Uses of Interface
Packages that use NamedService
Concurrency limits API and default implementations.
Provides the minimal set of types for immutable, tree-structured configuration access.
TLS Configuration for client and server.
JDBC client for Helidon.
HTTP Content encoding support, usually used to compress entity, such as
.Deflate encoding support.
Gzip encoding support.
Helidon Media Support.
Jackson media type support.
JSON-Binding Entity Media handling support.
JSON-Processing Entity Media handling support.
Multipart Entity Media handling support.
Provides classes and interfaces related to automatic and unobtrusive service instance registration in Netflix Eureka servers of version 2.0.3 or later.
Helidon Integrations of OCI Certificates Service.
Helidon OpenAPI UI support.
Helidon OpenAPI support.
Helidon WebClient HTTP/1.1 Support.
Helidon WebClient HTTP/1.1 Support.
Helidon WebClient HTTP/2 Support.
Helidon WebClient Metrics Support.
Helidon WebClient Security Support.
Helidon WebClient SPI.
Helidon WebClient Tracing Support.
Helidon WebClient WebSocket Support.
Helidon WebServer Access Log Support.
An implementation of a feature to protect all server requests with a limit.
Helidon WebServer Context Support.
Helidon WebServer CORS Support.
Helidon WebServer gRPC Support.
Helidon WebServer HTTP/1.1 specific APIs.
Helidon WebServer HTTP/2 Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Config Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Health Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Info Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Log Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Metrics Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability SPI.
Helidon WebServer Tracing Observability Support.
Helidon WebServer Security Support.
Helidon WebServer SPI.
Helidon WebServer Static Content Support.
WebSocket server support.
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.common.concurrency.limits
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.common.concurrency.limitsClasses in io.helidon.common.concurrency.limits that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
AIMD based limiter.class
Semaphore based limit, that supports queuing for a permit, and timeout on the queue. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.common.config
Classes in io.helidon.common.config with type parameters of type NamedServiceModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
ConfiguredProvider<T extends NamedService>
Providers that can be loaded from configuration should implement this interface.Methods in io.helidon.common.config with type parameters of type NamedServiceModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <S extends NamedService,
T extends ConfiguredProvider<S>>
Optional<S> ConfigBuilderSupport.discoverService
(Config config, String configKey, HelidonServiceLoader<T> serviceLoader, Class<T> providerType, Class<S> configType, boolean allFromServiceLoader, Optional<S> existingValue) Discover service from configuration.static <T extends NamedService>
Optional<T> ConfigBuilderSupport.discoverService
(Config config, String configKey, Optional<ServiceRegistry> serviceRegistry, Class<? extends ConfiguredProvider<T>> providerType, Class<T> configType, boolean discoverServices, Optional<T> existingValue) Used to discover service fromServiceRegistry
for builder options annotated withOption.Provider
, if the blueprint is annotated withPrototype.RegistrySupport
.static <S extends NamedService,
T extends ConfiguredProvider<S>>
List<S> ConfigBuilderSupport.discoverServices
(Config config, String configKey, HelidonServiceLoader<T> serviceLoader, Class<T> providerType, Class<S> configType, boolean allFromServiceLoader, List<S> existingInstances) Discover services from configuration.static <T extends NamedService>
List<T> ConfigBuilderSupport.discoverServices
(Config config, String configKey, Optional<ServiceRegistry> serviceRegistry, Class<? extends ConfiguredProvider<T>> providerType, Class<T> configType, boolean allFromRegistry, List<T> existingValues) Used to discover services fromServiceRegistry
for builder options annotated withOption.Provider
, if the blueprint is annotated withPrototype.RegistrySupport
. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.common.tls
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.common.tlsModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Implementors of this contract are responsible for managing theSSLContext
instance lifecycle, as well as theTlsReloadableComponent
instances.Classes in io.helidon.common.tls that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.dbclient.jdbc
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.dbclient.jdbcModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
CloseableJdbcConnectionPool is an interface that represents a JDBC connection pool that can be closed.interface
JDBC connection pool. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.http.encoding
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.http.encodingModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Content encoding service created fromContentEncodingProvider
, or directly implemented. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.http.encoding.deflate
Classes in io.helidon.http.encoding.deflate that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.http.encoding.gzip
Classes in io.helidon.http.encoding.gzip that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.http.mediaClasses in that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
and its plaintext counterpart.class
Media support for Path.class
Media support for strings. -
Uses of NamedService in
Classes in that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
provider implementation for Jackson media support. -
Uses of NamedService in
Classes in that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
provider implementation for JSON Binding media support. -
Uses of NamedService in
Classes in that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Media support implementation for JSON Processing media support. -
Uses of NamedService in
Classes in that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Media support implementation for support of multipart. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.integrations.eureka
Classes in io.helidon.integrations.eureka that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
that automatically and unobtrusively attempts to register the currently running microservice as a Eureka Server service instance. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.integrations.oci.tls.certificates -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.integrations.openapi.ui
Classes in io.helidon.integrations.openapi.ui that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.openapi
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.openapiModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
OpenApi manager.interface
OpenAPI service.Classes in io.helidon.openapi that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.grpc
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.grpcModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Configuration of a gRPC client.(package private) interface
Configuration of a gRPC client.Classes in io.helidon.webclient.grpc that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprotected static class
Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.http1
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.http1Modifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Configuration of an HTTP/1.1 client.(package private) interface
Configuration of an HTTP/1.1 client.Classes in io.helidon.webclient.http1 that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprotected static class
Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.http2
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.http2Modifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Interface generated from definition.(package private) interface
Classes in io.helidon.webclient.http2 that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprotected static class
Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.metrics
Classes in io.helidon.webclient.metrics that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Client metric meter for all requests.class
Container object for all metrics created by the config. -
Uses of NamedService in
Classes in that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Client service for security propagation. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.spi
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.spiModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Client protocol configuration.interface
Extension that can modify web client behavior. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.tracing
Classes in io.helidon.webclient.tracing that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.websocket
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webclient.websocketModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Configuration of an HTTP/1.1 client.(package private) interface
Configuration of an HTTP/1.1 client.Classes in io.helidon.webclient.websocket that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprotected static class
Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.accesslog that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
Service that adds support for Access logging to Server. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.concurrency.limits
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.concurrency.limits that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.context
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.context that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.cors
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.cors that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.grpc
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.grpcModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Interface generated from definition.(package private) interface
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.grpc that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprotected static class
Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.http1
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.http1Modifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
HTTP/1.1 server configuration.(package private) interface
HTTP/1.1 server configuration.Classes in io.helidon.webserver.http1 that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprotected static class
Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.http2
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.http2Modifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
HTTP/2 server configuration.(package private) interface
HTTP/2 server configuration.Classes in io.helidon.webserver.http2 that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprotected static class
Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.observe
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.observe that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Support for all observe providers that are available (or configured). -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.observe.config
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.observe.config that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in
Classes in that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Observer that registers health endpoint, and collects all health checks. -
Uses of NamedService in
Classes in that implement NamedService -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.observe.log
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.observe.log that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Observer for information about loggers, and possibly to obtain log stream. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.observe.metrics
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.observe.metrics that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Support for metrics for Helidon WebServer. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.observe.spi
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.observe.spiModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
An observer adds observability feature to HelidonObserveFeature
, such as health, metrics. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.observe.tracing
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.observe.tracing that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Observer that registers tracing endpoint, and collects all tracing checks. -
Uses of NamedService in
Classes in that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Server feature for security, to be registered withWebServerConfig.BuilderBase.addFeature(io.helidon.webserver.spi.ServerFeature)
. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.spi
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.spiModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Protocol configuration abstraction, used to setup a protocol.interface
Server features provide a way to add or update server configuration. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent
Classes in io.helidon.webserver.staticcontent that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
WebServer feature to register static content. -
Uses of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.websocket
Subinterfaces of NamedService in io.helidon.webserver.websocketModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
WebSocket protocol configuration.(package private) interface
WebSocket protocol configuration.Classes in io.helidon.webserver.websocket that implement NamedServiceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprotected static class
Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations.