Uses of Interface
Packages that use HeaderProvider
Distributed tracing support for Helidon.
Open Tracing specific SPI, to add various tracers.
Brave based Open Tracing implementation for an integration with Zipkin.
Uses of HeaderProvider in io.helidon.tracing
Subinterfaces of HeaderProvider in io.helidon.tracingModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
API used to configure headers when propagating tracing information across service boundaries.Methods in io.helidon.tracing that return HeaderProviderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic HeaderProvider
Header provider from an existing map of headers (can be read only).static HeaderProvider
Empty headers.Methods in io.helidon.tracing with parameters of type HeaderProviderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTracer.extract
(HeaderProvider headersProvider) Extract parent span context from inbound request, such as from HTTP headers.void
(SpanContext spanContext, HeaderProvider inboundHeadersProvider, HeaderConsumer outboundHeadersConsumer) Inject current span as a parent for outbound request, such as when invoking HTTP request from a client. -
Uses of HeaderProvider in io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.spi
Methods in io.helidon.tracing.opentracing.spi with parameters of type HeaderProviderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault void
(Tracer tracer, SpanContext currentSpan, HeaderProvider inboundHeaders, HeaderConsumer outboundHeaders) Update headers for outbound requests. -
Uses of HeaderProvider in io.helidon.tracing.zipkin
Methods in io.helidon.tracing.zipkin with parameters of type HeaderProviderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Tracer tracer, SpanContext currentSpan, HeaderProvider inboundHeaders, HeaderConsumer outboundHeaders)