Class SecurityContext.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • id

        public SecurityContext.Builder id​(String id)
        Id of the new security context. This should be usable for correlation of log records, traces etc.

        Use this method only if you need to override default behavior!

        id - id to use, by default this used security UUID post-fixed by id you gave to Security.contextBuilder(String)
        updated builder instance
      • executorService

        public SecurityContext.Builder executorService​(Supplier<ExecutorService> executorServiceSupplier)
        Executor service to use for requests within this context. By default uses a custom executor service that is configured when building Security instance.

        Use this method only if you need to override default behavior!

        executorServiceSupplier - supplier of an executor service
        updated builder instance
      • executorService

        public SecurityContext.Builder executorService​(ExecutorService executorService)
        Executor service to use for requests within this context. By default uses a custom executor service that is configured when building Security instance.

        Use this method only if you need to override default behavior!

        executorService - executor service
        updated builder instance
      • serverTime

        public SecurityContext.Builder serverTime​(SecurityTime serverTime)
        SecurityTime to use when determining current time. Used e.g. when creating a new SecurityEnvironment. By default uses server time that is configured for Security instance

        Use this method only if you need to override default behavior!

        serverTime - the server time to use
        updated builder instance
      • tracingTracer

        public SecurityContext.Builder tracingTracer​(Tracer tracingTracer)
        Tracer used to create new span contexts when tracing security events. By default uses tracer of Security instance.

        Use this method only if you need to override default behavior!

        tracingTracer - tracer to use
        updated builder instance
      • tracingSpan

        public SecurityContext.Builder tracingSpan​(SpanContext tracingSpan)
        Open tracing span context to correctly trace security.
        tracingSpan - Open tracing span context of the request within which we create this security context
        updated builder instance
      • endpointConfig

        public SecurityContext.Builder endpointConfig​(EndpointConfig ec)
        Set the endpoint configuration to start with.
        ec - configuration specific to an endpoint (including annotations, custom objects etc.)
        updated builder instance