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public interface OpenAiChatModelConfig extends Prototype.Api
Configuration for the OpenAI chat model, OpenAiChatModel. Provides methods for setting up and managing properties related to OpenAI chat API requests.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • builder

      Create a new fluent API builder to customize configuration.
      a new builder
    • builder

      Create a new fluent API builder from an existing instance.
      instance - an existing instance used as a base for the builder
      a builder based on an instance
    • create

      static OpenAiChatModelConfig create(Config config)
      Create a new instance from configuration.
      config - used to configure the new instance
      a new instance configured from configuration
    • create

      static OpenAiChatModelConfig create()
      Create a new instance with default values.
      a new instance
    • maxRetries

      Optional<Integer> maxRetries()
      The maximum number of retries for failed API requests.
      an Optional containing the maximum number of retries
    • temperature

      Optional<Double> temperature()
      The sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values make the output more random, while lower values make it more focused and deterministic.
      an Optional containing the sampling temperature
    • topP

      Optional<Double> topP()
      The nucleus sampling value, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass.
      an Optional containing the nucleus sampling value
    • stop

      List<String> stop()
      The list of sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.
      the list of stop sequences
    • maxTokens

      Optional<Integer> maxTokens()
      The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion.
      an Optional containing the maximum number of tokens
    • maxCompletionTokens

      Optional<Integer> maxCompletionTokens()
      The maximum number of tokens allowed for the model's response.
      an Optional containing the maximum number of completion tokens
    • presencePenalty

      Optional<Double> presencePenalty()
      The presence penalty, between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far, encouraging the model to use new words.
      an Optional containing the presence penalty
    • frequencyPenalty

      Optional<Double> frequencyPenalty()
      The frequency penalty, between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line.
      an Optional containing the frequency penalty
    • logitBias

      Map<String,Integer> logitBias()
      LogitBias adjusts the likelihood of specific tokens appearing in a model's response. A map of token IDs to bias values (-100 to 100). Positive values increase the chance of the token, while negative values reduce it, allowing fine control over token preferences in the output.
      a logitBias map
    • responseFormat

      Optional<String> responseFormat()
      The format in which the model should return the response.
      an Optional containing the response format
    • strictJsonSchema

      Optional<Boolean> strictJsonSchema()
      Whether to enforce a strict JSON schema for the model's output.
      an Optional containing true if strict JSON schema is enforced, false otherwise
    • seed

      Optional<Integer> seed()
      The seed for the random number generator used by the model.
      an Optional containing the seed
    • user

      Optional<String> user()
      The user ID associated with the API requests.
      an Optional containing the user ID
    • strictTools

      Optional<Boolean> strictTools()
      Whether to enforce strict validation of tools used by the model.
      an Optional containing true if strict tools are enforced, false otherwise
    • parallelToolCalls

      Optional<Boolean> parallelToolCalls()
      Whether to allow parallel calls to tools.
      an Optional containing true if parallel tool calls are allowed, false otherwise
    • tokenizer

      Optional<dev.langchain4j.model.Tokenizer> tokenizer()
      Tokenizer to use.
      an Optional containing the tokenizer
    • enabled

      boolean enabled()
      If set to false (default), OpenAI model will not be available even if configured.
      whether OpenAI model is enabled, defaults to false
    • baseUrl

      Optional<String> baseUrl()
      The base URL for the OpenAI API.
      the base URL
    • apiKey

      Optional<String> apiKey()
      The API key used to authenticate requests to the OpenAI API.
      an Optional containing the API key
    • logRequests

      Optional<Boolean> logRequests()
      Whether to log API requests.
      an Optional containing true if requests should be logged, false otherwise
    • logResponses

      Optional<Boolean> logResponses()
      Whether to log API responses.
      an Optional containing true if responses should be logged, false otherwise
    • customHeaders

      Map<String,String> customHeaders()
      A map containing custom headers.
      custom headers map
    • timeout

      Optional<Duration> timeout()
      The timeout setting for API requests.
      the timeout setting in Duration.parse(java.lang.CharSequence) format
    • proxy

      Optional<Proxy> proxy()
      Proxy to use.
      an Optional containing HTTP proxy to use
    • organizationId

      Optional<String> organizationId()
      The ID of the organization for API requests.
      organization ID
    • modelName

      Optional<String> modelName()
      The model name to use (e.g., "gpt-3.5-turbo").
      the model name