Uses of Interface

Packages that use Weighted
Common utilities for Helidon projects.
Provides interfaces and classes for loading and working with immutable, tree-structured configuration data.
Helidon Fault Tolerance Support.
Gzip encoding support.
Jackson media type support.
JSON-Binding Entity Media handling support.
JSON-Processing Entity Media handling support.
Config-driven Services API.
Injection runtime services.
Helidon Injection Runtime Integrations to support OCI SDK.
Helidon Integrations of OCI Certificates Service.
Helidon OpenAPI support.
Helidon WebClient APIs shared by all types of clients.
Helidon WebServer Access Log Support.
Helidon WebServer Context Support.
Helidon WebServer CORS Support.
Helidon WebServer Observability Support.
Helidon WebServer Security Support.