Interface ScopedRegistry

public interface ScopedRegistry
Service registry of a specific scope.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Activate this registry instance.
    <T> Activator<T>
    activator(ServiceInfo descriptor, Supplier<Activator<T>> activatorSupplier)
    Provides either an existing activator, if one is already available in this scope, or adds a new activator instance.
    Deactivate this registry instance.
  • Method Details

    • activate

      void activate()
      Activate this registry instance. This method will prepare this registry for use.
    • deactivate

      void deactivate()
      Deactivate this registry instance. This method will deactivate all active instances
      ServiceRegistryException - in case one or more services failed to deactivate
    • activator

      <T> Activator<T> activator(ServiceInfo descriptor, Supplier<Activator<T>> activatorSupplier)
      Provides either an existing activator, if one is already available in this scope, or adds a new activator instance.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the instances supported by the descriptor
      descriptor - service descriptor
      activatorSupplier - supplier of new activators to manage service instances
      activator for the service, either an existing one, or a new one created from the supplier