Module io.helidon.integrations.oci

module io.helidon.integrations.oci
OCI integration module using Helidon Service Registry. This core module provides services for Region and BasicAuthenticationDetailsProvider.

The module does not require Config service to be available, as it is considered a prerequisite for possible config sources.

To customize configuration of this module, the following options exist:

  • Create a custom service provider that provides OciConfig
  • Create a file oci-config.yaml either on classpath, or in the current directory with configuration required by OciConfig, this also requires YAML config parser on classpath.
  • Add environment variables to override configuration options of OciConfig, such as OCI_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD=config_file
  • Add system properties to override configuration options of OciConfig, such as oci.authenticationMethod=config_file
To customize authentication details provider, you can implement OciAuthenticationMethod service. The out-of-the-box providers have all less than default weight, and are in the following order (authentication method: description (weight)):
  • config: Config based authentication details provider - using only configured options (default weight - 10)
  • config-file: Config file based authentication details provider (default weight - 20)
  • resource-principal: Resource principal, used for example by fn (default-weight - 30)
  • instance-principal: Instance principal, used for VMs (default-weight - 40)