Class OutboundConfig

    • Field Detail


        public static final String CONFIG_OUTBOUND
        Configuration key (expected under provider configuration) that holds the object list of OutboundTargets configuration.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • OutboundConfig

        public OutboundConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static OutboundConfig create​(Config providerConfig)
        Parse targets from provider configuration.
        providerConfig - configuration object of current provider
        new instance with targets from configuration
      • create

        public static OutboundConfig create​(Config providerConfig,
                                            OutboundTarget... defaults)
        Parse targets from provider configuration with possible default targets. In case the configuration contains a target named "default", the defaults provided to this method will be ignored.
        providerConfig - configuration object of current provider
        defaults - default target configuration (e.g. known public endpoints that are expected static in time)
        new instance with targets from configuration, defaults are first (unless overridden)
      • builder

        public static OutboundConfig.Builder builder()
        New builder to programmatically build targets.
        new Builder instance
      • targets

        public List<OutboundTarget> targets()
        Outbound targets configured for outbound handling. Each target defines a protocol, host and path it is valid for (maybe using wildcards). Additional configuration is usually added to a target for a specific provider.
        list of targets defined