Interface Flow.Subscription

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface Flow.Subscription
    Message control linking a Flow.Publisher and Flow.Subscriber. Subscribers receive items only when requested, and may cancel at any time. The methods in this interface are intended to be invoked only by their Subscribers; usages in other contexts have undefined effects.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void cancel()
      Causes the Subscriber to (eventually) stop receiving messages.
      void request​(long n)
      Adds the given number n of items to the current unfulfilled demand for this subscription.
    • Method Detail

      • request

        void request​(long n)
        Adds the given number n of items to the current unfulfilled demand for this subscription. If n is less than or equal to zero, the Subscriber will receive an onError signal with an IllegalArgumentException argument. Otherwise, the Subscriber will receive up to n additional onNext invocations (or fewer if terminated).
        n - the increment of demand; a value of Long.MAX_VALUE may be considered as effectively unbounded
      • cancel

        void cancel()
        Causes the Subscriber to (eventually) stop receiving messages. Implementation is best-effort -- additional messages may be received after invoking this method. A cancelled subscription need not ever receive an onComplete or onError signal.