Class ZipkinTracerProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • ZipkinTracerProvider

        public ZipkinTracerProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • updateOutboundHeaders

        public Map<String,​List<String>> updateOutboundHeaders​(Span currentSpan,
                                                                    Tracer tracer,
                                                                    SpanContext parentSpan,
                                                                    Map<String,​List<String>> outboundHeaders,
                                                                    Map<String,​List<String>> inboundHeaders)
        Description copied from interface: TracerProvider
        Update headers for outbound requests. The outboundHeaders already contain injected from tracer via Tracer.inject(SpanContext, Format, Object). This is to enable fine grained tuning of propagated headers for each implementation.
        Specified by:
        updateOutboundHeaders in interface TracerProvider
        currentSpan - Current span covering the outbound call
        tracer - Tracer used
        parentSpan - Parent span context (may be null)
        outboundHeaders - Tracing headers map as configured by the tracer
        inboundHeaders - Existing inbound headers (may be empty if not within a scope of a request)
        new map of outbound headers, defaults to tracing headers