used for OCI's "simple" authentication provider.
SimpleRetryPolicy - Class in io.helidon.config
A default retry policy implementation with ScheduledExecutorService.
SimpleRetryPolicy.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
Fluent API builder for SimpleRetryPolicy.
simpleTimer(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
simpleTimer(String, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
simpleTimer(Metadata) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
simpleTimer(Metadata, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
simpleTimer(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
simpleValue(T) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigValues
Simple value that can be used e.g.
simplyTimed() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
A static factory method to create a GrpcMetrics instance to time gRPC method calls.
Single<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common.reactive
Represents a Flow.Publisher that may: signal one item then completes, complete without an item or signal an error.
SingleSubscriberHolder<T> - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
A subscriber container that accepts only a single, one-time subscriber registration.
SingleSubscriberHolder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.reactive.SingleSubscriberHolder
singleton(Class<T>) - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Instance
Create an Supplier that supplies a singleton of the specified Class.
singleton(T) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Create a Multi that emits a pre-existing item and then completes.
singleton(T) - Static method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Instance
Create a Supplier that supplies a singleton.
SingleValueStreamObserver() - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient.SingleValueStreamObserver
Create a SingleValueStreamObserver.
size() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.LruCache
Current size of the map.
size() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsSnapshot
size() - Method in class
Get the value of the size parameter that can be used to indicate an approximate size of the file in octets.
size() - Method in interface
Current size of the cache.
size(long) - Method in class
Set the content disposition size parameter.
SizeLogEntry - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Access log entry for entity size.
SizeLogEntry.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
A fluent API builder for SizeLogEntry.
skip(long) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Skip first n items, all the others are emitted.
skipAudit() - Method in class
Disable auditing of this request.
skipAudit() - Method in class
Disable auditing of this request.
skipAuthentication() - Method in class
If called, request will NOT go through authentication process.
skipAuthentication() - Method in class
If called, request will NOT go through authentication process.
skipAuthorization() - Method in class
Skip authorization for this route.
skipAuthorization() - Method in class
Skip authorization for this route.
skipOn(Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
These throwables will not be considered failures, all other will.
skipOn(Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Fallback.Builder
Do not apply fallback on these throwable classes.
skipOn(Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Retry.Builder
These throwables will not be considered retriable, all other will.
skipUriEncoding() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Disables final uri encoding.
Slf4jMdcPropagator - Class in io.helidon.logging.slf4j
This is propagator of Slf4j MDC values between different threads.
Slf4jMdcPropagator() - Constructor for class io.helidon.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMdcPropagator
Slf4jMdcProvider - Class in io.helidon.logging.slf4j
Provider for setting MDC values to the Slf4j MDC support.
Slf4jMdcProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMdcProvider
socket(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
since 2.0.0, please use ServerConfiguration.namedSocket(String) instead
socket(String, BiConsumer<SocketConfiguration.Builder, Router.Builder>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Adds or augment existing named server socket configuration.
socket(String, Consumer<SocketConfiguration.Builder>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Adds or augment existing named server socket configuration.
SocketClosedException - Exception in io.helidon.webserver
Signals that socket was closed before server request it.
SocketClosedException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.SocketClosedException
Creates new instance.
SocketClosedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.SocketClosedException
Creates new instance.
SocketClosedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.SocketClosedException
Creates new instance.
socketConfiguration() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Configuration of the socket that received this request.
SocketConfiguration - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
The SocketConfiguration configures a port to listen on and its associated server socket parameters.
SocketConfiguration.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver
The SocketConfiguration builder class.
SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType - Enum Class in io.helidon.webserver
Types of discovery of frontend uri.
SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder<B extends SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder<B>> - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Socket configuration builder API, used by SocketConfiguration.Builder to configure additional sockets, and by WebServer.Builder to configure the default socket.
sockets() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
A map of all the configured server sockets; that is the default server socket which is identified by the key WebServer.DEFAULT_SOCKET_NAME and also all the additional named server socket configurations.
SOCKS_4 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.ProxyType
SOCKS V4 proxy.
SOCKS_5 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.ProxyType
SOCKS V5 proxy.
sort(List<?>, int) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.Priorities
Sort the list based on priorities.
sort(List<? extends Prioritized>) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.Priorities
Sort the prioritized list based on priorities.
Source - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Source of data.
Source.Builder<B extends Source.Builder<B>> - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
Configurable options of a Source.
sourceFromMeta(Config, String, Function<Path, ConfigSource>, Function<String, List<ConfigSource>>, BiFunction<String, String, List<ConfigSource>>, Function<URL, ConfigSource>) - Static method in class
A utility for providing a list of configuration sources.
sourceName() - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource.MapBuilder
Name of the source.
sourceRuntime(ConfigSource) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContext
Create or find a runtime for a config source.
sources(Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Sets a ConfigSource instance to be used as a source of configuration to be wrapped into Config API.
sources(Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>, Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Sets an ordered pair of ConfigSource instances to be used as single source of configuration to be wrapped into Config API.
sources(Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>, Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>, Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Sets an ordered trio of ConfigSource instances to be used as single source of configuration to be wrapped into Config API.
sources(List<Supplier<? extends ConfigSource>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Builder
Sets ordered list of ConfigSource instance to be used as single source of configuration to be wrapped into Config API.
sourceType() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Type of this resource, depends on the original source.
span(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig
Get a traced span configuration for a named span.
span(String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.ComponentTracingConfig
Get a traced span configuration for a named span.
Span - Interface in io.helidon.tracing
Tracing span.
SPAN_KEY - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTracingContext
Context key for Span instance.
SPAN_NAME_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingFilter
Override name of the span created for client call.
Span.Builder<B extends Span.Builder<B>> - Interface in io.helidon.tracing
Fluent API builder to create a new Span.
Span.Kind - Enum Class in io.helidon.tracing
Span kind.
Span.Status - Enum Class in io.helidon.tracing
Span status.
spanBuilder(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Tracer
A new span builder to construct Span.
spanConfig() - Method in class
spanConfig(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
Return configuration of a specific span.
spanConfig(String, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfigUtil
Get the configuration of a single span from current Context.
spanConfig(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfigUtil
Get the configuration of a single span from current Context.
spanConfig(String, String, Context) - Static method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfigUtil
Get the configuration of a single span from the provided Context.
spanContext() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns a span context related to the current request.
SpanContext - Interface in io.helidon.tracing
Context of a tracing Span.
spanId() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.SpanContext
Span ID of the associated span.
spanLog(String) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig
Configuration of a traceable span log.
SpanLogTracingConfig - Class in io.helidon.tracing.config
Configuration of a single log event in a traced span.
SpanLogTracingConfig(String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanLogTracingConfig
A new span log.
SpanLogTracingConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.tracing.config
A fluent API builder for SpanLogTracingConfig.
spanName(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingFilter
spanName(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.AbstractTracingFilter
Create name of the newly created span.
spanName(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.TracingFilter
spanProcessorType(JaegerTracerBuilder.SpanProcessorType) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Span Processor type used.
SpanTracingConfig - Class in io.helidon.tracing.config
Configuration of a single traced span.
SpanTracingConfig(String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig
A new traceable span.
SpanTracingConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.tracing.config
A fluent API builder for SpanTracingConfig.
SQLBooleanSupplier - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A useful functional interface whose implementations can perform work that may throw a SQLException.
SQLRunnable - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A useful functional interface whose implementations can perform work that may throw a SQLException.
SQLSupplier<T> - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
A useful functional interface whose implementations can perform work that may throw a SQLException.
ssl() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use tls().sslContext() instead. This method will be removed at 3.0.0 version.
ssl(Supplier<? extends SSLContext>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets SSLContext to to use with the server.
ssl(Supplier<? extends SSLContext>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
ssl(SSLContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets SSLContext to to use with the server.
ssl(SSLContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
since 2.0.0, please use SocketConfiguration.Builder.tls(WebServerTls) instead
sslContext() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
sslContext() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.TlsManager
SSL context created by this manager.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls.Builder
Sets new SSLContext which will be used as base for SslContext.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Explicitly configures a SSLContext to use with the server socket.
sslContextBuilder(GrpcTlsDescriptor) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
Return an instance of SslContextBuilder from the specified SslConfig.
SSLContextBuilder - Class in io.helidon.grpc.server
Builder for configuring a new SslContext for creation.
sslDescriptor(GrpcTlsDescriptor) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder
Set the GrpcTlsDescriptor.
stamp() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent
A modification stamp of the content.
stamp(Object) - Method in class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigContent.Builder
Content stamp.
Stamp() - Constructor for record class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Stamp
Stamp(Set<?>, Instant) - Constructor for record class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Stamp
start() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Starts the server.
start() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
start() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.Messaging
Connect all channels and start streaming.
start() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.HelidonContainer
Start the container.
start() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server
Start this server (can only be used once).
start() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerImpl
start() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span.Builder
Build and start the span with current timestamp.
start() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Starts the server.
start(EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdEndpoint, Consumer<ChangeWatcher.ChangeEvent<EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdEndpoint>>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdWatcher
start(PollingStrategy.Polled) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy
start(PollingStrategy.Polled) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.PollingStrategy
Start this polling strategy.
start(String, PropagatedHeaders, long) - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Ask coordinator to start new LRA and return its id.
start(String, PropagatedHeaders, long) - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana.NarayanaClient
start(URI, String, PropagatedHeaders, long) - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Ask coordinator to start new LRA and return its id.
start(URI, String, PropagatedHeaders, long) - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana.NarayanaClient
start(Path, Consumer<ChangeWatcher.ChangeEvent<Path>>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher
start(Instant) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span.Builder
Start the span with an explicit timestamp.
start(T, Consumer<ChangeWatcher.ChangeEvent<T>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeWatcher
Start watching a target for changes.
START - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter.XARoutine
An enum constant modeling the XAResource.start(Xid, int) method.
started() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerCdiExtension
State of the server.
startupChecks() - Method in interface
Return the provided start-up HealthChecks.
state() - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker
Current breaker state.
state(CircuitBreaker.State) - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker
Set state of this circuit breaker.
statement() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Statement text.
statement() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext
Statement text as configured.
statement() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Text of the statement to be executed.
statement(DbClientServiceContext) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase
statement(DbClientServiceContext) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientService
Statement execution to be intercepted.
statement(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatements
Get statement text for a named statement.
statement(String) - Method in class
Set custom statement.
statement(String) - Method in class
The statement of this policy.
statement(String, List<Object>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Set a new statement with indexed parameters to be used.
statement(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Set a new statement with named parameters to be used.
statementFuture() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
A stage that is completed once the statement finishes execution.
statementFuture(CompletionStage<Void>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Set a new future to mark completion of the statement.
statementName() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Statement name.
statementName() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext
Name of this statement.
statementName() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Name of a statement to be executed.
statementName() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
Statement name.
statementName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext.BuilderBase
Configure name of statement.
statementName(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Set a new statement name to be used.
statementName(String) - Method in class
Set custom statement name.
statementNames() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
Set of statement name patterns.
statementNames(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
Configure statement name patterns this service will be triggered for.
statementNames(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
Configures statement name patterns from configuration.
statementPredicate(Predicate<DbClientServiceContext>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
Configure a predicate whose result will be used to decide whether to trigger this service or not.
statements() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext
Configured statements.
statements(DbStatements) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientContext.BuilderBase
Configure the db statements to use.
statements(DbStatements) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient.Builder
Statements to use either from configuration or manually configured.
statements(DbStatements) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
statements(DbStatements) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
statements(DbStatements) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Statements to use either from configuration or manually configured.
statementText(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractDbExecute
Return a statement text based on the statement name.
statementText(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext.BuilderBase
Configure text of statement.
statementType() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Type of this statement.
statementType() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext
Statement type of this statement.
statementType() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Type of the statement being executed.
statementType() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbStatementDml
statementType(DbStatementType) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbStatementContext.BuilderBase
Configure statement type.
statementType(DbStatementType) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClientServiceContext
Set the type of the statement.
statementTypes() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
Set of statement types.
statementTypes(DbStatementType...) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
Configure statement types this service will be triggered for.
statementTypes(List<DbStatementType>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.DbClientServiceBase.DbClientServiceBuilderBase
Configures statement types from configuration.
StaticContentSupport - Interface in io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent
Serves 'static content' (files) from filesystem or using a classloader to the WebServer Routing.
StaticContentSupport.Builder<B extends StaticContentSupport.Builder<B>> - Class in io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent
Fluent builder of the StaticContent detailed parameters.
StaticContentSupport.ClassPathBuilder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent
Builder for class path based static content.
StaticContentSupport.FileBasedBuilder<T extends StaticContentSupport.FileBasedBuilder<T>> - Class in io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent
Builder for file based static content supports, such as file based and classpath based.
StaticContentSupport.FileSystemBuilder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent
Builder for file system based static content.
staticFile(String) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport.Builder
Sets the file system path of the static OpenAPI document file.
stats() - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead
Provides access to internal stats for this bulkhead.
status() - Method in class
Received HTTP status.
status() - Method in class
HTTP status returned.
status() - Method in exception
Returned HTTP status.
status() - Method in exception io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorConnectionException
Status which should be reported to LRA method based on this error.
status() - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.Participant
URI of participant's method annotated with @Status.
status() - Method in class
Status of this response.
status() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponse
Status of this response.
status() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceResponse
Status of the response.
status() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupportBase.ResponseAdapter
Returns the status of the response.
status() - Method in exception io.helidon.webserver.HttpException
Obtain the associated http status.
status() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Returns actual response status code.
status(int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Sets new HTTP status code.
status(Http.ResponseStatus) - Method in class
Response status returned by the API call.
status(Http.ResponseStatus) - Method in class
HTTP status configured by RestApi.
status(Http.ResponseStatus) - Method in interface
Response status returned by the API call.
status(Http.ResponseStatus) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportResponse.Builder
Custom status.
status(Http.ResponseStatus) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Sets new HTTP status.
status(SecurityResponse.SecurityStatus) - Method in class
Set security status of this security response.
status(Span.Status) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Span status, mostly used to configure Span.Status.ERROR.
status(URI, PropagatedHeaders) - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.CoordinatorClient
Return status of specified LRA.
status(URI, PropagatedHeaders) - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.narayana.NarayanaClient
statusCode() - Method in class
Status code (uses HTTP status codes for mapping).
statusCode(int) - Method in class
Set a status code for failed statuses.
StatusLogEntry - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Access log entry for HTTP status.
StatusLogEntry.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
A fluent API builder for StatusLogEntry.
stop() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdWatcher
stop() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher
stop() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy
stop() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeWatcher
Stop watching all targets for changes.
stop() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.PollingStrategy
Stop polling and release all resources.
stop() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimerContext
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
stop() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConnector
Stops the KafkaConnector and all the jobs and resources related to it.
stop() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher
Closes the opened resources to Kafka and completes exceptionally the pending Message.ack().
stop() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.Messaging
Invoke stop method in all connectors implementing it.
stop() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.Stoppable
Invoked during Messaging.stop().
stop() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.Server
Stop this server immediately (can only be used on a started server).
stop() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerImpl
Stoppable - Interface in io.helidon.messaging
Messaging connector which can be notified about messaging stop.
storageDirectory(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
The base directory of the storage in the file system.
storeByValue(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
stream() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Get an input stream to this resource.
stream() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
If a value is present, returns a sequential Stream containing only that value, otherwise returns an empty Stream.
stream() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
Obtain the contents of this PriorityBag as an ordered Stream.
stream() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Returns a stream of Map.Entry for this registry for enabled metrics.
stream() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
stream() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Obtain a Stream of the Methods in this AnnotatedMethodList.
stream(StreamObserver<T>, CompletionStage<Void>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Obtain a Consumer that can be used to send values to the StreamObserver.onNext(Object) method until the CompletionStage completes then call StreamObserver.onCompleted().
stream(StreamObserver<T>, Supplier<Stream<? extends T>>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Send the values from a Stream to the StreamObserver.onNext(Object) method until the Stream is exhausted call StreamObserver.onCompleted().
stream(StreamObserver<T>, Stream<? extends T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Send the values from a Stream to the StreamObserver.onNext(Object) method until the Stream is exhausted call StreamObserver.onCompleted().
stream(T) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.JsonbMarshaller
streamAsync(StreamObserver<T>, CompletionStage<Void>) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Obtain a Consumer that can be used to send values to the StreamObserver.onNext(Object) method until the CompletionStage completes then asynchronously call StreamObserver.onCompleted() using the fork-join thread pool.
streamAsync(StreamObserver<T>, CompletionStage<Void>, Executor) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Obtain a Consumer that can be used to send values to the StreamObserver.onNext(Object) method until the CompletionStage completes then asynchronously call StreamObserver.onCompleted() using the executor thread.
streamAsync(StreamObserver<T>, Supplier<Stream<? extends T>>, Executor) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Asynchronously send the values from a Stream to the StreamObserver.onNext(Object) method until the Stream is exhausted call StreamObserver.onCompleted().
streamAsync(StreamObserver<T>, Stream<? extends T>, Executor) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.ResponseHelper
Asynchronously send the values from a Stream to the StreamObserver.onNext(Object) method until the Stream is exhausted call StreamObserver.onCompleted().
streamReaders() - Method in interface
Returns the collection of the stream readers which should be registered.
streamReaders() - Method in class
StreamValidationUtils - Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Helper methods for stream validation.
streamWriter() - Static method in class
Return a default Jackson entity stream writer.
streamWriter() - Static method in class
Return a default JSON-B entity stream writer.
streamWriter() - Static method in class
Return a default JSON-P entity stream writer.
streamWriter(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class
Create a new Jackson entity stream writer based on ObjectMapper instance.
streamWriter(Jsonb) - Static method in class
Create a new JSON-B entity stream writer based on Jsonb instance.
streamWriter(JsonWriterFactory) - Static method in class
Create a new JSON-P entity stream writer based on JsonWriterFactory.
streamWriterInstance() - Method in class
Return Jackson stream writer instance.
streamWriterInstance() - Method in class
Return JSON-B stream writer instance.
streamWriterInstance() - Method in class
Return JSON-P stream writer.
streamWriters() - Method in class
streamWriters() - Method in interface
Returns the collection of the stream writers which should be registered.
streamWriters() - Method in class
streamWriters() - Method in class
streamWriters() - Method in class
streamWriters() - Method in class
STRICT - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.SameSite
Cookies will only be sent in a first-party context and not be sent along with requests initiated by third party websites.
STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Strict-Transport-Security" header name.
strictExemplars(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings.Builder
Whether to add exemplars (if exemplar providers are present) only to counter totals and buckets.
string() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Get string content of this resource.
string(Charset) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource
Get string content of this resource.
stringReader() - Static method in class
Return String reader instance.
stringReader(Charset) - Static method in class
stringValue(JsonValue) - Static method in class
Get a string value from a json value.
subject() - Method in class
Subject claim.
subject() - Method in class
Subject claim.
subject() - Method in class
Current user subject, if already authenticated.
subject(String) - Method in class
Subject defines the principal this JWT was issued for (e.g.
Subject - Class in
A security subject, representing a user or a service.
Subject.Builder - Class in
A fluent API builder for Subject.
subjectMapper() - Method in interface
Subject mapping provider used to map subject(s) authenticated by AuthenticationProvider to a new Subject, e.g.
subjectMappingProvider(SubjectMappingProvider) - Method in class
Configure a subject mapping provider that would be used once authentication is processed.
SubjectMappingProvider - Interface in
A provider that maps subject(s) authenticated by an authentication provider to a new subject.
subjectType() - Element in annotation interface
Subject type for this restriction, defaults to SubjectType.USER.
subjectType() - Method in class
The type of principal we have authenticated (either user or service, defaults to service).
subjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
Principal type this provider extracts (and also propagates).
subjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class
Principal type this provider extracts (and also propagates).
subjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class
Principal type this provider extracts (and also propagates).
subjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class
Principal type this provider extracts (and also propagates).
subjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class
The type of principal we have authenticated (either user or service, defaults to service).
subjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class
Principal type this provider extracts (and also propagates).
SubjectType - Enum Class in
Type of principal.
subjectTypes(SubjectType...) - Method in class
Configure supported subject types.
subjectTypes(SubjectType...) - Method in class
Configure supported subject types.
submit() - Method in class
A shortcut method to build the client and invoke SecurityClient.submit() on it.
submit() - Method in interface
Submit the configured fields in the security request and process the security operation (Authentication, Authorization or OutboundSecurity).
submit() - Method in class
A shortcut method to build the client and invoke SecurityClient.submit() on it.
submit() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Performs prepared request.
submit(Object) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Performs prepared request and submitting request entity.
submit(Object, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Performs prepared request and submitting request entity.
submit(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Performs prepared request and submitting request entity using Flow.Publisher.
submit(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Performs prepared request and submitting request entity using Flow.Publisher.
submit(Function<MessageBodyWriterContext, Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Performs prepared request and submitting request entity using a marshalling function.
Subscribable<T> - Interface in io.helidon.common.reactive
Decorated publisher that allows subscribing to individual events with java functions.
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super DataChunk>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Content
If possible, adds the given Subscriber to this publisher.
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super DataChunk>) - Method in class
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super DataChunk>) - Method in class
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super DataChunk>) - Method in class
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super DataChunk>) - Method in class
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super ReadableBodyPart>) - Method in class
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super ByteBuffer>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiFromOutputStream
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.BufferedEmittingPublisher
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.ConcatPublisher
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.EmittingPublisher
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiTappedPublisher
subscribe(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Subscribe to this Single instance with the given delegate functions.
subscribe(Consumer<? super T>, Consumer<? super Throwable>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Subscribe to this Single instance with the given delegate functions.
subscribe(Consumer<? super T>, Consumer<? super Throwable>, Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Subscribe to this Single instance with the given delegate functions.
subscribe(Consumer<? super T>, Consumer<? super Throwable>, Runnable, Consumer<? super Flow.Subscription>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Subscribe to this Single instance with the given delegate functions.
subscribe(Consumer<SSLContext>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
subscribe(Consumer<SSLContext>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.TlsManager
this method will be removed in a future release.
subscribe(Subscriber<? super KafkaMessage<K, V>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher
subscribe(Subscriber<? super Message<PAYLOAD>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Emitter
subscriber(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Flow.Subscriber<? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register Flow.Subscriber to be used for supplied Channel.
subscriber(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Consumer<Multi<? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Use provided Multi to subscribe to supplied Channel.
subscriber(Channel<PAYLOAD>, SubscriberBuilder<? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>, RESULT>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register SubscriberBuilder to be used for creating Subscriber for supplied Channel.
subscriber(Channel<PAYLOAD>, Subscriber<? extends Message<? extends PAYLOAD>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Messaging.Builder
Register Subscriber to be used for supplied Channel.
SUBSCRIBER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Subscriber name for durable consumer used to identify subscription.
subscriberConfig(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.Channel.Builder
Config available to subscriber connector.
subscribeTo(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.FileSubscriber
Subscribes this instance to the obtained publisher.
SubscriptionHelper - Enum Class in io.helidon.common.reactive
Helper enum with a singleton cancellation indicator and utility methods to perform atomic actions on Flow.Subscriptions.
subtype() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Getter for subtype.
subtype(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType.Builder
Subtype of the new media type.
success(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetricBuilder
Whether to measure successful statements.
success(Principal) - Static method in class
Provider has authenticated the request and created a principal for a user.
success(Subject) - Static method in class
Provider has authenticated the request and created a user Subject.
success(Subject, Subject) - Static method in class
Provider has authenticated the request and created a user and service Subject.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class
Security event success.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates that the message processing by the security component was successful and that the runtime is to proceed with its normal processing of the resulting message.
SUCCESS_FINISH - Enum constant in enum class
Succeeded and provider did everything to be done.
SUCCESSFUL - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus.Family
2xx HTTP status codes.
successService(Principal) - Static method in class
Provider has authenticated the request and created a principal for a service (or a client).
successService(Subject) - Static method in class
Provider has authenticated the request and created a service Subject.
successThreshold(int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
How many successful calls will close a half-open circuit.
SUFFICIENT - Enum constant in enum class
If succeeds, no further providers are called, otherwise same as optional.
supplier() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Returns a supplier of a typed value.
supplier(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.ConfigValue
Returns a supplier of a typed value with a default.
Supplier() - Constructor for class io.helidon.grpc.core.JsonbMarshaller.Supplier
supplies(AnnotatedMethod) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.BidirectionalMethodHandlerSupplier
supplies(AnnotatedMethod) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ClientStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier
supplies(AnnotatedMethod) - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.MethodHandlerSupplier
Determine whether this MethodHandlerSupplier can supply a MethodHandler for a given method and type.
supplies(AnnotatedMethod) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ServerStreamingMethodHandlerSupplier
supplies(AnnotatedMethod) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier
supply() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.GrpcServerCdiExtension.ServerProducer
Produce a Supplier that can supply the GrpcServer.
supply(Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.Context
Register a new instance using a provided supplier.
supply(Object, Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.Context
Registers a new instance using a provided supplier.
supported() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceProvider
supported() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdWatcherProvider
supported() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceProvider
supported() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.RetryPolicyProvider
Return a set of supported types.
supported() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.OciSecretsConfigSourceProvider
For use by the Helidon Config subsystem only.
SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class
Requested type is supported by that specific operator.
supportedAnnotations() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider
supportedAnnotations() - Method in class
supportedAnnotations() - Method in class
supportedAnnotations() - Method in class
supportedAnnotations() - Method in class
supportedAnnotations() - Method in class
supportedAnnotations() - Method in interface
Provide extension annotations supported by this validator (e.g.
supportedAnnotations() - Method in class
supportedAnnotations() - Method in interface
Provide extension annotations supported by this provider (e.g.
supportedApi() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.SysProvider
Supported API by this provider.
supportedApi() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.HcpSysProvider
supportedAttributes() - Method in interface
A collection of attribute names expected by this provider to override endpoint configuration.
supportedConfigKeys() - Method in interface
Keys expected in configuration.
supportedCustomObjects() - Method in interface
Class of the configuration type.
supportedEngine() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeEngineProvider
supportedEngine() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbEngineProvider
supportedEngine() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1EngineProvider
supportedEngine() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2EngineProvider
supportedEngine() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiEngineProvider
supportedEngine() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitEngineProvider
supportedEngine() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.SecretsEngineProvider
Supported engine by this provider.
supportedMediaTypes() - Method in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParser
supportedMediaTypes() - Method in class io.helidon.config.PropertiesConfigParser
supportedMediaTypes() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser
Returns set of supported media types by the parser.
supportedMediaTypes() - Method in class io.helidon.config.yaml.YamlConfigParser
supportedMediaTypes() - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi
Indicates the media types the UI implementation itself supports.
supportedMethod() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.AppRoleAuthProvider
supportedMethod() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthProvider
supportedMethod() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthProvider
supportedMethod() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.AuthMethodProvider
Supported method by this provider.
supportedSuffixes() - Method in class io.helidon.config.hocon.HoconConfigParser
supportedSuffixes() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigParser
Config parser can define supported file suffixes.
supportedSuffixes() - Method in class io.helidon.config.yaml.YamlConfigParser
supportedTypes() - Method in class
supportedTypes() - Method in interface
Set of supported types for a MicroProfile meta-config provider.
supportedTypes() - Method in class
supportedTypes() - Method in class
Returns the return value of an invocation of OciSecretsConfigSourceProvider.supported().
supports(Class<?>, GenericType<?>) - Static method in enum class
Whether handled class is supported.
supports(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceProvider
supports(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdWatcherProvider
supports(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceProvider
supports(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.RetryPolicyProvider
Return true if this provider supports the type of meta-configurable object.
supports(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.OciSecretsConfigSourceProvider
For use by the Helidon Config subsystem only.
supports(String, ProviderRequest) - Method in interface
Can be used to tell the PolicyValidator that this statement is supported by this policy executor.
supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsANSI92FullSQL() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsBatchUpdates() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsColumnAliasing() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsConvert() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsConvert(int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCoreSQLGrammar() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsFullOuterJoins() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsGetGeneratedKeys() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsGroupBy() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsGroupByUnrelated() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsLikeEscapeClause() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsLimitedOuterJoins() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMultipleOpenResults() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMultipleResultSets() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsMultipleTransactions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsNamedParameters() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsNonNullableColumns() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOrderByUnrelated() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsOuterJoins() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsPositionedDelete() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsPositionedUpdate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsRefCursors() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsResultSetConcurrency(int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsResultSetHoldability(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsResultSetType(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSavepoints() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSelectForUpdate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSharding() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsStatementPooling() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsStoredProcedures() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSubqueriesInExists() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSubqueriesInIns() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsTableCorrelationNames() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsTransactions() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsUnion() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
supportsUnionAll() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
suspend() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi.DelegatingTransactionManager
Suspends the transaction currently associated with the calling thread and returns a Transaction that represents the transaction context being suspended, or null if the calling thread is not associated with a transaction.
switchIfEmpty(Single<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Switch to the other Single if the upstream is empty.
switchIfEmpty(Flow.Publisher<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Switch to the other publisher if the upstream is empty.
SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS_101 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
101 Switching Protocols, see HTTP/1.1 documentations.
SymmetricCipher - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
This class provides simple and stateless way to encrypt and decrypt messages using selected symmetric cipher.
SymmetricCipher.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.crypto
Builder of the SymmetricCipher.
syncAuthenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider
syncAuthenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
syncAuthenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
syncAuthenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
syncAuthenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
syncAuthenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
syncAuthenticate(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
Synchronous authentication.
syncAuthorize(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
syncAuthorize(ProviderRequest) - Method in class
Synchronous authorization.
SynchronousProvider - Class in
A provider base for synchronous providers.
SynchronousProvider() - Constructor for class
syncOutbound(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider
syncOutbound(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
syncOutbound(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
syncOutbound(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
syncOutbound(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
syncOutbound(ProviderRequest, SecurityEnvironment, EndpointConfig) - Method in class
Synchronous outbound security.
synthetic() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication
Indicates whether this app was identified as synthetic when it was built.
sys(SysApi<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault
Get access to sys operations on this Vault, such as to configure engines, policies etc.
Sys - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Blocking APIs for Sys operations on Vault.
SysApi<T> - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault
System API to use with Vault.sys(SysApi).
SysProvider<T> - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi
Java Service Loader service to add support for sys APIs.
SysRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys
Vault sys operation as reactive non-blocking API.
SYSTEM - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.ProxyType
Proxy obtained from system.
SYSTEM_PROPERTY_EXCLUDE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader
System property used to exclude some implementation from the list of services that are configured for Java Service loader or services that are registered using HelidonServiceLoader.Builder.
systemProperties() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a ConfigSource for creating a Config derived from system properties.
systemProperties() - Static method in class
In memory config source based on system properties.
SystemTagsManager - Interface in io.helidon.metrics.api
Deals with global and app-level tags to be included in output for all metrics.


tag(Tag<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span.Builder
Add a tag.
tag(Tag<?>) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Add a tag to this span.
tag(String, Boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span.Builder
Add a boolean tag.
tag(String, Boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Add a boolean tag.
tag(String, Number) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span.Builder
Add a number tag.
tag(String, Number) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Add a numeric tag.
tag(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span.Builder
Add a string tag.
tag(String, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Add a string tag.
Tag<T> - Class in io.helidon.tracing
Tag abstraction that can be used with TracerBuilder.addTracerTag(String, String).
Tag.TagSource<T> - Interface in io.helidon.tracing
Tag source (a type that can create tags).
tags(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
Set the tags to apply to the metric.
takeUntil(Flow.Publisher<U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Relay upstream items until the other source signals an item or completes.
takeUntil(Flow.Publisher<U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Relay upstream items until the other source signals an item or completes.
takeUntil(Flow.Publisher<U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Relay upstream items until the other source signals an item or completes.
takeWhile(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Take the longest prefix of elements from this stream that satisfy the given predicate.
target() - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource
target() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
target() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
target() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource
target() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeWatcher.ChangeEvent
Target of the change.
target() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.WatchableSource
The target of this source.
target() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
target() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource
target() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor
Get the optional target string to use to resolve channel addresses.
target(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor.Builder
Set the target string, which can be either a valid NameResolver compliant URI, or an authority string.
targets() - Method in class
Outbound targets configured for outbound handling.
targetType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource
targetType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
targetType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource
targetType() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.WatchableSource
Target type as supported by this source.
targetType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
targetType() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource
targetUri() - Method in class
Get the URI of the resource requested.
targetUri(URI) - Method in class
Configure target URI.
task(ScheduledConsumer<CronInvocation>) - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.CronBuilder
Task to be scheduled for execution.
task(ScheduledConsumer<FixedRateInvocation>) - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.FixedRateBuilder
Task to be scheduled for execution.
Task - Interface in io.helidon.scheduling
Scheduled task.
TE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "TE" header name.
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT_307 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
307 Temporary Redirect, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
TemporaryFolderExt - Class in io.helidon.common.testing.junit5
JUnit 5 extension for temporary folder operations.
Tenant - Class in
Holder of the tenant configuration resolved at runtime.
tenantBuilder() - Static method in interface
Create new TenantConfig.Builder instance.
tenantConfig() - Method in class
Provided tenant configuration.
tenantConfig(String) - Method in class
Return TenantConfig bound to the provided tenant id.
TenantConfig - Interface in
Tenant configuration.
TenantConfig.Builder - Class in
A fluent API Builder to build instances of TenantConfig.
TenantConfigFinder - Interface in
Configuration of a tenant.
TenantConfigProvider - Interface in
Java ServiceLoader service interface for multitenancy support.
tenantCookieHandler() - Method in class
Cookie handler to create cookies or unset cookies for tenant name.
tenantId() - Method in class
IDCS Tenancy ID.
tenantId(ProviderRequest) - Method in interface
Identify a tenant from the request.
TenantIdFinder - Interface in
Finder of the tenant if from the request.
TenantIdProvider - Interface in
Java ServiceLoader service interface for multitenancy support.
tenantIntrospectUri() - Method in interface
Introspection endpoint URI.
tenantIntrospectUri() - Method in class
tenantIssuer() - Method in interface
Return provided token issuer.
tenantIssuer() - Method in class
tenantLogoutEndpointUri() - Method in interface
Logout endpoint on OIDC server.
tenantLogoutEndpointUri() - Method in class
tenantParamName() - Method in class
Tenant query parameter name.
tenantSignJwk() - Method in interface
JWK used for signature validation.
tenantSignJwk() - Method in class
tenantTokenEndpointUri() - Method in interface
Token endpoint URI.
tenantTokenEndpointUri() - Method in class
test(MediaType) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Check if this media type is compatible with another media type.
test(ServerRequest) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Evaluate this predicate.
test(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.AllowList
Test whether a value can be permitted.
TestConnector - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock
Qualifier annotation for Helidon messaging test connector.
testLenient(T, BiFunction<T, String, Iterable<String>>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.testing.CaseSensitivityTester
Performs case-sensitive and case-insensitive testing of the supplied data, using lenient case matching: changing the case of a valid key should return the same results as when using the valid key.
testMap() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.testing.CaseSensitivityTester
testStrict(T, BiFunction<T, String, Iterable<String>>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.testing.CaseSensitivityTester
Performs case-sensitive and case-insensitive testing of the supplied data, using strict case matching: changing the case of a valid key should return no results.
text() - Method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.SameSite
Text to write to the same site cookie param.
TEXT_EVENT_STREAM - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing text/event-stream media type.
TEXT_HTML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing text/html media type.
TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing text/plain media type.
TEXT_X_YAML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "x" YAML as text.
TEXT_XML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing text/xml media type.
TEXT_YAML - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing pseudo-registered YAML as text.
thenAccept(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenAccept(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T>, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T>, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenAcceptBoth(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenAcceptBoth(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenApply(Handler) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.RequestPredicate
Set the Handler to use when this predicate matches the request.
thenApply(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenApply(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends U>, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends U>, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenCombine(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenCombine(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenCompose(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenCompose(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenRun(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenRun(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenRunAsync(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenRunAsync(Runnable) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thenRunAsync(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
thenRunAsync(Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
thisUsesUnstableApi() - Method in class
ThreadFormatter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.HelidonConsoleHandler.ThreadFormatter
threadNamePrefix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ScheduledThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Name prefix for threads in this thread pool executor.
threadNamePrefix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
Name prefix for threads in this thread pool executor.
ThreadPool - Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
A ThreadPoolExecutor with an extensible growth policy and queue state accessors.
ThreadPool.RejectionHandler - Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
A RejectedExecutionHandler that supports pool growth by re-attempting to add the task to the queue.
threadPoolSupplier() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance.FaultToleranceExtension
Access ThreadPoolSupplier configured by this extension.
ThreadPoolSupplier - Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
Supplier of a custom thread pool.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder - Class in io.helidon.common.configurable
A fluent API builder for ThreadPoolSupplier.
thresholdPercent(double) - Method in class
Threshold percent.
thresholdPercent(double) - Method in class
Threshol percentage.
throwable() - Method in interface
Gets an Throwable object from which additional audit information can be obtained.
throwable() - Method in class
Get underlying throwable causing a failure state (if such happened).
throwable(Throwable) - Method in class
Set throwable causing failure of the security request.
throwableWriter(boolean) - Static method in class
Return Throwable writer instance.
throwException(ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool.RejectionHandler
Throws an exception.
time() - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
time() - Method in class
Time on the server this environment was created for current request.
time(SecurityTime) - Method in class
Use the defined time to obtain current time.
time(Runnable) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
time(Callable<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
timed() - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
A static factory method to create a GrpcMetrics instance to time gRPC method calls.
timeout(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets a socket timeout in milliseconds or 0 for infinite timeout.
timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti.OutputStreamMultiBuilder
Set max timeout for which is allowed to block write methods, in case there is no demand from downstream.
timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
Set custom timeout to wait for statement execution response.
timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
Configure overall timeout of health check call.
timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
Set custom timeout to wait for statement execution response.
timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
Configure record timeout since last access.
timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Configures a server socket timeout.
timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
timeout(long, TimeUnit, ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Signals a TimeoutException if the upstream doesn't signal the next item, error or completion within the specified time.
timeout(long, TimeUnit, ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Signals a TimeoutException if the upstream doesn't signal an item, error or completion within the specified time.
timeout(long, TimeUnit, ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Subscribable
Signals a TimeoutException if the upstream doesn't signal the next item, error or completion within the specified time.
timeout(long, TimeUnit, ScheduledExecutorService, Single<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Switches to a fallback single if the upstream doesn't signal an item, error or completion within the specified time.
timeout(long, TimeUnit, ScheduledExecutorService, Flow.Publisher<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Switches to a fallback single if the upstream doesn't signal the next item, error or completion within the specified time.
timeout(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.Timeout.Builder
Timeout duration.
Timeout - Interface in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Timeout attempts to terminate execution after a duration time passes.
TIMEOUT_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class
Config key within the config health section controlling the timeout for calculating the health report when clients access the health endpoint.
Timeout.Builder - Class in io.helidon.faulttolerance
Fluent API builder for Timeout.
timeoutMillis() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
Returns a default server socket timeout in milliseconds or 0 for an infinite timeout.
timeoutMillis() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Returns a server socket timeout in milliseconds or 0 for an infinite timeout.
timeoutMillis(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
timer() - Static method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.DbClientMetrics
Create a timer builder, to be registered with DbClient.Builder.addService(java.util.function.Supplier).
timer() - Static method in class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMetrics
Creates new timer client metric.
timer(long, TimeUnit, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Signal 0L and complete the sequence after the given time elapsed.
timer(long, TimeUnit, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Signal 0L and complete the sequence after the given time elapsed.
timer(String) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
timer(String, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
timer(Metadata) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
timer(Metadata, Tag...) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
timer(MetricID) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
timestamp() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Context
Returns timestamp of the last loaded configuration.
timestamp() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Returns when the configuration tree was created.
TimestampLogEntry - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Access log entry for timestamp.
TimestampLogEntry.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
A fluent API builder for HostLogEntry.
TimeTakenLogEntry - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Access log entry for time taken.
TimeTakenLogEntry.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
A fluent API builder for TimeTakenLogEntry.
timeUnit() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling.FixedRate
Time unit for interpreting supplied values.
timeUnit() - Method in interface io.helidon.scheduling.FixedRateInvocation
timeUnit(TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.scheduling.Scheduling.FixedRateBuilder
TimeValidator - Class in
Attribute validator for time based attribute checks.
TimeValidator.DaysOfWeek - Annotation Interface in
Attribute annotation that can limit the days of week the resource is accessible.
TimeValidator.TimeConfig - Class in
Configuration for time attribute validator.
TimeValidator.TimeConfig.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for TimeValidator.TimeConfig.
TimeValidator.TimeOfDay - Annotation Interface in
Constraint for a time of day.
TimeValidator.TimesOfDay - Annotation Interface in
Constraint for a time of day - container for repeating TimeValidator.TimeOfDay.
TimeValidatorService - Class in
Time validator java service for AbacProvider.
TimeValidatorService() - Constructor for class
timeZone() - Method in class
Time Zone claim.
timeZone(ZoneId) - Method in class
Time zone of the subject.
timeZone(ZoneId) - Method in class
Override current time zone.
tls() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Return a WebServerTls containing server TLS configuration.
tls(WebClientTls) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets new WebClientTls instance which contains ssl configuration.
tls(WebServerTls) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
tls(WebServerTls) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
tls(WebServerTls) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Configures SSL for this socket.
tls(WebServerTls) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
tls(Supplier<WebServerTls>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Configures SSL for this socket.
tlsCa(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.MySqlConfigureRequest
x509 CA file for validating the certificate presented by the MySQL server.
tlsCaCert() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor
Get the CA (certificate authority) certificate path.
tlsCaCert(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor.Builder
Set the CA (certificate authority) certificate path.
tlsCert() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor
Get the tlsCert path.
tlsCert(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor.Builder
Set the client tlsCert path.
tlsCertificateKey(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.MySqlConfigureRequest
x509 certificate for connecting to the database.
tlsConfig() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerBasicConfig
tlsConfig() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Returns a SslConfiguration to use with the server socket.
tlsConfig(GrpcTlsDescriptor) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Configures TLS configuration to use with the server socket.
tlsDescriptor() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcChannelDescriptor
tlsKey() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor
Get the client private key path.
tlsKey(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcTlsDescriptor.Builder
Set the client private key path.
tlsManager(TlsManager) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
The Tls manager.
TlsManager - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Implementors of this contract are responsible for managing the SSLContext instance lifecycle.
TlsManagerProvider - Interface in io.helidon.webserver.spi
ServiceLoader service provider for TlsManager.
tlsProtocol() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.http2.Http2UpgradeCodecProvider
tlsProtocol() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.spi.UpgradeCodecProvider
Name of the protocol expected by ALPN negotiation for using this protocol, prior-knowledge decoder is expected to be used.
tlsProtocol() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebsocketUpgradeCodecProvider
tmpDir(Path) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.ClassPathBuilder
Sets custom temporary folder for extracting static content from a jar.
to() - Element in annotation interface
Time before which this resource is accessible within a day.
to(Function<? super Multi<T>, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Multi
Apply the given converter function to the current Multi instance and return the value returned by this function.
to(Function<? super Single<T>, ? extends U>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Apply the given converter function to the current Single instance and return the value returned by this function.
toBase64() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Base64Value
Base64 encoded string.
toBigDecimal(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to BigDecimal.
toBigInteger(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to BigInteger.
toBoolean(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Get a boolean value.
toBoolean(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to boolean.
toByte(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to byte.
toByteArray(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.Utils
Convert the given byte buffer to a byte array.
toBytes() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Base64Value
Decoded value as bytes.
toBytes() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CaCertificateGet.Response
Get certificate bytes in the requested format.
toBytes() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CertificateGet.Response
Get certificate bytes in the requested format.
toBytes() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CrlGet.Response
Get the CRL bytes in the format requested.
toBytesBase64(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Get bytes from a base64 string value.
toCalendar(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
use new time API, such as ZonedDateTime
toCertificate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CaCertificateGet.Response
Get the certificate as an X.509 certificate.
toCertificate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CertificateGet.Response
Get the certificate as an X.509 certificate.
toCertificate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.IssueCertificate.Response
Get the certificate as an X.509 certificate.
toCertificate() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Response
Get the response as an X.509 certificate.
toChar(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to char.
toCharset(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to Charset.
toClass(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to Class<?>.
toCompletableFuture() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Awaitable
Returns a CompletableFuture maintaining the same completion properties as this stage.
toCompletableFuture() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
toCrl() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CrlGet.Response
Get the CRL as X.509 CRL.
toDate(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Use one of the time API classes, such as Instant or ZonedDateTime
toDecodedString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Base64Value
Returns decoded bytes as a string.
toDouble(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Get a double value.
toDouble(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to double.
toDuration(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to Duration.
toFile(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to File.
toFloat(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to float.
toFullBuilder() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
Create a builder for KeyConfig from this keystore builder.
toFullBuilder() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.PemBuilder
Get a builder filled from this builder to add additional information (such as public key from certificate etc.).
toGregorianCalendar(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
use new time API, such as ZonedDateTime
toHelidonConfig(Config) - Static method in class
This method allows use to use Helidon Config on top of an MP config.
toHttpResponseStatus(Status) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcHelper
Convert a gRPC Status to a Http.ResponseStatus.
toHttpResponseStatus(StatusException) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcHelper
Convert a gRPC StatusException to a Http.ResponseStatus.
toHttpResponseStatus(StatusRuntimeException) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.GrpcHelper
Convert a gRPC StatusRuntimeException to a Http.ResponseStatus.
toImpl(Metadata, T) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Creates a new instance of an implementation wrapper around the indicated metric.
toImpl(Metadata, T) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
toIndexedParameters(JsonObject) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp.JsonProcessingMapper
toIndexedParameters(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapper
Convert target type instance to a statement indexed parameters list.
toIndexedParameters(T, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager
Read object into a list of indexed parameters.
toInstant(JsonObject, String, DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in class
Get an Instant value.
toInstant(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to Instant.
toInt(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Get an int value.
toInt(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to int.
toJavaSubject() - Method in class
Create a java Subject from this subject.
toJson(JsonBuilderFactory) - Method in class
Create a JSON object from this builder.
toJson(JsonBuilderFactory) - Method in interface
Return the JSON object used for POST and PUT requests (and other methods if needed).
toJson(JsonBuilderFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.DeleteTokenRole.Request
toJson(JsonBuilderFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.CertificateGet.Request
toJson(JsonBuilderFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DeletePolicy.Request
toJson(JsonBuilderFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DisableAuth.Request
toJson(JsonBuilderFactory) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.sys.DisableEngine.Request
toJson(Object) - Static method in class
Create a JsonValue from an object.
toJsonResponseType(MediaType) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.JsonService
Returns the response type for the given type if it is an accepted JSON type.
token() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.Login.Response
Token to use to invoke vault operations.
token() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.Login.Response
Token to use to access Vault.
token() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenResponse
Token that was received.
token() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Token (if configured).
token() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase.Builder
token() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase
The token string.
token() - Method in class
Encrypted JWT as token.
token() - Method in class
The full token string as it was received from token service.
token(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.RenewToken.Request
token(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenVaultAuth.Builder
Configure the token to use.
token(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Configure token to use to connect to the Vault.
token(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase.Builder
The token to use (actual string representing the token).
token(String) - Method in class
Set the token content (the actual string travelling on the network).
TokenAuth - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Token authentication method API.
TokenAuthProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Java Service Loader service for Token Authentication method support.
TokenAuthProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthProvider
TokenAuthRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Token authentication method API.
tokenContent() - Method in class
The full token (header, payload, signature).
tokenCookieHandler() - Method in class
Cookie handler to create cookies or unset cookies for token.
TokenCredential - Class in
A public credential representing an access token.
TokenCredential.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder for TokenCredential.
tokenEndpoint() - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Please use OidcConfig.appWebClient() and OidcConfig.tokenEndpointUri() instead; result of moving to reactive webclient from JAX-RS client
tokenEndpoint(String) - Method in class
tokenEndpoint(String) - Method in interface
Token endpoint for a specific tenant.
tokenEndpoint(String) - Method in class
tokenEndpoint(String) - Method in interface
Token endpoint URI for a specific tenant.
tokenEndpointAuthentication() - Method in interface
Type of authentication mechanism used for token endpoint.
tokenEndpointAuthentication() - Method in class
tokenEndpointAuthentication(OidcConfig.ClientAuthentication) - Method in class
Type of authentication to use when invoking the token endpoint.
tokenEndpointUri() - Method in class
Token endpoint URI.
tokenEndpointUri() - Method in class
Token endpoint URI.
tokenEndpointUri(URI) - Method in class
URI of a token endpoint used to obtain a JWT based on the authentication code.
tokenExplicitMaxTtl(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
If set, will encode an explicit max TTL onto the token.
tokenExplicitMaxTtl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
If set, will encode an explicit max TTL onto the token.
tokenExplicitMaxTtl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
If set, will encode an explicit max TTL onto the token.
tokenFormat(String) - Method in class
Token format for creating outbound tokens.
tokenHandler() - Method in class
When header type is set to HttpSignHeader.CUSTOM, this handler will be used to create header in outbound request.
tokenHandler() - Method in class
Token handler used to create a header from the parameter.
tokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Configuration of the outbound header the identity will be propagated.
tokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Token handler to add the outbound basic authentication to headers.
tokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Configure a token handler to create the outbound header.
tokenHandler(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Outbound token hanlder to insert the token into outbound request headers.
TokenHandler - Class in
Extracts a security token from request or updates headers with the token.
TokenHandler.Builder - Class in
Fluent API builder to create TokenHandler.
tokenHeader() - Method in class
Name of the header the token is expected in (or will be written into).
tokenHeader(String) - Method in class
Set the name of header to look into to extract the token.
tokenize(char, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.Utils
Tokenize provide text by separator char respecting quoted sub-sequences.
Tokenizer - Class in io.helidon.common.http
String tokenizer for parsing headers.
Tokenizer(String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.common.http.Tokenizer
Create a new instance.
tokenLocation(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sVaultAuth.Builder
File with the k8s service account token.
tokenMaxTtl(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
The maximum lifetime for generated tokens.
tokenNoDefaultPolicy(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
If set, the default policy will not be set on generated tokens; otherwise it will be added to the policies set in token_policies.
tokenNoDefaultPolicy(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
If set, the default policy will not be set on generated tokens; otherwise it will be added to the policies set in token_policies.
tokenNoDefaultPolicy(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
If set, the default policy will not be set on generated tokens; otherwise it will be added to the policies set in CreateTokenRole.Request.addAllowedPolicy(String).
tokenNumUses(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
The maximum number of times a generated token may be used (within its lifetime); 0 means unlimited.
tokenNumUses(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
The maximum number of times a generated token may be used (within its lifetime); 0 means unlimited.
tokenNumUses(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
The maximum number of times a generated token may be used (within its lifetime); 0 means unlimited.
tokenPattern(Pattern) - Method in class
Set the token pattern (Regular expression) to extract the token.
tokenPeriod(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
Period to use on the token.
tokenPeriod(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
The period, if any, to set on the token.
tokenPeriod(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
The period, if any, to set on the token.
tokenPolicies() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.Login.Response
Token policies attached to the token.
tokenPolicies() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenResponse
List of token policy names.
tokenPrefix(String) - Method in class
Set the prefix of header value to extract the token.
tokenProvider(TokenHandler) - Method in class
Token provider to extract Google access token from request, defaults to "Authorization" header with a "bearer " prefix.
tokenRefreshSkew() - Method in class
Amount of time access token should be refreshed before its expiration time.
tokenRefreshSkew(Duration) - Method in class
Amount of time access token should be refreshed before its expiration time.
TokenResponse - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Response returning a token.
TokenResponse(ApiEntityResponse.Builder<?, ? extends VaultResponse, JsonObject>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenResponse
tokenReviewerJwt(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.ConfigureK8s.Request
A service account JWT used to access the TokenReview API to validate other JWTs during login.
tokenRole(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sVaultAuth.Builder
The token role used for authentication.
tokenTtl(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
The incremental lifetime for generated tokens.
tokenType() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenResponse
Type of the token.
tokenType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.approle.CreateAppRole.Request
The type of token that should be generated.
tokenType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.CreateRole.Request
The type of token that should be generated.
tokenType(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateTokenRole.Request
The type of token that should be generated.
TokenVaultAuth - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Java Service Loader implementation for authenticating using a token.
TokenVaultAuth() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenVaultAuth
Required for service loader.
TokenVaultAuth.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token
Fluent API builder for TokenVaultAuth.
toList(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Convert a JSON array in the JSON object to a list of strings.
toLocalDate(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to LocalDate.
toLocalDateTime(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to LocalDateTime.
toLocalTime(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to LocalTime.
toLong(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Get a long value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to long.
toMap() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
toMap() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Returns a copy of parameters as a Map.
toMap() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.ReadOnlyParameters
toMap() - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders.NoopPropagatedHeaders
toMap() - Method in class io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders.PrefixedPropagatedHeaders
toMap() - Method in interface io.helidon.lra.coordinator.client.PropagatedHeaders
Get all headers as a map.
toMap(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Transform all leaf nodes (values) into Map instance.
toMap(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Get a map value.
toMap(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultUtil
Return a map of a json object that is nested in the provided object.
toNamedParameters(JsonObject) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jsonp.JsonProcessingMapper
toNamedParameters(T) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapper
Convert target type instance to a statement named parameters map.
toNamedParameters(T, Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager
Read object into a map of named parameters.
toNullableStage() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionSingle
toObject(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Get a child JSON object.
toObject(JsonValue) - Static method in class
Transform from json to object.
toOffsetDateTime(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to OffsetDateTime.
toOffsetTime(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to OffsetTime.
toOptionalSingle() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Exposes this Single instance as a Single with Optional<T> return type of the asynchronous operation.
toPath(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to Path.
toPattern(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to Pattern.
toPeriod(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to Period.
topic(String) - Method in class
Use supplied destination name and TOPIC as type.
topic(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
Use supplied destination name and TOPIC as type.
topic(String...) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Names of the topics to consume from.
TOPIC - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.Type
Topic connection type, every message is delivered to all subscribed clients.
topicPattern(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Regex pattern for topic names to consume from.
topicPattern(Pattern) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Pattern for topic names to consume from.
topicPattern(Pattern) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
The pattern for selecting multiple topics.
topics(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaPublisher.Builder
The list of topics to subscribe to.
topics(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaSubscriber.Builder
The list of topics the messages should be sent to.
toPrometheusData(String, Metric, boolean) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Formats a metric in Prometheus format.
toPrometheusData(MetricID, Metric, boolean) - Static method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Formats a metric in Prometheus format.
toProperties(Config) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Transform all leaf nodes (values) into Properties instance.
toRawString() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest.Path
Returns a path string representation with leading slash without any character decoding.
toResponse(ConstraintViolationException) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.bean.validation.HelidonConstraintViolationExceptionMapper
Return Validation Exception, wrapped as a bad request.
toShort(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to short.
toSimpleTimeZone(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
use new time API, such as ZoneId
toStage() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Exposes this Single instance as a CompletionStage.
toStage(boolean) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
Exposes this Single instance as a CompletionStage.
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Base64Value
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPool
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.ErrorMessage
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.HashParameters
toString() - Method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
Get the response status as string.
toString() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest.Path
Returns a path string representation with leading slash.
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Convert the media type to a string suitable for use as the value of a corresponding HTTP header.
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie
Returns content of this instance as a 'Set-Cookie:' header value specified by RFC6265.
toString() - Method in record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractConfigSource
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractNodeBuilderImpl.MergingKey
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
toString() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Key
Returns formatted fully-qualified key.
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeImpl
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy.RegularRecurringPolicy
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ScheduledPollingStrategy
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.MethodDescriptor
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.PersistenceUnitInfoBean
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase.OciConfigImpl
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
toString() - Method in record class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Stamp
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Metadata
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.Encrypt.Encrypted
toString() - Method in class
Convert the content disposition to a string suitable for use as the value of a corresponding HTTP header.
toString() - Method in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.Type
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Returns the toString on underlying map.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.SpanTracingConfig
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupport
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig.Builder
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CrossOriginConfig
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.MappedCrossOriginConfig
toString() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Http1Route
toString(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class
Get a string value.
toTimeZone(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
use new time API, such as ZoneId
toUnmodifiableParameters(Parameters) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Parameters
Returns an unmodifiable view.
toUri() - Method in record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Create URI from the information.
toUri(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to URI.
toUrl(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to URL.
toUUID(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to UUID.
toZonedDateTime(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to ZonedDateTime.
toZoneId(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to ZoneId.
toZoneOffset(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigMappers
Maps stringValue to ZoneOffset.
trace() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClient
Create a request builder for a trace method.
trace(Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
trace(Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes all TRACE requests to provided handler(s).
trace(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
trace(PathMatcher, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes TRACE requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
trace(String, Handler...) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Builder
trace(String, Handler...) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Routing.Rules
Routes TRACE requests with corresponding path to provided handler(s).
TRACE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Method
The TRACE method is used to invoke a remote, application-layer loop- back of the request message.
Traceable - Class in io.helidon.tracing.config
Tracing configuration that can be enabled or disabled.
Traceable(String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.config.Traceable
A new traceable.
tracedAttributes() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig
tracedConfig() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig
Associated configuration of tracing valid for the configured path and (possibly) methods.
TraceExemplarService - Class in io.helidon.metrics.exemplartrace
Service provider for ExemplarService.
TraceExemplarService() - Constructor for class io.helidon.metrics.exemplartrace.TraceExemplarService
traceId() - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.SpanContext
Trace ID of the associated span.
tracer() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerBasicConfig
tracer() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Returns a Tracer.
tracer() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.TracerProducer
Provides an instance of tracer currently configured.
tracer() - Method in interface
Returns a tracer that can be used to construct new spans.
tracer() - Method in interface
Provides the tracer to create new spans.
tracer() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
Returns a Tracer.
tracer() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns the Tracer associated with WebServer.
tracer(Tracer) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets a tracer.
tracer(Tracer) - Method in class
Set an open tracing tracer to use for security.
tracer(Tracer) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets a tracer.
tracer(Tracer) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Sets a tracer.
tracer(Supplier<? extends Tracer>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets a Tracer.
tracer(Supplier<? extends Tracer>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets a tracer.
tracer(Supplier<? extends Tracer>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Sets a tracer.
Tracer - Interface in io.helidon.tracing
Tracer abstraction.
TRACER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingFilter
The Tracer property name.
TracerBuilder<T extends TracerBuilder<T>> - Interface in io.helidon.tracing
A builder for tracing tracer.
TracerProducer - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
A producer of Tracer needed for injection into CDI beans.
TracerProducer() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.TracerProducer
TracerProvider - Interface in io.helidon.tracing.spi
Java service to integrate various distributed tracers.
TracerResolverProvider - Class in io.helidon.tracing.tracerresolver
Service to use TracerResolver to find tracer to use with Helidon.
TracerResolverProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.tracerresolver.TracerResolverProvider
traceSerialization(SerializationConfig.TraceOption) - Method in class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Builder
How to trace serialization.
TRACING - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.core.InterceptorPriorities
Tracing priority.
TracingCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tracing
CDI extension for Microprofile Tracing implementation.
TracingCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.TracingCdiExtension
tracingConfig() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerBasicConfig
tracingConfig() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Returns tracing configuration.
tracingConfig(GrpcTracingConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Set trace configuration.
tracingConfig(TracingConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.PathTracingConfig.Builder
Configuration of a traced system to use on this path and possibly method(s).
TracingConfig - Class in io.helidon.tracing.config
Tracing configuration that contains traced components (such as WebServer, Security) and their traced spans and span logs.
TracingConfig(String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.config.TracingConfig
A new traced configuration.
TracingConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.tracing.config
Fluent API builder for TracingConfig.
TracingConfigUtil - Class in io.helidon.tracing.config
Utility to get the current tracing configuration.
tracingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not tracing should be enabled.
tracingEnabled(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingFilter
tracingEnabled(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.AbstractTracingFilter
Whether this tracing filter is enabled.
tracingEnabled(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.TracingFilter
TracingFilter - Class in io.helidon.tracing.jersey
Adds tracing of (overall) Jersey calls.
TracingFilter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.TracingFilter
TracingHelper - Class in io.helidon.tracing.jersey
Utilities for tracing in helidon.
tracingId() - Method in interface
Tracing id of the current audit event, generated by SecurityContext.
tracingSpan() - Method in interface
Provides the span for tracing.
tracingSpan(SpanContext) - Method in class
Open tracing span context to correctly trace security.
tracingSpan(SpanContext) - Method in class
Tracing span to support Open tracing.
tracingSpanContext() - Method in interface
Parent span for tracing.
tracingTracer(Tracer) - Method in class
Tracer used to create new span contexts when tracing security events.
TRAILER - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Trailer" header name.
transacted(boolean) - Method in class
Indicates whether the session will use a local transaction.
transacted(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
Indicates whether the session will use a local transaction.
TRANSACTED_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Indicates whether the session will use a local transaction.
TransactionController() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform.TransactionController
transactionFilePrefix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Name prefix of the storage transaction file.
transactionFileSuffix(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
Name suffix of the storage transaction file.
TransactionSupplier - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc
A supplier of Transactions.
TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Transfer-Encoding" header name.
transferEncoding() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponseHeaders
Transfer encoding of the response.
transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor.ApplicationScopedTransformer
transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor.DependentTransformer
transform(AnnotationValue<Annotation>, VisitorContext) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micronaut.cdi.processor.RequestScopedTransformer
transformToJson(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
Transform a map of strings to objects to a map of string to JSON values.
Transient - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.config.objectmapping
Annotation used to exclude JavaBean property, method or constructor from JavaBean deserialization support.
TransitEngineProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Java Service Loader service for Transit engine.
TransitEngineProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitEngineProvider
TransitSecrets - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
API operations for Vault's Transit Secrets Engine.
TransitSecretsRx - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
API operations for Vault's Transit Secrets Engine.
TransitSecurityProvider - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Integration with Helidon Security.
TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Configuration of a digest when using programmatic setup of security digests.
TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Configuration of encryption when using programmatic setup of security.
TransitSecurityProvider.TransitEncryptionConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
TransitSecurityService - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Service provider for SecurityProviderService for transit secrets.
TransitSecurityService() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityService
transport() - Method in class
Return type of transport (such as http, https, jms etc.).
transport() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
Returns an optional Transport.
transport(Transport) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Configure transport.
transport(Transport) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Configure the transport to be used by this server.
transport(String) - Method in class
Transport we are implementing (such as http, https).
Transport - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
A very abstract notion of a transport for a particular implementation of the WebServer interface.
transports() - Method in class
Transports of this target.
traverse() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Iterative deepening depth-first traversal of the node and its subtree as a Stream<Config>.
traverse(Predicate<Config>) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Iterative deepening depth-first traversal of the node and its subtree as a Stream<Config>, qualified by the specified predicate.
truncationDirectory(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
The truncation directory.
trust(KeyConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Set the trust key configuration to be used to validate certificates.
trust(Supplier<KeyConfig>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Set the trust key configuration to be used to validate certificates.
TRUST_ALL_CERTIFICATES - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder.TrustStrategy
Trust all.
TRUST_CUSTOM_CA_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder.TrustStrategy
Trust custom certificates.
TRUST_SYSTEM_CA_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder.TrustStrategy
Trust system CA.
trustAll() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls
Trust any certificate provided by the other side of communication.
trustAll(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClientTls.Builder
Sets if all certificates should be trusted to.
trustAll(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServerTls.Builder
Trust any certificate provided by the other side of communication.
trustAllTmf() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
Creates a trust all trust manager factory.
trustConfig(KeyConfig) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.SSLContextBuilder
Set the trust key configuration to be used to validate certificates.
trustedCertificates(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
Trusted certificates in PEM format.
trustedProxies() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
The allow list for trusted proxies.
trustedProxies(AllowList) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
trustedProxies(AllowList) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
Configure the trusted proxy settings.
trustedProxies(AllowList) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.SocketConfigurationBuilder
Assigns the settings governing the acceptance and rejection of forwarded headers from incoming requests to this socket.
trustedProxies(AllowList) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
trustStore() - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder
If you want to build a trust store, call this method to add all certificates present in the keystore to certificate list.
trustStrategy(Neo4j.Builder.TrustStrategy) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Set trust strategy.
tryDecrement() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.RequestedCounter
Tries to safely decrement a positive requested counter value, making sure the value does not drop below zero.
TSV - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "TSV" header name.
ttl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
The TTL period of the token.
ttl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.SignCsr.Request
Specifies requested Time To Live.
ttl(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
Specifies the Time To Live value.
type() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.spi.ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.MethodInvocation
Returns the data type of the interesting value.
type() - Method in class io.helidon.common.GenericType
The type represented by this generic type instance.
type() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Getter for primary type.
type() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.Config
Provides the Config.Type of the Config node.
type() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdWatcher
type() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher
type() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
The type of the configuration option.
type() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeWatcher.ChangeEvent
Type of change if available.
type() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeWatcher
Target supported by this change watcher.
type() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
Obtain the gRPC method tyoe that this MethodHandler handles.
type() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.AuthMethod
Type of the auth as used in the REST API.
type() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Engine
Type of the engine as used in the REST API.
type() - Method in class
The content disposition type.
type() - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Returns type of this registry.
type() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.GrpcMethod
Obtain the gRPC method type.
type() - Method in class
Type of this grant.
type() - Method in class
Type claim.
type() - Method in class
Type claim.
type() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ConfiguredTlsManager
The manager type.
type(Type) - Method in class
Specify if connection is queue or topic.
type(Type) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
Specify if connection is queue or topic.
type(Proxy.ProxyType) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.Builder
Sets a new proxy type.
type(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType.Builder
Type of the new media type.
type(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.CreateToken.Request
Choose token type.
type(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.CreateKey.Request
Specifies the type of key to create.
type(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
type(String) - Method in class
Set the content disposition type.
type(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsMessage.OutgoingJmsMessageBuilder
JMS Message type.
type(String) - Method in class
Configure type of this grant.
type(String) - Method in class
Type of this JWT.
type(String) - Method in class
Type of this JWT.
Type - Enum Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms
Type of the JMS connection.
TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Possible values are: queue, topic.
TYPE_BATCH - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuth
Batch token type.
TYPE_BATCH - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthRx
Batch token type.
TYPE_BATCH - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Batch token type.
TYPE_BATCH - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Batch token type.
TYPE_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistrySettings.Builder
Config key within the registry's config section identifying which registry type the settings apply to.
TYPE_DB_ROW - Static variable in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager
Generic type for the DbRow class.
TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuth
Default token type.
TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthRx
Default token type.
TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Default token type.
TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Default token type.
TYPE_HMAC - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
Digest is an HMAC.
TYPE_INDEXED_PARAMS - Static variable in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager
Generic type for the List of indexed parameters.
TYPE_NAMED_PARAMS - Static variable in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbMapperManager
Generic type for the Map of String to value pairs for named parameters.
TYPE_SERVICE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuth
Service token type.
TYPE_SERVICE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.k8s.K8sAuthRx
Service token type.
TYPE_SERVICE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuth
Service token type.
TYPE_SERVICE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.token.TokenAuthRx
Service token type.
TYPE_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecurityProvider.TransitDigestConfig.Builder
Digest is a signature.
typedBuilder() - Static method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.FaultTolerance
A typed builder to configure a customized sequence of fault tolerance handlers.
typeDictionaryFilename(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.core.EmbeddedStorageManagerBuilder
The name of the dictionary file.
typeParameters() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethod
Get method type parameters.


UCPBackedDataSourceExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi
An Extension that arranges for named DataSource injection points to be satisfied by the Oracle Universal Connection Pool.
UCPBackedDataSourceExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi.UCPBackedDataSourceExtension
ui(OpenApiUi.Builder<?, ?>) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport.Builder
Assigns the OpenAPI UI builder the OpenAPISupport service should use in preparing the UI.
UI_WEB_SUBCONTEXT - Static variable in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi
Default subcontext within the OpenAPISupport instance's web context (which itself defaults to "/openapi".
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractSource
Returns universal id of source to be used to construct AbstractSource.description().
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathConfigSource
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ClasspathOverrideSource
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.DirectoryConfigSource
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSource
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileConfigSource
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileOverrideSource
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSource
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.MapConfigSource
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource
uid() - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler
Handle a bi-directional client call.
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.FutureResponse
Invoke the client call.
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.FutureResponseNoRequest
Invoke the client call.
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.NoRequestNoResponse
Invoke the client call.
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.RequestNoResponse
Invoke the client call.
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.RequestResponse
Invoke the client call.
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.ResponseOnly
Invoke the client call.
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.Unary
Invoke the client call.
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.UnaryFuture
Invoke the client call.
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.UnaryFutureNoRequest
Invoke the client call.
unary(Object[], MethodHandler.UnaryClient) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.UnaryNoRequest
Invoke the client call.
unary(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
unary(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register unary method for the service.
unary(String, ServerCalls.UnaryMethod<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
unary(String, ServerCalls.UnaryMethod<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register unary method for the service.
unary(String, ServerCalls.UnaryMethod<ReqT, ResT>, MethodDescriptor.Configurer<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Builder
unary(String, ServerCalls.UnaryMethod<ReqT, ResT>, MethodDescriptor.Configurer<ReqT, ResT>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.ServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register unary method for the service.
unary(String, Consumer<ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Builder
unary(String, Consumer<ClientMethodDescriptor.Rules>) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientServiceDescriptor.Rules
Register unary method for the service.
unary(String, ReqT) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Asynchronously invoke the specified unary method.
unary(String, ReqT) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.core.MethodHandler.UnaryClient
Perform a unary client call.
unary(String, ReqT, StreamObserver<RespT>) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.GrpcServiceClient
Invoke the specified unary method.
Unary - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
An annotation to mark a method as representing a unary gRPC method.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A supplier of MethodHandlers for unary gRPC methods.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier
Create a supplier of handlers for server streaming methods.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.AbstractUnaryHandler<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A base class for unary method handlers.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.FutureResponse<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A unary MethodHandler that calls a handler method of the form.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.FutureResponseNoRequest<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A unary MethodHandler that calls a handler method of the form.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.NoRequestNoResponse<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A unary MethodHandler that calls a handler method of the form.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.RequestNoResponse<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A unary MethodHandler that calls a handler method of the form.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.RequestResponse<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A unary MethodHandler that calls a handler method of the form.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.ResponseOnly<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A unary MethodHandler that calls a handler method of the form.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.Unary<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A unary MethodHandler that calls a standard unary method handler method of the form.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.UnaryFuture<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A unary MethodHandler that calls a handler method of the form.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.UnaryFutureNoRequest<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A unary MethodHandler that calls a handler method of the form.
UnaryMethodHandlerSupplier.UnaryNoRequest<ReqT,RespT> - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core
A unary MethodHandler that calls a unary method handler method of the form.
UNAUTHORIZED_401 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
401 Unauthorized, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
UNBOUNDED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.BackpressureStrategy
No backpressure is applied, Long.MAX_VALUE(unbounded) is requested from upstream.
UNCHANGED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeEventType
Nothing is changed.
UncheckedSQLException - Exception in io.helidon.integrations.jdbc
UncheckedSQLException(SQLException) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.UncheckedSQLException
Creates a new UncheckedSQLException.
UNCONFIGURED - Static variable in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
A string meaning that a value is not specified (to allow empty String as a meaningful value).
undelete(UndeleteKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Undelete a secret version.
undelete(UndeleteKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Undelete a secret version.
undelete(String, int...) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Undelete deleted versions of a secret.
undelete(String, int...) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Undelete deleted versions of a secret.
UndeleteKv2 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Key/Value Version 2 Secret version request and response.
UndeleteKv2.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Request object.
UndeleteKv2.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
undeploy(BindableService, String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
Undeploy the specified BindableService from this GrpcServerImpl.
unescapeName(String) - Static method in interface io.helidon.config.Config.Key
Unescape ~0 to '~' and ~1 to '.' in specified escaped name.
unit(TimeUnit) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.TimeTakenLogEntry.Builder
Configure the time unit to use.
units(String) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.metrics.GrpcMetrics
Set the units to apply to the metric.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource.Source
Resource was created with an input stream without knowledge of type.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.common.ParamType
Statement type is not known.
unlock() - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.RequestedCounter
Unlock internal counter.
unmarshall(MessageBodyReadableContent, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
Unmarshall the given content using this reader.
unmarshall(MessageBodyReadableContent, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
Unmarshall the given content using this reader.
unmarshall(MessageBodyReadableContent, Class<T>) - Method in interface
Unmarshall the given content using this reader.
unmarshall(MessageBodyReadableContent, Class<T>) - Method in interface
Unmarshall the given content using this reader.
unmarshall(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, GenericType<T>) - Method in class
Convert a given HTTP payload into a publisher by selecting a reader that accepts the specified type and current context.
unmarshall(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, MessageBodyReader<T>, GenericType<T>) - Method in class
Convert a given HTTP payload into a publisher by selecting a reader with the specified class.
unmarshallStream(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, GenericType<T>) - Method in class
Convert a given HTTP payload into a publisher by selecting a stream reader that accepts the specified type and current context.
unmarshallStream(Flow.Publisher<DataChunk>, MessageBodyStreamReader<T>, GenericType<T>) - Method in class
Convert a given HTTP payload into a publisher by selecting a stream reader with the payload class.
UnrecognizedBuiltInRegistryTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.BuiltInRegistryType.UnrecognizedBuiltInRegistryTypeException
Creates a new instance of the exception.
unrecognizedType() - Method in exception io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.BuiltInRegistryType.UnrecognizedBuiltInRegistryTypeException
Returns the unrecognized type.
unregisterExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.configurable.spi.ExecutorServiceSupplierObserver.SupplierObserverContext
Informs the observer that an executor is shutting down.
UnsafeRequestedUriSettingsException - Exception in io.helidon.webserver
Indicates unsafe settings for a socket's request URI discovery.
UnsafeRequestedUriSettingsException(SocketConfiguration.Builder, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.UnsafeRequestedUriSettingsException
Creates a new exception instance.
UNSET - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Status
The default status, not explicitly set.
unsetHeader(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestHeaders
Remove a header if set.
unsubscribe(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE_415 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
415 Unsupported Media Type, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
UnsupportedBodyTypeException - Exception in io.helidon.webserver
Cannot marshal requested type.
UnsupportedBodyTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.UnsupportedBodyTypeException
Constructs a new instance with the specified detail message.
UnsupportedBodyTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webserver.UnsupportedBodyTypeException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message and cause.
unwrap() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.context.ContextAwareExecutorService
Unwrap the executor service.
unwrap() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
unwrap() - Method in interface io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaWrapper
Unwrap the underlying javax instance.
unwrap(Class<B>) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder
unwrap(Class<B>) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.OpenTracingTracerBuilder
Access the underlying builder by specific type.
unwrap(Class<B>) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.TracerBuilder
Access the underlying builder by specific type.
unwrap(Class<B>) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
unwrap(Class<C>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbClient
Unwrap database client internals.
unwrap(Class<C>) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Unwrap database executor internals.
unwrap(Class<C>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClient
unwrap(Class<C>) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbExecute
unwrap(Class<S>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.shim.JakartaSession
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.0.3, use JakartaSession.unwrap() instead.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.AbstractDataSource
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.ConditionallyCloseableConnection
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingConnection
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingStatement
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span.Builder
Unwrap this builder instance into a known type.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Span
Access the underlying span by specific type.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.Tracer
Access the underlying tracer by specific type.
unwrap(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.Utils
Unwrap from double-quotes - if exists.
unwrapConnection(Connection) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink.CDISEPlatform
up(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.ConstantHealthCheck
Obtain a HealthCheck that always returns a status of up.
update(int) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsHistogram
update(long) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsHistogram
update(ID, MergeableNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.AbstractNodeBuilderImpl
Updates/replaces a member of specified id by specified node.
update(DbClientServiceContext) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.common.AbstractStatement
Update the client service context with the statement name, statement and statement parameters.
update(ServiceDescriptor.Rules) - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcService
Update service configuration.
update(UpdateCubbyhole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecrets
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(UpdateCubbyhole.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.CubbyholeSecretsRx
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(UpdateKv1.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1Secrets
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(UpdateKv1.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecretsRx
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(UpdateKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(UpdateKv2.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(MetricsSettings) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.api.RegistryFactory
Updates the metrics settings for the RegistryFactory.
update(MetricsSettings) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.RegistryFactory
update(RegistrySettings) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.api.AbstractRegistry
Update the registry settings for this registry.
update(RegistrySettings) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.Registry
update(Subject) - Method in class
Update this builder with all security information from the subject provided.
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MicrometerSupport
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.metrics.OciMetricsSupport
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport
Method invoked by the web server to update routing rules.
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusSupport
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in interface io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MetricsSupport
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.serviceapi.MinimalMetricsSupport
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.accesslog.AccessLogSupport
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.cors.CorsSupport
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.jersey.JerseySupport
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.JsonService
Registers this handler for any HTTP method.
update(Routing.Rules) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.Service
Updates Routing.Rules with handlers representing this service.
update(Integer, MergeableNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
update(String, MergeableNode) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
update(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbExecute
Create and execute update statement using a statement passed as an argument.
update(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1Secrets
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.Kv1SecretsRx
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(String, Map<String, String>, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Secrets
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(String, Map<String, String>, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecretsRx
Update a secret on the defined path.
update(Duration) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.metrics.jdbc.JdbcMetricsTimer
update(Consumer<B>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.Builder
Update the builder in a fluen API way.
update(Consumer<WebServer.Builder>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
A helper method to support fluentAPI when invoking another method.
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatementType
Update is a statement that updates existing records.
updateArray(int, Array) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateArray(String, Array) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateAsciiStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBinaryStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBlob(int, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBlob(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBlob(String, InputStream) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBlob(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBlob(String, Blob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateByte(int, byte) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateByte(String, byte) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateClob(int, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateClob(int, Clob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateClob(String, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateClob(String, Clob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
UpdateCubbyhole - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Update Cubbyhole Secret request and response.
UpdateCubbyhole.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Request object.
UpdateCubbyhole.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
updatedAt() - Method in class
Updated at claim.
updatedAt(Instant) - Method in class
Last time the subject's record was updated.
updateDate(int, Date) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateDate(String, Date) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateDouble(int, double) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateDouble(String, double) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateFloat(int, float) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateFloat(String, float) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>, Response.ResponseBuilder) - Method in class
updateInt(int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateInt(String, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateKeyConfig(UpdateKeyConfig.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Tune configuration of a key.
updateKeyConfig(UpdateKeyConfig.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Tune configuration of a key.
UpdateKeyConfig - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Update Key Config request and response.
UpdateKeyConfig.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Request object.
UpdateKeyConfig.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
UpdateKv1 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Update Key/Value Version 1 Secret request and response.
UpdateKv1.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Request object.
UpdateKv1.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
UpdateKv2 - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Key/Value Version 2 Secret request and response.
UpdateKv2.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Request object.
UpdateKv2.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
updateLong(int, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateLong(String, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNClob(int, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNClob(int, NClob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNClob(String, Reader) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNClob(String, NClob) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNString(int, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNString(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNull(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateNull(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(int, Object) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(int, Object, SQLType) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(int, Object, SQLType, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(String, Object) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(String, Object, SQLType) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateObject(String, Object, SQLType, int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateOutboundHeaders(Tracer, SpanContext, HeaderProvider, HeaderConsumer) - Method in interface io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.spi.OpenTracingProvider
Update headers for outbound requests.
updateOutboundHeaders(Tracer, SpanContext, HeaderProvider, HeaderConsumer) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerProvider
updateRef(int, Ref) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateRef(String, Ref) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateRequest(OidcConfig.RequestType, WebClientRequestBuilder, FormParams.Builder) - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
this will be removed without replacement
updateRequestBuilder(WebClientRequestBuilder, String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String) - Method in class
Update request builder with no request payload.
updateRequestBuilder(WebClientRequestBuilder, String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String, JsonObject) - Method in class
Update request builder with no request payload.
updateRequestBuilderBytesPayload(WebClientRequestBuilder, String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String) - Method in class
Update request builder with publisher request payload.
updateRequestBuilderCommon(WebClientRequestBuilder, String, ApiRequest<?>, Http.RequestMethod, String) - Method in class
Update request builder used by all default implementation in RestApiBase.
updateRow() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateRowId(int, RowId) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateRowId(String, RowId) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updatesAreDetected(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
updateShort(int, short) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateShort(String, short) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateSQLXML(int, SQLXML) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateSQLXML(String, SQLXML) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateString(int, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateString(String, String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateTime(int, Time) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateTime(String, Time) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
updateTls(WebServerTls) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Update the TLS configuration of the default socket WebServer.DEFAULT_SOCKET_NAME.
updateTls(WebServerTls, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Update the TLS configuration of the named socket.
updateWebClient(Consumer<WebClient.Builder>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
A consumer that updates WebClient.Builder.
updateWith(KeyConfig.KeystoreBuilder) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.Builder
Update this builder with information from a keystore builder.
updateWith(KeyConfig.PemBuilder) - Method in class io.helidon.common.pki.KeyConfig.Builder
Update this builder with information from a pem builder.
UPGRADE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Upgrade" header name.
upgradeCodec(HttpServerCodec, Router, int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.http2.Http2UpgradeCodecProvider
upgradeCodec(HttpServerCodec, Router, int) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.spi.UpgradeCodecProvider
Codec used by the HttpServerUpgradeHandler when clearTextProtocol() matches.
upgradeCodec(HttpServerCodec, Router, int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebsocketUpgradeCodecProvider
UpgradeCodecProvider - Interface in io.helidon.webserver.spi
Specific internal spi for Helidon 3.x, going to be changed for version 4
uri() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest
Returns a Request-URI (or alternatively path) as defined in request line.
uri() - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdEndpoint
Etcd endpoint remote URI.
uri() - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder.GitEndpoint
Returns a remote git repository uri.
uri() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Gets a Request-URI (or alternatively path) as defined in request line.
uri() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.TransportRequest
Requested URI, if found in request.
uri(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Create uri.
uri(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
String representation of request uri.
uri(URI) - Method in class io.helidon.config.git.GitConfigSourceBuilder
Sets an uri to the repository.
uri(URI) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Request URI.
uri(URI...) - Method in class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
Etcd endpoint remote URI.
uri(URL) - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Request URL.
UriComponent - Class in io.helidon.common.http
Extracted from Jersey
UriInfo - Record Class in io.helidon.common.http
Information about URI.
UriInfo(String, String, int, String, Optional<String>) - Constructor for record class io.helidon.common.http.UriInfo
Creates an instance of a UriInfo record class.
url(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.tracing.MpTracingFilter
url(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.AbstractTracingFilter
Resolves host name based on the "host" header.
url(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.ConnectionPool.Builder
Connection pool URL string.
url(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
url(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
url(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Set database connection string (URL).
url(URL) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigSources
Provides a Builder for creating a ConfigSource from the specified URL.
url(URL) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.OverrideSources
Creates new instance of the URL OverrideSource Builder to be used to bootstrap an URL OverrideSource instance.
url(URL) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlConfigSource.Builder
URL of the configuration.
url(URL) - Method in class io.helidon.config.UrlOverrideSource.Builder
Configure the URL that is source of this overrides.
URL - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource.Source
Resource was loaded from URL.
URL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface
Configuration key for Oracle db connection string.
UrlConfigSource - Class in io.helidon.config
ConfigSource implementation that loads configuration content from specified endpoint URL.
UrlConfigSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
Url ConfigSource Builder.
urlEncodedStringReader(Charset) - Static method in class
UrlOverrideSource - Class in io.helidon.config
OverrideSource implementation that loads configuration override content from specified endpoint URL.
UrlOverrideSource.Builder - Class in io.helidon.config
Url Override Source Builder.
usage() - Method in class
Permitted usage of this JWK.
usage(String) - Method in class
Intended usage of this JWK.
USE_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class
Key can be used for encryption only.
USE_PROXY_305 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
305 Use Proxy, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
USE_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class
Key can be used for signatures only.
useAbortWith(boolean) - Method in class
When set to true (which is the default behavior, the security filter would use ContainerRequest.abortWith( to abort request and configure a security response.
useCookie() - Method in class
Whether to use cooke to get the information from request.
useCookie(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether to use cookie to store JWT between requests.
useCsrCommonName(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
When used with the CSR signing endpoint, the common name in the CSR will be used instead of taken from the JSON data.
useCsrSans(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiRole.Request
When used with the CSR signing endpoint, the subject alternate names in the CSR will be used instead of taken from the JSON data.
useHeader() - Method in class
Whether to use HTTP header to get the information from request.
useHeader(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether to expect JWT in a header field.
useJwtGroups(boolean) - Method in class
Claim groups from JWT will be used to automatically add groups to current subject (may be used with RolesAllowed annotation).
useJwtGroups(boolean) - Method in class
Claim groups from JWT will be used to automatically add groups to current subject (may be used with RolesAllowed annotation).
useNativeTransport() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerBasicConfig
Determine whether use native transport if possible.
useNativeTransport() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Determine whether use native transport if possible.
useOrOperator(boolean) - Method in class
Whether to use "OR" or "AND" (default) operator.
useParam() - Method in class
Whether to use query parameter to get the information from request.
useParam(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether to use a query parameter to send JWT token from application to this server.
usePrematchingAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class
Configure whether pre-matching or post-matching filter is used to authenticate requests.
usePrematchingAuthorization(boolean) - Method in class
Configure whether pre-matching or post-matching filter is used to authorize requests.
user() - Method in class
User subject.
user() - Method in interface
Returns subject of current context (caller) user.
user(Subject) - Method in class
Set the user subject as created by this provider.
user(String) - Method in class
user(String) - Method in interface
Get user based on login.
USER - Enum constant in enum class
User principal.
USER - Static variable in class io.helidon.grpc.core.InterceptorPriorities
User-level priority.
USER_AGENT - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "User-Agent" header name.
userAgent(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets user agent name.
userGroups() - Method in class
User groups claim ("groups" from microprofile specification).
UserIdLogEntry - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Access log entry for user id.
UserLogEntry - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Access log entry for security username.
UserLogEntry.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Fluent API builder for UserLogEntry.
username() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbCredentials
Name of the database user to use.
username() - Method in class
username() - Method in class
username(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.ConnectionPool.Builder
Connection pool username.
username(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc.JdbcDbClientProviderBuilder
username(String) - Method in class io.helidon.dbclient.mongodb.MongoDbClientProviderBuilder
username(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.spi.DbClientProviderBuilder
Set database connection user name.
username(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder
Create username.
username(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbConfigure.Request
Specifies the name of the user to use as the "root" user when connecting to the database.
username(String) - Method in class
User name used for creating JMS connection.
username(String) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConfigBuilder
User name used for creating JMS connection.
username(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.Builder
Sets a new username for the proxy.
userName() - Method in interface
A helper method to get user name if authenticated.
USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.JmsConnector
Username used with ConnectionFactory.
userPrincipal() - Method in class
User principal claim ("upn" from microprofile specification).
userPrincipal() - Method in interface
Returns user principal if user is authenticated.
userPrincipal(String) - Method in class
User principal claim as defined by Microprofile JWT Auth spec.
userRolesAllowed() - Method in class
Set of roles required for a user.
userStore(SecureUserStore) - Method in class
Set user store to validate users.
userStore(SecureUserStore) - Method in class
Set user store to obtain passwords and roles based on logins.
UserStoreService - Interface in
A service to supply custom implementation of SecureUserStore.
usesLocalFilePerTable() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
usesLocalFiles() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData
useSystemExcludes(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader.Builder
When configured to use system excludes, system property "io.helidon.common.serviceloader.exclude" is used to get the comma separated list of service implementations to exclude them from the loaded list.
useSystemSelector(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.Builder
Configure proxy from environment variables and system properties.
useSystemServiceLoader(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.serviceloader.HelidonServiceLoader.Builder
When configured to use Java Service loader, then the result is a combination of all service implementations loaded from the Java Service loader and those added by HelidonServiceLoader.Builder.addService(Object) or HelidonServiceLoader.Builder.addService(Object, int).
useSystemServiceLoader(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Sets if Java Service loader should be used to load all WebClientServiceProvider.
useWellKnown() - Method in class
useWellKnown() - Method in interface
Whether to use OIDC well known metadata.
useWellKnown() - Method in class
Utils - Class in io.helidon.common.http
Internal utility methods.


V1 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder.Version
Version 1.
V1_0 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Version
HTTP version HTTP/1.0.
V1_1 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Version
HTTP version HTTP/1.1.
v2 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdApi
Etcd API v2 version.
V2 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder.Version
Version 2.
V2_0 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Version
HTTP version HTTP/2.0.
v3 - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdApi
Etcd API v3 version.
validate() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.openapi.MPOpenAPIBuilder
validate() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport.Builder
Makes sure the set-up for OpenAPI is consistent, internally and with the current Helidon runtime environment (SE or MP).
validate(PolicyValidator.PolicyConfig, Errors.Collector, ProviderRequest) - Method in class
validate(RoleValidator.RoleConfig, Errors.Collector, ProviderRequest) - Method in class
validate(ScopeValidator.ScopesConfig, Errors.Collector, ProviderRequest) - Method in class
validate(TimeValidator.TimeConfig, Errors.Collector, ProviderRequest) - Method in class
validate(Jwt, Errors.Collector) - Method in class
validate(Jwt, Errors.Collector) - Method in class
validate(Jwt, Errors.Collector) - Method in class
validate(Jwt, Errors.Collector) - Method in class
validate(String, String) - Method in class
Validates all default values.
validate(String, Set<String>) - Method in class
Validates all default values.
validate(Flow.Subscription, Flow.Subscription) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Check if current is null and incoming is not null.
validate(List<Validator<Jwt>>) - Method in class
Validate this JWT against provided validators.
validate(T, Errors.Collector) - Method in interface
Validate the object against this class's configuration.
validate(T, Errors.Collector, ProviderRequest) - Method in interface
Validate that the configuration provided would grant access to the resource.
validateHeaders() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration
Whether to validate HTTP header names.
validateHeaders(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webclient.WebClient.Builder
Whether to validate header names.
validateHeaders(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.Builder
Configure whether to validate header names.
validateJwtWithJwk() - Method in interface
Whether to validate JWT with JWK information (e.g.
validateJwtWithJwk() - Method in class
validateJwtWithJwk(Boolean) - Method in class
Use JWK (a set of keys to validate signatures of JWT) to validate tokens.
validatePrototype() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.sdk.runtime.OciConfig.BuilderBase
Validates required properties.
validatePrototype() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
Validates required properties.
Validator<T> - Interface in
A generic validator, has a method to validate the object and add messages to a Errors.Collector.
validitySeconds(long) - Method in class
Validity of the token.
value() - Method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Version
Returns String representation of this Http.Version.
value() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Collector
Get the collected items container.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption
Default value of this option if not configured explicitly.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOptions
Group of options when used on a type.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredValue
Value of the option.
value() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeImpl
value() - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode
Get the direct value of this config node.
value() - Method in class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
value() - Method in interface io.helidon.dbclient.DbColumn
Untyped value of this column, returns java type as provided by the underlying database driver.
value() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi.VaultName.Literal
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi.VaultName
Vault name to inject.
value() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi.VaultPath.Literal
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi.VaultPath
Custom mount path.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.cors.CrossOrigin
A list of origins that are allowed such as "" or "*" to allow all origins.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.GrpcInterceptors
An ordered list of interceptors.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.GrpcMarshaller
Obtain the type of the MarshallerSupplier to use.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.RequestType
Obtain the gRPC request type.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.ResponseType
Obtain the gRPC response type.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.messaging.ChannelInternal
Channel name.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling.FixedRate
Fixed rate for periodical invocation.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.scheduling.Scheduled
Cron expression specifying period for invocation.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingName
Name of a routing to bind this application/service to.
value() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.server.RoutingPath
Path of this WebServer service.
value() - Element in annotation interface
The statement of this policy.
value() - Element in annotation interface
Array of roles allowed for this resource.
value() - Element in annotation interface
Repeatable annotation value.
value() - Element in annotation interface
Name of scope the user must have to access this resource.
value() - Element in annotation interface
Repeatable annotation holder.
value() - Element in annotation interface
Return days of week this resource should be accessible on.
value() - Element in annotation interface
Repeatable annotation holder.
value() - Element in annotation interface
Event type of this audit event.
value() - Element in annotation interface
Determine whether authentication should be enabled.
value() - Element in annotation interface
Determine whether authorization should be enabled.
value() - Method in class
Value of this parameter.
value() - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.Tag
Tag value.
value(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Headers
Returns a header value as a single String potentially concatenated using comma character from all header fields.
value(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ListNodeBuilderImpl
Combine this list node with a value.
value(String) - Method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeBuilderImpl
Configure direct value of this node.
value(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ListNode.Builder
Sets the node value associated with the current node.
value(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.ObjectNode.Builder
Sets the node value associated with the current node.
value(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Secret
Value of a key within a secret.
value(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.GetCubbyhole.Response
value(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbGet.Response
value(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.GetKv1.Response
value(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.GetKv2.Response
value(ChronoField, long) - Method in class
Set an explicit value for one of the time fields (such as ChronoField.YEAR).
value(Matcher<T>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.testing.OptionalMatcher
A matcher for an Optional that checks it is present, and that the value matches the provided matcher.
Value - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.config.objectmapping
Annotation used to customize behaviour of JavaBean deserialization support.
VALUE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.Config.Type
Config node is a leaf String-based single value, member of object or list element.
VALUE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption.Kind
Option is a single value (leaf node).
VALUE - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.NodeType
Only has value.
VALUE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.config.objectmapping.Value.None
Value to use when a null value should be the default.
Value.None - Interface in io.helidon.config.objectmapping
Class that represents not-set default values.
valueDeserializer(Class<? extends Deserializer<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Deserializer class for value that implements the Deserializer interface.
valueNode(String) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.testing.ValueNodeMatcher
Creates new instance of ValueNodeMatcher that matches ConfigNode.ValueNode with spacified expectedValue.
ValueNodeImpl - Class in io.helidon.config
ValueNodeImpl(String) - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.ValueNodeImpl
Initialize node.
ValueNodeMatcher - Class in io.helidon.config.testing
Hamcrest Matcher implementation that matches ConfigNode.ValueNode value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource.Source
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.HelidonFlavor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Method
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus.Family
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Version
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.SameSite
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.TraceOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.Severity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.config.Config.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdApi
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeEventType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.NodeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.common.ParamType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatementType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientRequestAttribute
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServerRequestAttribute
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter.XARoutine
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.BuiltInRegistryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder.TrustStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.AcknowledgeMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder.AutoOffsetReset
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.PropagationFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.SamplerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.SpanProcessorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder.Version
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webclient.DnsResolverType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.ProxyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webserver.BackpressureStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webserver.ClientAuthentication
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse.CachingStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueResolving() - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ConfigFilters
Creates a value reference resolving config filter.
ValueResolvingFilter - Class in io.helidon.config
A config filter that replaces all placeholders in a config value String with their corresponding values looked up from the config.
ValueResolvingFilter() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.ValueResolvingFilter
Creates an instance of the filter with no explicit failOnMissing behavior set.
ValueResolvingFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.ValueResolvingFilter
Creates an instance of filter with the specified behavior on missing references.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.configurable.Resource.Source
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.HelidonFlavor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Method
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.ResponseStatus.Family
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Version
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.http.SetCookie.SameSite
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.reactive.SubscriptionHelper
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.TraceOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.common.Severity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.config.Config.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.config.etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdApi
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.config.metadata.ConfiguredOption.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ChangeEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.config.spi.ConfigNode.NodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.common.ParamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.dbclient.DbStatementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientRequestAttribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.grpc.server.ServerRequestAttribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.ExceptionConverter.XARoutine
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.integrations.micrometer.MeterRegistryFactory.BuiltInRegistryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.integrations.neo4j.Neo4j.Builder.TrustStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Secret
A map of secret values (key/value pairs).
values() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.cubbyhole.GetCubbyhole.Response
values() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbGet.Response
values() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv1.GetKv1.Response
values() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.GetKv2.Response
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.pki.PkiFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.AcknowledgeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.jms.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder.AutoOffsetReset
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class
Get all values of this store.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.PropagationFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.SamplerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.SpanProcessorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.Span.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder.Version
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webclient.DnsResolverType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webclient.Proxy.ProxyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webserver.BackpressureStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webserver.ClientAuthentication
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webserver.DirectHandler.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse.CachingStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.Headers
Returns an unmodifiable List of all comma separated header value parts - Such segmentation is NOT valid for all header semantics, however it is very common.
valueSerializer(Class<? extends Serializer<?>>) - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.kafka.KafkaConfigBuilder
Serializer class for value that implements the Serializer interface.
VARY - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Vary" header name.
Vault - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Main entry point to Vault operations.
Vault.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Fluent API builder for Vault.
VaultApiException - Exception in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Exception in Vault communication not based on HTTP response.
VaultApiException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultApiException
Vault exception with a descriptive message.
VaultApiException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultApiException
Vault exception with message and a cause.
VaultAuth - Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi
Java Service Loader service providing means of authenticating this Vault client with a Vault instance.
VaultCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi
Implementation of CDI portable extension to add support for Vault into CDI, including injection of Vault, Authentication methods, Secret engines and Sys APIs that are available on classpath.
VaultCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi.VaultCdiExtension
Constructor required for service loader and manual configuration of CDI extension.
vaultCryptoEndpoint() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
vaultCryptoEndpoint() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The address to use for the OCI Key Management Service / Vault crypto usage.
vaultCryptoEndpoint() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
The address to use for the OCI Key Management Service / Vault crypto usage.
vaultCryptoEndpoint(URI) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The address to use for the OCI Key Management Service / Vault crypto usage.
vaultErrors() - Method in exception io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRestException
Errors from Vault REST API.
vaultErrors(List<String>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRestException.Builder
Configure the vault errors read from response entity.
vaultManagementEndpoint() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfigImpl
vaultManagementEndpoint() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The address to use for the OCI Key Management Service / Vault management usage.
vaultManagementEndpoint() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig
The address to use for the OCI Key Management Service / Vault management usage.
vaultManagementEndpoint(URI) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.OciCertificatesTlsManagerConfig.BuilderBase
The address to use for the OCI Key Management Service / Vault management usage.
vaultName() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig
Name of the vault to use, empty for default configuration.
vaultName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig.Builder
Configure the vault name.
VaultName - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi
Define a named vault instance.
VaultName.Literal - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi
Utility to obtain VaultName instances.
vaultOcid(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.AbstractSecretBundleConfigSource.Builder
Sets the (required) OCID of the OCI vault from which an AbstractSecretBundleConfigSource will retrieve values.
VaultOptionalResponse<R> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Response for Vault operations that may contain entity.
VaultOptionalResponse(VaultOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?, ?, R>, Optional<R>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultOptionalResponse
Construct a new optional response from the builder and an entity.
VaultOptionalResponse.Builder<X,R> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Fluent API builder for VaultOptionalResponse.
VaultOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<B extends VaultOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<B,X,R>,X,R> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Base builder class for subclasses of VaultOptionalResponse.
vaultPath() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig
Custom path of the component.
vaultPath(String) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.spi.InjectionProvider.InstanceConfig.Builder
Configure the custom vault path.
VaultPath - Annotation Interface in io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi
Customize the mount path of a secrets engine.
VaultPath.Literal - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.cdi
Utility to obtain VaultPath instances.
VaultRequest<T extends VaultRequest<T>> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Common helper methods for Vault Requests.
VaultRequest() - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultRequest
vaultRequestId() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultResponse
Request ID as understood by Vault.
VaultResponse - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Response from Vault, always expects a JSON entity.
VaultResponse(ApiEntityResponse.Builder<?, ? extends VaultResponse, JsonObject>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultResponse
Create a new response from a builder.
vaultResponseBuilder() - Static method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultOptionalResponse
A builder to create an optional response.
VaultRestApi - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common
REST API implementation with Vault specific features.
VaultRestApi(VaultRestApi.BuilderBase<?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common.VaultRestApi
VaultRestApi.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common
Fluent API builder for VaultRestApi.
VaultRestApi.BuilderBase<B extends VaultRestApi.BuilderBase<B>> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.auths.common
A base builder for VaultRestApi subclasses.
VaultRestException - Exception in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Vault runtime exception.
VaultRestException.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Fluent API builder for VaultRestException used by RestApiBase.
vaultsSupplier(Supplier<? extends Vaults>) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.secrets.configsource.SecretBundleNodeConfigSource.Builder
Uses the supplied Supplier of Vaults instances, instead of the default one, for communicating with the OCI Vaults API.
VaultToken - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Vault token implementation.
VaultToken.Builder - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Builder for VaultToken.
VaultTokenBase - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Abstract implementation of token that can be used to access the Vault.
VaultTokenBase(VaultTokenBase.Builder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.vault.VaultTokenBase
Create a new instance using the provided builder.
VaultTokenBase.Builder<B extends VaultTokenBase.Builder<B,T>,T> - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Base builder class for tokens.
VaultUtil - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault
Utility class for Vault API.
verify(byte[], boolean, String) - Method in class
Verifies a signature or an HMAC.
verify(Base64Value, Base64Value) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.crypto.Digest
Verify the digest of the value against the provided digest.
verify(Base64Value, Base64Value) - Method in class io.helidon.common.crypto.Signature
verify(Verify.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecrets
Verify a message signature.
verify(Verify.Request) - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit.TransitSecretsRx
Verify a message signature.
Verify - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Verify request and response.
Verify.Request - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Request object.
Verify.Response - Class in io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.transit
Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
verifyConnection(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.database.DbConfigure.Request
Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration.
verifyDigest(String, byte[], String) - Method in interface
Verify a digest.
verifyDigest(String, byte[], String, boolean) - Method in interface
Verify a digest.
verifyJwk(Resource) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.JwtAuthProvider.Builder
JWK resource used to verify JWTs created by other parties.
verifyJwk(Resource) - Method in class
JWK resource used to verify JWTs created by other parties.
verifySignature(boolean) - Method in class
Configure whether to verify signatures.
verifySignature(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class
Verify that the signature is indeed for the signed bytes based on this JWK type and algorithm.
verifySignature(JwkKeys) - Method in class
Verify signature against the provided keys (the kid of this JWT should be present in the JwkKeys provided).
verifySignature(JwkKeys, Jwk) - Method in class
Verify signature against the provided keys (the kid of thisPrincipal JWT should be present in the JwkKeys provided).
verifyString(Base64Value, String) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.crypto.Digest
Verify the digest of the value against the provided digest in String format.
version() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.HttpRequest
Returns an HTTP version from the request line.
version() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates.spi.OciCertificatesDownloader.Certificates
The version identifier.
version() - Method in interface io.helidon.integrations.vault.Engine
Version of the engine if versioned.
version() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2Metadata
Version of the secret.
version() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.UpdateKv2.Response
Version of the updated secret.
version() - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Grpc.Literal
version() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.Grpc
Obtain the service version.
version() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientResponse
Http version of this response.
version() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Gets an HTTP version from the request line such as HTTP/1.1.
version(int) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.GetKv2.Request
Version of the secret to get.
version(ZipkinTracerBuilder.Version) - Method in class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
Version of Zipkin API to use.
version(Integer) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.Kv2SecurityProvider.Kv2SecretConfig.Builder
Version of the secret to use (if not defined, latest version is used).
versions(int...) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.DeleteKv2.Request
Version(s) of the secret to delete.
versions(int...) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.DestroyKv2.Request
Version(s) of the secret to destroy.
versions(int...) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.secrets.kv2.UndeleteKv2.Request
Version(s) to undelete.
VIA - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Via" header name.
virtualEnforced(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
When configured to true, virtual thread executor service must be available, otherwise the built executor would fail to start.
virtualIfAvailable(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.common.configurable.ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder
When configured to true, an unbounded virtual executor service (project Loom) will be used if available.
volume(int) - Method in class io.helidon.faulttolerance.CircuitBreaker.Builder
Rolling window size used to calculate ratio of failed requests.


W3C - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.tracing.jaeger.JaegerTracerBuilder.PropagationFormat
The W3C trace context propagation format.
waitingQueueSize() - Method in interface io.helidon.faulttolerance.Bulkhead.Stats
Size of waiting queue at this time.
warn(Object, String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a warning message to the list of messages.
warn(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.Errors.Collector
Add a warning message to the list of messages.
WARN - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.SerializationConfig.Action
Warn in the log file.
WARN - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.common.Severity
WARN - Enum constant in enum class
Security warning.
WARNING - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "Warning" header name.
wasNull() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingCallableStatement
wasNull() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.jdbc.DelegatingResultSet
watch(Path, Consumer<Path>, Consumer<Path>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.MutabilitySupport
Start watching a file for changes.
WatchableSource<T> - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
A source implementing this interface provides a target that a ChangeWatcher can use.
WatchableSource.Builder<B extends WatchableSource.Builder<B,T>,T> - Interface in io.helidon.config.spi
A builder for a watchable source.
watchServiceModifiers(List<WatchEvent.Modifier>) - Method in class io.helidon.config.FileSystemWatcher.Builder
Set modifiers to use for the watch service.
WEB_CONTEXT_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Config key for specifying the entire web context where the UI responds.
WEB_CONTEXT_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface
Config key for the web context setting.
webClient() - Method in class
WebClient instance, available after RestApi.Builder.postBuild() is called.
webClient() - Method in class
WebClient to be used to invoke requests.
WebClient - Interface in io.helidon.webclient
Base client which is used to perform requests.
WebClient.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webclient
Fluent API builder for WebClient.
webClientBuilder(Consumer<WebClient.Builder>) - Method in class
Update web client builder.
WebClientException - Exception in io.helidon.webclient
An exception that caused this client request to fail.
WebClientException(String) - Constructor for exception io.helidon.webclient.WebClientException
Creates new instance of web client exception.
WebClientMeter - Class in io.helidon.webclient.metrics
Client metric meter for all requests.
WebClientMetrics - Class in io.helidon.webclient.metrics
Container object for all metrics created by the config.
WebClientMetricsProvider - Class in io.helidon.webclient.metrics
Service for web client metrics.
WebClientMetricsProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webclient.metrics.WebClientMetricsProvider
WebClientRequestBuilder - Interface in io.helidon.webclient
Fluent API builder that is used by WebClient to create an outgoing request.
WebClientRequestBuilder.ClientRequest - Interface in io.helidon.webclient
Request to a server.
WebClientRequestHeaders - Interface in io.helidon.webclient
Headers that can be modified (until request is sent) for outbound request.
WebClientResponse - Interface in io.helidon.webclient
Response from a server that was created for our request.
WebClientResponseHeaders - Interface in io.helidon.webclient
Headers that may be available on response from server.
WebClientSecurity - Class in
Client service for security propagation.
WebClientSecurityProvider - Class in
Client security SPI provider.
WebClientSecurityProvider() - Constructor for class
WebClientService - Interface in io.helidon.webclient.spi
Extension that can modify outgoing request.
WebClientServiceProvider - Interface in io.helidon.webclient.spi
Java service loader interface.
WebClientServiceRequest - Interface in io.helidon.webclient
Request to SPI WebClientService that supports modification of the outgoing request.
WebClientServiceResponse - Interface in io.helidon.webclient
Response which is created upon receiving of server response.
WebClientTls - Class in io.helidon.webclient
Configuration of TLS requests.
WebClientTls.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webclient
Fluent API builder for WebClientTls instance.
WebClientTracing - Class in io.helidon.webclient.tracing
Client service for tracing propagation.
WebClientTracingProvider - Class in io.helidon.webclient.tracing
Client tracing SPI provider.
WebClientTracingProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webclient.tracing.WebClientTracingProvider
webClientUpdater() - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.vault.Vault.Builder
Update to web client setup.
webContext() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport
webContext() - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase
webContext() - Method in interface
Returns the web context at which the service's endpoint can be accessed.
webContext(String) - Method in class io.helidon.graphql.server.GraphQlSupport.Builder
Set a new root context for REST API of graphQL.
webContext(String) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenAPISupport.Builder
Sets the web context path for the OpenAPI endpoint.
webContext(String) - Method in interface io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUi.Builder
Sets the entire web context (not just the suffix) where the UI response.
webContext(String) - Method in class io.helidon.openapi.OpenApiUiBase.Builder
webContext(String) - Method in class
Set the root context for the REST API of the service.
webContext(String) - Method in interface
Sets the web context to use for the service's endpoint.
webContextConfig(Config) - Method in class io.helidon.metrics.MetricsSupport.Builder
webContextConfig(Config) - Method in class
Returns the web-context Config node from the provided config.
WeblogicConnector - Class in io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Weblogic JMS connector.
WeblogicConnector(Config, Instance<ConnectionFactory>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.WeblogicConnector
WeblogicConnector(Map<String, ConnectionFactory>, ScheduledExecutorService, String, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.wls.WeblogicConnector
WebSecurity - Class in
Integration of security into Web Server.
webServer() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareRequest
Gets actual WebServer instance.
webServer() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerRequest
Returns actual WebServer instance.
webServer() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Returns actual WebServer instance.
WebServer - Interface in io.helidon.webserver
Represents a immutably configured WEB server.
WebServer.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver
WebServer builder class provides a convenient way to set up WebServer with multiple server sockets and optional multiple routings.
WebServerTls - Class in io.helidon.webserver
A class wrapping transport layer security (TLS) configuration for WebServer sockets.
WebServerTls.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver
Fluent API builder for WebServerTls.
website() - Method in class
Website URI claim.
website(URI) - Method in class
Website URI of the subject.
WebSocketApplication - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus
Represents a websocket application with class and config endpoints.
WebSocketApplication.Builder - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus
Fluent API builder to create WebSocketApplication instances.
WebSocketCdiExtension - Class in io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus
Configure Tyrus related things.
WebSocketCdiExtension() - Constructor for class io.helidon.microprofile.tyrus.WebSocketCdiExtension
WebSocketRouting - Class in io.helidon.webserver.websocket
WebSocket specific routing.
WebSocketRouting.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver.websocket
Fluent API builder for WebSocketRouting.
WebsocketUpgradeCodecProvider - Class in io.helidon.webserver.websocket
Service providing WebSocket upgrade codec for Helidon webserver.
WebsocketUpgradeCodecProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.websocket.WebsocketUpgradeCodecProvider
Only intended for service loader, do not instantiate
WebTracingConfig - Class in io.helidon.webserver
Tracing configuration for webserver.
WebTracingConfig() - Constructor for class io.helidon.webserver.WebTracingConfig
WebTracingConfig.Builder - Class in io.helidon.webserver
A fluent API builder for WebTracingConfig.
welcomeFileName(String) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent.StaticContentSupport.Builder
Sets a name of the "file" which will be returned if directory is requested.
whenComplete() - Method in class io.helidon.messaging.connectors.mock.MockOutgoing
Returns single which is completed when the terminates with the complete signal.
whenComplete() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Completes when the full processing of this request is done (e.g.
whenComplete(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
whenComplete(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>, Executor) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.CompletionAwaitable
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>, Executor) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.Single
whenCompleted() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareResponse
Returns a Single of this response.
whenHeadersCompleted() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareResponse
Returns a Single of headers part of this response.
whenResponseReceived() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Completes when the response headers has been received, but entity has not been processed yet.
whenSend() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
since 2.0.0, please use ResponseHeaders.whenSent()
whenSent() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientServiceRequest
Completes when the request part of this request is done (e.g.
whenSent() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ResponseHeaders
Returns a Single which is completed when all headers are sent to the client.
whenSent() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Completion stage is completed when response is completed.
whenShutdown() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServer
Completion stage is completed when server is shut down.
whenShutdown() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerImpl
whenShutdown() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi.GrpcMpContext
Return a completion stage is completed when the gRPC server is shut down.
whenShutdown() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Completion stage is completed when server is shut down.
whenStarted() - Method in interface io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.server.spi.GrpcMpContext
Return a completion stage is completed when the gRPC server is started.
whitelistedExceptions() - Method in interface io.helidon.graphql.server.InvocationHandler
Configured set of exceptions that are whitelisted.
WILDCARD - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing wildcard media type.
WILDCARD_VALUE - Static variable in interface io.helidon.common.http.AcceptPredicate
The wildcard value "*" used by standard in several headers.
withAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Get a new sub-list of methods containing all the methods from this method list with a specified method-level annotation declared.
withCharset(String) - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Create a new MediaType instance with the same type, subtype and parameters copied from the original instance and the supplied "charset" parameter.
withClassAnnotations(Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, List<Annotation>>) - Method in class
Sets new class level annotations.
withDefault() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.objectmapping.Value
Specifies default value in form of single String value that will be used to set JavaBean property value in case configuration does not contain a config node of appropriate config key.
withDefaultPriority(int) - Static method in class io.helidon.grpc.core.PriorityBag
Create a new PriorityBag where elements added with no priority will be be given a default priority value.
withDefaultSupplier() - Element in annotation interface io.helidon.config.objectmapping.Value
Specifies supplier of default value that will be used to set JavaBean property value in case configuration does not contain config node of appropriate config key.
withHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in class
Create a response with these headers.
withMetaAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Get a new sub-list of methods containing all the methods from this method list with a method-level annotation declared that is itself annotated with a specified meta-annotation.
withMethodAnnotations(Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, List<Annotation>>) - Method in class
Sets new method level annotations.
withMethodName(String) - Method in class
Sets new method name.
withOperationName(GrpcTracingName) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientTracingInterceptor.Builder
withOperationName(GrpcTracingName) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig.Builder
withoutAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Get a new sub-list of methods containing all the methods from this method list without a specified method-level annotation declared.
withoutMetaAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.grpc.core.AnnotatedMethodList
Get a new sub-list of methods containing all the methods from this method list without any method-level annotation declared that would itself be annotated with a specified meta-annotation.
withoutParameters() - Method in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
will be removed in 4.x version.
withStreaming() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientTracingInterceptor.Builder
Logs streaming events to client spans.
withStreaming() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig.Builder
Logs streaming events to server spans.
withTracedAttributes(ClientRequestAttribute...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientTracingInterceptor.Builder
withTracedAttributes(ServerRequestAttribute...) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig.Builder
withVerbosity() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.client.ClientTracingInterceptor.Builder
Logs all request life-cycle events to client spans.
withVerbosity() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcTracingConfig.Builder
Logs all request life-cycle events to server spans.
workers() - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerBasicConfig
workers() - Method in interface io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration
Returns a count of threads in s pool used to process gRPC requests.
workersCount() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration
Returns the count of threads in the pool used to process HTTP requests.
workersCount(int) - Method in class io.helidon.grpc.server.GrpcServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets a count of threads in pool used to process HTTP requests.
workersCount(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ServerConfiguration.Builder
Sets a count of threads in pool used to process HTTP requests.
workersCount(int) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.WebServer.Builder
Sets a count of threads in pool used to process HTTP requests.
workItems(Executable) - Method in interface io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonInterceptor
Returns the work items the specific interceptor instance should process.
workItems(Executable, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class io.helidon.servicecommon.restcdi.HelidonRestCdiExtension.WorkItemsManager
wrap(ConfigNode.ObjectNode) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeImpl
Wraps value node into mergeable value node.
wrap(ConfigNode.ObjectNode, Function<String, String>) - Static method in class io.helidon.config.ObjectNodeImpl
Wraps value node into mergeable value node.
wrap(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in class io.helidon.microprofile.cdi.ExecutorServices
Returns the supplied tasks argument unchanged when invoked.
wrap(ExecutorService) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.context.Contexts
Wrap an executor service to correctly propagate context to its threads.
wrap(ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.context.Contexts
Wrap a scheduled executor service to correctly propagate context to its threads.
write(byte[]) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiFromOutputStream
Writes byte array after possibly publishing internal buffer for single-byte writes.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiFromOutputStream
Writes byte array given an offset and length after possibly publishing internal buffer for single-byte writes.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class io.helidon.common.reactive.MultiFromOutputStream
Attempts to buffer single-byte reads until buffer is full.
write(Single<? extends WriteableMultiPart>, GenericType<? extends WriteableMultiPart>, MessageBodyWriterContext) - Method in class
write(Single<? extends T>, GenericType<? extends T>, MessageBodyWriterContext) - Method in interface
Generate HTTP payload from the objects of the given type.
write(ByteBuffer, OutputStream) - Static method in class io.helidon.common.http.Utils
Appends the content of the given byte buffer into the given output stream.
write(Flow.Publisher<? extends WriteableBodyPart>, GenericType<? extends WriteableBodyPart>, MessageBodyWriterContext) - Method in class
write(Flow.Publisher<? extends T>, GenericType<? extends T>, MessageBodyWriterContext) - Method in interface
Generate HTTP payload from the given stream of objects.
WriteableBodyPart - Class in
Writeable body part entity.
WriteableBodyPart.Builder - Class in
Builder class for creating BodyPart instances.
WriteableBodyPartContent - Interface in
Writeable body part content.
WriteableBodyPartHeaders - Class in
Writeable body part headers.
WriteableBodyPartHeaders.Builder - Class in
Builder class to create WriteableBodyPartHeaders instances.
WriteableMultiPart - Class in
Writeable multipart entity.
WriteableMultiPart.Builder - Class in
Builder class for creating WriteableMultiPart instances.
writeBytes(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class
Create a DataChunk with the given byte array and return a Single.
writeCharBuffer(CharBuffer, Charset) - Static method in class
Create a a publisher DataChunk with the given CharBuffer / Charset and return a Single.
writeCharSequence(CharSequence, Charset) - Static method in class
Create a publisher of DataChunk with the given CharSequence / Charset and return a Single.
writeFuture() - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Returns a write future associated with this chunk.
writeFuture() - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
writeFuture(CompletableFuture<DataChunk>) - Method in interface io.helidon.common.http.DataChunk
Set a write future that will complete when data chunk has been written to a connection.
writeFuture(CompletableFuture<DataChunk>) - Method in class io.helidon.webserver.ByteBufDataChunk
writer() - Static method in class
Return a default Jackson entity writer.
writer() - Static method in class
Return a default JSON-B entity writer.
writer() - Static method in class
Return a default JSON-P entity writer.
writer(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class
Create a new Jackson entity writer based on ObjectMapper instance.
writer(Jsonb) - Static method in class
Create a new JSON-B entity writer based on Jsonb instance.
writer(JsonWriterFactory) - Static method in class
Create a new JSON-P entity writer based on JsonWriterFactory.
writerContext() - Method in class
Get the configured writer context.
writerContext() - Method in interface io.helidon.webclient.WebClientRequestBuilder
Returns writer context of the request builder.
writerContext() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.ServerResponse
Get the writer context used to marshall data.
writerContext() - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.WebServer
Get the parent MessageBodyWriterContext context.
writerInstance() - Method in class
Return Jackson writer instance.
writerInstance() - Method in class
Return JSON-B writer instance.
writerInstance() - Method in class
Return JSON-P entity writer.
writers() - Method in class
writers() - Method in interface
Returns the collection of the writers which should be registered.
writers() - Method in class
writers() - Method in class
writers() - Method in class
writers() - Method in class
writeStackTrace(Throwable, Charset) - Static method in class
Create a a publisher DataChunk with the given Throwable / Charset and return a Single.
writeStatusAndHeaders(Http.ResponseStatus, Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in interface io.helidon.webserver.BareResponse
Send response line and headers to the client.
writeThrough(boolean) - Method in class io.helidon.integrations.microstream.cache.MicrostreamCacheConfigurationBuilder
writeToFile(Path) - Static method in interface io.helidon.common.reactive.IoMulti
Creates function consuming Multi<ByteBuffer> to FileChannel opened from supplied Path.
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "WWW-Authenticate" header name.


X_FORWARDED - Enum constant in enum class io.helidon.webserver.SocketConfiguration.RequestedUriDiscoveryType
X_FORWARDED_FOR - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The X-Forwarded-For header name.
X_FORWARDED_HOST - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The X-Forwarded-Host header name.
X_FORWARDED_PORT - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The X-Forwarded-Port header name.
X_FORWARDED_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The X-Forwarded-Prefix header name.
X_FORWARDED_PROTO - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The X-Forwarded-Proto header name.
X_HELIDON_CN - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.Http.Header
The "X-HELIDON-CN" header name.
X_OT_SPAN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingFilter
Header used by Envoy proxy.
X_REQUEST_ID - Static variable in class io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client.ClientTracingFilter
Header used by routers.
XADataSourceWrappingDataSource - Class in io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class is slated for removal with no replacement.
XADataSourceWrappingDataSource(XADataSource, Consumer<? super XAResource>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.integrations.jta.jdbc.XADataSourceWrappingDataSource
XML_PREDICATE - Static variable in class io.helidon.common.http.MediaType
Predicate to test if MediaType is application/xml or text/xml or has xml suffix.


YamlConfigParser - Class in io.helidon.config.yaml
YAML ConfigParser implementation that supports "application/x-yaml".
YamlConfigParser() - Constructor for class io.helidon.config.yaml.YamlConfigParser
This method should not be directly used, use YamlConfigParser.create()
YamlConfigSourceProvider - Class in
YAML config source provider for MicroProfile config that supports file application.yaml.
YamlConfigSourceProvider() - Constructor for class
YamlMetaConfigProvider - Class in
Helidon MicroProfile meta-config provider for Yaml.
YamlMetaConfigProvider() - Constructor for class
YamlMpConfigSource - Class in
MicroProfile ConfigSource that can be used to add YAML files from classpath or file system using the ConfigProviderResolver.getBuilder().


ZipkinTracer - Class in io.helidon.tracing.zipkin
The ZipkinTracer delegates to BraveTracer while creating ZipkinSpanBuilder instead of BraveSpanBuilder.
ZipkinTracer(BraveTracer, List<Tag<?>>) - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracer
Create a zipkin tracer from the delegate (BraveTracer) and tags to be used by default for all traces.
ZipkinTracerBuilder - Class in io.helidon.tracing.zipkin
The ZipkinTracerBuilder is a convenience builder for Tracer to use with Zipkin.
ZipkinTracerBuilder() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerBuilder
Default constructor, does not modify state.
ZipkinTracerBuilder.Version - Enum Class in io.helidon.tracing.zipkin
Versions available for Zipkin API.
ZipkinTracerProvider - Class in io.helidon.tracing.zipkin
Zipkin java service.
ZipkinTracerProvider() - Constructor for class io.helidon.tracing.zipkin.ZipkinTracerProvider
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