Class Sign.Response

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class Sign.Response
    extends ApiEntityResponse
    Response object parsed from JSON returned by the RestApi.
    • Method Detail

      • signature

        public Base64Value signature()
        The base64-encoded binary data object denoting the cryptographic signature generated for the message or message digest.
      • keyId

        public String keyId()
        The OCID of the key used to sign the message.
        key id
      • keyVersionId

        public String keyVersionId()
        The OCID of the key version used to sign the message.
        key version id
      • signingAlgorithm

        public String signingAlgorithm()
        The algorithm to use to sign the message or message digest. For RSA keys, supported signature schemes include PKCS #1 and RSASSA-PSS, along with different hashing algorithms. For ECDSA keys, ECDSA is the supported signature scheme with different hashing algorithms. When you pass a message digest for signing, ensure that you specify the same hashing algorithm as used when creating the message digest.