Uses of Package
Packages that use io.helidon.codegen.classmodel
Code generation and processing support.
Class model generator for annotation processors.
Code generation for Helidon Service Registry.
SPI for extending code generation capabilities of Helidon Service Registry.
Classes in io.helidon.codegen.classmodel used by io.helidon.codegen
Classes in io.helidon.codegen.classmodel used by io.helidon.codegen.classmodelClassDescriptionModel of the annotation.Fluent API builder for
.Annotation parameter model.Fluent API builder forAnnotationParameter
.Abstract class type model.Fluent API builder forClassBase
.Entry point to create class model.Fluent API builder forClassModel
.Class type.Constructor model.Fluent API builder forConstructor
.A component capable of holding content.Executable base, used by method and constructor.Base builder from executable components (method an constructor).Field model representation.Fluent API builder forField
.Inner class model.Fluent API builder forInnerClass
.Javadoc model representation.Fluent API builder forJavadoc
.Model of the method which should be created in the specific type.Fluent API builder forMethod
.Method parameter model.Fluent API builder forParameter
.Objects which describes return type configuration.Fluent API builder forReturns
.Objects which describes exception throws configuration.Fluent API builder forThrows
.Generic type argument model.Fluent API builder forTypeArgument
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Classes in io.helidon.codegen.classmodel used by io.helidon.service.codegen
Classes in io.helidon.codegen.classmodel used by io.helidon.service.codegen.spi