Type Parameters:
T - the type of the interface to be proxied
All Implemented Interfaces:
Builder<GrpcProxyBuilder<T>,T>, Supplier<T>

public class GrpcProxyBuilder<T> extends Object implements Builder<GrpcProxyBuilder<T>,T>
A builder for gRPC clients dynamic proxies.
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static <T> GrpcProxyBuilder<T> create(io.grpc.Channel channel, Class<T> type)
      Create a GrpcProxyBuilder that can build gRPC dynamic proxies for a given gRPC service interface.

      The class passed to this method should be properly annotated with Grpc.GrpcService and Grpc.GrpcMethod annotations so that the proxy can properly route calls to the server.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the service type
      channel - the Channel to connect to the server
      type - the service type
      a GrpcProxyBuilder that can build dynamic proxies for the gRPC service
    • build

      public T build()
      Build a gRPC client dynamic proxy of the required type.
      Specified by:
      build in interface Builder<GrpcProxyBuilder<T>,T>
      a gRPC client dynamic proxy