Multi<ByteBuffer> | |
Multi<ByteBuffer> | |
default <U> Multi<U> |
Multi.compose(Function<? super Multi<T>,? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends U>> composer) |
Apply the given composer function to the current Multi instance and
return a Multi wrapping the returned Flow.Publisher of this function.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.concat(Flow.Publisher<T> firstMulti,
Flow.Publisher<T> secondMulti) |
Concat streams to one.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.concat(Flow.Publisher<T> firstPublisher,
Flow.Publisher<T> secondPublisher,
Flow.Publisher<T>... morePublishers) |
Concat streams to one.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.concatArray(Flow.Publisher<T>... publishers) |
Concatenates an array of source Flow.Publisher s by relaying items
in order, non-overlappingly, one after the other finishes.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.create(Single<T> single) |
Create a Multi instance wrapped around the given Single .
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.create(Iterable<T> iterable) |
Create a Multi instance that publishes the given iterable.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.create(CompletionStage<T> completionStage) |
Wrap a CompletionStage into a Multi and signal its outcome non-blockingly.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.create(CompletionStage<T> completionStage,
boolean nullMeansEmpty) |
Wrap a CompletionStage into a Multi and signal its outcome non-blockingly.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.create(Flow.Publisher<T> source) |
Create a Multi instance wrapped around the given publisher.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.create(Stream<T> stream) |
Create a Multi instance that publishes the given Stream .
static Multi<ByteBuffer> |
IoMulti.createInputStream(InputStream inputStream) |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.defaultIfEmpty(Supplier<? extends T> supplier) |
Signals the default item supplied by specified supplier if the upstream is empty.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.defaultIfEmpty(T defaultItem) |
Signals the default item if the upstream is empty.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.defer(Supplier<? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends T>> supplier) |
Call the given supplier function for each individual downstream Subscriber
to return a Flow.Publisher to subscribe to.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.distinct() |
Filter out all duplicates.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.dropWhile(Predicate<? super T> predicate) |
Drop the longest prefix of elements from this stream that satisfy the given predicate.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.empty() |
Get a Multi instance that completes immediately.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.error(Throwable error) |
Create a Multi instance that reports the given exception to its subscriber(s).
default Multi<T> |
Multi.filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate) |
Filter stream items with provided predicate.
default <U> Multi<U> |
Multi.flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends U>> publisherMapper) |
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Flow.Publisher to downstream.
default <U> Multi<U> |
Multi.flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends U>> mapper,
long maxConcurrency,
boolean delayErrors,
long prefetch) |
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Flow.Publisher to downstream
while limiting the maximum number of concurrent inner Flow.Publisher s and their in-flight
item count, optionally aggregating and delaying all errors until all sources terminate.
default <U> Multi<U> |
Single.flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends U>> mapper) |
Map this Single instance to a publisher using the given Mapper .
default <U> Multi<U> |
Multi.flatMapCompletionStage(Function<? super T,? extends CompletionStage<? extends U>> mapper) |
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting CompletionStage results
to downstream.
default <U> Multi<U> |
Multi.flatMapIterable(Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<? extends U>> iterableMapper) |
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Iterable to downstream.
default <U> Multi<U> |
Multi.flatMapIterable(Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<? extends U>> iterableMapper,
int prefetch) |
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Iterable to downstream.
default <U> Multi<U> |
Single.flatMapIterable(Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<? extends U>> mapper) |
Maps the single upstream value into an Iterable and relays its
items to the downstream.
default <U> Multi<U> |
Multi.flatMapOptional(Function<? super T,Optional<? extends U>> mapper) |
Transform item with supplied function and flatten resulting Optional to downstream
as one item if present or nothing if empty.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.from(Single<T> single) |
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.from(Iterable<T> iterable) |
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.from(CompletionStage<T> completionStage) |
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.from(CompletionStage<T> completionStage,
boolean nullMeansEmpty) |
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.from(Flow.Publisher<T> source) |
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.from(Stream<T> stream) |
default Multi<T> |
Multi.ifEmpty(Runnable ifEmpty) |
Executes given Runnable when stream is finished without value(empty stream).
static Multi<Long> |
Multi.interval(long initialDelay,
long period,
TimeUnit unit,
ScheduledExecutorService executor) |
Signal 0L after an initial delay, then 1L, 2L and so on periodically to the downstream.
static Multi<Long> |
Multi.interval(long period,
TimeUnit unit,
ScheduledExecutorService executor) |
Signal 0L, 1L and so on periodically to the downstream.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.just(Collection<T> items) |
Create a Multi instance that publishes the given items to a single subscriber.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.just(T... items) |
Create a Multi instance that publishes the given items to a single subscriber.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.limit(long limit) |
Limit stream to allow only specified number of items to pass.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.log() |
Log all signals onSubscribe , onNext ,
onError , onComplete , cancel and request
coming to and from preceding operator.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.log(Level level) |
Log all signals onSubscribe , onNext ,
onError , onComplete , cancel and request
coming to and from preceding operator.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.log(Level level,
boolean trace) |
Log all signals onSubscribe , onNext ,
onError , onComplete , cancel and request
coming to and from preceding operator.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.log(Level level,
String loggerName) |
Log all signals onSubscribe , onNext ,
onError , onComplete , cancel and request
coming to and from preceding operator.
default <U> Multi<U> |<? super T,? extends U> mapper) |
static Multi<ByteBuffer> |
IoMulti.multiFromByteChannel(ReadableByteChannel byteChannel) |
Creates a multi that reads data from the provided byte channel.
static Multi<ByteBuffer> |
IoMulti.multiFromStream(InputStream inputStream) |
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.never() |
Get a Multi instance that never completes.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.observeOn(Executor executor) |
Re-emit the upstream's signals to the downstream on the given executor's thread
using a default buffer size of 32 and errors skipping ahead of items.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.observeOn(Executor executor,
int bufferSize,
boolean delayError) |
Re-emit the upstream's signals to the downstream on the given executor's thread.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.onCancel(Runnable onCancel) |
Executes given Runnable when a cancel signal is received.
Multi<T> |
MultiTappedPublisher.onCancel(Runnable onCancel) |
default Multi<T> |
Multi.onComplete(Runnable onComplete) |
Executes given Runnable when onComplete signal is received.
Multi<T> |
MultiTappedPublisher.onComplete(Runnable onComplete) |
default Multi<T> |
Multi.onCompleteResume(T item) |
Resume stream from single item if onComplete signal is intercepted.
default Multi<T> |
Single.onCompleteResume(T item) |
Resume stream from single item if onComplete signal is intercepted.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.onCompleteResumeWith(Flow.Publisher<? extends T> publisher) |
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onComplete signal is intercepted.
default Multi<T> |
Single.onCompleteResumeWith(Flow.Publisher<? extends T> publisher) |
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onComplete signal is intercepted.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.onError(Consumer<? super Throwable> onErrorConsumer) |
Executes given Runnable when onError signal is received.
Multi<T> |
MultiTappedPublisher.onError(Consumer<? super Throwable> onErrorConsumer) |
default Multi<T> |
Multi.onErrorResume(Function<? super Throwable,? extends T> onError) |
Function providing one item to be submitted as onNext in case of onError signal is received.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.onErrorResumeWith(Function<? super Throwable,? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends T>> onError) |
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onError signal is intercepted.
default Multi<T> |
Single.onErrorResumeWith(Function<? super Throwable,? extends Flow.Publisher<? extends T>> onError) |
Resume stream from supplied publisher if onError signal is intercepted.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.onTerminate(Runnable onTerminate) |
Executes given Runnable when any of signals onComplete, onCancel or onError is received.
Multi<T> |
MultiTappedPublisher.onTerminate(Runnable onTerminate) |
default Multi<T> |
Multi.peek(Consumer<? super T> consumer) |
Invoke provided consumer for every item in stream.
Multi<T> |
MultiTappedPublisher.peek(Consumer<? super T> consumer) |
static Multi<Integer> |
Multi.range(int start,
int count) |
Emits a range of ever increasing integers.
static Multi<Long> |
Multi.rangeLong(long start,
long count) |
Emits a range of ever increasing longs.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.retry(long count) |
Retry a failing upstream at most the given number of times before giving up.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.retry(BiPredicate<? super Throwable,? super Long> predicate) |
Retry a failing upstream if the predicate returns true.
default <U> Multi<T> |
Multi.retryWhen(BiFunction<? super Throwable,? super Long,? extends Flow.Publisher<U>> whenFunction) |
Retry a failing upstream when the given function returns a publisher that
signals an item.
static <T> Multi<T> |
Multi.singleton(T item) |
Create a Multi that emits a pre-existing item and then completes.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.skip(long skip) |
Skip first n items, all the others are emitted.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.switchIfEmpty(Flow.Publisher<T> other) |
Switch to the other publisher if the upstream is empty.
default <U> Multi<T> |
Multi.takeUntil(Flow.Publisher<U> other) |
Relay upstream items until the other source signals an item or completes.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.takeWhile(Predicate<? super T> predicate) |
Take the longest prefix of elements from this stream that satisfy the given predicate.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.timeout(long timeout,
TimeUnit unit,
ScheduledExecutorService executor) |
Signals a TimeoutException if the upstream doesn't signal the next item, error
or completion within the specified time.
default Multi<T> |
Multi.timeout(long timeout,
TimeUnit unit,
ScheduledExecutorService executor,
Flow.Publisher<T> fallback) |
Switches to a fallback single if the upstream doesn't signal the next item, error
or completion within the specified time.
static Multi<Long> |
Multi.timer(long time,
TimeUnit unit,
ScheduledExecutorService executor) |
Signal 0L and complete the sequence after the given time elapsed.