Interface MpMetaConfigProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
HoconMpMetaConfigProvider, OciSecretsMpMetaConfigProvider, YamlMetaConfigProvider

public interface MpMetaConfigProvider
Java Service loader interface for Meta-config providers.
  • Method Details

    • supportedTypes

      Set<String> supportedTypes()
      Set of supported types for a MicroProfile meta-config provider.
      meta-config provider types
    • create

      List<? extends ConfigSource> create(String type, Config metaConfig, String profile)
      Create a list of configuration sources from a meta-config type.
      type - type of the config source
      metaConfig - configuration properties of a meta-config type
      profile - name of the profile to use or null if not used
      list of config sources
    • create

      default ConfigSource create(Reader content)
      Create the ConfigSource from the given content.
      content - a reader with the content data
      config source