Class RestApiBase

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    OciRestApi, VaultRestApi

    public abstract class RestApiBase
    extends Object
    implements RestApi
    Base REST API implementation. Each integration module is expected to have its own implementation of this class to handle system specific operations, such as security, processing of headers etc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RestApiBase

        protected RestApiBase​(RestApi.Builder<?,​?> builder)
        A new instance, requires a subclass of the RestApi.Builder.
        builder - builder to set this instance from
    • Method Detail

      • invoke

        public <T extends ApiResponseSingle<T> invoke​(Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                        String path,
                                                        ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                        ApiResponse.Builder<?,​T> responseBuilder)
        Description copied from interface: RestApi
        Invoke a request that is not expected to yield an entity.
        Specified by:
        invoke in interface RestApi
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the response
        method - HTTP method to invoke
        path - path to invoke
        request - request to use, should be an instance of ApiJsonRequest if and entity is desired
        responseBuilder - builder to construct response from API call
        future with metadata if successful. future with error otherwise
      • invokeWithResponse

        public <T extends ApiEntityResponseSingle<T> invokeWithResponse​(Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                          String path,
                                                                          ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                          ApiEntityResponse.Builder<?,​T,​JsonObject> responseBuilder)
        Description copied from interface: RestApi
        Invoke a request that is expected to yield an entity.
        Specified by:
        invokeWithResponse in interface RestApi
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the response
        method - HTTP method to invoke
        path - path to invoke
        request - request to use, should be an instance of ApiJsonRequest if and entity is desired
        responseBuilder - builder to construct response from API call
        future with entity and metadata if successful, future with error otherwise
      • invokePublisherResponse

        public <R,​T extends ApiOptionalResponse<R>> Single<T> invokePublisherResponse​(Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                                            String path,
                                                                                            ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                                            ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?,​T,​Multi<DataChunk>,​R> responseBuilder)
        Description copied from interface: RestApi
        Invoke API call that is expected to return bytes as a publisher. The accepted media type must be provided in request, falls back to MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.
        Specified by:
        invokePublisherResponse in interface RestApi
        Type Parameters:
        R - type of the optional part of the response
        T - type of the response
        method - method to invoke
        path - path to invoke
        request - request used to configure query parameters and headers
        responseBuilder - builder to construct response from API call with appropriate processor to handle the returned publisher
        future with the response
      • invokeOptional

        public <R,​T extends ApiOptionalResponse<R>> Single<T> invokeOptional​(Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                                   String path,
                                                                                   ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                                   ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?,​T,​JsonObject,​R> responseBuilder)
        Description copied from interface: RestApi
        Invoke a request that may yield an entity. The entity is expected to be missing if Http.Status.NOT_FOUND_404 is returned by the API call (and for some other cases, such as not modified).
        Specified by:
        invokeOptional in interface RestApi
        Type Parameters:
        R - type of the optional part of the response
        T - type of the response
        method - HTTP method to invoke
        path - path to invoke
        request - request to use, should be an instance of ApiJsonRequest if and entity is desired
        responseBuilder - response builder with appropriate processor to create the optional part
        future with optional entity, and metadata if successful; future with error otherwise
      • responseSupplier

        protected Supplier<Single<WebClientResponse>> responseSupplier​(Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                       String path,
                                                                       ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                       String requestId)
        Create a response supplier from the request. This method checks if there is a payload, and prepares the supplier based on this information.
        method - HTTP method to invoke
        path - path to invoke
        request - request that may contain a JSON entity
        requestId - request ID to use for this request
        supplier of response that is used with fault tolerance
      • addQueryParams

        protected void addQueryParams​(WebClientRequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                                      String path,
                                      ApiRequest<?> request,
                                      Http.RequestMethod method,
                                      String requestId)
        Add HTTP query parameters. This method adds query parameter configured on the provided ApiRequest.
        requestBuilder - web client request builder to configure query parameters on
        path - requested path
        request - API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - request ID
      • addHeaders

        protected void addHeaders​(WebClientRequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                                  String path,
                                  ApiRequest<?> request,
                                  Http.RequestMethod method,
                                  String requestId)
        Add HTTP headers. This method adds headers configured on the provided ApiRequest.
        requestBuilder - web client request builder to configure headers on
        path - requested path
        request - API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - request ID
      • handleBytesResponse

        protected <R,​T extends ApiOptionalResponse<R>> Single<T> handleBytesResponse​(String path,
                                                                                           ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                                           Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                                           String requestId,
                                                                                           WebClientResponse response,
                                                                                           ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?,​T,​byte[],​R> responseBuilder)
        Handle bytes response for optional bytes entity. This method checks if this was a success and if the response should contain an entity. For success, it returns a response using the provided response builder. For failures, returns an error.
        Type Parameters:
        R - type of the optional part of the response
        T - type of the response
        path - requested path
        request - API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - request ID
        response - the web client response
        responseBuilder - builder to configure success response
        future with response
      • handlePublisherResponse

        protected <R,​T extends ApiOptionalResponse<R>> Single<T> handlePublisherResponse​(String path,
                                                                                               ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                                               Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                                               String requestId,
                                                                                               WebClientResponse response,
                                                                                               ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?,​T,​Multi<DataChunk>,​R> responseBuilder)
        Handle response for optional publisher entity. This method checks if this was a success and if the response should contain an entity. For success, it returns a response using the provided response builder. For failures, returns an error.
        Type Parameters:
        R - type of the optional part of the response
        T - type of the response
        path - requested path
        request - API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - request ID
        response - the web client response
        responseBuilder - builder to configure success response
        future with response
      • isSuccess

        protected boolean isSuccess​(String path,
                                    ApiRequest<?> request,
                                    Http.RequestMethod method,
                                    String requestId,
                                    Http.ResponseStatus status)
        Provide information whether the response is a success response for requests with optional entity.
        path - requested path
        request - API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - request ID
        status - returned HTTP status
        true for success states, false for errors
      • handleOptionalJsonResponse

        protected <R,​T extends ApiOptionalResponse<R>> Single<T> handleOptionalJsonResponse​(String path,
                                                                                                  ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                                                  Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                                                  String requestId,
                                                                                                  WebClientResponse response,
                                                                                                  ApiOptionalResponse.BuilderBase<?,​T,​JsonObject,​R> responseBuilder)
        Handle response for optional JSON entity. This method checks if this was a success and if the response should contain an entity. For success, it returns a response using the provided response builder. For failures, returns an error.
        Type Parameters:
        R - type of the optional part of the response
        T - type of the response
        path - requested path
        request - API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - request ID
        response - the web client response
        responseBuilder - builder to configure success response
        future with response
      • jsonOkResponse

        protected <T> T jsonOkResponse​(String path,
                                       ApiRequest<?> request,
                                       Http.RequestMethod method,
                                       String requestId,
                                       WebClientResponse response,
                                       JsonObject json,
                                       ResponseBuilder<?,​T,​JsonObject> responseBuilder)
        Builds the response using the response builder provided. This is the last chance to update the response builder with system specific information.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the response
        path - requested path
        request - original request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - ID of the request
        response - actual response where we do not expect an entity
        json - the JsonObject parsed from entity
        responseBuilder - builder to create a response instance
        typed response
      • handleJsonResponse

        protected <T extends ApiEntityResponseSingle<T> handleJsonResponse​(String path,
                                                                             ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                             Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                             String requestId,
                                                                             WebClientResponse response,
                                                                             ApiEntityResponse.Builder<?,​T,​JsonObject> responseBuilder)
        Reads JsonObject from response entity and either calls the jsonOkResponse or errorResponse depending on its success.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the response
        path - requested path
        request - original request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - ID of the request
        response - actual response where we do not expect an entity
        responseBuilder - builder to create a response instance
        future with typed response
      • handleResponse

        protected <T extends ApiResponseSingle<T> handleResponse​(String path,
                                                                   ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                   Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                   String requestId,
                                                                   WebClientResponse response,
                                                                   ApiResponse.Builder<?,​T> responseBuilder)
        Handle response for a request not expecting an entity.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the response
        path - requested path
        request - original request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - ID of the request
        response - actual response where we do not expect an entity
        responseBuilder - builder to create a response instance
        future with typed response
      • errorResponse

        protected <T extends ApiResponseSingle<T> errorResponse​(String path,
                                                                  ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                  Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                  String requestId,
                                                                  WebClientResponse response)
        Create an error response. This method attempts to read the response entity as a string, parse it into a JsonObject and depending on result, calls methods to create a proper exception.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the response
        path - requested path
        request - original request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - ID of the request
        response - actual response where we do not expect an entity
        future with error
      • readErrorFailedEntity

        protected Throwable readErrorFailedEntity​(String path,
                                                  ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                  Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                  String requestId,
                                                  WebClientResponse response,
                                                  Throwable throwable)
        Read error information when we failed to read resposen entity.
        path - requested path
        request - original request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - ID of the request
        response - actual response where we do not expect an entity
        throwable - throwable that caused this problem (such as parsing exception)
        throwable to be used in response
      • readError

        protected Throwable readError​(String path,
                                      ApiRequest<?> request,
                                      Http.RequestMethod method,
                                      String requestId,
                                      WebClientResponse response,
                                      String entity)
        Read error with an entity that failed to be parsed into a JSON object.
        path - requested path
        request - original API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - request ID
        response - web client response with entity consumed
        entity - entity as a string
        a throwable to be used in response
      • readError

        protected Throwable readError​(String path,
                                      ApiRequest<?> request,
                                      Http.RequestMethod method,
                                      String requestId,
                                      WebClientResponse response)
        Read error with no entity (content length set to 0).
        path - requested path
        request - original API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - request ID
        response - web client response with entity consumed
        a throwable to be used in response
      • readError

        protected Throwable readError​(String path,
                                      ApiRequest<?> request,
                                      Http.RequestMethod method,
                                      String requestId,
                                      WebClientResponse response,
                                      JsonObject errorObject)
        Read error with a JSON entity.
        path - requested path
        request - original API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - request ID
        response - web client response with entity consumed
        errorObject - entity as a JSON object
        a throwable to be used in response
      • noEntityOkResponse

        protected <T extends ApiResponseSingle<T> noEntityOkResponse​(String path,
                                                                       ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                       Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                       String requestId,
                                                                       WebClientResponse response,
                                                                       ApiResponse.Builder<?,​T> responseBuilder)
        Create a response for no entity. This method builds the response from builder.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the response
        path - requested path
        request - original API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - request ID
        response - web client response with entity consumed
        responseBuilder - response builder
        future with the typed response
      • requestJsonPayload

        protected Supplier<Single<WebClientResponse>> requestJsonPayload​(String path,
                                                                         ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                         Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                         String requestId,
                                                                         WebClientRequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                                                                         JsonObject jsonObject)
        Create a supplier for a response with JSON request. Defaults to "() -> clientRequest.submit(jsonObject)". Also configures content type and accept headers.
        path - path requested
        request - API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - ID of this request
        requestBuilder - WebClient request builder
        jsonObject - JSON object that should be sent as a request entity
        supplier of a web client response
      • requestBytesPayload

        protected Supplier<Single<WebClientResponse>> requestBytesPayload​(String path,
                                                                          ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                          Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                          String requestId,
                                                                          WebClientRequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                                                                          Flow.Publisher<DataChunk> publisher)
        Create a supplier for a response with publisher request. Defaults to "() -> clientRequest.submit(publisher)". Also configures content type and accept headers.
        path - path requested
        request - API request
        method - HTTP method
        requestId - ID of this request
        requestBuilder - WebClient request builder
        publisher - publisher to be used as request entity
        supplier of a web client response
      • updateRequestBuilder

        protected Single<WebClientRequestBuilder> updateRequestBuilder​(WebClientRequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                                                                       String path,
                                                                       ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                       Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                       String requestId)
        Update request builder with no request payload. Default implementation does nothing.
        requestBuilder - current request builder
        path - path to be executed
        request - API request
        method - method
        requestId - request ID
        updated builder
      • updateRequestBuilderBytesPayload

        protected Single<WebClientRequestBuilder> updateRequestBuilderBytesPayload​(WebClientRequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                                                                                   String path,
                                                                                   ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                                   Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                                   String requestId)
        Update request builder with publisher request payload. Default implementation does nothing.
        requestBuilder - current request builder
        path - path to be executed
        request - API request
        method - method
        requestId - request ID
        updated builder
      • updateRequestBuilder

        protected Single<WebClientRequestBuilder> updateRequestBuilder​(WebClientRequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                                                                       String path,
                                                                       ApiRequest<?> request,
                                                                       Http.RequestMethod method,
                                                                       String requestId,
                                                                       JsonObject jsonObject)
        Update request builder with no request payload. Default implementation does nothing.
        requestBuilder - current request builder
        path - path to be executed
        request - API request
        method - method
        requestId - request ID
        jsonObject - json object with the request
        updated builder
      • requestId

        protected String requestId​(ApiRequest<?> restRequest)
        Attempts to find a good request id. This looks in the following (sequentially):
        restRequest - request
        request ID
      • webClient

        protected WebClient webClient()
        WebClient to be used to invoke requests.
        web client
      • ftHandler

        protected FtHandler ftHandler()
        Fault tolerance handler to use to invoke requests.
        fault tolerance handler
      • jsonBuilderFactory

        protected JsonBuilderFactory jsonBuilderFactory()
        JSON builder factory.
        builder factory
      • jsonReaderFactory

        protected JsonReaderFactory jsonReaderFactory()
        JSON reader factory.
        reader factory
      • jsonWriterFactory

        protected JsonWriterFactory jsonWriterFactory()
        JSON writer factory.
        writer factory