Helidon Project 4.2.0 API

Hikari Connection Pool Metrics.
Microprofile messaging MockConnector.
General Bean Validation.
Types needed to start a Helidon application.
The Builder API module.
Code generation for builders.
Utilities for code generation.
Implementation of codegen utilities for Java annotation processing.
The class model code generator.
Java in-process compiler.
Helidon copyright implementation.
Implementation of codegen utilities for classpath scanning.
Helidon Common library.
Byte buffers and byte operations.
Concurrency limits.
Helidon Common Config Library.
Common tools that use config component.
Helidon Common Context library.
Helidon Common Crypto library.
Feature catalog.
API required to describe features in module descriptor.
Helidon Common Mapper.
Helidon Common Media Type.
Support for parameters with multiple values.
Utilities for PKI configuration and loading of certificates and keys.
Helidon Common Reactive Library.
Helidon Common Resumable, allows notification of resumable resources before suspend and after resume.
Types that are security related and can be used across all components (servers, clients etc.).
Socket abstraction and data writing.
Common task module.
Hamcrest matchers for HTTP.
Hamcrest matchers.
Virtual Thread testing features for Helidon test extensions.
TLS configuration for client and server.
Builder (minimal) types support.
URI utilities.
Helidon SE Config module.
Module supporting encryption of secrets in configuration files.
Etcd config source implementation.
config git module.
Typesafe (Lightbend) Config (HOCON) Parser implementation.
Support for HOCON configuration sources.
Configuration metadata annotations.
Codegen for Helidon Config Metadata.
Implementation of the non-CDI parts of Eclipse MicroProfile Config specification.
config module.
Configuration testing support.
YAML Parser implementation.
Support for YAML configuration sources.
CORS configuration and types.
Helidon Database Client.
Helidon Database Client Health Check.
Helidon Database Client JDBC.
Helidon Database Client JDBC.
Helidon Database Client JSON-P Mapper.
Helidon Database Client Metrics.
Helidon Database Client MongoDB.
Helidon Database Client Tracing.
Helidon Fault Tolerance Support.
Extension for Graal VM native image to correctly build Helidon applications.
Extension for Graal VM native image to correctly build Helidon MicroProfile applications.
GraphQl server implementation.
Helidon GRPC core package.
Helidon health API.
Helidon health checks.
Helidon Common HTTP classes.
Content encoding support.
Deflate content encoding support.
GZip content encoding support.
Helidon Common HTTP/2 classes.
Helidon Media Support.
Jackson media support.
JSON-B media support.
JSON-P media support.
Multipart media support.
HTTP SSE common package.
Provides classes and interfaces that assist in producing things from configuration.
Provides classes and interfaces that wrap existing CDI constructs.
Provides classes and interfaces for working with Eclipselink in CDI.
Provides classes and interfaces for working with Hibernate in CDI.
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate the provider-independent parts of JPA into CDI.
Provides classes and interfaces that support contextual reference counting.
Common classes for accessing JSON based REST APIs of third party systems.
Provides classes and interfaces to assist in the development of DataSource-related CDI portable extensions.
CDI integration for the Hikari connection pool.
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate the Oracle Universal Connection Pool into CDI as a provider of DataSource beans.
Provides packages related to automatic and unobtrusive service instance registration in Netflix Eureka servers of version 2.0.3 or later.
Support for JDBC constructs.
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate JTA version 1.2 into CDI version 2.0 using Narayana as the underlying implementation.
Support for JTA-related JDBC constructs.
Provides classes and interfaces that enable transactional observer methods in Weld-backed CDI 2.0 SE implementations using the Narayana engine.
Langchain4j main integration module and API.
Code generation for Langchain4j AI services.
Provides integration with Cohere models.
Provides integration with Ollama models.
Provides integration with OpenAi models.
Provides integration with Oracle models.
Support for Micrometer in Helidon SE.
Support for Micrometer in Helidon MP.
Integration of Micronaut into CDI.
Integration with Micronaut Data.
Provides support for Microstream core features integration.
Provides support for Microstream-Cache features integration.
Provides CDI support for Microstream integration.
Provides support for Microstream-HealthChecks features integration.
Provides support for Microstream-Metrics features integration.
Neo4j support module.
Neo4j health checks module.
Neo4j metrics support module.
OCI integration module using Helidon Service Registry.
Integrating with OCI Metrics.
Integrating with OCI Metrics Using CDI.
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate any service client from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Java SDK into CDI 3.0-based applications.
Code generation for Helidon Service Registry for the OCI SDK.
Helidon Service Registry Integrations to support OCI Runtime module.
Provides packages containing classes and interfaces for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault API-using configuration sources.
Provides packages containing classes and interfaces for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Secrets Retrieval and Vault API-using configuration sources.
Helidon Integrations of OCI Certificates Service.
Vault integration.
AppRole authentication method for Vault.
Common classes for Vault integration.
Vault authentication method for Kubernetes.
Token authentication method for Vault.
Vault integration with CDI.
Vault's Cubbyhole Secrets Engine support.
Vault's Database Secrets Engine support.
Vault's Key/value version 2 Secrets Engine support.
Vault's KV1 Secrets Engine support.
Vault's PKI Secrets Engine support.
Vault transit secrets.
Sys operations for Vault.
Jersey client.
Utilities for Jersey handling.
A Connector that utilizes the Helidon HTTP Client to send and receive HTTP request and responses.
Helidon logging.
Helidon Java Util Logging MDC support module.
Helidon Log4j MDC module.
Helidon Slf4j MDC module.
Helidon LRA coordinator.
Abstract coordinator spi for easy switching used coordinator implementation.
Coordinator client for coordinators using Narayana like API.
Helidon Reactive Messaging.
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Oracle AQ connector.
Microprofile messaging JMS connector.
Microprofile messaging Kafka connector.
Microprofile messaging Weblogic JMS connector.
Exposes JMS based on javax packages over jakarta packages.
Helidon Metadata Format (simplified JSON).
Reflection support to get types from io.helidon.common.types at runtime.
Helidon metrics API.
Prometheus support.
Micrometer adapter for Helidon metrics API.
Helidon metrics system meters.
Provides exemplar support in metrics using tracing identifiers.
MicroProfile access log extension.
CDI implementation enhancements for Helidon MP.
CDI extension for microprofile config implementation.
Support for CORS.
Microprofile fault tolerance implementation.
GraphQL microprofile server module.
gRPC microprofile client module.
gRPC microprofile core module
gRPC microprofile server module
Microprofile health module.
Microprofile jwt module.
Helidon implementation of MicroProfile Long Running Actions.
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging implementation.
MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Health check.
Microprofile metrics implementation.
Microprofile OIDC integration.
CDI extension for MicroProfile OpenAPI implementation.
MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators implementation.
MP Rest client.
MP Rest client metrics.
CDI Scheduling implementation.
Microprofile configuration module.
Implementation of a layer that binds microprofile components together and runs an HTTP server.
General-purpose reusable artifacts to help write CDI extensions, annotation processing, and interceptors for Helidon services.
MicroProfile Telemetry support for Helidon.
Helidon MicroProfile Testing Support.
JUnit5 extension module to run CDI tests.
Test LRA coordinator.
Mock Beans extension module to run CDI tests.
TestNG extension module to run CDI tests.
Eclipse Microprofile Tracing implementation for helidon microprofile.
MP Tyrus Integration
Helidon common OpenAPI behavior.
Scheduling module for Helidon reactive implementation.
Helidon security module.
Policy attribute validator.
Policy attribute validator.
Role attribute validator.
Scope attribute validator.
Time attribute validator.
Annotations for integration with environment supporting annotations.
Security integration common.
Helidon JWT and JWK token implementation.
Attribute based access control provider.
Helidon security module providers.
Vault operation backed by configuration.
Google login authentication provider.
Header based authentication provider.
Basic and digest authentication provider.
Http signature provider.
IDCS role mapper.
JWT provider.
OIDC authentication and security propagation provider.
OIDC common classes.
Helidon Security utilities.
Code generation for Helidon Service Registry.
Maven-plugin module for code generating service registry components that require full runtime classpath.
Metadata for service registry.
Core service registry, supporting Service.Provider.
Helidon WebServer Services Common.
Testing annotations and types for Helidon applications.
Opentracing support for helidon, with an abstraction API and SPI for tracing collectors.
Tracing configuration for traced components.
Tracing integration with Jersey.
Tracing integration with jersey (JAX-RS) client.
Jaeger tracing support.
Open telemetry support for Helidon tracing.
Open tracing support for Helidon tracing.
Zipkin tracing support.
TracerResolver tracing support.
Helidon WebClient API.
Helidon WebClient DNS Resolver First Support.
Helidon WebClient DNS Resolver Round Robin Support.
Helidon WebClient gRPC Support.
Helidon WebClient HTTP/1.1 Support.
Helidon WebClient HTTP/2 Support.
Helidon WebClient Metrics Support.
Helidon WebClient Security Support.
Helidon WebClient SSE Support.
Helidon WebClient Tracing Support.
Helidon WebClient WebSocket Support.
Helidon WebServer.
Helidon WebServer Access Log Support.
Limits feature for Helidon WebServer.
Helidon WebServer Context Support.
Helidon WebServer CORS Support.
Helidon WebServer GraphQL Support.
Helidon WebServer gRPC Support.
Helidon WebServer HTTP/2 Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Config Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Health Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Info Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Log Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Metrics Support.
Helidon WebServer Tracing Support.
Helidon WebServer Security Support.
Helidon WebServer SSE Support.
Helidon WebServer Static Content Support.
Helidon WebServer Testing JUnit5 Support.
Helidon WebServer Testing JUnit 5 Support for HTTP2.
Helidon WebServer Testing JUnit 5 Support for WebSocket.
Helidon WebServer WebSocket Support.
Helidon WebSocket APIs.