Class HelidonMetaInfServices


public class HelidonMetaInfServices extends Object
Support for reading and writing Helidon services to the resource.

Helidon replacement for Java ServiceLoader. Each service annotated with appropriate annotation (ServiceCodegenTypes.SERVICE_ANNOTATION_PROVIDER) will have a service descriptor generated at build time.

The service descriptor is then discoverable at runtime through our own resource in "META-INF/helidon/service-registry.json".

  • Method Details

    • create

      public static HelidonMetaInfServices create(CodegenFiler filer, String moduleName)
      Create new instance from the current filer.
      filer - filer to find the file, and to write it
      moduleName - module that is being built
      a new instance of the service metadata manager
    • addAll

      public void addAll(Collection<DescriptorMetadata> services)
      Add all descriptors to the file. This never produces duplicate records. Descriptor type name is always unique within a file.
      services - service descriptor metadata to add
    • add

      public void add(DescriptorMetadata service)
      Add a single descriptors to the file. This never produces duplicate records. Descriptor type name is always unique within a file.
      service - service descriptor metadata to add
    • write

      public void write()
      Write the file to output.