Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.addAudience(String audience) |
Audience identifies the expected recipients of this JWT (optional).
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.addHeaderClaim(String claim,
Object value) |
Add a generic header claim.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.addPayloadClaim(String claim,
Object value) |
Add a generic payload claim.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.address(JwtUtil.Address address) |
Address of the subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.addScope(String scope) |
OAuth2 scope claim to add.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.addUserGroup(String group) |
A user group claim to add.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.algorithm(String algorithm) |
The "alg" claim is used to define the signature algorithm.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.atHash(byte[] atHash) |
Access Token hash value.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.audience(String audience) |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.audience(List<String> audience) |
Audience identifies the expected recipients of this JWT (optional).
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.birthday(LocalDate birthday) |
Birthday of the subject.
static Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.builder() |
Get a builder to create a JWT.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.cHash(byte[] cHash) |
Code hash value.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.contentType(String contentType) |
This header claim should only be used when nesting or encrypting JWT.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.email(String email) |
Email claim.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.emailVerified(Boolean emailVerified) |
Claim defining whether e-mail is verified or not.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.expirationTime(Instant expirationTime) |
The expiration time defines the time that this JWT loses validity.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.familyName(String familyName) |
Family name of subject (surname).
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.fullName(String fullName) |
Full name of subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.gender(String gender) |
Gender of the subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.givenName(String givenName) |
Given name of subject (first name).
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.issuer(String issuer) |
The issuer claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.issueTime(Instant issueTime) |
The issue time defines the time that this JWT was issued.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.jwtId(String jwtId) |
A unique identifier of this JWT (optional) - must be unique across issuers.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.keyId(String keyId) |
Key id to be used to sign/verify this JWT.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.locale(Locale locale) |
Locale of the subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.middleName(String middleName) |
Middle name of subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.nickname(String nickname) |
Nickname of the subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.nonce(String nonce) |
Nonce value is used to prevent replay attacks and must be returned if it was sent in authentication request.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.notBefore(Instant notBefore) |
The not before time defines the time that this JWT starts being valid.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.phoneNumber(String phoneNumber) |
Phone number of the subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.phoneNumberVerified(Boolean phoneNumberVerified) |
Whether the phone number is verified or not.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.picture(URI picture) |
Profile picture URI of the subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.preferredUsername(String preferredUsername) |
Preferred username of the subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.profile(URI profile) |
Profile URI of the subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.removePayloadClaim(String name) |
Remove a payload claim by its name.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.scopes(List<String> scopes) |
OAuth2 scope claims to set.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.subject(String subject) |
Subject defines the principal this JWT was issued for (e.g.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.timeZone(ZoneId timeZone) |
Time zone of the subject.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.type(String type) |
Type of this JWT.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.updatedAt(Instant updatedAt) |
Last time the subject's record was updated.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.userPrincipal(String principal) |
User principal claim as defined by Microprofile JWT Auth spec.
Jwt.Builder |
Jwt.Builder.website(URI website) |
Website URI of the subject.