Class AbacProviderService

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbacProviderService

        public AbacProviderService()
    • Method Detail

      • providerConfigKey

        public String providerConfigKey()
        Description copied from interface: SecurityProviderService
        Key of the "root" of configuration of this provider.

        Example - Http Signature Provider may use "http-signatures", the configuration in yaml may then be:

           - http-signatures:
        The name of the provider is the same string, unless explicitly defined
        Specified by:
        providerConfigKey in interface SecurityProviderService
        name of the configuration key
      • providerInstance

        public SecurityProvider providerInstance​(Config config)
        Description copied from interface: SecurityProviderService
        Create a new instance of the provider based on the configuration provided. The config is located at the config key of this provider.
        Specified by:
        providerInstance in interface SecurityProviderService
        config - Config with provider configuration
        provider instance created from the Config provided