Package | Description |
io.helidon.common |
Common utilities for Helidon projects.
io.helidon.common.configurable |
General utilities that use
Config . |
io.helidon.common.context |
Support for context propagation across executor boundaries.
io.helidon.common.http |
HTTP APIs and implementations usable by both server and client side of the HTTP story.
io.helidon.common.mapper |
Support for mapping of types.
io.helidon.common.mapper.spi |
SPI to provide
mappers for MapperManager . |
io.helidon.common.pki |
Utilities for PKI configuration and loading of certificates and keys.
io.helidon.common.reactive |
Common reactive library for Helidon projects.
io.helidon.common.reactive.valve |
Reactive utilities for Helidon projects.
io.helidon.common.serviceloader |
Java Service loader extension.
io.helidon.config |
Provides interfaces and classes for loading and working with immutable, tree-structured
configuration data.
io.helidon.config.encryption |
Support for encrypted properties.
io.helidon.config.etcd |
Etcd configuration source.
io.helidon.config.git |
Git configuration source.
io.helidon.config.hocon |
HOCON format ConfigParser implementation using Typesafe (Lightbend) Config library.
io.helidon.config.objectmapping |
Mappers that can map
Config to classes with factory methods, classes with Builders and
general "bean" classes with constructor and setters. |
io.helidon.config.spi |
Configuration SPI that defines the behavior developers can implement to extend the config system.
io.helidon.config.testing |
Configuration Testing Support.
io.helidon.config.yaml |
YAML format ConfigParser implementation.
io.helidon.grpc.client |
gRPC client API.
io.helidon.grpc.core |
Core classes used by both the reactive gRPC server API and gRPC client API.
io.helidon.grpc.metrics |
Classes to support adding metrics to gRPC calls.
io.helidon.grpc.server |
Reactive gRPC server API.
| |
Health check support for helidon SE.
| |
Healthchecks provided by our Microprofile implementation.
| |
Health common package.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.delegates |
Provides classes and interfaces that wrap existing CDI constructs.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.eclipselink |
Provides classes and interfaces for working with Eclipselink in CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.hibernate |
Provides classes and interfaces for working with Hibernate in
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa |
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate the
provider-independent parts of JPA into CDI.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.jpa.jaxb | |
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.oci.objectstorage |
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate the OCI object
storage service into CDI 2.0-based applications.
io.helidon.integrations.cdi.referencecountedcontext |
Provides classes and interfaces that support contextual reference
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.cdi |
Provides classes and interfaces to assist in the development of
DataSource -related CDI portable extensions. |
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi |
CDI integration for the Hikari connection pool.
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.hikaricp.cdi.config |
Provides classes and interfaces marrying MicroProfile Config constructs and
constructs for the Hikari Connection Pool. |
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi |
Provides classes and interfaces that integrate the Oracle Universal Connection Pool into CDI as a
provider of
DataSource beans. |
io.helidon.integrations.datasource.ucp.cdi.config |
Provides classes and interfaces marrying MicroProfile Config constructs and
constructs for the Oracle Universal Connection Pool. |
io.helidon.integrations.jedis.cdi |
CDI integration for the Jedis
Redis client.
io.helidon.integrations.jta.cdi | |
io.helidon.jersey.common |
Utilities for Jersey handling.
| |
Common classes for processing content with a specific
MediaType . | |
Jackson media type support.
| | | |
JSON-B media type support.
| | | |
JSON-P media type support.
| | |
io.helidon.metrics |
Metrics support for Java SE, uses the Microprofile metrics APIs and formats.
io.helidon.metrics.prometheus |
Support for Prometheus client endpoint.
io.helidon.microprofile.config |
CDI extension for Helidon implementation of microprofile config.
io.helidon.microprofile.config.cdi |
Helidon implementation of microprofile config.
io.helidon.microprofile.faulttolerance |
Helidon implementation of Microprofile fault tolerance.
| |
Implements the JAX-RS and CDI support for microprofile.
io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth |
Implementation of Microprofile JWT Auth specification.
io.helidon.microprofile.jwt.auth.cdi |
CDI extension implementing support for Microprofile JWT Authentication.
io.helidon.microprofile.metrics |
Microprofile metrics specification implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.openapi |
Support for OpenAPI in Helidon MP.
io.helidon.microprofile.restclient |
Helidon specific extension to the rest client implementation from Jersey.
| |
Integration of Helidon security with Microprofile server.
io.helidon.microprofile.server |
Microprofile 1.0 server implementation.
io.helidon.microprofile.server.spi |
SPI to extends microprofile server.
io.helidon.microprofile.tracing |
Microprofile extension for tracing.
io.helidon.openapi |
Helidon SE OpenAPI Support.
| |
| |
Attribute based access control policy validator.
| |
Integration with Java EE expression language.
| |
Service provider interface (SPI) to support policy statements in Attribute based access control.
| |
Role attribute validator.
| |
Scope (OAuth2) attribute validator.
| |
Time attribute validator.
| |
Annotations for integration with containers supporting them.
| |
Utilities for integrating Helidon security with other components, such as Web Server
and Jersey.
| |
Jersey integration for security module.
| |
Jersey client integration for security module.
| |
Integration library for RxServer.
| |
JWT (JSON web token) support.
| |
JWK (JSON web key) support.
| |
Attribute based access control (ABAC) security provider.
| |
Attribute based access control (ABAC) security provider's SPI.
| |
Common classes for provider implementation.
| |
Extension of integration with Jersey to support customized analysis of resource classes and methods to enable/disable security.
| |
Integration with Google login button.
| |
Provider that can extract username from a (any) header.
| |
Basic security provider, supporting "basic" and "digest" authentication schemes with role support.
| |
SPI for basic and digest authentication providers.
| |
Provider supporting validation of incoming signatures and signing of outbound requests.
| |
Provider that can process incoming JWTs and assert users based on them and can propagate JWTs (or create
new ones) for outbound calls.
| |
Integration with Open ID Connect providers.
| |
Open ID Connect (OIDC) classes usable from all OIDC related components.
| |
Security component's SPI.
| |
General utilities for security modules.
io.helidon.service.configuration.accs |
Provides the
ACCSSystem System implementation. |
io.helidon.service.configuration.api |
Provides classes and interfaces for automatically discovering
service configuration information.
io.helidon.service.configuration.hikaricp |
Provides classes and interfaces for automatically discovering
service configuration information relevant to Hikari
connection pool componentry.
io.helidon.service.configuration.hikaricp.accs |
Provides classes and interfaces for automatically discovering
service configuration information relevant to Hikari
connection pool componentry when running on the Oracle
Application Cloud Container Service system.
io.helidon.service.configuration.hikaricp.localhost |
Provides classes and interfaces for automatically discovering
service configuration information relevant to Hikari
connection pool componentry suitable for local testing
io.helidon.service.configuration.kubernetes |
Provides classes and interfaces related to service configuration on
a Kubernetes system.
io.helidon.service.configuration.localhost |
Provides the
LocalhostSystem System implementation. |
io.helidon.service.configuration.microprofile.config |
Provides classes and interfaces that implement the
ConfigSource interface with
constructs. |
io.helidon.service.configuration.ucp |
Provides classes and interfaces for automatically discovering
service configuration information relevant to Oracle Universal Connection Pool componentry.
io.helidon.service.configuration.ucp.accs |
Provides classes and interfaces for automatically discovering
service configuration information relevant to Oracle Universal Connection Pool componentry
when running on the Oracle Application Cloud Container Service
io.helidon.service.configuration.ucp.localhost |
Provides classes and interfaces for automatically discovering
service configuration information relevant to Oracle Universal Connection Pool componentry
suitable for local testing environments.
io.helidon.tracing |
Distributed tracing support for Helidon.
io.helidon.tracing.config |
Configuration for traced components, spans and logs.
io.helidon.tracing.jaeger |
Helidon integration with Jaeger tracer.
io.helidon.tracing.jersey |
Integration of Jersey with tracing.
io.helidon.tracing.jersey.client |
Tracing support for Jersey client.
io.helidon.tracing.spi |
SPI classes to support integration of distributed tracers.
io.helidon.tracing.tracerresolver |
Helidon tracing support for
TracerResolver . |
io.helidon.tracing.zipkin |
Brave based Open Tracing implementation for an integration with Zipkin.
io.helidon.webclient.jaxrs |
Helidon support for JAX-RS (Jersey) client.
io.helidon.webserver |
Reactive web server API.
io.helidon.webserver.accesslog |
Access log support for Helidon WebServer.
io.helidon.webserver.jersey |