Module io.helidon.grpc.api
Package io.helidon.grpc.api
package io.helidon.grpc.api
Helidon gRPC API module.
ClassDescriptionThe Helidon gRPC API.An annotation to mark a class as representing a bi-directional streaming gRPC method.An annotation to mark a class as representing a client streaming gRPC method.An annotation that can be used to specify the name of a configured gRPC channel.Specifies that a class is a gRPC interceptor.Specifies that an annotation type is a gRPC interceptor binding type.Declares an ordered list of gRPC interceptors for a target gRPC service class or a gRPC service method of a target class.An annotation used to annotate a type or method to specify the named marshaller supplier to use for rpc method calls.An annotation to mark a class as representing a gRPC service or a method as a gRPC service method.An annotation used to mark an injection point for a gRPC service client proxy.An annotation used to mark a class as representing a gRPC service.An annotation to indicate the request type of gRPC method.An annotation to indicate the response type of gRPC method.An annotation to mark a class as representing a server streaming gRPC method.An annotation to mark a method as representing a unary gRPC method.