Interface Handler

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLogEntry, CorsSupport, HeaderLogEntry, HostLogEntry, JsonService, RequestLineLogEntry, RequestPredicate.ConditionalHandler, SecurityHandler, SizeLogEntry, StatusLogEntry, TimestampLogEntry, TimeTakenLogEntry, UserIdLogEntry, UserLogEntry
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

The ServerRequest and ServerResponse handler. Can be mapped to the routing rules in the Routing.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • accept

      void accept(ServerRequest req, ServerResponse res)
      Handles request and response usually called from the Routing.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface BiConsumer<ServerRequest,ServerResponse>
      req - an HTTP server request.
      res - an HTTP server response.
    • create

      static <T> Handler create(Class<T> entityType, Handler.EntityHandler<T> entityHandler)
      Creates new instance of the Handler for the entity representing HTTP request content. See ServerRequest for more details how response can be represented as a java type.

      Created handler forwards any error created during entity read or conversion to the standard error handling (

      Type Parameters:
      T - a type of the entity
      entityType - a java type of the entity
      entityHandler - an entity handler to handle request entity
      new Handler instance
    • create

      static <T> Handler create(Class<T> entityType, Handler.EntityHandler<T> entityHandler, ErrorHandler<Throwable> entityReadErrorHandler)
      Creates new instance of the Handler for the entity representing HTTP request content. See ServerRequest for more details how response can be represented as a java type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - a type of the entity
      entityType - a java type of the entity
      entityHandler - an entity handler to handle request entity
      entityReadErrorHandler - an error handler to handle state when entity cannot be read or convert to the requested type
      new Handler instance