Interface RoutingBuilders

public interface RoutingBuilders
Provides Routing.Builder instances (for the default and the actual) for a Helidon MP service, based on configuration for the component (if any) and defaults otherwise.
  • Method Details

    • defaultRoutingBuilder

      Routing.Builder defaultRoutingBuilder()
      the default Routing.Builder for the component
    • routingBuilder

      Routing.Builder routingBuilder()
      the actual Routing.Builder for the component; might be the default
    • create

      static RoutingBuilders create(String componentName)
      Prepares the default and actual Routing.Builder instances based on the "routing" configuration for the specific component.
      componentName - config key under which "routing" config might exist for the component of interest
      RoutingBuilders based on the named config (or default)
    • create

      static RoutingBuilders create(Config componentConfig)
      Prepares the default and actual Routing.Builder instances based on the "routing" configuration for the specific component configuration.
      componentConfig - the configuration for the calling service
      RoutingBuilders based on the config (or default)
    • createFromRoutingName

      static RoutingBuilders createFromRoutingName(String routingName)
      Prepares the default and actual Routing.Builder instances based on a routing name. If routing name is null or blank or @default, then the default routing will be used for the service endpoint routing as well.
      routingName - name of the routing to use for the service's endpoint routing
      RoutingBuilders containing the default and service's routing