Interface InjectCodegenObserver

public interface InjectCodegenObserver
Processes events from inject extension.
  • Method Details

    • onProcessingEvent

      default void onProcessingEvent(RegistryRoundContext roundContext, Set<TypedElementInfo> elements)
      Called after a processing event that occurred in the codegen extension.
      roundContext - context of the current processing round
      elements - all elements of interest
    • onInjectionPoint

      default void onInjectionPoint(RegistryRoundContext roundContext, TypeInfo service, TypedElementInfo element, TypedElementInfo argument)
      Called for each injection point. In case the injection point is a field, the element and argument are the same instance.
      roundContext - context of the current processing round
      service - the service being processed
      element - element that owns the injection point (constructor, method, field)
      argument - element that is the injection point (constructor/method parameter, field)