Package io.helidon.common.configurable
package io.helidon.common.configurable
General utilities that use
.- See Also:
defines a list of allowed and/or denied matches and tests if a particular value conforms to the conditions.AllowList
defines a list of allowed and/or denied matches and tests if a particular value conforms to the conditions.Fluent API builder forAllowList
.AllowListConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER extends AllowListConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER,PROTOTYPE>, PROTOTYPE extends AllowListConfig> Fluent API builder base forAllowList
.Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations.LruCache<K,V> Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.LruCacheConfig<K,V> Configuration of a LRU Cache.Fluent API builder forLruCache
.LruCacheConfig.BuilderBase<K,V, BUILDER extends LruCacheConfig.BuilderBase<K, V, BUILDER, PROTOTYPE>, PROTOTYPE extends LruCacheConfig<K, V>> Fluent API builder base forLruCache
.Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations.A representation of a resource that can be loaded from URL (Resource.create(URI)
), classpath (Resource.create(String)
), filesystem (Resource.create(Path)
, content in config (Resource.create(Config)
, input stream(Resource.create(String, InputStream)
, or direct value (Resource.create(String, byte[])
,Resource.create(String, String)
.Source of aResource
.Configuration of a resource.Fluent API builder forResource
.ResourceConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER extends ResourceConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER,PROTOTYPE>, PROTOTYPE extends ResourceConfig> Fluent API builder base forResource
.Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations.Interface generated from definition.Fluent API builder forScheduledThreadPoolSupplier
.ScheduledThreadPoolConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER extends ScheduledThreadPoolConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER,PROTOTYPE>, PROTOTYPE extends ScheduledThreadPoolConfig> Fluent API builder base forScheduledThreadPoolSupplier
.Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations.Supplier of a custom scheduled thread pool.Supplier of a custom thread pool with defaults appropriate for a thread-per-request server.AThreadPoolExecutor
with an extensible growth policy and queue state accessors.ARejectedExecutionHandler
that supports pool growth by re-attempting to add the task to the queue.Interface generated from definition.Fluent API builder forThreadPoolSupplier
.ThreadPoolConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER extends ThreadPoolConfig.BuilderBase<BUILDER,PROTOTYPE>, PROTOTYPE extends ThreadPoolConfig> Fluent API builder base forThreadPoolSupplier
.Generated implementation of the prototype, can be extended by descendant prototype implementations.Supplier of a custom thread pool.
, we are removing this from the configurable module, as cache has only a single option, and we need it from modules that do not use configuration