Class HelidonMdc

  • public class HelidonMdc
    extends Object
    Helidon MDC delegates values across all of the supported logging frameworks on the classpath.
    • Method Detail

      • set

        public static void set​(String key,
                               String value)
        Propagate value to all of the MdcProvider registered via SPI.
        key - entry key
        value - entry value
      • remove

        public static void remove​(String key)
        Remove value with the specific key from all of the instances of MdcProvider.
        key - key
      • clear

        public static void clear()
        Remove all of the entries bound to the current thread from the instances of MdcProvider.
      • get

        public static Optional<String> get​(String key)
        Return the first value found to the specific key.
        key - key
        found value bound to key