Class QueryParamMapping

  • public final class QueryParamMapping
    extends Object
    Definition of a map to bind a query param to a header. Uses the TokenHandler.header(Map, String) to create a new header for the extracted parameter.
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static QueryParamMapping create​(String queryParamName,
                                               TokenHandler tokenHandler)
        Create a new mapping for a query parameter and TokenHandler to extract the parameter and store it as a new header with possible transformation.
        queryParamName - name of parameter
        tokenHandler - handler to extract and store the header value
        a new mapping
      • create

        public static QueryParamMapping create​(String queryParamName,
                                               String headerName)
        Create a new mapping for a query parameter and a header name.
        queryParamName - name of parameter
        headerName - name of a header to store the value of the parameter in
        a new mapping
      • create

        public static QueryParamMapping create​(Config config)
        Read a new instance from configuration. The current node should contain a "name" and configuration for TokenHandler
        config - configuration instance
        new query parameter handler instance
      • queryParamName

        public String queryParamName()
        Name of the query parameter to map.
        parameter name
      • tokenHandler

        public TokenHandler tokenHandler()
        Token handler used to create a header from the parameter.
        header token handler