Annotation Type Configured

  • @Target(TYPE)
    public @interface Configured
    A configured class can load its values from configuration. There are two options for a supported type - either it is an interface/class with a public static X create(Config), or a builder class with a method public Builder config(Config). This annotation is used to provide IDE autocompletion, and to build documentation metadata using an annotation processor.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String description
      Description of this configured type.
      boolean ignoreBuildMethod
      This is a helper to workaround issues where multiple builders build the same type and they do not make sense standalone.
      String prefix
      Standalone configuration objects use a prefix to mark where Helidon expects them in the configuration tree.
      Class<?>[] provides
      Additional types this type provides.
      boolean root
      Whether this is a root configuration object.
    • Element Detail

      • root

        boolean root
        Whether this is a root configuration object. If set to false (default), the object is considered to be nested in another configuration. For example WebServer is a standalone configuration object, as it can be read directly from configuration. ThreadPoolSupplier is not standalone, as it can be used only as part of another object.
        whether this is a standalone configuration object
      • prefix

        String prefix
        Standalone configuration objects use a prefix to mark where Helidon expects them in the configuration tree.
        prefix of all configuration options
      • ignoreBuildMethod

        boolean ignoreBuildMethod
        This is a helper to workaround issues where multiple builders build the same type and they do not make sense standalone. This will force the builder to be a separate configuration type and not part of the built type.
        true if build method should be ignored
      • description

        String description
        Description of this configured type. Only used if this is root(), or if provides() is not empty. Nested options use documentation defined on the parent type.
        description of this (root) node
      • provides

        Class<?>[] provides
        Additional types this type provides. For example security expects a SecurityProvider - basic authentication provider is such a provider, so it can be marked to provide this type.
        types this configured type provides in addition to its qualified class name