Interface Interception.Interceptor.Chain<V>

Type Parameters:
V - the return value
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Interception.Interceptor.Chain<V>
Represents the next in line for interception, terminating with a call to the service instance.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    proceed(Object[] args)
    Call the next interceptor in line, or finish with the call to the service being intercepted.
  • Method Details

    • proceed

      V proceed(Object[] args) throws Exception
      Call the next interceptor in line, or finish with the call to the service being intercepted. Note that that arguments are passed by reference to each interceptor ultimately leading up to the final call to the underlying intercepted target. Callers can mutate the arguments passed directly on the provided array instance.
      args - the arguments passed
      the result of the call
      Exception - may throw any checked exceptions thrown by the underlying method, or any runtime exception thrown