Interface WebClientRequestHeaders

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Headers, Parameters

    public interface WebClientRequestHeaders
    extends Headers
    Headers that can be modified (until request is sent) for outbound request.
    • Method Detail

      • unsetHeader

        WebClientRequestHeaders unsetHeader​(String name)
        Remove a header if set.
        name - header name
        updated headers instance
      • addCookie

        WebClientRequestHeaders addCookie​(String name,
                                          String value)
        Add a cookie to the request.
        name - cookie name
        value - cookie value
        updated headers instance
      • contentType

        WebClientRequestHeaders contentType​(MediaType contentType)
        Set a content type. This method is optional if you use a writer for a specific type. If the content type is explicitly defined, writer will NOT override it.
        contentType - content type of the request
        updated headers instance
      • contentLength

        WebClientRequestHeaders contentLength​(long length)
        Set a content length. This method is optional. Use only when you know the exact length of entity in bytes.
        length - content length of entity
        updated headers instance
      • addAccept

        WebClientRequestHeaders addAccept​(MediaType mediaType)
        Add accepted MediaType. Supports quality factor and wildcards. Ordered by invocation order.
        mediaType - media type to accept, with optional quality factor
        updated headers instance
      • acceptedTypes

        List<MediaType> acceptedTypes()
        Returns a list of acceptedTypes ("Accept" header) content types in quality factor order. Never null.
        A list of acceptedTypes media types.
      • contentType

        MediaType contentType()
        Returns content type of the request. If there is no explicit content set, then MediaType.WILDCARD is returned.
        content type of the request
      • contentLength

        Optional<Long> contentLength()
        Returns content length if known.
        content length
      • ifNoneMatch

        List<String> ifNoneMatch()
        Returns value of header "If-None-Match". Empty List is returned if this header is not set.
        A list of etags.
      • ifMatch

        List<String> ifMatch()
        Returns value of header "If-Match". Empty List is returned if this header is not set.
        A list of etags.
      • clear

        void clear()
        Clears all currently set headers.
      • putAll

        WebClientRequestHeaders putAll​(Parameters parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Parameters
        Copies all of the mappings from the specified parameters to this instance replacing values of existing associations (optional operation).
        Specified by:
        putAll in interface Parameters
        parameters - to copy.
        this instance of Parameters
      • add

        WebClientRequestHeaders add​(String key,
                                    String... values)
        Description copied from interface: Parameters
        Adds specified values tu association with the specified key (optional operation). If parameters doesn't contains mapping, new mapping is created.
        Specified by:
        add in interface Parameters
        key - key with which the specified value is to be associated
        values - value to be add to association with the specified key
        this instance of Parameters
      • add

        WebClientRequestHeaders add​(String key,
                                    Iterable<String> values)
        Description copied from interface: Parameters
        Adds specified values tu association with the specified key (optional operation). If parameters doesn't contains mapping, new mapping is created.
        Specified by:
        add in interface Parameters
        key - key with which the specified value is to be associated
        values - value to be add to association with the specified key. If null then noting will be add.
        this instance of Parameters
      • addAll

        WebClientRequestHeaders addAll​(Parameters parameters)
        Description copied from interface: Parameters
        Copies all of the mappings from the specified parameters to this instance adding values to existing associations (optional operation).
        Specified by:
        addAll in interface Parameters
        parameters - to copy.
        this instance of Parameters