
public class GrpcServiceClient extends Object
A gRPC Client for a specific gRPC service.
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static GrpcServiceClient.Builder builder(io.grpc.Channel channel, ClientServiceDescriptor descriptor)
      channel - the Channel to use to connect to the server
      descriptor - the ClientServiceDescriptor describing the gRPC service
      a new instance of GrpcServiceClient.Builder
    • create

      public static GrpcServiceClient create(io.grpc.Channel channel, ClientServiceDescriptor descriptor)
      channel - the Channel to use to connect to the server
      descriptor - the ClientServiceDescriptor describing the gRPC service
      a new instance of GrpcServiceClient.Builder
    • serviceName

      public String serviceName()
      Obtain the service name.
      The name of the service
    • proxy

      public <T> T proxy(Class<T> type, Class<?>... extraTypes)
      Create a dynamic proxy for the specified interface that proxies calls to the wrapped gRPC service.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the returned proxy
      type - the interface to create a proxy for
      extraTypes - extra types for the proxy to implement
      a dynamic proxy that calls methods on this gRPC service
    • blockingUnary

      public <ReqT, RespT> RespT blockingUnary(String methodName, ReqT request)
      Invoke the specified unary method with the specified request object.
      Type Parameters:
      ReqT - the request type
      RespT - the response type
      methodName - the method name to be invoked
      request - the request parameter
      The result of this invocation
    • unary

      public <ReqT, RespT> CompletionStage<RespT> unary(String methodName, ReqT request)
      Asynchronously invoke the specified unary method.
      Type Parameters:
      ReqT - the request type
      RespT - the response type
      methodName - the method name to be invoked
      request - the request parameter
      A CompletionStage that will complete with the result of the unary method call
    • unary

      public <ReqT, RespT> void unary(String methodName, ReqT request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<RespT> observer)
      Invoke the specified unary method.
      Type Parameters:
      ReqT - the request type
      RespT - the response type
      methodName - the method name to be invoked
      request - the request parameter
      observer - a StreamObserver to receive the result
    • blockingServerStreaming

      public <ReqT, RespT> Iterator<RespT> blockingServerStreaming(String methodName, ReqT request)
      Invoke the specified server streaming method.
      Type Parameters:
      ReqT - the request type
      RespT - the response type
      methodName - the method name to be invoked
      request - the request parameter
      an Iterator to obtain the streamed results
    • serverStreaming

      public <ReqT, RespT> void serverStreaming(String methodName, ReqT request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<RespT> observer)
      Invoke the specified server streaming method.
      Type Parameters:
      ReqT - the request type
      RespT - the response type
      methodName - the method name to be invoked
      request - the request parameter
      observer - a StreamObserver to receive the results
    • clientStreaming

      public <ReqT, RespT> CompletionStage<RespT> clientStreaming(String methodName, Iterable<ReqT> items)
      Invoke the specified client streaming method.
      Type Parameters:
      ReqT - the request type
      RespT - the response type
      methodName - the method name to be invoked
      items - an Iterable of items to be streamed to the server
      A StreamObserver to retrieve the method call result
    • clientStreaming

      public <ReqT, RespT> CompletionStage<RespT> clientStreaming(String methodName, Stream<ReqT> items)
      Invoke the specified client streaming method.
      Type Parameters:
      ReqT - the request type
      RespT - the response type
      methodName - the method name to be invoked
      items - a Stream of items to be streamed to the server
      A StreamObserver to retrieve the method call result
    • clientStreaming

      public <ReqT, RespT> io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<ReqT> clientStreaming(String methodName, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<RespT> observer)
      Invoke the specified client streaming method.
      Type Parameters:
      ReqT - the request type
      RespT - the response type
      methodName - the method name to be invoked
      observer - a StreamObserver to receive the result
      a StreamObserver to use to stream requests to the server
    • bidiStreaming

      public <ReqT, RespT> io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<ReqT> bidiStreaming(String methodName, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<RespT> observer)
      Invoke the specified bidirectional streaming method.
      Type Parameters:
      ReqT - the request type
      RespT - the response type
      methodName - the method name to be invoked.
      observer - a StreamObserver to receive the result
      A StreamObserver to use to stream requests to the server