Class HoconMpMetaConfigProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
Prioritized, MpMetaConfigProvider

public class HoconMpMetaConfigProvider extends Object implements MpMetaConfigProvider, Prioritized
Helidon MicroProfile meta-config provider for Hocon and Json.
  • Constructor Details

    • HoconMpMetaConfigProvider

      public HoconMpMetaConfigProvider()
  • Method Details

    • supportedTypes

      public Set<String> supportedTypes()
      Description copied from interface: MpMetaConfigProvider
      Set of supported types for a MicroProfile meta-config provider.
      Specified by:
      supportedTypes in interface MpMetaConfigProvider
      meta-config provider types
    • create

      public List<? extends ConfigSource> create(String type, Config metaConfig, String profile)
      Description copied from interface: MpMetaConfigProvider
      Create a list of configuration sources from a meta-config type.
      Specified by:
      create in interface MpMetaConfigProvider
      type - type of the config source
      metaConfig - configuration properties of a meta-config type
      profile - name of the profile to use or null if not used
      list of config sources
    • priority

      public int priority()
      Description copied from interface: Prioritized
      Priority of this class (maybe because it is defined dynamically, so it cannot be defined by an annotation). If not dynamic, you can use the jakarta.annotation.Priority annotation rather then implementing this interface as long as it is supported by the library using this Prioritized.
      Specified by:
      priority in interface Prioritized
      the priority of this service, must be a non-negative number
    • create

      public ConfigSource create(Reader content)
      Description copied from interface: MpMetaConfigProvider
      Create the ConfigSource from the given content.
      Specified by:
      create in interface MpMetaConfigProvider
      content - a reader with the content data
      config source