Class ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • queueCapacity

        public ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder queueCapacity​(int queueCapacity)
        Queue capacity of the thread pool executor.
        queueCapacity - capacity of the queue backing the executor
        updated builder instance
      • daemon

        public ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder daemon​(boolean daemon)
        Is daemon of the thread pool executor.
        daemon - whether the threads are daemon threads
        updated builder instance
      • name

        public ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder name​(String name)
        Name of this thread pool executor.
        name - the pool name
        updated builder instance
      • threadNamePrefix

        public ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder threadNamePrefix​(String threadNamePrefix)
        Name prefix for threads in this thread pool executor.
        threadNamePrefix - prefix of a thread name
        updated builder instance
      • prestart

        public ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder prestart​(boolean prestart)
        Whether to prestart core threads in this thread pool executor.
        prestart - whether to prestart the threads
        updated builder instance
      • config

        public ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder config​(Config config)
        Load all properties for this thread pool from configuration.

        Optional Configuration Parameters
        key default value description
        core-pool-size 10 The number of threads to keep in the pool.
        max-pool-size 50 The maximum number of threads to allow in the pool.
        keep-alive-minutes 3 When the number of threads is greater than the core, this is the maximum time that excess idle threads will wait for new tasks before terminating.
        queue-capacity 10000 The maximum number of tasks that the queue can contain before new tasks are rejected.
        is-daemon true Whether or not all threads in the pool should be set as daemon.
        thread-name-prefix "helidon-" The prefix used to generate names for new threads.
        should-prestart true Whether or not all core threads should be started when the pool is created.

        Experimental Configuration Parameters (subject to change)
        key default value description
        growth-threshold 256 The queue size above which pool growth will be considered if the pool is not fixed size.
        growth-rate 5 The percentage of task submissions that should result in adding a thread, expressed as a value from 0 to 100. For non-zero values the rate is applied when all of the following are true:
        • the pool size is below the maximum, and
        • there are no idle threads, and
        • the number of tasks in the queue exceeds the growthThreshold

        For example, a rate of 20 means that while these conditions are met one thread will be added for every 5 submitted tasks.

        A rate of 0 selects the default ThreadPoolExecutor growth behavior: a thread is added only when a submitted task is rejected because the queue is full.

        config - config located on the key of executor-service
        updated builder instance