Uses of Interface

Packages that use Config
General utilities that use Config.
Utilities for PKI configuration and loading of certificates and keys.
Provides interfaces and classes for loading and working with immutable, tree-structured configuration data.
Support for encrypted properties.
Etcd configuration source.
Git configuration source.
HOCON config source for MicroProfile config.
Helidon implementation of microprofile config.
Helidon specific extension support for MicroProfile Config.
Mappers that can map Config to classes with factory methods, classes with Builders and general "bean" classes with constructor and setters.
Configuration SPI that defines the behavior developers can implement to extend the config system.
YAML config source for MicroProfile config.
Reactive Database API for Helidon.
Helper classes to use in various implementations.
Health check support for Helidon DB Client.
Helidon DB implementation for JDBC.
Service provider interface for Helidon DB implementation for JDBC.
Metrics support for Helidon DB Client.
Metrics support for Helidon DB JDBC Client.
Helidon DB integration for reactive mongoDB.
Service provider interface for Helidon DB.
Tracing support for Helidon DB.
Fault tolerance for Helidon SE reactive implementation.
GraphQL server implementation for Helidon SE.
gRPC client API.
Core classes used by both the reactive gRPC server API and gRPC client API.
Reactive gRPC server API.
Health check support for helidon SE.
Healthchecks provided by our Microprofile implementation.
Common classes for accessing JSON based REST APIs of third party systems.
Support for Micrometer in Helidon SE.
Provides support for Microstream-Cache features integration.
Provides support for Microstream core features integration.
Provides support for Microstream-Metrics features integration.
Neo4j integrations for Helidon.
Integrating with OCI Metrics.
Helidon Runtime Integrations to support OCI SDK.
Provides classes and interfaces for using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault APIs as part of a ConfigSourceProvider implementation.
Provides classes and interfaces for using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault APIs as part of a MpMetaConfigProvider implementation.
Helidon Integrations of OCI Certificates Service.
Vault integration.
AppRole authentication method for Vault.
Common classes for Vault integration.
Vault authentication method for Kubernetes.
Token authentication method for Vault.
Cubbyhole secret engine support for Vault.
Vault's Database Secrets Engine support.
Vault's KV1 Secrets Engine support.
Vault's Key/value version 2 Secrets Engine support.
Vault's PKI Secrets Engine support.
Vault transit secrets.
Vault integration SPI.
Sys operations for Vault.
Common classes for processing content with a specific MediaType.
This package provides extensibility for the MediaContext.
Jackson media type support.
JSON-B media type support.
JSON-P media type support.
Helidon Reactive Messaging.
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Oracle AQ connector.
Microprofile messaging JMS connector.
Microprofile messaging Kafka connector.
Microprofile messaging Weblogic JMS connector.
Metrics support for Java SE, uses the Microprofile metrics APIs and formats.
Defines the Helidon metrics API so Helidon metrics-capable components can implement metrics simply and without regard for whether metrics is actually on the runtime path or not or is enabled or not.
API and minimal implementation for metrics support service.
Microprofile 1.0 gRPC server implementation.
Implementation of Microprofile JWT Auth specification.
Microprofile metrics specification implementation.
Microprofile 1.0 server implementation.
Helidon SE OpenAPI Support.
Attribute based access control policy validator.
Integration with Java EE expression language.
Service provider interface (SPI) to support policy statements in Attribute based access control.
Role attribute validator.
Scope (OAuth2) attribute validator.
Time attribute validator.
Integration library for GrpcServer.
Jersey integration for security module.
Integration library for RxServer.
Attribute based access control (ABAC) security provider.
Attribute based access control (ABAC) security provider's SPI.
Common classes for provider implementation.
Extension of integration with Jersey to support customized analysis of resource classes and methods to enable/disable security.
Vault operation backed by configuration.
Integration with Google login button.
Provider that can extract username from a (any) header.
Basic security provider, supporting "basic" and "digest" authentication schemes with role support.
SPI for basic and digest authentication providers.
Provider supporting validation of incoming signatures and signing of outbound requests.
Mapper that retrieves roles from IDCS server and maps them to user subject.
Provider that can process incoming JWTs and assert users based on them and can propagate JWTs (or create new ones) for outbound calls.
Integration with Open ID Connect providers.
Open ID Connect (OIDC) classes usable from all OIDC related components.
Open ID Connect (OIDC) SPI interfaces.
Security component's SPI.
General utilities for security modules.
Support types for REST services.
General-purpose reusable artifacts to help write CDI extensions, annotation processing, and interceptors for Helidon services.
Distributed tracing support for Helidon.
Configuration for traced components, spans and logs.
Helidon integration with Jaeger tracer.
Open Telemetry tracing support that plugs into the TracerBuilder SPI and provides a Tracer implementation.
Open Tracing tracing support that plugs into the TracerBuilder SPI and provides a Tracer implementation.
Brave based Open Tracing implementation for an integration with Zipkin.
A reactive client for rest calls.
Helidon support for JAX-RS (Jersey) client.
Client metrics service.
Client service propagation service.
This package provides extensibility for the WebClient.
Client tracing propagation service.
Reactive web server API.
Access log support for Helidon WebServer.
Helidon SE CORS Support
This package contains JAX-RS (Jersey based) support for WebServer's Routing.
SPI to provide extended capabilities for webserver.