Interface Config.Context

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Config.Context
    Context associated with specific Config node that allows to access the last loaded instance of the node or to request reloading of whole configuration.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Config last()
      Returns instance of Config node related to same Config key as original node used to get Context from.
      Config reload()
      Requests reloading of whole configuration and returns new instance of Config node related to same Config key as original node used to get Context from.
      Instant timestamp()
      Returns timestamp of the last loaded configuration.
    • Method Detail

      • timestamp

        Instant timestamp()
        Returns timestamp of the last loaded configuration.
        timestamp of the last loaded configuration.
        See Also:
      • last

        Config last()
        Returns instance of Config node related to same Config key as original node used to get Context from.

        If the configuration has not been reloaded yet it returns original Config node instance.

        the last instance of Config node associated with same key as original node
        See Also:
      • reload

        Config reload()
        Requests reloading of whole configuration and returns new instance of Config node related to same Config key as original node used to get Context from.
        the new instance of Config node associated with same key as original node
        See Also: