Interface Service.QualifiedFactory<T,A extends Annotation>

Type Parameters:
T - type of the provided instance, the special case is Object - if used, we consider this factory to be capable of handling ANY type, and will allow injection points with any type as long as it is qualified by the qualifier
A - type of qualifier supported by this factory
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing class:

public static interface Service.QualifiedFactory<T,A extends Annotation>
A factory to resolve qualified injection points of any type.

As compared to Service.InjectionPointFactory, this type is capable of resolving ANY injection point as long as it is annotated by the qualifier. The contract of the injection point depends on how the implementation service declares the type parameters of this interface. If you use any type other than Object, that will be the only supported contract, otherwise any type is expected to be supported.

A good practice is to create an accompanying codegen extension that validates injection points at build time.

  • Field Details

    • TYPE

      static final TypeName TYPE
      Type name of this interface.
  • Method Details

    • first

      Optional<Service.QualifiedInstance<T>> first(Qualifier qualifier, Lookup lookup, GenericType<T> type)
      Get the first instance (if any) matching the qualifier and type.
      qualifier - the qualifier this type supports (same type as the A type this type implements)
      lookup - full lookup used to obtain the value, may contain the actual injection point
      type - type to be injected (or type requested)
      the qualified instance matching the request, or an empty optional if none match
    • list

      default List<Service.QualifiedInstance<T>> list(Qualifier qualifier, Lookup lookup, GenericType<T> type)
      Get all instances matching the qualifier and type.
      qualifier - the qualifier this type supports (same type as the A type this type implements)
      lookup - full lookup used to obtain the value, may contain the actual injection point
      type - type to be injected (or type requested)
      the qualified instance matching the request, or an empty optional if none match