Interface LoggingProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
JulProvider, Log4jProvider, Slf4jProvider

public interface LoggingProvider
Used by Helidon to correctly initialize logging at build time (such as when building GraalVM native image) and at runtime (to configure loggers).
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This is executed at static initialization, such as when building GraalVM native image or when starting the application.
    Runtime configuration, called when the application starts in GraalVM native image (not called when running on hotspot).
  • Method Details

    • initialization

      void initialization()
      This is executed at static initialization, such as when building GraalVM native image or when starting the application.
    • runTime

      void runTime()
      Runtime configuration, called when the application starts in GraalVM native image (not called when running on hotspot).