Interface ThreadPoolConfig

All Superinterfaces:
Prototype.Api, Prototype.Factory<ThreadPoolSupplier>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ThreadPoolConfig extends Prototype.Api
Interface generated from definition. Please add javadoc to the definition interface.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • builder

      static ThreadPoolConfig.Builder builder()
      Create a new fluent API builder to customize configuration.
      a new builder
    • builder

      static ThreadPoolConfig.Builder builder(ThreadPoolConfig instance)
      Create a new fluent API builder from an existing instance.
      instance - an existing instance used as a base for the builder
      a builder based on an instance
    • create

      static ThreadPoolConfig create(Config config)
      Create a new instance from configuration.
      config - used to configure the new instance
      a new instance configured from configuration
    • create

      static ThreadPoolConfig create()
      Create a new instance with default values.
      a new instance
    • virtualThreads

      boolean virtualThreads()
      When configured to true, an unbounded virtual executor service (project Loom) will be used.

      If enabled, all other configuration options of this executor service are ignored!

      whether to use virtual threads or not, defaults to false
    • corePoolSize

      int corePoolSize()
      Core pool size of the thread pool executor. Defaults to 10.
      corePoolSize see ThreadPoolExecutor.getCorePoolSize()
    • maxPoolSize

      int maxPoolSize()
      Max pool size of the thread pool executor. Defaults to 50.
      maxPoolSize see ThreadPoolExecutor.getMaximumPoolSize()
    • keepAlive

      Duration keepAlive()
      Keep alive of the thread pool executor. Defaults to "PT3M".
      keep alive see ThreadPoolExecutor.getKeepAliveTime(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)
    • queueCapacity

      int queueCapacity()
      Queue capacity of the thread pool executor. Defaults to 10000.
      capacity of the queue backing the executor
    • daemon

      boolean daemon()
      Is daemon of the thread pool executor. Defaults to true.
      whether the threads are daemon threads
    • name

      Optional<String> name()
      Name of this thread pool executor.
      the pool name
    • growthThreshold

      int growthThreshold()
      The queue size above which pool growth will be considered if the pool is not fixed size. Defaults to 1000.
      the growth threshold
    • growthRate

      int growthRate()
      The percentage of task submissions that should result in adding threads, expressed as a value from 1 to 100. The rate applies only when all of the following are true:
      • the pool size is below the maximum, and
      • there are no idle threads, and
      • the number of tasks in the queue exceeds the growthThreshold
      For example, a rate of 20 means that while these conditions are met one thread will be added for every 5 submitted tasks.

      Defaults to 0

      the growth rate
    • rejectionHandler

      ThreadPool.RejectionHandler rejectionHandler()
      Rejection policy of the thread pool executor.
      the rejection handler
    • threadNamePrefix

      Optional<String> threadNamePrefix()
      Name prefix for threads in this thread pool executor. Defaults to "helidon-".
      prefix of a thread name
    • shouldPrestart

      boolean shouldPrestart()
      Whether to prestart core threads in this thread pool executor. Defaults to true.
      whether to prestart the threads