General utilities that use
Create a new fluent API builder to build a thread pool supplier.
Create a new fluent API builder to build thread pool supplier.
Load all properties for this thread pool from configuration.
Core pool size of the thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.daemon(boolean daemon)
Is daemon of the thread pool executor.
Keep alive minutes of the thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.maxPoolSize(int maxPoolSize)
Max pool size of the thread pool executor.
Name of this thread pool executor.
ThreadPoolSupplier.Builder.prestart(boolean prestart)
Whether to prestart core threads in this thread pool executor.
Queue capacity of the thread pool executor.
Rejection policy of the thread pool executor.
Name prefix for threads in this thread pool executor.
When configured to true
, virtual thread executor service must be available, otherwise the built
executor would fail to start.
When configured to true
, an unbounded virtual executor service (project Loom) will be used
if available.