Class ServiceConfiguration

    • Method Detail

      • getServiceIdentifier

        public final String getServiceIdentifier()
        Returns the identifier of the service this ServiceConfiguration implementation provides configuration for.

        This method never returns null.

        the identifier of the service this ServiceConfiguration implementation provides configuration for; never null
        See Also:
      • getPropertyNames

        public abstract Set<String> getPropertyNames()
        Returns an unmodifiable and unchanging Set of Strings representing the names of properties whose values may be retrieved with the getProperty(String) method.

        Implementations of this method must not return null.

        Implementations of this method must ensure that the Set returned may be used without the end user having to peform explicit synchronization.

        Implementations of this method may return the same Set instance with each invocation, or different Set instances with different contents.

        an unmodifiable and unchanging Set of Strings representing the names of properties whose values may be retrieved with the getProperty(String) method
      • getProperty

        public final String getProperty​(String propertyName)
        Returns a value for the property described by the supplied propertyName, or null if no such property value exists.

        This method may return null.

        propertyName - the name of the property whose value should be returned; must not be null
        a value for the property described by the supplied propertyName, or null
        See Also:
        getProperty(String, String)
      • getProperty

        public abstract String getProperty​(String propertyName,
                                           String defaultValue)
        Returns a value for the property described by the supplied propertyName, or the value of the supplied defaultValue parameter if no such property value exists.

        Implementations of this method may return null if defaultValue is null.

        Implementations of this method may return the same or different values for each invocation with the same parameters.

        propertyName - the name of the property whose value should be returned; may be null in which case the value of the supplied defaultValue parameter will be returned instead
        defaultValue - the value to return if a value for the named property could not be found; may be null
        a value for the property described by the supplied propertyName, or the value of the supplied defaultValue parameter