Class FaultTolerance


public final class FaultTolerance extends Object
System-wide fault tolerance configuration and access to a customized sequence of fault tolerance handlers.

Fault tolerance provides the following features:

  • Bulkhead - limit number of parallel requests to a resource
  • CircuitBreaker - stop trying to request a failing resource until it becomes available
  • Fallback - fall back to another supplier of result in case the usual one fails
  • Retry - try to call a supplier again if invocation fails
  • Timeout - time out a request if it takes too long
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String FT_METRICS_DEFAULT_ENABLED
      Config key to enable metrics in Fault Tolerance. This flag can be overridden by each FT command builder. See for example BulkheadConfigBlueprint.enableMetrics(). All metrics are disabled by default.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • config

      public static void config(Config config)
      Configure Helidon wide defaults from a config instance.
      config - config to read fault tolerance configuration
    • executor

      public static void executor(Supplier<? extends ExecutorService> executor)
      Configure Helidon wide executor service for Fault Tolerance.
      executor - executor service to use
    • builder

      public static FaultTolerance.Builder builder()
      A builder to configure a customized sequence of fault tolerance handlers.
      a new builder
    • typedBuilder

      public static <T> FaultTolerance.TypedBuilder<T> typedBuilder()
      A typed builder to configure a customized sequence of fault tolerance handlers.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of result
      a new builder
    • toDelayedRunnable

      public static Runnable toDelayedRunnable(Runnable runnable, long millis)
      Converts a Runnable into another that sleeps for millis before executing. Simulates a scheduled executor when using VTs.
      runnable - the runnable
      millis - the time to sleep
      the new runnable
    • toDelayedCallable

      public static <T> Callable<T> toDelayedCallable(Callable<T> callable, long millis)
      Converts a Callable into another that sleeps for millis before executing. Simulates a scheduled executor when using VTs.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of value returned
      callable - the callable
      millis - the time to sleep
      the new callable