Class MpMetaConfigUtils


public class MpMetaConfigUtils extends Object
Utilities for Helidon MicroProfile Meta-Config implementation.
  • Method Details

    • sourceFromMeta

      public static List<ConfigSource> sourceFromMeta(Config config, String profile, Function<Path,ConfigSource> fromPath, Function<String,List<ConfigSource>> fromClasspath, BiFunction<String,String,List<ConfigSource>> fromClasspathWithProfile, Function<URL,ConfigSource> fromUrl)
      A utility for providing a list of configuration sources.
      config - configuration properties from a meta-config type
      profile - name of the profile to use or null if not used
      fromPath - Function used to process a config specified by a filepath
      fromClasspath - Function used to process a config specified by a classpath
      fromClasspathWithProfile - BiFunction used to process a config specified by a classpath and a profile name
      fromUrl - Function used to process a config specified by a Url
      list of configuration sources