static ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ServerThreadPoolSupplier.builder() |
Create a new fluent API builder to build a thread pool supplier.
static ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ThreadPoolSupplier.builder() |
Create a new fluent API builder to build thread pool supplier.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.config(Config config) |
Load all properties for this thread pool from configuration.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.corePoolSize(int corePoolSize) |
Core pool size of the thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.daemon(boolean daemon) |
Is daemon of the thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.keepAliveMinutes(int keepAliveMinutes) |
Keep alive minutes of the thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.maxPoolSize(int maxPoolSize) |
Max pool size of the thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder | name) |
Name of this thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.prestart(boolean prestart) |
Whether to prestart core threads in this thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.queueCapacity(int queueCapacity) |
Queue capacity of the thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.rejectionHandler(ThreadPool.RejectionHandler rejectionHandler) |
Rejection policy of the thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder |
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.threadNamePrefix(String threadNamePrefix) |
Name prefix for threads in this thread pool executor.