Package io.helidon.config.etcd
Etcd configuration source.
This module contains Etcd ConfigSource which allow user to retrieve a configuration stored as a
entry in etcd.
There is also a EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
for a convenient way how to initialize Etcd ConfigSource.
The EtcdConfigSourceBuilder
allows to specify following properties (besides the ones covered in
) a uri
where the instance of Etcd is running,
the key
where the configuration is stored, version
of the Etcd API which should be used.
Etcd integration is placed in io.helidon.config.etcd
Java 9 module.
Maven coordinates are io.helidon.config:helidon-config-etcd
Class Summary Class Description EtcdConfigSource A config source which loads a configuration document from Etcd.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder Etcd ConfigSource builder.EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdEndpoint Etcd endpoint remote descriptor.EtcdWatchPollingStrategy Etcd watch strategy is based on etcd watch operation. -
Enum Summary Enum Description EtcdConfigSourceBuilder.EtcdApi EtcdApi
determines which etcd API version will be used.